A Summary of the History,
Construction and Effects in Warfare of the projectile throwing engines of the
Ancients, withh a treatise on the Structure, Power and Managements of Turkish
and other Oriental Bows of Medieval and Later Times
Longmans Green and Co. London, 1907, 44 pgs.,
40 illustrations
Note: There is
an excellent article on Trebuchet in the July 1995 issue of Scientific American
by Paul Chevedelen with lots of illustrations and diagrams. And a reference to
Trebuchet by Sandra Alvarez in De Re Militari of Feb 2014 - There are four
Osprey books relevant to this topic - Duncan Campbell wrote Greek and Roman
Artillery 399 BC - AD 363 and Greek and Roman Siege Machinery 399 BC- AD 363 -
And David Nicolle wrote two volumes on Medieval Siege Weapons.) Sir
Payne-Gallwey made a few wrong guesses but his booklet is worth reading for
historical purposes.
Part I
Introductory Notes on Ancient Projectile
Of anceint Greek authors who have left us
accounts of these engines, Heron (284-221 B. C and Philo (about 200 B.C.) are
the most trustworthy.
Both these mechanicians give plans and dimensions with an accuracy that enables
us to reconstruct the machines, if not with exactitude at any rate with
sufficient correctness for practical application.
Though in the books of Athenaeus, Biton, Apollodorus, Diodorus, Procopius,
Polybius, and Josephus we find incomplete descriptions, these authors,
especially Josephus, frequently allude to the effects of the engines in
warfare; and scanty as is the knowledge they impart, it is useful and
explanatory when read in conjunction with the writings of Heron and Philo.
Among the Roman historians and military
engineers, Vitruvius and Ammianus are the best authorities. Vitruvius copied
his descriptions from the Greek Writers, which shows us that the Romans adopted
the engines from the Greeks.
Of all the old authors who have described the engines, we have but copies of
the original writings. It is therefore natural that we should come across many
phrases and drawings which are evidently incorrect, as a result of repeated
transcription, and which we know to be at fault through we cannot actually
prove them to be so.
With few exceptions, all the authors named
simply present us with their own ideas when they are in doubt respecting the
mechanical details and performances of the engines they wish to describe.
All such spurious information is, of course, more detrimental than helpful to
our elucidation of their construction and capabilities.
It frequently happens that in a medieval
picture of one of these machines some important mechanical detail is omitted,
or, from the difficulty of portraying it correctly, is purposely concealed by
figures of soldiers, an omission at may be supplied by reference to other
representations of the same weapon.
It is indeed, impossible to find a complete
working plan of any one of these old weapons, a perfect design being only
obtainable by consulting many ancient authorities, and, in may be said, piecing
together the details of construction they individually give. Fig 1

We have no direct evidence as to when the
engines for throwing projectiles were invented.
It does not appear that King Shalmaneser II, of Assyria (859-825 B. C. ) had
any, for none are deapicted on the bronze doors off the palace of Balawat, now
in the British Museum, on which his campaigns are represented, though his other
weapons of attack and defense are clearfly shown.
The earliest allusion is to one in the Bible,
where we read in Uzziah, who reigned from B.C 808-9 to B.C. 756-7. "Uzziah
made in Jerusalem engines invented by cunning men, to be on the towers and upon
the bulwarks, to shoot arrows and great stones withal.' (2 Chronicles XXXVI,
Diodorus tells us that the engines were first
seen about 400 B.C., and that when Dionysius of Syracuse organised his great
expedition against the Carthaginians (397 B. C.) there was a genius among the
experts collected from all over the world, and that this man designed the
engines that cast stones and javelins.
From the reign of Dionysius and for many subsequent centuries, or till near the
close of the fourteenth, projectile-throwing engines are constantly mentioned
by military historians.
But it was not till the reign of Philip of
Macedon (360-336 B.C.) and that of his son Alexander the Great (336-323 B.C.)
that their improvement was carefully attended to and their value in warfare
fully recognized.
As before stated, the Romans adopted the engines from the Greeks.
Vitruvius and other historians tell us this,
and even copy their descriptions of them from the Greek Authors, though too
often with palpable inaccuracy.
To ascertain the power and mechanism of these ancient engines a very close
study of all the old authors who wrote about them is essential, with a view of
extracting here and there useful facts amid what are generally verbose and
confused references.
There is no doubt that the engines made and
used by the Romans after their conquest of Greece (B. C. 146), in the course of
two or three centuries became inferior to the original machines previously
constructed by the Greek artificers.
Their efficiency chiefly suffered because the
art of manufacturing their important parts was gradually neglected and allowed
to become lost.
For instance, how to make the skein of sinew that bestowed the very life and
existence on every projectile-casting engine of the ancients. The tendons of
which the sinew was composed, the animals from which it was taken, and the
manner in which it was prepared, we can never learn now.
Every kind of sinew, or hair or rope, with which I have experimented, either
breaks or loses its elasticity in a comparatively short time, if great pressure
is applied. It has then to be rendered as no small outlay of expense and
trouble. Rope skeins, with which we are obliged to fit our models, cannot
possibly equal in strength and above all in elasticity, skeins of animal sinew
or even of hair. (Fig. 2) 
The formation of the arm or arms of an
engine, whether it is a catapult with its single upright arm or a balista with
its pair of lateral ones, is another difficulty which cannot now be overcome.
for we have no idea how these arms were made to sustain the great strain they
had to endure.
We know that the arm of a large engine was
composed of several spars of wood and lengths of thick sinew fitted
longitudinally, and then bound round with broad strips of raw hide which would
afterwards set nearly as hard and tight as a sheath of metal.
We know this, but we do not know the secret of making a light and flexible arm
of sufficient strength to bear such a strain as was formerly applied to it in a
catapult or a balista.
Certainly, by shaping an arm of great thickness we can produce one that will
not fracture, but substance implies weight, and undue weight prevents the arm
from acting with the speed requisite to cast its projectile with good effect.
A heavy and ponderous arm of solid wood
cannot, of course, rival in lightness and effectiveness a composite one of
wood, sinew and hide.
The former is necessarily inert and slow in its action of slinging a stone,
while the latter would, in comparison, be as quick and lively as a steel
When the art of producing the perfected machines of the Greeks was lost they
were replaced by less effective contrivances.
If the knowledge of constructing the great
catapult of the ancients in its original perfection had been retained, such a
clumsy engine as the mediaeval trebuchet would never have gained popularity.
The trebuchet derived its power from the gravity of an immense weight at one
end of its pivoted arm tipping up the other end, to which a sling was attached
for throwing a stone.
As regards range, there could be no
comparison between the efficiency of a trebuchet, however large, as worked
merely by a counterpoise, and that of an engine deriving its power from the
elasticity of an immense coil of tightly twisted sinew.
It is certain that if the latter kind of
engine had survived in its perfect state the introduction of cannon would have
been considerably delayed, for the effects in warfare of the early cannon were
for a long period decidedly inferior to those of the best projectile engines of
the ancients.
Not withstanding many difficulties, I have succeeded in reconstructing, though
of course on a considerably smaller scale, the chief projectile throwing
engines of the ancients, and with a success that enables them to compare
favourably, as regards their range, with the Greek and Roman weapons they
Still, my engines are by no means perfect in their mechanism, and are, besides,
always liable to give way under the strain of working.
One reason of this is that all modern engines
of the kind require to be worked to their utmost capacity, i.e. to the verge of
their breaking point, to obtain from them results that at all equal those of
their prototypes.
