


Greek battles An althabetical table created by John Sloan


Greek generals and admirals An althabetical table created by John Sloan


ClassicGreekwars A chronological listing created by John Sloan


This is the essay in the Encyclopedia Britannica article on our namesake, Xenophon,


An important essay on Xenophon by the late Professor Neal Wood


Philip de Soza, Waldemar Heckel & Lloyd Llewellyn_Jones - The Greeks at War


This is the chapter on Alexander the Great from the class booklet Great Captains before Napoleon, the text at the U. S. Military Academy in the 1950's.


This is the Encyclopedia Britannica article on Alexander II, King of Epirus


This is the article on "Alexander the Great" by Edwyn R. Bevan in the Encylopedia Britannica 11th Ed 1910 and the article by Margaret Bryant "The Romance of Alexander".


This is the Encyclopedia Britannica article on Alexander I, King of Epirus.


Peter Green - Armada from Athens


Review of Landmark addition of Arrian's book The Campaigns of Alexander-
list of references
- a chronology of his campaign
- and a table showing the battle casualties estimated by various authors.
These are articles on Marathon battle, book review, and references.
Review of The Landmark Herodotus Histories
Review of The Landmark Thucydides The Peloponnesian War
Review of The Landmark Xenophon - Hellinekia


Eric Voegelin - The World of the Polis


G. E. M de Ste. Croix - The Origins of the Peloponnesian War


Raphael Sealey - A History of the Greek City States 700 - 338 BC


June W. Allison - Power and Preparedness in Thucydides


Phalanx - diagram of its battle order


William T. Bluhm - Causal Theory in Thucydides' Peloponnesian War


Thomas Hobbes, ed and trans. The Peloponnesian War


George Kateb - Thucydides' history - A Manual of Statecraft


Sir Richard Livingston, ed. and trans.- A History of the Peloponnesian War


Rex Warner, ed and trans. - History of the Peloponnesian War


Josiah Ober - The Rise and Fall of Classical Greece


Josiah Ober - "Political conflicts, political debates, and political thought" in R. Osborne ed., The Shorter Oxford History of Europe I:Classical Greece, Oxford Univ. Press, 2000


Victor Davis Hanson - The Wars of the Ancient Greeks


Victor Davis Hanson - The Western Way of War


Vernad Folley - Ancient Oared Warships


William Rodgers - Ancient Greek and Roman Naval War


Donald Kagan On the Origins of War


Donald Kagan The Archidamian War


Donald Kagan The Outbreak of the Peloponnesian War


Donald Kagan The Peace of Nicias and the Sicilian Expedition


Donald Kagan The Fall of the Athenian Empire


Plutarch The Lives of the Noble Greecians and Romans


Diodorus Silicus - The Historical Library of Diodorus the Sicilian - Vol 1


Diodorus Silicus - The Historical Library of Diodorus the Sicilian, Vol 2


Cornelius Nepos - Great Generals of Foreign nations


John Warry - Warfare in the Classical World


Victor Davis Hanson - The Wars of the Ancient Greeks


G. T. Griffith - The Mercenaries of the Hellenistic World


Yvon Garlan - War in the Ancient World: A Social History


A. Andrewes - The Greek Tyrants


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