The extent
of our web site is expanding so much, with so many different topics, we believe
this shortcut index will be of use to our readers. It is now so extensive that
we are dividing it into separate indexes for each main subject. We now have one
that contains all our material on Russia and
another for our tour to China. We will be
moving most of the subjects below into similar index tables.
You can download these htm files and install it with your own browser. Then you
can use them for direct access to the parts of the Xenophon web empire that you
want to view. When we add further pages to the various sections, we will also
put a new link here so you can easily update your file. Please let us know if
this assists you. We have hundreds of visitors but frankly not as much email as
we would like. We have the resources to add material about a wide variety of
military historical topics and would be happy to hear from readers about their
Alphabetical index.
Admati, Anat & Martin Hellwig - The Bankers' New Clothes -
Administrative state
- several articles from IMPRIMIS -excellent periodical published by
Hillsdale College
Afghanistan - Entry article from the 11th edition
of Encyclopedia Britannica
Alexander the Great Article from
the 11th edition of Encyclopedia Britannica
Alexander the Great - section from a
text book on military history at West Point
Alexander the Great -
summary and comments on Arrian's Campaign of Alexander the Great
Alchian, Armen - Exchange & Production - review by John Sloan - comment
coming soon
Alchian, Armen - Collected Works - review by John Sloan - comment coming soon
Allia, Battle of, Roman defeat by Celts
that led to traumatic sack of Rome.
Allison, Graham - Destined for
American Armor Museums
beginning with the two museums at Ft Hood, Texas of the 1st Cavalry Division
and formerly of 4th Infantry Division.
Museum Americans at
War - This new museum will open in Woodbridge VA. We have many photos taken
at its previous location at the 'tank farm' in Nokesville VA. during open
houses from 2003 to 2019.
See them here - the photos of the 'tank farm' but I have many more to add.

Americans at war exhibit in
Americans at war exhibit in
Americans at war exhibit in
Americans at war exhibit in
Americans at war exhibit in
Americans at war exhibit
in 2014
Americans at war
exhibit in 2016
losersAmericans at
war exhibit in 2017
Americans at war
exhibit in 2018
Americans at war
exhibit in 2019
American History several
tables with more being added
American elections - a
Table showing each presidential election - winners - losers - votes, links,
American subjects a growing
index to topics in early American history with links to web resources
American Revolutionary
War - extensive web pages, especially on French forces.
Ammunition - PDF version of
article from 11th edition of Encyclopedia Britannica
Anderson, Fred - Crucible of
War:The Seven Years' War and the Fate of Empire in British North
America, 1754-1766- review by John Sloan
Andrade, Tonio - The
Gunpowder Age - China, Military Innovation, and the Rise of the West in
World history - review by John Sloan
Army - HTM version of
the article on this topic from 11th edition of Encyclopedia Britannica
Army PDF version of the article on this
topic from 11th edition of Encyclopedia Britannica
Arsenal -Tseikhgaus magazine - a few
translations of articles.
Artillery The article from 11th
edition of Encyclopedia Britannica
Artillery - PDF version article from
11th edition of Encyclopedia Britannica
Atkinson, Charles Francis - Arms
and Armor Article on medieval arms and armor
Austrian Army uniforms
1648 - 1765 - Watercolor paintings by Rudolf Donath in the Xenophon
Aviation - U. S. Army
Aviation museum, Ft Rucker. USAF museum and Smithsonian Air and Space museum
coming soon.
See Russian aviation at Monino (below)
Barron's articles
Bent's Fort by David
Black Sea Fleet -
photos from 1993 and 1992 when we were guests of the Commander of Black Sea
Fleet for Russian Navy Day celebration.
Blondal, Sigfus - The Varangians
of Byzantium a summary and comments
Bobbitt, Philip - Shield of
Achilles - review by John Sloan -
Table of contents
Bobbitt, Philip - Terror and
Consent - summary and comment on this important book by John Sloan
Boot, Max - Invisible Armies
- review by John Sloan
Booth, Danielle DiMartino - FED
UP - review by John Sloan
battle (1214) original essay, being revised now.
Bury, J. B. The Idea of Progress
- review
Caesar, Julius - the
Complete Works - Gallic War, Civil War, Alexandrian War, African War, Spanish
War - ed by Kurt Raaflaub- Landmark Edition.