A marked difference between the ancient engines and their modern imitations,
however excellent the latter may be, is, that the former did their work easily,
and well within their strength, and thus without any excessive strain which
might cause their collapse after a short length of service. (1)
Again, though my largest catapult will throw a stone
to a great distance it cannot throw one of nearly the weight it should be able
to do, considering the size of its frame, skein of cord and mechanism. In this
respect it is decidedly inferior to the ancient engine.
The oft-disputed question as to the distance
to which catapults and balistas shot their projectiles can be solved with
approximate accuracy by comparing their performances - as given by ancient
military writers - with the results obtainable from modern reproductions.
While treating of this matter we should carefully consider the position and
surroundings of the engines when engaged in a siege, and especially the work
for which they were designed. As an example, archers, with the advantage of
being stationed on high towers and battlements, would be well able to shoot
arrows from 270 to 280 yards. For this reason it was necessary for the safe
manipulation of the attacking engines that they should be placed at about 300
yards from the outer walls of any fortress they were assailing.
As a catapult or a balista was required not
only to cast its missile among the soldiers on the ramparts of a fortified
place, but also to send it clear over the walls amind the houses and people
within the defenses, it is evident that the engines must have had a range of
from 400 to 500 yards or more, to be as serviceable and destructive as they
undoubtedly were.
Josephus tells us that at the siege of
Jerusalem, A. D. 70 ('Wars of the Jews' Book V. Chapter VI') stones weighting a
talent (57 3/4 lbs. avoirdupois) were thrown by the catapults to a distance of
two or more 'stades'.
This statement may be taken as trustworthy, for Josephus relates what he
personally witnessed and his comments are those of a commander of high rank and
Two or more 'stades,' or let us say 2 to 2 1/4 'stades' represent 400 to 450
yards. Remarkable and conclusive testimony confirming the truth of what we read
in Josephus is the fact that my largest catapults - though doubtless much
smaller and less powerful than those referred to by the historian - throws a
stone ball of 8 lbs. in wieight to a range of from 450 to nearly 500 yards.
(Fig. 3) 
It is easy to realise that the ancients, with
their great and perfect engines fitted with skeins of sinew, could cast a far
heavier stone than one of 8 lbs. and to a longer distance than 500 yards.
Agesistratus, a Greek writer who flourished
B.C. 200, and who wrote a treatise on making arms for war, estimated that some
of the engines shot from 3 1/2 to 4 'stades' (700 to 800 yards).
The writings of Agesistratus are non-exitant but are quoted by Athenaeus.
Though such a very long flight as this
appears almost incredible, I can adduce no sound reason for doubting its
possibility. From recent experiments I am confident I could now build an engine
of a size and power to accomplish such a feat if light missiles were used, and
if its cost were not a consideration.
The Catapult with a Sling
The medieval catapult was usually fitted with
an arm that had a hollow or cup at its upper end in which was placed the stone
it projected, as shown above in (fig. 5)
. I find, however, that the original and more perfect
form of this engine, as employed by the Greeks and ancient Romans, had a sling,
made of rope and leather, attached to its arm. (Fig 6. ) .
(In mediaeval times catapults which had not slings cast great stones, but only
to a short distance in comparison with the earlier weapons of the same kind
that were equipped with slings. I can find no allusions or pictures to show
that during this period any engine was used with a sling except the trebuchet,
a post-Roman invention. All evidence goes to prove that the secret of making
the skein and other important parts of a catapult was in a great measure lost
within a couple of centuries after the Romans copied the weapon from their
conquered enemies the Greeks, with the result that the trebuchet was introduced
for throwing stones. The catapult was gradually superseded as the art of its
construction was neglected, and its efficiency in sieges was therefrom
decreased. The catapults of the fifth and sixth centuries were very inferior to
those described by Josephus as being used at the sieges of Jerusalem and
Jotopata (A. D. 70, A. D. 67).) (Fig. 4) 
Fig 5 - Criticism - This engine was moved
into position on rollers and then props were placed under its sides to adjust
the range of the projectile. The end of the arm was secured by the notch of the
large iron catch and was released by striking down the handle of the catch with
a heavy mallet. The arm is, however, too long for the height of the crossbar
against which it strikes and would probably break off at its center. The hollow
for the stone is much too large, as a stone big enough to fit it would not be
cast by a weapon of the dimensions shown in the picture. (From an Illustrated
Manuscript Fifteenth Century.)
See also The Crossbow, etc Chapters LV, LVI illustrations 193 to 202. In
medieaval times catapults which had not slings cast great stones, but only to a
short distance in comparison with earlier weapons of the same kind that were
equipped, with slings. I can find no allusions or pictures to show that during
this period any engine was used with a sling except the trebuchet, a post_Roman
invention. All evidence goes to prove that the secret of making theskeins, and
other important parts of a catapult was in great measure lost within a couple
of centuries after the Romans copied the weapon from their conquered enemies
the Greeks, with the result that the trabuchet was introduced for throwing
The addition of a sling to the arm of a
catapult increased its power by at least a third, - For example, the catapult
described in Chapters LV, LVI, of my book (The Crossbow) will throw a round
stone 8-lbs. in weight, from 350 to 360 yards, but the same engine with the
advantage of a sling to its arm will cast the 8-lb. stone from 450 to 460
yards, and when its skein is twisted to its limit of tension to nearly 500
If the upper end of the arm of a catapult is
shaped into a cup to receive the stone, as shown in fig. 5, the arm is, of necessity, large and heavy
at this part.
If, on the other hand, the arm is equipped with a sling, as shown in fig 6,
it can be tapered from its butt-end
upwards, and is then much lighter and recoils with far more speed than an arm
that has an enlarged extremity for holding its missile.
When the arm is fitted with a sling, it is practically lengthened by as much as
the length of the sling attached to it, and this, too, without any appreciable
increase in its weight.
The longer the arm of a catapult, the longer
is its sweep through the air, and thus the farther will it cast its projectile,
provided it is not of undue weight.
The difference in this respect is as between the range of a short sling and
that of a long one, when both are used by a school-boy for slinging pebbles.
The increase of power conferred by the addition of a sling to the arm of a
catapult is surprising.
A small model I constructed for throwing a
stone ball, one pound in weight, will attain a distance of 200 yards when used
with an arm that has a cup for holding the ball, though when a sling is fitted
to the arm the range of the engine is at once increased to 300 yards.
The only historian who distinctly tells us
that the catapult of the Greeks and Romans had a sling to its arm, is Ammianus
Marcellinus. This author flourished about 380 A. D., and a closer study of his
writings, and of those of his contemporaries, led me to carry out experiments
with catapults and balistas which I had not contemplated when my work dealing
with the projectile engines of the Ancients was published.
Ammianus writes of the catapult (Roman
History, Book XXIII, Chapter IV)
"In the middle of the ropes ( i.e. in the middle of the twisted skein
formed of ropes of sinew or hair) rises a wooden arm like a chariot pole... to
the top of the arm hangs a sling... when battle is commenced a round stone is
set in the sling... four soldiers on each side of the engine wind the arm down
till it is almost level with the ground..." when the arm is set free it
springs up and hurls forth from its sling the stone, which is certain to crush
whatever it strikes... This engine was formerly called the 'scorpion', because
it has a sting erect, but later ages have given it the name of Onager, or wild
ass, for when wild asses are chased they kick the stones behind them. (The
upright and tapering arm of a catapult, with the iron pin on its top for the
loop; of the sling, is here fancifully likened to the erected tail of an angry
scorpion with its sting protruding.)
(Fig 7) - Catapult (with sling).
