In this section we have so far scanned
chapters IV, V, and VI of volume II of Mommsen's History of Rome as
translated by William Dickson. These are the chapters on the Second Punic War -
the Hannibalic War. Preparing this text is a huge project as the History
is in four long volumes in our library. But, despite the many recent works on
Roman History and the many wars included in Mommsen's volumes, his text remains
a remarkable literary as well as scholarly accomplishment. Available time and
interest may enable us to continue this effort.
The map of Italy that is included in the Mommsen History. The scanned
image from the book is not very legible here. We will create some additional
V olume II, Chapter IV
Volume II, Chapter V
Volume II, Chapter VI part 1
Volume II, Chapter VI part 2
In addition we have prepared the following
Here is a bibliography on the Punic Wars
Here is an essay on Scipio Africanus
Here is a book review on a new book on the Battle of Cannae
Here is a listing of references relating to the Battle of Cannae