Calomiris, Charles & Stephen Haber - Fragile by Design - review
Cannae, The Ghosts of
Cannae by Robert L. O'Connell - review by John Sloan
Cannae - essay by John Sloan
describing the battle
Cannae - Encyclopedia
Britannica article on the battle
Cannae - annotated
bibliography of some important books on the battle
Cavalry - Encyclopedia Britannica
article on the history of cavalry from the 11th Edition
battle in 100 Years War - original essay with maps and illustrations.
Charlemagne the article from the
11th edition of Encyclopedia Britannica.
Charlemagne - essay by John Sloan
Charles XI - King of
Sweden - article from the 11th edition of Encyclopedia Britannica
Charles XII - King of
Sweden - article from the 11th Edition of Encyclopedia Britannica
Charles XIII - King of Sweden -
article from the 11th Edition of Encyclopedia Britannica
Charles XIV - King of Sweden -
article from the 11th Edition of Encyclopedia Britannica
Cheyney, Edward P. The Dawn of
a New Era 1250 - 1453 - review by John Sloan
Chernigiv - major medieval Rus
city and principality - photos, history soon here.
Chernow, Ron, Grant -
review of this exceptional book soon
Claimants to
the medieval French throne - genealogical diagrams.
Clark, Sir George - The
Seventeenth Century - review
Coogan, Philip - Paper
Promises - Review by John Sloan
Coughlin, Stephen Collins - Ignoring
What Extremists say about jihad - essay
Cotterell, Arthur - Chariot - review
Cowpens, battle essay by Kenneth
Haynes Jr.
Coyle, Diane - GDP - review
by John Sloan
Crimea - our new location for information about
Crimea to which we are moving files and adding new sections.
Crimea - our old main listing page that
describes our many sections on Crimea.
Crimea - Encyclopedia Britannica
article on history from the 11th Edition.
Crimean war Encyclopedia
Britannica article from the 11th Edition
Crimean war - Alma battle illustrated
guide with many photos taken on the battlefield during our visits
Crimean war - Alma Kinglake
book - the chapter on the Alma battle.
Crimean war - Balaklava battle -
narrative of battle
Crimean war - Balaklava battle
- tour and illustrations on battlefield, from our visit
Batchisarai - Tatar capital
in Crimea - text and photos from our visit.
Bospor kingdom in Crimea - article
Cave cities of Crimea, from our visit
Chembalo - medieval Genoese
fortress at Balaklava, Crimea - text and photos from our visit.
Chersonesus - ancient Greek
city site near Sevastopol, Crimea - text and photos from our visits.
Chersonesus -
Encyclopedia Britannica article.
Chufut-Kale - ancient Byzantine
fortress - later Tatar and Kariate center in Crimea - text, maps and photos
from our visits.
Donizlav - ancient Greek city
archeological site in Crimea - text and photos from our visit.
Eski Kerman - medieval cave
city in Crimea - text and photos from our visit
Evpatoria - city in Crimea -
photos of mosque, Kariate temple, and other locations from our visit.
Kaffa - ancient Greek Theodosia -
medieval Genoese trading base - later - text and photos with more to be added.
And also here is the encyclopedia article on Kerch.
Kaffa - Encyclopedia
Britannica article on Theodosia from the 11th Edition
Kalimata - Feodorite (Mangup)
principality fortress at Inkerman, Crimea - text and photos, from our visit
Kalos Liman - ancient Greek
city archeological site in Crimea - text and photos, from our visit
Kara Tebe - ancient fortress
archeological site in Crimea - text and photos from our visit
Kutluk - ancient Bosporian
fortress on Crimean shore - archeological site - text and photos from our visit
Mangup Kale - mountain site of
ancient Byzantine - Gothic - Alan city fortress of Doros - Feodoro in Crimea -
archeological site - text, maps and photos from our visit- The most fascinating
place in Crimea.
Crimean war - Inkerman battle -
narrative of battle
Crimean war - Inkerman battle -
description of location with illustrations on battlefield, from our visits
Crimean war - Panorama museum
in Sevastopol to the Heroic Defense of the City, from our visit
- Siege of in 1428-29
Panorama museum - Heroic Defense
of Sevastopol - text and illustrations from our visits.
Crimean war - Sevastopol siege
in 1854-5, fortifications and description with illustrations, from our visit.