A. The arm at rest, ready to be wound down by the rope attached to it and also
to the wooden roller of the windlass. The Stone may be seen in the sling. The
upper end of the pulley rope is hitched by a metal slip-hook (fig 6) to a ring
-bolt secured to the arm just below the sling. The sling.
B. The position of the arm when fully wound down by means of the windlass and
rope. (See also "EE, fig 8) 
C. The position of the arm at the moment the stone D leaves the sling, which it
does at an angle of about 45 degrees.
E. By pulling the cord E the arm B is at once released from the slip-hook and,
taking an upward sweep of 90 degrees, returns to its original position at A.
F. its fixed end which passes through a hole near the top of the arm,
G. The leather pocket for the stone.
H. The loop which is hitched over the iron pin at the top of the arm when the
stone is in position in the sling, as shown at A and B Fig 7.
I - I The side pieces
II - II The side pieces
III, IV, - The large cross -pieces
V. The small cross piece.
The ends of the cross-piece beams are stepped into the side pieces.
AA The skein of twisted cord.
BB The large winding wheels.
The skein is stretched between these wheels, its ends passing through the sides
of the frame, and then through the wheels and over their cross-bars (Fig 12) By turning with a long spanner (fig 6)
the squared ends of the spindles DD, the pinion wheels CC rotate the large
wheels BB and cause the latter to twist the skein AA between the halves of
which the arm EE is placed.
FF The wooden roller which winds down the arm EE (Fig 6) The roller is revolved
by four men (two on each side of the engine) who fit long spanners on the
squared ends of the iron spindle GG.
This Spindle passes through the centre of the
roller and through the sides of the frame.
The small cogged wheels, with their checks, which are fitted to the ends of the
spindle GG, prevent the roller from reversing as the arm is being wound down
(Fig 6)
(Fig. 9 ) - One of the pair of winches of a catapult.
I. Surface view of one of the winches and of the thick iron plate in which the
socket of the large winding wheel of the winch revolves.
II. View of the winch (from above) as fitted into one of the sides of the frame
of the catapult. One end of the twisted skein may be seen turned round the
cros-bar of the large wheel.
III. Side view of the large wheel of a winch.
IV. The cross-bar of one of the large wheels. These pieces fit like wedges into
tapering slots cut down the barrels, or inside surfaces of their respective
V. Perspective view of the wheels of a winch.
The winches are the vital parts of the catapult as they generate its projetive
They are employed to twist tightly the skein
of cord between which the butt-end of the arm of the engine is placed.
The cord compsing the skein is stretched to and fro across and through the
sides of the catapult, and alternately through the insides of the large wheels
and over their cross-bars; as shown in fig 8.
(Fig 10) -

The Iron Slip-hook
This simple contrivance not only pulled down the arm of a catpult but was also
the means of setting it free. However great the strain on the slip-hook, it
will, if properly shaped, easily effect the release of the arm.
The trajectory of the missile can be regulaed
by this form of release, as the longer the distance the arm is pulled down the
higher the angle at which the projectile is thrown. On tre other hand, the
shorter the distance the arm is drawn back, the lower the trajectory of its
The slip-hook will release the arm of the
engine at any moment, whether it is fully or only partially wound down by the
The slip-hook of the large catapult shown in
fig 6 has a handle, i.e. lever, 10 inches long, the point of the hook, which
passes through the eye-bolt secured to the arm, being one inch in diameter.
(Fig 11) - A Spring engine with a sling attached to its arm, which cast
two stones at the same time.
(Fig 12) - The skein of cord
A. The skein as first wound over the cross-bars of the large wheels (shown in
section) of the winches.
B. The skein with the butt-end of the arm (shown in section) placed between its
C. The skein as it appears when tightly twisted up by the winches. Compare with
AA of (Fig 8) .
Cord of Italian hemp, about 1/4 in. thick, is
excellent for small catapults. For large ones, horsehair rope, 1/2 in. thck is
the best and most elastic. Whatever is used, the material of the skein must be
thoroughly soaked in neats-foot oil for some days previously, or it is sure to
fray and cut under the friction of being very tightly twisted. Oil will also
preserve the skein from damp and decay for many years.
There is little to write under this heading,
as the plans, details of construction and illustrations will, I trust,
elucidate its management.
The skein should never remain in tightly
twisted condition, but should be untwisted when the engine is not in use.
Previous to using the catapult its winches should be turned with the long
spanner, fig 6, first the winch on one side of the engine and then the one on
the other side of it, and each to exactly the same amount.
Small numerals painted on the surfaces of the large wheels near their edges,
will show how much they have been revolved; in this way their rotation can be
easily arranged to correspond.
As the skein of cord is being twisted by the
very powerful winches, the arm will gradually press with increasing force
against the cross-beam between the uprights. The arm should be so tightly
pressed against the fender, or cushion of straw, attached to the centre of this
beam, that, whether large or small, it cannot be pulled back the least distance
by hand.
If the skein of my largest catapult is fully
tightened up by the winches, three strong men are unable to draw the arm back
with a rope even an inch from the cross-beam, though the windlass has to pull
it down from six to seven feet when the engine is made ready for action.
When the skein is as tight as it should be,
attach the slip-hook to the ring-bolt in the arm and place the stone in the
sling suspended from the top of the arm.
The arm can now be drawn down by means of
long spanners fitted to the windlass. Directly the arm is as low as it should
be, or as is desired, it should be instantly released by pullling the cord
fastened to the lever of the slip-hook. The least delay in doing this, and the
resulting continuation of the immense strain on the arm, may cause it to
fracture when it would not otherwise have done so.
The plans I have given are those of my
largest engine, which, ponderous as it seems - (it weighs two tons) - is,
however, less than half the size of the catapult used by the ancients for
throwing stones of from forty to fifty poinds in weight.
As the plans are accurately drawn to scale,
the engine can easily be reproduced in a smaller size.
An interesting model can be constructed that
has an arm 3 feet in length, and a skein of cord about 4 inches in diameter. It
can be worked by one man and will throw a stone, the size of an orange, to a
range of 300 yards.
The sling, when suspended with the stone in position, should be one third the
length of the arm, as shown in fig 7.
If the sling is shortened, the ball will be
thrown at a high elevation. If the sling is lengthened, the ball will travel at
a lower angle and with much more velocity.
This engine is here shown ready for discharge
with its bow-string drawn to its full extent by the windlass. (Fig13)

The heavy iron-tipped arrow rests in the
shallow wooden trough or groove which travels along the stock.
The trough has a strip of wood, in the form of a keel, fixed beneath it. This
keel travels to or fro in a dove-tailed slot cut along the upper surface of the
stock for the greater part of it length (F in Fig 14). 
Figure 14 - The Mechanism of the Stock of an
Arrow - Throwing Balista.
A. Side view of the stock, with the arrow in the sliding trough before the
bow-string is stretched.
B. Surface view of the stock, with the arrow in the sliding trough before the
bow-string is stretched.
C. Section of the fore-end of the stock, and of the trough which slides in and
along it.
D. Surface view of the trough with the trigger and catch for the bow-string.
E. Side view, showing the keel (F) which slides along the slot cut in the
surface of the stock as the trough is drawn back by the windlass.
G. Enlarged view of the solid end of the Trough.
This sketch shows the catch for the bow-string, the trigger which sets it free,
the ratchets which engage the cogs on the sides of the stock, and the slot cut
in the stock for the dove-tailled keel of the trough to travel in.
The arrow is laid in the trough before the
bow-string is stretched. (A, B Fig 14).
