Domes of Trinity Cathedral in
Trinity monastery
Entrance gate to Trinity
Monastery (1775)
Entrance to Trinity Cathedral
Side view of Trinity Cathedral
View of Trinity Cathedral
Iconostasis in Trinity Cathedral
View of Trinity Cathedral
Trinity Cathedral in Trinity
Vevedenski Refectory Church -
1677 - in the Trinity Monastery
Vevedenski Refectory Church in
Trinity Monastery, 1677.
Bell tower of Trinity Cathedral
and monastery, 58 meters - 1775
Two saints in niche on outside
wall of Trinity Cathedral
Trinity Cathedral, view of domes
Trinity Cathedral
Trinity Cathedral, view
Trinity Cathedral -
1679-1685.Ukrainian Baroque
Plaque at entrance of Illinsky
Church and Antony caves
Another plaque
Cupola dome of belltower of
Illinsky Church
Iconostasis in Illinski Church
Iconostasis in Illinsky Church
Illinsky Church and bell tower,
founded in 1069, entrance to Antony caves monastery
Illinsky Church and bell tower
Deep inside Antony caves
Deep inside Antony caves
Micha and Tanya inside Illinsky
Inside Illinsky Church, entrance
to caves
Plaque listing architecture -
Spaso Cathedral, Boris and Gleb Cathedral, Collegium, Trinity Cathedral
St Catherine Church
St Catherine Church
View of rampart of fortress from
On rampart of fortress, George
and Victor discussing cannon - St Catherine Church in background
On fortress rampart view toward
Monastery beyond Detenets park
Colegium - museum - 1710
Colegium - museum - 1710
Silver door
Corner Tower of
Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral
Front of Spaso-Preobrazhensky
Cathedral on right, Boris and Gleb Cathedral in center
Corner tower and door of
Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral
View of both corner towers and
Central dome of Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral
Detail of Spaso-Preobrazhenski
Front of Spaso-Preobrazhenski
Corner tower of
Spaso-Preobrazhenski Cathedral
Wall of Boris and Gleb Cathedral
Central dome of Boris and Gleb
Boris and Gleb Cathedral
Detail of Boris and Gleb
Cathedral, founded 1123 as part of monastery
Boris and Gleb Cathedral, burned
in 1511 and taken over by Dominicans
Central drum and cupola dome of
Pyatnytska Church
Facade of Pyatnytska Church -
showing elaborate style of original brickwork
Side view of facade of
Pyatnytska Church.
Detail Pyatnytska Church - 12th century,
repeatedly destroyed by Tatars, Poles and Germans rebuilt in 1962.
Front view of Pyatnytska Church
Pyatnytska (St Paraskeva) Church - rebuilt in
1962 after destruction in WorldWar II
Memorial Statue in honor of warriors,
partisans and people of Chernihiv individual on right is medieval warrior
Statue medieval warrior at Chernihiv