--- |
The Archeology of War - 59 essays
Hatherleigh Press, N.Y., 2005,
276 pgs., index, readings, illustrations Archeology Magazine essays
Reference - Military History from
prehistoric era to Cold War
--- |
The Time Chart of Military
Time Chart Co., Richmondsworth
U.K., 1999, 152 pgs., index, bibliography, maps, chronology, battle lists,
military museums, illustrations
Reference - Military History
Foreign Military Weapons and
Equipment Vol I - Artillery
Dept of Army Pamphlet 30-4-1,
Wash D. C., 1951, 79 pgs., illustrations
Soviet Military
An excellent illustrated
reference on Soviet artillery used during World war Two.
Handbook on U. S. S. R. Military
Forces. War Department Technical Manual TM 30-430
War Department D. C. November
1945, hundreds of pages, illustrations, paperback
Soviet Military
Ths definitive US government
study of the Soviet Army and Air force mostly during World War II, with a bit
in post war era. Compiled by captured German intelligence officers brought to
the U.S. for the purpose. Comprehensive except it does not include armor.
Handbook on Soviet and Satellite
Armies - Part I - The Soviet Army
Dept of Army Pamphlet 30-50-1,
Wash. D.C., 1953, 172 pgs., illustrated
Soviet Military
An excellent illustrated
reference on the Soviet army with appendices on navy and air force.
Handbook on The Soviet Army
Dept of Army Pamphlet 30-50-1,
Wash. D.C., 1958, 260 pgs., index, illustrated
Soviet Military
An excellent illustrated
reference on the Soviet army.
Handbook on The Soviet Armed
Defense Intelligence Agency,
Wash. D.C., 1977, 260 pgs., index, illustrated
Soviet Military
xcellent illustrated reference on
the Soviet armed forces
Abranson, Erik
Roman Legionaries at the time of
Julius Caesar
Macdonald Educational, 1978, 61
pgs., index, illustrations, glossary, maps, large format
Ancient Military History
Primarily for the large
illustrations with text descriptions It includes both Romans, Germans, Britons
and Gauls, camps, sieges, artillery, training. Designed for students
Adcock, F. E.
Roman Art of War under the
Barnes & Noble, N.Y., 1940
reprint 1960, 140 pgs., index, end notes,
Ancient Military History
Now a classic, the topics are -
the men, the sea, the land, foreign policy and strategy, generalship
Adcock, F. E.
The Greek and Macedonian Art of
Univ. of California Press,
Berkeley, 1962, 109 pgs., index, foot notes, paperback
Ancient Military History
A short classic from one of the
experts on ancient warfare.
Addington, Larry H.
The Patterns of War through the
Eighteenth Century
Indiana Univ. Bloomington, 1990,
161 pgs., index, bibliography, maps, illustrations, paperback,
Military History
Includes chapters on ancient,
Roman and Medieval warfare as well as warfare up to the Napoleonic era.
Adkins, Roy
Nelson's Trafalgar: The Battle
That Changed the World
Viking, N. Y., 2005, 392 pgs.,
index, end notes, selected reading, maps, illustrations
Napoleonic Warfare
Certainly a critical battle, but
did it 'change the world'?. Detailed account with analysis. Similar
'importance' often given to Marathon or Salamis.
Aeneas Tacticus - trans Illinois
Greek Club
Aeneas the Tactician
Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge,
1928, 1936, 225 pgs. introduction, index
Ancient Military History
The classic tactical manual
translated and printed with military books of Asclepiodotus and Onasander
Andreev, N. - test and art work
Russkaya Kreposti
Tentr Detskoi Knigi, Moscow,
1995, 63 pgs., illustrations, glossary
Russian history - fortress
Full page color illustrations,
drawings of Russian fortresses from early earthen rampart palasades to medieval
stone kremlin.
Alberini, Massimo
Color Treasury of Model Soldiers
Orbis Pub. London, 1972, 110
pgs., many illustrations
Reference, Uniforms
The excellent color illustrations
of model soldiers depict those of many countries.
Allen, Kenneth
Fighting Men and their Uniforms
Hamlyn, London, 1973, 75 pgs.,
index, illustrations, large format
Reference - Uniforms
Excellent color illustrations of
many uniforms from many countries.
Allen, Stephen
Lords of Battle, The World of the
Celtic Warrior
Osprey, Oxford, U.K., 2007, 224
pgs., index, bibliography, glossary, illustrations
Ancient Military History
The standard Osprey format for a
military group
Allen, Thomas
The Blue The Grey
National Geographic Society,
Wash. D. C., 1992, 320 index, may illustrations
American Military History
Built with text around the many
excellent illustrations - designed for the general reader
Allison, June W.
Power and Preparedness in
Johns Hopkins Univ. Press,
Baltimore, 1989, 168 pgs., index, bibliography, tables, appendix
Ancient Warfare, Military Theory
A valuable analysis of the Greek
historian's concepts
Alston, Richard
Rome's Revolution: The Death of
the Republic & Birth of the Empire
Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 2015,
385 pgs., index, notes, bibliography, maps, illustrations
Ancient Military History -
Political history
A new interpretation of the
violent transformation from republic to dictatorship in ancient Rome. The
author describes the central role of military actions in the context of the
personal struggle between leading Roman aristocrats who destroyed the
historical basis of the republic system in the course of their violent
competition for power.
Ambrose, Stephen
Americans at War
Univ. Mississippi Press, Jackson,
American Military History
Ambrose, Stephen
Citizen Soldiers: U.S. Army from
Normandy Beaches to the Surrender of Germany
Simon and Schuster, N.Y., 1997,
512 pgs. index, bibliography, end notes, illustrations, maps
Modern Military History -
American Military History
Generally considered one of the
best on this subject
Anderson, Fred
Crucible of War: The Seven Years'
War and the Fate of Empire in British North America, 1754-1766
Alfred Knopf, N. Y., 2000, 862
pgs., index, notes, illustrations, maps
American Military History
Comprehensive, including all
theaters of the war such as the Cherokee war, political aspects including in
Anderson, J. K.
Military Theory and Practice in
the Age of Xenophon
Univ. of California Press,
Berkeley, 1970, 419 pgs. , index, illustrations, bibliography, end notes,
Ancient Military History
Excellent study by noted expert.
The Appendix is about the organization of the Spartan army
Anderson, J. K.
Ancient Greek Horsemanship
Univ. of California Press,
Berkeley, 1961, 329 pgs. , index, illustrations, bibliography, end notes,
Ancient Military History
Although Xenophon does not appear
in the bibliography it is because a full translation of his work "On
Equitation" is in the Appendix. Many of the notes are citations to
Xenophon. Most discussions of classical Greek warfare ignore the cavalry
Anderson, William
Castles of Europe: From
Charlemagne to the Renaissance
Random House, N.Y., 1970, 340
pgs., index, bibliography, glossary, notes, illustrations, maps, plans, large
Castles - fortification
A huge volume - very
comprehensive for the time and area included. Discusses the origins of the
European castle. Includes knights, masons, ladies and others involved with
castles, Has 396 illustrations and 28 maps or plans.
Andrade, Tonio
The Gunpowder Age: China,
Military Innovation, and the Rise of the West in World History
Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton,
2016, 432 pgs., index, bibliography, notes, apendices, illustrations
Military History - China, Europe
The author dispells some myths
about the military history of China as well as the origins and development of
gunpowder. An important revision of much accepted ideas about both Chinese and
European military history
Andrewes, A.
The Greek Tyrants
Harper & Row, N. Y., 1956,
163 pgs., index, bibliography, notes
Ancient Military History
The Greek 'tyrants' were rulers
who usurped power, usually by use of force. Andrewes discusses these in terms
of categories he has created.
Andrzejewski, Stanislaw
Military Organization and Society
Routledge & Kegan Paul,
London, 1954, 195 pgs., index, bibliography, glossary
Military Sociology
"The problem of the
influence of military organization on society has, on the whole, failed to
attract the attention of social scientists." This is the author's opening
sentence. This has for years been one of my favorite books. The author sets his
goal to fill the gap. He continues, "This persistent neglect is due, I
think, to the insidious utopianism which pervades sociological thinking,.
Military organizational influences social structure mainly by determining the
distribution of naked power or, to use another word, the ability to use
Angelucci, Enzo
The Rand McNally Encyclopedia of
Military Aircraft 1914-1980
Rand McNally, N. Y., 1981, 546
pgs., index, bibliography, large format
Reference - Modern Aviation
The organization is chapters
devoted to World War One -to the inter war period - World War Two -and post
WWII period. In each the aircraft are shown in full color illustrations with
Anglim, Simon, et. al.
Fighting Techniques of the
Ancient World 3000 BC - 500 AD
Thomas Dunne Books, N.Y., 2002,
256 pgs., index, glossary, bibliography, illustrations, maps
Ancient Military History
Excellent and well illustrated.
Apostolo, Giorgio
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of
BonanzaBooks, N. Y., 1984, 140
pgs., index, illustrations, large format
Reference - Modern Aviation
This is a highly illustrated
alphabetical listing of world helicopters including rare very early
experimental versions.
Appian - trans Horace White
Appian's Roman History
Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge,
Loeb Classical Library, 1979, 565 pgs.,
Ancient Military History
The author was a Greek official
in Alexandria who lived around 116 A.D. The subject is Rome's Civil Wars from
the conflicts around the Gracchi to August Caesar. The account is very detailed
in description of the leading participants and political agendas.
Archer, Christin
World History of Warfare
Univ. of Nebraska Press, Lincoln,
2002, 626 pgs., index, maps, illustrations, readings
Reference - Military History
A huge, comprehensive reference
Armour, Richard
It all Started with Stones &
McGraw-Hill Book, N.Y., 1967, 147
pgs., bibliography, paperback
Military History
The author explains his satire in
his sub-title. "Being a Short History of War and Weaponry from Earliest
Times to the Present, noting the Gratifying Progress made by Man since his
First Crude, Small Scale Efforts to Do Away with Those Who Disagreed with
Arnold, Thomas
The Renaissance at War
Cassell & Co., London, 2001,
224 pgs., index, readings, maps, biographies, chronology
Early Modern Warfare
Excellent illustrations. Arnold
takes up the issue of the introduction of gunpowder relating to a 'military
revolution'. he discusses military theory including Machiavelli's.
Aron, Raymond - trans. Terence
On War
Doubleday Anchor, Garden City, N.
Y., 1957, 143 pgs.,
Modern Military Theory - Strategy
The great French sociologist
writes an essay on the problems of atomic war and strategy in the immediate
post World War II era.
Arrian - trans Pomash Mensch -
ed, James Romm
Anabasis Alexandron - The
Landmark Arrian
Pantheon, N.Y. 2010, 503 pgs.,
maps, index, appendices, illustrations, foot notes
Ancient Military History
This is another incredible work
of scholarship in the series of Landmark editions of Greek original texts by
Arrian, Caesar,Xenophon, Herodotus and Thucydides. All five are now the
essential editions for study.
Arrian, trans. Aubrey de
The Campaigns of Alexander
Penguin Press, London, 1971, 430
pgs., index, maps, bibliography, appendices, sources, paperback
Ancient Military History
The convenient paperback edition,
but now students must study the Landmark edition.
Asclepiodotus - trans Illinois
Greek Club
Harvard Univ. Cambridge, Press,
Loeb Classical Library, 1928, 1996, 111 pgss., index, introduction, preface
Ancient Military History
A classic by a Greek philosopher,
printed along with Aeneas Tacticus and Onasander
Ascoli, Albert A and
Victoria Khan, eds.
Machiavelli and the Discourse of
Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca,
1993, 296 pgs., index,
Machiavelli's thought
This contains eleven essays by
experts on various aspects of Machiavelli's writing, mostly as seen as
Ashdown, Charles H.
Armour & Weapons in the
Middle Ages
The Holland Press, London, 1925,
225 pgs., index, glossary, bibliography, illustrations,
Medieval Warfare
Chapters organized
chronologically from Saxon era to 1600
Asprey, Robert B.
War In the Shadows: The Guerrilla
in history 2 vols.
Doubleday Co., Garden City, N.
J., 1975, 1475 pgs., index, footnotes, maps, bibliography
Military History
Includes irregular, or guerrilla,
warfare throughout history. Shows it is not so new.
Asquith, Stuart
New Model Army 1645-60
Osprey, London, 1981, 40 pgs.,
maps, illustrations, paperback
Early Modern Military History
Full color illustrations by Chris
Warner are excellent. The text describes the campaigns, weapons and uniforms.
Atkeson, Maj.Gen. E. B.
The Final Argument of Kings:
Reflections on the Art of War
HERO Books, Fairfax, VA., 1988,
260 pgs., index, foot notes
Modern Military History
Contains 16 chapters, each
devoted to the author's thoughts on a specific contemporary issue.
Atkinson, Rick
An Army at Dawn, War in North
Africa 1942-43
Henry Holt, N.Y., 2002, 681 pgs,
index, illustrations, index, notes. paperback
Modern Military History -
American Military History
Vol. 1 in Atkinson history of the
American Army in World War II in Europe
Atkinson, Rick
The Day of Battle: The War in
Sicily and Italy, 1943-1944
Henry Holt Co., New York, 791
pgs., index, notes, selected sources, maps, illustrations, paperback
Modern Military History -
American Military History
Vol. 2 in Atkinson history of
American army in World War II in Europe.
Atkinson, Rick
Modern Military History -
American Military History
Vol. 3 in Atkinson history of
American army in World War II in Europe.
Atkinson, Rick
Crusade: Untold Story of Persian
Gulf War
Houghton Mifflin Co. N.Y., 1993,
575 pgs., index, bibliography, end notes, illustrations
Modern Military History -
American Military History
Austin, Paul Brittin
The March on Moscow - Vol 1 of 3
on the 1812 campaign
Greenhill Books, London, 1993,
464 pgs., maps, notes, bibliography, index, illustrations
Napoleonic Military History -
Russian Military History
The three volumes are the best
from extensive use of original French sources. But see Dominic Liven -
Russia against Napoleon- and Adam Zamoyski - Moscow 1812- and
Alexander Mikaberidze - The Battle of Borodino - for Russian sources.
But Austin is a master at describing seamlessly a particular incident by
melding the different eye-witness accounts of several individuals who were
Austin, Paul Brittin
1812 - Napoleon In Moscow - vol 2
Greenhill Books, London, 1995,
264 pgs., maps, notes, bibliography, index, illustrations
Napoleonic Military History -
Russian Military History
The three volumes are the best
from extensive use of original French sources. But see Dominic Liven -
Russia against Napoleon- and Adam Zamoipke - Moscow 1812- and
Alexander Mikaberidze - The Battle of Borodino - for Russian sources. A
masterpiece of historiography and exciting literature.
Austin, Paul Brittin
1812 - The Great Retreat - vol 3
Greenhill Books, London, 1996,
464 pgs., maps, notes, bibliogrphy, index, illustrations
Napoleonic Military History -
Russian Military History
The three volumes are the best
from extensive use of original French sources. But see Dominic Liven -
Russia against Napoleon- and Adam Zamoipke - Moscow 1812- and
Alexander Mikaberidze - The Battle of Borodino - for Russian sources.
Ayalon, David
Gunpowder and Firearms in the
Mamluk Kingdom
Vallentine Mitchel, London, 1956,
154 pgs., index, references
Early Modern Warfare
The book is about the social
aspects of the introduction of firearms into the Mamluk military.
Ayers Thomas
A Military Miscellany
Bantam Books, N.Y., 197 pgs.,
1ndex, paperback
Military facts and figures
An enjoyable read of 'miscellany'
- actually 'trivia' relating to off the beaten track events and personalities
presented in no particular order.
Bagnall, Nigel
The Punic Wars 264-146 BC
Osprey, Oxford, 2002, 95 pgs.,
index, maps, chronology, illustrations, reading, glossary, paper back
Ancient Military History
The text begins with a comparison
between Rome and Carthage and the causes of the start of war. The three wars
are covered briefly. Personal portraits are given for Scipio and Hannibal.
General comments on the conclusion and results follow.
Bailey, H. Ronald
Forward to Richmond: McClellan's
Peninsular Campaign
Time-Life Books, 1983, 176 pgs.,
index, illustrations, map, bibliography
American Military History
One of a set - The illustrations
make it interesting.
Bailey, H. Ronald
The Bloodiest Day: The Battle of
Time-Life Books, 1984, 176 pgs.,
index, illustrations, map, bibliography
American Military History
One of a set - The illustrations
make it interesting.
Bailey, J. B. A.
Field Artillery and Firepower
The Military Press, Oxford,
London, 1987, 383 pgs., index, references, appendix, illustrations, glossary,
Modern Military concepts
The author was a serving British
artillery officer. This is the author's effort to show the importance of field
artillery. He discusses organization and theory of employment and also the
history of the use of artillery in the last century.
Balesi, Charles J. ed.
Colloquium on Military History
United States Commission on
Military History. Chicago, 1979, 101 pgss., paperback
Military History
The eight papers delivered at
this conference.
Ballard, Michael B.
The Campaign for Vicksburg
National Park Service, 1996, 55
pgs., maps, illustrations, paperback
American Military History - Civil
An excellent guide book for
visiting the battlefields plus reading at home.
Banaszczyk, Eugeniusz=ed.
Zolnierz polski
Wydawnictwo Ministerstwa Obrony
narodowej, Warszawa, 1960, 547 pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations, large
Polish Army uniforms
A huge book with illustrations of
Polish soldiers from XI to XVII centuries
Bard, Bob
Making and Collecting Military
Rolton House, N. Y., 1957, 196
pgs., illustrations
Reference - Uniforms
A 'how to do it' book with
illustrations and descriptive text.
Barker, A. J.
The War Against Russia; The
Crimean War
Holt, Rinehart & Winston, N
.Y.., 1970, 348 pgs., index, bibliography, end notes, appendix, illustrations
British Military History -
Russian Military History
The narrative and comments are
from the British point of view
Barker, Phil
Alexander the Great's Campaigns:
A guide to Ancient political and military wargaming
Patrick Stephens, Cambridge,
U.K., 1979, 160 pgs., bibliography, maps, diagrams, illustrations
Ancient Military History
Phil Barker is experienced
designer of table-top war games and rules and expert on ancient warfare.
Barker, Phil
Armies of the Macedonian and
Punic Wars - 350 -150 BC
Wargames Research Group, Sussex,
1971, 60 pgs., index, illustrations, references, paperback
Ancient Military History
The book is centered on the line
drawings of many types of warrior, with text descriptions of each.
Barker, Phil
The Armies and Enemies of
Imperial Rome - 150 BC to 600 AD
Wargames Research Group, Sussex,
1971, 60 pgs., index, illustrations, references, paperback
Ancient Military History
The book is centered on the line
drawings of many types of warrior, with text descriptions of each.
Barker, Phil
The Armies and Enemies of
Imperial Rome - 150 BC to 600 AD - 4th edition
Wargames Research Group, Sussex,
1981, 146 pgs., index, illustrations, references, bibliography, paperback
Ancient Military History
The book is centered on the line
drawings of many types of warrior, with text descriptions of each. The text
describes Roman Tactics and strategy, organization and formations, orders of
battle. It includes also similar information on the main enemies. And also the
battles, dress and equipment.
Barker, Phil
Ancient Wargaming
Patrick Stephens, London, 1975,
64 pgs., bibliography, illustrations
Ancient Military History
Phil Barker is one of the
founders of modern table top wargaming, especially in the ancient period and is
author of many sets of game rules.
Barnes, Major R. Money
The Soldiers of London
Seeley Service Co., London, 1963,
376 pgs., index, illustrations,
British Military History
This book is about the British
Army regiments organized in and around London itself, or stationed there such
as the regiments of Foot and Horse Guards. Chapters are chronological starting
in 1550.
Barnes, Major R. Money
Military Uniforms of Britain
& The Empire
Sphere Books, London, 1960, 347
pgs., index, illustrations, paperback
Reference - Uniforms
This book is especially useful
because it contains illustrations of British Empire troops as well. Some are in
full color and some are b/w with a color code to the line drawings. The content
is from 1742 to the 1950's.
Barnett, Correlli
Britain and Her Army 1509-1950: A
Military, Political and Social Survey
Penguin Books, U.K. 1974, 530
pgs., index, end notes, illustrations, paperback
British Military History
Very useful treatment of the
history of the British Army
Barnett, Correlli
Book Club Associates, London,
1974, 288 pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations, map
Early Modern Military History
Biography of the person, read
along with the books by David Chandler
Barns, Gregory Fremont and Todd
The Napoleonic Wars
Osprey, London, 2004, 252 pgs.,
index, bibliography, illustrations, maps
Napoleonic Warfare
An extensive book that combines
much of the other Osprey books.
Barthorp, Michael
The Armies of
Britain, 1485-1980
National Army Museum,
London, 296 pgs., index, references, appendices, maps, illustrations
British Military
The narrative begins
in 1485, thus earlier than Peter Young's book. It is about the activities of
the Army rather than a history of individual regiments.
Barthorp, Michael
Marlborough's Army
Osprey, London, 1980,
40 pgs., chronology, illustrations, paperback
British Military
The color
illustrations are by Angus McBride. There are extensive tables listing all the
regiments and where and when they served and color of their uniforms. The book
is about the army rather than about individual battles.
Bass, Herbert J. ed.
America's Entry into
World War I: Submarines, Sentiment, or Security?
Holt, Rinehart and
Winston, N. Y., 1964, 122 pgs., more reading, paperback
American History
Designed for
teacherfs to use in class for student discussion. This has 12 essays arguing
the various pointgs in the title.
Clausewitz in
English: The Reception of Clausewitz in Britain and America 1815-1945
Oxford Univ. Press,
1994, 293 pgs., index, bibliography, end notes
Clausewitz, military
The author in general
discounts the general view that Clausewitz's writing had a great impact on the
thinking of British and American military officers prior to WWI.
Baudot, Marcel, et
all - trans Jesse Dilson
The Historical
Encyclopedia of World War II
Greenwich House,
N.Y., 1977, 548 pgs., bibliography, chronology, maps.
Reference, Modern
Military History
Translated from
French, the reference has many authors. Some entries are brief and some fill
several pages.
Baurmeister, Adj.
Gen. Major. - ed. and trans. Bernhard Uhlendorf
Revolution in
America; Confidential Letters and Journals 1776-1784 of Adjutant General Major
Baurmeister of Hessian Forces
Rutgers Univ;. Press,
New Brunswick, N. J., 1957, 640 pgs., index, foot notes, bibliography
American Military
The manuscripts were
found in an obscure German local archive - edited and published as a valuable
eye-witness account of the war.
Bausum, Henry S and David Bausum
The Journal of Military History
Cumulative Index: Vols. 1 - 58, 1937-1994.
Society for Military History,
Lexington VA., 1995, 587 pgs., index
Reference - Military History
An important research tool.
Beer, Air Gavin de
Viking Press, N.Y., 1969, 320
pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations
Roman Warfare
Hannibal's campaigns in the 2nd
Punic War including discussion of his route across the Alps.
Belfield, Eversley
Defy and Endure: Great Sieges of
Modern History
Crowell-Collier Press, N. Y.,
1967, 96 pgs., index, illustrations
Modern Military History
Describes 5 sieges, Malta, Vienna
Gibraltar, Paris, Malta again.
Bell, David A.
The First Total War: Napoleon's
Europe and the Birth of Warfare as We Know It
Houhton Mifflin Co., N.Y., 2007,
420 pgs., index, bibliography, end notes
Napoleonic Warfare
Controversial conclusion about
Bell, William Gardner
Commanding Generals and Chiefs of
Staff 1775-1987
Center of Military History, US
Army, Wash.D.C. 1987, 185 pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations, appendix
American Military History
Interesting biographies of
American Army leaders. The top man was commanding general until 1903, from then
on he was Chief of staff. George Washington was twice, James Wilkerson was
Bell, William Gardner
Secretaries of War and
Secretaries of the Army
Center of Military History, US
Army, Wash.D.C. 2010, 192 pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations, appendix
American Military History
More biographies of the Army's
top civilian leaders
Bellamy, Chris
Red God of War: Soviet Artillery
and Rocket Forces
Brassey's Defence Pub. London,
1986, 245 pgs., index, bibliography, glossary, illustrations
Modern Warfare
A good description of Soviet
artillery including some of the WWII offensives.
Bennett, Matthew - Jon Bradbury,
Kelly DeVries, Iain Dickie, Phyllis Jestice
Fighting Techniques of the
Medieval World AD 500 - AD 1500
Thomas Dunne Books, N.Y., 2006,
256 pgs., index, bibliography, maps,
Medieval Warfare
Excellent bird's view maps, -
organized by topic chapters, infantry, mounted warfare, command and control,
siege techniques, naval warfare, including weaponry - some lesser discussed
battles included
Bennett, Matthew
Agincourt 1415
Osprey, London, 1991, 96 pgs.,
chronology, readings, maps, illustrations,. paperback
Medieval Warfare
An excellent study of the entire
campaign from siege of Harfleur on, the battle that includes details on each
army, formations, order of battle, plans, - section on the battlefield today.
The illustrations include bird's eye view battle maps and color paintings of
representative warriors. Other illustrations are drawn from contemporary
Bennett, Matthew
Campaigns of the Norman Conquest
Osprey, Oxford, 2001, 95 pgs.,
index, chronology, glossary, readings, maps, illustrations,. paperback
Medieval Warfare
A general discussion of the
conquest. Sections on Danes, Normans and English, on Harold and William, the
two invasions. There are also sections on details such as Church
administration, bishops, and others.
Bennett, Ralph
Ulrtra in the West: The Normandy
Campaign 1944-45
Charles Scribner's Sons, N. Y.,
1979, 336 pgs., index, notes, maps, bibliography, glossary, chronology, figures
Modern Military History
A more detailed study of the role
of Ultra in a specific campaign than Lewin's general strudy. For this campaign
it was not only critical to know early what the Germans could and would due,
but also to be able to evaluate Allied secrecy and deception measures by
learning what had worked.
Berezinski, Richard
Polish Winged Hussar 1576-1775
Osprey, Oxford, 2006, 64 pgs.,
index, chronology, bibliography, maps, illustrations,. paperback
Early Modern Warfare
The 8 full color illustrations by
Velimir Vuksic are excellent. The author discusses the question about where the
'wings' were located, on the saddle or the hussar's back, and considers both
likely at different times. The text includes an outline history, the
recruitment and organization , equipment. clothing, horses, training, battle
formations, baggage and logistics, tactics and retirement.
Beribzye, V. V. - ed.
Dreyevniye Kreposti Gruzii
(Ancient fortresses in Georgia)
Izdatrelstvo, Merani, Tbilisi,
Georgia, 1966, 229 pgs., 44 full page illustrations, map
This book in Russian is a
description of many castles and fortresses in the Georgian Republic., The map
shows a surprising number of forts all over the country. The content ranges
from the 16th to 18th centuries
Bidwell, Shelford & Dominick
Fire-power: British Army Weapons
and Theories of war 1904-1945
George Allen & Unwin, Boston,
1985, 327 pgs., index, bibliography, end notes, illustrations, paperback
Modern Military History
The British employment of field
artillery from pre-World War One theories to its actual employment in WWI,
developments between the wars and finally the use of artillery during World War
Billows, Richard A.
Marathon: How One Battle Changed
Western Civilization
Overlook Duckworth, N.Y., 2010,
304 pgs., index, bibliography, chronology, maps, genealogy charts,
Ancient Military History
I disagree with the author's
premise set in his book title. But he does place the battle at Marathon well
into a broad study of Greek cities and Persian empire. The bibliography is
excellent. Same idea as proposed about Trafalgar and Salamis.
Black, Jeremy
The Battle of Waterloo
Random House, N. Y., 2010, 236
pgs., index, end notes,
Napoleonic Warfare
A short book that sets the battle
into the context of 18th century warfare and the changes created by the French
Revolution and Napoleon, plus thoughts about subsequent changes
Black, Jeremy
War and the World: Military Power
and the Fate of Continents 1450 - 2000
Yale Univ. Press., New Haven,
1988, 334 pgs., index, end notes, illustrations, maps
Military History
A contribution to the current
discussion about 'causes' for the 'rise of the West.' But more - the author
really believes in 'world' of his title. He not only describes warfare from the
European perspective but also from the 'rest' Asia and Africa and the Americas.
The pages are full of battles in those regions between locals there as well as
with European invaders.
Black, Jeremy ed.`
The Seventy Great Battles in
Thames & Hudson, U. K., 2005,
304 pgs., index, maps, illustrations, readings, large format
Military History
The editor's selection.
Black, Jeremy
European Warfare 1660-1815
Yale Univ. Press, New Haven,
1994, 276 pgs., index, abbreviations, bibliography, notes, maps
Early Modern Military History
This is an important contribution
to the discussion over a 'military revolution' begun by Michael Roberts -
The Military Revolution 1560-1660 - and continued by G. Parker, C.
Rogers, C. Duffy, J,. Lynn and others
Black, Jeremy
Warfare in the Eighteenth Century
Cassell, London, 1999, 224 pgs.,
index, readings, illustrations, maps,
Early Modern Warfare
Contents on a world wide scale -
emphasis on changing developments during the period.
Black, Jeremy
Cambridge Illustrated Atlas -
warfare - Renaissance to Revolution 1492-1792
Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge,
U.K., 1996, 191 pgs., index, readings, chronology, maps
Early Modern Warfare
Excellent by itself, but perfect
with the other books by Black. Includes warfare world-wide.
Blake, R. L. V. ffrench
The Crimean War
Sphere Books, London, 1973, 181
pgs., index, illustrations, appendices
British Military History -
Russian Military History
Blackwill, Robert D. &
Jennifer M. Harris
War by Other Means
- Belknap Press, Harvard Univ.
Cambridge, 2016, 366 pgs, index, 90 pgs. of notes
Strategy, Geonomics,
unconventional warfare
Subtitle: Geoeconomics and
Blondel, Sigfus and Benetikt S.
The Varangians of Byzantium
Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge,
235 pgs., index, notes, bibliography, illustrations, Xerox copy
Medieval Military HIstory
The author describes the
activities of Varangians (Norse and Saxons) in the Byzantine Army and also
their cultural influences back home. There is description of the relationship
between Kievan Rus and Byzantium.
Bloom, Jim
Leonardo Da Vinci and the
Renaissance Military
Strategy anbd Tactics Mag. Feb
1993, # 158, pgs., 53-66, chronology
Early Modern Warfare
Jom Bloom describes Leonoardo's
ideas and projects in the context of his contemporary military scene in Italy.
He mentions Leonardo's efforts with Machiavelli to change the course of the
Arno River to help defeat Pisa (a topic recently being discussed as if it were
Bluhm, William T.
"Causal Theory in
Thucydides' Peloponnesian War"
In Political Studies, Vol
X, No, 1, Feb. 1962, pgs. 15 - 35.
Military Theory - Ancient
Military History
Analysis of some concepts in
Boardman, John And Jasper Griffin
and Oswyn Murray - eds.
The Oxford History of the
Classical World
Oxford Univ. Press, N.Y., 1986,
882 pgs. , index, maps , illustrations,
Reference Ancient History
Separate articles on many
specific topics - background to military affairs in Greece and Rome
Boatner, Mark M. III
The Civil War Dictionary
David McKay Co., N. Y., 1959, 973
pgs., bibliography, maps
Reference, American Military
Excellent for quick search for
Bobbitt, Philip
The Shield of Achilles: War,
Peace, and the course of history
Alfred Knopf, N. Y., 2002, 919
pgs., index, bibliography, end notes, There is also a paper back edition
Western military history since
1500, military and constitutional theory
This outstanding book is the best
one to combine the history of the 'state', its military, development of
constitutions, and their interrelations since 1500. Plus the author proposes
three potential scenarios for the course of history in the 21st century. See
Bobbitt, Philip
Terror and Consent: The Wars for
the Twenty-First Century
Alfred Knopf, N.Y., 2008, 672
pgs., index, notes, bibliography - plates from Shield of Achilles.
Modern Military history and
The author describes the type of
terrorism that flourished in each of the different 'state' structures presented
in Shield. He again relates military security to constitutional law. He again
shows how constitutional law must change just as it has in the past to meet the
requirements of military security in the existing and future 'state' structure.
This is a must read to counter the foolishness in current discussions of the
'war on terror'. See terrorandconsent.htm
Bonds, Ray, ed. - multiple expert
The Encyclopedia of Land Warfare
in the 20th Century
Thomas Y. Crowell Co., N. Y.,
1977, 248 pgs., index, multiple illustrations, large format
Reference - 20th Century Warfare
The two World Wars and many
smaller wars in between and since. Popular style text built around the
illustrations, but nevertheless authoritative.
Bonds, Ray, ed. - multiple expert
The Chinese War Machine
Salamander Books, N.Y., 1979, 184
pgs., index, illustrations, maps, large format
Modern Military history
Obviously dated now, but the
excellent illustrations and text are worth reading.
Bonds, Ray, ed. - multiple expert
The Soviet War Machine
Salamander Books, N.Y., 1976, 247
pgs., index, illustrations, large format
Modern Military history
Obviously dated now, but the
excellent illustrations and text are worth reading. Includes ground forces,
navy and air forces
Bonds, Ray, ed. - multiple expert
Russian Military Power
Salamander Book, St. Martin's
Press, N.Y., 1980, 249 pgs., index, illustrations, large format
Modern Military history
Obviously dated now, but the
excellent illustrations and text are worth reading. Includes ground forces,
navy and air forces
Bonet, Honore - trans. G. W.
The Tree of Battles
University Press, Liverpool,
1949, 316 pgs., index, appendix
Medieval Warfare
This is a marvelous book. It was
written in 1387 by the French monk, Honore Bonet. This edition contains much
commentary and explnation on the book and its context.
Boot, Max
War made New; Technology, Warfare
& the Course of History 1500 - today
Gotham Books, 2006, 624 pgs.,
index, bibliography, end notes, maps
Military History
A little bit overdone, in my
Boot, Max
Invisible Armies
W. W. Norton, N. Y., 2013, 750
pgs., index, bibliography, end notes, illustrations
Military History
Chapters on Guerilla and similar
warfare from ancient times to the present See -
Boss, Roy
Justinian's Wars: Belisarius,
Narses and the Reconquest of the West
Montvert Pub. London, 72 pgs.,
bibliography, appendix, chronology, illustrations, paper back
Ancient Military History
The illustrations are both line
drawings based on artifacts and full color paintings. The content is the wars
against the Vandals in North Africa and wars against the Visigoths in Italy.
There is a lengthy list of sieges.
Bosworth, A. B.
Conquest and Empire; The Reign of
Alexander the Great
Cambridge Univ. Cambridge U.K.,
1993, 330 pgs., index, bibliography, foot notes, maps
Ancient Military History
A very judicious treatment of the
small number of primary sources. Read along with Arian.
Boutell, Charles - trans. M.P.
Arms and Armour in Antiquity and
the Middle Ages
Combined Books, London, 1996, 296
pgs, end notes, illustrations
Military History
Begins with brief section on
stone age, then Assyrians and classical Greeks.. Concludes with short
discussion of early artillery. The illustrations are helpful. The text is very
Bowden, Scott & Charlie
Armies on the Danube 1809
Empire Games Press, Arlington
Texas, 1980, 185 pgs, bibliography, end notes, maps, appendix, and wargame
playing material
Napoleonic Warfare
The campaign in Austria with
battles at Eckmuhl, Aspern-Essling and Wagram designed as reference material
for a board game.
Bowden, Scott
The Glory Years 1805-07: Napoleon
and Austerlitz, Vol 1
The Emperor's Press, Chicago,
1997, 528 pgs., bibliography, foot notes, illustrations, maps, tables
Napoleonic Warfare
Extremely detailed and massive
study of Napoleon's army and the entire Austerlitz Campaign, including also the
Russians and Austrians
Bradford, Alfred, S. ed. and
Philip II of Macedon
Praeger, London, 1992, 199 pgs.,
index, sources, maps
Ancient Military History
Bradford has compiled the
contemporary sources that mention Philip II of Macedon and added connecting
Brady, S. G.
Caesar's Gallic Campaigns
Military Services Publishing,
Harrisburg, PA., 1947, 230 pgs., illustrations, appendix
Roman Military History
Published during World War II to
educate the public on military history
Brandenburg, N. Ye.
Istorichyeskii Katalog'
Artilleriiskago Muzyeya - Part III
Sanktpeterburg', 1889, 530 pgs,
illustrations, paperback
Russian Military History
A very rare book and primary
source for holdings of the museum in 19th century. Excellent descriptions of
each item and fine illustrations. (see recent reprint - Krylov)
Brandenburg, N. Ye.
Putyevodityel' po Artilleriiskomy
muzyeyu Part 1
Tipografiya Glavnogo Upravleniya
Ud'lov, Moxovaya 40, St Petersbvurg, 1902, 61 pgs., illustrations, paperback
Ancient artifacts from Russia
This is a catalog of artifacts
(weapons) from the Stone, Bronze and Iron ages found in Russia - including
Scythian and Sarmatian graves.
Brice, Martin
Forts and Fortresses
Facts on Filer, N. Y., 1990, 192
pgs., index, bibliography, glossary, illustrations, large format
From the hill forts of prehistory
to modern times - 'the definitive visual account of the science of
fortification. We,, the coverage is comprehensive in scope in terms of time,
but that means less detail all around. Still the chosen illustrations are
representative. And fortification in the Middle East and Asia is included.
Brockman, Eric
The Two Sieges of Rhodes 1480 -
John Murray, London, 1969, 184
pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations, maps, appendix, end notes
Early Modern Warfare
Still the best book on this
Brodie, Bernard and Fawn
From Crossbow to H-Bomb
Dell, N.Y., 1962, 288 pgs, index,
illustrations, paperback
Military History
Published during Cold War for
popular education of public., The author was an 'expert' on nuclear strategy.
The theme is to describe the role of science in developments in warfare.
Brown, R. Alllen
English Castles
Book Club Associates, London,
1954, 240 pgs., index, notes, illustrations, diagrams
Castles - fortification -
Medieval Military History
Castles in England including
English castles in Wales - with excellent photos and diagrams
Bruce, Robert,
Fighting Techniques of Napoleonic
Age 1792-1815
Thomas Dunne Books, N.Y., 2008,
256 pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations, battle maps
Napoleonic era warfare
Read this with Nosworthy book.
Brundage, James, A. ed.
The Crusades: Motives and
D. C. Heath Co., Boston, 1964, 89
Medieval Warfare
The booklet is designed as a
teaching resources with 17 essays that create discussion Many new books with
different view points have been published since 1964.
Brzezinski, Richard
Polish Armies 1569-1696 (1)
Osprey, London, 1987, 48 pgs.,
illustrations, map, chronology, paperback
Early Modern Military History
The color illustrations are by
Angus McBride. There are also photos and diagrams. In addition to the uniforms
the text discusses organization and recruiting;.
Brzezinski, Richard
The Army of Gustavus Adolphus 1
Osprey, London, 1991, 48 pgs.,
illustrations, map, photos, paperback
Early Modern Military History
The color illustrations are by
Richard Hook. The British units (mostly Scots) in Swedish service are listed as
well as Germans and other mercenaries..
Brzezinski, Richard
The Army of Gustavus Adolphus 2
Osprey, London, 1993, 48 pgs.,
bibliography, illustrations, map, chronology, paperback
Early Modern Military History
The color illustrations are by
Richard hook. There are photos of weapons and paintings.
Brzezinski, R. & M.
The Sarmatians 600 BC - AD 450
Osprey, Oxford, 2002, 48 pgs.,
index, bibliography, illustrations, map, chronology, paperback
Ancient Military History
The Sarmatians is the name given
to a very powerful, mixed group of nomad, Iranian speaking, peoples; later also
known as Alans. The Alans continued to exist among the successors of the
western Romans will after the time period discussed here. An important issue
well described here is that they effectively used a long lance in combat
without stirrups. (contra White), They were so successful the Romans hired some
and imitated them by creating their own cataphract (armored lancer). The
excellent color illustrations are by G. Embleton. There are also drawings an
photographs. The text describes organization, tactics, and influence in detail.
Bueno, Jose M.
La Infanteria de Lina - (the army
of King Alfonso XIII)
Barreira, Madrid, 1983, 40 pgs.,
illustrations, paperback
Spanish Army
Beautiful full color and many b/w
illustrations of Spanish army.
Bukhari, Emir
Napoleon's Cuirassiers and
Osprey, London, 1977, 40 pgs.,
sources, illustrations, paperback
Napoleonic Military History
The color illustrations are by
Angus McBride. There are many other photos. The book is about the regiments.
There are tables listing all the cuirassier and carabinier regiments, their
dates and uniforms.
Bukhari, Emir
Napoleon's Guard Cavalry
Osprey, London, 1978, 40 pgs.,
sources, illustrations, paperback
Napoleonic Military History
The color illustrations are by
Angus McBride. There are many other photos. The book is about the regiments -
Grenadiers a Cheval - Empresses's Dragoons - Chasseurs a Cheval - Mamelukes -
Gardes D'Honneur - Polish Lancers - Dutch Lancers - German Lancers - Lithuanian
Tatars. The dates for these units are listed.
Burns, Thomas S.
Barbarians within the gates of
Rome; A study of Roman Military Policy and the Barbarians CA. 375-425 A.D.
Indiana Univ. Press, Bloomington,
1994, 417 pgs., index, bibliography, notes, chronology, illustrations, maps,
Ancient Military History
This detailed scholarly study
eliminates any of the many alternative theories on why the western half of the
Roman empire collapsed. See also Peter Heather The Fall of the Roman
Buttery, Alan
Armies and Enemies of Ancient
Egypt and Assyria
Wargames Research Group, Sussex,
1974, 83 pgs., illustrations, readings, list of battles
Ancient Military History
The text describes tactical
methods and organization. The line drawings illustrate many types of warrior
with text descriptions.
Caesar, Julius - trans. Anne and
Peter Wiseman
The Battle for Gaul
David R. Godine, Boston, 1980,
208 pgs., index, illustrations, notes, glossary
Ancient Military History
This is a translation of Caesar's
Commentaries. The editors have provided a good introduction and other aids for
the student.
Caesar, Julius, ed. Kurt Raaflaub
The Complete Works
Landmark Edition, Pantheon Books,
N.Y., 2017, 1000 pgs., index, maps, notes, glossary, appendices
Roman history, millitary history
The magnificant Landmark edition
joins the similar editions of Herodotus, Thucydides, Arrian, and Xenophon as
the definitive edition of Caesar's Gallic war, Civil War, Alexandrian War,
African war and Spanish War with extensive scholarly essays and maps. A very
special feature is that in addition to the 1000 pages in print the edition
includes a web site and over 300 more pages os essays on many related and
impostant topics on Caesar and Roman history.
Campbell, Duncan B.
Roman Legionary Fortresses 27 BC
- AD 378
Osprey, London, 2006, 64 pgs.,
index, glossary, further reading, illustrations, chronology, paperback
Excellent color illustrations by
Brian Delf. The text describes the design and development of legionary
fortresses including the elements and daily life in one.
. |
Campbell, Duncan B.
Greek and Roman Siege Machinery
399 BC - 363 AD
Osprey, Oxford, 2003, 48 pgs.,
index, further reading, illustrations, paperback
Ancient Military History
The 7 full color illustrations by
Brian Delf depict a variety of engines. discussed in the text including towers,
ram-tortoise, sheds, and sambuca.
Campbell, Duncan B.
Greek and Roman Artillery 399 BC
- 363 AD
Osprey, Oxford, 2003, 48 pgs.,
index, references, illustrations, paperback
Ancient Military History
The 8 color illustrations by
Brian Delf clearly show the features of the artillery described in the text
including cheiroballistra, ballista, onager, and arrow or stone firers. Of
course such artillery was also used in sieges, but the Romans deployed some
also as field artillery in each legion.
Capponi, Niccolo
Victory of the West: The Great
Christian-Muslim Clash at the Battle of Lepanto
Da Capo Press, N. Y., 2006, 412
pgs., index, bibliography, end notes, illustrations, glossary, appendix
Early Modern Warfare
Best comprehensive book on this.