The balista is made ready for use by turning
the windlass. The windlass pulls back the sliding trough, and the arrow resting
in it, along the stock of the engine, till the bow-string is at its proper
tension for discharging the projectile (Fig 13). 
As the trough and arrow are drawn back
together, the arrow can be safely laid in position before the engine is
prepared for action.
The catch for holding the bow-string, and the trigger for releasing it, are
fixed to the solid after-end of the wooden trough (Fig 14)
The two ratchets at the sides of the
after-end of the trough travel over and engage, as they pass along, the metal
cogs fixed on either side of the stock.
(When the bow-string has been released and the arrow discharged, the ratchets
are lifted clear of the cogs on the stock of the engine. This allows the trough
to be slid forward to its first position as shown in A B,
Fig 14). It is then ready to be drawn back again for the next shot.)
By this arrangement the trough can be
securely retained, in transit, at any point between the one it started from and
the one it attains when drawn back to its full extent by the windlass.
As the lock and trigger of the balista are
fixed to the after-end of the sliding trough (fig 14) it will be realized that
the arrow could be discharged at any moment required in warfare, whether the
bow-string was fully or only partially stretched. In this respect the balista
differed from the crossbow, which it somewhat resembled, as in a crossbow the
bow-string cannot be set free by the trigger at an intermediate point, but only
when it is drawn to the lock of the weapon.
It will be seen that the balista derives its
power from two arms; each with its separate skein of cord and pair of winches.
These parts of the balista are the same in their action and mechanism as those
of the catapult.
Balistas were constructed of different sizes
for the various purposes of siege and field warfare. The smallest of these
engines was not much larger than a heavy crossbow, though it more than equalled
the latter in power and range.
The small balistas were chiefly used for shooting through loopholes and from
battlemented walls at an enemy assaulting with scaling ladders and movable
The largest had arms of 3 ft. to 4 ft. in
length, and skeins of twisted sinew of 6 in. to 8 in. in diameter.
Judging from models I have made and carefully experimented with, it is certain
that the more powerful balistas of the ancients could cast arrows, or rather
feathered javelins, of from 5 to 6 lbs. weight, to a rqange of from 450 to 500
(Fig 15) It will be seen that this engine is almost identical in
construction with the one last described (Fig 13.
The difference is that it propelled a stone ball instead of a large arrow.
The ball was driven along a square wooden trough, one-third of the diameter of
the ball being enclosed by the sides of the trough so as to keep the missile in
a true direction after the bow-string was released.
The bow-string was in the form of a broad band, with an enlargement at its
centre against which the ball rested.
The description given of the mechanism and
management of the engine for throwing arrows can be applied to the construction
and manipulation of this form of balista, which was also made in large and
small dimensions.
Small engines, with arms about 2 ft. in length and skeins of cord about 4 in.
in diameter, such as those I have built for experiment, will send a stone ball,
1 lb. in weight, from 300 to 350 yards.
There is little doubt that the large
stone-throwing balista of the Greeks and Romans was able to project a circular
stone, of 6 to 8 lbs. weight, to a distance of from 450 to 500 yards.
The balls used by the ancients in their catapults and balistas werer often
formed of heavy pebbles inclosed in baked clay, the reason being that balls
made of in this way shattered on falling and hence could not be shot back by
the engines of the enemy. The balistas for throwing arrows, and those employed
for casting stones, were fitted with axles and wheels when constructed for use
in field warfare.
(Fig 16) - The Sliding Trough of the Stone-throwing Balista
A. Surface view, with the stone in position.
B. Side view, with the stone in position.
C. Front view of the stone as it rests in the trough against the enlarged
centre of the bow-string.
D. Enlarged view of the solid end of the sliding trough.
This sketch shows the ball in position against the bow-string; the catch
holding the loop of the bow-string, and the pivoted trigger which, when pulled,
releases the catch.
One of the pair of ratchets which engage the cogs on the sides of the stock, as
the trough is drawn back by the windlass to make ready the engine, is also
shown. The trough has a keel to it, and slides to or fro along the stock in the
same manner as in the arrow-throwing balista. (Fig 13) 
Compare with figs 13, further explanation of
(Fig. 17) -
A Siege Balista in the Form of an Immense Stonebow. (from 'Il Codice
Atlantico", Leonardo da Vinci, 1445- 1520).
Criticism -
A stonebow of vast size. A and B represent two kinds of lock. In A, the catch
of the lock over which the loop of the bow-string was hitched, was released by
striking down the knob to be seen below the mallet. In B, the catch was set
free by means of a lever. C shows a manner of pulling back the bow-string. By
turning the spoked wheels, the screw-worm revolved the screwed bar on which the
lock A, travelled. The lock, as may be seen, worked to or fro in a slot along
the stock of the engine. In the illustration the bow is fully bent and the man
indicated is about to discharge the engine. After this was done, the lock was
would back along the screw-bar and the bow-string was hitched over the catch of
the lock preparatory to bending the bow again. Besides being a famous painter,
Leonaredo was distinguished as an inventor and exact writer on mechanics and
"No artist before his time ever had such comprehensive talents, such
profound skill or so discerning a judgment to explore the depths of every art
or science to which he applied himself" - John Gould, Dictionary of
Painters, 1839.
From the above eulogy we may concluid that the drawings of ancient engines by
Leonardo da Vinci are fairly correct.
This engine was of much more recent invention
than the catapult or the balista of the Greeks and Romans. It is said to have
been introduced into siege operations by the French in the twelth century. On
the other hand, the catapult and the balista were in use several centuries
before the Christian Era. Egidio Colonna gives a fairly accurate descripton of
the trebuchet, and writes of it, about 1289, as though it were the most
effective siege weapon of his time.
The projectile force of this weapon was
obtained from the gravitation of a heavy weight, and not from twisted cordage
as in the catapult and balista.
From about the middle of the twelth century, the trebuchet in great measure
superseded the catapult. This preference for the trebuchet was probably due to
the fact that it was able to cast stones of about 300 lbs. in weight, or five
or six times as heavy as those which the largest catapults could project.
(The catapult had, besides, become an inferior engine to what it was some
centuries before the trebuchet was introduced, the art of its constuction
having been neglected.)
The stones thrown by the siege catapults of
the time of Josephus would no doubt destroy towers and battlements, as the
result of the constant and concentrated bombardment of many engines. One huge
stone of from 200 to 300 lbs., as slung from a trebuchet, would, however, shake
the strongest defensive masonry.
The trebuchet was essentially an engine for destroying the upper part of the
walls of a fortress,. so that it might be entered by means of scaling ladders
or in other ways. The catapult, by reason of its longer range, was of more
service in causing havoc to the people and dwellings inside the defenses of a
From experiments with models of good size and
from other sources, I find that the largest trebuchets - those with arms of
about 50 ft. in length and counterpoises of about 20,000 lbs. - were capable of
slinging a stone from 200 to 300 lbs. in weight to a distance of 300 yards, a
range of 350 yards being, in my opinion, more than these engines were able to
(Egidio Colonna tells us that the trebuchet was sometimes made without a
counterpoise, and that in such a case the arm of the engine was worked by a
number of men pulling together instead of by a heavy weight. l cannot believe
this, as however many men pulled at the arm of a trebuchet they could not apply
nearly the force that would be conveyed by the gravitation of a heavy weight).
The trebuchet always had a sling in which to
place its missile.
The sling doubled the power of the engine and caused it to throw its projectile
twice as far as it would have been able to do without it.
It was the length of the arm, when suitably
weighted with its counterpoise, which combined with its sling, gave power to
the trebuchet. Its arm. when released, swung round with a long easy sweep and
with nothing approaching the velocity of the much shorter arm of the catapult.
