Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK., 2004, 248
pgs., extensive unified index. The book now in PDF format screened into this by
Arno M. Daastoel.
Reviewer comment:
This is a very valuable text, made easily readable in PDF form by Arno
Daastoel. Dr. Wray has assembled in one volume not only A. Mitchell Innes's
original essays on What is Money? and The Credit Theory of Money,
but also contributions by himself and 5 other authors, experts in different
aspects of the subject matter. The theme of all is to explain and support the
credit (Chartalist - state) theory of the origin and nature today of money.
This, in turn, is the theoretical support for the "Modern Money Theory -
MMT" that has become a serious political topic. This theory contradicts
the commodity and metallism theories of money, and especially the libertarian
theories. The academic argument is very contentious. It is not only a matter of
academicians' personal status but more broadly a conflict between the 'big
government' and 'small government' political forces. It is over 'power'. The
control over money and its distribution is a central necessity of both
government and the people - the so-called 'public and private sectors'. Thus,
the conflict is between supporters of rulers dominating society or private
individuals dominating rulers. It has been so since the beginning of human
societies. In particular, the 'conflict' has taken on even more vitriol since
the 2008 financial crisis as assessing blame has become even more contentious.
The issue of money and historical accounts of it have devolved into discussion
of banking and then central banks as they became the executors of the
government's function of creating the money supply. Therefore, the champions of
each side seek to prove their case by demonstrating that it was the norm from
the earliest social organizations and in general throughout history.
In the list of references below I attempt to provide some of the major
supporters of each side. I also have created lists of references with my review
of Wray's Modern Money Theory.
1 Introduction - L. Randall Wray and
Stephanie Bell
Chapter 2 - What Is Money? A Mitchell Innes
Chapter 3 - The Credit Theory of Money - A.
Mitchell Innes
Chapter 4 - The Social Origins of Money: The
Case of Egypt - John F. Henry
Chapter 5 - The Archeology of Money: Debt
versus Barter Theories of Money's Origins - Michael Hudson
Chapter 6 - The Primacy of Trade Debts in the
Development of Money - Geoffrey W. Gardiner
Chapter 7 - The Emergence of Capitalist
Credit Money - Geoffrey Ingham
Chapter 8 - Conclusion: The Credit Money and
State Money Approaches - L. Randall Wray
Lawrence White - The Clash of Economic
Thomas S. Kuhn - The Structure of
Scientific Revolutions
L. Randall Wray - Modern Money Theory: A
Primer on Macroeconomics for Sovereign Monetary Systems
L Randall Wray
L Randall Wray
Michael Hudsom - ...and forgive them their
Michael Hudson - "Entrepreneurs: From
the Near Eastern Takeoff to the Roman Collapse" in Landes
Michael Hudson - Finance as Warfare
Michael Hudson - A Travesty Of Financial
History Which Bank Lobbyists Will Applaud
Michael Hudson
Sitta von Reden - Money in Classical
Cornelia Wunsch - 'Neo-Babylonian
Entrepreneurs' in Landes
James C. Scott - Against the Grain, A Deep
History of the Earliest States
Eugen Strauhal - Life of the Ancient
John Baines & James Malek - Ancient
Egypt: The Cultural Atlas of the World
Michael Roaf - Mesopotamia and the Ancient
Near East
Geoffrey Ingham - The Nature of Money
Geoffrey Ingham - Capitalism
Edward F. Stuart - Capitalism vs.
Socialism: Comparing Economic Systems
Jerry Z. Muller - The Mind and the Market:
Capitalism in Western Thought
Georg Friedrich Knapp - The State Theory
of Money
Stephanie A. Bell & John Henry &
Randall Wray - A Chartalist Critique of John Lock's Theory of Property,
Accumulation, and Money
Pavilina Tcherneva - The Nature, Origins,
and Role of Money: Broad and Specific Propositions and Their Implications for
Joakim Book - What Is Money? It's All
about Liquidity
Sebastian Edwards - Modern Money Theory:
Cautionary Tales from Latin America
Seth B. Carpenter and Selva Demiralp -
Money, Reserves, and the Transmission of Monetary Policy: Does the Money
Multiplier Exist?
Markus K. Brunnermeier - Yuly Sannikov - The
I Theory of Money
George A. Selgin - The Theory of Free
Banking: Money Supply under Competitive Note Issue
George A. Selgin - Floored!
George A. Selgin - Money Free and
George A. Selgin
Murray Rothbard - A History of Money and
Banking in the United States
Murray Rothbard - Economic Thought before
Adam Smith: An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought Vol
Murray Rothbard - Classical Economics: An
Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought Vol II
Murray Rothbard - The Mystery of
Murray Rothbard - What Has Government Done
to Our Money?
Murray Rothbard - The Mystery of
Murray Rothbard - Conceived in Liberty -
Vols I - IV
Murray Rothbard - Conceived in Liberty
-Vol V The New Republic 1784-1791
Ludwig von Mises - Human Action
Ludwig von Mises - The Theory of Money and
Ludwig von Mises - Socialism
Ludwig von Mises -
Ludwig von Mises - The Ultimate Foundation
of Economic Science
Ludwig von Mises - The Capitalist
Ludwig von Mises - Theory and History
Amanda Podany - Brotherhood of Kings
Amanda Podany - Ancient Mesopotamia: Life
in the Cradle of Civilization
J. G. Manning & Ian Morris - The
Ancient Economy
David S. Landes, Joel Mokyr & William J.
Baumol, eds. The Invention of Enterprise
James A .Dorn ed. - Monetary Alternatives:
Rethinking Government Fiat Money
George Cooper - Money, Blood and
George Cooper - The Origin of Financial
Nathan Lewis - Gold the Final Standard
George Gilder - The Scandal of Money
Felix Martin - Money the Unauthorized
Peter Bernholz - Monetary Regimes and
Inflation: History, Economic and Political Relationships
Steve Forbes - Money: How the Destruction
of the Dollar Threatens the Global Economy - and What We Can Do About It
Glyn Davies - History of Money From
Ancient Times to the Present Day
Jack Weatherford - The History of
R Christopher Whalen - Inflated: How Money
and Debt Built the American Dream
John Kay - Other People's Money
Frederic S. Mishkin - The Economics of
Money, Banking, Financial Markets, Fifth Edition
Frederic S. Mishkin - The Economics of
Money, Banking, Financial Markets, Ninth Edition