Carman, W. Y.
British Military Uniforms from
Contemporary pictures
Leonard Hill Books, London, 1957,
167 pgs., index, illustrations
British Military History
The illustrations are indeed
excellent - They date from reign of Henry VII to modern times.
Carman, W. Y.
Model Soldiers
The World Publishing Co, N.Y.,
1972, 80 pgs., bibliography, illustrations, list of museums
Reference - uniforms
This contains 65 color pictures
of various military uniforms with descriptive text.
Carr, Jeffrey
Inside Cyber Warfare
O'Reilly, Cambridge, U. K., 2012,
295 pgs., index, foot notes, illustrations
Modern Military History
The Author discusses what is
Cyber warfare, how is it employed, what are the capabilities and activities of
various countries. How does it relate to other kids of warfare.
Cartledge, Paul
Alexander the Great: The Hunt for
a new Past
The Overlook Press, N.Y., 2004,
368 pgs., index, bibliography, glossary, illustrations, timeline, maps
Ancient Military History
This is a full biography in which
of course Alexander's military campaigns form a major part. The author is an
expert on ancient Sparta and classical Greece in general
Cassin, Jack & Scott and John
Ceremonial Uniforms of the World
Arco Pub. N. Y., 1977,
bibliography, glossary, illustrations
Reference - Uniforms
The book contains 80 full color
plates , each of a uniform of representative nations from - 19th - 20th
Castle, H. G.
Spion Kop
Almark Pub., London, 1976, 48
pgs., appendix, illustrations, paperback
Modern Military History
The story of a battle in the Boer
Cate, Curtis
The War of the Two Emperors: The
Duel between Napoleon and Alexander - Russia 1812
Random House, 1985, 487 pgs.,
index, bibliography, end notes, illustrations
Napoleonic Military History -
Russian Military History
This study is focused on the
level of international relations and grand strategy
Catton, Bruce
The American Heritage new history
of the Civil War
Viking Press, N. Y., 1996, 630
pgs., index, bibliography, maps, illustrations, introduction, large format
American Military History
With introduction by James
McPherson -a wonderful full narrative. But the hugevolume of excellent
illustrations is what makes the book so special.
Catton, Bruce
A Stillness at Appomattox
Doubleday & Co., Garden City,
N. Y., 1953, 437 pgs., index, end notes, map
American Military History
Another of the author's classics
Catton, Bruce
Glory Road: The Bloody Route from
Fredericksburg to Gettysburg
Doubleday & Co., Garden City,
N. Y., 1952, 416 pgs., index, end notes, map, bibliography
American Military History
Another of the author's classics
Catton, Bruce
This Hallowed Ground: The Story
of the Union Side of the Civil War
Doubleday & Co., Garden City,
N. Y., 1956, 437 pgs., index, bibliography, end notes, maps
American Military History
Another of the author's classics,
but as the title indicagtes, this one is organized differently and tells the
story from a different perspective.
Catton, Bruce
Grant Moves South
Little, Brown Co., Boston, 1960,
564 pgs., index, bibliography, end notes, maps
American Military History
Another of the author's classics.
This is the first we hear of US Grant in the Civil War- the campaign to Forts
Henry and Donelson. Then it is bloody Shiloh, a near run thing. And finally we
read about Grant's triumph at Vicksburg. The maps, as usual in a small book are
inadequate. Use the West Point History with its maps.
Cernenko, E.V.
The Scythians 700 - 300 BC
Osprey, London, 1983, 40 pgs.,
map, chronology, illustrations, paperback
Ancient Military History
Excellent color illustrations by
Angus McBride from reconstructions by M. Gorelik (himself an author -
archeologist, illustrator). Also many pictures of artifacts from graves and of
drawings. Text describes the Scythian army.
Chaliand, Gerard - ed.
The Art of War in World History
Univ. of California Press,
Berkeley, 1994, 1072 pgs., sources
Reference - Military History
Extracts from original sources of
famous authors on military subjects
Chandler, David
The Campaigns of Napoleon
Macmillan, N.Y., 1966, 1172 pgs.,
index, bibliography, end notes, appendices, illustrations, maps
Napoleonic era Warfare
The definitive study by the
Chandler, David, ed.
Napoleon's Marshals
Macmillan Co. N. Y., 1987, 560
pgs., index, tables, diagrams, illustrations, bibliographies, notes, appendices
Napoleonic Era Warfare
26 chapters, each on a different
Chandler, David
Dictionary of the Napoleonic Wars
Macmillian Co, N. Y., 1979, 579
pgs., bibliography, maps, illustrations, chronology, appendices
Reference - Napoleonic Era
Alphabetical entries on events,
persons, topics.
Chandler, David
+ |
The Art of Warfare in the Age of
B. T. Batsford, London, 1976, 317
pgs., index, references, diagrams, illustrations, appendices
Early Modern Warfare
Topical chapters on horse, foot,
artillery, engineering. Difficult to choose about which Chandler was the most
famous expert, Marlborough or Napoleon.
Chandler, David
Marlborough as Military Commander
Charles Scribner's sons, N. Y.,
1973, 368 pgs., index, maps, bibliography, references, appendices,
Early Modern Warfare
The campaigns, battles, sieges
and evaluation of Marlborough - to accompany the previous book on art of war.
Chandler, David
Atlas of Military Strategy
The Free Press, N.Y., 1980, 208
pgs., index, maps, illustrations, glossary, bibliography
Reference - Military History
Brief discussion of general
topics, brief discussion of prior eras, then details of campaigns since 1618 to
Chartrand, Rene
The Forts of New France in
Northeast America 1600 -1763
Osprey, Oxford, 2008, 64 pgs.,
index, maps, bibliography, chronology, illustrations, paperback
Excellent artist rendering by
Brian Delf. The text describes French forts along the Atlantic, in the Arcadian
borderland, along the Richeliu and St. Lawrence Rivers, on Lake Champlain and
west to the Ohio and Hudson's Bay. These varied from full scale Vauban style
bastioned stone forts to earth ramparts and wooden palisades. There is a
section on the forts today.
Chevallier, Bernard, trans.
Thomas Gunther
Lithograph Publishing, Memphis
Tenn., 1993, 176 pgs., many color illustrations, geneology, chronology
Napoleonic Warfare
This is the catalog for a special
museum exhibition of art and objects related to Napoleon held in Memphis. It
includes also background text.
Childs, John
Warfare in the Seventeenth
Cassell, London, 2001, 239 pgs.,
index, illustrations, bibliography, chronology, maps, glossary, paper back
Early Modern Warfare
The author rejects the 'military
revolution. See Parker, Roberts, and others in this list. I agree with Childs.
the Development of warfare is a dialectical process between attack and defense,
between technological innovation and tactical assimilation. The process is too
gradual to be termed a 'revolution'. In this short book Childs discusses the
Thirty Year's War developments and wars between 1650 and 1660's and then the
Wars of Louis XIV. By keeping his content limited he is able to provide
considerable detail.,
Chorley, Katharine
Armies and the Art of Revolution
Becon Press, Boston, 1973,
(reprint from 1943) 272 pgs., index, paperback
Modern History
The author wrote an introduction
to the new reprint discussing her original intent and sources in 1943 and some
of the huge changes that took place by 1973. The subject is the role of armies
and armed forces in revolutions with specific consideration of the Russian,
Italian and German examples between the World Wars. Theory rests on the concept
that the 'state' depends on the support of its army, thus the attitude of the
armed forces is critical. The topic is even more relevant to today's social
Churchill, Winston S.
Marlborough - his life and times
- 4 volumes, abridged by Commanger, Henry
Charles Scribner's Sons, N. Y.,
1963, 983 pgs., index, illustrations, bibliography, paperback
Biography, Early Modern Military
Introduction by Henry Steele
Commanger - A masterpiece by a great writer and statesman.
Cimarelli, Aldo`
Arms and Armour in the Age of
Orbis Books, London, 1993, 64
pgs., beautiful illustrations, bibliography glossary
Reference _ Medieval History
The text is to describe the
gorgeous illustrations, which include Turkish and Japanese as well as European
Clark, Champ
Decoying the Yanks: Jackson's
Valley Campaign
Time-Life Books, 1984, 176 pgs.,
index, illustrations, bibliography
American Military History
One of a set
Clark, Champ
The Assassination: Death of the
Time-Life Books, 1984, 176 pgs.,
index, illustrations, bibliography
American Military History
One of a set
Clark, Champ
Gettysburg; The Confederate High
Time-Life Books, 1984, 176 pgs.,
index, illustrations, bibliography
American Military History
One of a set
Clark, Wesley, K.
American Military History
The Great Courses, Chantilly,
VA., 2018, 2 vol., 192 & 289 pgs., bibliography, illustrations, paperback
American Military History
This is a 24 lecture series with
24 chapter transcript by a retired 4 star general who participateddirectly in
some of the recent military events he describes. He especially was active in
defining military and oplitical strategy. To describe American military history
in 24 lectures obviously requires skipping much and treating the remainder at a
very general level. Thus, while the subtitle is "From Colonials to Counter
insurgents' the content excludes the lengthy wars between Euroopean settlers
and American Indians ( very much similar to counter insurgency) and American
warfare in the Caribbean and Philipeans. The last 12 lectures are devoted to
World War II and later.
Clausewitz, Carl von
The Campaign of 1812 in Russia
Academic Institute Press, 1970,
260 pgs., a reprint of the 1843 edition - map
Napoleonic Military History -
Russian Military History
Clausewitz went into exile from
Prussia after Jena and served as a staff observer with the Russian army during
the 1812-13 campaign.
Clausewitz, Karl von - trans. O.
J. Matthijs Jolles
On War
Modern Library, N.Y., 1943, 641
pgs., index,
Clausewitz - Theory of war - war
and politics- strategy
The edition I read high school
Clausewitz, Carl von
On War
Princeton, N.J. 1976, 717 pgs.,
Clausewitz - Theory of war - war
and politics- s trategy
The new, definitive edition
edited by Peter Paret and Michael Howard
Clausewitz, Carl von - trans and
ed Peter Hofchroer
On Wellington: A critique of
Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 2010,
251 pgs., index, map
Clausewitz analysis of strategy
is the subject but the translator uses it to attack Wellington
The translator - Peter Hofchroer
- chooses to manipulate his title. Clausewitz was not focused on Wellington but
on all the actors and their decisions - but Hofchroer likes to denegrate
Wellington so he uses this translation as a stick to beat Welington with
Cole, Hubert
The Wars of the Roses
Hart- Davis MacGibbon, London,
1973, 208 pgs., index, geneology, illustrations,
Medieval Warfare
Mostly about the political and
genealogical aspects
Cole, Hugh M.
The Ardennes: Battle of the Bulge
Center of Military History, U. S.
Army, Washington D.C. 1993, 720 pgs., index, glossary, illustrations, foot
notes, paperback
Modern Military History
The official U.S. Army history of
this crucial battle in World War II. Full use of primary sources.
Cole, James L. Jr.
On War Today?
Air University Review, May-June
1980, Vol XXXI no 4, pgs., 20-23, notes, paper
Military Theory
The author believes that despite
beingdated to Clauswitz's times the book is well worth study today by military
professionals. The relationship of war and policy is the most significant
reason for this study.
Colish, Marcia L.
"Machiavelli's Art of War; A
Renaissance Quarterly, Vol. 51,
1998, - also included in De Re Militari

Military -Political Theory
This is an estraordinary analysis
of Machiavelli's book by an author whose other studies on medieval subjects is
so outstanding. She delves deeply into the purposes and sub-plots and real
meanings behind the scenes that M's contemporaries would have understood, but
that have been missed by modern commentators. This essay practically re-invents
the book, it is more than a 'reconsideration.'
Condon, Richard W
The Winter War: Russia against
Pan/Ballantine, London, 1972, 160
pgs., bibliography, map, illustrations, paper back
Russian Military History
This is a small book with many
illustrations. It does provide a summary of the operations.
Connolly, Peter
The Greek Armies
Macdonald Educational, London,
1977, 77 pgs., index, glossary large format
Ancient Military History
Essentially a picture book -
great illustrations of details of Greek arms and armor from earliest times
through classical to Age of Alexander.
Connolly, Peter
The Roman Armies
Macdonald Educational, London,
1975, 77 pgs., index, glossary, large format
Ancient Military History
Essentially a picture book -
great illustrations of details of Roman arms and armor from Republic through
Empire. Includes siege warfare and navy
Connolly, Peter
Hannibal and the Enemies of Rome
Macdonald Educational, London,
1978, 77 pgs., index, glossary, large format
Ancient Military History
Essentially a picture book -
great illustrations of details of Etruscians, Samnmies, Carthaginians and
Celts. Includes navy and fortifications
Contamine, Philippe
War in the Middle Ages
Basil Blackwell, London, 1984,
387 pgs., index, bibliography, foot notes, maps, illustrations,
Medieval Military History
Comprehensive, strong
historiography, analysis of sources,
Cooling, Benjamin Franklin III
& Walton H. Owen II
Mr. Lincoln's Forts: A Guide to
the Civil War Defenses of Washington,
White Mane Pub., Wash. D.C.,
1988, 256 pgs., index, illustrations, maps
Fortification - American Military
An extraordinarily detailed study
of the many forts and emplacements that ringed Washington during the Civil War
- a must guide for anyone wanting to visit these places.
Corfis, Ivy A. & Michael
Wolfe - eds.
The Medieval City Under Siege
Boydell Press, Suffolk U. K.
1995, 292 pgs., index, foot notes, illustrations, paperback
Medieval Military History
This outstanding and much needed
book is a collection of essays by experts that trace the trends in siege
warfare during the middle ages. Sieges are generally under studied by authors
who focus mostly on battles. In his essay Bert Hall discusses the famous
controversy over the ''military revolution' first considered by Michael Roberts
and then examined by Geoffrey Parker and others.
Cornell, Thomas F. - ed.
Selected Readings in Military
History, 3rd ed.
Dept. of History, USMA, West
Point, N.Y., 1995, 465 pgs.,
Modern Military History
Text at West Point
Cornish, Paul
Henry VIII's Army
Osprey, London, 1987, 48 pgs.,
added reading, illustrations, paperback
Early Modern Military History
The color illustrations are by
Angus McBride, and there are many photographs, The text traces the development
of the English army.
Corvisier, Andre, ed trans. Chris
Turner - ed. John Childes
A Dictionary of Military History
and the Art of War
Blackwell, Oxford, U.K., 1994,
916 pgs., bibliography, notes
Reference on Military History
Alphabetical listings including
individuals, places, topics
Corvisier, Andre, trans. Abigail
Armies and Societies in Europe
1494- 1789
Indiana Univ. Press, Bloomington,
1979, 209 pgss., index, bibliography
Early Modern Military History
The author traces the changes and
development in the relationship between armies and societies as the demands of
the 'state' required larger armies and mobilization of more human resources.
The first chapter begins with section on "The Place of Arms in the
Societies of the
Ancien Regime" and the last chapter includes "The Social composition
of armies'.
Cowan, Ross
Roman Battle Tactics 109 BC - 313
Osprey, Oxford, 2007, 64 pgs.,
index, references, illustrations
Ancient Military History
Illustrations by Adam Hook.The
Color illustrations show the various tactical formations the Romans developed
during this transition period. Several battles are shown for examples.
Cowley, Robert
What If?: The World's Foremost
Military Historians Imagine What Might Have Been
G. P. Putnam's Sons, N. Y., 1999,
395 pgs., illustrations, maps
Military History
Consists of 20 essays, each on a
famous battle from Jerusalem 701 BC to China 1946. This is the 'alternate
history' approach to generate thought - It is not so much the kind that
describes an alternate describing how the looser might have won, but rather
more about what would have happened in the centuries following if that looser
had won. In the process it indicates that the battle might be considered
'decisive' in world history. However, I would not consider ALL the authors to
be 'foremost'.
Cosmas, Graham A.
An Army for Empire: The United
States Army in the Spanish-American War
Univ. of Missouri Press, 1971,
331 pgs., index, foot notes, maps, bibliography
Modern Military History -
American Military History
Excellent uses of sources. This
is a study for professional military officers and anyone interested in how a
military organization is created, and operated. For this overseas war the U.S.
Army and whole war department had to be mobilized as never before. Dr. Cosmos
provides the details.
Cotterell, Arthur
Chariot: From Chariot to tank,
The Astounding Rise and Fall of the World's First War Machine
The Overlook Press, N.Y., 2005,
344 pgss. , index, notes and references, illustrations, maps
Ancient Military History
I wish editors or publishers
would not get authors to expand the title of their books well beyond belief. In
this case we have an excellent study of the invention, adoption, exploit and
subsequent decline of the chariot as a major technological invention that had a
very significant, but temporary, impact on the conduct of warfare. But it was
no 'tank' - neither tactically nor strategically. A 'war machine' it was, but
so were Assyrian developments in siege machines.
Cottrell, Leonard
The Roman Forts of the Saxon
Her Majesty's Stationery Office,
1969, 40 pgs., bibliography, illustrations, paperback
A very interesting short text on
a narrow topic that is little studied. Some of the Roman forts were converted
into castles by the Normans.
Cowan, Ross
Imperial Roman Legionary AD
Osprey, Oxford, 2003, 64 pgs.,
index, chronology, glossary, bibliography, web sites, paperback
Ancient Military History -
The 8 full color illustrations by
Angus McBride are excellent. So are the b/w photos of artifacts. The text
describes the formation of the new legions in AD 161-284, their terms of
service, their organization and command structure, the units of elite
legionaries, equipment, several battles and an example of Legion II Parthica
after AD 268. This legion is previously described for its 'lanciarii'.
Cozzens, Peter and D. Scott
On Campaign, The Civil War Art of
Keith Rocco
The Emperor's Press, Chicago,
1994, 94 pgs., color illustrations by Keith Rocco
American Military History
The text is description of the
gorgeous paintings of Civil War scenes by Keith Rocco.
Craig, Hardin, Jr.
Bibliography of Encyclopedias and
Dictionaries dealing with Military, Naval and Maritime Affairs, 1577-1965
Rice Univ. Houston , Texas, 1965,
110 pgs., index,
An excellent reference for
finding early military reference works.
Creasy, E. S.
The Fifteen Decisive Battles of
the World from Marathon to Waterloo
The Standard Book Co. Chicago,
1882, 582 pgs.,
Military History
This is an early classic - there
are more recent editions. This set a standard that many modern authors have
copied with books on their selections of 'great battles'.
Creveld, Martin van
Supplying War: Logistics from
Wallenstein to Patton
Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge,
1977, 284 pgs., index, end notes, maps
Modern Warfare
The content is excellent but too
brief. The author has undertaken a project that deserves several volumes,
separating logistics prior to Napoleon, Napoleonic era, and at least 19th and
20th century logistics if not two more separate volumes Of course functions
such as supply of food and munitions, transportation, and communications are
similar in their demands, but there means of accomplishment differ.
Creveld, Martin van
Command in War
Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge,
1985, 339 pgs., index, notes
Military history, theory of
A study of command and leadership
throughout history in thecontext of changing technology
Crocker, H. W. III
Don't Tread on Me: A 400 Year
History of America at War from Indian Fighting to Terrorist Hunting
Crown Forum, N. Y., 2006, 452
pgs., index, bibliography, end notes
American Military History
Read for a different perspective
than found in standard school text books.
Cronin, Vincent
Napoleon Bonaparte: An Intimate
William Morrow & Co., N., Y.,
1972, 479 pgs., index, sources and notes, illustrations, appendices and Dell
Book 1971, 544 pgs., index, paperback
Detailed biography that of course
includes Napoleon's various campaigns.
Cross, Robert, ed.
Warfare, A Chronological History
The Wellfleet Press, Secaucus,
N.J., 1991, 256 pgs., index, maps, illustrations, large format
Military History
In 12 sections with specialist
authors. These must be general in content, ranging from "The First
Military Empires" to "Warfare Today and Tomorrow". But
everything is presented in a clear manner with excellent maps and
Cruickshank, C. G.
Elizabeth's Army
Oxford Univ Press, London, 1966,
2nd Ed., 316 pgs., index, appendices, foot notes, paperback
Early Modern Warfare
Details on organization,
recruitment, logistics, uniforms, training, tactics, and three campaigns.
Curry, Anne & Michael Hughes
- eds.
Arms, Armies and Fortifications
in the Hundred Years War
The Boydell Press, Suffok, U. K.,
1994, 221 pgs., index, footnotes, illustrations, paperback, abbreviations
Medieval Military History
12 essays by experts on various
aspects of the War between England and France
D'Amato, Raffaele
Byzantine Imperial Guardsmen 925-
Osprey, Oxford, 2012, 64 pgs.,
index, bibliography, illustrations, chronology, paperback
Medieval Military History
Excellent color illustrations by
Giuseppe Rava. The text distinguishes between several different imperial guard
units, showing their organizations, formations, weapons and equipment
Daniel, Larry J
Guns of Shiloh: Hiker's Guidebook
for Shiloh Cannon Trail
Shiloh Military Trail, Memphis,
Tenn., 1981, 52 pgs., illustrations, paperback
American Military History
Useful guide with map for walking
around the Shiloh battlefield, includes also detailed drawings and
specifications for the types of artillery pieces in the battle. And also
general information on founding of cannon, organization of a field artillery
battery, ammunition and artillery personnel.
Davies, Brian L.
Warfare, State and Society in the
Black Sea Steppe 1500-1700
Routledge, London, 2007, 256
pgs., index, sources, bibliography, end notes
Russian Military History
Excellent new book, one of many
in the very recent greatly increased scholarly study of Russian military
history prior to 1900.
Davies, Paul
The Field of Waterloo
Pan Books, London, 1970, 48 pgs.,
Order of Battle lists, illustrations, maps, paperback
Napoleonic Warfare
Handy small booklet with clear
battle map and illustrations with descriptive text.
Davis, William C.
Brother against Brother: The War
Time-Life Books, 1983, 176 pgs.,
index, illustrations, bibliography
American Military History
One of a set
Davis William C.
First Blood: Fort Sumter to Bull
Time-Life Books, 1983, 176 pgs.,
index, illustrations, bibliography
American Military History
One of a set
Dawson, Richard
The Chinese Secret Service
Saplinger Publishing, N. Y.,
1974, 532 pgs. index, bibliography, notes, illustrations
Modern Military History
L'armee Russe
Lemercier, Paris, nd, 28 pgs.
Russian Military History
This book is 28 color plates each
of a Russian Regimental type in full dress uniform circa 1840's. There is an
identifying caption for each plate but no text.
De Beer, Sir Gavin
Hannibal: Challenging Rome's
Viking Press, N. Y., 1969, 320
pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations,
Ancient Military History
The author is particularly noted
for his reconnaissance and assessment of which pass Hannibal used when crossing
the Alps.
Decker, Michael J.
The Byzantine Art of War
Westholme, Yardley, Penn., 2013,
267 pgs., index, bibliography, maps, glossary
Byzantine military organization
and operations
Organized topically in 8 chapters
covering history, leadership, training, recruitment, equipment, logistics,
strategy, tactics, enemies, and art of war
De Gyeyn, Jacob - Commentary by
J.B. Kist
The Exercise of Armes - a reprint
of the famous Dutch illustrated manual of arms
McGraw Hill, N.Y., 1971, 48 pgs.,
commentary, many large illustrations - bibliography, large format
Early Modern Warfare
This incredible reproduction has
nearly 100 plates in detailed lithography illustrating the manual arms for pike
and shot. The caliver alone went through 32 motions. The commentary is
essential to an understanding of the importance of this famous work.
DeLaMater, Matt, ed.
Napoleon International Journal #
Napoleon, Oakland Calif. Fall,
2000, 100 pgs., A special issue of this fine journal, color illustrations, maps
Napoleonic Warfare
This very special issue of
Napoleon Journal has multiple articles discussing military topics. Unique are
the color illustrations of each of Napoleon's major engagements in which the
strength and losses of both sides are shown by small uniformed soldiers.
Delbruch, Hans
History of the Art of War -vol 1
Warfare in Antiquity - trans. Walter Renfroe
Univ. of Nebraska Press, Lincoln,
1975, 604 pgs., index, illustrations, notes, paperback
Ancient Military History
A classic from the 19th century
German scholarly approach to study of ancient and medieval warfare. Delbruch
effectively discounted ancient estimates for huge numbers in battles and
campaigns. But he gives too little attention to sieges. his work generated much
discussion among German scholars.
Delbruch, Hans
History of the Art of War vol. 2,
The Barbarian Invasions - trans. Walter Renfroe
Univ. of Nebraska Press, Lincoln,
1975, 505 pgss., index, notes, appendices, paperback
Ancient Military History
A classic from the 19th century
German scholarly approach to study of ancient and medieval warfare. Delbruch
effectively discounted ancient estimates for huge numbers in battles and
campaigns. This volume discusses warfare between Romans and Germans but leaves
out war with Parthians. His work generated much discussion among German
Delbruch, Hans
History of the Art of War vol. 3,
Medieval Warfare - trans. Walter Renfroe
Univ. of Nebraska Press, Lincoln,
1975, 711 pgs. index, notes, paperback
Medieval Military History
A classic from the 19th century
German scholarly approach to study of ancient and medieval warfare. This volume
discusses war from Charlemagne to the Swiss in 16th century.
Delbruch, Hans
History of the Art of War vol. 4,
The Dawn of Modern Warfare - trans. Walter Renfroe
Univ. of Nebraska Press, Lincoln,
1975, 485 pgs., index, paperback
Early Modern Warfare, Napoleonic
A classic from the 19th century
German scholarly approach to study warfare. This volume discusses the 'military
renaissance', Wars of Religion, 18th century wars and Napoleonic Wars plus
Denikin, Anton I. - trans.
Margaret Patoski
The Career of a Tsarist Officer:
Memoirs, 1872-1916
Univ. of Minnesota Press,
Minneapolis, 1975, 333 pgs., index, end notes, maps, bibliography
Russian Military History
A unique look into the Russian
Imperial Army
Detaille, Edouard - trans.
Maureen Reinertsem
L'Armee Francaise: An Illustrated
History of the French Army 1790 -1885
Waxtel & Hasenauer, N. Y.,
1992, 354 pgs., illustrations
French Military History
Especially strong as reference to
French uniforms
Devambez, Pierre & Robert
The Praeger Encyclopedia of
Ancient Greek Civilization
Frederick A. Praeger, N.Y., 1967,
491 pgs., illustrations
Reference - Ancient History
This general reference includes
background and context for study of military history.
DeVries, Kelly
Medieval Military Technology
Broadview Press, Lewiston N. Y.,
1992, 342 pgs., index, bibliography, notes, illustrations, paperback
Medieval Military History
The author is a noted specialist
on medieval warfare. The book has sections on Arms and armor, artillery,
fortifications, and warships. There is a lengthy discussion of the stirrup
controversy and some recognition that the term 'feudalism' is now also
controversial. He did not have access to Ann Hyland's definitiveThe Medieval
Warhorse From Byzantiumto the Crusades nor to the lengthy discussion by the
Society of Ancients. Ancient cavalry made effective use of the lance without
use of stirrups. And Hyland proves that it was improved saddles by the Romans
rather than stirrups that gave a mounted warrior greater effectiveness.
Diamond, Jared
Guns, Germs and Steel
W. W. Norton, N.Y., 197, 480
pgs., index, readings, maps,
Miliary History
A famous book now. The author
questions what caused some societies to expand and others to collapse. The role
of military power is put into context Another book related to current issue
about 'rise of the West'.
Dickens, Gene
"Kadesh: Clash of
InCommand Magazine, Issue
7, Nov-Dec 1990, pgs., 12-22, diagrams, illustrations. paperback
Ancient Military History
One of the most famous ancient
Egyptian battles, because it is described on Egyptian temple wall. Some
authorities question the story as propaganda.
Dodge, Theodore, A.
Greenhill Books, London, 1995,
790 pgs., index, notes
Ancient Military History
Reprint of 1892 edition
Dodge, Theodore, A.
Greenhill Books, London, 1994,
693 pgs., index, map, appendix, illustrated
Ancient Military History -
Alexander the Great
A reprint of the 1890 edition
Donnelly C. N.
Heirs of Clausewitz: Change and
Continuity in the Soviet War Machine
Institute for European Defence
^& Strategic Studies, paper 16, London, 1985, 39 pgs., end notes, paper
Military Theory - Soviet Military
A short essay by an expert on
Soviet military discussing their military doctrine.
Dougherty, Martin J. - Michael E.
Haskew et. al.
Battles of the Bible 1400 BC - AD
73 - From Ai To Masada
Amber Books, London, 2008, 224
pgs., index, illustrations, bibliography, maps, large format
Ancient Military History
A super fine book with great
detail in text and illustrations. Some maps are bird's -eye views with notes
and arrows depicting movement.
Doughty, Robert, Ira Gruber, eds.
Warfare in the Western World - 2
vol. Vol. 1 1600 - 1871, Vol. 2 1871 to present
D. C. Heath, Lexington, Mass.,
1996, 1121 pgs., index, illustrations, maps
Modern Military History
The editors and authors seek to
provide a general history of military operations in the Western world for
students and general readers. Volume one begins with Gustavus Adolphus and
concludes with the Prussian modern wars against Austria and France in mid-19th
century. Given the expanding nature of war itself, the inclusion of a
relatively limited time frame for volume 2 - 1871 - to 1990's is warranted. The
authors for individual chapters included not only the two editors but other
experts on the subjects.
Douglass, David C.
William the Conqueror: The Norman
Impact upon England
Univ. of California Press,
Berkeley, 1964, 476 pgs., index, bibliography, maps, appendices, geneology
Medieval Military History
A full scale biography that
includes discussion of the military aspects of the time.
Drews, Robert
The End of the Bronze Age:
Changes in Warfare and the Catastrophy of CA 1200 B.C.
Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton,
N.J., 1993, 252 pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations
Ancient Military History
Analysis of events today would
call this another 'military revolution' and would cite the technology changes
from chariot warfare to the coming of Iron weapons. The catastrophe hit the
entire ancient middle east from Greece to Egypt and Assyria.
Drury, Ian
The Russo-Turkish War 1877
Osprey, London, 1994, 48 pgs.,
Modern Military History
The excellent illustrations of
uniforms are by Raffaele Ruggeri. The main action was at Plevna and Shipka
Pass, both described The Caucasus is mentioned very briefly. . Both armies are
well described including order of battle and tables of uniform colors.. There
are photos of weapons and contemporary illustrations.
Duffy, Christopher
Borodino: Napoleon Against
Russia, 1812
Charles Scribner and Sons, N.Y..,
1973, 208 pgs., index, appendix, bibliography, notes, illustrations, maps
Russian Military History -
Napoleonic Military History
The author focuses on details of
the battle
Duffy, Christopher
Russia's Military Way to the
West: Origins and Nature of Russian Military Power, 1700-1800
Routledge & Kegan Paul,
London, 1981, 256 pgs., index, bibliography, appendix, maps, illustrations
Russian Military History
The author is a professor at the
British Military School at Sandhurst and expert in many subjects in military
Duffy, Christopher
The Army of Frederick the Great
Parnell Books, London, 1974, 272
pgs., index, bibliography, appendices, notes and references, maps,
Early Modern Military History
This book is essential reading to
accompany books on the campaigns and battles since it describes in detail the
army itself including such topics and the officers, men, engineers, infantry,
tactics, logistics and other subjects. But it also does include descriptons of
campaigns and battles.
Duffy, Christopher
The Army of Maria Theresa: The
Armed Forces of Imperial Austria, 1740-1780
David &Charles, London, 1977,
256 pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations, end notes, appendix, list of
Early Modern Military History
An important reference on the
Austrian Army organization and thought to accompany the books on the 18th
century wars.
Duffy, Christopher
The Military Life of Frederick
the Great
Atheneum, N. Y., 1986, 407 pgs.,
index, bibliography, maps, illustrations, abbreviations
Early Modern Military History
Very detailed study of not only
Frederick, but the wars in which he commanded the Prussian Army. it should
accompany Duffy's book on the army
Duffy, Christopher
Fire and Stone: The Science of
Fortress Warfare 1660-1860
David and Charles, London, 1975,
207 pgs., index, bibliography, appendix, illustrations, notes
Fortification - Early Modern
Military History
Analysis of the art of
fortification and siege warfare during the great age of Vauban and
Dunnigan, James E. and Austin Bay
A Quick and Dirty Guide to war
William Morrow Co., N. Y., 1985,
415 pgs., index, tables
Modern Military History
A guide book to potential crisis
and conflict in various critical areas, such as Lebanon, Israel, Persian Gulf,
Afghanistan, Zaire, Libya, Korea, various American countries. Much data.
Interesting to compare these predictions with subsequent events.
Dunning, Chester S. L.
Russia's First Civil War
Penn State Univ., Univ Park, PA.,
2001, index, illustrations, maps, end notes, bibliography
Russian Military History
The only scholarly book in
English that describes and analyzes the 'Time of Troubles" in early 1600's
in terms of military history.
Dupuy, Trevor N.
Military Heritage of America
HERO Books, Fairfax, VA., 1984,
875 pgs., index, bibliography, maps
American Military History
A general account for students.
Dupuy, Trevor N.
The Value of Field Fortifications
in Modern Warfare
Historical Evaluation and
Research Organization, Dunn Loring VA. 1979, 117 pgs., manuscript
Modern Warfare
This report was prepared for the
Defense Nuclear Agency.
Dupuy, Trevor N.
The Military History of
Revolutionary War Naval Battles
Franklin Watts, N. Y., 1970, 118
pgs., index, maps
American Military History
An excellent book that shows some
aspects of the wider scope of the Revolutionary War - outside the 13 colonies.
Dupuy, Trevor N. & Curt
Johnson, David Bongard
The Harper Encyclopedia of
Military Biography
Harper Collins, N.Y., 1992, 834
pgs., sources
Reference for Military History
The standard reference for
military biography
Dupuy, Trevor N. & Curt
Johnson, Grace Hayes
The Dictionary of Military Terms
H. W. Wilson, N. Y., 1986, 237
Reference for Military History
A Guide to the Language of
Warfare and Military Institutions
Dupuy, Trevor and R. Ernest Dupuy
The Harper Encyclopedia of
Military History, 4th Ed.
Harper Collins, N.Y., 1993, 1654
pgss., bibliography, general index, index of wars, index of battles,
Reference for Military History
The standard reference for
military history - events by area and chronology with military topics related
to political.
Dupuy, Trevor N.
Elusive Victory: The Arab Israeli
Wars 1947-1974
Harper and Row, N.Y., 1978, 609
pgs., maps, appendices, bibliography, notes.
Modern Military History
The author conducted personal
interviews and research with participants on both sides of these conflicts.
Dupuy, Trevor N. editor in chief
International Military and
Defense Encyclopedia
Brassey's, Wash. D.C. 1993, 6
volumes, thousands of entries, with diagrams and illustrations, footnotes.
index, lists of contributors and editors
Reference - Military History from
ancient times to the present
A unique reference resource
Dupuy, Trevor N.
The Military Life of Hannibal:
Father of Strategy
Franklin Watts, Inc.,, N.Y.,
1969, 161 pgs., index, chronology, appendix, battle maps
Ancient Military History
The author focuses on Hannibal's
military career and wants to show he was a great soldier and war leader.
Considering the results he achieved with the questionable resources he had and
tremendous obstacles he overcame one must consider him an exceptional leader.
But as for 'strategist' in the book title, I disagree since his strategy
depended too much on chance and hopes.
Durov, V. A.
Russian and Soviet Military
Order of Lenin State History
Museum, Moscow, 1990, 103 pgs., illustrations, paperback
Russian Military History
The book has excellent color
illustrations of both Russian (pre revolutionary) and Soviet military awards,
such as medals and swords. The descriptive text is in both Russian and English.
Earle, Edward Mead - ed.
Makers of Modern Strategy:
Military Thought from Machiavelli to Hitler
Atheneum, N. Y., 1966, 553 pgs.,
index, bibliographical notes, footnotes, paperback
Military theory
Excellent essays by noted experts
on the specific subject. Standard reference - see Peter Paret now.
Edge, David & John Miles
Arms and Armor of the Medieval
Knight: An illustrated History of Weaponry in the Middle Ages
Crescent Books, N.Y.., 1988, 192
pgs., index, glossary, appendices, illustrations, large format
Medieval Military History
Focus is on 11th to 16th
centuries. The full color illustrations are excellent. Descriptions are
Military Uniforms The Splendor of
the Past
Crescent Books, Orbis Pub.,
London, 1973, 64 pgs., illustrations, large format
Uniforms - Military History
Full color illustrations of
uniforms from 18th century to World war One
The Ancient World - Alexander the
Great I, vol. IV, # 3 & 4
Ares Publishers, Chicago, 1981,
pgs., 67 to 127
Ancient Military History
This issue contains articles by
Patricia Langer "Alexander the Great at Siwah" and M. B. Hatzopolos
"A century and a Lustrum of Macedonian Studies, and the editors'
"Scholarship, research and The Search for Alexander"
The Ancient World - Alexander the
Great II, vol. V, # 1 & 2
Ares Publishers, Chicago, 1982,
pgs., 3 to 59
Ancient Military History
This issue has 5 articles on
detailed studies related to Alexander
The Ancient World, Saluting
Sterling Dow for Fifty Active Years in Scholarship, vol. VIII # 3 & 4
Ares Publishers, Chicago, 1983,
pgs., 83 to 143
Ancient Military History
This issue has 6 essays on
aspects of Alexander's life and times - especially Janice Gabbert's article
"The Grand Strategy of Antigonus II Gonatas and the Chremonidean War"
and Charles Hamilton's article, "The Generalship of King Agesilaus of
Sparta "
Lee Takes Command: From Seven
Days to Second Bull Run
Time-Life Books, 1986, 176 pgs.,
index, illustrations, bibliography
American Military History
One of a set
Spies, scouts, and raiders:
irregular Operations
Time-Life Books, 1985, 176 pgs.,
index, illustrations, bibliography
American Military History
One of a set
Ellting, John R.
Military Uniforms in America: The
Era of the American Revolution, 1755-1795,
Presidio Press, San Rafael,
Calif. 1974, 140 pgs., index, glossary, illustrations
Uniforms - American Military
Full color plates from the
Company of Military Historians series with extensive text descriptions..
Embelton, G. A.
Saxon England
Almark Pub., London, 1975, 80
pgs., further reading, illustrations, maps, list of monarch, dates, paperback
Ancient Military History
Includes both full color
paintings and b/w drawings. The text discusses the Saxon society and then its
decline in face of Vikings.
Embelton, G. A.
The Crimean War 1853-56
Almark Pub., London, 1975, 80
pgs., illustrations, chronology, appendix, paperback
Modern Military History - Russian
Military History - English Military History
A brief text providing the
background, narrative of war, and results., B/W and Color illustrations
Engles, Donald W.
Alexander the Great and the
Logistics of the Macedonian Army
Univ of California Press,
Berkeley, 1978, 194 pgs., index, maps, bibliography, tables, appendices
Ancient Military History
The old saying is that 'amateurs
study tactics while experts study logistics". This is an excellent study
not only for detailed examination of how Alexander could have conducted his
campaigns in the given circumstances of logistics, but also for so much that is
relevant to ancient military campaigns. And also the First Crusade traversed
much of the same initial route. Discusses locations and timing for supplies of
grain and water.
Englund, Peter - trans. Peter
The Birth of the Russian Empire -
Battle of Poltava
Victor Gollantz, London, 1992 -
originally published in Swedish with title Poltava.
Russian Military History - Early
Modern Military History
This book is in all respects a
stunning accomplishment and important study both for European history and
military science. But the title attached by the English language publisher is
misleading, to say the least. The book is not about the "Birth of the
Russian Empire" but about the death of the Swedish Empire. This is the
author's theme and intent and it is no wonder the book has been a best seller
in Sweden. Russia plays the part of the inert stage upon which the Swedish army
plays out its destined role. The Russian army acts as some kind of Greek chorus
decidedly in the background and only brought into the act by way of
illuminating something about the Swedish forces.
Peter Englund is entitled to select his own topic, which it turns out is
especially timely now, in the era in which the Russian Empire along the Baltic
has receded and Swedish influence is rapidly increasing. It is a sign of our
times that, when the newly independent Estonians bought Swedish gunboats, they
placed them on Lake Chud. The role of the Russian army in the "Birth of
the Russian Empire" and the place of Poltava Battle and indeed the whole
Great Northern War in that process is yet to be written.
Epstein, Robert M.
"The Different Levels of War
in the Napoleonic Period - Austerlitz and Friedland"
Manuscript - 1984, 65 pgs., end
Napoleonic Warfare
Written as part of recent U. S..
Army discussions over 'levels of war' namely tactical, operational and
strategic. Written when "Air-Land Battle' was the main Army doctrine. The
essay seeks to find examples of these in Napoleon's conduct at these two
Esposito, Vincent J. - chief
The West Point Atlas of American
Wars, vol 1 1689-1900, vol 2 1900 - 1993
Praeger. N. Y., 2 vol, 1959 full
color maps with adjacent text
American Military History
By far the best - really
essential, reference for American history - the maps cannot be surpassed
Esposito, Vincent J. chief editor
The American History and Atlas of
the Napoleonic Wars
Praeger, N. Y., 1964, full color
maps with adjacent text
Napoleonic Warfare
The essential reference - the
maps cannot be surpassed
Esposito, Vincent and Dodson
A Short Military History of World
War I
United States Military Academy
West Point, N.Y., 1950, 353 pgs., index
American Military History
Our text for course in Military
Art in 1950's
Esposito, Vincent and Dodson
Atlas for Short Military History
of World war I
United States Military Academy
West Point, N.Y., 1950, 71 maps
American Military History
Our text for course in Military
Art in 1950's
Esposito, Vincent and Dodson
A Military History of World War
II - 2 vol
United States Military Academy
West Point, N.Y., 1953, Vol 1 -684 pgs., Vol 2 - 565 pgs., index
American Military History
Our text for course in Military
Art in 1950's
Esposito, Vincent J. chief editor
Summaries of Selected Military
United States Military Academy
West Point, N.Y., 1962, 175 pgs., maps
Military History
Maps with brief text descriptions
for battles from Alexander the Great to Korean War with emphasis on Napoleonic
War and American Civil War
Esposito, Vincent J. chief editor
The West Point Atlas of War - The
Civil War
Tess Press, N. Y., 1995, 159
pgs., maps, large format
American Military History
An excellent reprint of the Civil
War section of the original 2 volumn West Point Atlas of American Wars
Esposito, Vincent J. chief editor
The West Point Atlas of War -
World War II: European Theater
Tess Press, N. Y., 1995, 156
pgs., maps, large format
American Military History
An excellent reprint of the
European Theater maps from the West Point Atlas of American Wars.
Etzold, Dr. Thomas H.
Clausewitzian Lessons for Modern
Air University Review, May-June
1980, Vol XXXI no 4, pgs, 24-28, paper
Military Theory
The author comments favorably on
Peter Paret's recommendations that military students study Clausewitz.
Ezell, Edward
Conversations with Kalashnikov
Small Arms World Report, Vol 3, #
4, Dec. 1992, pgs., 1 - 16, illustrations
An interesting article reporting
on the author's meetings with Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalishnikov. A very
enlightening interview.
Falk, Stanley L.
"Artillery for the Land
Service: The Development of a System"
Military Affairs, Volume XXVIII,
Number 3, Fall 1964, pgs 97-110. footnotes, paperback
American Military History
The article describes the efforts
of the American Army prior to the Civil War to develop a coherent system for
the creation of artillery. By system he means a system for determining
"the types, calibers, dimensions, and weights of all the weapons, and the
material of which they were to be built." - Not the tactical employment of
Falls, Cyril - ed.
Great Military Battles
Spring Books, London, 1964, 303
pgs, maps, illustrations, large format
Reference, Military History
27 significant battles from
Rocroi, 1643 to The Ardennes 1944. Two from American Civil War, One - Balaclava
- more famous than significant - 6 from World War II. Each article by a
well-known expert in that period.