Crimean war - cemetery in
Sevastopol - text of remarks by Pavel Lyashuk, curator and guide at the
Panorama Museum
Crimean war - Saber - article by
Pavel Lyashuk - text by curator and guide at the Panorama Museum
Crimean war - Sevastopol -
Encyclopedia Britannica article from 11th Edition
Crimean war - Simpson paintings of
scenes of the war by famous British artist, from original edition of the book
in the Panorama Museum in Sevastopol.
Crusades -
short original essay on the eight Crusades in Levant, (being revised) more
coming on other crusades.
Crusades - an essay by John Sloan
Dalio, Ray - Populism: The
Dalio Ray - Big Debt Crises
Dalio, Ray -It's Time to Look More
Carefully at "Monetary Policy 3 and MMT"
d'Este, Isabella - original essay
on this Italian Renaissance princess and her family by John Sloan.
Desert War
the study of Rommel's desert campaigns prepared by a team of German officers
under direction of General Major Alfred Toppe for the U.S. Army after WWII.
This is a very long file. And there are a
battle study.
de Souza, Philip & Waldemar Heckel -
The Greeks at War
Diamond, Jared - Guns, Germs and Steel - review
Diodorus SiculusThe Historical
Library of Diodlrus the Sicilian in Fifteen Books This is volume 1 in
modern translation
Diodorus Siculus The Historical
Library of Diodorus the Sicilian in Forty Books This is actually Volume
2 containing books 15 -40
Dorn, James A. ed. - Monetary
Dorn, Walter L. Competition
for Empire 1740 - 1763 - review by John Sloan
Drews, Robert The End of the
Bronze Age - review
Duncan, Richard - The New
Depression - review by John Sloan
Ferguson, Niall - The Ascent of
Money - comments
Ferguson, Niall - Civilization -
Ferguson, Niall - The Square
and the Tower - summary and comment
Ficher, David Hackett - The
Great Wave - review by John Sloan
battle in 100 Years War. Original essay with maps.
Fortifications - central listing of our
various web sites on fortifications in Russia.
Fort Boreman, West Virginia -
an interesting remains of a Civil War fort from our visit
Fort Steuben, Ohio - a
reconstructed American frontier fort from 1787, from our visit
Fox, Justin - The Myth of
the Rational Market: A History of Risk, Reward, and Delusion on Wall
Street - Review
Frankel, S. Herbert - Two
Philosophies of Money - review by John Sloan
Franklin, Joseph, Major
General (Ret) - Building Leaders the West Point Way - review and summary
of excellent book
Frankopan, Peter - The Silk
Roads: A New History of the World - review
Freedom Museum - Community
museum dedicated to American wars of 20th century, located in Manassas VA.
French medieval
history - original material and links to French sites.
French expeditionary
force in U.S. Revolutionary war - original material.
Revolutionary War - article from 11th Edition of Encyclopedia
Friedrich, Carl H - The Age
of the Baroque 1610 -1660 - review comments
Future War - General Skugarevski
Gaddis, John Lewis - On Grand
Gave, Charles The Velocity of
Money - John Sloan comments
Gave, Charles - Velocity in Asset
Allocation - John Sloan comments
Gave, Charles - Clash of
Empires - John Sloan comments
Gave, Louis-Vincent - New World will
have China on top comments
Gershoy, Leo - From
Despotism to Revolution 1763-1789 - review comments
Gettysburg - by Iain
Cameron Martin - review by John Sloan
Gilder, George - Knowledge
and Power
Gilder, George - The Scandal of
Gilder, George - Wealth and
Gilder, George - Life after
Gilmore, Myron - The World of
Humanism 1453- 1517 - review
Gordon, John S. - An Empire of
Wealth - review
Gordon, Robert J. The Rise and
Fall of American Growth - review
Gorget and Sash - table of contents of 12
issues of this magazine published in the 1980's. We are adding each issue as
soon as we can. We also have a few copies of several issues in print, available
for purchase. Now, with Internet and with improved scanning of photography we
add more illustrations and some links to articles such as Wikipedia entries.
