Some general and fundamental ideas may assist in benefiting (if possible) from
the material here.
I -1. I See reality as composed of two components - categories -
a. the material, physical world of things and actions involving things that
exist Outside the human mind- the realm of action - and
b. the imaginary world of ideas, thoughts, beliefs, theories, decisions that
exist Inside the human mind - the realm of thought.
II - The articles and books discussed in this list include some that are
descriptions of category 1, what exists exists now or narratives about the
development of category 1 things and actions throughout history.
But by far most of them are denizens of category 2 - that is ideas and beliefs
- and especially theories about category 1. I believe (my theory) is that it is
important to recognize the differences and keep them separate since they
require different methods to evaluate.
III - There are three sets of pairs into which both categories a and b may be
- rulers vs ruled
- producers vs consumers
- debtors vs creditors.
These exist in category (1) material form and they also exist in category (2)
ideas and theories about category 1.
And these ideas and theories have been the subject of disagreement and
contention throughout history since they were first enunciated. (Actually, long
before but we don't have written examples of those theories.)
This disagreement is the subject of this effort in which I have attempted to
include at least examples of the writing of the major contending theoreticians.
And they 'contend', do not agree, about the relationships between the two
'sides' in each pair nor in the relationships between any combination of the
pairs themselves.
So this is what the material here, should you choose to scan it, is all
These are some of my
favorite books on political/economy and economic history. (I write 'favorite'
meaning important, because I do not agree with some, most, or all of the
theories proposed in them).
I term this 'political/economy' because many (or most) authors writing with
focus on some economic issue such as money or banking or financial crisis, do
so with their own political theories and objectives in mind.
I began assembling this list years ago and have been adding recent books to the
list in no particular order. I realize it is a long list, so I have
highlighted severalfor priority study. For some
books I have written (or am now writing) a more detailed review - for these I
have a link here with the little blue button. This is but a small fraction of
the thousands of books and articles I have studied over 70 years from which I
seek knowledge and at least derive opinions. A larger but still a limited list
of books is in my library lists.
I believe these are essential for an understanding of contemporary
political/economic conditions. Perhaps the comment will provide ideas for other
choices. Some of the most important books are far down in the list now. Taken
together, I believe these studies will show that the popular conception of a
'free market' is a myth, that there is always a tight inter-relationship
between politics and economics and that the 'welfare state' originated by
Bismarck for political purposes in Germany is now reaching its culmination in
chaos and collapse.
In his excellent book, Basic Economics, Dr. Thomas Sowell opens with
Lionel Robbins' definition of economics: "Economics is the study of the
use of scarce resources which have alternative uses." He points out the
key term 'scarce' which means that 'people want more than there is'. And this
means that what there is must be allocated among the people according to some
My own definitions are: Economics is the non-coercive process of allocation of
scarce resources in response to the desires of people (the ruled), while
Politics is the coercive process of allocation of scarce resources in
accordance of the desires of the rulers.
My other fundamental position is about the process rulers and ruled employ for
taking action. Humans have ideas, strongly held ideas become beliefs, beliefs
generate decisions, and decisions result in actions. So as Prof. Weaver noted
Ideas have Consequences. To understand human actions one must understand
the ideas that resulted in those actions. And one should recognize that the
authors who present their ideas in the books discussed here are seeking to
influence the readers' actions. As Dr. McCloskey termed the process in a
different context, they are seeking THEIR OWN 'betterment'.
Dr. McCloskey in her three books on the
Bourgeois uses the term 'betterment' to describe the universal human
motivation on which they base decisions for actions hoped for or expected to
better one's conditions or at least to decrease its opposite. However,
academics focused on different narrow aspects of human behavior tend to equate
'betterment' with the aspect they study - for instance economists consider
'economic man' and students of politics focus on political activity:
Similarly with anthropologists and psychologists and sociologists. Naturally,
academics - authors - don't consider that they also are motivated by what form
of 'betterment' they actually seek.
I will continue to add more references, mainly focused on current economic
events and concepts, but the literature is growing rapidly.` My problem is that
the integration of the hundreds of new references really requires that I return
to many of the older books and at least mention the relevance and relationships
between the different new and old sources.
I will attempt to include also some especially relevant articles from the
press. Virtually every issue of Barron's, The Economist, and the Wall Street
Journal and Imprimiscontain essays and reports relevant to the current
crisis - either explanations of what is happening or denials by establishment
apologists that anything serious is coming. Likewise the free weekly reports
and essays in the Internet by John Mauldin, the authors at Evergreen GaveKal,
Danielle Booth, and at Donald Boudreau (cafeHayek) can be found via Google and
subscribed. There is an outpouring of essays and articles from Hoover
Institute, AEI, Mises Wire, CATO and many other organizations as well. I also
include some Wikipedia entries that may expand background, such as bio's of
important authors or definitions of economic terms.
For longer lists of books in the Xenophon library check here and
here . I am
develping another book list on political economy
I include authors from the various decidedly different 'schools' of economics
who champion fundamentally conflicting theories about the essential bases of
economic activity in the 'real world' such as the concepts about 'value',
'money', 'credit', 'debt', 'human motivation' , 'savings', 'capital', 'private
property', and others.
I list Thomas Kuhn, Michael Polanyi and Karl Polanyi first in this list due to
the influence of their broad concepts about knowledge and how new knowledge
development has had on economic and political theory. Dr. Kuhn's theories , in
particular are relevant because he developed the concept of a 'paradigm' as the
reigning fundamental consensus theory (belief) of scientists who study a
particular subject, and according to his definition there is no such 'paradigm'
among economists.
There also are several of the relevant Great Courses lectures that I find worth
As an introduction I
list some economic terms:
The description of these terms is taken, mostly, from their Wikipedia entries.
These may be considered the 'standard or establishment' definitions. A search
on duckduckgo for these terms will turn up many different links, but in general
the Wikipedia entries are best. It is important to understand the common
definitions because they are among the main concepts used by and argued over by
economists. Much of the writing in the entries here are arguments over these
subjects. For each entry the blue button is to a link either to the Wikipedia
entry itself or to an extract with comment that I edited for convenient
Political economy



Analytic Philosophy 

Decision Theory 

Deductive Reasoning

Inductive reasoning

Philosophy of economics

History of economic thought

Positive economics 

Normative economics 

Economic methodology

Economic ideology

Economic Systems 

Classical economics 



History of Microeconomics

Anarcho Capitalism


Credit theory of money


Debt theory of Money is same as Credit theory

History of money 

Money Market 

Medium of exchange

Unit of account 

Store of value 


Value theory 

Just price theory

Velocity of money


Retained earnings





Rent - economic rent




Debt deflation

Market liquidity

Liquidity preference

Financial engineering

Finance(al) capitalism

Industrial capitalism


Monetary economics

Monetary policy

Modern monetary theory - MMT

Consumer theory

Political choice theory

Administrative state

Welfare state

Commodity money

Fiat money

Coin and currency

Bank notes


Bank run

Lender of last resort

Digital money

Representative money



Ceteus Parabis






Game Theory


Austrian School

German Historical School

Frankfurt School

Chicago School

Thomas S.
Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Univ. of Chicago Press, 4th
edition, 2012, 217 pgs., index, footnotes, paperback - with introduction by Ian
Intellectual history, history of
science, knowledge
This book itself, along with Dr.
Kuhn's lectures, created a revolution in scientific circles. He used the term
'paradigm' to mean the established fundamental conceptions that are practically
'givens' at a particular time or era within the scientific community. Once
established the concept becomes the basis for any further investigations upon
which scientists stake their claims. Thus, it becomes difficult to replace it
even in the face of increasing deviation of new knowledge from the standard
'paradigm'. He chose 4 fundamental beliefs that were fought over for years or
I include the following two articles in which Dr. Kuhn's ideas and their
influence are described.
My personal observation is that the continual conflict between the theories
about economics used by professionals in that field indicates that there is and
never has been a 'paradigm' in Kuhn's definition with respect to an 'approved'
standard in economic theory. I consider them all to be 'secular theologians' as
the wide divergences of thought in the example reference listed his indicates.
Thomas Kuhn
Thomas Kuhn- bio
Wikipedia entry

Intellectual history, history of
science, knowledge
An excellent brief biography and
longer discussion of Kuhn's professional influence.
Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Wikipedia entry: about
Intellectual history, history of
science, knowledge
A summary of the ideas in the
book and longer discussion of its influence and criticism it generated.
Polanyi -
Faith and Society
Phoenix Books, Chicago, 1946,
1964, 96 pgs., paperback
Intellectual history, history of
science, knowledge chemistry
This is the author's concept and
description of how scientific investigation and discovery actually takes place.
He compares theory with reality. He was influenced by Thomas Kuhn and other
theoreticians, and also the reverse. The book should be studied along with
Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Michael Polanyi

Michael Polanyi - bio
Wikipedia entry

Intellectual history, history of
science, knowledge chemistry
He was the elder brother of Karl.
His interests began in the physical sciences such as chemistry but like Thomas
Kuhn expanded into thinking about the nature of science.

Great Transformation; the political and economic origins of our
Beacon Press, 1944, 312 pgs.
Political and economic history in
relation to intellectual history
The Wikipedia entry has much
information on the author and book plus a link to an interesting review of the
book and its contemporary influence. He is the author of many other influential
articles that advocate changes.
J. B. Bury
The Idea of Progress: An
Inquiry into its Origin and Growth
Dover Publications, N.Y.
1932-1955, 357 pgs., index, paperback
Intellectual history
Introduction by Charles Beard who
writes "The world is largely ruled by ideas, true and false. " and
"At all events an idea contains potential energy in no mystical
sense." The author begins with discussion of Machiavelli and Bodin. He
then contrasts ancient ideas about the course of history with modern ideas. His
thesis is that the 'modern' idea of 'progress' in civilization rather than
decay was revolutionary and critical for progress itself.
Thomas P. Neill
Makers of the Modern Mind
Bruce Publishing, Milwaukee,
1958, 420 pgs., index, paperback
Intellectual history
The author devotes chapters to 11
major 'thinkers' from Renaissance times to 20th century - Luther to Dewey
Books in Liberty Fund catalogue

Listing of books on liberty
Liberty Fund
Intellectual history - economics,
Joseph Schriber
Theories of Knowledge
Great Courses - Teaching Company,
2019, outline is 216 pgs.
Intellectual history, philosophy,
An excellent series of lectures
with printed courses outline and also a full transcript. The author examines an
extensive list of theories and philosophies that attempt to find a 'solid'
rational basis on which one can base the assumption that this is a fully valid
source and method for claiming that what he believes he 'knows' is true. All of
these are themselves either inadequate or at lest doubtful.
Scott P. Stevens
Mathematical Decision
Great Courses - Teaching Company,
2015, outline is 263 pgs.
Information theory, mathematics
This series of lectures with
course outline and transcript describes the critical processes (with problems)
that more and more are necessary to analyze any issue and find solutions
Tim Chartier
Big Data: How Data Analytics
is Transforming the World
Great Courses, Teaching Company,
2014, outline is 179 pgs.
Information theory, computer
The course describes the
practical effects on all sorts of decisions from the application of computers
today to analyze massive collections of data made possible by the increasing
capacity to create such collections and to rapidly employ computers to reach
conclusions that humans would require lengthy time to reach even it possible.
Talithea Williams
Learning Statistics concepts
and Applications
Great Courses, Teaching Company,
2017, outline is 408 pgs.
Information theory, computer
The lectures include practical
examples and uses of computer language to provide the skills necessary to
understand and apply statistical analysis to typical problems (issues) needing
Scott P Stevens
Games People Play: Game
Theories, Life, Business and Beyond
Great Courses, Teaching Company,
2008, outline is 124 pgs.
Mathematics, Decision making -
game theory
The course describes many
different situations in which individuals employ analysis of a variety of
methods for reaching decisions in competition in order to achieve their
Edward F. Stuart
Capitalism vs. Socialism
Great Courses, Teaching Company,
2018, transcript is 540 pgs., illustrations
This is 24 lectures comparing the
two economic systems
Andrew R. Wilson
Masters of War: History's
Greatest Strategic Thinkers
Great Courses, Teaching Company,
2012, transcript is 484 pgs. bibliography
Military History and theory
This is 24 lectures on Strategy
and some of the published authors from Thucydides to the present, including Sun
Tzu, Machiavelli, Napoleon, Jomini, Clausewitz, Mahan, Corbett and Mao Tse-tung
Robert Ardrey