Ferguson, Niall
The War of the World: Twentieth
Century Conflict and the Descent of the West
Penguin, N. Y., 2006, 808 pgs.,
index, bibliography, end notes, illustrations, appendix
Modern Military History
The historian desceribes the war
ofcivilizations in which the West is loosing. See the list - Xenophonlibrary
for three more of Ferguson's books- The Asent of Money - The Great Degeration -
and Civilization.
Ferrill, Arthur
The Origins of War - Stone Age to
Thames and Hudson, London, 1985,
240 pgs., index, bibliography
Ancient and Classical era Warfare
Excellent comentary on warfare in
the ancient Near East and Classical Greece.
Ferrill, Arther
The Fall of the Roman Empire: The
Military Explanation
Thames and Hudson, London, 1986,
191 pgs., index, bibliography, notes, maps. battle plans, illustrations, table
of emperors, diagram
Ancient Military History
A well reasoned study. Compare
with Burns Barbarians within the Gates of Rome, and Heather The Fall
of the Roman Empire, both of which focus on barbarians.
Fields, Nic
The Roman Army: the Civil Wars
Osprey, Oxford, 2008, 96 pgs.,
index, bibliography, maps, glossary, legionary titles, chronology, paperback
Ancient Military History
The author describes the Roman
army organization, weapons, equipment, command and control, engineering and
psychological warfare. He describes the battle tactics and then narrates some
of the specific battles, Pharsalus, Thapsus, Philipi and Actium.
Fields, Nic
Syracuse 415-413 BC: The
Destruction of the Athenian Imperial Fleet
Osprey, Oxford, 2008, 96 pgs.,
index, bibliography, maps, chronology, paperback
Ancient Military History
Well, a lot more than the
Athenian fleet was destroyed, actually the worst loss was the thousands of
hoplites. The excellent color illustrations are by Peter Dennis. The author
describes the opposing commander, armies and plans. Then narrates the campaign
leading up to and including the siege and its results for Athens.
Fields, Nic
Ancient Greek Fortifications 500-
300 BC
Osprey, Oxford, 2006, 64 pgs.,
index, glossary, bibliography, chronology, paperback
Full color illustrations by Brian
Delf. Text discusses building methods, the nature of the conflicts, specific
fortifications, sieges and sites today.
Fields, Nic
Roman Battle Tactics 390 - 110 BC
Osprey, Oxford, 2010, 64 pgs.,
index, bibliography, chronology, paperback
Ancient Military History
Illustrations by Gerry and Sam
Embleton. They show the evolution of Roman tactical formations dsuring this
long period from war bands into well structured legions. The book is one in the
series - see Cowan.
Filjushkin, Alexander
Ivan the Terrible: A Military
Frontline Books, London, 2008,
306 pga., index, bibliography, illustrations, maps, chronology, appendices
Russian Military History
Outstanding atudy of the
inflluence of war and the military requirements to wage it during Ivan IV's
reign in Moscow. Contains much detailed information on the Muscovite army
structure and recruitment.
Finucane, Ronald C.
Soldiers of the Faith: Crusaders
and Moslems at War
St. Martin's Press, N. Y., 1983,
247 pgs., index, notes and sources, illustrations
Medieval Warfare
An excellent reference that is
based on eye-witness accounts from both Christian and Moslem writers. It
includes many topics related to battle, such as recruitment, life in camp and
on the march, treatment of women, and religious beliefs.
Fitzsimons, Bernard - ed.
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of
20th Century Weapons and Warfare
Columbia House, N.Y., 1967-69, 24
volumes, each 112 pgs, total 2685 pgs., index in vol 24, illustrations,
Reference Military History
Entries are alphabetical. Most
are on a specific weapon including aircraft and naval. Publishing date
indicates content is pre-1967.
Florus, Lucius Annaeus - trans.
Edward Forster
Epitome of Roman history
Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge,
Loeb Classical Library, 1969, 351 pgs., notes, introduction
Ancient Military History
The Epitome is the author's
selection of material from Livy and other Roman authors related to the many
wars during a 700 year period in 47 chapters. It begins with the semi-mythical
era of the Seven Kings and concludes with the Parthian War during the era of
Augustus Caesar.
Foley, Bernard & George
Palmer & Werner Soedel
"The Crossbow"
Scientific American - Jan., 1985,
- pgs., 104 - 109, illustrations
Medieval Warfare
An excellent technical study of
the crossbow - unfortunately I don't have the copy of Scientific American from
which I cut this
Foote, Shelby
The Civil War: A Narrative Vol 2,
Fredericksburg to Meridan
Random House, N. Y., 1963, 988
pgs., index, bibliography, maps
American Military History
The 3 volumes are the classic
narrative of the Civil War
Foote, Shelby
The Civil War: A Narrative Vol 3,
Red River to Appotomattox
Random House, N. Y., 1974, 1106
pgs., index, bibliography, maps
American Military History
The 3 volumes are the classic
narrative of the Civil War
Foote, Shelby
The Civil War: A Narrative Vol 1,
Ft. Sumpter to Perryville
Random House, N. Y., 1958, 840
pgs., index, bibliography, maps
American Military History
The 3 volumes are the classic
narrative of the Civil War
Fosten, Bryan
Soldiers of the Napoleonic Wars,
British Foot Guards at Waterloo June 1815, Colours and weapons
Almark Pub. Surrey, England, 23
pgs., B/W and color illustrations
Napoleonic Warfare
Excellent illustrations of
uniforms with descriptions
Fosten, Bryan
Soldiers of the Napoleonic Wars,
French Imperial Guard Infantry, June 1815, Paris and Waterloo
Almark Pub. Surrey, England, 26
pgs., B/W and color illustrations
Napoleonic Warfare
Excellent illustrations of
uniforms with descriptions
Fosten, Bryan
Soldiers of the Napoleonic Wars,
French Imperial Guard Infantry June 1815, The Uniforms
Almark Pub. Surrey, England, 54
pgs., B/W and color illustrations
Napoleonic Warfare
Excellent illustrations of
uniforms with descriptions
Fosten, Bryan
Soldiers of the Napoleonic Wars,
British Cavalry at Waterloo, June 1815, The Union Brigade
Almark Pub. Surrey, England, 23
pgs., B/W and color illustrations
Napoleonic Warfare
Excellent illustrations of
uniforms with descriptions
Fosten, D. S.
Almark Pub. London, 1975, 48
pgs., appendices, maps, illustrations, paperback
Early Modern Warfare
The Color illustrations of
uniforms are excellent
Fox, Robin Lane
The Search for Alexander
Little, Brown and Co., Boston,
1980, 448 pgs., index, bibliography, maps, chronology, illustrations
Ancient Military History
A full biography of Alexander in
which his campaigns are discussed in context.
Fox, Robin Lane
Alexander the Great: A Biography
The Dial Press, London, 1974, 568
pgs., index, notes, bibliography, maps, illustrations
Ancient Military History
Another biography with study of
military campaigns.
France, John
Western Warfare in the Age of the
Crusades 1000- 1300
Cornell Univ. Press, Ithica,
1999, 327 pgs., index, illustrations, bibliography
Medieval Warfare
Shows that the main value of
horsemen in the early medieval period was their mobility - they did not engage
in mass cavalry charges until later.
Frankland, Noble, ed.
The Encyclopedia of Twentieth
Century Warfare
Orion Books, 1987, 464 pgs.,
glossary, bibliography, maps, illustrations, large format
Reference - Modern Warfare
Entries for many lesser known
individuals and subjects. Good maps and illustrations are helpful.
Freedman, Lawrence
Strategy: history
Oxford Univ. Press, U.K., 2013,
751 pgs., index, extensive end notes
Reference - History of Strategy
Very comprehensive content from
ancient times - Bible - to strategy used in government and civilian enterprises
Freeman, Douglas Southhall
Lee's Lieutenants: A Study in
Command - one vol. abridged edited by Stephen Sears
Scribner, N. Y., 1998, 910 pgs.,
index, end notes, maps, illustrations
American Military History
I read the original
multi-volumeLee's Lieutenantsin high school, now obtaining that classic
must be very difficult, this abridged version will have to serve.
Freeman, Douglas
Lee: An Abridgment
in one volume by Richard Harwell of the 4 volume R. E. Lee
Charles Scribner's
Sons, N. Y. 1961, 601 pgs., index, illustration
American Military
Another abridgement
that makes the massive research work of Freeman accessable to the general
Gregory & Todd Fischer
The Napoleonic Wars:
The Rise and Fall of an Empire
Osprey, Oxford,
2004, 352 pgs., index, bibliography, chronology, illustrations, maps, paperback
Napoleonic Warfare
A comprehensive
narration at a general level. Sections are on 1805-07, then 1808-1812, then
Peninsular war 1807-1814, and finally 1813-1815. In each there are topics such
as background for that war, discussion of each side, the campaigns, short
biographies of a selected military and civilian leader. Battle maps are fine.
Frontinus, Sextus Julius - trans.
Charles Bennett
Strategemata - Strategems
Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge
Mass., Loeb Classical Library. 1925, 1993 reprint, 477 pgs. with Aqueducts,
introduction, index
Ancient Military History
A classic in many ways. This is
the work of a Roman general who compiled examples of the use of strategems by
Greek and Roman commanders.
Fuller, J.F. C.
A Military History of the Western
World from Earliest times to Lepanto -
Funk and Wagnalls, N.Y., 1954,
vol 1, 602 pgs. ,index, maps, diagrams
Reference on Military History
A classic study - stresses
campaigns and battles with less attention to sieges
Fuller, J.F. C.
A Military History of the Western
World from Defeat of Spanish Armada to Battle of Waterloo
Funk and Wagnalls, N.Y., 1954,
vol. 2. 561 pgs., index, maps, diagrams
Reference on Military History
A classic study - stresses
campaigns and battles with less attention to sieges
Fuller, J.F. C.
A Military History of the Western
World from Seven Days Battle to Battle of Leyte Gulf
Funk and Wagnalls, N.Y., 1954,
vol. 3, 666 pgs., maps
Reference on Military History
A classic study - stresses
campaigns and battles with less attention to sieges
Fuller, J. F. C.
Julius Caesar: Man, Soldier, and
Rutgers, Univ. Press, New
Brunswick, 1965, 336 pgs., index, illustration, maps and diagrams
Ancient Military History
Fuller's narrative and also his
assessment including Caesar's campaigns in Gaul and Civil War.
Fuller, J. F. C.
Alexander the Great
Rutgers Univ. New Brunswick,
1960, 336 pgs., index, footnote, illustrations, map
Ancient Military History
There are many more recent books
on lexander but this one has the analysis of Fuller, which is something in
Funcken, Fred and Lillane
le costume et les aremes des
soldats de tous les temps, vol 1 des pharaons a louis XV
Casterman, Tournai, Belgium,
1966,153 pgs, index, illustrations,
Reference - Uniforms,
Each page is a full color
illustration with accompanied text explanations. A premier reference on
Funcken, Fred and Lillane
Arms and Uniforms: Ancient Egypt
to the 18th Century - vol 1
Ward Lock Ltd., London, 1972, 154
pgs., index, illustrations
Reference - Uniforms,
Each page is a full color
illustration with accompanied text explanations. A premier reference on
Funcken, Fred and
Arms and uniforms
:The Age of Chivalry Part 2 -
Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1980, 102 pgs. index, illustrations, paperback
Reference - Uniforms,
This has color
illustrations of castles, forts and artillery of 8th to 15th centuries; armor
12th to 15th centuries; infantry of Renaissance; cavalry of Renaissance, Slavs
and Orientals to end of Renaissance
Funcken, Fred and Lillane
Arms and uniforms :The Age of
Chivalry Part 3-
Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood
Cliffs, N.J. 1982, 106 pgs. index, illustrations, paperback
Uniforms, military history
This volume has illustrations
from Renaissance era - arms, horses, tournaments, helmets , armor, tactics and
Funcken, Fred and Lillane
Arms and Uniforms: The Napoleonic
Wars part 1
Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood
Cliffs, N.J. 1984, 158 pgs. index, illustrations, paperback
Uniforms, military history
This volume has illustrations of
British, French, Prussian, Spanish armies
Funcken, Fred and Lillane
Arms and Uniforms- The Lace Wars
Part 2 - 1700 - 1800
Ward Lock Ltd., London, 1977, 158
pgs., index, illustrations
Uniforms, military history
This volume contains great color
pictures of the 18th century uniforms of French, British, German Russian and
Swedish soldiers, with text descriptions.
Furneaux, Rupert
The Seven Years War
Hart Davis MacGibbon, London,
1973, 208 pgs., index, illustrations, bibliography
Early Modern Warfare
General history with attention to
politics and personalities but no maps
Fussell, Paul
The Great War and Modern Memory
Oxford Univ. Press, London, 1975,
363 pgs., index, end notes, illustrations
Modern Military History
Discussion of the literary
treatments of the Great War. For a serious critique that notes Fussell's errors
of fact and biased tone please read Robin Prior's and Trevor Wilson's essay,
"Debate Paul Fussell at War" page 63 on in War In HistoryVol 1
Number 1, March 1994.
Gallaher, John G.
The Iron Marshal: A biography of
Louis N. Davout
Southern Illinois Univ. Press,
Carbondale, 1976, 420 pgs., index, end notes, bibliography, illustrations
Napoleonic Warfare
Many consider Davout to have been
Napoleon's greatest Marshal who was the most steadfast and who also recommended
a better tactical plan at Borodino.
Gardner, Mark lee
Rough Riders: Theodore Roosevelt,
His Cowboy Regiment, and the Immortal Charge up San Juan Hill
William Morow, NYC, 2016, 336
pgs., index, end notes, illustrations, maps
Spanish American War, American
History, biography
An exciting and well-written
story. The author has done massive research in obscure and well known archives,
libraries and sources. The reader, even one well familiar with the topic will
learn much more at the level of the individual participants. There is much also
about the personality of T. Roosevelt that illuminates his subsequent political
Garlan, Yvon - trans by Janet
War in the Ancient World: A
Social History
Chatto & Windus, London,
1975, 200 pgs., index, bibliography, chronology, maps,
Ancient Warfare
Organization and personnel of
ancient classical armies
Garratt, John G.
Model Soldiers and Illustrated
New York Graphic Society,
Greenwich, Conn. 1972, 242 pgs., index, sources for illustrations,
bibliography, makers of models, illustrations, large format
Reference - Uniforms
The author's discussion includes
makers in 8 countries from Austria to United States. Then he discusses major
collections and locations where model soldiers might be seen. The illustrations
depict the great variety of soldiers through history.
Gascoigne, Christina
Castles of Britain
Thames and Hudson, London, 1975,
224 pgs., index, illustrations, maps, list of castles
Castles - Medieval Military
History, Fortifications
Includes England, Wales and
Scotland. The entries vary from a paragraph or so to several pages.
Gaston, James C. ed.
Grand Strategy and the Decision
Making Process
Nat. Def. Univ., Wash. D.C.,
1992, 370 pgs., index, end notes
Modern Military Theory
Gehlen, Reinhard - trans David
The Service: The Memoirs of
General Reinhard Gehlen
World Publisher, N. Y., 1972, 386
pgs., glossary, footnotes
Modern Military History
General Gehlen was the chief of
the German Intelligence department for the Eastern Front during World War II.
he was brought to the United States after the war and led a development for the
U.S. of text books on Soviet military.
Gibbons, Garry
Historic Castles of Britain
Barnes & Noble, N.Y., 1994,
96 pgs., map, illustrations, large format
Castles, Fortification - Medieval
Military History
Gorgeous photographs of castles
in England, Wales and Scotland
Gibson, John
Anatomy of the Castle
Metro Books, N. Y., 2001, 208
pgs., index, Glossary, bibliography, illustrations, large format
Castles - fortification -
Medieval Military History
Spectacular photography - limited
to Europe plus crusader castles.
Gilbert, Felix
Machiavelli and Guicciardini:
Politics and History in Sixteenth-Century Florence
Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton,
1961, 349 pgs., index bibliographical essays
Machiavelli - Early Modern
Military History
Author is noted expert on
Goetz, Robert
1805: Austerlitz: Napoleon and
the Destruction of the Third Coalition
Greenhill Books, London, 2005,
368 pgs., index, sources, illustrations, maps, tables
Napoleonic Warfare
This book contains some of the
higher level political issues in comparison with the Bowden book. But is less
comprehensive in detail on the battle itself.
Goldsworthy, Adrian
Roman Warfare
Smithsonian Books, N. Y.,
2002-2009, 239 pgs., index, readings, bibliography, glossary, appendices, maps,
illustrations, paper back
Ancient Military History
The author is the outstanding
expert currentely on Roman warfare. This small volume includes early Republican
to the collapse of the Western empire, so it is a general discussion with the
author's assessments. See the large size edition listed below.
Goldsworthy, Adrian
The Punic Wars
Cassell & Co., London, 2000,
412 pgs., index, chronology, notes, maps, appendices
Ancient Military History
Now the best study of the Punic
Wars. The author's assessments and commentary are judicious. The narration is
clear and not over done as are so frequently found in other authors..
Goldsworthy, Adrian
Roman Warfare
Cassell & Co., London, 2000,
223 pgs., index, chronology, notes, maps, appendices
Ancient Military History
This is a full size version of
the paperback edition noted above. The format enables much larger
Goldsworthy, Adrian
The Complete Roman Army
Thames & Hudson, London,
2003, 224 pgs., index, glossary, further reading, tables, diagrams, large
Ancient Military History
This volume completes the study
of the Roman Army - it includes the detail on recruitment, life of soldier,
structure, battle formation. and developments over time. The illustrations are
Goldsworthy, Adrian
The Complete Roman Army
Thames & Hudson, London,
2003, 224 pgs., index, glossary, further reading, tables, diagrams, large
format, paperback
Ancient Military History
This is the paperback edition of
the same book listed above.
Goldsworthy, Adrian
Caesar's Civil War
49-44 BC
Osprey, Oxford, 95
pgs., index, map, chronology, illustrations, glossary, reading,
Ancient Military
The text begins with
the Triumvirate. It then describes the Legions on both sides. There are battle
maps for Thapsus and Munda. The content is a combination of very high level
broad discussion and some detailed descriptions such as of a centurion.. There
are both color and b/w illustrations. The content is concise.
Golizhyenkov, I.
Bitva na Kalke 31
May, 1223 (Battle on the Kalka River)
Izograf, Mozhaick,
1994, 47 pgs., illustrations, paperback
Russian Military
Super excellent color
illustrations of warriors by Igor Dzis'. Other illustrations are line drawings
of artifacts from the period. In Russian. It is about the terrible defeat of
the Rus- Kievan army by the Mongols at the Kalka River in Ukraine..
Goodenough, Simon
Military Miniatures
Chilton Books, Radnor, Penn.,
1978, 127 pgs., bibliography, glossary, illustrations,
Reference - Military History
The many full color illustrations
depict the soldiers of many nations
Gordon, Patrick - trans Fedosov,
D. G
Dnevnik - Diary of Patrick Gordon
- 6 vol.
Nauka, Moscow, 2002 -2005 -2009,
multiple volumes
Russian Military History
These are the long awaited new
Russian translations of the diary of General Patrick Gordon, a Scotsman in
Russian service who was mentor to Peter the Great and commander of army units
that suppressed the Streltzi revolt among other services. The diary was written
in English, then translated into German and Russian and now in a new Russian
edition. The diary begins in 1635 and continues with breaks to 1689.
Unfortunately the diary for years 1667-1677 and 1678-1684 have been lost. Those
were critical times in military actions.
Gorelik, Mikhael
Warriors of Eurasia: From the
VIII Century BC to the XVII Century AD
Montvert Pub., Stockport,
1995, 48 pgs., color illustrations, paperback
Ancient - Medieval Military
The author is also the painter.
He is an archeologist and currently the best expert in Russia publishing his
results from his study of the development or arms and armor in Eastern Europe
and Central Asia.
Gorokhoff, Gerard, and Patrick de
La Garde Imperiale Russe
Charles Lavauzelle, Paris, 1986,
347 pgs., bibliogrpahy, illustrations, large format
Russian Military History
This is a monumental book in
French celebrating the Russian Imperial Guard during the Reign of Tsar Nicholas
II. The text describes the guard as a whole, then there are sections on each
element - regiment, of infantry ,cavalry and artillery. Each entry for a
regiment gives its date of creation and list of major campaigns or battles in
which it participated.
Gorunov, S. V. - ed.
Orel No 1 Voyenno-istorichskii
ICHP, St Petersburg 1992, 41
pgs., illustrations
Military history
This was a new effort by Russian
military historians to publish articles on a variety of military subjects,
especially uniforms, all based on recent archival work. Unfortunately they lost
financing. But the articles with excellent illustrations in these three issues
Gorunov, S. V. - ed.
Orel No 2 Voyenno-istoricheskii
ICHP St Petersburg 1992, 41 pgs.,
Military history
This was a new effort by Russian
military historians to publish articles on a variety of military subjects,
especially uniforms, all based on recent archival work. Unfortunately they lost
Gorunov, S. V. - ed.
Orel, No 3 Voyenno-istoricheskii
ICHP St. Petersburg 1993, 41gs.,
Military history
This was a new effort by Russian
military historians to publish articles on a variety of military subjects,
especially uniforms, all based on recent archival work. Unfortunately they lost
Gottfried, Bradley M.
The Maps of Gettysburg: An Atlas
of the Gettysburg Campaign, June 3 - July 13, 1863
Savas Beatie, N. Y., 2007, 363
pgs., index, notes, bibliography, maps, appendix order of battle
American Military History
A stunning set of color maps with
great detail - extremely useful as companion to any text on a Civil War battle.
Graham, Frank
Dictionary of Roman Military
Frank Graham, Newcastle upon
Tyne, U.K., 1981, 32 pgs, illustrations, paperback
Ancient Military History
Useful short definitions of
technical terms one finds in texts on Roman military, diagram of Roman camp and
other interesting illustrations.
Graham, Gerald S.
The Royal Navy in the War of
American Independence
National Maritime Museum, Her
Majesty's Stationary Office, London, 1976, 24 pgs., booklet, maps,
American Military History
The maps and text depict the
naval operations during the American Revolution.
Grant, Charles
The Black Watch
Osprey, Reading, 1971, glossary,
notes, map, illustrations, paperback
British Military History
The color illustrations are by
Michael Youens. There are drawings and photos.
Grant, Charles
Royal Scots Greys
Osprey, Reading, 1972, 40- pgs.,
illustrations, paperback
British Military History
The color illustrations are by
Michael Youens. There are drawings and photos.
Grant, Michael
The Twelve Caesars
Charles Scribner's Sons, N.Y.,
1975 ,282 pgs., index, notes, bibliography, genealogical tables, dates,
Ancient Military History
Biographies from Julius Caesar to
Domitian. The role of the military is important.
Grant, Michael
The Army of the Caesars
Charles Scribner's Sons, N.Y.,
1974, 365 pgs., index, bibliography, notes, lists of Roman emperors, genealogy
tables, appendices, illustrations, maps
Ancient Military History
This scholarly study discusses
the Roman Army from Augustus to the collapse. It is a study from the higher,
general level looking at leadership and the role of the army and political
system itself.
Grant, Michael
Ancient History atlas 1700 BC to
AD 565
Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London,
1974, 51 pgs., index, maps, paperback
Ancient History
Excellent maps showing military
and economic, political developments
Gravett, Christopher
Medieval Siege Warfare
Osprey, Oxford, U. K., 1990, 64
pgs., illustrations, diagrams, paperback
Medieval Warfare
Important reference on sieges,
mostly overlooked in general texts, but it is focused on castles and not so
much on towns.
Gravett, Christopher
Norman Stone Castles (1): The
British Isles 1066 - 1216
Osprey, Oxford, U. K., 2003, 64
pgs., index, bibliography, Glossary, chronology, illustrations, diagrams, map,
Castles - fortification -
Medieval Military History
Excellent full color
illustrations by Adam Hook - The text describes design and development,
principles of defense, life in castle, siege warfare and castles today. A
useful supplement to the many full sized books on castles listed.
Gravett, Christopher
Norman Stone Castles (2): Europe
950 - 1204
Osprey, Oxford, U. K., 2004, 64
pgs., index, bibliography, map, illustrations, diagrams, paperback
Castles - fortification
Excellent full color
illustrations by Adam Hook - The text describes design and development,
principles of defense, life in castle, siege warfare and castles today.
Includes castles in Normandy, Sicily and southern Italy. A useful supplement to
the many full sized books on castles listed.
Gravett, Christopher
Norman Knights 950-1204 AD
Osprey, London, 1993, 64 pgs.,
glossary, illustrations, diagrams, paperback
Medieval Military History
The fine color illustrations are
by Christa Hook. Text includes description of training ,logistics, museums and
Gravett, Christopher
Medieval Siege Warfare
Osprey, London, 1990, 64 pgs.,
further reading, illustrations, paperback
Medieval Military History
Fine color illustrations by
Richard and Christa Hook. B/W illustrations from contemporary sources. General
Gravett, Christopher
German Medieval Armies 1300 1500
Osprey, London, 1985, 48 pgs.,
further reading, maps, illustrations, paperback
Medieval Military History
Color illustrations are by Angus
McBride. There are man photographs also. Several campaigns are described, Some
castles are shown.
Grbasic, Z. and V. Vuksic
The History of Cavalry
Facts on File, N.Y., 1989, 280
pgs. ,index, bibliography, illustrations,
Military History
Chapters on cavalry from 1661- to
1865. The title page is a great picture of the famous equestrian statue of
Bartolomeo Collleoni by Verrocchio. Other illustrations are equally famous.
There is even a section on cavalry in the Great Northern War.
Green, David
Collins, London, 1974, 162 pgs.,
index, appendices, maps, illustrations
Early Modern Warfare
A decisive battle of the world,
Marlborough's most famous victory
Green, Peter
Alexander of Macedon, 356 -323 B.
C. A Historical Biography
Univ. of California Press,
Berkeley, 1991, 617 pgs., index, sources, notes on references, appendix,
genealogical table, illustrations, maps and battle plans
Ancient Military History
Combination of biography and
study of military campaigns
Green, Peter
Armada From Athens: The Failure
of the Sicilian Expedition, 415-413 BC.
Hodder and Stoughton, London,
1970, 392 pgs., index, bibliography, maps, appendices
Ancient Military History
The author is one of the most
distinguished experts on Ancient Greece, This is an extremely comprehensive and
detailed account of all aspects of the fatal Athenian folly.
Green, William & Gordon
Swanborogh & John Mowinski
Modern Commercial Aircraft
Crown Pub., N. Y., 1987, 208
pgs., index, illustrations, large format
Modern Aviation
Very well illustrated. This is an
alphabetical encyclopedia of aircraft plus easays on aviation industry,
aircraft design, major airlines and other related topics.
Greene, Wilson
The Second Battle of Manassas
National Park Service, 1995, 55
pgs., maps, illustrations, paperback
American Military History - Civil
An excellent guide book for
visiting the battlefield as well as study at home.
Greenhalgh, P. A. L.
Early Greek Warfare: Horsemen and
Chariots in the Homeric and Archaic Ages
Cambridge Univ. Press, London,
1973, 212 pgs., index, bibliography, notes, chronology, abbreviations
Ancient Warfare
Important study of Greek warfare
in pre-classical times
Griess, Thomas E - series editor
The Great War: West Point
Military History Series
Avery Publishing, Wayne, N.J.,
1986, 192 pgs., notes, bibliography, maps, illustrations, index, glossary,
American Military History
The author is William Griffiths.
Excellent summary of World War One operations in Europe
Griess, Thomas E - series editor
Atlas for the Great War
Avery Publishing, Wayne, N.J.,
1986, 52 maps
American Military History
Used in the course of Military
History at West Point
Griess, Thomas E - series editor
Early American Wars and Military
Avery Publishing, Wayne N. J.,
1986, 84 pgs., notes, bibliography, maps, illustrations, index, glossary,
American Military History
The authors are Dave Palmer
and James Stryker, Includes colonial wars, Revolutionary War and War of 1812
with excellent color maps
Griess, Thomas E - series editor
The Wars of Napoleon
Avery Publishing, Wayne N. J.,
1985, 184 pgs., notes, bibliography, maps, illustrations, index, glossary,
Napoleonic Warfare
The author is Albert Sidney Britt
III, For use with the West Point Atlas of Napoleonic Wars
Griess, Thomas E - series editor
Atlas for Wars of Napoleon
Avery Publishing, Wayne, N.J.,
1986, 70 maps
Napoleonic Warfare
Used in the course on Military
History at West Point
Griess, Thomas E - series editor
The American Civil War
Avery Publishing, Wayne N. J.,
1987, 250 pgs., notes, bibliography, illustrations, index, glossary, annexes
American Military History
The authors are Timothy Donovan
Jr., Roy Flint, Arthur Grant Jr., and Gerald Stadler. For use with the West
Point atlas of the Civil War
Griess, Thomas E - series editor
Atlas for American Civil War
Avery Publishing, Wayne, N.J.,
1986, 58 maps
American Military History
Used in the course on Military
History at West Point
Griess, Thomas E - series editor
The Dawn of Modern Warfare
Avery Publishing, Wayne N. J.,
1984, 131 pgs., notes, bibliography, maps, illustrations, index, glossary,
Early Modern Warfare
The authors are Albert Britt III,
Jerome O'Connell, Dave Palmer, and Gerald Stadler -Coverage begins with early
developments with Gustavus Adolphus, and includes Wars of Louis XIV and
Frederick the Great
Griess, Thomas E - series editor
The Arab-Israeli Wars, The
Chinese Civil War and the Korean War
Avery Publishing, Wayne N. J.,
1987, 130 pgs., notes, bibliography, maps, illustrations, index, glossary,
Modern Warfare
The authors are Roy Flint,
Peter Kozumplik, and ThomasWaraksa
Griess, Thomas E - series editor
Atlas for the Arab-Israeli Wars,
The Chinese Civil War and the Korean War
Avery Publishing, Wayne, N.J.,
1986, 38 maps
Modern Warfare
Used in the course on Military
History at West Point
Griess, Thomas E - series editor
Atlas for the Second World War:
Asia and the Pacific
Avery Publishing, Wayne, N.J.,
1985, 52 maps
Modern Warfare
Used in the course on Military
History at West Point
Dept. of History
The West Point Atlas of Warfare
Since 1945
United States Military Academy,
Dept. of History, 1994,
Modern Warfare
Includes maps for China through
Iraq war.
Used in the course on Military History at West Point
Griffith, G. T.
The Mercenaries of the
Hellenistic World
Ares Pub. Chicago, 1935, 340
pgs., index, foot notes, bibliographical note, abbreviations,. paperback
Ancient Warfare
Descriptions from the army of
Philip of Macedon to the Seleucids and also western Med.
Griffith, Paddy
The Vauban Fortifications of
Osprey, Oxford, 2006, 64 pgs.,
glossary, bibliography, paperback
Color illustrations by Peter
Dennis. The text describes, Vauban himself, his innovations, operational
history, the importance of defense in depth, principles of defense and features
of fortress design and sites today.
Griffith, Samuel B.
Mao Tse-tung on Guerrilla Warfare
Praeger, 1981, 114 pgs., appendix
Chinese theory of guerrilla war
Grousset, Rene - trans. Naomi
The Empire of the Steppes; A
History of Central Asia
Rutgers Univ. Press, New
Brunswick, N.J. 1970, 687 pgs., index, end notes, map
Ancient and Medieval Warfare
A History of Central Asia focused
mainly on the nomad tribes and societies from ancient Scythians to the 18th
Grousset, Rene - trans. Noel
The Epic of the Crusades
Orion Press, N. Y., 1970, 280
pgs., index, references, illustrations
Medieval Warfare
Very well written general
description of the course of the crusades
Grundy, G`. B.
Thucydides and the History of His
Basil Blackwell, Oxford, U.K.,
1961, 2 vols. 553 and 236 pgs., index, foot notes
Ancient Military History
Organized by topics
Guilmartin, John Francis
Gunpowder & Galleys; Changing
Technology & Mediterranean Warfare at Sea in the 16th Century
Conway Maritime Press, London,
2003, 352 pgs., index, sources and bibliography, notes, illustrations,
Early Modern Warfare
Combination of study of
technology and examples of individual battles
Gunston, Bill
Modern Airborne Missiles
Arco Pub., N. Y., 1983, 159 pgs,
illustrations, list of contents
Reference - Technology
The book is organized in
alphabetical order. The Soviet missiles are listed with their NATO
designations. The sections are: Air to air missiles -- Air to surface missiles
-- and aanti-tank missiles
Gush, George
Renaissance Armies 1480-1650-
Patrick Stephens, Cambridge U.K.
1975, 128 pgs., many illustrations
Early Modern Warfare
The book is mainly designed to
help wargamers and other interested in the uniforms and organizations of
European Armies
Guy, Lt Gen. Sir Roland
The Weapons Museum Catalogue
The School of Infantry,
Warminster, Wilts., U. K., 1981, 57 pgs., illustrations, paper back
British Military - Weapons
Nicely illustrated catalogue of
the museum's holdings going back to 1660.
Hackett, Gen. Sir John
Warfare in the Ancient World
Facts on File, N. Y., 1989, 256
pgs., index, illustrations, bibliography, large format
Ancient Military History
Chapters on periods or armies
from earliest to Assyrians, to Late Romans by experts. Gorgeous color
illustrations of warriors and weapons and especially bird's-eye view of
Hackett, Gen. Sir John
The Profession of Arms
Macmillan, NY., 1983, 239 pgs.,
index, illustrations
Military History
Summary of major trends in
militrary art focused on the roll of leadership in battle
Hackett, Lt. Gen. Sir John
The Profession of Arms
Center for Military History,
Wash. D. C., 1990, 43 pgs., references, Reprint of the 1962 Less Knowles
lectures given at Trinity College, Cambridge
Military History
The Forward is by General Carl
Vuono, then the Chief of Staff of US Army, who considered this an important
read for American Army officers. The author in three lectures describes the
profession of arms from medieval times to the present
Haldon, John
Byzantium at War
Osprey, Oxford, 2002, 95 pgs.,
index, chronology, reading, list of Byzantine rulers, paper back
Medieval Military History
A follow on and part overlap with
Whitby's book, Rome at War. This book also describes events at a 'macro' level.
The chapters include organization for war, recruitment and life in the armies,
and the political world.
Hale, John R.
The Civilization of Europe in the
Atheneum, N.Y., 1994, 648 pgs..
index, bibliography, notes, illustrations
Early Modern Warfare
A wonderful book by a master.
Warfare is described in its total political, social context
Hale, John R.
The Art of War and Renaissance
Folger Shakespeare Library, Univ.
of Virginia, 1961, 58 pgs., illustrations
Military Theory
The book is a compilation of
descriptions of books on military theory published in 15th-17th century England
and illustrated by pictures of the frontispiece or diagrams from these books.
This demonstrates the lively interest in England on military history and
theory. The author was an expert on Renaissance warfare. The book describes a
number of interesting sources such as The Tatics of Aelian.
Hale, J. R.
War and Society in Renaissance
Europe, 1450 - 1620
Johns Hopkins Univ. Press,
Baltimore, 1985, 282 pgs., index, bibliography, end notes
Early Modern Warfare
The expert on the Renaissance
focuses here on the general aspects of warfare including recruitment, the
society of soldiers, impact of war on civilians, the economy, changes in
techniques and organization, taxation and government. Of course he refers
frequently to Machiavelli.
Hale, J. R.
Renaissance War Studies
Hambledon Press, London, 209
pgs., index, illustrations, diagrams of forts,
Fortification - Early Modern
A more focused on particular
aspects of warfare during the Renaissance era. The discussion of fortification
is especially note worthy.
Hall, Bert S.
Weapons and Warfare in
Renaissance Europe
The Johns Hopkins Univ. Press,
Baltimore, 1997, 300 pgs., index, maps, bibliography, end notes, illustrations
Early Modern Warfare
The author is interested in the
relationships between technology and its development and changes in warfare. He
begins in the later middle ages with cavalry, pikemen, mechanical artillery and
long bow. All of these influenced tactics and tactical organization. Then comes
early gunpowder weapons. But the quality and quantity of gunpowder itself
developed and resulted in developments. The 15th century saw more changes in
technology and tactics. The 16th century brought great changes in siege warfare
and fortification design. And this had a huge social impact. In the concluding
chapter he enters the lists in the contentions over the 'military revolution.'
Halperin, Charles J.
Russia and the Golden Horde: The
Mongol Impact on Medieval Russian History
Indiana Univ. Press,
Bloomingdale, 1985,180 pgs., index, bibliography, end notes. map
Russian Military History
The author describes Russia on
the eve of the Mongol invasion as well as the results for Russian society.
Handel, Michael AJ. ed
Clausewitz and Modern Strategy
The Journal of Strategic Studies,
London, Vol 9, June-Sept, 1986, number 2-3, 325 pgs., notes, illustrations,
Military Strategic Theory
An excellent collection of 13
essays by noted scholars on various aspects of Clausewitz's ideas and their
influence on later thinkers.
Handel, Michael A. J.
Clausewitz in the Age of
The Journal of Strategic Studies,
Vol 9, June-Sept. 1986, pgs 51-92. notes, paper
Military Theory
Dr. Handel contrasts books
written in the early 19th century on such subjects and chemistry and physics
that are far out of date now, with Clausewitz's writing on the theory of war
has never been surpassed and is relevant today.
Hanson, Victor Davis
The Wars of the Ancient Greeks:
And Their Invention of Western Military Culture
Cassell Co., London, 1999, 240
pgs, index, reading, statistics, glossary, maps, diagrams, illustrations,
Ancient Military History
Hanson gets that sub title from
his editor John Keegan. I don't believe there is any such thing as
"Western Military Culture" that is different from 'the way of war'
from anywhere else. He discusses warfare from 1400 BC, through Alexander the
Great to post-Alexander Hellenistic Warfare
Hanson, Victor Davis
The Western Way of War: Infantry
Battle in Classical Greece
Alfred A. Knopf, N.Y., 1989, 244
pgs. , index, bibliography
Ancient Military History
The author has presented a very
influential depiction of the inner workings of the Greek hoplite hand-to-hand
combat. He stresses the psychological effects. For this he garners an
introduction by John Keegan, perhaps the chief guru of this school of study of
warfare. Naturally, Keegan is delighted to endorse the extrapolation of this
concept into 'the western way of war' that Keegan has long championed. I don't
believe it.
Harding, David ed.
Weapons an International
encyclopedia from 5000 BC to 2000 AD
Diagram Group, Macmillan, London,
1980, 320 pgs., illustrations, index, bibliography, famous names
Reference - History of military
Especially interesting for the
Harper, Kyle
The Fate of Rome
Princeton Univ. Press, 2017, 416
pgs., biblography, notes, index, maps, illustrations
Ancient history, Roman history
The subtitle is - Climate,
Disease, and the End of An Empire. The author marshalls all types of modern
science on climate and disease to make his case that the success in expansion
of the Roman Empire was aided greatly by a favorable climate era and then
destroyed by adverse climate. Plus he points to the epidemic of bubonic plague
during Justinian's reign that greatly damaged Rome's ability to withstand its
Harrington, Peter
The Castles of Henry VIII
Osprey, Oxford, 2007, 64 pgs.,
index, glossary, bibliography, illustrations, chronology, paper back.
Excellent artist color
illustrations by Brian Delf. While King Henry did modify and strengthen some
castles, his new fortifications were not strictly speaking castles in the
medieval sense. Nor could they be given the changed role of artillery and
social role of the 'state'. The artist depictions and photographs make this
clear. The text has sections on design and development, principles of defense,
role of the castles in war, daily living there, and visiting the castles today.
Harris, Henry
Model Soldiers
Octopus Books, London, 1972, 93
pgs., illustrations
Reference - Uniforms
Has 138 illustrations in color or
b/w. The text describes some major collections in museums, and methods for
collecting today.
Harrison, Mark
Viking Hersir: 793-1066
Osprey, 1993, London, 64 pgs.,
glossary, readings, illustrations, chronology, maps, paper back
Medieval Military History
The excellent color illustrations
are by Gerry Embleton. The text briefly describes a wide variety of topics
related to the Vikings in addition to the individual warrior himself.
Hart, B. . Liddell
Frederick A. Praeger, N.Y., 1954,
420 pgs.,. index, maps
Military History
The content traces strategy from
the 5th century B.C. (classical Greece) through World War Two. The author is
much acclaimed, but I believe he is over rated. he pushes his own conception
for a 'strategy of the indirect approach'.
Hartog, Leo de
Russia and the Mongol Yoke
British Academic Press, London,
1996, 208 pgs., index, bibliography, appendix, notes, maps, geneological
tables, xerox copy
Medieval History
The author begins with a
description of Rus prior to the Mongol invastion. The bulk of the book is about
the results ofthat invasion for the development of Muscovy, with emphasis on
the Mongol side.
Hastings, Max
Armageddon: The Battle for
Germany 1944-45
Alfred Knopf, N. Y., 2004, 581
pgs., index, maps, end notes, illustrations
Modern Military History -
American Military History
One of a series of books on WWII
by this author - they stress the bloody side of combat.
Hatton. Ragnhild Marie
Charles XII of Sweden
Weybright and Talley, N.Y., 1968,
656 pgs., index, end notes, illustrations
Military biography, 18th century
warfare, Russian Military History
Excellent, extensive biography of
the great Swedish military genius - for military students the focus will be on
the Great Northern War.
Hayes-McCoy, G. A.
Sixteenth Century Irish Swords
Stationary Office, Dublin,
Ireland, 1959, 60 pgs., illustrations, paperback
Early Modern Military History
A very interesting small pamphlet
with illustrations of 14 swords found in Ireland, now in the National Museum of
Ireland. Includes explanatory text.
Haythornthwaite, Philip J.
The Napoleonic Source Book
Facts on File, N. Y., 1990, 36-0
pgs., index, glossary, sources, biographies, illustrations, maps, campaigns,
Reference - Napoleonic Warfare
Haythornthwaite, Philip J.
Uniforms of Waterloo
Blandford Press, London, 1974,
190 pgs., map, 80 full color illustrations, and b/w illustrations of standards.
Napoleonic Warfare - uniforms
The book consists of excellent
color illustrations of representative units from all the armies engaged , with
lengthy text descriptions.
Haythornthwaite, Philip J.
Uniforms of the American Civil
Blandford Press, Dorset, 1975,
192 pgs., sources and references, illustrations
American Civil War -=uniforms
There is a summary text
describing the war and the armies. But the central value of the book is the 61
full color illustrations of representative soldiers from both Union and
Southern Armies.
Haythornthwaite, Philip J.
The Russian Army of the
Napoleonic Wars (1): Infantry, 1799-1814
Osprey, London, 1987, 48 pgs.,
sources, illustrations, paperback
Russian Military History
The color illustrations are by
Paul Hannon. There are photos and graphics including from the famous Viskovatov
etchings. Tables show the colors for parts of regimental uniforms
Haythornthwaite, Philip J.
The Russian Army of the
Napoleonic Wars 2 Cavalry
Osprey, London, 1987, 48 pgs.,
sources, illustrations, paperback
Russian Military History
The color illustrations are by
Bryan Fosten. They rely on the Viskovatov etchings and text for uniform
information. Tables give the color of parts of regimental uniforms
Head, Duncan
Armies of the Macedonian and
Punic Wars 350 BC to 140 BC
Wargamers Research Group, Sussex,
1982, 192 pgs., bibliography, illustrations, paperback
Ancient Military History
A much expanded edition from Phil
Barker's. This includes organization, tactics, dress and weapons, The text
includes many of Rome's enemies. There is a section describing major battles.
Healy, Mark
The Ancient Assyrians
Osprey, Oxford, 1991, 63 pgs.,
index, illustrations, map, paperback
Ancient Military History
Terrific color illustrations by
Angus McBride. The text is a concise description of the Assyrian Army and its
major campaigns.
Healy, Mark
Cannae 216 BC
Osprey, Oxford, 1994, 96 pgs.,
index, illustrations, map, chronology, reading, paperback
Ancient Military History
Most of the text is about the
origins of the conflict, the opposing armies, the earlier battles at Ticinus,
Trebia and Lake Trasimene. The two 3 dimensional battle plan - maps are very
helpful. This is a good book to read while reading the larger and more
comprehensive books on Hannibal, Cannae and Punic Wars listed here.
