These photos were made at the 'tank farm'
open house in 2018.
Display describing the mission and concept of
the new Americans in Wartime Museum being built in Woodbridge VA. It will
feature many of the armored vehicles that have been collected here, at the
'tank farm'.
Display sign at the Marine Museum exhibit
U.S. Marine Corps amphibious vehicle
U.S. Marine Corps amphibious vehicle
Display of Marine Corps and Navy exhibits
James with light tank
U. S. halftrack and anti-aircraft gun vehicle
U. S. halftrack and anti-aircraft gun vehicle
WWI light tank being restored
WWI light tank being restored
WWI light tank being restored
WWI light tank being restored
Model of USS Missouri battleship
Model of USS Missouri battleship
Model of USS Missouri battleship
Model of USS Missouri battleship
Recoilless rifle mounted on 1/4 ton vehicle
Recoilless rifle mounted on 1/4 ton vehicle
Recoilless rifle mounted on 1/4 ton vehicle
Swiss main battle tank
Swiss main battle tank
Swiss main battle tank
View of line of armored vehicles - tank and
Ruth viewing field of armored vehicles
Russian tank
Armored Engineer vehicle
Sherman tank
American tank
Audience watching demonstration of police dog
in action
Demonstration of police dog holding a suspect
German Heitzer anti-tank tank
Ruth discussing British tank
Ruth viewing Russian reenactor camp
Russian - Soviet - T34 tank
Reenactor's tent and equipment
U. S. Stuart light tank
U. S. Stuart light tank
Towed artillery piece
U. S. towed howitzer
Model of a tank assembled from a kit
Dsplay of the Brickmania exhibit of their
huge line of plastic pieced from which people can assemble models such as the
tank shown above. They are at the 'tank farm' every year and I have some of
their other dioramas assembled from these pieces in photos from prior years.
Display of uniforms and various mortar shells
Display of various artifacts
Armored car
Unknown equipment
Small personnel vehicle?
Soviet tank being rennovated
Soviet tank being rennovated
Some steel remains from the World Trade
A damaged New York fire engine from the World
Trade Center disaster
American History Museum traveling exhibit of
nose section of WWII bomber
Rear view of Marine Corps large transporter
View of cavalry horses and towed artillery
A cavalry horse tied to towed artillery piece
The cavalry camp and anti-tank gun
The 26th Cavalry, Philippine Scouts - sign at
their camp
Dr. Brian Petrsuki, a professional
veternarian who, together with his son, has been participating in this WWI
cavalry reenactment for years
Another view of the cavalry camp
Marine Corps tracked armored transporter
Armored Engineer vehicle
Armored Engineer vehicle
Reenactors - Russian camp - 1st Chechen War,
165th Naval Infantry, 106th Naval Infantry Regiment, 1994-1996
Reenactors - Russian members in camp - 1st
Chechen War, 165th Naval Infantry, 106th Naval Infantry Regiment, 1994-1996
Reenactors sign- Russian - 1st Chechen War,
165th Naval Infantry, 106th Naval Infantry Regiment, 1994-1996
Reenactors - Russian Naval Infantry camp
Russian Main battle tank
Russian Main battle tank
Turret detail, Russian main battle tank
Russian BRDM
Reenactors, American unit
American reenactor with jeep
Narator describing the flame thrower and the
forthcoming exhibition
Narator strapping flame thrower onto Marine's
General view of the area in which the Marines
will demonstrate flame thrower and squad tactics
Marine flamethrower operator preparing for
demonstration - we have a video of the action as well
Marine flamethrower operator
preparing for demonstration - we have a video of the action as well
Flamethrower in action
Marine checking flamethrower after
French Foreign Legion parachute regiment -
camp sign
Reenactors camp of French Foreign Legion
parachute regiment
American tank
American tank again
British tank under net
American tank, again
British tank under net again
British tank under net again
Reenactor camp
US 9th Marines camp
Marines demonstrating squad tactics
Marine reenactors deploying for assault
Close up photo of Marines
Marine Corps jeep and American tank
Reenactor camp with motorcycle
American medium tank
Description sign of US 3 inch gun motor
carriage- M 10 - nearly 2000 of these were sent to the British who changed the
main gun to a 17 pounder and named the vehicle an Achilles
US 3 inch gun motor carriage- M 10 - nearly
2000 of these were sent to the British who changed the main gun to a 17 pounder
and named the vehicle an Achilles
Another reenactor camp
Three American armored vehicles
One of the three American tanks
American light tank M-24, Chafee
American light tank, M-24, Chafee
Detail of turet of American tank, M-24,
Description sign for the M-24, Chafee
Description sign for the M5A1, Stuart light
American M5A1 Stuart light tank
Stuart M5A1 light tank
Sherman Medium tank
American M8 light armored car
Display description of the M8 light armored
German WWII Jagdpanzer 38-T Hertzer anti-tank
German WWII Hertzer anti-tank tank
Display chart describing the Jagdpanzer 38 T
Hetzer built at Hitler's request by Czech factory - After WWII remaining
vehicles were sold to Switzerland
View of German reenactor's camp with several
caltrops, motorcycle and equipment
German tracked motor cycle
American self-propelled 105 howitzer Priest
Detail of turret and gun of the Priest
Display chart with description of the
American 105 self-=propelled howitzer, Priest M7 - the British name for the
first vehicles used at El Alamein
German reenactor tent with mess gear and
German tent and bicycle
German bicycle
German display of rifles and other weapons
Display of German hand grenades, rifle and
other items
Field radio telephone switchboard
British light tank
Detail of turrent and gun of British light
Reenactor clerk typing at the field radio
telephone station
British Mark III, Valentine III tank
Detail of turret of the British Mark III,
Valentine III tank showing machine gun
Display sign with description of the British
Mark III, Valentine III infantry tank
Australian Daimler Mark II scount car
Visitors admiring the Australian scount car
Another Australian Daimler Mark II scout car
Australian scout cars
Display sign describing the Daimler Mark II
scout car
British Commonwealth armor reenactors with
machine gun
British Commonwealtlh reenactor explaining
weapons to young visitors
Reenactor tent of 1st Airborne Division
Display sign of 101st Airborne Division
actions around Carenten, Normandy
101st Airborne Division tent
More tents
Russian 883rd Rifle Regiment of 193rd Rifle
Division - campsite with tent and reenactors
Russian reenactors
Russian reenactor detail
Russian samovar and balalika
Russian reenactor
Sign for the 33rd Guards Rifle Division
Russian reenactor
Russian reenactor
Turret detail of Russian T34-85 medium tank
Russian T34-85 medium tank
Russian T34-85 medium tank
Sign describing the Russian T34-85 medium
Sign describing the American M14 - 41MM gun
motor carriage
American M14 - 41MM gun motor carriage
Detail of the M14 41MM gun motor carriage
Sign describing the M19 - 40MM antiaircraft
gun motor carriage
American M19 - 40MM antiaircraft gun motor
Detail of the 40MM antiaircraft guns
Display of different Army uniforms worn in
different wars
Display of different Army uniforms, rifles
and submachine guns from different eras
Banner and sign-up table for the Northern
Virginia Veterans Parade
Display at American Legion table
Banner of the Prince William County Police
Historical Society
Towed howitzer
Detail of the breach block area of the
artillery piece
Prince William County Police vehicle
Display sign for the US National Navy Museum
United States Marine Corps Museum display
United States Navy Museum display tent
Interior of Russian BMP
Reenactor standing on Russian BMP