This table is a collection of links to
various references and files for students of American History
Table of significant individuals, events, and
ideas mostly from colonial times to the Civil War
Table listing presidential elections with
Table listing books on American History in
our library
Table to links to the complete issues of the
U. S. Army History Magazine to the present
Table of links to Issues of U.S. Army History
Magazine from 2011 to Spring of 2021
Link to the home page of the U.S. Army Center
of Military History
Bruce Ackerman, The Failure Of The Foundng
Fathers Belknap Press, Harvard Univ., 2005, 384 pgs., index, end notes,
test of Documents
David Lavender, Bent's Fort, Doubleday
& Co., Garden City, N.Y., 1954, 450 pgs., index, notes, map
American Battlefield Trust annimated maps and
other educational subjects
This table contains maps and information on
Colonial (pre Revolution) wars before and after 1689 - the Revolutionary War -
and the War of 1812
This table conains maps of the Mexican War
Greta Andrusyszyn - Selected list of
references in the U.S. Army War College Library, Carlisle PEN>