Healy, Mark
Kursk 1943
Osprey, Oxford, 1992, 96 pgs.,
index, illustrations, map, chronology, reading, paperback
Russian Military History - Modern
Military History
The illustrations are excellent,
especially the maps. The text includes a loner time period than the Kursk
battle and less detail than in Dave Glatnz's book.
Heath, Ian
Armies of the Dark Ages 600 -
Wargames Research Group, Sussex,
1980, 120 pgs., bibliography, maps, illustrations, paperback
Medieval Military History
The text includes discussion of
organization, tactics, dress and weapons of a large number of the ethnic groups
active in Europe such as Byzantines, Lombards, Khazars , Magyars, Arabs, Alans,
Vikings and many more. - there are 148 line drawing illustrations of warrior
Heath, Ian
Armies and Enemies of the
Crusades 1096 - 1291
Wargames Research Group, Sussex,
1978, 119 pgs., bibliography, maps, illustrations, paperback
Medieval Military History
The text includes discussion of
organization, tactics, dress and weapons of a large number of the military
groups active in Europe such as Franks, Templars, Hospitaliers, Syrians,
Georgians, Mongols, Mamlukes and many more. - there are 96 line drawing
illustrations of warrior dress.
Heath, Ian
Armies of the Middle Ages, Vol. 1
Wargames Research Group, Sussex,
1982, 192 pgs., bibliography, maps, illustrations, appendices
Medieval Military History
The text includes the Hundred
Years' War, the Wars of the Roses and the Burgundian Wars 1300-1487. It
describes organization, tactics, dress and weapons, battles. There are 159
illustrations and 215 coats-of-arms. Among the armies described are England,
Burgundy, Scotland, Spain, Switzerland, Italy and more.
Heath, Ian
Armies of Feudal Europe 1066 -
Wargames Research Group, Sussex,
1978, 116 pgs., bibliography, maps, illustrations, paperback
Medieval Military History
The text discusses organization,
tactics, dress, weapons. There are 122 line drawing illustrations. Among the
armies included are France, England, Scotland, Ireland, Spain, Venice, Russia,
Poland, and many more
Heath, Ian
Byzantine Armies 1118-1461 AD
Osprey, London, 1995, 48 pgs.,
chronology, recommend reading, maps, illustrations, paperback
Medieval Military History
The color illustrations are by
Angus McBride. The text describes briefly the various components of the army.
There is a drawing showing the detail of the city wall.
Heath, Ian
Byzantine Armies 886-1118
Osprey, London, 1979, 40 pgs.,
illustrations, paperback
Medieval Military History
The color illustrations are by
Angus McBride. There are many photographs. The text discusses the various
component units of the Byzantine Army such as the Varangian guard.
Heather, Peter
The Fall of the Roman Empire: A
new History of Rome and the Barbarians
Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 2006,
572 pgs., index, bibliography, glossary, maps, Time line,
Ancient Military History
See also Burns, these scholarly
studies eliminate any remaining alternative theories about why and how the
western part of the Roman empire collapsed. The author is an expert on the
Goths and approaches the question from the 'barbarian' side.
Hedrick, Larry, ed.
Xenophon's Cyrus the Great: The
Arts of Leadership and War
Truman Tally Books, St. Martin's
Griffin, NY., 2006, 293 pgs, paperbck
Ancient Military History,
A srongly edited version of the
Cyropaedia translated into modern English.
Heidler, David S. and Jeanne
Heidler - eds
Encyclopedia of the American
Civil War: A Political and Social Military History
W. W. Norton, N. Y., 2000, 2733
pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations, chronology, documents, maps
Reference - American Military
A marvelous reference for the
Civil War
Helle, Richard
Enserfment and Military Change in
Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago,
1971, 432 pgs., index, end notes, bibliography, appendix
Russian Military History
The definitive work on the
development of the Russian military from medieval to early modern and the
accompanying changes in serfdom and general military service in the 16th - 17th
Heller, Edmund K.
Ludwig Hohenwang's "Von Der
Ritterschafft": An Evaluation and Survey of His Military and Naval Terms
Univ of Calif. Press, Berkeley,
1952, 183 pgs, appendix, paperback
Medieval Warfare
This brief scholarly essay is
about the first translation into German and printing of Vegetius' epitoma rei
Heller, Charles & William
Stofft- ed,.
American First Battles 1776-1965
Univ. of Kansas Press, 1986, 416
pgs., index, end notes, maps, 11 essays
American Military History
An essay about each 'first
battle' in each American War.
Henderson, William Darryl
Cohesion: The Human Element in
Combat: Leadership and Societal Influence in the Armies of the Soviet Union,
the United States, North Vietnam and Israel
National Defense University,
Wash. D. C., 1985, 192 pgs., index, bibliography, tables, figures, end notes
Modern Military History
A comparative study of the effect
of various practices on the resulting cohesion of military units.
Hendrick, Arnold
Tactical Ancient Armies 2900 BC -
1250 AD - Milgames Wargaming Guide
Miligamex, Wayland, Mass., 1977,
44 pgs. , tables, maps, paper back
Ancient Military History
A convenient set of tables
showing order of battle for various ancient armies.
Analysis ofFactors That Have
Influened Outcomes of Battles and Wars: A Data Base of Battles and Engagements,
Vol II
Historical Evaluation and
Research Corp, Dunn Loring, VA. 1983, 229 pgs., tables, manuscript
Early Modern Warfare
This volume contains brief
summaries of battles and tables of date for them from 1600's to 1800
Herodotus - trans. George
The Persian Wars
Modern Library, N. Y., 1947, 714
pgs., introduction
Ancient Military History
This was the standard edition of
Herodotus. Comparison with the Landmark edition show how limited students were
Herodotus - trans. Andrea Purvis,
ed Robert Strassler
The Histories - Landmark
Pantheon Books, N.Y., 2007, 953
pgs., index, appendices, maps, illustrations, bibliography, notes
Ancient Military History
This is another incredible work
of scholarship in the series of Landmark editions of Greek original texts by
Arrian, Xenophon, Herodotus and Thucydides and also Caesar. There are many
other editions of Herodotus (including paperback) All five of the Landmark
editions are now the essential editions for study.
Herold, J. Christopher
The Battle of Waterloo
Cassell Caravel, N. Y., 1967, 153
pgs., index, references, illustrations,
Napoleonic Warfare
Lovely color illustrations, but
no maps
Heuser, Beatrice
The Evolution of Strategy
Cambridge Univ Press, Cambridge
U. K., 2010, 578 pgs. , index, bibliography, paperback
Military History, Strategy
The subtitle is Thinking War from
Antiquity to the Present. However, the ancient and medieval eras comprise less
than 100 pages. Most of the book is about strategy since Napoleon
Hill, Elizabeth
Russian-English, English -
Russian Military Dictioary
Her Majesty's Stationary Office,
London, 1983, 688 pgs.
Reference Dictioary
Very useful dictionary since many
standard ones do not have so many military terms.
Hogg, Ian
Fortress: A History of Military
Macdonald and Jane's, London,
1975, 160 pgs., index, glossary, illustrations
Includes forts from early earthen
ramparts and log palisades to modern steel- concrete fortifications of World
War Two
Hogg, Ian
The History of Forts and Castles
Black Cat, Orbis Pub., 1981, 256
pgs., index, glossary, bibliography, illustrations,
From early earth rampart hill
forts to modern missile silos. Many excellent color illustrations. extensive
descriptive texts.
Hogg, Ian
The History of Fortification
St. Martin's Press, N.Y., 1981,
256 pgs., index, bibliography, glossary, illustrations, large format
Fortification - Military History
The book includes history
from ancient times to the present day with extensive illustrations.
Holde, P. A.
The Roman Army in Britain
B. T. Batsford, London, 1982, 173
pgs., index, bibliography, notes, tables, glossary, maps, plans, photographs
Ancient Military History
From the invasion to departure -
by focusing on a very narrow topic the author can provide much interesting
detail about how the Roman Army was organized and operated
Hollister, C. Warren et al. -
Medieval Europe: A short Source
McGraw Hill Co., N. Y., 1992, 281
pgs., foot notes to sources
Medieval history
A selection of fascinating
extracts from medieval primary sources such as letters and memoirs and
chronicles. The preface, introduction and commentary establish the context of
each entry.
Holmes, Richard and John Keegan
Soldiers: A History of Men in
Elizabeth Sifton Books, Viking,
N. Y., 1986, 288 pgs. , index, illustrations
Military History
The authors are very interested
in the psychology of men in battle. The chapters are organized by functions
such as infantry, cavalry, artillery, tank corps, sapper, air power and other
Holmes, Richard
Acts of War; The Behavior of Men
in Battle
The Free Press, N. Y., 1985, 436
pgs., index, end notes, illustrations
Military History and Theory
More on the psychology of men in
Holmes, William - illustrator
Military Field Works of the 18th
& 19th centuries
Bellona Pubs., Hemel Hempstead,
nd. 20 pgs., illustrations, paperback
An interesting set of sketches
depicting the various types of earth works, obstacles, camps and other
engineering works in the field
Holmes, William - illustrator
Military Field Works of the 20th
Bellona Pubs., Hemel Hempstead,
nd. 40 pgs., illustrations, paperback
An interesting set of sketches
depicting the various types of earth works, obstacles, camps and other
engineering works in the field
Hoppen, Alison
The Fortification of Malta by the
Order of St. John
Scottish Academic Press,
Edinburgh, 1979, 221 pgs., index, end notes, bibliography, glossary,
Fortification - Early Modern
Military History
The text includes the
construction of the fortifications section by section and its history until the
conquest by Napoleon
Howard, Michael
War in European History
Oxford Univ. press, U.K. 1976,
165 pgs., index, end notes, paperback
Military History
Brief summary of warfare from
late Middle Ages to 20th Century by one of the greats in military history
Howard, Michael, Andreopoulos,
George eds.
The Laws of War: Constraints on
Warfare in the Western World
Yale Univ. Press, New Haven,
1994, 303 pgs., index, notes
Military HIstory, Theory of laws
of war
A series of essays by
distinguished historians on the subject from ancient classical to modern times
Howarth, David
Waterloo: A near Run Thing
Collins, Glasgow, 1968, 264 pgs.,
index, illustrations, maps, paperback
Napoleonic Warfare
Brief study
Howarth, David
Waterloo, A Guide to the
Library of Imperial History,
London, 1974, 48 pgs., map, illustrations
Napoleonic Warfare
A handy small booklet with a
clear map and color paintings. Forward by current Duke of Wellington
Howell, Edgar M
Revised Regulations for the Army
of the United States 1861
George Childs, Wash. D. C. 1862 -
a reprint in 61 pgs., by the Smithsonian Institution in 1961 bibliography,
original illustrations, paperback
American Military History
Edgar Howell was Curator of
Military History at the United States National Museum and wrote the
introduction to this pamphlet
Hughes, B. P.
Firepower: Weapons Effectiveness
on the Battlefields, 1630-1850
Sarpedon, N. Y., 1974, 174 pgs.,
index, bibliography, illustrations, diagrams, tables
Early Modern Military History
An important reference to use
with books on warfare of the period. This will provide necessary information
about the actual effectiveness of artillery and small arms.
Hyland, Ann
The Medieval War Horse from
Byzantium to the Crusades
Combined Books, PA., 1994, 204
pgs., index, bibliography, notes, glossary, illustrations, paperback
Medieval Warfare
This is the kind of detailed
scholarship we wish was available for many other topics. The author had
personal experience in experimenting with medieval equipment on horses. She
especially dispels myths about the value of saddles and stirrups
Irving, David
The War between the Generals:
Inside Allied High Command
Conger & Luttes, N. Y., 1981,
446 pgs., maps, index, archival sources, illustrations,
American Military History -
Modern Military History
The personal conflicts and
struggles between members of Eisenhower's high command - Hodges, Patton,
Simpson, Patch, Charles de Gaulle, Alexander, Montgomery. All this was kept out
of the press during the war and it required extensive research for Irving to
collect the information.
Isby, David C. ed.
Fighting the Invasion: The German
Army at D-Day
Greenhill Books, London, 2000,
256 pgs., index, illustrations, Glossary
Modern Warfare
Edited essays, documents and
reports by German commanders related to the German defense of Normandy
Isby, David
Russia's War in Afghanistan
Osprey, London, 1986, 48 pgs.,
illustrations, order of battle, paperback
Russian Military History
Color illustrations by Ron
Volstad. Also many photographs, order of battle tables. Dave Isby has been in
Afghanistan and knows many of the Afghan participants and also is a specialist
expert on the Soviet Army.
Jackson, Major W. G. F.
Attack in the West: Napoleon's
first campaign re-read today
Eyre & Spottiswoode, London,
1953, 242 pgs., index, maps, diagrams
Napoleonic Warfare
This is a study of Napoleon's
campaign in Northern Italy in 1794-95. It contains great detail and critique
The author was an instructor at Sandhurst and Camberley.
Jalali, Ali Ahmad & Lester
The Other Side of the Mountain:
Mujahideen Tactics in the Soviet-Afghan War
U. S. Marine Corps, Quantico VA.,
1995, index, glossary, maps
Modern Warfare
Ali Jalali was an Afghan military
officer and leader of the Mujahideen. For this book he later interviewed the
Afghan commanders and participants in the small unit engagements described
here. Lester Grau is a retired US Army officer specialist in Soviet military
James, Lawrence
Crimea 1854-56: The War with
Russia from Contemporary Photographs,
Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., N.Y.,
1981, 200 pgs., index, bibliography, notes, chronology, illustrations, large
British Military History
The author describes the
technical aspcts of the early photography accomplished in Crimea.. Each of the
photos has been well restored for printing in large format. Each has an
excellent description. The photos do not include Russians.
Jamieson, Perry D.
Death in September: The Antietam
Ryan Place Pub., Fort Worth,
Texas, 1995, 156 pgs., index, maps, illustrations, order of battle, paperback
American Military History
Excellent short but detailed
study of the campaign. The appendices contain a detailed order of battle for
both sides.
Jaynes, Gregory
The Killing Ground: Wilderness to
Cold Harbor,
Time-Life Books, 1984, 176 pgs.,
index, illustrations, bibliography
American Military History
Grant's final campaign in 1864. -
Book is part of the Time-Life Series
Jensen, De Lamar - ed.
Machiavelli, Cynic, Patriot, or
Political Scientist"
D. C. Heath Co, Boston, 11 pgs.,
Machiavelli - Military Theory
This is one of the Heath booklets
- Problems in European Civilization designed to support student discussion. It
consists of 18 essays by noted authors on various aspects related to the title.
Seems to me that Machiavelli could have been all three suggested types and more
Jessup, John & Robert Coakley
A Guide to the Study and use of
Military History
Center of Military History,
United States Army, Wash D. C. 1979, 507 pgs., index, extensive bibliographies
Reference - Military History
A valuable reference and teaching
tool for students. There are essays on all sorts of topics such as, 'the nature
of history', 'perspective on military history'. ' great military historians',
military museums and collections.
Johnson, Curt
Battles of the American
Sampson Low, London, 1975, 126
pgs., index, illustrations, maps, chronology
American Military History
Includes 10 battles and general
background including causes and uniforms, weapons and tactics
Johnson, Curt
Gorget & Sash - 12 issues
Journal of Early Modern Warfare
Society, Springfield VA.
Early Modern Military History
Each issue containes articles
ranging from battles to uniforms, to military organizations and book reviews.
Johnson, David
Napoleon's Cavalry and its
Holmes & Meier Pub. N. Y.,
1978, 191 pgs., index, notes, bibliography, appendices, order of battle,
Napoleonic Warfare
John, Paul
The National Trust Book of
British Castles
G. P. Putnam's Sons, N.Y., 1978,
288 pgs., index, illustrations, glossary, bibliography, large format
Castles, Fortification - Medieval
Military History
A history of the development of
castles in Britain (including Wales and Scotland) with extensive illustrated
examples from each era.
Johnson, Peter
Toy Armies
Doubleday & Co., Garden City,
N.Y., 1981, 144 pgs, index, bibliography, illustrations
Reference - Military History
This is a history of the hobby of
making and collecting toy soldiers. The color illustrations depict soldiers in
uniforms or otherwise.
Jomini, Baron de - trans J. D.
Jomini and his summary of The Art
of War
Military Service Publishing,
Harrisburg, PA., 1947, 161 pgs., diagrams
Napoleonic Warfare - strategy and
Published during World War Two as
part of a series to educate the public
Jomini, Baron de - trans Capt. C.
H. Mendell
The Art of War
Greeenwood Press, West Port, from
1862 edition, 378 pgs., index
Napoleonic Warfare - strategy and
By the famous eye-witness who
participated in Napoleon's Campaign in Russia -
Jones, Archer
The Art of War in the Western
Univ. of Illinois Press, Urbana,
1987, 754 pgs., index, end notes, illustrations, maps
Reference - General history of
Jones, David R.
The Military-Naval Encyclopedia
of Russia and The Soviet Union - Vol 1,2,3, 4
Academic International Press,
Gulf Breeze Fl.1978-1984, 245 to 249 pgs
Russian Military History
The first four volumes in
projected series - alphabetical entries from "A" (Gliders) to
Jones, Terry
Medieval Lives
BBC Books, London, 2004, 256
pgs., index, bibliography, many illustrations
Medieval History
Includes knights
Jonge, Alex de
Fire and Water; A life of Peter
the Great
Coward, McCann and Geoghegan,
N.Y. 1980, 279 pgs., index, bibliography, foot notes
Military biography - Russian
Military History
The focus on military side
supplements the other biographies of Peter
Jordan, David and Andrew West
Atlas of World War II
Barnes & Noble, N.Y., 2004,
256 pgs., index, maps, illustrations
Reference, Military History
Over 100 excellent full color
maps with text and illustrations
Josephus, Flavius, trans.
The Great Roman - Jewish War - De
Bello Judaico
Harper Torch books, N.Y. 1960,
332 pgs., index, bibliography, appendices, paperback
Roman Military History
By the eye-witness Jewish
Josephy, Alvin M. Jr
War on the Frontier: The
Trans-Mississippi West
Time-Life Books, 1986, 176 pgs.,
index, illustrations, bibliography
American Military History
One of a set
Jukes, Geoffrey
The Defence of Moscow
Macdonald Co., London, 1969, 160
pgs. bibliography, illustrations,
Russian Military History
A brief summary of the operation
with many illustrations.
Kaeuper, Richard W.
Chivalry and Violence in Medieval
Oxford Univ. Press, London, 338
pgs., index, bibliography
Medieval Warfare
Kagan, Donald
On the Origins of War
Doubleday, N.Y., 1995, 606 pgs.,
index, bibliography, notes
Ancient Warfare - Classical
Excellent analysis that shows the
reality of ancient warfare - versus John Keegan
Kagan, Donald
Peloponnesian War
Cornell Univ. Press, Ithica, 4
vols. 1969
Classical Greek Warfare
The most detailed and
comprehensive study of this war. Should be read with the two Landmark editions
Kahn, David
Hitler's Spies: German Military
Intelligence in World War II
Macmillian, N. Y., 1978, 671
pgs., index, bibliography, end notes, illustrations
Modern Military History
Kalani, Lyn, Lunn Rudy, John
Sperry - eds.
Fort Ross
Fort Ross Interpretive
Association, Jenner, Calif., 1998, 53 pgs, references, bibliography, maps,
illustrations, paper back
A series of essays describing the
history of the Russian Fort Ross on the California coast with excellent maps
and illustrations.
Kannik, Preben
Military Uniforms in Colour
Blandford Press, London, 1968,
278 pgs., index, illustrations,
Reference - Uniforms
This has 512 full color
illustrations of representative armies from 1670 to 1950's with descriptive
Karasulas, Antony
Mounted Archers of the Steppe,
600 BC - AD 1300
Osprey, Oxford, 2004, 64 pgs.,
index, bibliography, illustrations, paperback
Ancient - Medieval Military
Excellent color illustrations by
Angus McBride. But those of Gorelik are better. Other excellent b/w
illustrations. The text is very brief and general.
Katcher, Philip
Encyclopedia of British,
Provincial, and German Army Units 1775-1783
Stackpole Books, N. Y., 1973,
index, end notes, illustrations
American Military History
Details including uniforms and
unit histories of each regiment that served in the American colonies during the
Katcher, Philip
Armies of the American Wars 1753
- 1815
Hastings House, N. Y., 1975, 157
pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations
American Military History
This primarily is a book
featuring illustrations of all the armies in the American Revolution
Kaufmann, J. E & H. W.
Fortress America: The Forts that
Defended America, 1600 to the present
Da Capo Press, 2004, 416 pgs.,
index, bibliography, illustrations, glossary, appendix, large format
Fortification - American Military
The best and most complete study
of American fortifications.
Kaufmann, J. E. and H. W.
The Medieval Fortress; Castles,
Forts and Walled Cities of the Middle Ages
Combined Pub. Penn., 2001, 319
pgs., index, illustrations, bibliography, glossary, appendices
Castles, fortification
By far the most comprehensive
book - includes cities and forts, Near east and Eastern Europe - Russia, even
Samarkand. Includes sections on parts of castles and on siege methods for
attack and defense. The authors acknowledge assistance from many experts on
fortifications in various countries. Excellent illustrations are by Robert
Kazarinov, V. M.
Kreposti Drevnyei Rusi
tsentr, Moscow, 2002, 472 pgs., glossary, biblikography, illustrations,
Fortification - Medieval Russia
The chapters include descriptions
and illustrations of fortifications in Kyivan Rus including frontiers and towns
and kremlins.
Keegan, John
A History of Warfare
Alfred A. Knopf, N.Y. 1993, 432
pgs., index, references, bibliography, illustrations
Military History
This is a much acclaimed book. I
disagree. The author focuses on the psychology of men in combat, which is fine.
And he notes that war is a cultural activity. But he extrapolates the
experience of ancient Greek hoplites into a 'western way of war". He
misunderstands Clausewitz. There are many mistakes of fact and more of opinion.
He seems to have no idea about ancient Oriental warfare, for instance in China
Keegan, John
The First World War,
Alfred Knopf, N.Y., 1999, 475
pgs., index, end notes, bibliography, illustrations maps
Modern Military History
Keegan, John and Andrew
Who's Who in Military History
From 1453 to the present day`
Book Club Associates, London,
1976, 367 pgs., maps, glossary,
Military History
Biographies in alphabetical
order, as the authors note, selected rather arbitrarily and considerably varied
in length.
Keegan, John
The Face of Battle
The Viking Press, N. Y., 1976,
354 pgs., index, bibliography
Military History
This is primarily a study of
three battles, Agincourt, Waterloo, and Somme, plus the author's concept about
the nature of battle at the level of the individual soldier.,
Keen, Maurice - ed.
Medieval Warfare: A History
Oxford, Univ. Press, N. Y., 1999,
340 pgs., index, chronology, maps, illustrations
Medieval Military History
Contains 13 essays on various
aspects of medieval warfare, all by noted experts, Includes sieges, arms and
armor, and naval war
Keep, John
Soldiers of the Tsar; Army and
Security in Russia 1467-1874
Clarendon press, Oxford, U.K.,
1985, 432 pgs., index, pass, illustrations, figures, bibliography, foot notes
Russian Military History
Describes organization and
Kelley, Donald R.
"Murd'rous Machiavel in
France: A Post Mortuum
Political Science Quarterly, Vol.
LXXXV, Number 4, Dec. 1970. pgs., 545- 559, footnotes
Machiavelli, political theory
Discussion about the commentary
of French critics on Machiavelli, whose works were quickly translated and
published in France.
Kemp, Anthony
Weapons & Equipment of the
Marlborough Wars
Blandford Press, Dorset, U.K.,
1980, 172 pgs., index, chronology, appendix, foot notes, illustrations,
bibliography, glossary
Early Modern Warfare
An excellent supplement to
Chandler's and other books on Marlborogh's wars
Kendall, Paul Murray
Warwick The Kingmaker
& The Wars of the Roses
Cardinal, London,
1973, 365 pgs., index, notes and sources, genealogy chart, paperback
Medieval Warfare
Much detail on the
complex family genealogical relations and political aspects of the war.
Kenilworth Historical Society
The Great Siege of Kenilworth,
Kenilworth Historical Society,
1966, 19 pgs., illustrations, castle plan, paperback
Castles - Medieval Warfare
This is about the great siege in
which the followers of the recently killed Simon de Montfort held out for six
months against the royal army of Prince Edward. Prince Edward had been held as
hostage in Kenilworth until he broke parole and escaped. Clearly he knew every
detail of the castle defense. He brought all the latest siege artillery and
methods to bear but could not take this might fort. Finally the garrison
surrendered due to starvation and sickness. This is the story of the siege and
it includes details about the castle itself.
Kennedy, Hugh
Crusader Castles
Cambridge Univ, Press, Cambridge,
1994, 223 pgs., index, bibliography, notes, diagrams, appendix, illustrations,
Castles, fortification
Excellent study with fine
illustrations and descriptions not only of individual castles but of the role
and construction of castles generally.
Kennedy, Paul
The Rise and Fall of Great
Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000
Random House, N.Y., 1987, 677
pgs., index, bibliography, end notes, maps, tables and charts
Military History
Don't ask how a book published in
1987 claims to include the period to 2000. But this is a fine general
description of the interrelationships between military power and the shifting
economic base. Worth reading with Bobbitt's Shield of Achilles.
Kennett, Lee
The French Armies in the Seven
Years' War
Duke Univ. Press, Durham, 1967,
165 pgs., index, bibliography
Early Modern Military History
The author focuses on the
organization, structure, and other functional topics including planning,
command, intelligence, personnel, finance, supply, transport, medical, and
communications. Very useful text to study in connection with other books on the
conduct of campaigns and battles.
Kepf, Nicholas C. - ed.
How they Fight - 3 issues
United States Army Intelligence
Agency - July-Sept 1988, Oct. Dec. 1988, Oct-Dec 1989
Russian and Soviet military
These periodicals were published
by the U.S. Army as part of an information about the Soviet Army program. They
contain a variety of subjects from military history to recent topics. These
contain two articles by Pete Tsouras on Kulikova battle and one on Suvorov.
Keppie, Lawrence
The Making of the Roman Army:
from Republic to Empire
Univ. of Oklahoma Press, Norman,
1984, 272 pgs., index, bibliography, notes, abbreviations, illustrations,
appendices, maps, paperback.
Ancient Military History
The content begins with the
Republican Army and Marius, then discusses Caesar's army, then that of
Augustus. It includes a unit history of the Civil War legions and then new
legions formed in the early empire. Relatively narrow subject, but this enables
great detail.
Kiley, Kevin F.
An Illustrated Encyclopedia of
the Uniforms of the Roman World
Lorenz Books, Liecestershire,
England, 2013, 256 pgs., index, Glossary, illustrations, large format
Ancient Military History
This is an exceptionally
comprehensive reference - better titled as 'military dress' rather than
'uniforms' but the public will get the idea. The illustrations are excellent
and include both Romans from the early Republic to the end of Byzantine empire
and practically all the opposing military forces from Italian neighbors to
Islamic armies. Also included are artillery, fortifications and navy.
King, D. J. Cathcart
Castles and Abbeys of Wales
Her Majesty's Stationary Office,
London, nd., index, map, illustrations, further reading, paperback
Castles, fortifications
Small booklet but has good
illustrations of several dozen castles in Wales with text descriptions.
Kinross, John
Discovering Castles in England
and Wales
Shire Pub., 1973, 380 pgs.,
index, bibliography, glossary, illustrations, paperback
Castles, fortifications
A handy guide to many castles
with short or long descriptions.
Kinross, John
Discovering Castles in Eastern
Shire Pub., 1968, 48 pgs.,
glossary, illustrations, bibliography, paperback
A handy guide book to castles
with illustrations
Kipp, Jacob W.
Lenin and Clausewitz: The
Militarization of Marxism, 1914-1921
Soviet ARmy Studies office, Ft.
Leavenworth Kansas, 1985, 8 pgs, reprint from Military affairs
Military Theory
The author describes the
influence of World war One on Lenin's thinking and after he read Clausewitz' On
Kirchhoff, Barney - ed.
Castles of Germany
Stars and Stripes, 1967, 174
pgs., index, castle guide, illustrations, glossary, chronology, paper back
Castles, fortification
Castles are organized by local
areas - A useful reference for the tourist looking for castles.
Kirpichnikov, A. N.
Kamyennii Kreposti Novgorodskoi
zemli (Stone fortresses of Novgorod lands)
Izdatel'stvo Nauka, Lenningrad,
1984, 275 pgs., footnotes, illustrations
Fortification - Medieval Military
The author is noted expert on the
subject. In addition to general discussion, the book includes Ladoga - Orueshek
- Koryela and Tiverskii - Kopor'ye - Yamgorod - and Porkhov
Knight, Paul
Henry V and the Conquest of
France 1416-53
Osprey, London, 1998,
bibliography, maps, glossary, chronology, genealogy, illustrations, paperback
Medieval Military History
Well, Henry didn't quite conquer
France, but he tried. The illustrations are by Graham Turner. This book
overlaps with the several on Agincourt, which it also describes briefly. But
the book is much broader, about the army itself with information not in the
battle books. There are diagrams and photos of arms and armor.
Knotel, Richard
Handbuch der Uniformkunde
Helmut Gerhard Schultz, Hamburg,
1937, 440 pgs., illustrations, tables
Reference - Uniforms
The book is a reference on the
uniforms of the European armies, and navy and air force. There are b/w
illustrations of example types of troops with tables that indicate the colors
for various parts of the uniforms.
Koch, Hanneasjoachim Wilelm.
Medieval Warfare
Prentice Hall, London, 1978, 256
pgs., index, maps, illustrations, large format
Medieval Military History
Large size book with excellent
illustrations. Sections on specific topics were written by other experts. This
is a major source of information on medieval war.
Koch, H. W.
The Rise of Modern Warfare
Hamlyn, London, 1981, 256 pgs.,
over 400 illustrations, index, large format
Early Modern Warfare
Terrific color illustrations,
extensive text analysis of the development (changes) in warfare from the Thirty
Years' War on to Napoleon.
Koch, H. W.
The Age of Total Warfare
B ison Books, Greenwood Ct.,
1983, 230 pgs., index, illustrations, large format
Modern Warfare
The illustrations are the main
value. The author begins with a short essay on Clausewitz and the concept of
total war. There are chapters on the armies of France, Britain and Germany.
Then chapters on various wars, World Watr One, World War Two and the nuclear
Konstam, Angus
British Forts in the Age of
Osprey, Oxford, 2008, 64 pgs.,
index, maps, glossary, illustrations, bibliography, chronology, paper back
These are the hill forts, earthen
ramparts with palisades. The maps show locations throughout England and Wales.
The text describes design and function, principles of defense, daily living in
them and what remains of sites today.
Konstam, Angus
Poltava 1709: Russia Comes of Age
Osprey, Oxford, 1994, 96 pgs.,
index, maps, glossary, illustrations, bibliography, chronology, paper back
Russian Military History
Excellent maps and color
illustrations. The text describes the leaders on both sides and the order of
battle of both armies. The entire campaign is described. There is also
description of the battlefield today.
Konstam, Angus
Pavia 1525: The Climax of the
Italian Wars
Osprey, Oxford, 1996, 96 pgs.,
index, maps, glossary, illustrations, paper back
Early Modern Military History
The maps are excellent. The text
describes the commanders, opposing forces and conduct of the campaign leading
up to Pavia. The battlefield today is described.
Konstam, Angus
Renaissance War Galley 1470-1590
Osprey, Oxford, 2002, 48 pgs.,
index, bibliography, illustrations, paper back
Early Modern Military History
The 7 color illustrations by Tony
Bryan show well the galley's described in the text, especially the cut away
view of the Spanish 'lanterna' of 1571. In contrast to the classical Greek or
Roman triream this galley mounts 5 large cannon in the bow plus smaller swivel
Konstam, Angus
Russian Army of the Seven Years
War (1)
Osprey, London, 1996, 48 pgs.,
chronology, illustrations, paper back
Russian Military History
The Color illustrations are by
Bill Younghusband. There are also photos. The book is about Russian infantry
There are tables giving the regimental uniform colors.
Konstam, Angus
Russian Army of the Seven Years
War (2)
Osprey, London, 1996, 48 pgs.,
bibliography, chronology, illustrations, paper back
Russian Military History
The color illustrations are by
Bill Younghusband. There are also photos. The book is about Russian cavalry
including Kalmuks. There are tables giving the regimental uniform colors.
Konstam, Angus
Peter the Great's Army 1:
Osprey, London, 1993, 48 pgs.,
chronology, maps, illustrations, paper back
Russian Military History
The color illustrations are by
David Rickman. There also are photos including of the famous illustrations from
Viskovatov. Also a table indicating the uniform colors for the regiments.
Konstam, Angus
Peter the Great's Army 2: Cavalry
Osprey, London, 1993, 48 pgs.,
bibliography, chronology, maps, illustrations, paper back
Russian Military History
The color illustrations are by
David Rickman. More photos of Viskovatov engravings and a table showing the
standards of the cavalry regiments. The text mentions the cossack revolts..
Kootz, W.
Rothenburg on the Tauber
Verlag, Edmund von Konig,
Heidelberg, 1975, 40 pgs., illustrations, index, map, paperback
Rothenburg retains a wonderful
medieval city wall with impressive towers.
Kootz, W.
Verelag, Edmund von Konig,
Heidelberg, 1976, 58 pgs., index, illustrations, map, paperback
Dinkelsbuhl also retains much of
its medieval and Renaissance wall with gate towers.
Korkh, A.S.
Petr I severnaya boina 1700-1721
(Peter the Great Northern War of`700-1721
) |
State Order of Lenin History
Museum, Moscow, nd, 134 pga., illustrations
Russian Military History
Each page is full of great color
illusrations of events and people and artifacts relating to the Northern War.
Korn, Jerry
Pursuit to Appamattox: The Last
Time-Life Books, 1987, 176 pgs.,
index, illustrations, bibliography
American Military History
One of a set
Kotov, N. N. - ed.
Guide book to Soviet Museum of
Military Airforces
Voyennoye Izdatel'stvo, Moscow,
1988, 76 pgs., illustrations, paperback
Russian Military History
The Russian - Soviet aviation
museum is at Monino, a suburb of Moscow. This is a text guide to the history
and development of the museum with illustrations including some of WWII
aircraft, but none of modern aircraft.
Kripov, V. M. - ed.
Relikvii Voyenno-istoricheskogo
musyeya, St. Petrersburg
Voyenno-istoricheskii muzei, St
Petersburg, 2003, 50 pgs., illustrations, paperback
Russian Military History
This is a booklet featuring
excellent color photographs of some selected artifacts in the Museum of
Artillery, Engineers and Signal Troops in St Petersburg. The museum is one of
the largest and finest in the world. I have visited freequently and have many
photographs on my web site. The text is by many of the curators.
Krylov, Colonel Valeri M.- trans
Natalia Pavlova
Military-Historical Museum of
Artillery, Engineer and Signal Corps - 3 versions
Military History Museum, St.
Petersburg, 8 pgs., 16 pgs, 8 pgs., illustrations
Russian Military History
Colonel Krylov was the Director
of the Museum who welcomed us in 1991, 1992, 1993 and 2005. This is a huge and
fantastic museum that contains much more than the subjects stated in its title.
In the Russian army the artillery branch was in charge of all firearms, so the
history of these is well displayed, but also uniforms, swords and armor and
military literature.
Krylov, Colonel Valeri M.- senior
Artilleriiskii Muzyei - Voyhenno
-istoricheskii muzei artillerii, inzhenernikh boisk i boisk svhazi.
ART-NALAS, St. Petersburg, 2001
333 pgs., notes, illustrations, paperback
Russian Military History
For this one Colonel Krylov
acgted asrfesponsible general editor, as well as author os sections, with his
expert curators as other authors. The book is in celebration of the founding of
the museum and has a fine pictuire of Nikolai Efimovich Brandenburg as a front
illustration. Part of the book is a reprint of an early museum catalog ( of
which I have also an original - see Brandenburg). And part is a history of the
museum since that catalog was published - there are illustrations from both
eras. We have many photos taken at the museum on web site.
Krylov, Colonel Valeri M.- senior
Muzyei voyennoi istorii i boyevoi
slavi - part VII
Military History Museum, St.
Petersburg, 1996, 391 pgs., tables, illustrations, chronology, paperback
Russian Military History
A collection of articles and
materials related to the 240 year celebration of the museum. It includes lists
of artillery pieces in the museum collection and ammunition, also small arms,
cold weapons, medals, paintings.
Kurtz, Henry L. & Burtt R.
The Art of the Toy Soldier
Abbeville Press, N. Y., 1987, 328
pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations, large format
The book is organized by country
of figure makers - Germany, France, Britain, America, Other. There are hundreds
of color illustrations of soldiers from many nations.
Lachouque, Henry - adapted by
Anne S. K. Brown
The Anatomy of Glory:
Lionel Leventhal, London, 1978,
564 pgs., index, notes, bibliography, illustrations maps, appendices
Napoleonic Warfare
Huge study of Napoleon's Guard
written by Commandant Henry Lachouque in French as "The Anatomy of
Glory: Napoleon and his Guard A study in Leadership. This edition with
introduction by David Chandler. It includes both the Guard as an organization
and its participation in campaigns and battles.
Lachouque, Commandant Henry
Arms and Armor Press, 1972, 202
pgs., illustrations, maps
Napoleonic Warfare
A detailed study of Waterloo from
the French perspective. Events are treated in chronological order. The
introduction is by David Chandler. Uniforms of all participant armies are in
Laffont, Robert
The Ancient Art of Warfare
Time-Life Books, N.Y. 1966, 2
vols. 561 and 541 pgs., maps, illustrations, large format
Reference - Military History
One of the most elaborate
and profuisely illustrated histories of warfare. A real prize.
Lamb, Harold
The Crusades
Doubleday, Doran & Co.,
Garden City N. Y., 1931, 490 pgs., index, bibliography, map
Medieval Warfare
Written for young readers. One of
the first books in my library from the 1940's. A narrative in popular style.
Lamb, Harold
Alexander of Macedon
Doubleday & Co., Garden City,
N.Y. 1946, 402 pgs., index, map
Ancient Military History
Popular style biography for
younger readers, One of my first books in 1940's.
Lamming, Michael Lee
The Military 100: A Ranking of
the most influential Military Leaders of All Time
Citadel Press, 1996, 372 pgs.,
index, illustrations,
Reference: Military Biography
George Washington ranks number 1.
Edmund Allenby ranks number 100. In between, Napoleon at 2, Alexander the Great
at 3, Genghis Khan at 4, and Hannibal at 30
Lander, J. R.
The Wars of the Roses
White Lion Pub. London, 1965, 336
pgs., index, chronology, sources, illustrations, abbreviations,
Medieval Warfare
Very Strong on the political
aspects of the struggle between the Houses of York and Lancaster
Lane-Poole, Stanley
Saladin and the Fall of Jerusalem
Greenhill Books, London, 2002,.
288 pgs., index, foot notes, illustrations, appendices, dynastic charts
Medieval Warfare
Has valuable introduction by
David Nicolle.
Langer, Herbert
Thirty Years' War
Hipocrene Books, N.Y. 1980, 275
pgs., index, notes, illustrations, maps, chronology, large size,
Early Modern Warfare
Comprehensive history of the war
with many excellent illustrations.
Lawford, James ed.
The Cavalry: Techniques and
Triumphs of the Military Horseman: The stories of the Great Cavalry Regiments,
Their Commanders, their Celebrated Actions.
Sampson Low, 1976, 176 pgs.,
index, illustrations, diagrams
Military History
Chapters written by some famous
authors including David Chandler, Curt Johnson, T. A .Heathcote, Brig. Peter
Young. Famous cavalry from ancient times and Huns to World War I.
Lawrence, Christopher
Kursk, The Battle of Prokhorovka
Aberdeen Books, Sheridan CO,
2015, 1651 pgs., index, illustrations, many full maps, 32 German aerial
reconnaissance photos, 29 Soviet General Staff maps in full fold out format,
appendices, bibliography
Modern Military History, World
War II, Soviet and German history
This is an incredible publishing
event, 32 years in preparation by the author and team that had special access
to Soviet Military Archives and interviews with Soviet veterans and historians.
Plus he made full use of the captured German archives. The content is limited
to a deep analysis of the southern front during the battle around Kursk, but it
includes also the air war, not usually included in books. Well there are no
similar books, and most rely on copying each other.
Lawrence, Christopher
Casement Publishers, Oxford,
England, 2015, 360 pgs., bibliography, notes, illustrations, graphs, tables,
Modern Military History
Sub-title is Understanding Iraq,
Afghanistan and Vietnam This is an analytical study of insurgent -
counter-insurgent wars since WWII. USing the extenswive data base of these
conflicts and statistical methods the author finds which of many variables are
most significant in determining the outcomes. He finds that force ratios are
Lazenby, J. F.
Hannibal's War: A military
history of the Second Punic War
Univ. of Oklahoma Press, Norman,
1998, 340 pgs., index, notes, bibliography, maps, appendices, chronology,
glossary, sources, paperback
Ancient Military History
My favorite study of this war.
The author discusses the historiography, the primary sources, the entire war
from Spain to Zama.
Leach, Douglas Edward
Arms for Empire; A Military
History of the British Colonies in North America 1607-1763
Macmillian, N. Y., 1973, 566
pgs., index, maps, bibliography, note
American Military History
One of the series on American
Military History - it fills its place well.
Leeb, Field Marshal Ritter von -
trans. Stefan Possony
Military Service Publishing,
Harrisburg, Penn., 1943, 159 pgs., maps
Modern Military History
Published during World War Two as
part of a series to educate the public
Leighton, Albert
Transportation &
Communication in Early Medieval Europe AD 500 - 1100
David & Charles, Devon, U.
K., nd., 257 pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations
Medieval History
Another important reference on
logistics, the capacities and capabilities that make military operations
possible The author relies on extensive primary sources, yet much still remains
as conjecture.
Lendon, J. E.
Soldiers & Ghosts: A history
of Battle in Classical Antiquity
Yale Univ. Press, New Haven,
2005, 468 pgs., index, bibliographical notes glossary, end notes, maps,
figures, chronology
Ancient Warfare - Greeks and
This is a very unusual book. It
is about psychology, concepts, ideas about innovation, and developments, trends
in all these from Greeks to Romans. It focuses especially on the impact of
tradition in the minds of the soldiers. Very worth reading in conjunction with
the usual campaign and battle accounts.
Lens, Benard
The Granadiers Exercise of the
Granade 1735
National Army Museum, London,
1967, 18 pgs., illustrations, paperback
Early Modern Warfare
Bernard Lens was the artist who
created these detailed illustrations of the correct position of the grenadier
while preparing throw a grenade.
Leonard, Roger Ashley - ed.
Clausewitz On War: A short guide
Capricorn Books, N. Y., 1967, 237
pgs., index, bibliography, paperback
Clausewitz, military theory
Preface by Michael Howard - The
volume contains 9 extracts selected by Leonard from Nature of War to Guerrilla
War - A handy precis of some main concepts.
Lewin, Ronald
Ultra Goes tgo War: The First
Account of World War II's Greatest Secret Based on Official Documents
McGraw-Hill, N. Y., 1978, 398
pgs., index, appendix, notes, illustrations, bibliography, glossary
Modern Military History
I believe the title is a bit over
blown. The author provides the unfamiliar readerwwith the basics of why Ultra
could be so critical. He notes the essential need to use radio to send and
receive messages and the critical need to send those messages in code. Thus for
the other side it was critical to be able to break those codes in order to
learn ahead of time what the enemy was about. The continued reliance on code
then required that the user believe implicity that his code could not be
broken. This of course meant that those who did break codes had to impose the
utmost secrecy on that fact, less the enemy change his methods. Thus the entire
'game' was a dialectical struggle between making and breaking codes within an
atmosphere of highest tension and fear. One amazing aspect is that the Germans
did not recognize that their codes had been broken , despite their observation
that something was wrong in their operations. A fascinating if too typical
aspect the author discusses is the inevitable entry of politics (maters of
individual and institutional turf and prestige) into the picture. That created
frictions and refusals to share between US Army and Navy. At the same time the
nature of intelligence in general and Ultra in particular led to the most
intimately coordinated merger of British and American signals intelligence, an
institutional marriage that has persisted to the present.
