Subtitle: How a Misguided Fed Experiment
Deepened and Prolonged the Great Recession, CATO Institute, Wash. DC., 2018,
205 pgs., index, references, Appendix, Paperback
Reviewer comments:
The title is as play on words - The author's thesis is that the FED changed
from its former policy of not paying banks interest on their deposits with the
FED to a new concept of establishing a 'floor' for interest rates - and his
conclusion is that this policy 'floored' the banking system and economy in
another sense. Congress passed a law that allows the FED to pay interest on the
balance in legal required bank reserve accounts at the FED. But the FED has
interpreted this to include paying interest also on bank excess reserve
accounts. And it has been setting the interest rates above the market interest
rate. The result is that banks choose to keep their funds in the safe reserve
accounts at the FED rather than creating loans to the public. This defeats the
hope that the banks will issue more loans to producers that enable the economy
to expand.
The book appears to be aimed at fellow economists and government policy makers.
It is full of economic jargon and typical econometric methods. The same basic
conclusion - that the Fed and the Treasury made mistakes (or didn't know what
they were doing) has been the conclusion and subject of other books, but this
one comes at the issue from a different point of view. Despite the inclusion of
'inside baseball terminology' the author's prose is clear and concise enabling
the lay reader to understand both what is going on and why the author believes
a different policy is necessary. He has organized the chapters well, to begin
with the former FED treatment of required bank reserves and then to progress
chronologically and by subject to more and more complex issues. Finally, he
proposes changes.
In this summary and review I can only describe the 'high points'. I hope to
urge the readers to study the book itself. And readers are urged to study the
two other books by George Selgin that I list below, which provide a full
understanding of his libertarian economic philosophy.
Chapter 1- Introduction: An Experiment Gone
The author recounts the actions of the FED in response to the financial crisis
in 2007-8. He notes that the response was 'a sequence of controversial monetary
policy experiments aimed at containing the crisis and, later on, at promoting
recovery." And, "One of those experiments consisted of the Fed's
decision to start, paying interest on depository institutions' balances with
it, including both their legally required balances and any balances they held
in excess of legal requirements." And further, "Because the interest
rate on excess reserves was high relative to the short-term market rates, the
new policy led to the establishment of a 'floor' type operating system, meaning
one in which changes in the rate of interest paid on excess reserves, rather
than open market operations, became the Fed's chief instrument of monetary
This book is the only one I have found among so many that discuss the 'great
recession' in which the author describes this process and its results in these
terms. The whole book is a description and analysis of the policy, which he
describes as 'misguided'. We might use more negative terms. He lists his main
it 'intensified the severe economic downturn'
'led to a sustained collapse in the interbank market'
'dramatically reduced the effectiveness of open market operations'
'undermined productive investment by substantially increasing the Fed's role in
allocating scarce credit'
' increased the risk of the Fed's being called upon to undertake and finance
strictly fiscal policy undertakings'
The author concludes his introduction by stating his purpose which is to
encourage the Fed to change back from this 'floor' system to the more
conventional 'corridor' type system.
Chapter 2 -Prelude: Monetary Control Before
the Crisis
In this chapter the author provides a summary of the Fed operating system prior
to the financial crisis of 2008. Its policy following the Great Inflation era
was to set an explicit target for the federal funds rate, the overnight
interest rate at which institutions that kept deposit balances at the Fed lend
those balances to, or borrow them from, other such institutions.' And these
balances did not generate interest from the Fed. But the borrowed (lent)
nightly exchange did generate interest for the lender. The role of the Fed was
to attempt to manage the supply of bank reserves to keep the actual federal
funds rate at its desired level. They relied on data and statistics, but even
so it was a guess - trial and error. The Fed would raise or lower that interest
rate with the objective of creating 'tight' or 'loose' monetary policy (tight
or loose loan environment in the banking system) in hopes of increasing
employment without increasing inflation. But the federal funds rate is the
private rate of the banks. The Fed influences it indirectly by setting the size
of the required bank reserve itself. Note, that funds deposited by a private
bank with the Fed are a cost since they are not available for making a loan.