Gorget and Sash Vol I - 1
Gorget and Sash Vol I - 2
Gorget and Sash Vol 1 - 3
Gorget and Sash Vol I - 4
Gorget and Sash Vol II - 1
Gorget and Sash Vol II - 2
Gorget and Sash Vol II - 3
Gorget and Sash Vol II - 4
Gorget and Sash Vol III - 1
Gorget and Sash Vol III - 2
Gorget and Sash Vol III - 3
Gorget and Sash Vol III - 4
Graham, Benjamin - The
Intelligent Investor
Granada - Spanish
reconquest - original material
Greece - link to our articles -We are
expanding this section by adding on classical Greece, these include articles on
- a chronology of Greek
Warfare 500 - 200 BC
- an alphabetical listing of leading
commanders and significant
- an alphabetical listing of battles and wars.
weapons - results of research on early gunpowder weapons
Hamburger, Philip - Is
Administrative Law Unlawful? - review
Hammond, Jeremy R. - Ron Paul vs.
Paul Krugman - book review by John Sloan
Hannibal - Encyclopedia
Britannica article on the general from the 11th edition
Hannibal - text of the chapter
from the course booklet for the Course on History of Military Art and the U. S.
Military Academy, West Point, New York, 1952
Hanson, Victor Davis - The Wars
of the Ancient Greeks
Hay, David - Bubble 3: What Could go Right
Hay, David - Bubble 3: The Upside
of Downside, Chapter 7
Hay, David - Bubble 3: What
Price Prosperity? (Part I)
Hay, David - Bubble 3: What
Price Prosperity" (Part II)
Hermitage museum in
St. Petersburg - and new photos of
Heuer, Richard J. Jr. - Psychology of
Intelligence Analysis - book
Horatius Macaulay's great epic poem of
ancient Rome. We will have Virginia and the Battle of Lake Remulus later.
Hneitir Our new department for
miscellaneous medieval history items.
Hubbard, Douglas - The Failure of
Risk Management
Hubbard, Glenn & Tim Kane - Balance - The Economics of Great
Powers From Ancient Rome to Modern America
Hudson, Michael - ... and forgive
them their debts- about debt and interest rates in Mesopotamia economy
- review
Hudson, Michael - Finance as
Hudson, Michael - A Travesty
of Financial History Which Bank Lobbyists Will Applaud
Hundred Years'
War - many linked speciality pages
Infantry - Encyclopedia
Britannica article on the history of infantry from the 11th Edition
Ingham, Geoffrey -The Nature of
Money - review by John Sloan
Ingham, Geoffrey - Capitalism - review by
John Sloan
Jalali, Ali Ahmad - A
Military History of Afghanistan Review and summary of this terrific
book - the only detailed military - political history of Afghanistan from
medieval times to the present.
Janissaries - article by Arthur Leon
Horniker from Gorget and Sash magazine.
Jeanne d'Arc -
and related material
Japan - photos made during visit from Korea
to Japan in 1957
Jones, Dan - The
Plantagenets - review by John Sloan
Jones, Dan - The Wars of the Roses - review by John Sloan forthcoming
Kagan, Donald - On the Origins of War
Kagan, Donald - The Outbreak
of the Peloponnesian War
Kagan, Donald - The
Archidamian War
Kagan, Donald - The Peace of Nicias
and the Sicilian Expedition
Kagan, Donald, The Fall of
the Athenian Empire
Kalka River, Battle of - summary
Kaminetz-Podilski - Ukrainian
fortress city - text and photos, from our visit
Kaplan, Robert D. The Revenge of
Geography - review by John Sloan
Katusa, Marin - The Colder War
- review by John Sloan
Kaufman, Henry - Tectonic Shifts
in Financial Markets - review by John Sloan
Keegan, John A History of Warfare -
commentary on the book by John Sloan
Khazars - Encyclopedia
Britannica article from the 11th Edition
Khotin fortress on Dniester River from
our visit
Kiev - photography including several
fortifications - from our visits.
Kiev history Text of a summary history of
the city compiled by John Sloan.
Kievan princes - Genealogical
chart and brief biographies created by John Sloan
Kiev - outdoor military museum, exhibits
of armor, artillery and several aircraft, from our visit
Korea - a section of photos taken during my
tour of duty in Korea in 1956-57.
Krugman, Paul, The Return of
Depression Economics - review by John Sloan
Kuhn, Thomas S. The Structure of
Scientific Revolutions
. Kwarteng, Kwasi, - War and
Gold - review
Lafayette campaign to
Yorktown description of this important battle - preliminary, with maps.