Lewin, Ronald
American Magic: Codes, Ciphers
and the Defeat of Japan
Farrar, Straus, Giroux, N. Y.,
1982, 330 pgs., index, notes, appendices, illustrations, maps.
Modern Military History
The counterpart of Ulta in the
Pacific Theater. And the Japanese suffered from the same failure as the
Germans, to recognize that their codes had been broken. In his story the author
missed the role of the Federal Communications Commission radio intercept
capacity. Beyond the subject of this book, but worth mentioning is that the
same code breakers at Arlington hall also broke the Soviet codes to reveal the
extent of Soviet espionage in the US.
Lewis, Emanuel Raymond
Seacoast Fortifications of the
United States: An Introductory History
Leeward Pub., Annapolis Md.,
1970, 145 pgs., index, index, appendix, bibliography, illustrations
Fortification - Modern Military
The first book on this topic. It
had significant influence in energizing the preservation of historic works in
American History.
Lewis, Thomas A.
The Shenandoah in Flames: The
Valley Campaign of 1864
Time-Life Books, 1987, 176 pgs.,
index, illustrations, bibliography
American Military History
One of a set
Lieven, Dominic
Russia against Napoleon: The True
Story of the Campaigns of War and Peace
Viking, NY., 2010, 617 pgs.,
index, end notes, bibliography, appendices, illustrations, maps
Russian - French military history
- War of 1812 French invasion of Russia
This wonderful book is based on
Russian and well as French and other primary sources. In addition to a detailed
narrative and analysis of the 1812 campaign, the book continues to include the
campaigns in 1813 and 1814 to the conclusion of the Russian occupation of
Paris. In addition to the usual descriptions of campaigns and battles the book
includes details on recruitment and logistics. Read it with Zamoyski,
Mikaberidze and Austin
Linderman, Gerald F.
Embattled Courage: The
Experiences of Combat in the American Civil War
Free Press, N. Y., 1987, 378
pgs., index, bibliography, end notes, personnel list, illustrations
American Military History
Livingstone, Sir Richard - ed.
Thucydides: A History of the
Peloponnesian War
Galaxy Book, Oxford Univ. Press,
N.Y., 1960, 400 pgs., index, maps, paperback
Ancient Military History
Another translation of
Thucydides, handy paperback - but one now has to study the Landmark edition.
Livy, Titus, trans. Aubrey de
The Early History of Rome
Penguin Books, N. Y., 1960, 424
pgs., index, maps, introduction, paperback
Ancient Military History
Books I to V of Livy's History of
Livy, Titus - trans. Aubrey de
The War with Hannibal
Penguin Press, London, 1965, 688
pgs., index, maps, chronology, paperback
Ancient Military History
This is translation of Books XXI
to XXX of Livy's History of Rome mostly on the Second Punic War
Livy, Titus, trans. Henry
Rome and the Mediterranean
Penguin Books, Baltimore MD.,
1976, 699 pgs., index, introduction, maps, chronology, paperback
Ancient Military History
This is books XXXI - XLV of The
History of Rome from its Foundation
Lochet, John A - ed.
Empires Eagles & Lions
The Emperor's Press, Chicago, 6
issues a year from July 1993, , approx. 60 pgs. each,
Napoleonic Warfare
Each issue contains articles by
expert authors on datails of Napoleon's career and especially his military
activities and theories.
Lochhead, Ian C. & T.R.
The Siege of Malta 1565
Literary Services and
Productions, London, 1970, 63 pgs., sources, color and B/W illustrations,
Early Modern Military History
The brief text is built around 12
great fresco paintings by Mateo Perez d'Aleccio that exist today in the Grand
Council Chamber of the Knights of Malta.
Long, E. B.
The Civil War Day by Day: An
Almanac 1861=1865
Doubleday, N. Y., 1971, 1135
pgs., index, bibliography, map
Reference - American Military
Valuable reference for checking
Longford, Elizabeth
Wellington: The Years of the
Harper & Row, Publishers,
N.Y., 1969, 548 pgs., index, references, illustrations, maps
British Military History
By a master biographer. This
includes Wellington's services in India and Portugal
Longworth, Philip
The Art of Victory: The Life and
Achievements of Generalissimo Suvorov 1729-1800
Constable, London, 1965, 350
pgs., index, map, illustrations, references
Russian Military History
The only military biography of
this great general in English - "Art of Victory" refers to the
classic booklet Suvorov wrote in military leadership that is still read in
Lord, Francis, A. and Arthur Wise
Uniforms of the Civil War
A. A. Barnes and Co., Cranbury N.
J. 1970, 174 pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations, appendix
American Military History
Chapters on both the Union and
Confederate Army uniforms
Luttwak, Edward N.
The Grand Strategy of the Roman
Empire From the First Century A.D. to the Third
Johns Hopkins Univ. Press,
Baltimore, 1976, 255 pgs., index, bibliography, end notes, maps, tables,
Ancient Military History
The author has written much on
strategy. he divides his analysis - The Julio-Claudian System - From Flavians
to the Severi - Defense in Depth - and an evaluation
Luttwak, Edward N.
Strategy; The Logic of War and
Harvard Univ. Press, 1987, 283
pgs., index, end notes
The author's general theories
about military strategy
Luttwak, Edward N.
The Grand Strategy of the
Byzantine Empire
Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge,
2009, 498 pgs., index, works cited, end notes, glossary, appendix, list of
emperors, maps
Ancient - Medieval Military
Not only a continuation of the
book on Roman strategy to the Third Century, this book, the author notes, is
much more detailed because the information on the Byzantine strategy is much
more extensive - reflecting a much more elaborate strategy. The author
discusses both Byuzantine Diplomacy and Art of War.
Luvas, Jay ed.
Napoleon on the Art of War
The Free Press, N.Y., 1999, 196
pgs., index, bibliography, end notes
Napoleonic Warfare - Military
Extracts from Napoleon's own
Luvas, Jay, ed. and trans.
Frederick the Great on the Art of
The Free Press, N. Y., 1966, 391
pgs., index, glossary, chapter notes
Early Modern Warfare - Military
Extracts and commentary on
Frederick's theory of war from his writings. Should accompany Duffy's books on
his campaigns and battles.
Lynn, John A.
Battle: A History of Combat and
Westview Press, Boulder CO.,
2003, 399 pgs., index, notes, appendix, illustrations
Military History
Includes topics from Classical
Greece and ancient China through middle ages and Napoleonic era to current
Lynn, John A. - ed.
Tools of War: Instruments, Ideas,
and Institutions of Warfare, 1445-1871
Univ. of Illinois Press, Urbana,
1990, 262 pgs., index, notes
Early Modern Warfare - Modern
10 essays by noted experts on
special topics.
Lyons, M.
The Russian Imperial Army
The Hoover Institute, Stanford,
Calif., 1968, 188 pgs., paperback
Reference - Russian Military
A Bibliography of Regimental
histories and related works on the Russian Imperial Army.
Macaulay, David
Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston,
1977, 80 pgs., illustrations, large format, paperback
Castles - fortification
The elaborate illustrations are
by the author. They show with cut away drawings how a castle was built, lived
in and defended. The book is for students. The author published similar books
on cathedrals and Roman towns
MacDonald, Charles B.
A Time for Trumpets: The Untold
Story of the Battle of the Bulge
Quill, William Morrow, N., Y.,
1985, 712 pgs., index, bibliography, end notes, order of battle, maps.
Modern Military History -
American Military History
MacDonald, John
Great Battles of World War II
Macmillan Publishing, N. Y.,
1986, 192 pgs., illustrations, maps, index, bibliography, large format
Reference, Modern Military
17 battles - excellent color
computer generated maps,
MacDonald, John
Great Battlefields of the World
Macmillan Publishing, N. Y.,
1984, 200 pgs., illustrations, maps, large format
Reference Military History
29 battles from Cannae to Dien
Bien Phu. They are all Western although several fought in Asia and two in
Africa. The maps are excellent
Machiavelli, Niccolo - trans.
Luigi Ricci
The Prince and the Discourses
Modern Library, N.Y., 1950, 540
pgs., paperback
Machiavelli - Political theory -
strategy - warfare
The edition combinesThe
Princeand The Discourses on First Ten Books of Titus Livy. The
latter is much overlooked and is critical for understanding Machiavelli's
thought. There is a valuable introduction by Max Lerner.
Machiavelli, Niccolo - trans.
Christopher Lynch
The Art of War
Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago,
2003, 262 pgs., index, glossary, diagrams, foot notes, maps
Machiavelli - Political theory -
strategy - warfare
Students should study 'Art of
War' as well as Prince and Discources to learn Machiavelli's full concepts.
Professor. Lynch also provides commentary.
Machiavelli, Niccolo - trans.
Ellis Farneworth
Art of War - with essay by Neal
Library of Liberal Arts, Bobbs
Merrill, N.Y., 1965, 242 pgs., bibliography, diagrams
Machiavelli - Political theory -
strategy - warfare
The excellent introduction is by
my professor at Columbia Univ. Neil Wood, who led the year -long seminar on
Machiavelli. I greatly benefited from his mentorship and supervision of my
thesis and ideas about Machiavelli.
Machiavelli, Niccolo - trans
Leslie J. Walker
The Discourses of Niccolo
Routledge & Keegan Paul,
London, 1950, 2 vols. notes, tables, index, Vol 1 has many notes and tables and
Vol 2 is entirely notes and index and more
Machiavelli - Modern Military
This two volume edition is simply
the very best - with extensive notes and commentary by Father Walker. It is
essential study for the student of Machiavelli.
Machiavelli, Niccolo - trans.
& Ed. Allan Gilbert
The Letters of Machiavelli; A
Univ. of Chicago Press, 1961, 252
Machiavelli - military theory
An interesting selection of over
two dozen letters, some short and others long by a noted expert on Renaissance
Machiavelli, Niccolo - trans.
Judith Rawson - ed. Myron Gilmore
Machiavelli: The History of
Florence and other Selections
Twayne Pub. N.Y., 1970, 329 pgs.,
index, bibliography, chronology
Machiavelli - military theory
The History of Florence was one
book that Machiavelli was commissioned to write. This volume also contains his
book - The Life of Casstruccio Castracani of Lucca - and Discourse on
Florentine Affairs After the Death of Lorenzo.
Macmunn, Sir George
Prince Eugene: Twin Marshal with
Samson Low, Marston Co., London,
nd., index, illustrations, map
Early Modern Warfare
One of my favorite generals who
overcame many difficulties due to his personal position.
Madden, Thomas - ed.
Crusades: The Illustrated History
Duncan Baird, London, 2004, 225
pgs., index, readings, chronology, illustrations
Medieval Warfare
Madden and Riley-Smith are be
best authors on Crusades.
Madden, Thomas
A Concise History of Crusades
Rowman and Littlefield, 1999
Medieval Warfare
Madden and Riley Smith are the
best authors for Crusades now.,
Magnusson, Magnus
Hammer of the North
Book Club Associates, London,
1976, 128 pgs, index, bibliography, illustrations, large format
Medieval History
Well illustrated history of the
Vikings including their mythology
Mahan, Alfred Thayer
The Influence of Sea Power upon
History 1660-1805
Prentice-Hall, N. Y. 1980, 255
pgs., index, illustrations, maps - large format
Early Modern Warfare
Introduction with critique by
Anthony Preston. This is elaborate edition of the 1889 book in a spectacular
Mallet, Allan Manesson
De la Milice des Turecs - Les
Travaux de mars ou L'art de la Guerre
Verlag Wilh. G./ Rubsamen,
Stuttgart, reprint of an edition from Amsterdam, 1685, illustrations
Early Modern Warfare
A set of lithograph plates
illustrating components of the Ottoman Turkish Army with text in French.
Mallory, Keith and Arvid Ottar
Architecture of Aggression: A
history of military architecture in North west Europe 1900-1946
Architectural Press, Hampshire,
1973, 307 pgs., index, illustrations, references
Modern Military History
Part 1 is about World War One,
Part 2 is between the wars, and Part 3 is about World War II. The final section
is about recent trends
Manstein, C. H. von
Contemporary Memoirs of Russia
from the year 1727 to 1744
Frank Cass Co., London, 1968, 416
pgs., index,
Russian Military History
Manstein served in high command
in Russia during wars with the Ottoman Turks and Crimean Tatars.
Marozzi, Justin
Sub-title: Sword of Islam,
Conqueror of the World, Da Capo Press, NY. 2004, 449 pgs., index, bibliography,
time line, illustrations, maps, family tree, paperback
Miliary history, medieval
history, biography
Comprehensive- including
background on steppe warfare history and the Mongol conqests of Genghis Khan
and his descendents.
Marren, Peter
Battles of the Dark Ages; British
Battlefields AD 410 to 1065
Pen and Sword, Barnsley, U. K.,
2006, 210 pgs., index, references, Gazetter of battle fields.
Medieval Warfare
The author has found an amazing
number of battles from "The Alleluia Battle" in 429 to Hereford in
Marsden, E. W
. |
Gaugamela, The Campaign of
Liverpool Univ. Press, 1964, 80
pgs, index, diagram, map, foot notes, table, appendix
Ancient Military History
A very detailed study of
Alexander's greatest victory by an expert in ancient Greece
Marshall, Christopher
Warfare in the Latin East, 1192 -
Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge,
1992,. 290 pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations, abbreviations, appendix
Medieval Military History
A detailed study of the
composition of the Latin armies, their castles, battles, raids and sieges. The
author shows that the strength of the Latin kingdom gradually declined during
this period from lack of manpower and resources, even interest, coming from
western Europe. Meanwhile crusading success continued in Spain and the Baltic
regions. In contract to the disunited condition of Moslems in 1097 by the 13th
century local Moslem power was united in a determined effort to expel the
Martell, Paul & Grace P.
World Defence Who's Who
Macdonald and Jane's, London,
1974, 260 pgs.
Reference - Military leaders
An alphabetical listing of
hundreds of military leaders from around the world.
Martin, Iain C.
Gettysburg: A True Account of Two
young Heroes in the Greatest Battle of the Civil War
Sky Pony Press, NY. 2013,
American Military History - Civil
Interesting book designed for
younger readers. The accounts are by Tillie Pierce and Daniel Skelly. They are
connected and interspersed by descriptive text and illustrations.
Martin, Paul
European Military Uniforms: A
short History
Spring Books, Hamlyn Publish.,
Midlesex, U./ K., 1968, 136 pgs., many illustrations, large format
Reference, Military History
A book of illustrations of
military uniforms with text discussion of their history
Marvel., William
The Battle of Fredericksburg
Eastern national National Park
Service, 1993, 55 pgs., maps, illustrations, paperback
American Military History - Civil
An excellent guide book for use
when visiting the battlefield, but also well worth reading at home.
Mason, Philip
A Matter of Honour: An account of
the Indian Army, its officers & men
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, N.Y.,
1974, 580 pgs. , index, notes and sources, illustrations, map
Military History - British
A vivid account of the manner and
methods of the British from their first occupation of parts of India and defeat
of the French through the Second World War. There were many battles and
campaigns. The British created extraordinary regimetns out of various Indian
groups. The Sikhs and Gurkha Rifes among the most famous. Indian Army regiments
served outside India in both World Wars. The exotic nature of the concept of an
Indian Army officered by British gentlemen creates something of a romantic
aura, But the Indian Army was very real and very critical in defense of the
Massie, Robert K.
Dreadnought; Britain, Germany and
the Coming of the Great War
Random House, N.Y., 1991, 1007
pgs., index, end notes, illustration
Modern Military History
Dreadnought was the name given
the first modern, revolutionary, battleships built by Great Britain and it
stands for the naval arms race between Britain and Germany that lead to World
War One.
Massie, Robert K.
Peter the Great: His Life and
The Modern Library, N.Y., 2012,
1112 pgs., index, notes, geneologies, illustrations maps.
Russian History
The sub-title is clear. This a a
very comprehensive and broad biography of Peter that includes excellent
descriptions of everything he encountered. For instance his private 'embassy'
to Holland and England is described in details that also describe the many
individuals whom he met. The campaigns at Azov, Narva, Poltava and the rest
ofthe Great Northern War are very well dsecribed with attention to the
opponents as well.
Masters, Roger D
. |
Fortune is a River: Leonardo da
Vinci and Niccolo Machiavelli's Magnificent Dream to Change the Course of
Florentine History
The Free Press, N. Y., 1998, 278
pgs., index, sources, notes, maps, illustrations
Early Modern Military History
A fine study of an incident in
which Machiavelli and Leonardo colaborated in the Florentine effort to conquer
or at least control Pisa. The author describes and analyzes the concept and its
ultimate failure.
Matloff Maurice - ed.
American Military History Vol 1
1775-1902, Vol 2 1902-1996
Combined Books, Penn. 1996, vol 1
380 pgs, vol 2 414 pgs., index, reading, maps, illustrations
American Military History
Matthews, John & Bob Stewart
Warriors of Christendom
Firebird Books, Pool, U. K. 1988,
192 pgs., index, maps, excellent illustrations
Medieval Warfare
4 chapters on Charlemagne, El
Cid, Frederick Barbarossa, and Richard I, Lionheart
Mattingly, Garrett
The Armada
Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston,
1962, 443 pgs., index, maps, end notes, paperback
Early Modern Warfare
The classic study of the failed
Spanish seaborne invasion attempt against England
Mattingly, Garrett
The Armada
Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston,
1959, 443 pgs., index, maps, end notes,
Early Modern Warfare
The classic study of the failed
Spanish seaborne invasion attempt against England
Matyszak, Philip
Chronicle of the Roman Republic
Thames & Hudson, London,
2003, 240 pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations, maps
Ancient History
Includes Roman rulers from
Romulus to Augustus
May, Timothy
The Mongol Art of War
Wentholme, Yardley Press, Penn.,
2007, 214 pgs., glossary, notes, index, bibliography, maps, illustrations
Medieval warfare
May, Elmer
The Art of Ancient Warfare
Dept of History, USMA, West
Point, N.Y. 1970, 26 pgs., maps, bibliography
Ancient Military History
Battles and campaigns from
Classical Greece to Roman Caesar - text for course in military history at West
May, Elmer and Gerald Stadler
Ancient and Medieval Warfare
Dept of History, USMA, West
Point, N.Y. 1973, 151 pgs., maps, bibliography, end notes
Ancient and Medieval Military
Chapters on selected subjects
from Greek hoplites to Medieval cavalry - text for military history at West
Mayer, S. L. - ed. multiple
expert authors
The Russian War Machine 1917-1945
Chartwell Books, New Jersey,
1977, 257 pgs, index, illustrations, maps
Modern Military History - Russian
Military History
Includes World War I, the
development of Soviet military between wars and World War II - graound air,
McCombs, Don & Fred Worth
World War II: Strange &
Fascinating Facts
Greenwich House, N. Y., 1983, 659
Reference - Modern Military
Has 4139 entries about people and
McDonaugh, James Lee
Shiloh: in hell before night
Univ. of Tennessee Press, 1997,
260 pgs., bibliography, Order of battle, foot notes, maps, illustrations
American Military History
McElfresh, Earl B.
Maps and Mapmakers of the Civil
Harry N. Abrams, N. Y., 1999, 272
pgs., index, bibliography, end notes, maps, biographies, illustrations
American Military History
Illustrations of contemporary
maps made for use during the Civil War
McJoynt, Albert D.
An Appreciation of the War for
Granada 1481-1492): A Critical Look to Western Military History
in - Crusaders, Condottiere, and
Cannon, Brill, Boston, 2003, Donald Kagay ed. pgs., 240-252, maps
Early Modern Military History
By the author, ed ofThe Art of
War in Spain: The Conquest of Granada 1481-1492. The author notes the
general lack of attention to this war, especially in English language military
histories. He then describes its actual place and role in the development of
the new style military force and the employment of cannon.
McKay, Derek, and H. M Scott
The Rise of the Great Powers
Longman, London, 1983, 377 pgs.,
index, bibliography, maps, paperback
Early Modern Military History
From the Peace of Westphalia to
Congress of Vienna - this account sets the warfare of the era in context. Worth
reading along with Philipp Bobbitt's book - Shield of Achilles
McLaughlin, Mark G.
The Wild Geese
Osprey, London, 1980, 40 pgs.,
bibliography, illustrations, paperback
Early Modern Military History
The 'Wild Geese' were Irish
emigres who formed units in the French and Spanish armies. between 1690's and
the French Revolution. The units are listed in the text. The color
illustrations are by Chris Warner. There also are photographs.
McMaster, Fitzhugh
Soldiers and Uniforms South
Carolina Military Affairs 1670- 1775
Univ. of South Carolina Press,
Columbia, 1971, 73 pgs., bibliography, appendices,
American Military History -
The chapters are on the militia
under the Proprietors, under the Royal Government, then Regiment of Horse,
Volunteer companies, and other units.
McMaster, H. R.
Dereliction of Duty
Harper Collins, N.Y., 1997, 446
pgs., index, bibliography, end notes, illustrations
American Military History
Critical analysis of failures of
American High Command and politicians during the war in Viet Nam.
McNab, Chris - ed.
Armies of the Napoleonic Wars: An
illustrated History
Osprey Pub., Oxford, 2009, 432
index, maps, illustrations, chronology
Napoleonic Military History
A stunning, large volume that
includes ALL the armies, even the US. Each section includes infantry, artillery
and cavalry with excellent color illustrations to accompany detailed text.
McNeill, William H.
The Pursuit of Power: Technology,
Armed Force, and Society since A.D. 1000
Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago,
1982, 405 pgs., index, footnotes
Military History
The author writes that this work
is a twin with his Plagues and Peoples.His idea in this one is look at
changes in patterns of macro parasitism among human kind - by this he means
other men who specialize in violence in order to secure their living without
producing their own food and other necessities. These individuals and groups
David Landes in The Invention of Enterpriseterms unproductive
entrepreneurs. This study focuses on the organization of armed force in
relation to changes in kinds of equipment warriors use. This book is also
related to McNeill's larger The Rise of the West.
McNeill, William H.
The Rise of the West
Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago,
1963, 827 pgs., index, illustrations, maps, foot notes
World History
The book is comprehensive,
world-wide in scope, yet one finds various military events and actions
scattered throughout at critical times. Increasingly, since the publication of
this book, we find many more books on the same theme. Some denounce the West
and the results, some try to find external causes, even excuses. Some try to
deny the obvious. Some consider this 'rise' as a major positive development.
McPherson, James M.
Ordeal by Fire: The Civil War and
Reconstruction - 2nd ed.
McGraw- Hill, N. Y., 1992, 713
pgs., index, bibliography, appendices, notes, glossary, illustrations,
American History
Considered a classic now. The
author carries the story to the compromise of 1877, that effectively ended
Reconstruction and enabled the Southern white society to regain much of its
control over the former slaves.
Melegari, Vezio
The Great Military Sieges
New English Library, London,
1972, 253 pgs., index, illustrations
Military History
From siege of Troy to Dien Bien
Phu. Great color illustrations and fine text. These are mostly sieges of
cities, so make up for those missing in books on sieges of castles.
Melegari, Vezio
The World's Great Regiments
Spring Books, London, 256 pgs.,
index, color illustrations, large format
Reference Military History
Regiments are organized by
country. Some entries are very brief.
Mendell, Clarence W.
Tacitus: The Man and His Work
Yale Univ. Press, New Haven,
1957, 397 pgs., index, bibliography
Ancient Military History
Since Tacitus is our major source
on Roman history with the Germans this biography and analysis of his writing it
important, There is a chapter specifically on him as a military historian.
Three editions of Tacitus are listed below.
Menning, Bruce W.
G. A. Potemkin: Soldier,
Statesman Of the age of the Enlightenmnent
Manuscript of talk presented at
the International Commission of Military History Wash. D. C., July, 1982 14
pgs., end notes
Russian History
A very interesting presentation
to a group of mililtary specialists.
Menning, Bruce W.
Bayonets Before Bullets: The
Organization and Tactics of the Imperial Russian Army, 1861 - 1905
Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, 1984,
227 pgs. ,manuscript
Russian History
Menning's dissertation in
manuscript. The title refers to Suvorov's dictum that influenced the Russian
army for generations..
Menning, Bruce W.
The Imperian Russuan Legacy,
1878-1917: A Context for the Origins of Soviet Operational Art
Manuscript, bibliography
Russian History
The author discusses the
influences on and by Leer, Svechin, Mikhnevich, Neznamov and Shapashnilov
Mercer, Patrick
Inkerman 1854: The Soldier's
Osprey, London, 1998, 95 pgs.,
orders of battle, further reading, illustrations, maps, chronology, paperback
Russian Military History -
British Military History
The text begins with the origins
of the war, the opposing armies, commanders and plans. The battle itself well
described along with the casualties and results. The battlefield today is
mentioned but this is dated and not correct today. Much of the Battlefield is
occupied by a naval radio station and is off limits. I visited several times
and have posted photos on my web site..
Michael, Nicholas
Armies of Medieval Burgundy,
Osprey, London, 1983, 40 pgs.,
further reading, map, illustrations, paperback
Medieval Military History
The color illustrations are by G.
Embleton and there are photographs. The text includes arms and armor,
organization and artillery.
Mickelson, Roger - ed.
A Philosophy of War
Military Conflict Institute,
2013, 231 pgs., large format
Military philosophy and theory
First edition of a collective
product of members of the Military Conflict Institute
Miers, Earl Schenck
We were there when Washington won
at Yorktown
Grosset & Dunlap, N.Y., nd.,
176 pgs., illustrations
American Military History
Popular book for young readers
Mikaberidze, Alexander
The Battle of Borodino: Napoleon
Against Kutuzov
Pen and Sword, Barnsley, U.K.,
2007, 276 pgs., index, bibliography, maps, diagrams, illustrations, appendices,
order of battle, personnel data
Russian Military history
The content is about much more
than the battle alone. It is based on excellent Russian sources. The best book
on the battle.
Milevski, Lukas
The Evolution of Modern Grand
Strategic Thought
Oxford Univ Press, Oxford, 2016,
175 pgs., index, bibliography, footnotes
Strategic theory
The story begins in 1805 with
maratime strategy and continues through World War II. The second section
discusses strategic theories since World War II.
Millar, Simon
Vienna 1683: Christian Europe
repels the Ottomans
Osprey, Oxford, 2008, 96 pgs.,
index, illustrations, chronology, bibliography, map, paperback
Early Modern Military History
The author first discusses the
commanders, and armies on both sides including order of battle. Then he
narrates the entire campaign including the Ottoman march north and the assembly
of the allied forces. He describes the siege in detail and then the battle of
Kahlenberg (the relief led by the Polish army). Finally there is the result and
view of the battlefields today.
Miller, Douglas
The Swiss at War 1300 -1500
Osprey, London, 1979, 40 pgs.,
illustrations, paperback
Early Modern Military History
The color illustrations are by G.
A. Embleton. There also are many photographs. The battles of Morgarten 1315,
Laupen 1339, Sempach 1386, Nafels 1388, Arbedo 1422, st. Jacob-en-Bier 1444,
Grandson 1476, Murat 1476 and Nancy 1476, are described.
Miller, Douglas
The Landsknechts
Osprey, London, 1976, 40 pgs.,
illustrations, bibliography, map, paperback
Early Modern Military History
The color illustrations are by G.
A. Embleton. There are also photos. There is a section on cannon that includes
tables listing types. Battles at Ravenna, Creazzo, Novara, Marignano, Bicocca
and Pavia are described.
Mills, Walter
Arms and Men: A Study in American
Military History
G. P. Putnam Sons, N. Y. 1956,
381 pgs., index, notes
American Military History
Milsom, John
Russian Tanks 1900 - 1970
Galahad Books, N. Y., 1970, 192
pgs., index, data tables, illustrations, bibliography
Modern Military History - Russian
Military History
Comprehensive, with many
Moellering, John H.
The Evolution of Modern Warfare
Dept of History, West Point,
N.Y., 1970, maps, illustrations, bibliography
Early Modern Military History
Essays by noted experts on
variety of topics 18th - 19th century warfare. Text for course in military
history at West Point.
Molllo, Andrew
Army Uniforms of World Wart 2
Blandford Press, London, 1975,
183 pgs., index, illustrations, bibliography, nomenclature
Reference - Uniforms
This book has 257 illustrations
of representative units for armies from Belgium to Yugoslavia with descriptive
Mommsen, Theodor - trans William
The History of Rome - 4 vol
Richard Brentley & Son,
London, 1872-1877, 4 vols. index
Ancient History
I feel very fortunate to have
this edition of the complete Mommsen History of Rome.. Now some of this
has been placed on the Internet, but being able to hold and read the early
English translation is special. I have scanned and placed some sections onto my
website. Needless to say the sections on the Punic War are still essential
Mommsen, Theodor
The History of Rome - ed by Dero
Saunders and John Collins
Meridan Books, 1958, 599 pgs.,
index, glossary
Ancient History
This is a much reduced selection.
The editors have included only the period between Tiberius Gracchus and the
Civil between Caesar and Pompey. The editors provide a very interesting
introduction describing who Mommsen was.
Mondschein, Ken - Introduction
The Art of War & Other
Classics of Eastern Philosophy
Canterbury Classics, San Diego
2016, 563 pgs.
Strategy, military history,
The military philosophy and
theories of Sun Tzu, Confucius, Mencius and other Chinese authors
Montagu, John Drogo
Greek and Roman Warfare: Battles,
Tactics, and Trickery
Greenhill Books, London, 2006,
256 pgs,. index, glossary, notes, battle plans
Ancient Military History
Especially valuable as countere
to John Keegan - shows warfare more realisticly.
Montagu, John Drogo
Battles of the Greek and Roman
Greenhill Books, London, 2000,
256 pgs., index, bibliography, chronology
Ancient Military History
A chronological listing of 667
battles up to 31 B.C.
Montgomery, Field Marshal
A History of Warfare
World Publishing Co., N. Y.,
1968,584 pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations, maps and plans,
Military History from Ancient
times to present
The author is kind of enough to
acknowledge that he had a 'research team' led by Alan Howarth and Antony
Brett-James as experienced historian. I rather suspect that these historians
and others had a great deal to do with the actual writing of the text, but its
popularity rests on the famous Montgomery name. it is a good read.
Montross, Lynn
War Through the Ages
Harper and Brothers, N. Y., 1944,
1960, 1063 pgs., index, chronology, sources, maps, illustrations
Military History
One of my first books of military
history, still good for the general reader. The scope is from Ancient Greece to
the Korean War. The section on medieval warfare has too much stress on cavalry
and not enough on sieges.
Montross, Lynn
The Reluctant Rebels: The Story
of the Continental Congress 1774-1789
Harper & Brothers, N. Y.,
1950, 467 pgs., index, references, illustrations
American Military History
This is the political side of the
war effort and such command and ssupervision as the Congress could accomplish.
Moore, Donald
Caerleon: Fortress of the Legion
National Museum of Wales,
Cardiff, 1971, 57 pgs., bibliography, illustrations, map, paperback
\The map shows Roman Wales with
roads forts and towns. The Illustrations include color artist renditions of
what the Roman fort looked like. There also are photos of Roman artifacts found
by archeologists. The Roman name for the fort was ISCA. The fortress was home
for the Second Augustan Legion. The legion, stationed at Strausburg was
commanded by future emperor Vespasian as it participated in the invasion
ordered by Claudius.. The legion was then sent to garrison ISCA, Caerleon, to
control the Welsh and was then commanded by another famous Roman, Sextus Julius
Frontinus, The other end of the frontier with Wales was at Chester, DEVA,
garrisoned by Twentieth Valeria Victrix Legion. Once the Welsh were reasonably
subdued detachments of the legion went north to construct Hadrian's and
Antoninus Pius' walls..
Moore, Richard E.
TheDemise of the Old Russian Army
manuscript, 1971, bibliography,
32 pgs.
Russian history
The causes for the collapse of
the Russian Army during World War One
Morawski, Ryszard and Henryk
Wojsko Ksiestwa Warszawskiego -
General Staff
Wyhdawnictwo Bellona, Warszawa,
1996, 179 pgs., color illustrations, large format
Napoleonic Warfare
A book of gorgeous full color
illustrations of the Polish Army during the Napoleonic Wars - text in Polish -
captions in Polish, French and English
Morawski, Ryszard and Henryk
Wojsko Ksiestwa Warszawskiego -
Wyhdawnictwo Bellona, Warszawa,
1996, 159 pgs., bibliography, color illustrations, large format
Napoleonic Warfare
A book of gorgeous full color
illustrations of the Polish Cavalry during the Napoleonic Wars - text in Polish
- captions in Polish, French and English
Morel, Pierre -=trans. A. G.
The Sights of Carcassonne
B. Arthaud, Paris, 1951, 98 pgs.,
illustrations, map, paperback
This small guide book provides
excellent detail on the city's fortifications. Part of the original Visigothic
fortress walls are still visible in the lower courses. Later additions are
clearly in evidence as are the reconstructions supervised by Viollet-le-Duc for
Emperor Napoleon III.
Morkot, Robert
The Penguin Historical Atlas of
Ancient Greece
Penguin Books, London, 1996, 143
pgs., index, readings, illustrations, maps., paperback
Ancient Warfare
Includes maps of military
Muir, Roy
Tactics and the Experiences of
Battle in the Age of Napoleon
Yale Univ. Press, New haven,
1998, 342 pgs., index, bibliography, end notes
Napoleonic Warfare
Read with Nosworthy book.
Munich, Fredrich
Geschichte der Entewicklung der
bayereischen Armee seit zwei Jahrhunderten (1618-1870)
Verlag Heere der Vergangenheit,
HJ. Olmes, Krefeld, 1864 - reprint 1972, organization tables, data
Early Modern Warfare
A detailed history of the
Bavarian Army from the Thirty Years' War to Franco-Prussian war.
Murphy, Richard W.
The Nation Reunited: War's
Time-Life Books, 1993, 176 pgs.,
index, illustrations, bibliography, maps
American Military History
Part of a set
Murray, William H.
The Imperial Russian Army,
William Murray, 1965, 56 pgs.,
illustrations, paperback
Russian Military History
Based on translations of text
from the famous Viskovatov volumes on the Uniforms of the Russian Army. The
subject is descriptions of various regimental uniforms
Nabokov, Vladimir - trans.
The Song of Igor's Campaign
Vintige Books, N.Y., 1960, 135
pgs., index, genealogy chart, map, commentary
Russian Military History
This is the great Russian epic
poem based on the campaign of Prince Igor of Novgorod-Sveersk, , son of
Svyatoslav Olegdovich, in 1185 . The campaign was a disaster. The epic was the
basis for Bordin's opera, Prince Igor.
Nafziger, George
Napoleon's Invasion of Russia
Presidio, 1988, 657 pgs., index,
bibliography, maps, extensive detailed order of battle
Napoleonic Military History -
Russian Military History
Much data, extensive research in
archives, mostly from French view point.
Nafziger, George - ed.
A Contemporary Account of the
1799 Campaign in Germany and Switzerland, Vol 3 by General Thomas Graham
J. Barfield, London, 2002, 140
pgs, bibliography, paperback
Napoleonic Military History
The author, General Thomas
Graham, was attached to the Austrian army in Italy, thus an eye-witness of the
events described. In this volume we find Russian Field Marshal Suvorov crossing
Nafziger, George - ed.
A Contemporary Account of the
1799 Campaign in Italy, Vol 4 by General Thomas Graham
J. Barfield, London, 2002, 125
pgs, bibliography, paperback
Napoleonic Military History
The author, General Thomas
Graham, was attached to the Austrian army in Italy, thus an eye-witness of the
events described. in this volume we find Rusisian Field Marshal Suvorov dealing
the French some lessons.
Nef, John U.
Western Civilization Since the
Renaissance: Peace, War, Industry and the Arts
Harper Torchbooks, N. Y., 1963,
464 pgs., index, end notes, paperback
Modern History
This is a very influential book.
The author writes in his introduction, "I had come to realize that all
sides of human endeavor are interrelated, and that the very specialization
which for a century had been opening new avenues to information concerning many
facets of history was blinding historians to the consideration of history as a
while a...'. The text is divided into three parts; The new Warfare and the
Genesis of industrialism - 1494-1640, Limited Warfare and humane Civilization
1640-1740, Industrialism and Total war 1740 to circa 1950.
Nelson, Harold W. ed in chief,
Jacobs, Bruce, editor
The Army
The Army Historical Foundation,
Arlington, Virginia, 2001, 352 pgs., index, illustrations, readings,
Chronology,folio size
American Military History
This is a massive history of the
U. S. Army from 1775 with many excellent color illustrations.
Nelson, Richard
Armies of the Greek and Persian
Wargame Research Group, Sussex,
1975, 84 pgs., bibliography, illustrations, appendices, maps, paper back
Ancient Military History
The text discusses Greek and
Persian armies and individual soldiers including dress and weapons,
organization and tactics. There are 22 maps and 80 line drawing illustrations.
Nepos, Cornelius - trans Quintus
Great Generals of Foreign Nations
Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge,
Loeb Classical Library, 1960, 370 pgs., index, introduction, bibliography
Ancient Military History
Cornelius Nepos was a Roman
author living about 99 to 24 B.C. His book has biographies of some 18 Greek,
one Persian, One Thracian and two Carthiginian military commanders.
Nepos, Cornelius - trans John
Lives of the Great Commanders
Fortress of the Mind
Publications, Charleston WC. 2019, 275 pgs., inex, footnotes, illustrations,
, |
Ancient Military History
Cornelius Nepos was a Roman
author living about 99 to 24 B.C. His book has biographies of some 18 Greek,
onr Persian, one Thracian and two Carthiginian military commanders plus several
short fragments added from other books. This is a modern translation witn
excellent illustrations. And a more extensive discussion of its contents by the
Nevin, David
Sherman's march: Atlanta to the
Time-Life Books, 1986, 175 pgs.,
index, illustrations, bibliography, maps
American Military History
Part of a set
Nevin, David
The Road to Shiloh; Early Battles
in the West
Time-Life Books, 1984, 176 pgs.,
index, illustrations, bibliography, maps
American Military History
Part of a set
Nevins, Allan
The War for the Union: Vol .2 War
Becomes Revolution: 1862-1863
Charles Scribner's Sons, N. Y.
1960, 557 pgs., index, bibliography, appendix, illustrations
American Military History
This is an extensive study of a
critical period in the war on both the western (Mississippi river) and eastern
(Virginia - Maryland) theaters. There are the many separate campaigns and
battles. By discussing them all in their unified context, rather than
individually as many books do, we view the whole picture from Lincoln's and
Congress' point of view.
Newark, Tim
The Barbarians: Warriors &
Wars of the Dark Ages
Blandford Press, Poole, U. K. 144
pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations
Medieval Warfare
Discusses the Huns, Goths,
Vandals, Franks, Moors, Arabs, Danes, Swedes, Avars, Mongols, Magyars who
invaded western Europe at various times. Color illustrations are excellent.
Newson, Barbara
Castles of England, Book 1
Jarrold & Sons, Norwich,
1973, illustrations, paperback
Castles - fortifications
A short illustrated guide to some
English castles
Newton, K. C.
Medieval Essex: From the Conquest
to the Eve of the Reformation
Essex Countyh Council,
Chelmsford, 1968, 24 pgs., illustrations, map, paperback
British History
An interestng booklet with man
illustrations from contemporary sources including the BahyeuxTapestry and
Domesdayu Book. Photos also of Colchester and Hedingham Caxtles. A dsketch
diagram plan of the motte and bailey, Pleshey Castle. There even is a photo of
the famous painting by Paolo Uccello of Sir John de Hawkwood in the Florence
Duomo bccause this condottiere who terrorized northern Italy came from Essex.
Nicolle, David
Arms & Armour of the
Crusading Era 1050-1350 Western Europe and the Crusader States
Greenhill Books, London, 2988,
640 pgs., index, bibliography, dictionary, illustrations, maps
Medieval Warfare
There is nothing published that
compares with these two volumes. They are massive. The illustrations number
into the thousands. The text is as comprehensive as the original illustrations.
They are based on archeological finds and mosaics and other primary source art
work. Many of the drawings of archeological finds in these volumes appear in
the appropriate Osprey book listed here.
Nicolle, David
Arms & Armour of the
Crusading Era 1050-1350 Islam, Eastern Europe and Asia
Greenhill Books, London, 1988,
576 pgs., index, bibliography, dictionary, illustrations, maps
Medieval Warfare
There is nothing published that
compares with these two volumes. They are massive. The illustrations number
into the thousands. The text is as comprehensive as the original illustrations.
They are based on archeological finds and mosaics and other primary source art
Nicolle, David
Attila and the Nomad Hordes
Osprey, London, 1990, 64 pgs.,
chronology, illustrations, paperback
Medieval Warfare
There are b/w and excellent full
color illustrations. The text describes these. The text also includes
discussion of weapons and horses.
Nicolle, David
The Janissaries
Osprey, Oxford, 1995, 63 pgs.,
bibliography, illustrations
Medieval Military History
Excellent color illustrations by
Christa Hook. Many other b/w illustrations. The text describes the origin and
evolution of the Janissaries. It also has the organization and tactics of the
Ottoman army.
Nicolle, David
European Medieval Tactics (1):
The Fall and Rise of Cavalry 450 -1260
Osprey, Oxford, 2011, 64 pgs.,
index, bibliography, illustrations, battle maps, paperback
Medieval Military History
Illustrations by Adam Hook. The
text is brief and general, but the illustration and description of selected
battles is excellent.
Nicolle, David
European Medieval Tactics (1):
New Infantry, New Weapons 1260-1500
Osprey, Oxford, 2012, 64 pgs.,
index, bibliography, illustrations, battle maps, paperback
Medieval Military History
Illustrations by Adam Hook. The
text is brief and general, but the illustration and description of selected
battles is excellent.
Nicolle, David
Crusader Castles in the Holy Land
Osprey, Oxford, 2004, 64 pgs.,
index, bibliography, glossary, illustrations, chronology, paperback
Castles, fortification
Illustrations by Adam Hook. Text
describes the design and development, principles of defense, variety of royal,
urban, and religious castles, strategic roles, fate of castles and visiting
Nicolle, David
Crusader Castles in the Holy Land
1192 - 1302
Osprey, Oxford, 2005, 64 pgs.,
index, bibliography, glossary, illustrations, chronology, paperback
Castles - fortification
Excellent color illustrations by
Adam Hook. Text discusses further development, siege weapons, construction
methods, principles of defense, life in castles and fate today (including
visiting in Syria, Turkey, Lebanon and Israel).. Specific castles studied in
detail are Margat, Crac des Chevalieres, Astlit, Arsuf and Casarea Maritima.
Urban defenses of Ascalon and Acre also studied.
Nicolle, David
Saracen Strongholds AD 630 - 1050
- The Middle East and Central Asia
Osprey, Oxford, 2008, 64 pgs.,
index, bibliography, glossary, illustrations, chronology, paperback
Castles - fortification
Excellent artist color renderings
by Adam Hook. The text describes the design and development of castles by the
Early Caliphate and Umayyad Empire. These include fortified cities. Sieges and
the fortification during war are included. The sites today are discussed.
Nicolle, David
Saracen Strongholds 1100 - 1500 -
The Centrral and Eastern Islamic Lands
Osprey, Oxford, 2009, 64 pgs.,
index, bibliography, glossary, illustrations, chronology, paperback
Castles - fortification
Excellent artist color renderings
by Adam Hook. The text describes the design and development of castles in
Egypt, Syria and Anatolia . These include fortified cities. The Seljuks,
Ayyubids, Mamluks, Mongols and Timurids are included. The sites today are
Nicolle, David
The Crusades
Osprey, Oxford, 2001, 95 pgs.,
index, bibliography, glossary, illustrations, maps, chronology, paperback
Medieval Military History
An excellent narration and
commentary starting with background of Christendom and Islam in the 11th
century and then the Byzantines, Turks, Saracens and Crusaders. The story
continues with the First Crusade and then briefier treatment of later
developments to the capture of Acre by the Mamluks in 1291. But Crusades in
other regions are not included. The color maps are very helpful.