African Genesis
Atheneum, N. Y., 1961, 380 pgs.,
index, bibliography, illustrations
Subtitle: A Personal
Investigation into the Animal Origins and Nature of Man
This became both influential and controversial. The author sought to link the
aggressive and social behavior of various animals with behavior of man. The
author relied on the field work and written reports of others.
Robert Ardrey
The Territorial Imperative: A
Personal Inquiry into the Animal Origins of Property and Nations
Dell, N.Y., 1966, 390 pgs.,
index, bibliography, illustrations, paper back
Ardrey expanded his concept in
the effort to show that man's desire to control territory also has its basis in
animal behavior.
Robert Ardrey
The Social Contract: A
Personal Inquiry into the Evolutionary Sources of Order and Disorder
Atheneum, N.Y., 1970, 405 pgs.,
index, bibliography, illustrations
Ardrey again expanded his
concepts, now in an effort to show that the organizational structure of society
itself also is a result of evolutionary development from animal behavior. Note
the book is dedicated to Jean Jacques Rousseau, one of the proponents of social
contract. Today, with 'racism' being claimed everwhere the book might be
Robert Ardrey
The Hunting Hypothesis: A
Personal Conclusion Concerning the Evolutionary Nature of Man
Atheneum, N.Y., 1977, 244 index,
bibliography, paper back
Ardrey brings his theories
together and considers the impact of climate also on mankind's evolution from
animal behavior.
David R. Henderson, editor, with
multiple authors
The Concise Encyclopedia of
Liberty Fund, Indianapolis, 2008,
637 pgs., index, large format, paperback
And a concise encyclopedia it is,
with multiple entries by knowledgable authors.
Alex Epstein
Fossile Future
Portfolio Penguin, N. Y. 468
pgs., index, notes, graphs
Economics, Public policy
Tha author analyzes the
contemporary 'experts' demand for drastic elimination of all fossile use to
create energy claiming that the world faces a catastrophy from the 'climate
change' (formerly global warming) due to increase in CO2 gas and other
'polutants'. He demoststates the falsity of that idea and instead claims that
what is needed to continue raising human betterment is an increase in the use
of fossile fuels.
David Henderson

"The Assault on
Hoover Institute, in the Hoover
Defining Ideas , Dec. 4, 2019 and reprinted in the Hoover Digest Spring 2020,
Defining Ideas
Public policy,
In this short 8 page article the
author discusses the current expanding political policy idea of government
confiscating 'wealth' from the wealthiest Americans. He objects on both moral
and economic grounds.
David R. Henderson
'Income Inequality isn't the
Hoover Institute February, 20,
Economics, Public policy
The author gives an example based
on the idea of 'good vs bad' inequality. But the example is really about 'good
vs bad' Ways to achieve wealth inequality.
Geo-economics: The Interplay between Geopolitics, Economics and
CFA Institute Research
Foundation, 2021, 290 pgs., Available on line as a PDF and as a e-book - many
tables and graphs, bibliographies.
Economics, investments, Critical
geo-economic issues.
See Peter Zeihan for more on geo-economics.
This is a much needed and very
significant addition to the study of not only geo-economics itself but also of
what are the critical issues facing investors in markets today. The author is
correct in stating that not enough attention is paid to geo-economics by
investment analysts and wealth managers. He organizes his descriptions, facts
and conclusions extremely well. The table of contents here well describes the
Laurence M. Vance
"Myth of Just Price"
Mises Institute - Mises
DailyArticles, 03/31/2008 - [The Lou Church Memorial Lecture in Religion and
Economics at the 2008 Austrian Scholars Conference at the Mises Institute.
Philosophy, economics, interest
This is a typical libertarian
concept written in polemical style. The author includes attacks on various
other topics he considers related. He uses this topic as a vehicle for his
attacks on religion, especially Catholic. He relies on and quotes Murray
Wikipedia entry

"Just Price Theory"
philosophy, ethics, interest
The just price is a theory of
ethics in economics that attempts to set standards of fairness in transactions.
With intellectual roots in ancient Greek philosophy, it was advanced by Thomas
Aquinas based on an argument against usury, which in his time referred to the
making of any rate of interest on loans. It gave rise to the contractual
principle of laesio enormis.
Wikipedia entry
"Value Theory"
philosophy, ethics, economics
This contains a brief history of
value theory mentioning various authors. It is a very interesting essay that
should be read by economists and stockmarket investors. In the social sciences,
value theory involves various approaches that examine how, why, and to what
degree humans value things and whether the object or subject of valuing is a
person, idea, object, or anything else. Within philosophy, it is also known as
ethics or axiology.
Will Kenton
"What Is Value?"
Investopedia, June 17, 2020 What
is value?
philosophy, economics, ethics
This is a standard economist
definition of 'value' in its various uses in finance and investment. But it
does not mention that 'value' is a subjective opinion of individuals based on
many relative conditions in time and location and supply and the individuals'
desire to have an item in relation to having the many other items then

"Store of Value"
This is the standard idea of the
economics profession. But 'value' cannot be stored. "Value' exists only in
the mind of individuals and varies accoding to time, place, relation to other
available goods and services and the current desire of the individuals in
John Sloan
China Strategy
Various books
Current Chinese - CCP - strategy
This is a list of references to
books and articles related to current CCP strategy, policy, goals and actions
to achieve their 100 year plan to become the leading world hegemon by replacing
the United States and EU.
John Sloan
Money Value
A list of references
history of money and
In this essay I attempt to
describe 'money' and 'value' in real terms and identify the most common
fallacies one reads in the common literature. Also included is a lengthy,
consoladated list of references on money, monetary history, banking, and
monetary theory. Many ofthe references are also included as separate entries in
this list.

economics, economic history
The article repeats the standard
conceptions about the origin, use and value of money. The reader here should
not believe all of this theory. It confuses 'money' as a metric for measurement
of 'value' and the tokens used to record those values and to express values as
an intermediate thing to record the value of assets being exchanged between
buyers and sellers - or creditors and debtors.
Among the typical myths' expressed here is the theory of 'barter'.

"History of Money"
economic history,
This is an excellent description
of the history of money that includes also the development of the various
theories held by economists and others about not only its history but also the
theories. The opening section is very correct in noting that: that:
"Consequently, any story of how money first developed is mostly based on
conjecture and logical inference. Indeed it is all deductive theory. Moreover,
so much of writing about it today is simply retelling the story popular in the
18th century, before knowledge of ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt was available.
The article removes that absence.
Thus, the whole story about 'barter' exchange is a 'myth. Anthropologists have
been striving for years to dissuade economists of their 'myth'. The authors of
this essay describe the controversy and give due credit to the late
anthropologist David Graeber for his efforts.
John H. Wood
Monetary Policy in
American Institute for Economic
Research, Great Barrington, 2019, 99 pgs., end notes, bibliography, paperback
Economic history, monetary policy
The subtitle is Four Resumptions
and the Great Depression. Resumptions means the central bank or government
decides to reopen the 'gold window' to resume allowing holders of paper money
(bank notes) to exchange that for gold. The four examples are: Great Britain
1821; U.S 1811-20; U.S. Civil War era 1862-79; Great Britain 1925 and the
Depression chapter is about what the FED did and didn't do during that
disaster. The important result of the four was that the exchange caused a
deflation - depression.
Armen Alchian
Collected works Vol 1 - Choice
and Cost under Uncertainty
Liberty Fund, Indianapolis, 2006,
829 pgs., index, tables, graphs, paperback
Armen Alchian has been called
'the economists' economist. He was professor at UCLS and trained a generation
of noted economists. This is a collection of essays and articles
Armen Alchian
Collected works Vol 2 -
Property Rights and Economic Behavior
Liberty Fund, Indianapolis, 2006,
760 pgs., index, paperback
Armen Alchian has been called
'the economists' economist. He was professor at UCLS and trained a generation
of noted economists. Another collection of excellent essays.
Armen Alchian & William R.
Exchange and Production:
Competition, coordination & control - 3rd ed.
Wadsworth Pub., Belmont, Calif,,
1983, 475 pgs., index, tables, graphs, paperback
Economics text book
A terrific text book, complete
with questions and discussion topics at the end of each chapter. The material
is organized in a logical way that flows from basic issues to the complex.
Unfortunately there is so much more he would have included if his book were to
be published in 2015.
Armen Alchian & William R.
Universal Economics
Liberty Fund, Indianapolis, 2018,
716 pgs., index,
Economics text book
Another terrific text book,
complete with questions and discussion topics at the end of each chapter. The
material is organized in a logical way that flows from basic issues to the
complex. It is a continuation of Exchange and Production.
Armen Alchian

Armen Alchian - bio
Wikipedia entry
Very influential economist,
author and professor or economics
Arnold Kling
Specialization and Trade: A
Re-introduction to Economics
Cato Institute, Wash. D.C., 2016,
208 pgs., index, paperback
A short but powerful examination
of establishment economic theory that shows it is mostly wrong. Very easy read
with explanations for everyone.
James Buchanan and Robert Tollison
The Theory of Public Choice II
Univ of Michigan Press, Ann
Arbor, 1984, 452 pgs., paperback
Economic, Politics,
A series of 25 essays by
economists all relating to the concept of public choice - It is an effort by
academic economists to find ways to use economic theory to substantiate what
historians have known for centuries about the objectives, policies, and methods
of rulers to achieve their own personal 'betterment'.
James Buchanan & Gordon

The Calculus Of Consent
Univ of Michigan Press, Ann
Arbor, 1962, 361 pgs., notes, paperback
Economic theory from an
econometrican view-point
Sub-title: Logical Foundations of
Constitutional Democracy This is the efforts of two economists to develop
economic theories based on their theory of 'social choice' to provide
legitimacy of rule by democratic theory, especially with respect to
establishing decision-making rules.
Selgin and coauthors 
Free and Unfree
Cato Institute, Washington D. C.,
2017, 379 pgs., index, references, notes, figures, tables
Libertarian theories, Monetary
policy, Banking, FED, Economic history
An excellent historical study of
central banking, monetary policy and related political decisions with focus on
the background for the financial crisis of 2008. But the author's adamant
libertarian philosophy prevents him from understanding the origin and function
of 'money' itself. Based as it is on deductive instead of inductive reasoning
methods it fails. The author ignores the economic history of ancient societies.
George Selgin

"The Myth Of The Myth Of
Published by Ideas for
Alternative Monetary future,March 15, 2016 - January 9, 2017. 11 pgs.
Libertarian theories, Monetary
policy, Banking, FED, Economic history
This is a contentious attack of
David Graeber's book - Debt by a libertarian Director of the Center for
Monetary and Financial Alternatives at the Cato Institute. The controversy over
the existence and claimed role of barter as the mechanism for exchange within
societies is directly related to the theory of the origin of money, its
creator, and its role in exchange of goods and services. From Adam Smith to
Carl Menger to Ludwig von Mises to the present with Murray Rothbard, the
presumption that exchange in primitive societies MUST have been conducted by
direct barter (goods for goods) between two or more direct participants is
presented as an obvious fact needing no examples as proof by those who want to
claim that money was and is a gradual development by society itself - in other
words the private sector.
The underlying political advocacy this effort seeks to justify is the
libertarian abhorrence of 'big government' and presumption that everything in
life can be accomplished by individual action without government
'interference'. This is the basis for all of Professor Selgin's articles.
George Selgin