Landes, David - Wealth and
Poverty of Nations - review
Landes, David, Joel Mokyr, William Baumol -
The Invention of
Enterprise - review
Lavender, David - Bent's
Fort - review and summary with links - by John Sloan
Lewis, Nathan K.- GOLD: The
Final Standard
Lawrence, Christopher, America's Modern Wars -
Understanding Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam - review by John Sloan
Lev, Baruch & Feng Gu - The
End of Accounting - review
Lukava, Col. G. Categories of the
Art of Warfare - Article by Soviet military author
Machiavelli - original essays by
John Sloan and encyclopedia article
Machiavelli list - listing
of references about Machiavelli or his books
Maneuver warfare discussion
Mantoux, Paul - The
Industrial Revolution in the Eighteenth Century - review
Marathon consolidated listing of
site content
Marathon - Battle -
reconstruction essay by John Sloan
Marathon - Battle,
by Professor Billows - review of book by John Sloan
Marathon - Battle,
annotated discussion of a list of references
Martin, Felix - Money, The
Unauthorized Biography - review John Sloan
Mauldin, John - Seventh Inning Debt
Stretch - review and commentary
McCloskey, Deirdre - Bourgeois
role - summary of the main ideas for the three volumes with links
McCloskey, Deirdre - The
Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce - review
McCloskey, Deirdre -
Bourgeois Dignity - Why Economics can't Explain the Modern World -
McCloskey, Deirdre -
Bourgeois Equality - How Ideas, not Capital or Institutions, Enriched
the World - review
Mears, Hugh A. Eugene of Savoy -
artillery - results of research on medieval mechanical artillery.
Medieval - link to our section with
articles on Medieval era
Mehrling, Perry - The New
Lombard Street - review
Mickelson, Roger - World War
IV - published essay from Military Conflict Institute
Military history
links is our old listing now in need of revision of links related to the
full spectrum of military history.
Military Museums
Mises, Ludwig von - The
Anti-Capitalist Mentality comments
Mises, Ludwig von - Human
Action - comments
Mises, Ludwig von - Socialism -
Mises, Ludwig von - Theory and
Mises, Ludwig von - The Theory
of Money and Credit - comments
Mishkin, Frederic - The
Economics of Money, Banking, &Financial Markets comments
Mitchell, Matthew & Peter Boettke -
Applied mainline Economics
- review by John Sloan
Modern Money Theory -
books and articles by L.Randall Wray and others
Mokyr, Joel - Culture of
Growth: The Origins of the Modern Economy
Mommsen, Theodore -
Chapters from History of Rome on the Second Punic war
Morgan, Theodore -
Introduction to Economics
Morris, Ian - Why the West Rules -
For now - review
Muller, Jerry, The Mind and the
Market - review by John Sloan
Napoleon biography - article
from 11th Edition of Encyclopedia Britannica.
Napoleon's campaigns - article
from 11th Edition of Encyclopedia Britannica
Napoleon's last army - web site
describing a stunning new book published by Dana Lombardy
Napoleon Journal by Dana Lombardy - back
issues of this excellent magazine
National Civil
War Chaplains Museum at Liberty University in Lynchburg VA.
Nepos, Cornelius - The Book of
Cornelius Nepos - Great Generals of Foreign Countries
Nussbaum, Frederick L - The
Triumph of Science and Reason 1660 - 1685 - review by John Sloan
Orel - First issue of a Russian miliary
history journal, no longer being published
Paret, Peter - Makers of Modern
Payne-Gallwey, Sir Ralph - The Turkish
Bow Extract of a fascinating personal description of the author's
investigation. There is an interesting article by Vernard Foley - "The
Crossbow" - in the January 1985 issue of Scientific American.
Payne-Gallwey, Sir Ralph - Projectile Throwing Engines
- dated now, essay with illustrations on catapult, ballista and trebuchet.
Peloponnesian War - original essay by
John Sloan
Podany, Amanda - Ancient
Mesopotamia: life in the Cradle of Civilization Review by John Sloan
Podany, Amanda Brotherhood
of Kings Review by John Sloan
Poland - Encyclopedia
Britannica 11th edition entry on history of Poland
Polanyi, Karl - The
Great Transformation - review
Politics and economics -
listing of reviews in progress for books on politics and economics plus some
Priest, William and Steven D. Bleiberg -
Winning at Active
Management - review by John Sloan
Punic War - original essay by John Sloan
Punic War - chapters
from Mommsen's History of Rome
- Raines, Edgar, Eyes of
Artillery - History and analysis of the creation of aviation for U.S.