Nicolle, David & V.
Kalka River 1223: Genghiz Khan's
Mongols invade Russia
Osprey, Oxford, 2001, 96 pgs.,
index, bibliography, illustrations, maps, chronology, battlefield today
Russian Military History
The best short booklet focused on
this battle. See others in this list. The 3-d maps are very useful The color
illustrations by V. Korolkov are stunning. The text is very detailed in listing
all the Rus commanders who participated and where they were from.
Nicolle, David
Lake Peipus 1242: Battle on the
Osprey, London, 1996, 95 pgs.,
further reading, maps, illustrations, chronology, battlefield today, paperback
Russian Military History
The text begins with origins of
the campaign, the opposing commanders and forces and plans - Then the
description of the campaign on the lake and then the results. Excellent
illustrations from old sources.
Nicolle, David
Medieval Siege Weapons (1)
Western Europe AD 585 -1385
Osprey, Oxford, 2002, 48 pgs.,
index, bibliography, illustrations, paperback
Medieval Military History
The color illustrations by Sam
Thompson are very helpful. These show various types of machine discussed in the
text including assault towers and the trebuchet
Nicolle, David
Medieval Siege Weapons (2):
Byzantium, Islamic World & India AD 476 - 1526
Osprey, Oxford, 2003, 48 pgs.,
index, bibliography, illustrations, paperback
Medieval Military History
The color illustrations by Sam
Thompson are very helpful. They show wider variety of different machines..
Nicolle, David
Romano-Byuzantine Armies 4th -
9th Centuries
Osprey, London, 1992, 48 pgs.,
bibliography, maps, illustrations, paperback
Medieval Military History
Angus Mcbride's color
illustrations are excellent, as always. The author discusses Justinian's
disastrous efforts to regain control of the Western Mediterranean in North
Africa and Italy. There are diagrams and contemporary illustrations.
Nicolle, David
Arthur and the Anglo- Saxon Wars:
Anglo- Celtic warfare AD 400 - 1066.
Osprey, London, 1984, 40 pgs.,
bibliography, illustrations, maps, chronology, paperback
Medieval Military History
Angus Mcbride's color
illustrations are excellent, as always. Well, Arthur stirs the imagination,
which may be included in the illustrations, but they are also based on
archeology. There are drawings and contemporary illustrations as well.
Nicolle, David
El Cid and the Reconquista
Osprey, London, 1988, 48 pgs.,
index, bibliography, maps, diagrams, illustrations, chronology, paperback
Medieval Military History
Angus Mcbride's color
illustrations are excellent, as always. There are also photos, diagrams and
contemporary illustrations. The color plates depict the variety of arms and
armor from the 11th to 15th centuries and include Grenadine warriors.
Nicolle, David
French Medieval Armies 1000-1300
Osprey, London, 1919, 48 pgs.,
bibliography, illustrations, maps, chronology, paperback
Medieval Military History
Angus Mcbride's color
illustrations are excellent, as always. There are also diagrams, contemporary
illustrations and photos of remaining fortresses. The author divides his text
into armies of northern France and Southern France.
Nicolle, David
Armies of Medieval Russia
Osprey, Oxford, 1999, 48 pgs.,
bibliography, illustrations, chronology, maps, paperback
Medieval Military History
Angus Mcbride's color
illustrations are excellent, as always. There are also diagrams and
contemporary source illustrations. The text focus is on the army of Kievan Rus
prior to the Mongol conquest.
Nicolle, David
Italian Medieval Armies 1300-1500
Osprey, London, 1983, 40 pgs.,
bibliography, illustrations, maps, paperback
Medieval Military History
Gary Embleton created the color
illustrations for this book. They are fine, in a different style from Turner or
Mcbride. There are also b/w photos and illustrations from contemporary sources.
The text describes several specific battles with diagrams.
Nicolle, David
Armies of the Caliphates 862-1098
Osprey, Oxford, 1998, 48 pgs.,
bibliography, illustrations, paperback
Medieval Military History
The color plates by Graham Turner
are up to Mcbride's standard. These are the very similar armies of the early
Muslim societies.
Nicolle, David
Saladin and the Saracens; Armies
of the Middle East 1100 - 1300
Osprey, London, 1986, 48 pgs.,
bibliography, illustrations, maps, chronology, paperback
Medieval Military History
Angus Mcbride's color
illustrations are excellent, as always. The author is able to focus on the one
region and its dominant military force - that of Saladin.
Nicolle, David
The Armies of Islam 7th - 11th
Osprey, London, 1982, 40 pgs.,
illustrations, map, chronology, paperback
Medieval Military History
Angus Mcbride's color
illustrations are excellent, as always. The period included the split of
Islamic area into many separate polities but the armies and their tactics
remained similar, at first mostly infantry but later the introduction of horse
archers from Central Asia
Nicolle, David
Armies of the Ottoman Empire
Osprey, London, 1998, 48 pgs.,
bibliography, glossary, illustrations, chronology, map, paperback
Early Modern History
Angus Mcbride's color
illustrations are excellent, as always. The author discusses larger issues such
as the people, recruitment, the navy, and the new army, but not campaigns.
Nicolle, David
Armies of the Ottoman Turks 1300
Osprey, Oxford, 1983, 40 pgs.,
index, glossary, illustrations, chronology, maps, paperback
Early Modern History
Angus Mcbride's color
illustrations are excellent, as always. This covers a long time span in which
there were many changes. The author separates the text into two eras. He
describes briefly 9 individual campaigns during these two periods.
Nicolle, David
The Age of Tamerlane: Warfare in
the Middle East 1350-1500
Osprey, London, 1990, 48 pgs.,
bibliography, illustrations, chronology, paperback
Early Modern History
Angus Mcbride's color
illustrations are excellent, as always. The short text includes tactics, siege
warfare and use of terror.
Nicolle, David
Hungary and the fall of Eastern
Europe 1000-1568
Osprey, London, 1998, 48 pgs.,
bibliography, illustrations, map, chronology, paperback
Early Modern History
Angus Mcbride's color
illustrations are excellent, as always. The lengthy time frame in a small book
makes the coverage rather thin. It includes not only Hungary but also
Byzantium, Serbia Bulgaria, Albania, and Romania, but not the Ottoman Turks.
Norman, A. V.B.
English Weapons and Warfare
Arms and Armour Press, London,
1966, 224 pgs., index, appendix,
Medieval Warfare
First came the Saxons and Danes.
Then came the Norman knights. The chapters are devoted from then on by century
12th to 17th. The topics for each are organization, arms and armor; tactics and
strategy; and castles and cannon.
Norman, Vesey
Arms and Armour
Octopus Books, London, 1964, 96
pgs., illustrations
Medieval Warfare
The text is to describe the 130
illustrations of medieval arms and armor
North, Rene
Soldiers of the Peninsular War
Almark Pub., London, 1972, 68
pgs., appendix, illustrations, paper back
British Military History
Includes many illustrations of
both the British and French armies and their allies.
Norton, Paul
"Machiavelli and the modes
of Terrorism"
Modern Age Quarterly, Vol. 29,
No. 4, Fall 1985, pgs. 304- 313.
Military theory
The author believes Machiavelli's
writing contains three ideas about terrorism: Terrorism uses cruelty and fraud
for political ends and conspiracy is necessary for success. To support his
concept Norton quotes and comments on Machiavelli's books. Or special interest
is that this issue of Modern Agein 1985 is devoted completely to
"The Anatomy of Terror and Revolution", with more essays on the
Nossov, Konstantin
Ancient and Medieval Siege
Lyons Press, Guilford Conn.,
2005, 304 pgs., index, illustrations, end notes, glossary, bibliogrphy,
Ancient and medieval warfare
This Russian author has written
several excellent new books on ancient fortification and sieges.
Nossov, Konstantin
Russian Fortresses 1480-1682
Osprey, Oxford, 2008, 64 pgs.,
index, bibliography, illustrations, glossary, chronology, paperback
Castles - fortification
A much needed addition to the
literature. Mr. Nossov has published on fortification in Russian. Excellent
color illustrations by Peter Dennis. The text includes principles of defense,
design and development, living sites, specific sieges at Pskov, Smolensk, Kazan
and Tula. Description of sites at Moscow, Nizhni Novgorod, Novgorod the Great,
Tula, Ivangorod, Kopor'ye, Oreshek and others.
Nossov, Konstantin
Medieval Russian Fortresses AD
Osprey, Oxford, 2007, 64 pgs.,
index, bibliography, illustrations, glossary, chronology, paperback
Castles - fortification
A much needed addition to the
literature. Mr. Nossov has published on fortification in Russian. Excellent
color illustrations by Peter Dennis. The text includes principles of defense,
design and development including ramparts, ditches, walls, gates, towers,
living sites. Locations visited include Izborsk, Pskov and Porkhov.
Nossov, Konstantin
Russkiye Kreposti i Osadnaya
Tekhnika VIII - XVII bekov.
Izdatel'stvo Poligon, St.
Petersburg, 2003, 175 pgs., biblikography, illustrations,
Fortification - Medieval Russia
This landmark book is first
recent study of both Russian fortifications and siege methods in the 8th to
17th centuries. Some of the author's work has been translated into the above
listed books.
Nossov, Konstantin
Indian Castles 1206 - 1526: The
Rise and Fall of the Delhi Sultanate
Osprey, Oxford, 2006, 64 pgs.,
index, bibliography, illustrations, glossary, chronology, paperback
Castles - fortification
Excellent color illustrations by
Brian Delf. The text describes principles of defense, design and development,
castles at war, and fate and visiting today. Among the locations are Bidar,
Chittorgarh and Tughlugabad.
Nossov, Konstantin
War Elephants
Osprey, Oxford, 2008, 48 pgs.,
index, bibliography, illustrations, glossary, chronology, paperback
The color illustrations by Peter
Dennis are terrific. The text describes the elephants used, those of Alexander
the Great and successors, those of Pyrrhus and Hannibal and then those used in
south east Asia. The author comments of the value, strength and weakness of use
of elephants.
Nosworthy, Brent
The Bloody Crucible of Courage:
Fighting Methods and Combat Experience in the Civil War
Carroll and Graf Pub. N.Y., 2003,
752 pgs., index, bibliogrphy, end notes
American Civil War
One of the author's excellent
series on tactics.
Nosworthy, Brent
With Musket, Cannon and Sword:
Battle Tactics of Napoleon and His Enemies
Sarpedon Press, N.Y., 1996, 526
pgs., index, glossary, bibliography, end notes
Napoleonic Warfare
One of the author's excellent
series on tactics.
Nosworthy, Brent
Anatomy of Victory; Battle
Tactics 1689 - 1763
Hippocrene Books, N.Y., 1990, 395
pgs., index, diagrams, bibliography, notes
Warfare in 18th century -
One of the author's excellent
series on tactics.
O'Connell, Robert L.
Of Arms and Men: A HIstory of
War, Weapons, and Aggression
Oxford Univ. Press, N.Y., 1989,
367 pgs., index, notes.
Military History
A general military history in
which the author attempts to show an interrelationship between weapons, styles
of warfare, and political systems.
O'Connell, Robert L.
The Ghosts of Cannae: Hannibal
and the Darkest Hour of the Roman Republic
Random House, N.Y., 2010, 110
pgs., index, notes, glossary, maps, characters,
Ancient Military History
The 'ghosts' were the Roman
survivors of Cannae who were exiled to Sicily and recruited by Scipio to form
much of his force to invade Africa. The author cites Livy and Polybius as well
as Peter Connolly and Adrian Goldsworthy. He also devotes much attention to
psychological factors in both armies, especially in his description of their
mental reactions during the battle. He describes the battle tactics and results
very well, except that I don't believe the Libyan infantry on the flanks would
have 'pivoted' rather they simply faced left or right depending on which flank
they occupied However, he writes in a tone I see much to much of in recent
writing, For instance, "Polybius has left us something approaching a
plausible description of what must have been the most horrific several hours
in all of Western military history." And,"Hannibal's soldiers
were practiced killers, very likely most had adopted the cooler, utilitarian
approach of the predator, having drawn on our emotional heritage as hunters of
the most prodigious and ruthless sort." He goes on and on. Cannae was
not even the worst or most costly defeat in Roman history. I believe a lot of
this over hyped writing owes to John Keegan.
O'Gara, James
The Church and War
National Council of Catholic men,
Wash. D. C. 1967, 63 pgs, bibliography, paperback
Military Theory and Religion
A short text discussing the
history of the Catholic Church ideas on 'just war' written during the
controversies over the Vietnam War.
Ogarkov, Nikolay Vasil'yevich,
Always in Readiness to Defend
the- Homeland
Foreign Broadcast Information
Service, Wash., D. C. 1982, 52 pgs., manuscript
Soviet Military Policy
Translation of a very important
document - Vsegda v Gotovnosti k Zashchite Otechestgva - Voyenizdat, 1982. The
Chief of Soviet General Staff described the official military view of potential
enemies and the principle concepts of Soviet defense policy. Important point
was relation of the CPSU to the armed forces.
Ogarkov, Nikolay Vasil'yevich,
History Teaches Vigilance
Foreign Broadcast Information
Service, Wash., D. C. 1985, 63 pgs., manuscript
Soviet Military Policy
Translation of a very important
document - Vsegda v Gotovnosti k Zashchite Otechestgva - Voyenizdat, 1982. The
Chief of Soviet General Staff described the official military view of potential
enemies and the principle concepts of Soviet defense policy. Important point
was relation of the CPSU to the armed forces.
Oman, Sir Charles W. C.
The Art of War in the Middle
Ages: A.D. 378-1515 - ed by John Beeler
Great Seal Books, Cornell Univ.
Press, Ithica, 1953, 276 pgs., index, chronology, paperback
Medieval Military History
A classic written in 1885 deemed
worth editing and republishing. The preface discusses some recent significant
new scholarship.
Oman, Sir Charles
A History of the Art of War in
the Middle Ages - 2 vol
Burt Franklin, N.Y. 1924 2nd
edition, (reprint), vol. 1 -526 pgs., vol. 2 -421 pgs., index, foot notes,
Medieval Military History
The classic study of medieval
warfare, but it slights discussion of sieges.
Oman, Sir Charles
A History of the Art of War in
the Sixteenth Century
E. P. Dutton, N.Y., 1937, 784
pgs., index, chronology, foot notes, maps, illustrations
Early Modern Warfare
The follow-on classic to Oman's
history of medieval warfare. The author's purpose is to summarize the changes
in warfare between 1494 and 1600 with discussion of military theory and
practice. This puts the subject into that dealt with by many recent scholars
under the heading of 'military revolution'. The author includes discussion of
Machiavelli's military theory.
Oman, Sir Charles
Beekman House, N.Y., 1978, 232
pgs., index, illustrations, large format
Medieval Military History -
Includes only castles in England
and Wales, but for these much detail in informative text organized by areas
rather than chronology.
Onasander - trans.
Illinois Greek Club
The General
Harvard Univ. Press,
Loeb Classical Library, Cambridge, 1928, 1986, 290 pgs, index, introduction
Ancient Military
The classic book by
a Greek Platonic philosopher, This one is on the duties of a military
commander. It was written about 40-50 AD.
O'Neil, B. H. St. J.
Castles: An introduction to the
castles of England and Wales
Her Majesty's Stationary Office,
London, 1973, 79 pgs., glossary, illustrations, diagrams of plans, paper back
Castles - fortification
The list of castles is organized
by type (unusual) from early mote and bailey to stone curtains, to stone keeps,
shell keeps, great gatehouses, defended manor houses and other categories
including towns for which there are substantial remaining walls. The diagrams
are excellent.
O'Neil, B. H. St. J.
Castles: An introduction to the
castles of England and Wales
Her Majesty's Stationary Office,
London, 1954, 66 pgs., glossary, illustrations, diagrams of plans, paper back
Castles - fortification
The list of castles is organized
by type (unusual) from early motte and bailey to stone curtains, to stone
keeps, shell keeps, great gatehouses, defended manor houses and other
categories including towns for which there are substantial remaining walls. The
diagrams are excellent.
O'Neil, B. H. St. J.
Castles and Cannon: A Study of
Early Artillery Fortifications in England
Greenwood Press, Westport Conn.,
1960, 119 pgs., index, foot notes, illustrations
Castles, fortification
Short but concise study of impact
of new artillery on fortification methods.
Osterndorf, Logan C - ed.
Periodical - Journal of America's
Military Past, Vol. XIX, fall 1992
Council on America's Military
Past, Ft. Myer, VA., 1992, 143 pgs.,
American Military History
This issue contains 15 excellent
articles plus book reviews.
Over, Keith
Flags and Standards of the
Napoleonic Wars
Bivouac Books, London, 1976, 108
pgs., illustrations
Napoleonic Military History
There are color illustrations and
many more b/w drawings of flags. For these there are tables providing the
Palmer, Alan
Russia in War and Peace
Weidenfeld and Nicholson, London,
1972, 224 pgs., maps, index, diagrams, bibliography, illustrations
Napoleonic Military History -
Russian Military History
The title is a play on the title
of Tolstoy's famous book.
Palmer, Alan
Frederick the Great
Book Club Associates, London,
1974, 231 pgs., index, illustrations, further reading
Early Modern Warfare
The biography includes commentary
and analysis of his military actions.
Palmer, General Bruce, Jr
. |
The 25-Year War; America's
Military Role in Vietnam
Univ. Press of Kentucky,
Lexington, 1984, 235 pgs., index, end notes, illustrations, map
American Military History
The personal memoir of one of the
most senior American generals serving in Vietnam.
Paludan, Ann
Chronicle of the Chinese Emperors
Thames & Hudson, London,
1998, 224 pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations
Chinese History
Includes emperors from the first,
221 B.C. to last in 1911. Does not include Chinese history or ruling dynasties
prior to 221 B.C. Excellent illustrations and text.
Pankov, D. V. ed.
Iz, Istorii Russkogo
Voyernno-inzhenerogo iskusstva (From the History of Russian military engineer
Directorate of Military pub
lications of Ministry of Defense, Moscow, 1952, 152 pgs. ,maps, illustrations,
Xeronx copy.
Russian Military history
A collection of articles on on
the history of military engineering in Russia from the 8th century written by
Russian senior military engineer officers. There is one essay on Suvorov's and
one on Kutusov's engineering activities and one on the fortification of
Sevastopol during the Crimean War..
Paret, Peter, ed.
Makers of Modern Strategy
Princeton Univ;. Press,
Princeton, 1986, 940 pgs., index, bibliography
History of modern Strategy
Extracts and commentary on a
selection of modern military theorists.
Paret, Peter,
Clausewitz and the State
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1976,
467 pgs., index, index of Clausewitz's writing, bibliography, foot notes,
Clausewitz, military theory
Analysis of many of Clausewitz's
works in addition to "On War". The author wrote many books and essays
related to Clausewitz.
Paret, Peter,
Clausewitz's Bicentennial
Aair Univertisy Review, May-June
1980, Vol XXXI, no 4., pgs., 17-23, paper
Clausewitz, military theory
A review of Clauswitz's career
and lasting significance today.
Paret, Peter,
Internal War and Pacification:
The Vendee, 1789-1796
Woodrow Wilson School, Center of
International Studies, Princeton Univ. 1961, 73 pgs., foot notes, paperback
Modern History
A study of internal war of
interest to military historians. The manner and methods that the new
revolutionary regime in France took to wage this tererible war agaisnt the
population of the Vendee were drastically different from those of the 18th
century. This is another way in which the end of the ancien regime marked a
departure in history.
Parker, Geoffrey
The Military Revolution: Military
innovation and the rise of the West, 1500-1800
Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge,
U. K., 1988, 234 pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations
Early Modern Warfare
This is an important contribution
to the discussion over a 'military revolution' begun by Michael Roberts, and
continued by Jeremy Black., C. Rogers, C .Duffy, J,. Lynn and others.
Parker, Geoffrey
The Thirty Years' War
Military Heritage Press, N. Y.,
1987, 340 pgs., index, bibliographical notes, end notes, illustrations, maps,
tables chronology
Early Modern Warfare
Comprehensive history of the war.
Parker, Geoffrey - ed.
Cambridge Illustrated History of
Warfare: The Triumph of the West
Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge,
1993, 408 pgs., index, illustrations, glossary, bibliography, chronology, large
Military History
Chapters on periods and topics
from Ancient Greek infantry to post World War II. The authors are well known,
such as Victor Hanson, Bernard Bachrach, Parker himself, John Lynn, and
Williamson Murry, and others. A very fine book.
Parker, Geoffrey
The Army of Flanders and the
Spanish Road 1567 - 1659
Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge,
1972, 309 pgs., index, glossary, illustrations, sources, appendices
Early Modern Warfare
The Hapsburg Spanish monarchy was
fighting the Dutch revolt (independence movement) in behalf of itself and the
Austrian Holy Roman Emperor - and then became involved in the 30 years' War as
well. In order to fight in the Netherlands the Spanish had to send its army and
fiances from Italy, through a narrow corridor of controlled land to Flanders.
Parker describes all the obstacles, problems, solutions, and results of this
huge effort. The excellent illustrations contribute to the reader's understand
as do the 11 appendices focused on particular topics with detailed statistics.
Parker, Geoffrey
Global Crisis: War, Climate
Change & Catastrophe in the Seventeenth Century
Yale Univ. Press, New Haven,
2013, 871 pgs., index, bibliography, end notes, illustrations. map
Early Modern Warfare
If we did not expect more great
books from Parker we might consider this his 'magnum opus'. As it is, the book
does expand his vision to the world -widescale. he integrates the 'little ice
age' with conflicts taking place on a world wide basis
Parker, Geoffrey & Angela
European Soldiers 1550-1650
Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge,
1977, 64 pgs., illustrations, maps, paperback
Early Modern Warfare
The author here wants to show
what the soldiers from his era of special interest looked like and also
something about how they acted. Thus the excellent illustrations, many from
contemporary sources, depict scenes. to which his text is keyed.
Parker, H. M. D.
The Roman Legions
Barnes & Noble, N.Y. 1928,
reprint 1961, 296 pgs, index, bibliogrphy, map
Ancient Military History
Although this is an older book it
is still valuable. The chapters are about various topics.
Parkinson, C. Northcote
Britannia Rules: The Classic Age
of Naval History 1793-1815
Book Club Associates, London,
1977, 199 pgs., index, references, maps, illustrations
British Military History
The organization and working of
the British Navy plus campaigns and engagements during the Wars of the French
Revolution and of Napoleon
Parkinson, Roger
The Encyclopedia of Modern War
Stein and Day, N. Y., 1979, 226
pgs., index, maps,
Modern Military History
This includes the period from
1793 to 1975. The entries are in alphabetical order and include many brief
Parkinson, Roger
Stein and Day, N.Y., 1971, 352
pgs., index, end notes, illustrations
Clausewitz, military theory
A full biography that provides
the personal background for Clausewitz's thought
Parry, R. H. ed.
The English Civil War and After,
Univ. of California Press,
Berkeley, 1970, 127 pgs., index, each article has its notes and bibliography
Early Modern History - English
Military History
The book is comprised of 7 essays
including one by Wedgwood. These are about general topics, not the campaigns
and battles.
Parry, Vernon. J. & M. E.
Yapp eds.
War, Technoloogy and Society in
the Middle East
Oxford Univ. Press. London, 1975,
441 Pgs., index, bibliography, foot notes,
Early Modern Military History
The 19 individual essays were
presented at a conference on the title subject at School of Oriental and
African Studies, Univ. of London in 1970. They range from individual battles,
military organization and training to the social impact of firearms.
Pawsey, James T
Castles of East Anglia
F. W. Pawsey and Sons, Ipswich,
1973, 16 pgs, map, illustrations, paperback
Castles - fortification
There are many fine castles
remaining in Cambridge, Norfok, Suffolk, and Essex. This handy guide describes
about 2 dozen of them with color illustrations for many.
Payne-Gallwey, Sir Ralph
A Summary of the History,
Construction and Effects in Warfare of the Projectile Throwing Engines of the
Longmans, Green and Co, London,
1907, 44 pgs., paper
Ancient - Medieval Warfare
A highly illusrated classic
study.The subtitle continues - With a Treatise on the Structure Power, and
Management of Turkish and other Oriental Bows of Medieval and Later Times.
Peddie, John
The Roman War Machine
Sutton Pub., London, 1994, 169
pgs., index, bibliography, notes, appendices, illustrations
Ancient Military History
A study of the structure and
operational methods of the Roman Army including such topics as generalship,
command and control, supply, marching camps, sieges, weapons and signal
Peers, C. J.
Soldiers of the Dragon: Chinese
Armies 1500 BC - 1840 AD
Osprey, Oxford U.K., 2006, 248
pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations
Chinese Military History
A rarely published subject apart
from the Osprey series by the same author. These compose a unified series. They
should dispel the myth about a 'western way of warfare'.
Peers, C. J.
Ancient Chinese Armies 1500-200
Osprey, London , 1990, 47 pgs.,
maps, chronology illustrations, paperback
Chinese Military History
The armies of Shang and Chou and
Ch'in - creation of the first Chinese Empire. Ten decisive battles are
described. The color illustrations are by Angus McBride . There are also
photographs and drawings.
Peers, C. J.
Imperial Chinese Armies (1) 200
BC- AD 589
Osprey, Oxford U.K., 1995, 48
pgs., index, chronology, maps, illustrations, paperback
Chinese Military History
The Han armies and those of the
'three kingdoms'. Color illustrations by Michael Perry. There are photos and
diagrams. A comment: "Whereas in Western Asia the use of fully armored
charging cavalry long pre-dates the invention of the stirrup, in Chian the two
innovations seem to have occurred at about the same time a (4th century AD).
There is much more interesting detail in the text.
Peers, C. J.
Imperial Chinese Armies (2)
590-1260 AD
Osprey, Oxford, 1996, 48 pgs.,
index, bibliography, maps, chronology illustrations, paperback
Chinese Military History
Color illustrations are by
Michael Perry. This is about the armies of the Sui, T'ang, 'Five dynasties and
ten kingdoms', Sung, Liao, Hsi Hsia, Kin, - that is China before the Mongol
conquest. There are also photos.
Peers, C. J.
Medieval Chinese Armies 1260 -
Osprey, Oxford, 1992, 48 pgs.,
index, chronology, maps, readings, illustrations, paperback
Chinese Military History
The color illustrations are by
David Sque. This is about the Yuan (Mongol) and Ming Dynasty armies. But there
are separate books on the Mongols. This one has photos and drawings as well.
Peers, C. J.
Late Imperial Chinese Armies
Osprey, Oxford, 1997, 48 pgs.,
index, bibliogrphy, maps, chronology, illustrations, paperback
Chinese Military History
The color illustrations are by
Christa Hook. The content covers the late Ming, the Shun, the Ch'ing, (Manchu)
dynasties. There are diagrams and photos. The Ming Great Wall is described.
Pepper, Simon and Nicholas Adams
Firearms and Fortifications:
Military Architecture and Siege Warfare in Sixteenth-Century Sienna
Univ of Chicago Press, Chicago,
244 pgs., index, bibliography, notes, illustrations, map
Sienna is generally considered
one of the first cities to initiate a full rebuilding program to change from
medieval walls to the new requirements placed upon it by artillery.
Percival, Victor
The Duke of Wellington: Pictorial
Survey of his life 1769-1852
Her Majesty's Stationary Office
1969, London, 86 pgs., illustrations with text
British Military History
The text includes a short
biography but is mostly to describe the fine collection of paintings and
illustrations of the Duke's life from various sources including the V&A and
Stratford Saye.
Perederii, Vladimir. ed.
Zeughaus (Tsyeikhgauz) -
Voyenno-istoricheskii zhurnal, issues 1 - 28
Publisher: Fond "Russkiye
Vityazi" Moscow, 1991 - 2008 - 50 - 56 pgs., illustrations,
Russian Military History
This is a very high quality
journal featuring excellent color illustrations, especially of uniforms and
portraits. I have only the first 28 issues, but it is continuing at email - -
Pericoli, Ugo
1815 The Armies at Waterloo
Seeley, service & Co.,
London, 1973, 176 pgs., index, bibliography, color illustrations
Napoleonic Military History
Includes color samples of unit
Persico, Joseph E.
Rosevelt's Centurians: FDR and
the Commanders he led to Victory in World War II
Random House, NY., 2013, 650
pgs., index, source notes, maps
Modern Military History, American
History, World War II
Description and analysis of the
critical decisions made by Roosevelt during the war in relation to the advice
of his senior commanders.
Peters, Ralph
Wars of Blood and Faith: The
Conflicts That Will Shape the Twenty-First Century
Stackpole Books, Mechanicsburg,
2007, 367 pgs.,
American Military History -
Modern Military History
A compilation of the author's
published essays and newspaper articles. he accurately predicts what is already
coming to pass. He is a retired military officer and experienced professional
military intelligence analyst.
Peters, Ralph
Never Quit the Fight
Stackpole Books, Mechanicsburg,
2006, 350 pgs.,
American Military History -
Modern Military History
A compilation of the author's
published essays and newspaper articles. he accurately predicts what is already
coming to pass. He is a retired military officer and experienced professional
military intelligence analyst.
Phillips, Edward J.
The Founding of Russia's Navy:
Peter the Great and the Azov Fleet, 1688-1714
Greenwood Press, London, 1995,
214 pgs., index, notes, bibliography, appendix with tables
Russian Military History
The only book on this important
aspect of Russian military development - based on Russian sources.
Piggott, Stuart, and Douglad
Illustrated Guide to Ancient
Monuments: Vol VI -=Scotland
Her Majesty's Stationary Office,
Edinburgh, 1970, 115 pgs. index, illustrations, notes, further reading, map
The list includes prehistoric and
Roman sites that are not forts. The detailed listing of sites is organized by
shire and then specific location of which there are very many. An excellent
guide book.
Pintal, T - chief editor
Ya Poznayu Mir
Nauchno-popullyarnoye izdaniye,
AST, Moscow, 2002, 5487 pgs., index, illustrations,
Russian History
This is a remarkable new book - a
history of Russia for students. It describes so much of Russian history not
taught this way prior to 1991. The illustrations are excellent. Much of the
subject matter is Russian military history. Of course it is very patriotic in
Pivka, Otto von
Armies of 1812 - vol 1
Patrick Stephens Lit. Cambridge,
1977, 160 pgs., maps, illustrations, tables, appendices
Napoleonic Military History
Russian Military History
Detailed information on the
French and Allied armies in the 1812 campaign in Russia with appendices for
battle and other data.
Pivka, Otto von
Navies of the Napoleonic Era
Hippocrene Books, N. Y., 1980,
272 pgs., bibliography, appendices, illustrations,
Napoleonic Military History
Combines details of ships and
technology with descriptions of naval engagements.
Pivka, Otto von
The King's German Legion
Osprey, Reading, 1974, map,
bibliography, illustrations, paperback
British Military History
Color illustrations by Michael
Roffe. The text describes the creation and organization of this unit in the
King of England's Hanoverian domain. The unit saw service against France in
various campaings and ultimately at Waterloo.
Pivka, Otto von
Napoleon's Polish Troops
Osprey, Reading, 1974, 40 pgs.,
bibliography, illustrations, paperback
Napoleonic Military History
Color illustrations by Michael
Roffe.. There is a table listing the colors for the various horse and foot
regiments. Another table provides the unit organization. Eventually the Polish
units entered French service.
Plutarch - trans. Ian
Makers of Rome: Nine Lives by
Penguin Books, N. Y., 1981, 366
pgs., maps, appendix. introduction
Ancient Military History
The classic primary source for
Plutarch - trans. John Dryden
The Lives of the Noble Grecians
and Romans
Modern Library, N. Y., nd. 1309
pgs., index, introduction
Ancient Military History
Includes more individuals.
Pocock, J. G. A.
The Machiavellian Moment
Revisited; A Study in History and Ideology
Journal of Modern History, Vol
53, # 1, March 1981, pgs., 49-72, notes, paperback
Military - Political Theory
This is a review article about a
book published in 1975 with the same title. It was to accompany theEnglish
translation of an Italian book
Polyaenus -Trans. . Shepherd
Polyaenus's Strategems of War
Ares Pub. Chicago, 1974, reprint
of 1793 edition. 366 pgs.
Ancient Military History
A classic - A compendium of
examples of Greek use of 'strategems' including deception
Polybius, trans. Ian
The Rise of the Roman Empire
Penguin, London, 1979, 574 pgs.,
maps, index, paperback
Roman Military History
This is books from Polybius'
multivolume History of Rome. It contains his descriptions of the Roman
Republican Army and campaigns in the Second Punic War.
Porter, David
Order of Battle The Red Army in
Amber Books, London, 2009, 192
pgs., index, glossary, maps, tables,
Modern Military History
The tables and diagrams depict
the OB of Soviet forces chronologically for each major campaign. A very useful
reference to use while reading Dave Glantz's books
Possony, Stefan T.
A Century of Conflict
Henry Regnery, Chicago, 19543,
439 pgs., index, foot notes,
Modern Military History
Marxist, Soviet War, Communist
Techniques of World Revolution
Potter T. & G. A. Embleton
The English Civil War 1642-1651
Almark Pub., London, 1973, 95
pgs., bibliography, chronology, illustrations, paperback
Early Modern Warfare
Excellent illustrations, many
Prebble, John
Penguin Books, N. Y., 1967, 369
pgs., index, sources, appendix, paperback
Early Modern Warfare
A detailed study of the battle
followed by what happened afterwards.
Prebble, John
Mutiny: Highland Regiments in
Revolt 1743-1804
Penguin Books, N. Y., 1975, 542
pgs., index, sources, glossary, illustrations, appendix, paperback
Early Modern Warfare
The English problem in
controlling Scotland
Prescott, William H. - Albert
McJoynt editor
The Art of War in Spain: The
Conquest of Granada 1481-1492
Greenhill Books, London, 1995,
288 pgs., index, bibliography, glossary, maps, charts, illustrations
Early Modern Military History
This is actually direct extracts
from Prescott's books related to the conquest of Granada very well edited by
McJoynt plus the latter's extensive notes and commentary to place this
significant military episode into the context of general European changes in
warfare in the 15th century.
Prescott, William H.
History of the Conquest of Mexico
& History of the Conquest of Peru
The Modern Library, N. Y.,
reprint, 1288 pgs., index, map
Early Modern History
A classic - actually two classics
together. The story of the Spanish conquests of Mexico and Peru from the
Spanish side.
Preston, Richard A. - Sydney F
Wise, and Herman O Werner
Men in Arms ; A History of
Warfare and Its Interrelationships with Western Society
Frederick A. Praeger, N. Y.,
1962, 406 pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations, maps, paperback
Military History
This is a very influential book.
The scope stretches from Classical Greek phalanx to the Cold War. Obviously
this means the authors stick to general themes. The authors' purpose is to
integrate the study of the technical side of warfare with its economic,
political, and social context. For this the authors first describe (define)
what is warfare as opposed to simple violence. Their central contention is that
"Armies reflect the society from which they spring". There is much
important thought in this book.
Prestwich, Michael
Armies and Warfare in the Middle
Ages: The English Experience
Yale Univ. Press, New Haven,
1996, 396 pgs., index, bibliography, end notes, glossary, illustrations
Medieval Warfare - England
Excellent in detail benefiting
from focus on England enabling such detail - Organized topically starting with
'nature of Medieval Warfare', personnel, strategy, logistics, navy, siege, then
battle with conclusion entering into the great debate 'A Military
Prezzolini, Giuseppe
Machiavelli: A study of the life,
work, influence and originality of an obscure Florentine civil servant who has
become our contemporary
Farrar, Straus & Giroux,
N.Y., 372 pgs., index
Machiavelli - Military Theory
A comprehensive study of
Machiavelli's doctrine, precursors, life, work, friends, contemporaries, later
thought about him, and ideas for today. That latter is the thesis of the book.
Pryor, John H.
Geography, technology and war:
Studies in the maritime history of the Mediterranean 649-1571
Cambridge Univ. Press, U.K.,
1988, 238 pgs., index, foot notes, bibliography, map, illustrations, paperback
Medieval Military History
Includes discussion of the
Crusades - the response of Egyptian government to Italian city navies.
Pugova, N. M.
Otyechestvyinya boina 1812 goda
(The Fatherland war 1812)
Order of Lenin State History
Museum, Moscow, illustrations, paperback
Russian Military History
The text is in Russian and
English, The booklet is a collection of art work contemporary with the
Quick, John
Dictionary of Weapons and
Military Terms
McGraw Hill Books, N.Y., 1973,
515 pgs., bibliography, illustrations
Radford, Frederick
A master book about Castles
Mawney Press, Romford, nd, 56
pgs, illustrations
A step-by-step description on how
to build a model castle with detailed illustrations.
Raines, Edgar Jr.
The Rucksack War: U. S. Army
Operational Logistics in Grenada, 1983
Center of Military History, U.S.
Army, Wash. D. C., 2010, 649 pgs., index, foot notes, massive bibliography
Modern Military History
A model of historical research
and scholarship, While the focus is on logistics, a full description of the
operational art and tactics is included.
Raines, Edgar Jr.+
Eyes of Artillery: The Origins of
Modern U.S. Army Aviation in World War II
Center of Military History, U. S.
Army, Wash. D. C.. 2000, 372 pgs., index, illustrations, maps, footnotes,
Modern Military History
A model of scholarship. The notes
and bibliography are themselves worth study as example of detailed research.
This is the contentious story of the creation of U. S. Army Aviation over the
powerful objections of the U.S. Air Force.
Rankow, Boris
The Praetorian Guard
Osprey, London, 1994, 674 pgs.,
bibliography, illustrations, paperback
Ancient Military History
Excellent color illustrations by
Richard hook. Many other b/w illustrations. The text describes the origin and
evolution of the Praetorians.
Rapaport, Anatol
Clausewitz On War
Penguin, N.Y., 1968, 461 pgs.,
index, glossary, bibliography, end notes
Clauswitz - Military Theory
Excellent analysis
Rapoport, David C.
"Military and Civil
Societies: The Contemporary Significance of a Traditional Subject in Political
Political Studies, Volume XII,
Number 2, June 1964 pgs. 178 - 201, foot notes
Military theory
The author cites Machiavelli
Reid, Alan
The Castles of Wales
George Philip, London, 1973, 140
pgs., illustrations
Castles, fortification
An alphabetical guide to castles
in Wales. in series with Castles of Scotland and Castles of England
Reid, Peter
Medieval Warfare; Triumph and
Domination in the Wars of the Middle Ages
Carrol and Graf Pub., N. Y.,
2007, 567 pgs., index, end notes, bibliography, maps
Medieval Warfare
Focused on English Warfare - 100
years War, War of Roses, Wars in Scotland - but very comprehensive
Reit, Seymour
Masquerade: The Amazing
Camouflage Deceptions of World War II
New American Library, 1978, 226
pgs., index, notes, glossary, illustrations, paperback
Modern Military History
The author describes quite a few
examples of camouflage. As a former commander of a US Army camouflage company I
much enjoyed the book.
Richards, L. W.
Old British Model Solciers
Arms and Armour Press,London,
1972, 75 pgs., illustrations, lists of figures
Reference - Uniforms
This is a guide book for
collectors and also for those interested in military uuniforms
Riley-Smith, Jonathan
What Were the Crusades?
Ignatius Press, San Francisco,
Medieval Warfare
Currently the best author along
with Madden on the Crusades
Riley-Smith, Jonathan
Oxford Illustrated history of
Oxford Press, 1995
Medieval Warfare
Riley-Smith, Jonathan
The Crusades - A Short History
Yale Univ. Press, 1987,
Medieval Warfare
Riley-Smith, Jonathan
The Atlas of the Crusades
Facts on File, N.Y., 1991, 191
pgs., index, glossary, bibliography, illustrations maps.
Medieval Warfare
Very useful to accompany
narrative text books.
Risley, Claude A. & William
The Model Soldier Guide
Imrie-Risley Miniatures, Richmond
Hill N.Y. 1965, 67 pgs., research resources, illustrations
Reference - Uniforms
The authors had a major company
making model soldier. The book has many illustrations and also recommendations
and advice on how to paint them.
Rivoire, Mario
The Life and Times of Napoleon
Curtis Books, N.Y., 1967,75 pgs.
Napoleonic warfare
This is translation of Italian
edition,. Brief but with some good illustrations
Roberts, Michael
The Military Revolution
1560-1660: An Inaugural Lecture delivered before the Queen's University of
Belfast, 1956.
Belfast, 1956, extract - it was
reprinted in "Essays in Swedish history", London, 1967
Early Modern Warfare
This was the opening salvo in an
extended debate and discussion on the existence and if so causes and results of
a 'military revolution' in Western Europe some time between 1500 and 1800 - and
continued by J. Black, G. Parker, C. Rogers, C. Duffy, J. Lynn and others. I
have a copy of the original lecture.
Robertson, James Jr.
Tenting Tonight: The Soldier's
Time-Life Books, 1984, 176 pgs.,
index, illustrations, bibliography
American Military History
One of the set
Robbins, Michael w - ed.
Military History
Weider History Group, Leesburg
VA., bimonthly
Military History
An excellent, highly illustrated
magazine with articles on popular topics written for the general reader.
Rogers, Clifford J. & Kelly
DeVries and John France eds.
Journal of Medieval Military
History, Vol VII
The Boydell Press, Woodbridge,
Suffolk, 2009, 180 pgs., foot notes
Medieval Military History
This issue has 10 excellent
articles all related to the Age of the Hundred Years War.
Rogers, Clifford J. & Kelly
DeVries and John France eds.
Journal of Medieval Military
History, Vol VIII
The Boydell Press, Woodbridge,
Suffolk, 2010, 198 pgs., foot notes
Medieval Military History
This issue has 9 articles on a
variety of topics rom Portugal to the Mongols.
Rogers, Clifford J. & Kelly
DeVries and John France eds.
Journal of Medieval Military
History, Vol XI
Boydell Press, Woodbridge,
England, 2014, 241 pgs., footnotes, maps, illustrations
Medieval Military History
Ten excellent essays by Bernard
Bachrach, James McMullen, Craig Nakashian, Afamuka Tsurtsaumia, Michael
Ehrlich, Nikolaos Kanellopoudos, Nicholas Gribit, Mollie Madden, Gary Baker and
Andrew Villalon. It is great to see such detailed level of scholarship in the
articles plus the extensive bibliographies and foot notes.
Rogers, Randall
Latin Siege Warfare in the
Twelfth Century
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1992,
292 pgs., index, bibliography, appendices, maps, illustrations
Medieval Military History
A much needed study of siege
warfare, since so many typical books on medieval warfare ignore the siege,
which was much more common than a battle in the field. The author begins with
the First Crusade and then switches to Spain and then seaborne sieges.
Rogers, William Ledyard
Greek and Roman Naval Warfare
Naval Institute Press, Annapolis,
1937, 1964, 555 pgs., index, sources, maps, illustrations
Ancient Military History
The major study of naval war in
classical Greece and Rome. from Marathon to Actium.
Rogers, William Ledyard
Naval Warfare Under Oars - 4th to
16th Centuries
United States Naval Institute,
Annapolis, 1940, 1967, 358 pgs., index, illustrations, appendix
Ancient and Medieval Military
Galley warfare - Includes late
Roman Empire, "Byzantine navy, Vikings, Italian city states,
English-Spanish wars, Lepanto and Ottoman navy.
Ropp, Theodore
"Voltaire's Virtu: The
Enlightenment's Soldier-Statesman
Essay delivererd at the July 1982
ICMH Colloquy, Wash D.C.