"Graeber, Once More"
Ideas for a Alternative Monetary
Future, 2016, 6 pgs.
Libertarian theories, Monetary
policy, Banking, FED, Economic history
Prof. Selgin is simply Wrong -
as always, he relies on Theory based on deductive reasoning rather than
historical evidence. If one does not rely directly on the late Dr. Graeber then
read the history of Mesopotamia and references such as Drs. Podany and Hudson
(listed below)
This is a rejoinder attacking Graeber's response to Selgin's earlier article,
"The Myth of the Myth of Barter, in The Alt-M. org publication, listed
Apparently this 'discussion' has been conducted via 'tweets'. These 'worthies'
attack each other but do not provide specific historical factual examples to
analyze with each other. Graeber relies (as he did in his book - Debt)on
anthropology (his speciality) rather than documentary history. Selgin relies on
theories expounded by Adam Smith, Menger, Jevons and similar economist
theoreticians . But those well known economists did not and could not know
anything about ancient Mesopotamia or Egypt because the documentary sources
were not even found, let alone translated, for a century and more.
George Selgin

"MMT'S Big Coin Gambit'
Ideas for an Alternative
Monetary Future, March 20, 2019, 10 pgs.
Libertarian theories, Monetary
policy, Banking, FED, Economic history
The idea that the US Treasury
could dispose of the Federal debt by minting a huge platinum coin has been
mentioned by various authors such as Paul Krugman. Dr. Selgin mentions several.
In this his libertarian philosophy serves him well.
George Selgin

" The Modern New Deal
That's Too Good To Be True"
Center for Monetary and Financial
Alternatives, CATO Institute, February 8, 2019, 4 pgs.
Libertarian theories, Monetary
policy, Banking, FED, Economic history
Reviewer Comment:
Kelton is wrong (along with the rest of the MMT fans) but that does not make
Selgin right.
Yes, we now receive this kind of remarkable mythology from accredited
professors of economics. Heaven help today's students. It is no wonder that we
have Representatives in Congress spouting off such nonsense as we receive from
In this brief note the author is replying to an op-ed by Stephanie Kelton that
appeared in the Huffington Post and in turn to his own brief 'tweet' in
which he noted that MMT is simply a 'naive' kind of Keynesianism. And that
'tweet' in turn has generated much condemnation by MMT fans. In this response
he elaborates.
His main point is that Professor Kelton has no evidence on which to base her
claims that today the massive spending fueled by massive 'printing' of more
credit money required to fulfill even parts of the GND would not trigger
inflation and economic dislocations. This is correct, but coming from someone
who relies on deductive reasoning his pitch is ironic.
George Selgin

CATO Institute, Wash. DC., 2018,
205 pgs., index, references, Appendix, Paperback
Libertarian theories, Monetary
policy, Banking, FED, Economic history
Subtitle: How a Misguided Fed
Experiment Deepened and Prolonged the Great Recession, A libertarian view of
what occurred and who was responsible. He may be correct, but largely for the
wrong theories.
George Selgin

"Fractional Reserve
Banking" Fractional reserve banking and Austrian Business cycles
Alt M
Libertarian theories, Monetary
policy, Banking, FED, Economic history
This is has links to three parts
of Dr. Selgin's essay on fractional reserve banking. His thesis is that
'fractional reserve banking' does not equate with the 'Austrian' school theory
of the business cycle. Each of these article which appeared on the alternate
money web site generated much comment. Professor Selgin replies to most of
them. It seems to me that there is no real consensus about what 'money' itself
is or is not - let alone what banking practices with respect to making loans on
the basis of their deposits will do to the total money supply. And as far as I
can see the discussion ignores the role of financial instruments such as CDO's.
The discussions delve into what the most important 'Austrian school' doyens may
or may not have believed - these included von Mises, Hayek, Rothbard and
George Selgin

The Theory Of Free Banking:
Money Supply Under Competitive Note Issue
Rowman & Littlefield and Cato
Institute, 1988, 180 pgs., extensive bibliography, notes, graphs - .
Libertarian theories, Monetary
policy, Banking, FED, Economic history
The key word in the title is
It is available by free Internet down load from the Liberty Fund
the link to the PDF is adjacent. The book is a development of the author's
Ph.D. dissertation. It is indeed 'theory'. In this he attempts to defend the
theory and practice of free banking. That is a banking system formed by private
banks that are all able to compete in issuing money certificates (bank notes).
This is perhaps the opposite of a system controlled by a centralized monopoly
(central bank) that alone can issue currency. This discussion is one of many
that propose different concepts of what 'money' actually is, who creates it,
what are its uses, and what form a banking system should take. In many general
histories of the development (evolution) of 'money' throughout history one
reads that when it comes to modern times the content changes into more of a
discussion of banking. Dr. Selgin is a prolific writer advocating the
libertarian view on all sorts of economic issues, especially money and banking
in a highly polemic style.
George Selgin

"Mammon Dearest"
Center for Monetary and Financial
Alternatives, CATO Institute, August 11, 2017, 5 pgs.
Libertarian theories, Monetary
policy, Banking, F ED, Economic history
This is a republication in 2017
of Dr. Selgin's critique of David Graeber's book -Debt- and of Felix
Martin's book - Money: The Unauthorized Biographyposted in 2014. For
openers Selgin remarks that Graeber's book is so terrible that he is
considering assigning a intern to compile a list of the economists who have
praised it so that he can remember to refrain from taking them seriously.
Typical Selgin polemics and he is wrong about both of his targets.
Dr. Selgin describes Martin's writing style as 'good prose'. His book is full
of fun stories about money. But, he writes: "Mr. Martin ends up exposing,
not so much money's mysteries as his own incomprehension of it." He goes
astray, first of all, in assuming that, because credit rather than barter came
before money, money consists, not of any physical stuff, but solely of a
more-or-less elaborate system of IOUs.
Whether credit came before money or not, there are many writers who define
money as a system of IOU's.
George Selgin

Robert Murphy
"The Origin of Money and its
Mises Institute, Mises Daily
Articles, 09/29/2003
Economics, money
This is standard Austrian School
theory about 'money'. They pride themselves for their use of deductive
reasoning that avoids study of historical facts in favor of developing
theories. They elevate the theories developed by Menger into a gospel. The
author, here, creates a 'strawman' that is easy to refute. But he assumes
without evidence the 'myth of barter' created by Adam Smith which has become an
accepted axiom for many economists
Robert Murphy
"Four myths about Money that
Ought to Die Forever'
This article is from the Mises
Institute Daily Articles on May 19, 2021- Originally published February 28,
2006, as "What Money Isn't"
Economics, money
This is an account by Dr. Murphy
similar to his article on the Origin of Money and
Value. A central guiding concept for Austrian School economists. He replaces
the 'myths' he wants to die with the standard 'Austrian' myths. As usual he
conflates 'money' with currency, but most 'money' used as a medium of exchange
is in the form of credit.
Charles Sellers and Henry May

A Synopsis Of American
Rand McNally Co., Chicago, 1963,
434 pgs., index, maps, further reading, chronological lists of events,
American history
There are a huge number of large
histories of the United States, some text books fill two volumes - one pre
Civil War and one Post Civil War - and courses in American History frequently
are divided by a semester in each. The great detail is valuable for students,
but can be overwhelming when wants to focus on a specific, significant issue.
This synopsis provides a convenient source for such information. Re-reading
American history one finds that many of the same issues that created
considerable political and social conflict from colonial times are still at the
center of conflicts today; such as the role of banks, nature of money,
agricultural versus industrial special interests and rural versus urban
Ian Morris

Why the West Rules - for
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, N.Y.,
705 pgs., index, illustrations, bibliography, paperback
Economic History, Political
The subtitle is The Patterns of
History and What they Reveal about the Future. The author attempts to show
when, where and why the rapid expansion of world standards of living -
materialist economics.
Bernard Bailyn
The New England Merchants in
the Seventeenth Century
Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge,
1955, 249 pgs., index, endnotes
Economic History - American
A very detailed study of actual
economic practice naming individuals and events in the 17th century
colonization of New England - shows major role of credit financing and
government activity trying to improve the economic situation. Should dispel
myths and confirm other theories.
Donald J. Boudreaux
Hypocrites & Half-wits
Free to Choose, 2012, 230 pgs.,
end notes, illustrations
Economics, politics,
A compendium of letters to
editors from the author over the past decade or so. Biting and choice
commentary on the perennial mistakes in basic economic theory and practice seen
daily in the public square. Dr. Boudreaux's daily blog - Cafe Hayek is
available, free, in the Internet.
Nature of Money
Polity, Cambridge U.K., 2004, 254
pgs., index, references, notes, paperback
Economic History, money
Very important analysis of the
real nature of money in society throughout history. The author bases his
analysis on sociology.
The True Story of a Made-up Thing
Hachette Books, NY., 2020, 257
pgs., index, notes
Economic History, money
The author comes closer than any
other I have read in explaining the real nature of money. His historical
examples skip many centuries between ancient and 17th century eras. He
sometimes mixes currency and credit. But he does claim that money is an idea.
A Brief
History of World Credit & Interest Rates
Armstrong Economics
Economic History, Credit, Money
An excellent study of money,
credit, interest beginning with ancient Mesopotamia. There are 4 sections: 3000
B.C.- 500 A.D.. The Ancient Economy; 500 A.D. - 1690 A.D. The Fall of Rome to
End Dark ages; 1690 - 1774 A.D. - The Dawn of Capitalism; 1775 - Present: The
World Revolution
The author notes that the widespread use of credit even predated the forms of
money that are commonly assumed.
Martin Armstrong
Armstrong Economics
Economics Politics, Current
The author publishes a 'blog'
that includes comment and information on a wide range of current issues,
especially the connections between economics and politics.
George Cooper

Money, Blood and
Hartman House, Hampshire, U.K.,
2014, 204 pgs., index, bibliography, graphs
Economics, Politics, Current
Subtitle: How Darwin and the
doctor of King Charles I could turn economics into a science. The author
expands on his previous book, The Origin of Financial Crises,
which he claimed that the 'Efficient Market Theory' is a fallacy to claim that
the entire economics profession (or most of it) is based on fallacy. In part I
of this book the author selected several real scientists whose revolutionary
theories completely altered human thinking. In part II he proposes that current
diverse theories about economics are due to a 'paradigm shift', if only people
would pay attention.
His point is that the current diversity of opinions about the central and
fundamental theories about economics is a symptom of the field being in a chaos
typical of a time in which its basic paradigm is in flux. He proposes to offer
a new paradigm. He draws on Kuhn's observations about such shifts in the
underlying paradigm that takes the place of a previous one as scientists
reluctantly accept the evidence they can no longer refute.
George Cooper

The Origin Of Financial
Vintage Books, New York, 2008,
194 pgs, index, appendix, paperback
Economics, Politics, Current
The book was written in 2008, at
the depth of the financial crisis and resulting economic recession. There have
been many books written by authors then and later in which they sought to
explain the causes of the financial fiasco. The author has some interesting
ideas and proposals based on his personal career in the finance industry. But
his discussion of the history of 'money' is very much faulty and based on ideas
of history he reads in secondary literature. He has published a new book
(listed above) that expands on his theories.
Philip Coggan
Paper Promises
- Public Affairs NY., 2012, 302
pgs. index, notes, paperback
Economics, public policy,
Subtitle - Debt, Money and the
New World Order - Another of the many books and articles on 'money' listed
John Sloan
Dr. McClosky's books
Essay summarizing the three books
Economic History - philosophy,
analysis of current political/economic ideas
Here is my personal effort to
summarize the thoughts of Dr. McCloskey found in her three very large books on
the critical role of the Bourgeoise in enabling and participating on the
'Industrial Revolution" or Revaluation or 'betterment' as she coins that
term. I attempt to put the essence of her thesis into a broader context
including concepts she does not state explicitly in the texts. The three books
are listed here. My extensive comments are found at each link. Together, the
three volumes comprise a very complex discussion of a very complex event
(process) in world history and its continuation to today. I try to review and
comment more explicitly below as well as in more detail with each volume. The
author has three very different audiences (readers) in mind - the general
public - her professional academic colleagues in economics and history - and
public policy makers (rulers).
Bourgeois Virtues - Ethics for an Age of Commerce
Univ of Chicago Press, Chicago,
2006, 616 pgs., index, notes, bibliography, illustrations, paperback
Economic History - philosophy,
analysis of current political/economic ideas
Volume 1 of three that advance
the author's theory on the real causative factors for the unprecedented
expansion of economic activity that resulted in huge increase in world-wide
living standards. See also my consolidated comments on the three books