The author explains the mechanics of all this in the Open Market operations of
the New York Fed including such arcane terms as the 'reprorate'. So the
'immediate goal' for the Fed 'was to keep the federal funs rate on target'. But
the real, ultimate goal was 'to achieve a monetary policy stance that
accomplished the Fed dual mandate - low inflation and high employment.
Chapter 3 - Interest on Bank Reserves
Dr. Selgin points out that non-interest receiving bank reserves required by law
at the Fed create a tax on the deposits which results in a tax on the private
sector depositors. The Fed earns interest on its portfolio but pays most of
that to the Treasury, thus reducing the government net interest on its debt.
The idea that the Fed might pay interest to the banks for their deposits was
discussed from the beginning but was opposed by the Wall Street banks. During
the "New Deal' Congress passed a law that prevented commercial banks from
paying higher interest rates on their deposits, so they were happy with the
situation. When, in the 1960 's the creation of the "Reserve fund' and
other money market funds and increased competition compelled the request for a
change to enable the Fed to pay interest to the banks. Naturally the Treasury
was opposed because that would reduce its seigniorage profits. The banks acted
to side step the Treasury by creating 'sweep accounts' to cover over night
exchanges of balances. All these competitive changes resulted in the change on
interest payments for bank reserves at the Fed. But, initially, the interest
was to be payable only on the legally required reserve balances, not excess
reserves. This was enabled by the Financial Services Regulatory Relief Act of
Chapter 4 -The Floor System's Beginnings
The above act was amended in 2008 (due to the crisis) by the Emergfency
Economic Stabilization Act to enable the change to take place sooner. The
author describes all this and quotes Fed officials about the policy
motivations. He includes graphs to illustrate the results resulting from the
difference between a 'corridor' policy system and a "Floor" system.
He notes that the actual interest rate seemed 'paltry' at 25 basis points, but
its impact on bank behavior was substantial. He quotes various other analysts
who report on this significance. This includes much detail and graphs.
Chapter 5 - Is the Floor System Legal?
In this chapter the author considers the title situation. He compares the
intent of the Law enabling interest payments on only legally required reserves
with the results of what actually happened, payment on all reserves. More
detail and more graphs illustrate the significance. He questions the legality
of the Fed unilaterally making the change to give interest on excess bank
Chapter 6 - The Floor System and Interbank
The author stresses his points with the first subsection title -"Good-by
Fed Funds Market" He demonstrates that the resulting bank behavior on
stashing more than expected ( required) reserves with the Fed. The original
interest payment system 'served not only to keep fresh reserves from lowering
the Fed funds rate, but to dramatically reduce the total volume of lending on
the Fed funds market." His argument is supported by pages of discussion
and more graphs.
Another section subtitle emphases the results: "From Lender of Last Result
to Borrower of First Resort"
The proof of this requires an extensive discussion focused on behavior of
individuals (bank officials) seeking to maximize profits. He writes: "In
the United States, as in the Eurozone, the collapse of interbank lending
created a further motive, beyond the return on reserves itself, for banks to
accumulate excess reserves. That's because with the collapse in the volume of
federal funds lending, banks that once routinely relied on overnight unsecured
loans to meet their liquidity needs discovered that doing so was no longer
Chapter 7 - The Floor System and Reserve
The author begins with this: "Apart from its effect on interbank lending,
the most notorious consequence of the Fed's interest payments on excess
reserves has been unprecedented growth in banks' excess reserves balances,
meaning Fed balances held by banks beyond the requirement to meet their minimum
legal reserve requirements, together with banks' holdings of vault cash.'