Early Modern Military Thought
Voltaire discussed Virtu, a
quality desribed by machiavelli. Dr Ropp considers Volltaire as one 'of the
least original and military of the many great historians and social scientists
who have' won prizes. The lecture was delivered in a session that discussed
Ropp, Theodore
War in the Modern World
Duke Univ. Press, Collier Books,
N.Y.C. 1962, 414 pgs., index, foot notes. paperback
Warfare since 18th century
Rosen, William
The Third Horseman: Climate
Change and the Great Famine of the14th Century
Viking, N. Y., 2014, 302 pgs.,
index, bibliography, end notes
Medieval History
The author baseshisaccounts on
the huge change in climate from the Medieval War Period to the disterous
decline in temperatue with increasing rain and drought from about 1315. But he
only describes the situation in parts of northern Europe (excluding China and
elsewhere). While expanding his narrative to detailed description of the Wars
betwen England, Scotland and France. He does provide a great deal of
information on demographics and economic life.
Ross, Charles
The War of the Roses
Thames & Hudson, London,
1976, 190 pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations, genealogy tables
Medieval Warfare
The civil war in England between
two lines of the Plantagenets. Read also Dan Jones -The Wars of the
Ross, Susan
The Castles of Scotland
George Philip, London, 1973,
diagrams, illustrations, maps, glossary, chronology
Castles - fortification
An alphabetical listing of many
castles in Scotland with descriptions.
Ross, Lt. Col. W. G.
Military Engineering during the
Great Civil War 1642-9
Ken Trotman, London, 140 pgs,
diagrams, references, appendices, paperback
Early Modern Warfare
Excellent technical study of the
fortifications organized topically.
Rothenberg, Gunther
The Art of Warfare in the Age of
Indiana Univ. Press, Bloomington,
1980, 272 pgs., index, bibliography, appendices, diagrams, illustrations
Napoleonic Warfare
A classic by one of the best
experts on Napoleonic era
Rothenberg, Gunther
The Napoleonic Wars
Cassell, London, 1999, 240 pgs.,
index, biographies, maps, illustrations, paperback
Napoleonic Warfare
A classic by one of the best
experts on Napoleonic era
Rothero, Christopher
Medieval Military Dress 1066-1500
Blandford Press, Dorset, 1983,
153 pgs., index, bibliography, glossary, illustrations
Reference, Uniforms
This contains 86 beautiful, full
color illustrations of typical warriors of the time, each has extensive
descriptive text.
Rothero, Christopher
The Armies of Crecy and Poitiers
Osprey, London, 1981, 40 pgs.,
illustrations, paperback
Medieval Military History
The text describes the two
battles briefly. The value lies in the full color illustrations by Christopher
Rottman, Gordon L.
Warsaw Pact Ground Forces
Osprey, London, 1987, 64 pgs.,
illustrations, paperback
Reference - uniforms
Color illustrations by Ron
Volstad with text descriptions.
Royal Commission on Historical
York Castle: An Illustrated
Her Majesty's Stationary Office,
London, 1973, pgs. 59 to 181., illustrations, diagrams, large format, paper
Castle - fortification
Has every detailed plan and cross
sectional drawings. The illustrations depict the castle through the centuries.
During those centuries the castle was a fortress, palace, mint prison court of
justice, and administrative center. The first castle was built by William I in
1068 as a motte and bailey for his control of the midlands. it was destroyed by
the Danes in 1069 and immediately rebuilt.
Rufus, Quintus Curtius - trans.
John Yardley
The History of Alexander
Penguin Books, 1984, 331 pgs.,
index, notes, glossary, bibliography, introduction, paperback
Ancient Military History
A classic Roman author - thus a
primary source - His account differs in many ways from Arrian.
Runciman, Steven
A History of the Crusades - 3
Harper Torchbooks, N.Y. 1964, 377
- 525 - and 530 pgs., , index for each volume, paperback
Medieval Warfare
For long the standard history,
but now some critics claim the author is biased.
Sajer, Gay
Forgotten Soldier
Nautical and Aviation Pub.,
Baltimore MD., 1967, 464 pgs.
Modern Military History
A very gripping personal account
of warfare on the Eastern Front - WWII from German side - but some critics
question if it is really an eye-witness account
Sallust, Gaius Sallustius Crispus
- trans S. Hanford
The Jugurthine War - The
Conspiracy of Catiline
Penguin Books, N. Y., 1980, 240
pgs., introduction, index, maps
Ancient Military History
Primary source on this relatively
ignored war that did so much to advance Marius..
Saltrer, Krewasky A. ed.
Readings for History of the
Military Art 3rd ed.
Dept of History USMA, West Point,
N. Y., nd., 444 pgs., maps
Modern Military History
19 essays (mostly extracts) from
books by noted historians several on WWI but most on WWII and Korea.
Sancha, Sheila
The Castle Story
Kestrel Books, Middlesex, U. K.
1979, 224 pgs., index, illustrations, diagrams, maps, glossary, chronology
Castles - fortification
From early earth and timber motte
and bailey to great castles of the 14th century. Excellent descriptions and
illustrations of various component parts of a castle.
Santosuo, Antonio
Barbarians, Marauders, and
Westview Press, 2004, 344 pgs.,
index, bibliography, end notes, chronology, maps
Medieval Military History
First came the Goths, Germans and
others, then came the Muslims, then came the Vikings and Magyars, then it was
knights against each other and commoners. Then everyone went on Crusade.
Finally the English and French fought for 100 years. This is the narrative
story of how all that happened.
Sawyer, P. H.
Kings and Vikings
Routledge, London, 1982, 190 pgs,
index, illustrations, bibliography, paperback
Medieval Military History
The Vikings created a powerful
military threat wherever they went. The text describes their activities both in
western Europe and Rus.
Saxe, Marshal Maurice de - trans
Thomas Phillips
Reveries on the Art of War
Military Service Publishing Co.,
Harrisburg, Penn., 1944, 122 pgs.,
Early Modern Warfare- Military
Published during World war Two as
part of a series to educate the public.
Saxtorph, Niels M.
Warriors and Weapons of Early
The Macmillan Co., N. Y., 1972,
260 pgs., index, bibliography, list of museums, illustrations
Reference - Uniforms
Excellent color illustrations by
Stig Bramsen of warriors from ancient Egypt to Europe 1700, with text
Scarre, Chris
Chronicle of the Roman Emperors
Thames and Hudson, London, 1995,
240 pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations, maps
Ancient Military History
The Reign-by-Reign Record of the
Rulers of Imperial Rome. The descriptions of Roman rule show the importance of
the army in government.
Scarre, Chris
The Penguin Historical Atlas of
Ancient Rome
Penguin Books, London, 1995, 144
pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations, maps, list of rulers
Ancient Military History
Includes maps of campaigns and
other military topics Organized in chronological order to show developments
from origin to collapse of western empire.
Schweizer, K. W. ed.
"Warfare and Tactics in the
Eighteenth Century: Some Recent Research"
Studies in History and Politics
-Vol III, No 3, 1983, 83 pgs., foot notes. paperback
Early Modern Warfare
Four essays by noted historians
on different narrow topics.
Scott, B. K. C.
Dictionary of Military
Tamarisk Books, East Sussex,
U.K., 1982, 117 pgs., paperback
Interesting list from 1/0 to Y
& L
Scullard, H. H.
The Elephant in the Greek and
Roman World
Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca,
1974, 288 pgs., index, notes, illustrations,
Ancient Military History
A detailed examination of the
sources to determine what kind of elephants were employed and how they were
Seaton, Albert
The Russian Army of the
Napoleonic Wars
Osprey, Reading, 1973, 40 pgs.,
map, illustrations, paperback
Russian Military History
The color illustrations are by
Michael Youens. There also are b/w illustrations of uniforms from Viskovatov
(not cited). The text is general account of the changes in the Russian army
during the18th century.
Seaton, Albert
The Cossacks
Osprey, Reading, 1972, 40 pgs.,
maps, illustrations, paperback
Russian Military History
The color illustrations are by
Michael Youens. The text is a general survey of the Cossack units up to
WorldWar II.
Seaton, Albert
The Russian Army of the Crimea
Osprey, Reading, 1973, 40 pgs.,
maps, illustrations, paperback
Russian Military History
The color illustrations are by
Michael Roffe. They are mostly showing units that were not in Crimea. The B/W
illustrations are from Viskovatov. See Rob Thomas's book for more extensive and
better information.
Seaton, Albert
The Austro-Hungarian Army of the
Seven Years War
Osprey, Reading, 1973, 40 pgs.,
maps, illustrations, paperback
Early Modern Military
The color illustrations are
by R. Ottenfeld. The text is a very general, brief outline of the army
participation in campaigns against Prussia.
Secunda, Nicholas V, and
Simon Northwood, Michael Simkins
Caesar's Legions: The Roman
Soldier 753 BC to 117 AD
Osprey, London, 2000, 143 pgs.,
bibliography, illustrations, commentary on the paintings.
Ancient Military History
The text is about the army
organization, in three periods; early, Republican 200=-104 BC and from Caesar
to Trajan. There are photos of actual artifacts and terrific color paintings by
Richard Hook, Angus McBride and Ron Embleton.
Secunda, Nick & Simon
Early Roman Armies
Osprey, London, 1995, 48 pgs.,
maps, illustrations, paperback
Ancient Military History
The color illustrations are by
Richard Hook There are also photos of Roman artifacts. The text describes the
development, changes, in the composition and structure of the Roman armies up
to the war with Pyrrus.
Secunda, Nick
Republican Roman Army 200 -104
Osprey, London, 1996, 48 pgs.,
bibliography, illustrations, paperback
Ancient Military History
The illustrations are by Angus
McBride. There are also photography of Roman artifacts. The content fits into
the series on Roman army.
Secunda, Nick
The Army of Alexander the Great
Osprey, London, 1984, 40 pgs.,
map, illustrations, paperback
Ancient Military History
The color illustrations are by
Angus McBride. The text describes the various components of the army. There are
diagrams showing the battle formations.
Segal, David R, & Morten G.
Ender eds.
Special edition, Armed Forces and
Sage Pub., Vol 31, Number1, Oct.
2008, 202 pgs., notes. 11 essays
Military Sociology
The special edition has 11 essays
each focused on the teaching of sociology at a national military academy.
Napoleoniques: Collector's folio
of Napoleonic Uniform Plates
Custom Cast, Tipp City, Ohio
1973, folder with 11 full color plates of uniforms of French and British Army
Napoleonic Warfare - uniforms
Color plates depicting uniforms
of French and British infantry and cavalry
Seidule, Ty, chief editor
West Point History of the Civil
War -
Simon and Schuster, N. Y., 2014,
4322 pgs., index, maps, illustrations, notes, large format
American Military History
A stunning achievement in
publication methods. (See link)
Selincourt, Aubrey de
The World of Herodotus
Little Brown and Co., Boston,
1962, index, bibliography, appendix
Ancient Military History
Given the importance of Herodotus
as the first historian and source for our basic understanding of the wars
between Greek cities and Persia, a biographical study of the man is important.
The author here also sets the whole history of the wars into the full context
of the nature of the two societies and their interactions.
Semotiuk, Jaroslaw
Ukrainian Military Medals
Shevchenko Scientific Society in
Canada, Toronto, 1991, 51 pgs., bibliography, illustrations, paperback
Ukrainian History
Excellent full color large size
photos of many Military decorations with trext.
Serkov, Sergei Romyular''dovich
Vspomini, Brattsi, Rossov Slavu
("Remember brothers Russian Glory"
VoyinnoyeIzdatel'stvom Moskva,
1991, 24 plates, illustrations, paperback
Russian Military History
A set of great color
illustrations on large card backing with views of Borodino battle.
Setton, Kenneth M. - editorial
The Age of Chivalry
National Geographic Magazine,
Wash. D. C., 1969, 378 pgs., index, elaborate illustrations, 11 maps
Medieval Warfare
Written for popular public
readership. Many excellent articles on various aspects of medieval history
including the Crusades by specialist authors. Much photography as well as
Seward, Desmond
The Hundred Years War; The
English in France 1337-1453
Atheneum, N. Y., 1978, 296 pgs.,
index, bibliography, maps, illustrations, chronology, appendix
Medieval Warfare
Strong on the political aspects
Seymour, William
Battles in Britain Vol 1
Book Club Associates, London,
1975, 232 pgs. index, bibliography, illustrations, foot notes, maps
Medieval Warfare
Paired with following book -They
are following Marren's book on Battles of the Dark Ages
Seymour, William
Battles in Britain Vol 2
Book Club Associates, London,
1975, 231 pgs. index, bibliography, illustrations, foot notes, maps
Early Modern Warfare
Paired with previous book
Shaw, Stanford
History of the Ottoman Empire and
Modern Turkey, vol 1
Cambridge Univ. Press, London,
1976, 351 pgs., index, bibliography, end notes, maps
Early Modern History
This volume 1 includes the Empire
of the Gazis, The Rise and Decline of the Ottoman Empire, 1280-1808. It
includes political and economic issues, but also campaigns and battles.
Sheldon, Rose Mary
"Tradecraft in Ancient
Essay in International Journal of
Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, Vol 2, No 2., Box 188, Stroudsberg PA.
1988, footnotes and references
Ancient Warfare, Intelligence
The entire issue of this Journal
contains useful articles, but this one is especially interesting. The author is
an expert on ancient warfare. This essay is based on quotations and references
to primary ancient text books including Aeneas Tacticus, Frontinus, and
Shenk, V. K.
Tablitsi Form Obmundirovaniya
Russkoi Armii, and supplement
Knizhnii i geograficheskii
magazin' izdanii Glavnogo Shtaba, St. Petersburg, 1910, 27 pgs, 1911, 10 [pgs.,
illustrations, paperback
Russian Military History
This is a famous Shenk booklet
with color illustrations of the uniforms of the Russian regiments in 1910. And
the supplement showing more uniforms as of 1911.
Shepherd, William and Marcus
Couper -eds
Osprey Military Journal Vol. 3
Issue 1,
Osprey Pub., London, 64 pgs.,
illustrations, references, paperback
Military History
The issue contains interesting
articles - Rene Chartrand on Young General Bonaparte; Stephen Turnbull on
Knights and Samurai; Nick Sekunda on Greek swords and swordsmanship, and
Elizabeth von Aderkas on the "Pig war' US versus Canada.
Sheppard, Ruth - Ed.
Alexander the Great At War: His
Army - his Battles - His Enemies
Metro Books, N.Y., 2010, 256
pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations, glossary, chronology
Ancient Military History
A fine supplement to the Landmark
edition of Arian. Or for the general reader not ready to tackle Arian.
Sherman, William T. -
introduction by Liddell Hart
The Memoirs of General William T.
Indiana Univ. Press, Bloomington,
1957, 2 vols. in one
American Military History -
Includes comments on pre war
service, but not Sherman's long post-war service
Russian Losses at the Battle of
manuscript prepared for Xenophon
Russian Military History,
A detailed listing of the Russian
Order of Battle at the Alma and casualty figures for each unit.
Shpakovskii, Vyacheslav
V lsto 1223 Bitva na Kalke (In
the year 1223 -The Battle on the Kalka river)
Biblikoteka Zhurnala Tekhnika,
Moscow, 2003, 64 pgs., excellent color illustrations, map, paperback
Russian Military History
In Russian with many excellent
color illustrations of arms and warriors. The battle was a terrible defeat for
the combined Rus armies from Kiev by the Mongol reconnaissance force.
Shpakovskii, Vyacheslav &
David Nicolle
Medieval Russian Armies 1250-1500
Osprey, Oxford, 2002, 48 pgs.,
index, maps, bibliography, chronology, illustrations, paperback
Russian Military History
Excellent color illustrations by
Angus McBride The text describes some campaigns, more on fortresses and arms
and armor.
Shpakovskii, Vyacheslav &
David Nicolle
Armies of Ivan the Terrible
Osprey, Oxford, 2006, 48 pgs.,
index, bibliography, chronology, illustrations, paperback
Russian Military History
Excellent color illustrations by
Angus McBride. But Ivan IV died before 1600 and there were many changes in the
Russian army between then and 1700.
Shulsky, Abram, revised by Gary
Silent Warfare: Understanding the
World of Intelligence - 2nd edition
Brassey's Washington D. C., 1993,
285 pgss., index, end notes,
Intelligence - military history
An analysis of what is strategic
political and military intelligence and how it is obtained, evaluated. used,
also counterintelligence, spies, - a theory of intelligence - all by an author
who was a professional in the business.
Simkins, Michael
Warriors of Rome: An Illustrated
milirtary history of the Roman Legions
Blandford, London, 1988, 160
pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations, chronology
Ancient Military History
The combination of color painted,
photographic, and drawings, illustrations provides excellent appreciation of
the subject. The text is clear and focused mostly on description of the
subjects in the illustrations.
Simkins, Michael
The Roman Army from Hadrian to
Osprey, London, 1979, 40 pgs.,
chronology, illustrations, map, diagrams, paperback
Ancient Military History
The color illustrations are by
Ronald Embleton. There are photos of Roman artifacts.
Simkins, Michael
The Roman Army from Caesar to
Osprey, Reading, 1974, 40 pgs.,
chronology, illustrations, map, diagrams, paperback
Ancient Military History
The color illustrations are by
Michael Youens. The text is very basic, one part discusses the Romans in
Britain. The illustrations supplement those in the other books listed here.
Simon, Edith
The Making of Frederick the Great
Little, Brown & Co., Boston,
1963, 296 pgs., index, bibliography, maps, illustrations appendices, genealogy
Early Modern Military History
Good biography of Frederick to
accompany Duffy's books on his army and wars
Simpson, W. Douglas
Scottish Castles: An Introduction
to the Castles of Scotland
Her Majesty's Stationary Office,
Edinburgh, 1959, 45 pgs., plan drawings, illustrations,
Castles - fortifications
A short descriptive text with
castles organized by date with useful list organized by type and excellent
drawings of plans.
Sloan, John
Military History of Russia: A
Preliminary Survey of the Sources
Dept of Army, Institute for
Advanced Russian and East European Studies, Garmishch Germany, 1971, 114 pgs. ,
Russian Military History
A annotated bibliography of books
and articles on Russian military history compilied with a general discussion of
the avaliability of such material. Much in need of a new edition since there
has been a huge expansion of such references since 1971.
Sloan, John
Machiavelli On War
Columbia University, New York,
1964, 125 pgs. Research paper submitted for degree of Master of Arts in Faculty
of Political Science, bibliography, foot notes, paperback
Early Modern History
The research paper, prepared
under supervision of Dr. Neal Wood, focuses on Machiavelli's theories on the
art of war as found in his writings in comparisonl with the views of his
ancient sources and modern theory on the principles of war.
Smith, Digby
The Greenhill Napoleonic Wars
Data Book: Actions and Loses in Personnel, Colours, Standards and Artillery,
Greenhill Books, London, 1998,
582 pgs., index, bibliography, abbreviations
Reference - Napoleonic Warfare
Immense compilation of data. It
is organized by chapter chronologically by year from 1792 to 1815, and then
within chapter by subjects. There is copious data for each battle.
Snibbe, Bob - ed.
Napoleonic Socity Bulletin &
Journal - # 53, Fall 1996 to # 69, Fall 2001
Napoleonic Society of America,
Clearwater, Fl.
Napoleonic era Warfare and
A very popular journal of a
society devoted to study of Napoleon that not only published articles of
considerable interest but also conducted excellent tours to Napoleonic
locations and held annual banquets.
Snodgrass, A. M.
Arms and Armor of the Greeks
Johns Hopkins Univ. Press,
Baltimore, 1967, 195 pgs., index, notes, sources, illustrations, paperback
Ancient Warfare
From Mycenaeans to Macedon
Sola Pool, Ithiel de
Satellite Generals: A Study of
Military Elites in the Soviet Sphere
Stanford Univ. Press, 1955, 165
pgs., notes, bibliography, paper back
Military History
A very interesting study of the
composition of the higher command in some Warsaw Pact countries plus China.
Soloviev, Sergei M. ed and trans.
John Windhausen
History of Russia Vol. 7 The
Reign of Ivan III the Great
Academic International Press,
Gulf Breeze Fl. 1978, 164 pgs., index, end notes, diagram.
Russian History
These translations are from
Soloviev's massive, 29 vols. History published between 1851 and 1879. He is
still considered one of the greatest Russian historians. This covers the events
of the Reign of Ivan III so complements the topical discussion in Presniakov's
Soloviev, Sergei M. ed and trans
John Windhausen
History of Russia Vol. 8 Russian
Society in the Age of Ivan III
Academic International Press,
Gulf Breeze Fl. 1979, 283 pgs., index, end notes, maps.
Russian History
This book also discusses events -
war with Lithuania and Livonia, but also social topics similar to those in
Preniakov's book.
Soloviev, Sergei M. ed and trans.
Hugh Graham
History of Russia Vol. 9 The Age
of Vasily III
Academic International Press,
Gulf Breeze Fl., 1976, 273 pgs., index, end notes, illustration.
Russian History
Further on to events in chapters
on Pskov and Smolensk. The subject moves on after Ivan III's death to the
period of Valilii III and the regency of Elena in the name of Ivan IV.
Sorley, Lewis
Reassessing ARVN
Lecture delivered at Vietnam
Center Texas Tech University, Lubock, Texas, 17 March, 2006, 32 pgs., paperback
Modern Military History American
Military History
Dr. Sorley is retired US Army
officer who served in VietNam and author of biographies "Thunderbolt:
General Creighton Abrams and the Army of His Times" - and "Honorable
Warrior: General Harold K. Johnson and the Ethics of Command" plus a
history "A Better War: The Unexamined Victories and Final Tragedy of
America's last Years in Vietnam" and other works
Sorley, Lewis
Remembering Vietnam
Lecture delivered at the National
Archives, Wash. D.C, April 2002, 20 pgs., paperback
Modern Military History American
Military History
In this lecture Col. Dr. Sorley
summarizes the actions and policies of the American high command.
Sorrell, Alan
British Castles
B. T. Batsford, London, 1973, 80
pgs., diagrams, illustrations, Bibliography
Castles - Fortification -
Medieval Military History
Descriptions of 30 British
Sotnikov, A. A. editor
Katalog proizbedenii
izobrazsitel'nogo iskusstva
Izdaniye voyenno-istorichskogo
muzei artillerii, St Petersburg, 1972, 756 pgs., index, sources, illustrations
Russian history
This is a catalog listing 1826
art items in the museum holdings. Each entry describes the work of art and its
creator. The paintings are listed in chronological order of their subject
rather than by title or artist. The first one depicts the siege of Tsar'grad
(Constantinople) in 907 AD.
Southern, Pat & Karen Ramsey
The Late Roman Army
Yale Univ. Press, New Haven,
1996, 206 pgs., index, bibliography, maps, glossary, illustrations
Ancient Military History
A detailed analysis of the Roman
Army from the 2nd to late 5th centuries AD.
Souza, Philip de, et. al.
The Greeks at War From Athens to
Osprey, London, 2004, 285 pgs.,
index, illustrations, sources, glossary
Ancient Military History
A standard Osprey book - clear
text and good illustrtions
Souza, Philip de. ed.
The Ancient World At War
Thames & Hudson, N. Y., 2008,
index, maps, illustrations, further reading
Ancient Military History - world
Contains 18 excellent essays on
warfare from Middle East to China to Americas with full color diagrams of
battles and many illustrations
Souza, Philip de.
The Peloponnesian War 431-404 BC
Osprey, Oxford, 2002, 95 pgs.,
index, reading, chronology, illustrations, map, paperback
Ancient Military History
A concise history. The author
repeats Thucydides' argument that 'fear and suspicion lead to war'. He also
relies on Xenophon and Kagan.
Souza, Philip de.
The Greek and Persian Wars
499-386 BC
Osprey, Oxford, 2003, 95 pgs.,
index, reading, chronology, illustrations, map, paperback
Ancient Military History
The description begins with
Persian, Spartans, and Athenians. The first campaign is Dareios in 490, then
Xerxes invades. There are chapters on Ariostodemos the Spartan, Persian
Architecture, Demokedes and Demaratos and then two pages on continued war
between Athens and Persia. Finally there are two pages on the Peloponnesian
Spauding, Oliver Lyman, Hoffman
Nickerson and John Wright
Warfare: A Study of Military
methods From the Earliest Times
The Infantry Journal, Wash. D.C.
1937, 601 pgs., index, bibliography, foot notes, maps
Military History
This is the classic study of
military history from Ancient era to the end of the 18th century. It was
published on the eve of World War II for public education. This was my first
text book in military history in the 1940's. Part One focuses on Greece,
Macedon and the Roman Republic. Part Two is about the Roman Empire, and
medieval war including the Crusades. Part Three discusses war in Europe in the
16th to 18th centuries. A huge amount of new research and explosion of
publications on military history as taken place since 1937, but this book
retains its honored place.
Spiller, Roger J ed.
Dictionary of American Military
Biography - 3 vol.
Greenwood Press, London, U.K.,
1984, 1368 pgs., index, appendices, chronologies bibliographies
Reference American Military
Massive with entries for known
and little known individuals
Stackpole, Edward J.
They Met at Gettysburg
The Stackpole Co., Harrisburg,
PA., 1959, 342 pgs., index, illustrations, bibliography, maps
American Military History
Including the prologue and
epilogue this includes the entire campaign. The author discusses both sides.
And one chapter is a 'study in Leadership' that compares Lee and Meade. The
tactical maps are fine, thanks to Colonel Wilber Nye. The battle opens with
Buford's Union cavalry on the First Day in chapter 11, which gives one an idea
of the detail in this book.,
Stamps, T. Dodson and Vincent J.
A Military History of World War
II - with atlas - 2 vol
U.S. M. A, West Point, N.Y., 1953
vol 1, 684 pgs., vol 2, 565 pgs., index, bibliography
American Military History
This was a standard text for the
Course on Military Art in the 1950's. It was used with the excellent atlas.
Stamps, T. Dodson, ed.
A Short Military History of World
War I
U. S. Military Academy, West
Point, N. Y., 1950, 353 pgs., index, bibliography, accompanying atlas separate
Modern Military History -
American Military History
This was our text in the Course
on Military Art in the 1950's
Stanley, Roy M.
World War II Photo Intelligence
Charles Scribner's Sons, N. Y.,
1981,374 pgs., index, glossary, bibliography, illustrations, appendices
Modern Military History
The author was a professional
photo interpreter and senior executive in organazations devoted to aerial
photography. This massive history includes photo intelligence by both sides in
Stanton,. Shelby. C.
Order of Battle U. S. Army World
War II
Presidio Press, Novato, 1984, 621
pgs., illustrations, appendices, sources
Modern Military History -
American Military History
This massive reference work
contains an entry for every American Army unit down to regiments and
battalions. Unit crests are included as well as division patches. It is
organized by branch of service. There is nothing in print like it.
Stanton,. Shelby. C.
Vietnam Order of Battle
U. S. News Books, Wash. D. C.,
1981, 396 pgs., index, Sources, Tables, Appendices, maps, illustrations
Modern Military History
A Monumental book in large folio
size. It is comprehensive. It includes a section on Australian, Philippines,
Thailand, and Korea troops. The chapters are organized in Army hierarchial
order from Headquarters and major commands to divisions and then to combat
units by branch, then combat support and service unites, special warfare units
and other services. There is nothing like this in print.
Stanton,. Shelby. C.
The Rise and Fall of an American
Army: U.S. Ground Forces in Vietnam 1965-1975
Presido Press, Novato CA., 1985,
411 pgs., index, bibliogrphy, illustrations
Modern Military History -
American Military History
Shelby is veteran of VietNam - a
critical analysis describing American mistakes,
Starr, Chester G.
The Roman Imperial Navy - 31 B.C.
A.D 324
Barnes & Noble, N.Y., 1960,
232 pgs., index, appendix, abbreviation list, map
Ancient Military History
The content includes both the
fleets and individual sailors.
Stearns, Philip O.
How to make Model Soldiers
Hamlyn, N. Y., 1974, 80 pgs.,
Reference - Uniforms
Color and b/w illustrations of
various military uniforms. Text description of soldiers and also recommendation
on how to make them.
Stein, Sir Aurel, K.C.I.E
On Alexander's Track to the
Indus: Personal Narrative of Explorations on the North-West Frontier of India
Castle Books, Edison, N.J., 2004,
182 pgs., index, maps, illustrations, a reprint of Stein's original edition of
Ancient Military History
This is Aurel Stein's account of
his search in what is now Pakistan for the famous mountain top, Aornos to the
Greeks, now identified by Stein as Pir-Sar. Aornos was the impregnable,
inaccessible mountain fortress whole capture by Alexander created contemporary
wonderment and legends. Aurel Stein was an indefatigable archeologist, explorer
not only in northwest India but also Central Asia, Chinese Turkestan. See also
his "Alexander's Campaign on the Indian North-West Frontier' in
Geographical Journal, London, Nov. Dec. 1927.
Steuart, A. Francis
Scottish Influences in Russian
James MaClehose and Sons,
Glasgow, 1913, 142 pgs. ,index,
Russian Military History
The Scottish influence was mostly
from military officers who advised and or commanded Russian army units. Patrick
Gordon is the most famous of these and he is described in this book.
Stevens, Carol B.
Russia's Wars of Emergence
Pearson, Longman, London, 2007,
329 pgs., maps, index, chronology, bibliography, glossary, paperback
Russian Military history
Outstanding scholarship, One of
the many new books on Russian military history - read with Davies book on
Russian steppe warfare
Stewart, Paul
"The Soldier, the
Bureaucrat, and Fiscal Records in the Army of Ferdinand and Isabella"
The Hispanic American Historical
Review Vol XLIX, No 2, May 1969, pgss., 281 -192
Early Modern Military History
The author discusses Ferdinand's
policies in light of Machiavelli's assessment. Ferdinand was parsimonious while
his great generals disdained from keeping financial records. The article is
focused on the transformation of the army from a medieval to a modern force.
Stewart, Paul
"The Battle of Las Salinas,
Peru, and Its Historians"
Sixteenth Century Journal, XIX,
No.3, 1988, pgs., 407-434, foot notes
Early Modern Military History
The battle took place on April 6,
1538 near Cuzco. it was a great victory for Hernando Pizarro. It was between
two Spanish forces, Pizarro's and that of his former partner, Diego de Almagro.
Professor Stewart explains its significance.
Stewart, Paul
"Military command and the
development of the viceroyalty under Ferdinand and Isabella"
The Journal of Medieval and
Renaissance Studies, Vol 5, number 2, 1975, pgs., 223-242, paperback
Early Modern Military History
A contribution to understanding
of the development of military command in 15th century.
Stillman, Nigel and Nigel Tallis
Armies of the Ancient Near East
3000 BC to 539 BC
Wargame Research Group, Sussex,
1984, 208 pgs., bibliography, chronology, illustrations, maps, paperback
Ancient Military History
The text includes discussion of
organization ,tactics, dress, equipment of many different armies from Egyptian
to Nubian, Kushite, Old Assyrian, Arab, Cypriot, Phrygian, Lydian, Harappan,
and many more. Description of many specific battles is included.
Stinemetz, Steven D.
A Society at War: Muscovite
Military Command
Manuscript, 1981, 39 pgs,
manuscript, bibliography
Russian Military History
The development of Muscovite
military organization for command and control in the 17th century.
Stone, George Cameron
A Glossary of the Construction,
Decoration and use of Arms and Armor
Jack Brussel Pub., N.Y., 1961,
694 pgs., bibliography, illustrations
A massive alphabetical listing of
weapons, many of them exotic.
Stone, Norman
The Eastern Front 1914-1917
Charles Scribner's Sons, N.Y.,
1975, 347 pgs., index, maps, end notes
Russian Military History - World
War One
Still the best book on the
generally neglected Eastern Front in World War One
Stoye, John
The Siege of Vienna: The Last
Great Trial between Cross and Crescent
Pegasus Books, N.Y., 2000, 226
pgs., index, notes and references, maps, illustrations, paperback
Early Modern Warfare
The Siege of 1683. Includes
military, political and economic aspects
Strachan, Hew
European Armies and the Conduct
of War
George Allen & Unwin, London,
1983, 226 pgs., index, bibliography, maps, illustrations, paperback
Napoleonic Warfare and its
The title is a bit too broad. The
author sets the background with discussion of war 'in the age of Marlborough
and Frederick'. He proceeds to the tactical revolution during the 18th century
and then Napoleonic warfare. The main theme of the book, then,. is discussion
of the concepts Jomini and Clausewitz derived from their study of war with the
example of Napoleon in mind. From this he moves on to World Wars One and Two
and the impact of modern technology on further changes in tactics and strategy.
Strachan, Hew - ed.
War in History, Vol.1, Number 1,
Edward Arnold, London, 1994, 123
pgs., 5 major essays plus book reviews
Military History
A new journal of military history
with an outstanding list of editors and authors. Among the essays in this issue
are J. Lazenby's "Logistics in Classical Greek Warfare"; and James
Sadkovich's "German Military Incompetence Throught Italian Eyes",
which is a real eye opener itself. . Several book reviews are excellent.
Stuart, James, Jr.
The Struggle for Tennessee:
Tupelo to Stones River
Time-Life Books, 1985, 176 pgs.,
index, illustrations, bibliography, maps
American Military History
Part of a set
Sude, Gertmann, Lt. Col.
Clausewitz in US and German
Military Review, June 1986, pgs.,
39 -47, notes, illustration, paper
Military Theory
The author believes that
Clausewitz has strongly influenced both American and German military thought
and practice. And to gain a fuller understanding of this one should study both
American and German military doctrine.
Sugar, Peter F.
Southeastern Europe under Ottoman
Rule, 1354-1804
Univ of Washington Press,
Seattle, 1977, 365 pgs., index, appendices, chronology, foot notes,
bibliographical essay
Early Modern Warfare
The book is about the totality of
Ottoman rule, political, cultural, economic, social; but the military campaigns
and warfare are included
Summers, Harry G. Jr.
On Strategy: The Vietnam War in
Strategic Studies Institute, US
Army War College, Carlisle Barracks Penn., 1981, 137 pgs., index, bibliography,
Modern Military History
The author comments on US
strategy in the Vietnam War with reference to Clauswitz
Sumnida, Jon, Tetsuro
Decoding Clauswitz
Univ. of Kansas Press, 2008, 234
pgs., index, bibliography, end notes
Clauswitz - Military Theory
A very innovative analysis of the
meanings Clauswitz had in writing On War. Well worth study while reading On
Sumption, Jonathan
The Hundred Years War; Trial by
Univ. of Penn., 659 pgs., index,
bibliography, maps, paperback
Medieval Warfare
Sun Tzu - trans Thomas Cleary
The Art of War
Sharpedon Books, 1988, 172 pgs.
Ancient Chinese theory of war and
Sun Tzu - The Art of War - trans
Samuel Griffith
The Art of War
Oxford Univ. Press, London, 1963,
197 pgs., index, bibliography, maps, appendices,
Ancient Chinese theory of war and
Sweetman, Jack
American Naval History
Naval Institute Press, Annapolis,
1984, 331 pgs., index to naval vessels, maps, bibliography, illustrations,
American Military history
Sweetman, John
Balaclava 1854: The Charge of the
Light Brigade
Osprey, Oxford, 1990, 96 pgs.,
index, maps, bibliography, illustrations, chronology, paper back
Modern Military History
Of course the battle was more
than the charge and the text includes it all, but the British public tunes in
to the Charge. The maps and diagram of the charge are excellent. The text
includes a section on wargaming of the battle. I visited the field 3 times and
have posted photographs on my website.
Swift, Louis J.
The Early Fathers on War and
Military Service
Michael Glaizer, Inc., Wilmington
DE., 1983, 164 pgs., readings, paperback
Military theory, history and
Direct extracts from the writing
of early Catholic Church Fathers on war, with commentary.
Swinton, Maj.Gen. Sir Ernest
The Defense of Duffer's Drift
USA CGSC 1970 reprint 72 pgs.,
illustrations, paperback
Modern Warfare
This is a classic - the fiction,
imaginary story of a defense in the Boer War designed to teach about proper use
of terrain.
Symonds, Craig, L.
Gettysburg; A Battlefield Atlas
Nautical and Aviation Publishers,
Baltimore, MD., 1992, 103 pgs, illustrations, maps, order of battle
American Military History
Excellent maps, good to use while
reading a narrative text
Tacitus - trans. H. Mattingly
Tacitus On Britain and Germany -
translation of Agricola and Germania
Penguin Books,N. Y., 1960, 175
pgs., maps, glossary, bibliography, notes, paperback
Ancient Military History
Our major source on Rome and the
Tacitus - trans Michael Grant
The Annals of Imperial Rome
Penguin Books, Baltimore MD.,
1961, index, maps, place names, notes, introduction, paperback
Ancient Military History
Our major source on Rome and the
Tacitus - trans. Alfred Church
The Complete Works of Tacitus
-Annals, History, Life of Cnaeus Agricola, Germany and its Tribes, A Dialogue
on Oratory
Modern Library, N. Y., 1942, 773
pgs., glossary
Ancient Military History
Our major source on Rome and the
Tanner, Robert G.
Stonewall in the Valley: Thomas
J. "Stonewall' Jackson's Shenandoah Valley Campaign, Spring 1862
Doubleday & Co., Garden City,
N.Y. 1976, 436 pgs., index, maps, bibliography, end notes, illustrations,
American Military History
The famous campaign was limited
in length of time and space. The author was able to accomplish detailed
research and write a very detailed account including Jackson's plans and his
army's table of organization.
Tarassuk, Leonid, and Claude
Blair, eds.
Arms and Weapons: A Complete
Bonanza Books, N.Y., 1979, 544
pgs., bibliography, illustrations
Reference, Military Weapons
very comprehensive
Tarn, W. W.
Alexander the Great
Beacon Press, Boston, index,
paper back , foot notes
Ancient Military History
Brief biography by a noted
scholar -Some of the author's opinions are now controversial.
Tashjean, John E.
The Cannon in the Swimming Pool:
Clausewitzian Studies and Strategic Ethnocentrism
RUSI - Journal of the Royal
United Services Institute for Defense Studiess, June 1983, London, pgs. 54 -57.
end notes, paperback
Modern Military history -
Military Theory
The author, an expert on
Clausewitz's thinking, here discusses the thinking with that of recent authors,
Alexander Atkinson and Harry Summers Jr. and all three with Chinese ideas on
Tashjean, John E.
The Transatlantic Clausewitz
Naval War College Review3w, Nov,
1982, pgs. 69-86, end notes,
Modern Military History -
Military Theory
An excellent critique of recent
commentators on Clausewitz including Werener Hahlweg Dr. Tasshgean's conclusion
is that there has been great progress in recent years in understanding
Clausewitz. .
Tashjean, John E.
Review of Peter Paret's Makers of
Modern Strategy from Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age.
Comparative Strategy, Spring 1987
Military Theory
An excellent review of one of the
most important books on the history of modern strategy.
Taylor, A. J.
The King's Works in Wales
Her Majesty's Stationary Office,
London, 1974, A reprint from sections of The History of the King's Works , 1963
- illustrations, appendices, notes, figures, diagrams
Castles - fortifications
This book is about the Castles
for the war of 1277 and war of 1282-83 It has detailed information on costs for
construction - tables of wages, notes on foreign craftsmen employed. and much
Taylor, B. ed.
Castles and Fortifications
Brockhampton Press, Leicester,
1973, 33 pgs., color illustrations
Castles - Fortifications
The booklet is entirely
illustrations of various fortification systems, ancient and medieval.
Taylor, F. L.
The Art of War in Italy 1494-1529
Cambridge Univ. Press, U.K. 1921,
228 pgs., index, appendices
Early Modern Warfare
Organized topically by arm and
includes section on Military writers of the period
Taylor, Michael J. & John W.
Helicopters of the World
Charles Scribner's Sons, N.Y.,
1978, 112 pgs., index, illustrations
Reference - technology
There have bveen many helicopters
designed and built since 1978, but this reference is still useful with its
excellent illustrations and complete data about the helicopters avaialble then.
Taylor, Philip A.
The Origins of the English Civil
War: Conspiracy, Crusade, or Class Conflict?
D. C. Heath Co., Boston, 1960,
107 pgs, added reading
Early Modern Military History
Essays by contemporaries and
historians selected for study on controversial aspects of the Civil War.
Designed to generate student discussion.
Taylor, Robert - ed.
Parameters, US Army War College
Quarterly Vol XXX #1, Spring 2000
U. S. Army War College, Carlisle,
PA, 168 pgs.
Military History and current
Excellent articles by Ralph
Peters, Timothy Thomas, John Tokar and others on issues still relevant in 2014.
Book Reviews and current lists of new publications.
Taylor, Robert - ed.
Parameters, US Army War College
Quarterly Vol XXXII # 3, Autumn 2002
U. S. Army War College, Carlisle,
PA, 164 pgs.
Military History andcurrent
Excellent articles by Ralph
Peters, Krishna Kumar, Richard Russell, Ali Jalali and others on issues still
relevant in 2014. Book Reviews and current lists of new publications.
Terraine, John
To Win a War: 1918, The Year of
Doubleday Co., N. Y., 1981, 268
pgs., index, bibliography, appendix, illustrations
Modern Miliary History
Contains many direct quotations
from participants
Thiel, J. H.
Studies on the History of Roman
Sea-power in Republican Times
North-Holland Pub., Amsterdam,
1946, 456 pgs., index, bibliography, foot notes
Ancient Military History
The classic study of Roman naval
power in the three Punic Wars and then the eastern Med. 2 Macedonian Wars,
Syrian War; then Spain and Sicily. But the author considered it a preliminary
effort prepared during the trying times of World War II. But it is actually in
most detail a study of the central period of the Second Punic War.
Thiel, J. H.
A history of Roman Sea-power
Before the Second Punic War
North-Holland Pub. Amsterdam,
1954, 367 pgs., index, bibliography
Ancient Military History
In his preface the author
declares that his original intention expressed in the above 'study' was to
write the whole history in one book. But times change, so this book will
constitute Vol 1 - the history of Roman sea-power Before the Punic wars - the
above will constitute Vol 2 - the Punic Wars and we can hope the author will
complete a volume 3 with a more detailed analysis of Roman sea-power after
those wars.
Thomas, Hugh
Montezuma, Cortes, and the Fall
of Old Mexico
Touchstone, N.Y., 1995, 812 pgs,
index, end notes, sources,
Early Modern Warfare
The author describes in detail
the extensive war that Cortes waged to conquer Mexico
Thomas, Robert
The Russian Army of the Crimean
War 1854-56
Osprey, London, 1991, 48 pgs.,
Russian Military History
The color illustrations are by
Richard Scollins. There are tables listing the colors of the uniforms of each
regiment. The text describes the formations for battle in the field.
Thompson, M. W.
Tattershall Castle
The National Trust, London,
1974, 20 pgs., fuirther reading, illustrations, diagrams, photograph, paperback
Castle - fortification
The text well describes the
present castle. The history section notes that a Norman named Eudo held the
Tattershall area from 1086, but a stone fortification was not licenced until
1251. Over then next two centuries marriages of heresses to heirs of other
families resulted in expansion of the total domain and wealth. Then in 1435-45
the great castle was built by Ralph, Lord Cromwell, Treasurer of England and
participant at Agincourt. The castle fell to ruin in the 18th century but was
partially restored after 1911. Now it consists of a magnificant keep standing
alone in an open space that was the former inner, middle, and outer wards and
two moats. A view of the keep indicates clearly that it was built for show and
wealthy living not for serious defense.
Thorburn, W. A.
Uniform of the Scottish Infantry
HMSO, Edinburgh, 1973, 26 pgs.,
illustrations, paperback
Reference - Uniforms
Illustrations of the uniforms of
the Scottish Regiments with text.
Thucydides - trans. Richard
Crowley, ed. Robert Strassler
The Landmark Thuydides
(Peloponnesian War)
Free Press, N.Y., 711 pgs.,
index, maps, foot notes, illustrations, appendices
Ancient Military History
The four Landmark Series editions
of ancient Greek historians are more than outstanding examples of scholarship
and publishing skill. I have many editions of Thucydides, but none compare and
none provide either context or maps and lucid explanations. Read with Kagan's
book on the war. This joins the Landmark editions of Caesar, Herodotus, Arrian
and Xenophon.