Bourgeois Dignity: Why Economics can't Explain the Modern
Univ of Chicago Press, Chicago,
2010, 571 pgs., index, notes, bibliography, illustrations, paperback
Economic History - philosophy,
analysis of current political/economic ideas
Volume 2 of three that advance
the author's theory on the real causative factors for the unprecedented
expansion of economic activity that resulted in huge increase in world-wide
living standards.
Bourgeois Equality: How Ideas, not Capital or Institutions,
Enriched the World
Univ of Chicago Press, Chicago,
2016, 787 pgs., index, notes, bibliography, illustrations
Economic History - philosophy,
analysis of current political/economic ideas
Volume 3 of three that advance
the author's theory on the real causative factors for the unprecedented
expansion of economic activity that resulted in huge increase in world-wide
living standards.
"How Growth Happens"
Economic History Seminar
Northwestern University Kellogg Global Hub, 3301 4:30-6:00, Thursday, November
29, 2018
Economic History - philosophy,
analysis of current political/economic ideas
This is both a summary of her
ideas expressed in the above trilogy and direct arguments with her contemporary
professional academic economists. Her idea (theory) is that the critical change
that enabled the massive increase in world wide living standards was the
unleashing of 'liberalism' as a belief that enabled freeing of individual
economic initiative. She discounts many alternative 'causes' proposed by other
economists. Her concept is based on the role of 'belief' in decision making and
execting resulting actions - good, but belief is in the imaginary world. To put
the belief into paractice in the material world one needs change in that world
- this was accomplished by the financial system of expanded credit.
Ray Dalio
"Principles for Navigating
Big Debt Crises'
Bridgewater Westport Ct., 2018,
65 pgs., tables and graphs, available on line. This is the main text. The full
book has many pages of appendices
Economics, Economic history
The main part of this extensive
study of the causes and possible cures of national 'debt crises' is 66 pages
long, the remainder is the historical examples included as annexes. He also
describes his theory in a very interesting video available on Youtube. Of
course my effort here is limited to a superficial summary of his ideas. I urge
the readers to study his entire book, including the hundreds of pages devoted
to detailed analysis of specific debt-credit cycles.
I want to point out that to me the term 'cycles' is misleading. The author,
himself, notes that they are not actually cyclical - that is circular - but
rather waves, They are described as such in The
Great Wave, by David Fischer, although Fischer's 'waves' are much greater
in both amplitude and lifetime than those that concern Mr. Dalio.
Ray Dalio
Simon and Schuster 592 pgs.,
Reviewed by Burton Malkiel in
Barron's November 13, 2017. He is mostly critical of the application Dalio uses
of his 'principles' in his control of his 'hedge fund' Bridgewater.
Ray Dalio
'Why and How Capitalism Needs to
be Reformed"
Bridgewater Associates
Ray Dalio
The Changing World Order
Bridgewater Associates
Ray Dalio 
"Time to Look More Carefully
at " Policy 3 (MP3)" and "Modern Monetary theory
Bridgewater Associates, April 30,
2019, 17 pgs., tables, graphs,
Economic theory - money, politics
This is Ray Dalio's personal
observations and analysis of the financial and general economic condition in
the United States (and world) with specific consideration of the 'business
cycle' - meaning cycles of 'boom and bust' related to changes in interest
rates. He describes the role of monetary policy and fiscal policy both as
partial causes and as potential sources for amelioration for the results. His
basic idea is that these two policies (monetary being the tool of the Federal
Reserve) and (fiscal being the tool of the Government) should be structured
into a single, coordinated process that would dampen the booms and moderate the
busts. This article is elaborated more fully in his massive book, Principles
For Navigating Big Debt Crises. In both essays he provides a great amount
of detailed description and analysis of historical examples. He names monetary
policy as MP1 and fiscal policy as MP2 and his conception of the combined,
coordinated application of the two together as MP3. His concern is the effects
of the 'bust' phase and his recommendation is to institute his ideas during the
'boom' phase.
Ray Dalio
"Populism: The
Bridgewater Daily Observations,
March 22, 2017, 44 pgs., tables, graphs
Economics, politics
The essay is available on line
but copyright. It contains an excellent result of the Bridgwater effort to
create an comparison of recent manifestations on 'populism' in many countries.
This is an excellent historical look on the origins and developments of
populist movements, with focus on the current examples. However, the author
considers them to be too current for analysis because they are still active and
the full extent of their activities is yet to come. His idea is to compile in
detail the history of the rise, development and full career of his prototype
populists and from that create his archetype against he can compare the current
examples. Using analysis of historical examples of his subject to create these
archetypes is his usual method - for instance in his book on Big Debt Crises. He limits his list of examples to
the 20th century except for two Americans, Andrew Jackson and William J. Bryan.
Accidental Super Power
Hachette Books, N.Y. 2014, 373
pgs., index, maps, tables, paperback
International relations,
economics, geopolitics, demographics.
The first of this trilogy,
Subtitle: The Next Generation of American Preeminence and The Coming Global
Disorder. The author's thesis is that in comparison with the rest of the world
the United States has the best fundamental sources of power in its demography,
geography, and economic system. It is strongly based on dominance in energy
production. These are all in the category 'Geo-economics'.
Absent Super Power
Zeihan Geopolitics, Austin Texas,
2016, 417 pgs., graphs, tables,
International relations,
economics, geopolitics, demographics.
The second book in the trilogy.
In this one the author continues with an expanded analysis of oil and gas
production from Shale and correctly shows that the U.S. 'revolution' in such
production has made it the world leading power. Based on this he predicts
significant in international relations and increased competition.
Disunited Nations
Harper Collins, N. Y. 2020, 453
pgs., index, graphs, maps
International relations, modern
history, economics, geopolitics, demographics.
The final book in the trilogy.
The subtitle: The Scramble for Power in an Ungoverned World. The author
analyses the geopolitical status of major countries - US, China, UK, France,
Germany, Russia, Japan, Iran, Turkey, and others and (building on his first two
books) predicts that having become the world superpower in energy production
the US will withdraw its protection of international commerce leaving the world
in a chaos of power struggle. But, he did not consider the aggressive and
preemptive strategy of the Chinese regime to attack the U.S. economy
(especially energy production) and the internal American political power
structure that gains wealth from the very international 'global - one world'
regime and will fight to prevent the outcome that he predicts.
New president Biden will destroy the American shale oil industry. The central
political objective of the globalist - one world - elite establishment is to
oppose and prevent the very future that Zeihan describes.
, |
The End
of the World is Just Beginning
Harper Collins, N. Y. 2022, 497
pgs., index, graphs, maps
Geo-economics ,modern history,
geopolitics, demographics, international relations
This volume builds on the prior
three. The expanded thesis is that the era of attempts to expand
'globalization' 'one world ideas' - is ending and nations must rely on their
own resources. Theauthor describes the resources, strengths and weaknesses of
the major nations.
A Crucible of Nations
Stratfor, Austin Texas, 2011,
122pgs, maps, tables, paperback
Geopolitics, modern history.
This is a practical use of
geopolitics and geoeconomics to analyze the current situation in the
TransCaucasus, that is Georgia, Armenia and Azerbajan in the wider context of
Russian, Turkish and Irainian policy and influence.
Marin Katusa
The Colder War
Geopolitics, Energy, economics
Subtitle: How the Global Energy
Trade Slipped from America's Grasp
Marin Katusa
The Rise of America
Katusa Research Pub.
Geopolitics, gold, investment,
Subtitle: Remaking the World
Gregory R. Copley
The Art of Victory
, Threshold Edition, Simon &
Schuster, 2006, 328 pgs., index, bibliography, paperback
history- warfare - leadership -
Subtitle: Strategies for Personal
Success and Global Survival in a Changing World
Gregory R. Copley
The New Total War
, The International Strategic
Studies Association, 2020, 316 pgs., index, bibliography, glossary, paperback
History, warfare, national
Subtitle: And the Trigger of the
Fear Pandemic
J. B. Say
Wikipedia entry- bio
Economic theory, classical
J. B. Say was a French economist
considered one of the central theoreticians in the 'classical school' with Adam
Smith, David Ricardo and Karl Marx. His theory was mostly accepted as central
until it was denounced by Lord Keynes in the 1930's.
Say's Law

Say's Law - Wikipedia entry
Economic theory, Economic history
Reviewer's comment: The authors
provide both a discussion of what Say's Law meant and a discussion of the
history of the contentious arguments about what he meant and its validity in
terms of what the commentators want to think he meant.
In classical economics, Say's law, or the law of markets, is the claim that
the production of a product creates demand for another product by providing
something of value which can be exchanged for that other product. So,
production is the source of demand. In his principal work, A Treatise on
Political Economy (Traité d'économie politique, 1803),
Jean-Baptiste Say wrote: "A product is no sooner created, than it, from
that instant, affords a market for other products to the full extent of its own
value." Say's law has been another name for the law of markets ever since
John Maynard Keynes used the term in the 1930s.
Understanding Say's Law of markets
Published by the Foundation for
Economic Education, January 1, 1997.

Economic theory, Economic history
J. B. Say was a French
economists contemporary with Adam Smith and David Ricardo. He developed and
advanced the 'classical school' of economists with his work on business cycles.
He opposed Malthus. He wrote many ideas about economics and markets but his
most well known theory was expressed with the phrase that supply will always
find demand. There could be no general national excess of supply of goods
because people's demand was infinite. This was opposed and then ignored by Lord
Keynes and his Keynesian economics followers.
Professor writes an excellent refutation of Keynes' ideas.
Richard M. Salsman

'Say's Law Versus Keynesian
American Institute for economic
Economic theory
A brilliant refutation of Lord
Keynes and description of what his false concepts have caused in public policy
since. His line of reasoning is different from that of Horwitz. But he,
unfortunately, mentions in passing a 'barter economy' myth) and mixes up ideas
about what 'money' actually is. Read the full article.
Richard M. Salsman

"Gold and Liberty'
American Institute for Economic
Research, Great Barrington, Mass., Economic Education Bulletin, Vol XXV No 4,
April, 1995, 135 pgs, sources
Gold as the only 'real' money The
libertarians seek 'liberty' but by deductive reasoning they think making only
gold the basis for 'money' they would achieve liberty.
This is a 'libertarian' pitch
promoting the concept that the only stable money is and always has been gold.
The author also includes lengthy discussion of 'free banking': another basic
libertarian policy desire.
I disagree with much of the historical issues, especially the role of barter,
the extent to which gold has been a major currency (money) throughout history,
and the actual economic results of the periods in the U.S. when 'free banking'
was active. All these theorie are controversial. Some authors support one or
another of the three ideas but not all three, while others reject all three. On
pages 128 and 129 the author provides two graphs - the first depicts the
purchasing power of the dollar from 1792 to 2000 and the second depicts the
purchasing power of gold over the same period. They show that the increases and
decreases of both are identical until 1933 (obviously because the two were
priced in a fixed ratio to each other), but from then on the dollar as declined
drastically while gold also decreased between 1933 and 1970's because the price
of gold was fixed to that of the dollar, but the purchasing power of gold has
increased dramatically from the date it was freed from the fixed price in
But the book does contain a very extensive and useful bibliography related to
these subjects. I add a few references about these issues.
Economic discussion net

Say's Law of Market
Published by Economic discussion
Economic theory, Economic history
This is a full discussion of
Say's Law including the various mistakes about what it actually means that many
commentators have made.
Steven Kates
Why Your
Grandfather's Economics Was Better than Yours: On the Catastrophic
Disappearance of Say's Law
Quarterly Journal of Austrian
Economics13, No 4 Winter 2010, Mises Institute, 32 pgs.,