Army Artillery during WWII. -Review by John Sloan
Raines, Edgar, The Rucksack War:
U. S. Army Operational Logistics in Grenada, 1983 - Review by John
Recommended reading in
economics and investments - a list compiled and being expanded by John Sloan
Reden, Sita von - Money in Classical
Antiquity - Review by John Sloan
Renaissance - link to our articles
on the European Renaissance period
Rickards, James - Currency Wars
- review by John Sloan
Rickards, James - The Death of
Money - review by John Sloan
Rickards, James - The Road to
Ruin- review by John Sloan being prepared
Ritholz, Barry - Bail out
Nation - review by John Sloan
Roberts, Penfield - The Quest
for Security 1715 - 1740 - - review by John Sloan
Rome - link to our section on Classical era
Rothbard, Murray - Anatomy of
the State - review by John Sloan
Rothbard, Murray - A History
of Money and Banking in the United States - review by John Sloan
Rothbard, Murray - What has
Government Done to Our Money? - review by John Sloan
Rothbard, Murray - Economic Thought before
Adam Smith - review by John Sloan
Rothbard, Murray - Conceived in Liberty Vol.
Rothbard, Murray - Conceived
in Liberty Vols. I IV
Sawyer, Ralph D. Ancient Chinese
Warfare - review by John Sloan
Schwiezer, Peter -
Extortion, How Politicians extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line
Their Own Pockets
Scipio Africanus - original essay by John
Scott, James C. - Against the
Grain - review by John Sloan
Selgin, George - Money Free and
Selgin, George - Three essays on
Fractional Reserve
Selgin, George - Floored! How
a Misguided Fed Experiment Deepened and Prolonged the Great Recession
Skugarevski, General A. P. The
Future War - trans by John Johnson
Sloan, John Velocity of
Money - an essay discussing this theory and its results
Smick, David - The World is
Curved - review by John Sloan
Spufford, Peter - Power and
Profit: The Merchant in Medieval Europe review
Stark, Rodney - The Victory of
Reason: How Christianity Led to Freedom, Capitalism, and Western
Success - summary review
Stark, Rodney - How the West
Won: The Neglected Story of the Triumph of Modernity - summary review
by John Sloan
Steil, Benn - The Battle of
Bretton Woods - review and comment by John Sloan
Stein, Aurel - main page - Index
to the articles, books, maps, chronologies and reports on his explorations in
Central Asia.
Stein, Aurel - Ancient
Khotan text
Stein, Aurel, Ancient
Khotan - photos
Stein, Aurel - Sand Buried Ruins
of Khotan text
Stein, Aurel, Sand Buried
Ruins of Khotan - photos
Stein, Aurel, Innermostasia, photos
Stein, Aurel -
Innermostasia report -contents of
Stein, Aurel, Innermostasia Vol I
Stein, Aurel, Innermostasia Vol II
Stein, Aurel - Innermostasia - list of maps
Stein, Aurel - Ruins of
Desert Cathay - table of
Stein, Aurel, Ruins of
Desert Cathay - photos
Stein, Aurel - Serindia
Stein, Aurel -
Serindia report - another
Stein, Aurel - Serindia
list of maps
Stein, Aurel - On Ancient
Central Asian Tracks: Brief Narrative of Three Expeditions in Innermost
Asia and North-western China
Stein, Aurel On
Ancient Central Asian Tracks; - photos
Stevens, Scott - Games People
Play: Game Theory in Life,. Business, and Beyond Review
Strategy - a list of references
Stuart. Edward - Capitalism
vs. Socialism: Comparing Economic Systems - Review
Tamny, John - Who Needs the
Fed? review by John Sloan
Tashjean, John - A Concept of
War: Clausewitz Present and Future - significant essay
Tashjean, John The
Transatlantic Clausewitz 1952 -1982 - an important essay evaluating
recent (1952-1982) contributions about Clausewitz's theories
Thirty Years' War - article from
11th edition of Encyclopedia Britannica
Toler, Michael - "Mission Command in Operational
Contracting" -Interesting and educational memoir by the officer who
performed the logistics mission in Somalia and then 'wrote the book' on how to
do it.