Again, his proof is contained in pages of description and graphs. He notes that
'most of the new reserves ended up at the very largest U.S. banks or at U.S.
branches of foreign banks." He cites the numbers. He also notes that the
favoritism of the big banks is due to their being the primary dealers that are
the Fed counterparties that have 'first dibs' on the new reserves that the Fed
creates when the Treasury auctions its bonds each week. The original function
of the primary dealers was to redistribute the reserves (Treasury bonds)
throughout the banking system.
Selgin turns next to the "Quicksand Effect'. By this he means that the
larger the huge excess reserves held by the banks - "the more liquidity
the central bank supplies to an economy in an IOER based liquidity trap, the
deeper it becomes mired in that trap,"
There is much more in this chapter.
Chapter 8 - The Floor System and Retail
In this chapter the author demonstrates that the quantity (and ratio) of bank
commercial lending to the size of its reserves has greatly declined since 2009,
meaning that the banks are NOT lending as much in relation to their available
reserves as they did prior to the financial crisis. He devotes considerable
attention to the example of Japanese banks.
Chapter 9 - The Floor System and Monetary
In this long chapter the author expands his discussion and analysis to the
wider subject of what the Fed interest rate policy has done to its national
money policy. This requires even more application of economic theory to the
role of money in the market.
He summarizes his objective for the chapter: "Having addressed the bearing
of the Fed's switch to a floor system on various sorts of bank lending, we're
now equipped to consider how it influenced the course of the Great Recession
and subsequent recovery."
He divides his subject matter into topic sections: IOER and Tight Money in
2008-2009; The Floor System and "Quantitative Easing"; Stimulus
without IOER?' Stimulus at the Zero Bound; Positive, Zero, or Negative?;
Canada's Counterexample' An Overtightening Bias?'
IOER stands for 'interest on excess reserves' His thesis is that the Fed
payment of interest to banks on their excess deposits at the Fed works to
counter their efforts with low market short-term interest rates to encourage
lending and expansion of the economy. To support his thesis the author provides
even more charts and graphs with complex explanations.
Chapter 10 - The Floor System and Credit
In this chapter the author progresses to examine the critical real world
effects. Credit allocation is the fundamental financial - economic issue. By
whom, to whom, and for what purposes is credit, the life blood of investment
and economic expansion, actually allocated. His discussion categories are:
"Central Banking versus Commercial Banking;
"As we've seen, although the total quantity of Fed reserve balances is
mainly a function of the size of the Fed's balance sheet, the quantity of
excess reserves banks hold ultimately depends on banks' demand for such
reserves, as influenced by their yield relative to other assets".
IOER and Financial Repression;
"Because the Fed's own portfolio choices are limited, and especially
because those limits generally exclude lending to nonfinancial firms or
individuals, it can't be expected to employ savings as efficiently or
productively as commercial banks." (Note - This is why Goldman reorganized
itself as a bank during the recession, so it could receive Fed support). Dr.
Selgin describes why the IOER is a type of 'financial repression';
Reserve Hoarding and the Productivity Slowdown;
The author considers that the commercial banks stashing excess reserves with
the Fed is a form of hoarding rather then deploying its reserves to finance
loans to the productive sectors of the economy. "One of the most
disconcerting features of the post crisis recovery has been the 'great
productivity slow down' that accompanied it." The Fed policy and practice
resulted in greater seigniorage for itself, which it largely remitted to the
Treasury, reducing its net deficits, but encouraged banks to deposit funds with
it rather than create productive loans.
Chapter 11 - Fiscal Consequences of the Floor
The author here moves on to discuss the impact of the Fed interest rate policy
also on government finances. "A floor system differs from any sort of
corridor system, including the Fed's precrisis system, not only in its effects
on the workings of monetary policy in the strict sense, or on credit
allocation, but also in its broader fiscal implications."