Economic theory, Economic history
This is the text of an address
Mr. Kates delivered to the Austrian Scholar's Conference at the Ludwig von
Mises Institute on 13 March 2010. His theme is to refute Keynes' refusal to
believe in J. B. Say's 'law of markets'. And he repeats a comment of von Mises
that Keynes' entire economic theory is based on his concept of the importance
of demand (lack of enough leading to recession). He discusses several other
fallacies and simple refusals to believe what classical economists had believed
for over a century. This is a very important article. As the author notes,
practically the entire economist profession simply follows Keynes in his
fundamental errors. And this is especially a dangerous fallacy on which so many
FED economists base monetary policy.
Ludwig von
Keynes and Say's Law
Mises Institute, Mises Daily
Articles, Feb. 3, 2018, 6 pgs., plus reader comments, The article is available
on line from
Economic theory, Economic history
This is a reprint of an essay von
Mises wrote in the 1950's. The article is relevant today because supporters of
Lord Keynes continue to challenge the validity of Say's Law. For an
'establishment' discussion of Say's Law today go to the Wikipedia entry.
In fact many economics text books today devote
considerable attention to 'refuting' Say. The reason Say's Law is attacked (or
totally ignored) today is that his theory opposes the demands of politicians
now who advocate expansion of money via credit. Establishment economists today
relay on politicians to fund their existence. In this short essay, as in so
many other full books, von Mises excoriates such economists.
Charles and Louis-Vincent Gave

Clash of Empires: Currencies
and Power in a Multipolar World
GaveKal Books, 2019, 43 pgs.,
Geo-economics, politics,
The book is about the contest
between the United States and China for hegemony. The conflict is being waged
in finance and economy. The authors focus on money and banking. A conclusion:
"The world seems to be dividing into three distinct monetary zones: A
European zone and American zone and an Asian zone. Their investment advice is
to buy Asian equities and 'high-yielding bond markets in this Asian zone
including a core position in 10-year Chinese government bonds. I disagree first
off with their concept and definition of 'money' confusing it with currency
(and possibly credit). And I would not enhance Chinese military power by
providing the capital they sorely need to execute their global geostrategy.
See Pillsbury and Wood books below in this list.
Louis Vincent Gave
New World Order will have
China on Top
Barron's June 17, 2019, pgs.
16-17 - Edited interview by Leslie Norton
Geopolitics, China future
Louis-Vincent Gave is one of the
most astute economics and world political scene analysts. He is based in Hong
Kong and has detailed information from Chinese sources on the real economic and
political situation in the country. His new book, written with Charles Gave, is
titled: Clash of Empires: Currencies and Power in a Multipolar World.
His view expressed in the book is summarized in this interview. He recognizes
that the Chinese rulers are seeking to become a world power. His view about the
coming economic power of China corresponds to that of Jonathan Ward, Martin
Jacques and Michael Pillsbury.
Charles Gave
Velocity in Asset
GK Research, October 22, 2013, 9
pgs., graphics,
Economic theory, finance and
A very clear description
discussing the idea that money circulates in an economy based on the standard
economists' theory about the relation of 'money' to economic activity as
expressed in Fischer's formula MV=PQ. The author claims that M is a dependent
variable in this tautology. He includes 11 vivid graphs that purport to
demonstrate the results of this 'velocity', actually they depict relationships
between his GVI and market variables.
I disagree with the concept that 'money' circulates. What the author provides
in this article is his history of how he created a surrogate he uses to assist
in predicting future market moves and some of the results he has obtained. That
is an excellent idea. So his graphs actually depict changes in market variables
in relation to his personal surrogate rather than of 'velocity' itself.
Charles Gave
"The Velocity Of Money In
The Time Of Covid-19"
GaveKal Research, The
DailyFeb. 26, 2020, 2 pgs. diagram
Economic theory especially about
the nature of money and how it is measured today.
The fundamental problem for
nearly everyone is the conceptual way they compare the 'value' of a unit of
'money' say a dollar versus the 'value' of a thing (material or immaterial) in
the exchange. They think of the 'value' of the thing in terms of 'money'. But
they should think of the 'value of 'money' in terms of things. For instance,
people think how many dollars I need to buy a pan - but they should be thinking
how many pans can I buy for a dollar. "Money" itself is an abstract
concept - it was developed when it became necessary to quantify the different
'values' of debts and things being created and exchanged. Initially it was
expressed only in ledgers showing credits and debts in which it was necessary
to have a uniform set in terms of quantities of value for different things such
as grain versus labor days versus houses versus beer, etc. It was a measure of
account but NOT a medium of exchange in markets- that function was performed by
clay balls.
First among the 'debts' were physical transgressions such as personal injuries.
Thus the quantity of debt=credit is created and destroyed when a cause is
created and dissolved when the cause is satisfied. Money represents a standard
quantification of the amount of the debt=credit outstanding - which means the
value of the transactions NOT completed.
Louis-Vincent Gave
The Knowledge Revolution And
Its Consequences
Evergreen GaveKal, EVA, December
13, 2019
Current economic situation and
its impact on investing.
As the title indicates, the
author's subject is to link the 'knowledge revolution', which he takes for
granted, with its likely social-political, cultural consequences. And his final
effort is to assess the result of all this for investments. For this he cites a
few historical examples. This appears to be a simple, straight forward piece,
but do count on Louis-Vincent Gave for some remarkable surprises.
Vincent Deluard

From the New Normal to the New
This is a commentary on the
excellent essay by Mr. Deluard in the September 16, 2016 issue of the weekly
GaveKal newsletter
banking, financial systems,
The subject is the current and
potential impact on the economy of the massive Treasury- FED - commercial
banking system expansion of credit the value of which is denominated in
dollars. This essay is both the conversation between David Hay and Vincent
Deluard and my comments about their ideas.
Vincent Deluard

Italy's Monetary Lunatics Have
Interesting Ideas - Subtitle: but no one will listen to them,
The European View, May, 2018, 5
pgs., This is a private publication from INIT FCStone Financial Inc. It is not
for distribution.
Current economic events and
policy in Europe
The author, Vincent Deluard,
presents excellent analysis of his subject, the financial ideas of two Italian
"populist" academics on Italian public debt. They are Mr. Di Maio and
Mr. Savini. Apparently they are well known to Deluard's readers as is the venue
in which they proposed the ideas under review. I believe he is correct both in
describing their ideas as interesting (even worthwhile) and that they will be
ignored. He notes that their two main ideas are controversial. Read on to see
why. They are meant to apply to Italy's government debt in the European
context, but they apply to the United States as well, which is the point of my
comments here.
David Hay
Bubble - List Of Articles -use
link to see the list - further links to the original articles are forthcoming.
Evergreen GaveKal EVA
Economics, Investments, banking
and credit creation of money
David Hay plans to compile these
individual essays into a book. The series, as is seen below, has been expanding
for two years. The articles are published on Fridays as part of the weekly
Evergreen reports on various subjects of current investment - financial -
interest. All the weekly EVAs are valuable - they are accompanied by a table
showing the asset classes and types that Evergreen classifies as 'likes'
neutral and 'dislikes'. But this expanding series is focused on the central
monetary - financial - fiscal - environment of our time, which determines the
future success and failure of the American economy and of individual investors.
This is the unprecedented simultaneous combination of 'depression-level
interest rates, boom- time level of equity prices and graveyard-level
volatility readings'. A view expressed by (in my opinion) the most important
author in Barron's - James Grant.
David Hay
Bubble 3.0
This is an eagerly awaited new
book in which David Hay consolidated his ideas from his many weekly articles.

Wikipedia entry and recent
edition of the book
Economic history, banking,
monetary policy,
This was a very influential book
by the editor of the Economist who also was a practicing banker. It is
available from Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Lombard Street in London was the
venue of the banking and financial industry and received its name from the
Italian - Lombards - who were the principle money lenders there during the late
Middle Ages.
The book is now available from Amazon and other sellers .
James Grant
Bagehot: The Life and Times of
the Greatest Victorian
W. W. Norton &Co., N.Y.,
2019, 334 pgs., index, notes, bibliography, illustrations
Biography, economic, cultural and
intellectual history
Walter Bagehot was a local
banker, an editor of Economist, a confidant of Prime Ministers, an author of
one of the most influential (still today) books on monetary policy and central
banking - Lombard street. His biography does indeed encompass the
Victorian era in Great Britain. The author is fully qualified to write this
wide-scope portrait of not only its individual subject but also the details of
monetary policy and central banking in the central hub of the world's financial
system in mid-19th century.
Perry Mehrling
The New Lombard Street, How
the FED Became the Dealer of Last Resort
Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton,
2011, 174 pgs,. index, references, notes
Economics, Finance, investments,
public policy
The author takes his title from
Walter Bagehot's book and compares Bagehot's recommendations about a central
bank role as 'lender of last resort in the 19th century to today. This is a
history of money and credit with application to discussion of the financial
crisis of 2008
Bold Type Press, N.Y., 2018, 35
pgs., index, notes, paperback
Federal Reserve, central banks,
finance, market panics, money supply
This is a devastating expose of
the personal motivations, manipulations and colusions in which the world
central bankers and finance ministers have engaged while leading the world
economy into financial crises.
Thorsten Polliet
"Central Banks are Propping
up stock Prices"
Mises Institute, Mises wire,
April 11, 2019, 4 pgs.
Finance, economics, pubic policy,
central banks
A libertarian view of the
current actions of the FED. No doubt true. The questions are: "How long
can this continue? and what will happen when it ends?"
Dr. Polleit questions the actual effectiveness of central bank monetary policy
in which the investors in the financial markets show great confidence. He asks
the question: "What is the actual relation between the interest rate and
asset prices, stock prices in particular?" To answer he proposes to
examine the "Gordon Growth Model" which 'shows the functional
relation between a firm's stock priceand its profit level. the interest rate,
and thefirm's profit growth rate."
Thorsten Polliet

"Central Banks are Messing
with Your Head"
Mises Institute - Mises Wire,
March, 21, 2019, 4 pgs, at
Finance, economics, central
banks, monetary policy
The author correctly describes
the adverse and ultimately unsustainable results of modern governments'
financial policies. But he places blame on the causes and results on central
banks and fiat money. The real culprit is governments themselves. The central
banks are merely the executors of faulty government policy and action. And it
is not 'fiat' money itself but the persistnt govenment policy of creating more
and more of it in the form of credit and then exchanging that for the real
goods and services produced by the private sector, leaving less of that for the
public to obtain. It is a major method for the transfer of wealth from
producers to non-productive consumers.
Thorsten Polliet
"Methodenstreit - why Carl
Menger was, and is, right"
Presented at the SpringConference
Research on Money in the Economy (ROME) Frankfurt, 20, MAY 2011 *FRANKFURT
Economic theory, the split in
German economists between the Franfurt and Austrian "Schools"
Carl Menger (1840 1921),
in his Untersuchungen über die Methode der Sozialwissenschaften und der
politischen Ökonomie insbesondere (1883) refuted the methodology of the
Younger Historical School. ?
His Investigations led to the Methodenstreit, the battle of method: It pitted
the emerging Austrian School against the Historical School over a critically
impor-tant question: what is the proper way to do social sci-ence??Menger
explained that there are economic laws in the sense of exact laws of
reality, and that the method of historical research was unable to
discover these laws. ? Example of an exact laws of reality: A rise
(decline) in the amount of money (in the economy) necessarily leads to a fall
(rise) in the purchasing power of a money unit (compared to a situation in
which the money sup-ply had remained unchanged). ? Mises (1984 [1969], p. 12)
saw the Methodenstreit being about episte-mology: The term Methodenstreit
is, of course, misleading. For the issue was not to discover the most
appropriate procedure for the treatment of the problems commonly considered as
economic problems. The matter in dispute was essentially whether there could be
such a thing as a science, other than history, dealing with aspects of human
Thorsten Polliet

