These photos were made at the 'tank farm'
open house in 2017.
A poster describing the mission and plans for
the new museum in Woodbridge VA.
Towed US howitzer
Registration tent and U.S. Marine Corps
Museum exhibit
Sign describing the Stuart M3A1 Light tank
The M3A1 Stuart light tank
Display of the museum's mobile recording
General view of lines of armored vehicles
A towed 105mm howitzer
Mobile anti-aircraft machine gun
Mobile anti-airraft machine gun
towed howitzer
Sign describing the Priest - 105mm Howitzer
motor carriage M7
The Priest - 105mm sel-propelled Howitzer
motor carriage M7
Sign describing the M19 40mm twin Bofors gun
self propelled anti-aircraft gun carriage
M19 40mm twin Bofors anti-aircraft gun on
self propelled gun carriage
M19 40mm twin Bofors anti-aircraft gun on
self propelled gun carriage
M19 40mm twin Bofors anti-aircraft gun on
self propelled gun carriage
American M 18 Hellcat tank destroyer
Camp tent of Marine reenactors
Sign describing the US M113 armored personnel
US M113 armored personnel carrier
US M113 armored personnel carrier
Tent of the 523rd Transportation company
Armored 1/4 ton truck
Reenactors inspecting an equipment display
Euipment display and tracked vehicle
Russian BMP
Line of three armored vehicles
Recon vehicle running through the
demonstration area
Another recon vehicle driving in
demonstration area
Tank moving in demonstration area
German WWII tank
Preparing the flame thrower operator for
Flame thrower operator preparing
Flame thrower operator and team
Flame thrower operator
Flame thrower demonstration - it was hot
Russian BMP
Russian BMP
Reenactors standing on armored vehicle
Personal equipment display beside armored
Reenactors on armored vehicle
Reenactors on armored vehicle
Reenactors on armored vehicle
Russian T 55A medium tank
Sign describing Chechnya
Russian T 55A medium tank with crew during
Chechnya war
Russian medium tank during Chechnya war
Map and description of Chechnya
Russian reenactors with some equipment
Russian main battle tank
Detail of turret area in Russian tank
Armored engineer vehicle
3/4 ton truck
Swedish STRV-103c tank
Sign of the French Foreign Legion Parachute
Sign with photos of the French Foreign Legion
Parachute men in Algeria
Tents of the French reenactor's camp
French Foreign Legion reenactors with weapons
British Saladin armored car
Marine amphibious transporter
German WWII half-track personel carrier
German WWII command or scout car
German WWII command or scout car
View of lines of tanks and WWI cavalry unit
passing by
German reenactor's display tent
WWI cavalry crossing in front of line of
Close up photo of a WWI cavalry man
WWI cavalry parade
Cavalry camp with several machine guns on
Machine gun
Mortar on display
German motorcycle with side-car and machine
German WWII armored vehicle
German WWII Jagdpanzer 38(T) - Heitzer
German WWII reenactors at tent
Display sign describing the
German WWII Jagdpanzer 38(T) Heitzer
German WWII Jagdpanzer 38(T) Heitzer
German WWII bicycle and personal equipment
British Saladin armored car
British Self propelled Abbot FV 433 105 mm
British designed self propelled Abbot FV 433
- 105 mm artillery
British designed self propelled Abbot FV 433
- 105 mm artillery
British designed self propelled Abbot FV 433
- 105 mm artillery
Armored tracked personnel carrier
British Scorpion armored reconnaissance
Sign describing the British Scorpion
armored recon vehicle
British Centurian Main battle tank
British Centurian Main battle Tank
Sign describing the British Centurian main
battle Tank
Detail of the turrent of the British
Centurian tank
Display with North Korean soldier on guard
Sign marking the 38th Parallel
Sign of display of small arms used in Korean
A reenactor of a MIG pilot in the Korean War
British Armored vehicle
American Sherman tank
Amphibious tractor transporter
Russian T34-85 medium tank
Russian T34-85 medium tank
Detail of the turret of the T34-85 tank
Display sign describing the T34-85
Side of the T34-85 tank
Russian camp has samovar
Russian reenactor's camp
Sign identifying the 37th Guards Rifle
Display of Russian rifle and submachine guns
Two hearty Russian reenactors
Russian machine gun
British Infantry tank Valentine III
Sign describing the British Valentine III
infantry tank
The Lee-Grant tank in British service in
North Africa
Detail of the main gun turret in the
Lee-Grant tank
The Lee-Grant tank
Sign describing the Lee-Grant tank
Sign describing the American M8 light armored
American M8 light armored car