The weight of a projectile cast by a
trebuchet was governed by the weight of its counterpoise. Provided the engine
was of sufficient strength and could be manipulated, there was scarcely any
limit to its power. Numerous references are to be found in mediaeval authors to
the practice of throwing dead horses into a besieged town with a view to
causing a pestilence therein, and there can be on doubt that trebuchets alone
were employed for this purpose.
As a small horse weighs about 10 cwt., we can
form some idea of the size of the rocks and balls of stone that trebuchets were
capable of slinging.
When we consider that a trebuchet was able to throw a horse over the walls of a
town, we can credit the statement of Stella (1) who writes 'that the Genoese
armament sent against Cyprus in 1376 had among other great engines one which
cast stones of 12cwt.'
Villard de Honnecourt (2) describes a
trebuchet that had a counterpoise of sand the frame of which was 12ft. long, 8
ft. broad, and 12 ft. deep. That such machines were of vast size will readily
be understood. For instance, twenty-four engines taken by Louis IX at the
evacuation of Damietta in 1249, afforded timber for stockading his entire camp.
(3) A trebuchet used at the capture of Acre by the infidels in 1291, formed a
load for a hundred carts. (4) A great engine that combered the tower of St.
Paul at Orleans and which was dismantled previous to the celebrated defense of
the town against the English in 1428-9 furnished twenty-six cartloads of timber
All kinds of articles besides horses, men,
stones, and bombs were at times thrown from trebuchets. Vassaf records that
when the garrison of Delhi refused to open the gates to Alla'uddin Khilji in
1296, he loaded his engines with bags of gold and shot them into the fortress,
a measure which put an end to the opposition.
1 - Stella flourished at the end of the
fourteenth century and beginning of the fifteenth. He wrote The Annals of Genoa
from 1298 - 1409. Muratori includes the writings of Strella in his great work.
Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, 25 vols. 1723-38
2 Villard de Honnecourt, an engineer of the thirteenth century. His album
translatred and edited by R. Willis, M.A. 1859
3. Jean, Sire de Joinville. He went with St. Louis to Damieta. His memoirs,
written in 1309, published by F. Michel, 1858
4 Abulfeda, 1273-1331, Arab soldier and historian, wrote Annals of the Moslems.
Published by Hafnire, 1789-94. Abulfeda was himself in charge of one of the
hundred carts. -
5 From an old history of the siege (in manuscript) found in the town hall of
Orleans and printed by Saturnin Holot, a bookseller of that city, 1576
6 Persian historian, wrote at end of thirteenth and beginning of fourteenth
century. The preface to his history is dated 1288, and the history itself is
carried down to 1312.
(Fig. 18) - The Trebuchet - The arm is fully wound down and the tackle of
the windlass is detached from it. The stone is in the sling and the engine is
about to be discharged by pulling the slip-hook off the end of the arm. The
slip-hook is similar to the one shown in fig 10. N.B. A Roman soldier is
anachronisticaly shown in this picture. The trebuchet was invented after the
time of the Romans.
(Fig. 19) - Casting a dead horse into a besieged town by means of a
(Fig. 20) - The action of the trebuchet -
A The arm pulled down and secured by the slip-hook previous to unhooking the
rope of the windlass.
B The arm released from the slip-hook and casting the stone out of its sling.
C The arm at the end of its upward sweep
It is evident that a history of ancient siege
engines cannot be created de novo, All that can be done is to quote with
running criticism what has already been written about them.
The first mention of balistas and catapults
is to be found in the Old Testament, two allusions to these weapons being made
therein. The references are:
2 Chronicles xxvi 15, 'And he made in Jerusalem engines, invented by cunning
men to be on the towers nnd upon the bulwarks, to shoot arrows and great stones
Ezekiel xxvi 9 - "And he shall set engines of war against thy walls."
Though the latter extract is not so positive
in its wording as the one first given, it undoubted refers to engines that cast
either stones or arrows against the walls, especially as the prophet previously
alludes to other means of assault.
One of the most authentic descriptions of the
use of great missive engines is to be found in the account by Plutarch of the
siege of Syracuse by the Romans, 214-212 B.C.
Caesar in his Commentaries on the Gallic and
Civil wars, B.C. 58-50, frequently mentions the engines which accompanied him
in his expeditions. The balistas on wheels were harnessed to mules and called
carro-balistas. The carro-balista discharged its heavy arrow over the head of
the animnal to which the shafts of the engine were attached. Among the ancients
these carro-balistas acted as field artillery and one is plainly shown in use
on Trajan's Column.
According to Vegetius, every cohort was
equipped with one catapult and every century with one carro-balista; eleven
soldiers being required to work the latter engine. Sixty carro-balistas
accompanied, therefore, besides ten catapults, a legion. The catapults were
drawn along with the army on great carts yoked to oxen.
In the battles and sieges sculptured on
Trajan's Column there are several figures of balistas and catapults. The
spended monument was erected in Rome, 105-113, to commemorate the victories of
Trajan over the Dacians, and constitues a pictorial record in carved stone
containing some 2,500 figures of men and horses.
It is astonishing what a large number of
catapults and balistas were sometimes used in a siege. For instance, at the
conquest of Carthage, B.C. 146, 120 great catapults and 2 small ones were taken
from the defenders, besides 33 great balistas and 52 small ones (Livy) 1
1 - Just previous to the famous defence of
Carthage, the Carthaginians surrendered to the Romans two hundred thousand
suits of armour and a countless number of arrows and javelins, besides
catapults for shooting swift bolts and for throwing stones to the number of two
thousand. From Appian of Alexandria, a Greek writer who flourished 98-161.
Abulfaragio (Arab historian, 1226-1286)
records that at the siege of Acre in 1191, 300 catapults and balistas were
employed by Richard I, and Philip II.
Abbo, a monk of Saint Germain des Pres, in his poetic but very detailed account
of the siege of Paris by the Northmen, in 885 - 886, writes 'that the besieged
had a hundred catapults on the walls of the town'. (2)
2. - These were probably balistas, as
Ammianus Marcellinus writes of the catapult, "An engine of this kind
placed on a stonewall shatters whatever is beneath it, not by its weight but by
the violence of its shock when discharged."
Among our earlier English kings Edward I, was
the best versed in projectile weapons large and small, including crossbows and
longbows. In the Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland, an account is
given of his 'War-wolf', a siege engine in the constrruction of which he was
much interested and which was no doubt a trebuchet. This machine was of immense
strength and size, and took fifty carpenters and five toremen a long time to
complete. Edward designed it for the siege of Stirling, whither its parts were
sent by land and by sea.
Sir Walter de Bedewyne, writing to a friend
on July 20, 1304 (see Calendar of State Documents relating to Scotland), says
"As for news, Stirling Castle was absolutely surrendered to the King
without conditions this Monday, St. Margaret's Day, but the King wills it that
none of his people enter the castle till it is struck with his 'War-wolf' and
that those within the castle defend themselves from the said 'War-wolf' as best
they can".
From this it is evident that Edward, having constructed his 'War-wolf' to cast
heavy stones into the castle of Stirling to induce its garrison to surrender,
was much disappointed by their capitulation befor he had an opportuntiy of
testing the power of his new weapon.
One of the last occasions on which the
trebuchet was used with success is described by Guillet in his 'Life of Mahomet
II," (1). This author writes 'At the siege of Rhodes in 1480, the Turks
set up a battery of sixteeen great cannon, but the Christians successfully
opposed the cannon with a counter-battery of new invention. (2).