"The FED Has no Choice but
to Return to Ultra-low Interest Rates"
Mises Institute, Mises wire, June
4, 2019, pgs.
Central banks , monetary policy,
economic theory, public policy
This is another libertarian view.
Dr. Pollett points out that the current boom is built mostly on credit. Yes,
the government is exchanging mostly credit rather than currency for what it
receives plus what it gives to its pensioners and to its voter supporters in
welfare. The process is through the FED and commercial banking system which
then expand the volume of money in the market by making loans. He writes:
"The artificial increase in the supply of credit pushes market interest
rates downwards - that is, below the levels that would prevail had there been
no artificial increase in bank credit supply." He supplies excellent
graphs to illustrate the financial results.
In pointing out that the FED 'has no choice' does not mean that Dr Polleit
approves, he disaproves - his point isthat the FED has created its own problem.
David Chambers & Elroy Dimson,
Financial Market History
CFA institute Research
Foundation, Univ. of Cambridge, 2016, 279 pgs, notes, bibliography, graphs,
Monetary history, financial
analysis, economics, central banks, interest, debt, credit, investment,
bubbles, risk.
Subtitle: Reflections on the Past
for Investors Today, This is a collection of essays by 22 financial academic
P. W. Singer & Emerson T.
Like War: The Weaponization of
Social Media
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, N.Y.
2018, 405 pgs., index, extensive notes
Technology, politics, information
The book could not be more
timely, given the expanding information war the authors describe.
The authors have conducted extensive research including interviewing many
significant experts. The theme is that a huge, unlimited, amount of information
about individuals, events, organizations, virtually everything; is now
contained in the trillions of entries in the Internet. And it is all
interconnected and available for anyone who knows how to use the right tools,
The result was initially that individuals were able to find, collect, and
analyze this massive stream of information to reveal government and private
organizations' malfeasance and attack governments creating revolutions. But
governments learned about this and are employing their own massive resources to
block the creation and spread of information they don't like. Hence the 'war'
between exposure and concealment of information.
Everyone is now exposed and is a participant in this war, whether they like it
or not.
Anatole Kaletsky
Capitalism 4.0
Public Affairs, NY., 2011, 422
pgs., index, bibliography, paperback
Economics, politics, current
The author describes 'capitalism'
as an organic creature that evolves and reorganizes itself to suit external and
internal conditions and circumstances as if it were alive seeking self
preservation. Actually, it is an abstract concept and today's version of that
concept far exceeded its original idea. He selects certain events that took
place and dominant economic theories that were popular at times to identify
stages in this evolution, which he divides into three major eras, each with
several subdivisions beginning in the late 18th century with Adam Smith. All
this is background leading up to his major theory that the world is now
entering into a fourth and very distinct new phase of 'capitalism' brought
about by the financial crisis of 2008-09, which, he believes, occurred due to a
failure of stage three capitalism. This theoretical method greatly downplays
the influence on events of the human actors responsible..
Frederic Bastiat
Economic Sophisms
Cosmo Classics, N.Y., 2012,
original published in English translation in 1873, 235 pgs., paperback
Economics, Public Policy
A classic exposee of socialist
and all bureaucratic thinking and policies. The author creates dialogue between
a proponent of official French economic policy and a liberal who shows these
are based on sophisms. Unfortunately, most of these are still the basis of much
public policy today.
Frederic Bastiat
The Law
Foundation for Economic
Education, Irvington-on-Hudson, N. Y. 1962, 75 pgs., paperback
Economics, Public Policy
Classic study and exposee of
Socialism published in 1850 by great French economist and politician
Frederic Bastiat
That Which Is Seen & That
Which is Not Seen: The Unintended Consequences of Government Spending
The Waking Lion Press, 2006, West
Valley City, Utah, 47 pgs., paperback
Economics, Public Policy
Another classic study and exposee
of Socialism published great French economist and politician
Frederic Bastiat
The Law: Power, Liberty, and
the Proper Role of Government
The Waking Lion Press, 2006, West
Valley City, Utah, 40 pgs., paperback
Economics, Public Policy
Classic study and expose of
Socialism published in 1850 by great French economist and politician
George Reisman
Marxism/socialism, A
Sociopathic Philosophy, Conceived In Gross Error and Ignorance, Culminating in
Economic Chaos, Enslavement, Terror and Mass Murder
TJS Books, Laguna Hills,
California, 2018, end notes, paperback
Economics, Public Policy
The title describes the content
and view point of the author. It is a summary of the thought contained in the
authors major book, Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics.
Ziad K. Abdelnour
Economic Warfare
John Wiley & Sons, N.Y.,
2012, index, notes,
Economics, politics, public
The subtitle is: Secrets of
Wealth Creation in the Age of Welfare Politics. The 'economic warfare' the
author describes in the internal conflict between 'progressives' Marxist
revolutionaries and conservative - liberals. The former are determined to
overthrow the American political- economic system and redistribute both wealth
and power to their self-considered expert elite.
Roger D. Blackwill & Jennier
War by Other Means:
Geoeconomics and Statecraft
Harvard Univ. Press, 2016, 36
pgs., index, end notes
Economics, politics,
international relations, Geoeconomics, foreign policy
The authors acknowledge the
importance of the military component of national power, but believe that
American strategy in recent decades has not given a sufficient role to
"the systematic use of economic instruments to accomplish geopolitical
objectives'. They point out that Russia and China 'and others now routinely
look to geoeconomic means, often as a first resort, and often to undermine
American power and influence."
Alain Bresson
The Making of the Ancient
Greek Economy
Princeton Univ. Press, 2016, 619
pgs, index, bibliography, notes, maps, table,
Economic history, Greek History
Subtitle: Institutions, Markets,
and Growth in the Citi-states. This is a hugely important book since it is a
study of what is left out of both Greek contemporary histories and most modern
accounts as well, namely the the economic activity.
Peter Temin
The Roman Market Economy
Princeton Univ. Press, 2013, 299
pgs., index, references, paperback
Economic history, Roman History
Dr. Temin describes the Early
Imperial Roman Economy, as much different from that described in Michael
Hudson's accounts.
Amanda H.
Of Kings
Oxford Univ. press, 2010, index,
bibliography, notes, illustrations, maps, time line, list of personalities,
recommended reading, paperback
Political history in ancient
Mesopotamia, 'international' relations, diplomacy, family relations.
Subtitle - How International
Relations Shaped The Ancient Near East, The book reveals a fascinating and (I
believe) well know to scholars but little known to the general reader 'trade'.
This is the highly organized 'gift giving' conducted by the 'brotherhood' of
kings - especially among the 'high kings' that is 3 or 4 or sometimes 5 rulers
of the major powers; Egypt, Mittani, Babylonia, Assyria, and Hatti. Dr.
Podany's book is based on the surprisingly large troves of cuneiform tablets
found mostly in various royal palaces or even private homes. She describes the
real economy not the 'myth of barter'.
Amanda H.