Trentmann, Frank - Empire of
Things - summary and review
Tsouras, Peter - Disaster at
Stalingrad - review by John Sloan
Tsouras, Peter - Scouting for
Grant and Meade - review by John Sloan
Tsouras, Peter - Warlords of Ancient
Mexico - review by John Sloan
Tsouras, Peter - Over the
Top - review by John Sloan
Tullock, Gordon - Virginia
Political Economy
Uniforms - illustrated article on
history of military uniforms by Charles F. Atkinson in Encyclopedia Britannica
1911 edition.
Urbino - original essay by John
Sloan about the three famous Montefeltro condotierre dukes
U.S. military museums, including:
Pre-Civil War fortress Museum at
Ft.. Monroe -Story
War of 1812 fortress Museum at Ft McHenry, In Baltimore MD.
Aviation Branch Museum at Ft
1st Cavalry Division Museum
Cavalry Division at Ft
Hood, Texas
Woman's Army museum, at Ft
Lee, Virginia
Quartermaster museum , at Ft.
Lee, VA.
Museums of 1st Cavalry and 4th Infantry DivisionsFt Hood,
Post Museum at Ft Lewis,
101st Airborne Museum at Fort
Transportation Corps Museum at
Ft Eustis,
Revolutionary and 7 years War Museum at
Fort Frederick
Ft. Leonard Wood - Engineer and Military Police Museums (coming)
U.S. Army frontier Museum at Stubenville, Ohio
Ft Stuben.
82nd Airborne Division Museum at
Ft Bragg,,
warfare Museum, at Ft Bragg
Airborne and Special
Forces Museum at Fayetteville, North Carolina
Ordnance Museum at Aberdeen
(old museum) Maryland
and West Point Museum (coming).
Set of plates of U. S. Army historical uniforms -
Ogden set
U. S. Army World
War II Board reports - Artillery and Armored subjects
U. S. ArmyList of
Miscellaneous Records of the Adjutant General's Office Relating to World
War II
U. S. Army LIST of the European Theater of Operations
- 1944-45
U. S. Army Tank
Destroyers in Combat in Tunisia - 1944
U. S. Army Board Artillery Board Report
- 59
U. S. Army
Abbreviations for Artillery Terms-
U. S. Army Board after World War II
Board Report - 60 - Tank Destroyers
U. S. Army Board Report after World War II
Artillery Board
Report - 61
U. S. Army Board Report after World War II
Artillery Board
Report - 67
U. S. Army General Board Report on Armored
Division - 48
U. S. Army General Board Report 52 -
Special Equipment - 52
U. S. Army General Board Report 51 - Armored
Group - 51
U. S. Army - Tank Board Report
U. S. Army World War II General Board Report 50 -
Tank Battalions - 50
U. S. Marine Corps National
museum of the U. S. Marine Corps at Quantico VA. from our visits
Vietnam - photos made during my
tour in Vietnam 1967-68
. War - 11th edition Encyclopedia
Britannica article on the history of war and on the Laws of War circa 1910.
Warry, John - Warfare in the
Classical World
White, Lawrence - The Clash of
Economic Ideas - review summary
Wilson, Andrew - Understanding
Imperial China: Dynasties, Life, and Culture review
Woods, Thomas E. Jr. What Austrian Economics can
Teach Historians - review
Wray, L. Randall - Modern Money
Theory - review by John Sloan, with links to other references
Wray, L. Randall, ed. - Credit and
State: Theories of Money - The Contributions of A. Mitchell
Yorktown, Siege during American
Revolutionary War -reenactment in 1983 - and another, smaller one in 2006
Xenophon - excellent essay by
Professor Eve Browning in the International Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Xenophon - Greek historian, article
from 11th edition of Encyclopedia Britannica.
Xenophon - Professor Neal
Wood's important essay on Xenophon's military-political theories.
Xenophon - short biography by
Joshua J. Mack in the Ancient History Encyclopedia
Xenophon our library of military history - an
annotated listing that we continue to expand
Xenophon library - link to
our general library catalogs.
Zehan, Peter - The
Accidental Superpower
Zeihan, Peter - The Absent
Zeihan, Peter - Disunited
Return to Xenophon main
page. Index last change 18 December, 2020.