(1) - Guillet de Saint George, born about
1625, died 1705. His "Life of Mahomet II", was published in 1681. He
was the author of several other works, including one on riding, warfare and
navigation , termed the "Gentleman's Dictionary". The best edition of
this book is in English and has many very curious illustrations. It is dated
(2), Called a new invention because the old siege engine of which this one
(probably a trebuchet) was a reproduction had previously been laid asidefor
many years.
'An engineer, aided by the most skilful
carpenters in the besieged town, made an engine, that cast pieces of stone of a
terrible size. The execution wrought by this engine prevented the enemy from
pushing forward the work of their approaches, destroyed their breastworks,
discoverd their mines, and filled with carnage the troops that came within
range of it.'
At the siege of Mexico by Cortes in 1521,
when the ammunnition for the Spanish cannon ran short, a soldier with a
knowledge of engineering undertook to make a trebuchet that would cause the
town to surrender. A huge engine was constructed, but on its first trial the
rock with which it was charged instead of flying into the town ascended
straight upwards, and falling back to its starting-point destroyed the
mechanism of the machine itself. (3)
(3) Conquest of Mexico, W. Prescott, 1843.
Though all the projectile engines worked by
cords and weights disappeared from continental warfare when cannon came to the
front in a more or less improved form, the - if Vincent de Blanc is to be
credited - survived in barbaric nations long after they were discarded in
Europe. This author (in his travels in Abyssinia) writes 'that in 1576 the
Negus attacked Tamar, a strong town defended by high walls, and that the
besieged had engines composed of great pieces of wood which were wound up by
cords and screwed wheels, and which unwound with a force that would shatter a
vessel, this being the cause why the Negus did not assault the town after he
had dug a trench round it' (4)
(4) - Vincent le Blanc, Voyages aux quatre
partries du monde, redige par Bergeron, Paris 1649. Though the accounts given
by this author of his travels are imaginative, I consider his allusion to the
siege engine to be trustworthy, as he was not likely to invent so correct a
description of one.
Plutarch, in his Life of Marcellus the Roman
General, gives a graphic account of Archimedes and the engines this famous
mathematician employed in the defence of Syracuse.
It appears that Archimedes showed his relative, Hiero II., King of Syracuse,
some wonderful examples of the way in which immense weights could be moved by a
combination of levers.
Hiero, being greatly impressed by these experiments, entreated Archimedes
temporarily to employ his genius in designing articles of practical use, with
the result that the scientiest constructed for the king all manner of engines
suitable for siege warfare.
Though Hiero did not require the machines, his reign being a peaceful one, they
proved of great value shortly after his death when Syracuse was besieged by the
Romans under Marcellus, 214-212 B.C. On this occassion Archimedes directed the
working of the engines he had made some years previously for Hiero.
Pluarch writes : 'And in truth all the rest
of the Syracusans were no more than the body in the batteries of Archimedes,
whilst he was the informing soul. All other weapons lay idle and unemployed,
his were the only offensive and defensive arms of the city.'
When the Roman s appeared before Syracuse, its citizens were filled with
terror, for they imagined they could not possibly defend themselves against so
numerous and fierce an enemy. But, Plutarch tell us, 'Arhimedes soon began to
play his engines upon the Romans and their ships, and shot against them stones
of such an enormous size and with so incredible a noise and velocity h that
nothing could stand before them. The stones overturned and crushed whatever
came in their way, and spread terrible disorder through the Roman ranks. As for
the machine which Marcellus brought upon several galleys fastened together,
called sambuca (1) from its resemblance to the musical instrument of that name;
whilst it was yet at a considerable distance, Archimedes discharged at it a
stone of ten talent's weight and, after that, a second stone and then a third
one, all of which striking it with an amazing noise and force competely
shattered it.' (2)
(1) - Sambuca. A stringed instrument
with cords of different lengths like a harp. The machine which Marcellus
brought to Syracuse was designed to lift his soldiers - in small parties at a
time and in quick succession - over the battlements of the town, so that when
their numbers inside it were sufficient they might open its gates to the
besiegers. The soldiers were intended to be hoisted on a platform, worked up
and down by ropes and winches; As the machine was likened to a harp, it is
probable it had a huge curved wooden arm fixed in an erect position and of the
same shape as the modern crane used for loading vessels. If the arm of the
sambuca had been straight like a mast, it could not have slung its load
of men over a wall. Its further resemblance to a harp would be suggested by the
ropes which were employed for lifting the platform to the summit of the arm,
these doubtless being fixed from the top to the foot of the engine.
(2) It is, I consider, impossible that Archimedes, however marvellous the power
of his engines, was able to project a stone of ten Roman talents or nearly 600
lbs. in weight, to a considerable distance. Plutarch probably refers to the
talent of Sicily, which weighed about 10 lbs. A stone of ten Sicilian talents,
or say 100 lbs., could have been thrown by a catapult of great strength and
Though the trebuchet cast stones of from 200 lbs. and more, this weapon was not
invented till long after the time of Archimedes.
Marcellus in distress drew off his galleys as
fast as possible and sent orders to his land forces to retire likewise. He then
called a council of war, in which it was resolved to come close up to the walls
of the city the next morning before daybreak, for they argued that the engines
of Archimedes, being very powerful and designed to act at a long distance,
would discharge their projectiles high over their heads. But for this
Archimedes had been prepared, for he had engines at his disposal which were
constructed to shoot at all ranges. When, therefore, the Romans came close to
the walls, undiscoverd as they thought, they were assailed with showers of
darts, besides huge pieces of rock which fell as it were perpendicularly upon
their heads, for the engines played upon them from every quarter.
This obliged the Romans to retire, and when they were some way from the town
Archimedes used his larger machines upon them as they retreated, which made
terrible havoc among them as well as greatly damaged their shipping. Marcellus,
however, derided his engineers and said, 'Why do we not leave off contending
with this geometrical Briareus, who sitting at ease and acting as if in jest
has shamefully baffled our assaults, and in strikikng us with such a multitude
of bolts at once exceeds even the hundred-handed giant of fable?'
'At length the Romans were so terrified that, if they saw but a rope or a beam
projecting over the walls of Syracuse, they cried out that Archimedes was
levelling some machine at them and turned their backs and fled.'
As Marcellus was unable to contend with the
machines directed by Archimedes and as his ships and army had suffered severely
from the effects of these stone - and javelin - casting weapons, he changed his
tactics and instead of besieging the town he blockaded it and finally took it
by surprise.
Though, at the time of the siege of Syracuse, Archimedes gained a reputation
for divine rather than human knowledge in regard to the methods he employed in
the defence of the city, he left no description of his wonderful engines, for
he regarded them as mrre mechanical appliances which were beneath his serious
attention, his life being devoted to solving abstruse questions of mathematics
and geometry.
Archimedes was slain at the capture of Syracuse, B.C. 212, to the great regret
of Marcellus.
The following extracts from Josephus, as
translated by Whiston, enable us to form an excellent idea of the effects of
great catapults in warfare:
(1) Wars of the Jews, Book III, Chapter VII, - The siege of Jotapatas, A. D.