There are two topics:
Treasury Remittances;
"The Federal Reserve's capacity to generate interest revenues in excess of
its interest expense, and to do so even despite holding safe, short-term
Treasury securities, rests upon its ability to pay below-market interest rates
on its liabilities". Prior to the crisis the Fed's liabilities were
non-interest bearing securities, therefor the interest it received from its
portfolio was pure profit. It earns tens of billions of dollars in interest,
but has only a billion or so of expenses from its own overhead. It remits most
(95%) of the interest back to the Treasury. This is why we note that in recent
years the government reports its annual interest expense on its debt as less
despite the debt being larger. However, with the 'floor' system it pays more
interest due to the 'excess' bank reserves it holds. But, despite this (as the
author shows in figure 11.1) the Fed remittances to the Treasury have doubled
and doubled again since 2007. The reason is that the Fed makes a large profit
from other sources. Readers might be interested to learn that the Fed has also
expanded the quantity of currency in the money supply AND it does not pay
interest on that. Currency is a loan to the Fed (government) that does not pay
Other Fiscal Consequences; The author summarizes by commenting that despite its
increased interest expense it is unlikely that the Fed could become bankrupt. A
'good' result is that the reduction in the Fed's profit does increase a surplus
in the private economy that can benefit consumers. Nevertheless, the author
maintains that a 'corridor' monetary system is better than a 'floor' system.
Chapter 12- The Floor System and Policy
Fed officials claim that they want to 'normalize' monetary policy and interest
rates. But the author believes other wise - that they intend to retain the
'floor' interest rate system. He believes this not only from the speeches
delivered by Fed officials but also from the actual events, which show that the
Fed has not reduced the size of its portfolio in relation to GDP. He believes
the Fed wants to maintain its expanded power over credit allocation and the
Appendix 1- Bank Lending and the Interest
Rate on Excess Reserves
Some math to support the author's thesis.
Appendix 2 - Proposed Amendment to the 2006
Financial Services Regulatory Relief Act
The wording of the author's proposed legislation to shift the Fed policy
George Selgin - Money Free and Unfree
George Selgin - Fractional Reserve
Peter Schweizer -Extortion
Danielle Dimartino Booth - FEDUP
David Wessel - In FED We Trust
Lawrence White - The Theory of Monetary
Lawrence White - The Clash of Economic
Peter Conti-Brown - The Power and
Independence of the Federal Reserve - Princeton Univ. Press
Peter Wallison - Hidden in Plain Sight:
What Really Caused the World's Worst Financial Crisis and Why it Could Happen
Again - Ecounter Books
Anat Admati & Martin Hellwig - The
Bankers' New Clothes - Princeton Univ. Press
Charles W. Calomiris - Stephen H. Haber -
Fragile by Design: The Political Origins of Banking Crises and Scarce Credit
- Princeton Univ. Press
Jeffrey Friedman - Engineering the
Financial Crisis
Philip Coggan - Paper Promises: Debt,
Money and the New World Order
David Graeber - Debt: The First 5.000
Peter Bernholz - Monetary Regimes and
Inflation -Dr. Bernholz has published a second edition of this important
book in 2015, in which he left the original chapters alone and added two new
Patrick Newman - "Review of Monetary
Regimes and Inflation" by Peter Bernholz - 2015 edition
This edition was reviewed by Patrick Newman in the Quarterly Journal of
Austrian Economics, Vol., 19, No2, pgs.`87-191, Summer, 2016. The reviewer
then focused his comments on chapters 2 and 9. He begins by discussing the
financial crisis of 2007-8 and the reactions to it by academic economists. One
issue was the huge monetary expansion the major central banks created and their
increase in the reserves of the major member banks. The purpose was to provide
liquidity and stimulate economic activity. The expectation was fear that this
would generate also massive inflation (in accordance with standard economic
theory) - and debase (depreciate) national currencies. Newman provides this
data - The Fed increased MO by 334.99% but M2 increased by 47.42%.
Newman notes "Bernholz should have also mentioned at least for the United
States, the use of the contemporry new policy took by the Federal Reserve to
pay interest on member bank deposit with this new proviso, banks no longer have
as much of an incentive to engage in credit expansion in order to earn interest
and cover the cost of inflation eroding away idle balances."