Thucydides, trans. Rex Warner
The Peloponnesian War
Penguin Classic, London, 1954,
552 pgs., maps, paperback
Ancient Military History
Handy paperback edition - a
classic, but one must study the Landmark edition and read Kagan's books
Thucydides, trans Rex Warner
The History of the Peloponnesian
Penguin, London, 1954, 648 pgs.,
index, maps, bibliography, appendices, paperback
Ancient Military History
Another edition - this one with
introduction by M. I. Finley, an expert on Classical Greece.
Tilberg, Frederick
National Park Service, Wash. D.
C. 1962, 64 pgs., illustrations, map
American Military History
Official guide book to the
battlefield with map and pictures of the field and some leaders. A useful item
to have during a visit
Tilberg, Frederick
National Park Service, Wash. D.
C. 1960, 60 pgs., illustrations, maps
American Military History
Official guide book to the
battlefield with map and pictures of the field and some leaders. A useful item
to have during a visit
Tincey, John
The Armada Campaign 1588
Osprey, London, 1988, 64 pgs.,
further reading, lists of ships in both navies, illustrations, paperback
Early Modern Military History
Color illustrations of the men on
both sides by Richard Hook, not of the ships. Text summary of the campaign.
Toppe, Alfred, General major - ed
Desert Warfare: German Experience
in World War II
Historical Division European
Command, 1945, 95 pgs., paperback
Modern Warfare
General Toppe was during World
War II. HJe had quite a few other senior German generals contribute to this
report including Friz Bayerlein, who was Chief of Staff of German Africa Corps,
Gerhard Mueller, who was Commander of 5th Panzer Regiment and Siegfried
Westpahl who commanded at several levels in Africa Corps.
Toy, Sidney
A History of Fortification from
3000 B.C. to A. D. 1700
The MacMillan Co., N.Y., 1955,
index, illustrations, diagrams
Fortification - Military History
A classic study of the
construction and use of fortresses. Excellent illustrations and diagrams.
Trask, David F.
The War with Spain in 1898
Macmillian, N. Y., 1981, 654
pgs., index, end notes
American Military History
Trench, Charles Chenevix
The Road to Khartoum: A Life of
General Charles Gordon
W. W. Norton, N. Y.,. 1978, 320
pgs., index, illustrations, sources and references,
Modern Warfare
Includes brief mention of
Gordon's service as Engineer officer in Siege of Sevastopol and his command in
China during the Taiping Rebellion. Majority of the text is about his service
in the Sudan.
Troiani, Don - and Robert Krick
et al.
Don Troiani's American Battles
The Art of the Nation at War 1754 - 1865
Stackpol Books, Mechanicsburg
PA., 2006, 248 pgs., magnificent color illustrations
American Military History
As the title indicates, this is a
book featuring Don Troiani's marvelous paintings of American military in action
and at rest. The text is built around the paintings and is by many authors.
Trubnikov, B. G.
Orushiye i Voorushyeniye
Izdatel'skii dom "Neva, St
Petersburg, 2002, 399 pgs., bibliography, tables, illustrations
Reference - weapons - arms and
A highly illustrated reference
work on 'cold weapons' that is non-gunpowder weapons, and personal armor. Many
unusual items shown.
Tsouras, Peter G.
Alexander: Invincible king of
Brassey's, Brassey's, Washington
D.C., 2004 , 121 pgs., index, end notes, bibliography, illustrations, diagrams
Ancient Military History
Biography with description of
military campaign.
Tsouras, Peter G. - ed.
Scouting for Grant and Meade: The
Reminiscences of Judson Knight, Chief of Scouts, Army of the Potomac
Skyhorse Pub., N. Y., 2014, 276
pgs., notes, bibliography, appendix, illustrations
American Military History
The author has very well merged
various direct memoirs of important Union Civil War scouts with his commentary.
The action takes place mostly during the later stages of the Union Army siege
of Richmond and Petersburg
Tsouras, Peter G.
'The Great Patriotic War'
Greenhill Books, London, 1992,
255 pgs, index, bibliography, tables, illustrations, maps, appendices, large
Russia - Modern Military History
This is a large scale illustrated
history of the Eastern Front in World war II. The coverage is extensive and the
text descriptive. There is an introduction by David Chandler
Tsouras, Peter G.
Warlords of Ancient Mexico: How
the Mayans and Aztecs Ruled for More than a Thousand Years.
Skyhorse Publishing, N. HY.,
2014,289 pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations, maps. paperback
Early Modern Warfare
This is a fine and much needed
book in that it discusses the wars and leaders of MesoAmerica from their own
point of view rather than that of the Spanish. The best part of the book is the
section on Aztecs (for which sources are more available) in which Tsouras first
describes in detail their conquest of central Mexico and then their struggle to
defend agaisnt the Spanish, all from their point of view. As the title
indicates the book is focused on the individual rulers. One can easily read
Prescot and Thomas to learn about the Spanish conquest from their side. TRhe
full color illustrations are terrific and the small maps essential. Thje book
would have been much enhanced by inclusion of a glossary with names of places
and individuals mentioned.
Tsouras, Peter G.
Disaster at Stalingrad: An
Alternate History
Frontline Books, London, 2013,
242 pgs., end notes, bibliography, appendices, maps, illustrations
Alternate Modern History
This is a very imaginative
narration by a master of 'alternate history' stories. In this one the Germans
achieve a victory of sorts in the battle of Stalingrad in World War II.
Excellent illustrations. Nice forward by Ralph Peters. Elaborate and detailed
Tsouras, Peter G. - ed.
Third Reich Victorious: Alternate
DecisionsWar II of World
Greenhill Books, London, 2002,
256 pgs., notes, bibliographies, maps, illustrations
Alternate Modern History
For this one the master, Pete
Tsouras, has called together a great crew of imaginative story tellers who do
know their history. There are 10 chapters, each telling a wild story about what
MIGHT have happened. They include naval and air campaigns as well as North
Africa, and East and West Fronts in Europe. But Pete leaves the Pacific for
another great book - Rising Sun Victorious. Read this one and learn all about
things you didn't know.
Tsouras, Peter G. & Spencer
Jones- ed.
Over the Top: Alternate Histories
of the First World War
Frontier Books, London, 2014, 210
pgss., notes and further reading, maps, illustrations
Modern Military History
This time Peter Tsouras has
enlisted more clever alternate thinkers to write chapters of 'what might have
been' stories. There are 10 of these of which the editor-authors wrote 7.
Rather than an 'alternate history' of the war, each ofthese is focused on a
specific campaign or decision that one could plausably consider might have gone
the other way. All are well written and enjoyable to contemplate.
Tsypkin, Mikhail
"Will the Military Rule
Security Studies, Vol 2, no.1,
Autumn 1992, pgs., 38-75, end notes
Russian History
The author discusses the role of
the military in the events around the 1991 collapse of the USSR and what the
interests of the professional military might be in the future.
Tucker, John & Lewis
Winstock, - eds.
The English Civil War: A Military
Stackpole Books, Harrisburg, PA.,
1972, 80 pgs., bibliography, illustrations, chronology, paperback
Early Modern Warfare
Essays on various topics,
including by David Chandler and Christopher Duffy
Tucker, Louise -=ed.
The Visual Dictionary of Military
Dorling Kindersley, N. Y., 1992,
64 pgs., illustrations, index, large format
Uniforms, military history
A very interesting method. There
are large size colore illustrations and with each are names beside them
pointing to specific parts -for instance on a German Cuirassier of 17th century
we see the Poleyn, Tasset, Gauntlet, Couter, Pauldron, Helmet and Brest plate,
The examples range from Roman legionary to Jet aircrews.
Turnbull, Stephen P.
The Samurai: A Military History
MacMillan, N.Y., 1977, 304 pgs.,
illustrations, index, bibliography, appendices
Medieval Warfare - Japanese
military history
Generally considered the expert
on the Samurai
Turnbull, Stephen P.
The Book of the Samurai: The
Warrior Class of Japan
Arco Pub., N. Y., 1983, 192 pgs.,
index, bibliography, glossary, illustrations
Medieval Warfare - Japanese
military history
Generally considered the expert
on the Samurai
Turnbull, Stephen P.
Crusader Castles of the Teutonic
Knights (1): The red-brick castles of Prussia 1230-1466
Osprey, Oxford, 2003, 64 pgs.,
index, bibliography, illustrations, chronology, glossary, paper back
Castles - fortification
Excellent full color
illustrations by Peter Dennis. Photos of remaining castles, b/w illustrations.
The text has to be brief, but is informative about development, design features
and operational history. The castle as living site is described.
Turnbull, Stephen P.
Crusader Castles of the Teutonic
Knights (2): The stone castles of Latvia and Estonia 1185-1560
Osprey, Oxford, 2004, 64 pgs.,
index, bibliography, illustrations, chronology, glossary, paper back
Castles,- fortification
Excellent full color
illustrations by Peter Dennis. Photos of remaining castles, b/w illustrations.
The text has to be brief, but is informative about who built these castles,
development, design features and operational history, siege warfare. Some
examples in Livonia are studied. The castle as living site is described.
Turnbull, Stephen P.
The Great Wall of China 221 BC-
AD 1644
Osprey, London, 2007, 64 pgs.,
index, illustrations, chronology, bibliography, map, paperback
Including the various frontier
walls built in China from 221 BC to 1644 AD in one booklet is misleading, since
there is no relationship between the Early Han walls in the far west and the
great Ming wall to the north. However, there are sections on design and
development, the wall as defensive system, description and illustration of
walls from 'end to end', and the Great Wall today. The illustration of the
famous Gate fortress at Shanhaiguan shows a modern reconstruction for the
benefit of tourists. Color illustrations are by Steve Noon.
Turnbull, Stephen P.
Genghis Khan & the Mongol
Conquests 1190- 1400
Osprey, Oxford, 2003, 95 pgs.,
index, illustrations, chronology, bibliography, map, paperback
Medieval Military History
Excellent maps, b/w and color
illustrations. The text must be general to include the full time frame of
Mongol conquests.A chapter is about Subadai Ba'adur and another is about
Chanchun. The conclusion is about the Mongol legacy..
Turnbull, Stephen P.
Tannenberg 1410: Disaster for the
Teutonic Knights
Osprey, Oxford, 2003, 95 pgs.,
index, illustrations, chronology, bibliography, map, paperback
Early Modern Warfare
The author of the books on
Teutonic castles here describes their worst defeat. He first focuses on the
opposing commanders, armies and plans. Then he narrates the entire campaign and
its results. He describes the battlefield today. The super illustrations are by
Richard Hook
Turnbull, Stephen P.
Samurai Armies 1550-1615
Osprey, London, 1979, 40 pgs.,
illustrations, paperback
Early Modern Warfare
The color illustrations are by
Richard Hook. There are photos as well., They are a good supplement to
Turnbull's larger books listed.
Turnbull, Stephen P.
The Mongols
Osprey, London, 1980, 40 pgs.,
illustrations, maps, paperback
Medieval Military History
The color illustrations are by
Angus McBride. The are a good supplement to Turbull's book on Genghis Khan.
Turney-High, Harry Holbert
Primitive War: Its Practice and
Univ. of South Carolina Press,
Columbia, 1949, 277 pgs., index, bibliography
Ancient (Prehistoric) Warfare
This is the classic study of
primitive war and has been very controversial with anthropologists ever since.
Ulanoff, Stanley M. - ed
. |
American Wars and Heroes:
Revolutionary War through VietNam
Arco Pub. N. Y., 1985, 376 pgs.,
maps, illustrations, 15 essays
American Military History
Ullrich, von Hans-Joachim
Soldaten im Bunten Rock - The
Prussian Army under Frederick William II and Frederick William IV, 1786-1807
Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung,
Stuttgart 1968, 36 pgs., + 16 full color uniform plates in bound box set
Reference - Napoleonic Warfare
Extraordinary set of full color
large size paintings of the uniforms of Prussian army.
Dre. Paul Martin, with Ullrich,
von Hans-Joachim
Soldaten im Bunten Rock - Die
Franzosische Armee 1789-1807
Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung,
Stuttgart 1969, 40 pgs., + 16 full color uniform plates in bound box set
Reference - Napoleonic Warfare
Extraordinary set of full color
large size paintings of the uniforms of French army.
Ullrich, von Hans-Joachim
Soldaten im Bunten Rock - Die
preussische Armee 1808-1839
Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung,
Stuttgart 1972, 16 pgs., + 24 full color uniform plates in bound box set
Reference - Napoleonic Warfare
Extraordinary set of full color
large size paintings of the uniforms of Prussian army.
Ullrich, von Hans-Joachim
Soldaten im Bunten Rock - Die
preussische Armee 1840-1871
Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung,
Stuttgart 1979, 36 pgs., + 16 full color uniform plates in bound box set
Reference - Modern Warfare
Extraordinary set of full color
large size paintings of the uniforms of Prussian army.
Unstead, R. J. - ed.
A Castle
Barnes and Noble, N.Y. 1986, 31
pgs, index, glossary, illustrations, large format, paper back
Castle - fortification
A fine book for students - full
illustrations with cut aways showing how a castle was built and occupied.
-motte and baliey to crusader castles.
Urban, William
Medieval Mercenaries: The
Business of War
Greenhill Books, London, 2006,
304 pgs., index, sources, illustrations
Medieval Warfare
Traces the recruitment and role
of mercenaries in medieval armies
Urban, William
The Teutonic Knights
Greenhill Books, London, 2003,
296 pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations
Medieval Warfare
The Northern Crusades of
the Teutonic Knights generally receive less attention than the crusades in the
Levant - this is valuable addition.
Utley, Robert M.
Frontier Regulars: The United
States Army and the Indian 1866- 1891
Macmillan Pub., N. Y., 1973, 466
pgs., index, bibliography, end notes, illustrations, maps
American Military History
This another in the series on the
history of the U.S. Army
Vagts, Alfred
A History of Militarism
Meridan Books, N.Y., 1959,
revised edition, 5342 pgs., index, bibliography, end notes,
Military - political theory
The author distinguishes between
what he terms 'the military way' and militarism. The 'military way' he
considers legitimate, it is the preparation for and conduct of war at the
behest of and under the control by the civil authorities. Militarism is the
host of self-serving actions by both civilian and or military entities to
enhance their own power or prestige. He warns against what he believes is the
increasing militarization of society in modern times. His historical analysis
begins with the breakdown of the feudal army and society and development of the
mass army. For instance, he writes, "The beginnings of such militarism of
sentiment and conviction as a mass phenomenon may be placed in the romantic
age, opening in the later part of the eighteenth century."
Vallejo, Yli Remo
The Crusades
Aero Art International, Great
Falls, VA., 2002, 116 pgs., spectacular illustrations, bibliography, maps
Medieval Warfare
The glory of this book is the
illustrations by noted Russian military artist and researcher, Igor Dzis.
Vandergriff, Donald E.
Raising the Bar: Creating and
Nurturing Adaptability to Deal with the Changing Face of War
Center for Defense Information,
Wash. D. C., 2006, 132 pgs. , end notes, paperback
Military theory- leadership
Development of military
Vandervort, Bruce - ed.
The Journal of Military History
George C. Marshall Foundation for
Society for Military History - quarterly
Military history
The primier journal for the study
of military history. Each quarterly issue contains excellent scholarly articles
and numerous excellent book reviews.
Vauban, Sebastien LePrestre de -
Trans., George Rolthrock
A manual of Siegcraft and
Univ. of Michigan Press, Ann
Arbor, 1968,
Fortification - Early Modern
Military History
The classic work by the master of
early modern art of fortification and siegecraft
Vegetius, Flavius Renatus
The Military Institutions of the
Romans - trans of De Ri Militari by John Clark
Military service Division,
Stackpole Co, Harrisburg, Penn., 1944, 113 pgs., diagrams, illustrations
Ancient Military History -
Military Theory
Published during World war Two in
a series to educate the public. A late Roman handbook that was very popular
during the Middle Ages - the author mixes information about various periods of
Roman military development into one text.
Verbruggen, J.F.- trans Col.
Sumner Willard
The Art of Warfare in Western
Europe during the Middle Ages - 8th cent. to 1340
Boydell Press, N.Y.., 1997, 387
pgs., index, bibliography, foot notes
Medieval Warfare
Classic study - this translation
is much needed
Vinkler, P. von
Oruzhiye (Weapons - arms and
I. A. Yefron, S. Peterburg, 1894
(reprint Moscow 1992), 330 pgs., references, 422 illustrations,
Military History - weapons
The contents ( in Russian)
includes from stone age to late Medieval era - including ancient Egypt, Greece,
Rome, medieval Germany, Japan, Asia, and Russia.
Vinogradov, V.
Gyerbi Dryevnikh Prigorodov
Upravleniye kul'turi, Pskov,
1989, 16 pgs., index, illustrations, paperback.
Russian History
This small book hasillustrations
and descriptions of the heraldry symbols for Pskov and the small medieval towns
in its government.
Vinokurova, Ye.
Borodinskoye Srazheniye v
Otyechestvennoi Voinye 1812 goda
Ministerstva pechate, Mozhaisk,
Russian Military History
A set of large cards with color
illustrations of events related to the Borodino battle - all in Russian
Viskovatov, A. V. - trans Mark
Historical Descripton of the
Clothing and Arms of the Russian Army, Vol 19, 1861
Russian Military History
TheViscovatov study of the
history of the Russian army from time of Peter was published in many volumes.
Subsequent editions brought it up to date to the1900's. The lithograph pictures
of the soldiers in uniforms are exceptional. The work was repeated by the
General staff. Mark Conrad as been translating this massive work for years.
Volkoff, Vladimir
Vladimir The Russian Viking
The Overlook Press, Woodstock,
N.Y., 1985, 384 pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations, maps
Russian Military History
Vladimir was one of the more
successful conquerors who created a new society.
Volz, Arthur
Artillery Weapons - Germany
Manuscript, 1983, 67 pgs. ,
bibliography, tables
Germany artillery
A detailed study of the
development of artillery in Germany from 1861 through World War One..
Volz, Arthur
Artillery Weapons - Germany
Manuscript, 1983, 83 pgs. ,
bibliography, tables
Germany artillery
A detailed study of the
development of artillery in Germany from 1928 to 1945.
Volz, Arthur
Artillery Weapons - Russia
Manuscript, 1983, 73 pgs. ,
bibliography, tables
Russian artillery
A detailed study of the
development of artillery in Russia from 1867 to 1917..
Volz, Arthur
Artillery Weapons - Russia
Manuscript, 1983, 73 pgs. ,
bibliography, tables
Russian artillery
A detailed study of the
development of artillery in Russia from 1917 to 1945.
Volz, Arthur
Artillery Weapons - Soviet Union
Manuscript, 1983, 35 pgs. ,
bibliography, tables
Russian artillery
A detailed study of the
development of artillery in Soviet Union from 1945 to 1983.
Vox, Maximilian
Grove Press, N. Y., 1960, 192
pgs., bibliography, illustrations, paperback
Napoleonic Warfare
Biography including his thoughts
on war and power
Wagner, Eduard
European Weapons and Warfare
Octopus Books, London, 1979, 296
pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations, chronology, large format
Early Modern Warfare
This is about the weapons used
during the Thirty Years' War - as such it should accompany reading of the many
text books on that war. This one has simply fantastic color illustrations of
every type of weapon and supply, and fortifications and clothing and so much
Walder, David
The Short Victorious War: Russia-
Japanese Conflict 1904-1905
Hutchinson, London, 1973, 321
pgs., appendices, index, illustrations, sources, bibliography, notes
Russian Military History
Brief popular account
Wales Tourist Board
Castles and historic Places in
Wales Tourist Board, Cardiff,
1974, 104 pgs., index, illustrations, maps, paperback
Castles, fortification
An excellent guide - the castles
are organized by area and each area has a detailed map with the castles well
Walton, Jakob - Mac Raeff ed.
The Diary of a Napoleonic Foot
Penguin Books, N.Y., 1991, 169
pgs., notes, place names, chronology, illustrations, paperback
Napoleonic Warfare
Primary source
Walzer, Michael
Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral
Argument with Historical Illustrations
Basic Books, N.Y., 1977, 361
pgs., index, end notes, paperback
Military History and Theory
Organized topically
Ward, Christopher
The War of the Revolution
Macmillan Co. N. Y., 1952, 2
vol., 986 pgs., end notes, bibliography
American Military History
Wardek, Ghulam Dastagir
The Voroshilov Lectures:
Materials from the Soviet General Staff Academy - 3 vol,
National Defense Univ. Wash. D.
C. 1989-1990 vol. 1 411 pgs., vol. 2 227 pgs., index, glossary
Modern Military History and
Soviet Military Theory
Colonel Wardek attended both
Soviet Frunze and Voroshilov Academies while serving as senior officer in the
Afghan Army. he later lead the resistance to the Soviet invasion and then,
after being severely wounded, came to the U.S. and provided his extensive,
detailed lecture materials that he transcribed while attending the Soviet
military academies. They revealed a vast amount of information on Soviet
military doctrine and theory in an unclassified format.
Wardek, Ghulam
Dastagir & Ali Jalali, Albert McJoynt, John Sloan
Soviet Command and
Staff Handbook, Chapter Three
John Sloan
Associates, Springfield VA., - Prepared for trhe U. S. Army BCTP, 84 pgs.,
Soviet Military
This handbook was
created out of material from the Soviet General Staff Academy and the Frunze
Military Academy It describes the Soviet Army structure and organization of
field troop control organs and the responsibilities and duties of command
Wardek, Ghulam
Dastagir & Ali Jalali, John Sloan
Soviet Views on the
Unexpected in Combat
John Sloan
Associates, Springfield VA. 29 pgs., paper
Soviet Military
This manuscript is
based on lecture materials from the Soviet General Staff Academy
Warner, Philip
Dervish: The Rise and
Fall of an African Empire
Taplinger Pub.,. N.
Y., 1975, 235 pgs., index, appendix, illustrations
Modern Warfare
Includes all the
engagements, not only Kitchner's campaign, but not in as great detail as
Ziegler's book.
Warnes, David
Chronicle of the Russian Tsars
Thames & Hudson, London,
1999, 224 pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations
Russian History
Includes rulers from 1462 (Ivan
III) to 1917 (Nicholas II).
Warry, John
Warfare in Classical World: An
Illustrated encyclopedia of weapons, warriors and warfare in the ancient
Civilizations of Greece and Rome
St. Martin's Press, N. Y., 1980,
224 pgs., index, many illustrations, glossary, maps, battle plans, large format
Ancient Military History
For an 'encyclopedia'; it is not
organized in alphabetical entries, but chronologically from Homeric war to the
late Roman Empire and 'barbarians'.. The color illustrations are outstanding,
especially the large paintings of typical warriors for each era. The extensive
text is much more than a commentary on the illustrations.
Wartenburg, Count Yorck von, -
Walter James, ed.
Napoleon as a General
Wolsey Series, 2 vols. 1950, 371
and 478 pgs., index
Napoleonic Warfare
This was our text book at West
Point in 1950's
Wartenburg, Count Yorck von, -
Walter James, ed.
Atlas to accompany Napoleon as a
Dept. Military Art, U.S. M. A.
West Point N.Y., 1950, 125 full color maps
Napoleonic Warfare
This was our text book at West
Point in 1950's. New maps have been published in another atlas
Watson, Francis
Wallenstein: Soldier Under Saturn
Cedric Chivers Ltd., Bath, U.K.,
1969, 439 pgss., index, bibliography, illustrations
Early Modern Warfare
Albrech von Wallenstein, Duke of
Friedland, was the great Imperial general in the 30 years' War.
Watson, G. R.
The Roman Soldier
Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca,
1969, 250 pgs., index, appendices, notes, illustrations, abbreviations
Ancient Military History
A classic study of the Roman
Webster, Graham
The Roman Imperial Army
Funk & Wagnalls, N.Y., 1969,
330 pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations, diagrams, maps
Ancient Military History
The content is on the 1st and 2nd
century A.D. Imperial Army. Very comprehensive. The Frontier system; army
composition, camps and forts, field army, peaceful activities of army.
Wedgwood, C. V.
The King's Peace 1637-1641
The Macmillan Co., N. Y., 1956,
520 pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations, maps
English Military History - Early
Modern Warfare
This is the classic narrative of
the events leading up to the English Civil War including actions (warfare) in
Scotland and Ireland. These wars were mostly religious but with political
impact. And they decisively strained the kings' budget.
Wedgwood, C. V.
The King's War 1641-1647
The Macmillan Co., N. Y.,
1959,703 pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations, maps
English Military History - Early
Modern Warfare
This is the classic account of
the first phase of the English Civil War, at the end of which we find that King
Charles I has been handed over by the Scots to the Parliamentarians.. This book
is a follow on to Wedgwood's The King's Peace.,
Wedgwood, C. V.
The Thirty Years War
Penguin Books, London, 1957, 480
pgs., index, bibliography, foot notes, paperback
Early Modern Warfare
A classic study of the war that
destroyed the Habsburg power in Germany and Spanish and Habsburg power in the
Netherlands. It solidified the development of the concept of 'state' being in
practice sovereign polities within a 'society of states'. See Bobbitt
"Shield of Achilles."
Weigley, Russell F.
The American Way of War: A
History of the United States Military Strategy and Policy
Macmillian Publishing, N. Y.,
1973, 584 pgs., index, notes, bibliography
American Military History
In my opinion somewhat
controversial in that I wonder if the author's concept really was 'The American
Way of War'.
Weigley, Russell F.
Eisenhower's Lieutenants: The
Campaigns of France and Germany, 1944-45
Indiana Univ. Press, Bloomington,
`981, 800 pgs., index, notes, map,
American Military History, World
War II
This is a history of the campaign
in Europe from the perspective of the Allied leadership
Weiner, Tim
Legacy of Ashes: The History of
the CIA
Doubleday Broadway Publishing, N.
Y., 2007, 702 pgs., index, end notes, illustrations
American Military History
Bound to be controversial
Wengert, James Warren
, |
The Military Ambulance
Manuscript, 1981., 60 pgs.
bibliography, illustrations
Military History
A very interesting historical
study of the develop;ment of ambulance in military field operatgions.
Wheal, Elizabeth-Anne, Stephen
Pope and James Taylor
A Dictionary of the Second World
Peter Bedrick Books, N.Y., 1990,
550 pgs., maps, illustrations, chronology
Reference - Modern Military
As a dictionary obviously it is
organized in alphabetical order. Some entries are a short paragraph and others
fill several pages.
Whitby, Michael
Rome at War AD 293-696
Osprey, Oxford, 2002, 95 pgs.,
index, reading. chronology, illustrations, maps
Ancient - Medieval Military
The text discusses the period of
the 'barbarian' invasions from all sides. But in addition to the various
Germanic tribes the empire was assailed by Islamic Arabs and various Slavic
groups. There are chapters on societies, on war, on selected leaders as
individuals, and on the background and on resulting reorganization of society.
This booklet discusses all of this at a broad, 'macro' level. The author's view
is that all of this was contingency and not pre determined in any way.
White, Jon Manchip
Mareshal of France: The Life and
Times of Maurice, Comte de Saxe 1690-1750
Rand McNally Co., N.Y., 1962, 300
pgs., index, notes and references, bibliography, illustrations, maps, tables
Early Modern Warfare
The biography includes
descriptions of many battles and campaigns and concludes with an appraisal of
de Saxe's famous theoretical treatise - Mes Reveries.
White, Lynn A. Jr.
Medieval technology and social
Oxford Univ. Press, 1962, 194
pgs., index, illustrations, notes
Medieval Military History
This book begins with the
controversial, and for me discredited, contention that a horseman was unable to
be effective in battle with lance or sword prior to the introduction of the
stirrup. Many experiments in recent times and descriptions from primary sources
show the effectiveness of lance wielding cataphracts and Sarmatians, not to
mention that cavalry was the main striking power of both Alexander the Great
and Hannibal. But from his false contention the author built a whole concept of
society based on this newly effective horseman - knight. The second chapter
discusses the agricultural revolution based on the introduction of better,
horse drawn ploughs. In this the author is on better terrain. The last chapter
describes the introduction of mechanical power. The author notes that the
Greeks and especially the Romans knew about and used mechanical power, for
instance, the water wheel. But the middle ages saw a much more rapid and
extensive spread of use of mechanical power.
Whittaker, C. R.
Frontiers of the Roman Empire: A
Social and Economic Study
The Johns Hopkins Univ. Press,
Baltimore, 1994, 341 pgs., index, references, end notes, illustrations
Ancient Military History
Inter relationship of defense
strategy to create frontier lines with the social and economic aspects.
Wilkinson, David
Deadly Quarrels
Univ. of California Press,
Berkeley, 1980, 206 pgs., index, bibliography, tables, appendices, foot notes
Reference - warfare
A remarkable study compiling
statistics on warfare. it builds on work of Richardson and Wright. The author
describes the problems inherent in establishing a statistical study of past
wars based on 3rd hand accounts. Nevertheless he has used computers to compile
extensive tables.
Wilkinson, Frederick
The Castles of England
George Philip, London, 1973, 191
pgs., illustrations
Castles - fortification
An alphabetical listing of many
castles in England - part of the series with Castles in Wales and Castles in
Wilkinson, Frederick
Arms & Armour
Macdonald Educational, London,
1976, 48 pgs., index, illustrations, large format reference and glossary
Reference - Military History
From stone age to Gattling guns.
The text is designed to describe the illustrations, which are the main point of
the book
Wilkinson-Latham, Robert &
Infantry Uniforms
Blandford Press, London, 1970,
227 pgs., index, bibliography, illustrations, appendices
Reference - Uniforms, British
The book contains 96 full color
illustrations of representative infantry units in the British Army with
extensive text descriptions.
Williams, John - ed.
The American War of Independence
Invasion Publishing, London,
1974, 65 pgs., illustrations, maps, paperback
American Military History
Excellent full color paintings of
military uniforms from all sides. Summary articles by well-known expert
authors. Published as a 200th year Anniversary contribution
Williams, Kenneth P.
Lincoln Finds a General: A
Military Study of the Civil War
MacMillan Co., N.Y., 1949 to
1959, 5 vols. indexes, end notes, illustrations, maps
American Military History
One of the first military
histories in my library. In 5 volumes the author can provide much detail. The
theme is clear from the title, it is about Lincoln's relationships with the
commanders of the armies especially in the Virginia theater and how they all
failed him until he found Grant.
Wilson, Derek
Doubleday, N.Y., 2006, 226 pgss.,
index, bibliography, end notes, maps, color illustrations
Medieval Military History
Biography that includes
discussion of warfare
Wilson, G,. M.
Dept of Environment, H .M.
Stationary Office, London, 1976, 33 pgs., many illustrations,
Medieval Warfare
Illustrations of items in the
Tower with descriptive text.
Windrow, Martin & Angus
Imperial Rome At War
Concord Pub., Hong Kong, 1997, 47
pgs., illustrations
Ancient Warfare
Primarily a book of excellent
color illustrations with text descriptions.
Wise, Terence
The Wars of the Crusades
Osprey, London, 1978, 224 pgs.,
index, bibliography, illustrations, paperback
Medieval Warfare
Includes the armies on both
sides, armor, weapons, tactics, fortifications - A popular style account for
the general reader
Wise, Terrence
Medieval Warfare
Osprey, London, 1976, 258 pgs.,
index, bibliography, glossary, illustrations, sources, appendices paperback
Medieval Warfare
The author focuses on general
functional topics from the feudal system itself and organization of armies to
armour, weapons, tactics, castles, siege warfare and even heraldry. An appendix
discusses how one might create and play a 'wargame' for this era..
Wise, Terence & Mark Healy
Hannibal's War With Rome: The
Armies and Campaigns 216 B.C.
Osprey, London, 1999, 144 pgs.,
sources, chronology, further reading, illustrations, battle maps, paperback
Ancient Military History
Excellent illustrations. The
deployment shown on map is questionable.
Wise, Terrence
Ancient Armies of the Middle East
Osprey, London, 1981, 40 pgs.,
chronology, illustrations, map, paperback
Ancient Military History
Full color illustrations by Angus
McBride, b/w illustrations include actual artifacts. The text and illustrations
include Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians,, Elamites, Egyptians, Libyans,
Ethiopians, Hyksos, Hittites, Sea Peoples, Arabs, Aramaeans, Israelites,
Judaeans, and Assyrians. That is a lot to include in a small text. The
illustrations are the thing.
Wise, Terrence
Forts and Castles: The Story of
Defence works from ancient times until the present
Almark Pub., London, 1972, 152
pgs., gazetteer, illustrations, diagrams, paperback
Castles - fortification
The title seems to be huge for a
small book. But the content is strictly about the British Isles. The gazetteer
is a huge list of sites organized alphabetically by shire in England
(Bedfordshire, Berkshire etc. to Yorkshire), then Scotland (Aberdeenshire to
Wigtownshire) - then Wales (Anglesy to Radnorshire) then Ireland (County Antrim
to County Tyrone) then Channel Islands) then World War II fortifications again
in geographical order. This alone is a great check list for anyone wanting to
visit or even learn about these places. The text has excellent description of
iron age forts, then Roman forts and dark age forts. When the subject gets to
castles, there is description of methods and parts of a castle. Interestingly
there is a section on Adulterine Castles (a topic generally ignored).
Wise, Terence
Flags of the Napoleonic Wars (2)
Colours, standards and guidons of Austria, Britain, Prussia and Russia
Osprey, London, 1978, 40 pgs.,
sources, illustrations, paperback
Napoleonic Military History
The color illustrations are by
Guido Rosignoli. There are tables giving the color and design of the regimental
standards or flags of the individual regiments of each army.
Wise, Terence
The War of the Roses
Osprey, London, 1978, 40 pgs.,
sources, illustrations, paperback
Medieval Military History
The color illustrations are by G.
Embleton. There are photos of artifacts, genealogy tables of houses of York and
Landcaster, battle diagrams for several key battles.
Wise, Terence
Armies of the Carthaginian Wars
265-146 BC
Osprey, London, 1978, 40 pgs.,
sources, illustrations, maps, paperback
Ancient Military History
The color illustrations are by
Richard Hook. Also many photos.
Wise, Terence
Flags of the Napoleonic Wars (1)
Colors, standards, and guidons of France and her Allies
Osprey, London, 1978, 40 pgs.,
sources, illustrations, drawings, paperback
Napoleonic Military History
The color illustrations are by
Guido Rosignoli. There are tables giving the color and design of the regimental
standards or flags of the individual regiments of each army.
Wise, Terence
Saxon, Viking and Norman
Osprey, London, 1979, 40 pgs.,
illustrations, maps, paperback
Medieval Military History
The color illustrations are by G.
A. Embleton. There are drawings and photographs.
Wise, Terence
Armies of the Crusades
Osprey, London, 1978, 40 pgs.,
chronology, illustrations, maps, paperback
Medieval Military History
The illustrations are by G. A.
Embleton. There also are photos and drawings. The illustrations supplement
those in many other books on Crusades listed here.
Wise, Terence
Medieval European Armies
Osprey, London, 1975, 40 pgs.,
illustrations, maps, paperback
Medieval Military History
The illustrations are by G. A.
Embleton. There also are photos and drawings. The illustrations supplement
those in many other books on more specific medieval armies listed here.
Wolrab, Johann Jacob
Military Exercises- 1730
Museum Restoration service, West
Hill, Ontario, 1962,
Early Modern Warfare
Introduction by S. J. Gooding.
This is reprint of the 1730 illustrated drill manual. Such manuals were very
popular in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Wood, Neal
Introduction - in The Art of War
by Niccolo Machiavelli
Bobbs- Merrill, N.Y., 1965, 75
pgs., notes. paperback
Military- Political theory
Professor Wood was my mentor and
thesis advicer at Columbia Univ. I was fortunte to attend the year he offered
an excellent seminar on Machiavelli. He was visiting from UCLA that year. His
introduction to the new edition of Art of War is very valuable for an
understanding of Machiavelli's thought expressed in Art of War.
Wood, Neal
The Response in Seventeenth and
Eighteenth- Century England to Machiavelli's Theory of Social Conflict
Paper to be read at the Session
of the Conference on British Studies, Meeting of the American Historical
Association, N.Y., Dec. 1966, 34 pgs., end notes, - manuscript
Military- Political Theory
Dr. Wood was kind to provide me
with this manuscript that should be published. The essay reflects Dr. Wood's
abiding interest in the influence of Machiaveslli on English politicial thought
and politicians. This essay focuses on that influence on Edmund Burke.
Wood, Neal
Xenophon - political theories and
Manuscript - 48 pgs., paper
Military - Political Theory
The author was very kind to give
me this excellent study in manuscript. In this he discusses Xenophon and his
influence on Machiavelli. The main topic is leadership.
Woodham-Smith, Cecil
The Reason Why; The Charge of the
Light Brigade
Konecky and Konecky, N.Y., 1953,
287 pgs., index, sources
Russian Military History -
British Military History
As title indicates, this is
a narrow focus on one incident in the Crimean War
Wooten, Geoffrey
Waterloo 1815
Osprey, London, 1992, 94 pgs.,
maps, chronology, bibliography, illustrations, paperback
Napoleonic Warfare
Excellent battle maps, lots of
illustrations, details on commanders and the armies. Campaign day by day,
battles at Quatre Bras, Ligny and Wavre as well as Waterloo - section on
wargaming the battle.
Wright, Quincy
A Study of War, 2nd Ed. abridged
by Louise Leonard Wright
Univ. of Chicago Press,
1964, 451 pgs.
Theory of War
I read the massive, two-volume
study published in 1942 while in college. This abridged version is much more
accessible but even so comprises 25 chapters on the Phenomenon of War, The
Conditions for making War - Legal Toleration of War - Cultural Diversity of
Nations - The People and War and Control of War.
Wright, Robert K.
The Continental Army
U. S. Gov. Printing Office, Wash.
D. C., 1996, 451 pgs., index, bibliography, maps, illustrations
American Military History
Wylie, Rear Admiral J. C.
Military Strategy: A General
Theory of Power Control
Naval Institute Press, Annapolis,
reprint 1967, 169 pgs., index, paperback
Strategy - military theory
A small classic - discusses
strategy in general and includes specific aspects of naval strategy
Wynar, Lubomyr - ed. Subtelny,
Oresat -trans.
Habsburgs and Zaporozhian
Cossacks: The Diary of Erich Lassota von Steblau, 1594
Ukrainian Historical Association,
Littelton ,Colorado, 1975, 144 pgss., index, glossary, bibliography,
Early Modern Military HIstory
The translation of the memoir
taht describes Ukrainian Cossack life, the Habsburg political interests in the
region and Habsburg- Ottoman warfare in Hungary.
Xenophon - trans. John Macincola,
ed. Robert Strassler
Hellenika - Landmark Xenophon
Pantheon Books, N.Y., 2009, 579
pgs., maps, index, illustrations, bibliography, sources, notes, appendices
Ancient Military History
This is Xenophon's continuation
from Thucydides' history of Greece during the Peloponnesian war. The Landmark
edition is a masterpiece of historiography. This joins the Landmark editions of
Herodotus, Arrian, Caesar and Thucydides
Xenophon - trans Rex Warner
The Persian Expedition
Penguin Press, Baltimore Md.,
1949, 309 pgs., index, maps, glossary, paperback - also 1952 printing
Ancient Military History
This is a version of Xenophon's
Anabasis - his personal account of the trek of the Greek survivors from
Mesopotamia to the Black Sea.
Xenophon - trans. Wayne Ambler
The Anabasis of Cyrus
Cornell Univ;. Press, Ithica,
2008, 281 pgs., index, end notes, paperback
Ancient Military History
A modern rendition of the
Cyropaedia See Larry Hendrick for another version
Xenophon - trans. Walter Miller
Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge,
Loeb Classical Library, 1914,1960, 2 vol. 399 and 478 pgs., index, introduction
Ancient Military History
The Loeb edition with original
Greek, of the classic account of the Education of Cyrus of Persia. Not a real
bibliography, but Xenophon's concept of ideal education and leadership
Yadin, Yigael
The Art of War in Biblical Lands
McGraw Hill, N.Y.., 1963, 484
pgs, illustrations, index, 2 vol.
Ancient Military History
The author is a professional
archeologist as well as military man. The book includes discussion of ancient
Egypt and Mesopotamia as well as Palestine.
Yadin, Yigdal
Masada: Herod's Fortress and the
Zealot's Last Stand
Cardinal, Sphere Books, London,
1973, 256 pgs., index, illustrations, bibliography
Ancient Military History
Yakovlyev, V. V.
Istoriya Krepostyei (History of
fortresses - or fortifications)
Izdatyel'stvo ASt, Moscow,
2000397 pgs., bibliography, illustrations
This book is not limited to
Russia. The chapters describe with illustrations the general history of
fortification development from ancient times to the 20th century.
Yezhyerekaya, Irna
Panorama "Borodinskiaya
Muzyei panorama, Izdatyelistvo
gumanitarnoi ilteraturi, Moskva, 1997, 20 pgs. ,illustrations
Russian Military History
This in Russian is a description
with great illustrations of the Panorama Museum in Moscow. The Museum is a 360
degree cyclorama depicting the battlefield at the moment Prince Bagration was
Young, Brigadier Peter and Lt-Col
J. P. Lawford
History of the British Army
G. P. Putnam's Sons, N.Y., 1970,
304 pgss., index, illustrations, maps, appendix with lists of regiments
including garrisons from 1661
British Military History
Chapters by many distinguished
historians including David Chandler. The history begins in 1660 and concludes
in 1968.
Young, Peter, general editor
The War Game
Cassell, London, 1972, 128 pgs.,
illustrations, appendices, large format
Reference - Military History
10 chapters, each by different
author on different battle from Thermopylae to El Alamein. The concept is to
describe the battle in terms of how it might be 'played' out in a table-top war
Zagorul'ko, V. I.
Sbornik issledovanii i materialov
voyenno-istoricheskogo ordena krasnoi zvezdi muzyeya artillerii, inzhenyernikh
voisk i voisk svyazi
St. Petersburg, 1990, 219 pgs.,
illustrations, end notes,
Russian Military History
The book has sections on -
publications of museum curators, - research essays - theory and practice of
museum affairs and on the history of the museum including one on the museum
library from 1876 to 1990.
Zaloga, Steven J.
Modern Soviet Armor
Arms and Armour Press, London,
1979, 88 pgs., illustrations, large format
Modern Military History - Soviet
Steve Zaloga is a well known
expert on armored forces. This is a highly illustrated book with technical
specifications for the equipment shown.
Zaloga, Steven J.
US Armored Divisions: The
European Theater of Operations, 1944-45
Osprey, London, 2004, 96 pgs.,
index, illustrations, bibliography, tables, maps
Modern Military History
Provides tables of organization,
tactics, unit status, excellent photos.
Zamoyski, Adam
Moscow 1812: Napoleon's Fatal
Harper Collins, N.Y., 2004, 644
pgs., index, end notes, sources, illustrations
Russian Military History
Extensive use of original Russian
sources as well as French - includes the entire campaign, thus is broader in
scope but less detailed on the battle than Mikaberidze's book. But does not
include 1814 as does Lieven's book.
Ziegler, Philip
Book Club Associates, London,
1973, index, bibliography, maps, illustrations
Modern Military History
Excellent account of Kitchner's
campaign to revenge "Chinese" Gordon.
Ziemke, Earl F. and Magna Bauer
Moskow to Stalingrad; Decision in
the East
Center of Military History, Wash.
D.C. 1987, 598 pgs, index, notes on sources, glossary, maps, footnotes,
Modern Military History World War
II - Russian Military History - German Military History
An excellent study depending on
German archives but only Russian memoirs and secondary sources published at the
time. Dave Glantz now has had access to Russian archives and more documents.
Ziemke, Earl F.
Stalingrad to Berlin: The German
Defeat in the East
Center of Military History, U.S.
Army, Wash. D.C., 1984, 549 pgs., index, maps, end notes, sources, appendix,
foot notes, illustrations
Modern Military History World War
II - Russian Military History - German Military History
An excellent study depending on
German archives but only Russian memoirs and secondary sources published at the
time. Dave Glantz now has had access to Russian archives and more documents.