67. "Vespasian then set the engines for throwing stones and darts round
about the city; the number of engines was in all a hundred and sixty.... At the
same time such engines as were intended for that purpose threw their spears
buzzing forth, and stones of the weight of a talent were thrown by the engines
that were prepared for doing so... But still Josephus and those with him,
allthough they fell down dead one upon another by the darts and stones which
the engines threw upon them, did not desert the wall... The engines could not
be seen at a great distance and so what was thrown by them was hard to be
avoided, for the force with which these engines threw stones and darts made
them wound several at a time, and the violence of the stones that were cast by
the engines was so great that they carried away the pinnacles of the wall and
broke off the corners of the towers, for no body of men could be so strong as
not to be over thrown, to the last rank by the largeness of the stones... The
noise of the instrruments themselves was very terrible, the sound of the darts
and stones that were thrown by them was so also; of the same sort was that
noise that dead bodies made when they were dashed against the wall."
(2) Wars of the Jews, Book V., Chapter VI -
The siege of Jerusalem, A. D. 70 "The engines that all the legions had
ready prepared for them were admirably contrived; but still more extraordinary
ones belonged to the tenth legion; those that threw darts and those that threw
stones were more forcible and larger than the rest, by which they not only
repelled the excursions of the Jews but drove those away who were upon the
walls also. Now the stones that were cast were of the weight of a talent (57
3/4 lb. avoirdupois) and were carried two or more stades. (Two stades would be
404 yards; the measure of a stade is 606 3/4 English feet.) "
"The blow they gave was no way to be
sustained, not only by those who stood first in the way but by those who were
beyond them for a great space. As for the Jews, they at first watched the
coming of the stone, for it was of a white colour and could therefore not only
be perceived by the great noise it made, but could be seen also before it came
by its brightness; accordingly the watchmen that sat upon the towers gave
notice when an engine was let go...so those that were in its way stood off and
threw themselve down upon the ground. But the Romans contrived how to prevent
this by blacking the stone; they could then aim with success when the stone was
not discerned before hand, as it had been previously."
The accounts given by Josephus are direct and
trustrworthy evidence, for the reason that this chronicler relatres what he
personally witnessed during the sieges he describes, in one of which (Jotapata)
he acted the part of a brave and resourceful commander.
Tacitus in describing a battle fought near
Cremona between the armies of Vitellius and Vespasian, A.D. 69, writes:
"The Vitellians at this time changed the position of their
battering-engines, which in the beginning were placed in different parts of the
field and could only play at random against the woods and hedges that sheltered
the enemy. They were now moved to the Postumian way, and thence having an open
space before them could discharge their missiles with good effect. (1)
(1) Tacitius continues: "The fifteenth
legion had an engine of enormous size, which was played off with dreadful
execution and discharged massy stones of a weight to crush whole ranks at once.
Inevitable ruin must have followed if two soldiers had not signalised
themselves by a brave exploit. Covering themselves with shields of the enemy
which they found among the slain, they advanced undiscovered to the
battering-engine and cut its ropes and springs. In this bold adventure they
both perished and with them two names that deserved to be immortal.
Froissart chronicles that at the siege of
Thyun-l Evoque, 1340, in the Low Countries, John, Duke of Normandy, had a great
abundance of engines carted from Cambrai and Douai. Among others he had six
very large ones which he placed before the fortress, and which day and night
cast great stones which battered in the tops and roofs of the towers and of the
rooms and halls, and much so that the men who defended the place took refuge in
cellars and vaults.
Camden records that the strength of the
engines employed for throwing stones was incredibly great and that with the
engines called mangonels (2) they used to throw millstones. Camden adds that
when King John laid siege to Bedford Castle, there were on the east side of the
castle two catapults battering the old tower, as also two upon the south side
besides another on the north side which beat two breaches in the walls.
(2) Catapults were often called mangons or
mangonels, but in course of time the name mangonel was applied to any siege
engine that projected stones or arrows. In this case the trebuchet is intended,
as no catapult could project a millstone.
The same authority asserts that when Henry
III, was besieging Kenilworth Castle, the garrison had engines which cast
stones of an extraordinary size, and that near the castle several balls of
stone sixteen inches in diameter have been found which are supposedo have been
thrown by engines with slings in the time of the Baron's war. (3)
(3) The engines here alluded to by Camden
were trebuchets
Holinshed writes that 'when Edward I attacked
Stirling Castle, he caused an engine of wood to be set up to batter the castle
which shot stones of two or three hundredweight'.: (See allusion to this above)
Pere Daniel, in his Histoire de la Milice
Francoise, writes, "The great object of the French engineers was to make
siege engines of sufficient strength to project stones of such enormous size
that their missiles even penetrated the vaults and floors of the most solidly
built houses. (4) These engines would also be trebuchets.
The effects of the balista on the defenders
of a town were in no degree inferior to those of the catapult. The missile of
the balista consisted of a huge metal-tipped wooden bolt which, although of far
less weight than the great ball of stone cast by a catapult or the far larger
one thrown by a trebuchet, was able to penetrate roofs and cause great
destruction in ranks of soldiers.
Caesar records that when his lieutenant, Caius Trebonius, was building a
moveable tower at the siege of Marseilles, the only method of protecting the
workmen from the darts of engines (1) (balistas) was by hanging curtains woven
from cable-ropes on the three sides of the tower exposed to the besiegers'. (2)
For this was the only sort of defence which they had learned, by experience in
other places, could not be pierced by darts or engines.' Caesar's Commentaries
on the Civil War, Book II., Chapter IX.
Procopius relates that during the siege of
Rome in 537 by Vitgiges King of Italy, he saw a Gothic hieftain in armour
suspended to a tree which he had climbed, and to which he had been nailed by a
balista bolt which had passed through his body and then penetrated into the
tree behind him
Again, at the siege of Paris byh the Northmen
in 885-886, Abbo writes that Ebolus discharged from a balista a bolt which
transfixed several of the enemy. (3) Abbot of Saint-Germain des Pres and one of
the chief defenders of the town.)
With grim humor Ebolus bade their comardes carry the slain to the kitchen, his
suggestion being, that the men impaled on the shaft of the balista resembled
fowls run through with a spit previous to being roasted.
Not only were ponderous balls of stone and heavy bolts projected into a town
and against against its walls and their defenders, but, with a view to causing
a pestilence, it was also the custom to throw in dead horses, and even the
bodies of soldiers who had been killed in sorties or assaults.
For example, Varillas (4) (French historian,
born 1624, died 1696) writes that 'at his ineffectual siege of Carolstein in
1422, Coribut caused the bodies of his soldiers whom the besieged had killed to
be thrown into the town in addition to 2,000 cartloads of manure. A great
number of the defenders fell victims to the fever which resulted from the
stench, and the remainer were only saved from death by the skill of a rich
apothecary who circulated in Carolstein remedies against the poison which
infected the town'.
Froissart tells us that at the siege of
Auberoche, an emissary who came to treat for terms was seized and shot back
into the town. This author writes: 'To make it more serious, they took the
varlet and hung the letters round his nexk and instantly placed him in the
sling of an engine and then shot him back again into Auberoche. The varlet
arrived dead before the knights who were there and who were much astonished and
discomfited when they saw him arrive'.
Another historian explains that to shoot a
man from the sling of an engine he must first be tied up with ropes, so as to
form a round bundle like a sack of grain.
The engine, with which such fiendish deeds were achieved was the trebuchet.
A catapult was not powerful enough to project
the body of a man. This difficulty was overcome by cutting off the head of any
unfortunate emissary for peace, if the terms he brought were scornfully
rejected. His letter of supplication from the besieged was then nailed to his
skull, and his head was sent flying through space to fall inside the town as a
ghastly form of messenger conveying the refusal to parley.
As it was always an object to the besiegers
of a town to start a conflagration if they could, Greeak Fire was used for the
purpose. The flame of this fearfully destructive liquid, the composition of
which is doubtful, could not be quenched by water. It was placed in round
earthenware vessels that broke on falling, and which were shot from catapults;
as the roofs of ancient and mediaeval dwelling-houses were usually thatched, it
of course dealt destruction when it encountered such combustible material.