The Teaching Company, Chantilly,
VA. 2018, 524 pgs., illustrations, bibliography -also DVD of lectures -
Ancient Mesopotamia history,
society, economy, political system, law, economy
Subtitle: Life in the Cradle of
Civilization, It comprises 24 lectures and the 24 chapter transcript. It is
based on the most current results of expanding knowledge about ancient
Mesopotamia gleaned from many thousands of cuneiform tablets and physical
evidence from numerous sites, plus related information from Ancient Egypt. The
content includes all aspects of personal, individual, family, and public life.
Of special interest is the description of economic activity, trade, gift
giving, credit money, financing enterprises and trade for many centuries before
the invention of coinage.
Marfio Attilio Levi
Political Power in the Ancient
Pittrim A. Sorokin & Walter A.
Power and Morality
R. G. J. Siu
The Craft of Power
... and
forgive them their debts.
Islet verlag, Dresden, 2018, 311
pgs., index, huge bibliography, illustrations, paperback
Economics, public policy,
economic history, the ancient Mesopotamian economy and the role of debt.
The subtitle: Lending,
Foreclosure and Redemption From the Bronze Age Finance to the Jubilee Year.
This a 'polemic' but nevertheless well researched historical study of the role
of debt and its political results in ancient societies of the Middle East -
Mesopotamia and Israel. The author seeks to relate the periodic abolishment of
debt by rulers to advocacy of private debt today. But there is a big
difference. The debt canceled by ancient rulers was that of private debtors to
rulers - easy to do and important for the rulers themselves. Today the largest
debt is that of rulers to the private sector. The opposite group would suffer
the consequences.
The author is a student of ancient economies. Read also
Podany on Mesopotamia.
Hudson & Marc Van De Mieroop, eds.
Debt and
Economic Renewal in the Ancient Near East
CDL, Bethesda, MD. 2002, 355
pgs., bibliographies, notes, This is Vol. III from the Institute for the Study
of Long-term Economic Trends and the International Scholars Conference on
Ancient near Eastern Economics - A colloquium held at Columbia Univ. Nov, 1998.
Economic history - ancient
This is one of the excellent
contributions of Michael Hudson to the understanding of economics, trade,
money, credit, debt in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt. It contains 12 entries
authored by participants in the colloquium. Several of these are very detailed
descriptions based on primary sources in the cuneiform documents found in
various archeological sites in Mesopotamia. This was a highly focused meeting
and resulting book. Another study that refutes 'barter' and considers 'credit'
Archeology of Money'
Chapter 5 in Credit and State
Theories of Money - Edward Elgar Pub. Cheltenham, U.K., 2004,
Ancient Mesopotamia, money, debt,
banking, trade
Subtitle: Debt versus Barter
Theories of Money's Origins - An excellent refutation of the 'myth' of barter
made popular by Adam Smith and simply assumed to have existed. See Graeber for
as Warfare
College Publications, UK., 2015,
151 pgs., notes, references, paperback
Economics, public policy,
finance, money, credit, debt
The author states his thesis
thusly: "The financial sector has the same objective as military conquest:
to gain control of land and basic infrastructure, and collect tribute."
But he considers this 'finance sector' as being separate from government when
actually it can be and is an arm of government. It is one of the 'commanding
heights' that government controls. Today Mr. Bill Gates is the largest land
owner in the US and he seeks to control government policy.
Travesty Of Financial History Which Bank Lobbyists Will Applaud
New Economic Perspectives. org,
15 July, 2016,
This article is an excellent
refutation of the early history of money presented in William Goetzmann's book
Money Changes Everything - How Finance made Civilization
Possible,Princeton Univ. Press, 2016.
But more, it is also a refutation of the standard theory of many otherwise
different 'schools' of economic theory that persist in believing that 'barter'
was actually the method of market exchange prior to the invention of coined
Professor Hudson has done extensive personal research into ancient economies,
especially Mesopotamia and written extensively on the subject. He has specially
focused on money, credit, debt, finance and trade in Near Eastern societies.
Professor Goetzmann's book received rave reviews from main stream news
publications and from many establishment economists. The theme of the book is
that the developing financial industry was a major engine in expanding
civilization. But Professor Hudson cites authoritative experts on Mesopotamia
to show that Professor Goetzmann ignores and or misinterprets the contemporary
documents which reveal the true roles of money, credit, debt, and political
authorities in Mesopotamian trade. Then Dr. Goetzmann also ignores the
fundamental changes from Mesopotamian civilization to that of Greece and Rome.
Michael Hudson
Finance Capitalism and its
ISLET, Dresden, 2012, 275 pgs.,
Economics, politics, finance,
This is a collection of Dr.
Hudson's interviews and speeches in which he advocates for fundamental changes
in the U.S. financial and political/economy situation today. In these he makes
clear his beliefs and motivation for the other books included here.
. |
Michael Hudson
'Financial Capitalism v.
Industrial Capitalism'
Contribution to The Other Canon
Conference on Production Capitalism vs. Financial Capitalism Oslo, September
3-4, 1998.
Economics, public policy,
This is one of an excellent
series on 'financial capitalism'. Dr. Hudson in all his writing focuses on
'debt' rather than 'credit' Banks do not Issue debt but credit. The consumers
need and use credit because they have not produced (created) enough to enter
into the market by exchanging their production for that which they are buying.
Debt is a promise to produce (create) something tangible to complete the
exchange that will extinguish the 'credit'. In earlier market economies credit
was extinguished, it did not add to the money supply. Dr. Hudson in his other
books or articles also contrasts 'debt' in the ancient Mesopotamian societies
with 'debt today. He recognizes, but does not then analyze the difference, that
the in those ancient societies the workers owed the 'debt' to the ruler while
today it is the rulers who owe the debt to the workers.
Michael Hudson
Wikipedia entry extract
Economics, economic history,
public policy
Michael Hudson, as these entries
indicate, is a very significant and important current economist. He is a
Marxist but disagrees with the majority of typical Marxists. He has devoted
years to the study of ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian economic history and
has drawn conclusions about the origins of 'money' credit', 'debt' and how
these functioned in ancient societies. Unfortunately in his publications he
apparently has ignored a fellow Marxist dissident, Karl Wittfogel, who
published Oriental Despotism in 1957 in which he reached similar
conclusions about the same economic subjects in ancient societies but very
different ideas about the societies' political structure - namely despotisms.
(see Wittfogel in this list)
Michael Hudson & Baruch Levine
Privatization in the Ancient
Near East and Classical World
Peabody Museum Bulletin 5 Peabody
Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard Univ., 1996, 308 pgs.,
Economic history, Economics,
This is a collection of the
presentations by 9 expert participants in a colloquium focused on study and
publication of economic aspects of ancient Middle Eastern societies
(Mesopotamia) and to a lesser degree classical Greece and Rome
Michael Hudson
Finance Capitalism vs.
Industrial Capitalism
Michael Hudson
Removing the Debt Barrier to
Economic Growth
Michael Hudson
America's neo-liberal
Michael Hudson
The Bubble and Beyond Killing
the Host
ISLET, Dresden, 2012, 533 pgs.,
index, many graphs tables and charts, paperback
Public policy, Economic history,
Economic theory, Politics
Subtitle: Fictitious Capital,
Debt Deflation, and the Global Crisis
Michael Hudson
Finance Capitalism VS. Industrial
The article is based on Chapter 1
of Cold War 20 The Geopolitical Economics of Finance Capitalism vs. Industrial
Capitalism, Dresden, ISLET, January 27, 2021
Economics, economic history,
public policy
Reviewer comment:
This is obviously a Marxist approach to the conflict the author identifies
between the 18th 19th century original Industrial Capitalism and the later
successor of Finance Capitalism. The author here summarizes his political
theory published in his books.
Financial Capitalism
Wikipedia entry
Wikipedia entry
Economics, economic history,
public policy
Michael Hudson considers that
'financial capitalism' is now and has been for many years the reality that
suplanted 'industrial capitalism' as the actual organizing basis for the modern
economy to the great detriment of societies. Finance capitalism or financial
capitalism is the subordination of processes of production to the accumulation
of money profits in a financial system.
Financial capitalism is thus a form of capitalism where the intermediation of
saving to investment becomes a dominant function in the economy, with wider
implications for the political process and social evolution. Since the late
20th century, in a process sometimes called financialization, it has become the
predominant force in the global economy, whether in neoliberal or other form.
Forbes Magazine
The richest 400 Americans -or the
World's richest billionaires
The issues which I have are:
April/May 2021; Oct. 2020; May 2020; Oct. 2019; March 2019; Oct. 2019; March
2018; Oct. 2018; March 2017; Nov. 2017; Oct. 2016; March 2016; Oct. 2014;
Each year Forbes publishes a
special edition in which they have researched and studied the wealth of
Americans or world wide billionaires.
The entry for each name includes
an assessment of from which general industry they have generated their wealth.
I have made lists counting the numbers listed for each of various industries of
which 'finance - investment' is a leading one and manufacturing or creating
anything is very rare. Analysis of these lists provides clear evidence that
Michael Hudson is correct about 'financial capitalism having supplanted
'industrial capitalism
Fortune Magazine
'Painting a Picture of Corporate
Misdeeds' and 'Share of nations' Income going to the Richest 10%'
April/May 2021
Financial, investment, business
SubTitle: Large penalties imposed
for Regulatory Violations by Corporations -The diagram compares the number and
seriousness of government fines assessed against various industries and the
corporations in these. The Finance industry fines are shown to be greatly
larger than the others. The categories are; financial, insurance and real
estate: Energy and Extraction: Health care: Transportation: Manufacturing and
industrials: IT Tech: Food, beverages, tobacco, consumer goods , retailing:
Business services: Leisure, hospitality, entertainment, media. Bank of America
alone has 4 very large fines and that industry has many fines for financial
misdeeds: Business services has many tiny fines for employment related issues.
The second title's subtitle is "The Wealthy are Getting Wealthier' This is
a world map with graphs and countries in colors indicating the share of income
going to their 'wealthiest' in %. For instance, in Czech Rep it is 29% and in
South Africa is it 65%.
Paul Craig Roberts
'A debt Jubilee for
Michael Hudson.com
Debt- economics - political
This is a comment based on
Michael Hudson's thinking published in the above books. It is a highly
idealistic and distorted view of the nature of ancient Mesopotamian society and
civilization. Karl Wittfogel termed the society "Oriental Despotism". The creditor-debt
relationship today is different from that in ancient Mesopotamia.
Hudson, Roberts and their associates want to use this conception of ancient
Mesopotamian economics as a claim that governments today should abolish debt.
But do they really want governments today to revert to 'absolute
Robert T Kiyosaki
Rich Dad Poor Dad
Plata Pub., 1997 - 2017, 351
pgs., paperback
Personal advice on how to invest
for maximum profits. It is an autobiography focused on the author's early
learning about investments for real wealth from his friend's father -the rich
man, while his own father was the highly educated poor man.
Robert T. Kiyosaki
Rich Dad's Guide to
Plata Pub, 2012, 470 pgs.,
A further guide to investing -
more elaborate with details about specific types of investment- especially in
real estate
Robert T. Kiyosaki
Cashflow Quadrant
Plata Pub., 2011, 283 pgs.,
Guide to Financial Freedom -
details on how to invest to generate cash flow
Robert T. Kiyosaki
Why "A" Students
Work for "C" Students
Plata Pub., 2011, pgs., paperback
A guide especially for parents to
tutor their children in Kiyosaki's methods for creating personal wealth
John Pender
Capitalism: Money, Morals and
Biteback Pub., London, 2014. 334
pgs., index, notes
Economics, Economic history
The book includes some discussion
of the history of money but is mostly about current financial problems
Lukas Milevski
The Evolution of Modern Grand
Strategic Thought
Oxford Univ. Press, London, 2016,
175 pgs., index, bibliography, footnotes
Intellectual history, strategy,
military science
A difficult read.. The content
begins in 1805
Vikram Mansharamani
John Wiley &Sons, N.Y., 2011,
273 pgs., notes, index, figures
Economics, finance, monetary
Subtitle: Spotting financial
bubbles before they burst. Analysis of how financial bubbles develop
Ruchar Sharma

The Rise and Fall of
W. W. Norton & Co., New York,
2016, 466 pgs., index, bibliography, notes
Economics, Politics, Investment
The subtitle is Forces of Change
in the Post-Crisis World - This combination memoir and analysis of the world
political-economic situation today is based on the author's extensive visits
all over the world and his meetings with senior bankers, politicians and
economists. He provides his clear assessment of the investment climate today.
Richard Cantillon

Essay on the Nature of Trade
in General
This is an extract from the
Wikipedia entry
Economic theory
Richard Cantillon has been
overlooked in the 20th century and not credited with the significance he
deserves. Undue credit goes to Adam Smith This Wikipedia entry specifically
notes very important concepts that Cantillon enunciated. He was an Irish-French
economist and author of Essai sur la Nature du Commerce en
Général(Essay on the Nature of Trade in General), a book
considered by William Stanley Jevons to be the "cradle of political
Richard Cantillon

An Essay on Economic
This is a PDF copy of Cantillon's
original text translated by Chantal Saucier
Economic theory
Richard Cantillon died in 1734
but his important book - Essay on the Nature of Commerce in General was not
published until 1755. He preceded Adam Smith who quoted him, but from another
of his books. This book had a significant influence immediately but then was
lost to public attention for a century until rediscovered and discussed by W.
St. Jevons in 1881.
Frederick Hayek
Richard Cantillon
The introduction and comments by
Frederick Hayek were published in the Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol VII,
No 2, (Fall 1985) It is available in PDF form from Mises Institute.
Economic theory
After Jevons brought Cantillon to
notice many others were influenced including Alfred Marshall. But, again, his
essay was 'lost' until recently.
William Jevons
Wiliam Jevons
Money and the Mechanism of
William Jevons
The |
Ludwig von Mises
Richard Cantillon: Founder of
Political Economy
This is an extract from the
article published by the Mises Institute.
Economic Theory
Adam Smith

The Wealth of Nations
Arlington House, N.Y., ND., 2
Vol, 446 & 575 pgs., footnotes
Economic history - economic
For me this is a much better
original source of historical information than it is a book on economic theory,
because it is just than on economics - a theory. But the economist profession
jumped on it and has proclaimed it ever since.
Adam Smith
The Theory of Moral
James Otteson
The Essential Adam Smith
Fraser Institute, Canada, 2018,
76 pgs., Bibliography and further reading, footnotes - available as PDF
Economic history - economic
Professor Otteson focuses
exclusively on Smith's theories on economics. He praises him, stating that the
book "is often cited as the beginning of both economics and capitalism and
its influence in the 242 years since its publication ranks it among the most
important works of the last millennium". But, he also notes that,
"Smith's reputation today tends to be based on impressions and second-hand
reports rather than on Smith's work itself". Both comments are true. But
economic theory began at least with Cantillon and capitalism began centuries
before Smith. Few students probably never read "Wealth...". Professor
Otteson's thesis is that Smith's two books - "Wealth..." and Theory
of Moral Sentiments are compatible and form a unity.
Oxford Univ. Press, 1981, 316
pgs., paperback
Economics - Production,
consumption and time
This is an excellent study of
practical prioritization of the three components of life - time, production and
consumption to optimize the total standard of living. The author was a
practicing merchant with experience in the real economy. I consider this book a
better text on economics than Adam Smith's in which is discussion of economics
is mostly theoretical.
A Journal of he Plague Year
W. W. Norton & Co. N.Y. 1992,
359 pgs., paperback
Public Policy
This is a novel written as the
retrospective account of someone who is telling the story of the great Plague
in London of 1665 and considering a future plague coming in 1720. The author's
point was to reveal and critique the reaction of the public and the responses
of the government authorities.
William J. Federer
Who is the King in
Amerisearch, 2018, 199 pgs.,
Economic and political history,
public policy
Subtitle: And who are the
Counselors to the King? An overview of 6,000 years of history and why America
is Unique. This is a brief, outline style, summary in which the authors point
is basically the same as Stark's - that for centuries ruling elites suppressed
the 'common people' and in doing so prevented economic improvement. Ruling
elites today are attempting and achieving the same results.
Helmut Schoeck

Envy: A Theory of Social
Harcourt, Brace & World,
N.Y., 1966, 408 pgs., index, notes, paperback
Psychology, Economics, Politics
A comprehensive study from many
different perspectives, such as psychology, economics, politics, social justice
for the Long Run, 5th edition
, McGraw Hill, NY., 2014, 422
pgs., index, bibliography, tables, graphs.
Investment, finance, stocks,
bonds, economics
A massive and comprehensive text
that includes extensive historical description and analysis.
Dimartino Booth 
Portfolio, Penguin, NY., 2017,
326 pgs., index, notes
Economics, Finance, Public Policy
Subtitle: An Insider's Take on
Who the Federal Reserve is Bad for America
William J. Bernstein
Rational Expectations: Asset
Allocation for Investing Adults
William Bernstein, 2014, 207
pgs., index, notes, paperback
Investment advice - economics
The author discusses asset
classes and diversification into model portfolios. He includes use of ETF's. A
useful book
William J. Bernstein

The Birth of Plenty
Mcraw-Hill, N.Y., 2004, 420 pgs.,
index, notes, graphs, paperback
Economic history, finance,
intellectual history
The subtitle: How the Prosperity
of the Modern World Was Created - A study of the factors that enabled the
unprecedented growth of wealth that began in north-western Europe. - read with
McCloskey, Gordon, Stark and Mokyr
Frank Trentmann
Empire of Things
Harper Collins, N.Y., 2016, 799
pgs., extensive notes
Economic history, cultural
Subtitle: How we Became a World
of Consumers, from the Fifteenth century to the Twenty-first. From the study of
estate fillings and other primary sources the author demonstrates that even
lower income families amassed continually greater quantities of manufactured
goods during the period, much of which would have been considered 'luxury' or
totally unavailable items in previous centuries even for the wealthiest elites.
The book provides the evidence of expansion of material goods that is discussed
in the books on economic theory
Joel Mokyr
Culture of Growth
Princeton Univ. Press, 2017, 403
pgs., index, references
Economic history, cultural and
intellectual history
Subtitle: The Origins of the
Modern Economy. The author stresses the significance of 'belief' that is the
role is ideas in the economic affairs of societies. This is similar to Deirdre
McCloskey's concept in her three books on the Bourgeois role, and Rodney
Stark's How the West Wonand John S. Gordon'sAn Empire of wealth.
Diane Coyle