The successful attack or defence of a
fortified town often depended on which of the armies engaged had the more
powerful balistas, catapults of trebuchets, as one engine of superior range
could work destruction unimpeded if it happened that a rival of similar power
was not available to check its depredations.
Frosaart related that 'at the siege of
Mortagne in 1340, an engineer within the town constructed an engine to keep
down the discharges of one powerful machine in the besieging lines. At the
third shot he was so lucky as to break the arm of the attacking engine.' The
account of this incident, as given by Froissart, is so quaint and graphic that
I quote it here:
"The same day they of Valencens raysed on their syde a great engyn and dyd
cast in stones to that it troubled sore them within the town. Thus y first day
passed and the night in assaying and devysing how they might greve them in the
Within Mortagne there was a connying maister in making of engyns who saw well
how the engyn of Valencens did greatly greve them: he raysed an engyn in y
castle, the which was not very great but he trymmed it to a point, and he cast
therwith but three tymes. The first stone fell a xii fro the engyn without, the
second fell on y engyn, and the third stone hit so true that it brake clene
asonder the shaft of the engyn without; then the soldyers of Mortagne made a
great shout, so that the Hainaulters could get nothing ther; then the erle sayd
how he wold withdrawe.'
(From the translation made at the request of Henry VIII, by John Bourchier,
second Lord Berners, published 1523-1525)
These siege engines when only a moderate size
were not always successful, as in some cases the walls of a town were so
massively built that the projectiles of the enemy made little impression upon
them. Froissart tells us that it was then the habit of the defenders of the
walls to pull off their caps, or produce cloths, and derisively dust the
masonry when it was struch by stones. (Fig 21) 
Some of the historians, mechanicians and
artists from whom information on balistas, catapults and trebuchets may be
derived, are as follows. I name them alphabetically irrespective of their
Abbo: A monk of Saint-Germain des Pres, born
about the middle of the ninth century, died in 923. He wrote a poem in Latin
describing the siege of Paris by the Northmen in 885-886.
Ammianus Marcellinus: Military historian.
Died shortly after 390. His work first printed in Rome 1474. The latest edition
is that of V. Gardthausen, 1874-1875.
Appian; historian. Lived at Rome during the
reigns of Trajan, Hadrian and Antonius Pius, 98-161. The best edition of his
History is that of Schweighaeuser, 1785.
Apollodorus of Damascus: Built Trajan's
Column, 105-113. Architect and engineer. Addressed a series of letters to the
Emperor Trajan on siege engines (vide Thevenot).
Athenaeus: Lived in the time of Archimedes,
B.C. 287-212. The author of a treatise on warlike engines (vide Thevenot)
Biton: Flourished about 250 B.C. Write a
treatise on siege engines for throwing stones (vide Thevenot)
Blondel, Francois: French engineer and
arechitet: born 1617; died 1686
Caesar, Julius (the Dictator) - born B.C.
100; died B.C. 44. Author of the 'Commentaries' on the Gallic and Civil Wars.
Camden, William; Born 1551; died 1623.
Antiquary, Published his "Britannia' 1586-1607.
Colonna, Egidio: Died 1316. Archbishop of
Bourges 1294, after having been tutor to Philip the Fair of France. His best
known works are 'Queaestiones Metaphysicales' and "De Regimine
Principum"; the latter was written about 1280. Colonna gives a description
of the siege engines of his time.
Daniel, Pere Gabriel: Historian. Born 1649;
died 1728
Diodorus (The Sicilian): Historian. Lived
under Julius and Augustus Caesar (Augustus died A. D. 14). The best modern
edition is that edited by L. Dindorff, 1828
Fabretti, Raffael: Antiquary. Born 1618; died
Froissart, Jean: French chronicler. Born
about 1337; died 1410. His Chronicles printed about 1500. Translated into
English by Lord Berners, and published 1523-1525.
Grose, Francis: Military historian and
antiquary. Born about 1731; died 1791. Published "Military Antiquities'
Heron of Alexandria; Mechanician. Lived B.C.
284-221. Bernardino Baldi edited his work on arrows and siege engines, 1616
(vide Thevenot).
Isidorus, Bishop of Seville: Historian. Died
Josephus, Flavius: Jewish historian. Born A.
D. 37: died about the year 100. Wrote the "History of the Jewish Wars' and
also "Jewish Antiquities" Josephus acting as commander of the
besieged, bravely defended Jotapata, A. D. 67, against the Roman general
Vespasian. He was also present with the Roman army during the siege of
Jerusalem by Titus, A. D. 70.
Leonardo da Vinci; Italian painter. Born
1445; died 1520. In the immense volume of sketches and MSS, by this famous
artist, which is preserved at Milan and entitled "Il Codice
Atlantico," there are several drawings of siege engines.
Lipsius, Justus: Historian. Born 1547; died
Mezeray, Francois E. de: French historian.
Born 1610; died 1683. Published "Histoire de France", 1643-1651.
Napoleon III; "etudes sur l'artillerie,'
compiled by order of the Emperor and containing many drawings of the full-sized
models of siege engines made by his orders, with interesting and scientific
criticism of their power and effect.
Philo of Byzantium; A writer on and inventor
of warlike and other engines. Lived shortly after the time of Archimedes
(Archimedes died 212 B.C.); was a contemporary of Ctesibius, who lived in the
reign of Ptolemy Physcon, B.C. 170-117 (vide Thevenot).
Plutarch; Biographer and historian. Time of
birth and death unknown. He was a young man in A. D. 66.
Polybius; Military historian. Born about B.
C. 204. His History commences B. C. 230 and concludes B. C. 146. The most
interesting edition is the one translated into French by Vincent Thuillier with
a commentary by de Folard. 1727-1730.
Procopius; Byzantine historian. Born about
500; died 565. The best edition is that of L. Dindorf, 1833-1838.
Ramelli, Agostino; Italian engineer. Borfn
about 1531; died 1590. Published a work on projectile qnd other engines, 1588.
Tacitus, Cornelius; Roman historian. Born
about A. D. 61.
Thevenot, Melchisedech, 1620-1692; Edited a
book called "Mathematici Veteres," the construction and management of
their projectile engines. In this book are to be found the writings on the
subject of military engines that were compiled by Athenaeus, Apollodorus,
Biton, Heron and Philo. Thevenot was King's librarian to Louis XVI. After his
death the manuscript of "Mathematici Veteres," or "The Ancient
Mathematicians," was revised and published by La Hire in 1693. The book
was again edited by Boivin, and official in the king's library, who lived
1663-1726. The treatises contained in Thevenot were finally re-edited and
published by C. Wescher, Paris 1869
Valturis, Robertus; Military author. Living
at the end of the fifteenth century. His book "De Re Militari" first
printed at Verona, 1472.
Vegetius, Flavius Renatus; Roman military
writer. Flourished in the time of the Emperor Valentinian II., 375-392. The
best edition is that of Schwebel, 1767.
Viollet-le Duc; French military historian.
Published his "Dictionnaire raisonne de l'Architecture, " 1861.
Vitruvius. Pollio: Architect and military
engineer and inspector of military engines under the Emperor Augustus. Born
between B. C. 85 and 75. His tenth book treats of siege engines. Translated
into French with commentary by Perrault, 1673. The most interesting editions of
Vitruvius are those containing the commentary on siege engines by Philander.
The best of these is dated 1649.