GDP:" A Brief but
Affectionate History
Princeton Univ. Press,
Princeton N.J. 2014, 159 pgs.,
Economic theory and
Reviewed by James Grant
in WSJ., March 13,2014 - The author describes the origin, development, and
current use of the concept of GDP - This claims to be a valid measure of the
state of a country's economic condition. She admits, 'Of course it is a flawed
measure," but nevertheless supports its role in evaluation and influence
on government policy. A clear summary of the history of the creation of the
abstract concept of a GDP - a statistic designed to give government policy
makers an idea of the total economic output of a country for comparative
purposes. The author shows the fundamental faults and short comings of the
methods used to create this GDP but accepts that this is the best we can do, at
least currently. The story shows that creation of abstract concepts of this
sort are directly the result of government bureaucrats and politicians desire
to expand the power of governments to control the economic activities in their
countries. She indicates that this desire was increased when governments sought
to wage war (WWII) and intervene during the Great Depression. Not specifically
mentioned, but inherent in this process, was the creation of a new category of
academic bureaucrats, economists, who sought to enhance and expand their power
as government advisors and officials. It was this new breed of 'secular
priests' who needed all the alchemy and augury they could create.
An objective study of the where, when, who, how and why the GDP was created
and what is really is. Analysis of what its strengths and shortcomings are
today. Very valuable
Peter J.
in Plain Sight: What Really Caused the World's Worst Financial Crisis and Why
it Could happen Again
Encounter Books, N. Y., 2015, 411
pgs., index, end notes
Economics, Finance
This is a must read book.
Analysis of the financial crisis of 2008-9 focused on the US Government effort
to enable people with insufficient financial ability to purchase homes, and The
massive expansion of credit=debt that could not be paid This refutes the
liberal efforts to blame it all on bankers and lack of financial regulation
Reviewed in Washington Times.
Rana Foroohar
Makers and Takers, Sub-title:
The Rise of Finance and the Fall of American Business,
Crown Business, NY., 2016, 388
pgs., index, bibliography, notes
Finance, economics, business,
public policy
A general attack on the Wall
Street bankers and finance industry blaming it for the financial crisis of
Neil Howe and William Strauss
The Fourth Turning
Broadway Books, NY. 1997, 382
pgs., index, references, notes, paperback
Economics, finance. public policy
Based on the author's concepts of
demographics - generations each have their own characteristics and proceed or
follow each other in a cycle. The authors focus on predicting the immediate
future based on their theory of what the coming generations will do.
John Hicks

A Theory of Economic
Oxford University Press,
Clarendon, 1969, 181 pgs., index, footnotes, paperback
A disappointing book - the theory
is based on guess, imagination, supposition, presumption all stemming from
reliance on deductive reasoning. There are many factual errors in the presumed
conditions of ancient societies. But the book is worth reading as an example of
an author who attempts to create a theory that explains conditions that conform
to theories. It is rather a sample of his bias that he disparages historians
for not relying on theory.
Jerry Z.
The Mind
and the Market
Anchor Books, N.Y., 2003, 487
pgs., index, end notes, paperback
Biographies, intellectual history
economic theory, economic history
Subtitle: Capitalism in Western
Thought Biographies of selected important theorists writing about capitalism
before and after 1800.
Jerry Z.
about Capitalism
The Great Courses, Chantilly,
Virginia, 2008, 36 lectures on DVD and on line
Biographies, intellectual history
economic theory, economic history
This is a 36 lecture course that
expands on the same concept as Dr. Muller's book. It includes many more
individual theorists who wrote and taught about capitalism. And there is a full
transcript, so it may be studied along with the book - Mind and Markets.
Tyler Cowen & Alex Tabarrok
Modern Principles:
Microeconomics, 2nd ed.
Worth Pub., NY., 2013, 490 pgs.,
index, illustrations, tables, charts, glossary, readings, paperback
Excellent text book for course in
micro-economics with questions and examples
L. Randall Wray

Modern Money Theory
Palgrave, Macmillan, NY., 2012,
294 pgs., index, notes, bibliography, paperback
Economics, economic history,
Subtitle is A primer on Macro
economics for Sovereign Monetary Systems - History of money with discussion of
current monetary policy. But it is a thoroughly 'Chartalist' effort to provide
an economic theory that supports unlimited central bank issue of credit money
that would enable unlimited spending on such leftist political policies as
unemployment relief and welfare. The author ignores real history of money.
There are more references to MMT in the list below
Mark Skousen
The Structure of
New York Univ. Press, NY., 2015,
402 pgs. , index, notes, references, paperback
GDP, investment, economics,
monetary policy
An alternate view of economic
reality - disputes the use of GDP and shows the importance of intermediate
production activities in the full economic chain. Analysis of measures that
describe the national economy such as GDP from an "Austrian School' view
point . The author proposes a better measure that would include all the phases
of production rather than only final prices.
Lev Baruch & Feng Gu
The End of Accounting
Wiley, NYC., 2016, 258 pgs.,
index, appendices
Economics, accounting,
Subtitle: and the Path Forward
for Investors and Managers. The authors show that current accounting methods
and concepts are outdated, a century old, and do not accurately reflect the
value of the assets being measured. The value of businesses now include many
intangibles such as intellectual assets and R&D work.
William W. Priest & Steven
Winning at Active
Wiley, NYC., 2016, 306 pgs.,
index, tables
Management, investment
Subtitle: The essential roles of
culture, philosophy, and technology - Case studies and theories about how to
improve business management
Joseph E. Stiglitz

Freefall; America, Free
Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy
W. W. Norton, N.Y., 2010, 361
pgs., end notes
Commentary on the financial
crisis of 2008
This is a polemical diatribe that
seeks to show that the cause of the financial crisis of 2008 was due to the
greed of individuals, especially in the financial community, operating in a
vicious 'free market' and not due to government policy. It is worth reading to
obtain a perspective on just how radical the Keynesian stalwarts will go to
attack the 'free market. But read Peter Walliston's book to learn the real
story of the causes of the 2008 financial crisis.
Peter Conti-Brown
The Power and Independence of
the Federal Reserve
Princeton University Press,
Princeton, 2016, 347 pgs., index, bibliography, notes
Economics, politics, finances,
An excellent study of the Federal
Reserve, The author describes the history of the Federal Reserve - much
different from most versions. And he focuses on its current role. He believes
the Federal Reserve Banks are unconstitutional. he recommends serious reforms
Ben S. Bernanke
The Federal Reserve and the
Financial Crisis
Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton,
2013, 134 pgs., index, charts
Commentary on the financial
crisis of 2008
The transcripts of 4 lectures by
Dr. Bernanke at George Washington University in 2012. I happened to watch
several of these on C-SPAN and they are now available on line at
" and probably at the C-SPAN video archives. The content is
a combination of Bernanke's economic theories on causes and a description of
the events as they took place during and immediately after the collapse of
Lehman Brothers.
Ben S. Bernanke
Essays on the Great Depression
Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton,
2000, 157 pgs.,
Economics - Investment
A rather narrow analysis of the
causes of the Great Depression. Little attention in this to political events or
the personal psychology and motivations of the principal actors.
John Pender
Capitalism: Money, Morals and
BiteBack Books, London, 2015, 344
pgs., index, notes
Economics, Public Policy
Jeremy J. Siegel
Stocks for the Long Run
McGraw Hill, N.Y., 2015, 422
pgs., index, notes, graphs
Investment Advice, Economics
Subtitle: The Definitive Guide to
Financial Market Returns & long Term Investment Strategies A massive and
comprehensive text on financial markets, investment, economic history. A
valuable alternative to Bernanke and Stiglitz.
Master Algorithm
Basic Books, N.Y., 2015, 329
pgs., readings
Future world - artificial
intelligence- computers
The sub-title provides the
subject - How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake our World
- - read with Gilder - Knowledge and Power
Thinking, Fast and Slow
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, N.Y.,
2011, 499 pgs., index, notes, paperback
Economics, psychology
A much applauded book on the
influence of individual psychological reality on decision making, especially
concerning decisions about financial affairs, by Nobel Prize winner.
Kahneman, Oliver Sibony & Cass Sunstein
Noise: A Flaw in Human
Little, Brown Spark, N.Y. 2021,
452 pgs., index, notes
Philip E.
Tetlock & Dan Gardner
Superforecasting: The Art and Science of
Crown Publishers, N.Y., 2015, 340
pgs., index, end notes
Psychology, forecasting
The author believes that some
forecasting is possible under certain conditions and by experienced
individuals. Read with Nassim Taleb's and David Kahneman's books.
Salim Ismail
Exponential Organizations
Singularity University Book,
N.Y., 2014, 320 pgs. paperback
Business, Economics
The authors claim and illustrate
that successful organizations including businesses now must become more
flexible by using all the expanding tools provided by the information economy.
James M. Buchanan & Gordon
The Calculus of Consent:
Logical Foundations of Constitutional Democracy
University of Michigan Press, Ann
Arbor, 1962, 361 pgs., notes, graphs, paperback
Political Science, Economics,
Public Policy
The authors employ economics
theories and methods to political policy issues
Jay W. Richards
Money, Greed, and God: Why
Capitalism is the Solution and not the Problem
Harper One, N.Y., 2009, 255 pgs.,
notes, appendix, paperback
Public policy, economics,
A well organized refutation of
many myths that accuse capitalism of numerous social ills. Worth reading along
with Rodney Stark's books - such as "The Victory of Reason".
Peter Bernholz
Monetary Regimes and
Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.,
2003, index, references, table, diagrams, paperback
Economic history, government
policy, inflation
Subtitle: History, Economic and
Political Relationships. Great that the history goes back to 4th century. The
author discusses both metallic and paper currencies. But he focuses on
currency. What about the other, and often main, component of market exchange,
Heather Mac Donald
The Diversity Delusion: How
Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and undermine our Culture
St. Martin's Press, N.Y., 2018,
278 pgs., index, notes
Public Policy, economics,
politics, Culture
The author destructs the current
establishment policy demand to subordinate everything to promoting preference
for race and the various sexual group demands for preference
Richard Sander & Stuart Taylor
Mismatch: How Affirmative
Action Hurts Students it's intended to help, and why universities won't admit
Basic Books, N.Y., 2012, 348
pgs., index, notes, graphs
Public Policy, affirmative
action, college admission,
The book is a report based on
extensive collection of data over many years and the personal observations of
the authors on the results of college admission industry to secretly favor
protected minorities in admission to colleges over equally qualified white
Steven Forbes and Elizabeth Ames

Money Subtitle: How the
Destruction of the Dollar Threatens the Global Economy - and What We Can Do
About it.
McGraw Hill, NY., 249 pgs.,
index, notes.
money, cash, currency, debt,
credit, finance, public policy, morality
The authors have a very distorted
idea about gold as a form of money. It is amazing how one author can get so
much right and yet also so wrong. He is so right about the destruction of the
dollar and the disaster he predicts. He is correct about FED monetary policy
and economists' theories. He repeatedly comments correctly that 'money' is not
wealth. But he persists in equating 'money' with currency. Unfortunately this
is a very common mistake and itself one of the causes of so many people not
understanding the fundamental source of the problem. Yes, currency is a
component of money - but money is not ONLY currency. It is much larger and is
actually mostly credit now, as it has been throughout history. The total
currency created by the FED and circulating amounts to about 650- billion
dollars. But the daily transactions that constitute economic activity amounts
to trillions of dollars. Credit constitutes over 95% of the American money
supply. The same goes for foreign countries. For Great Britain credit is over
97% of the money supply. Of course Mr. Forbes realizes this, yet he apparently
cannot break from the perception that money equals currency
Nathan K. Lewis

Gold the Final Standard
Canyon Maple Publishing, New
Berlin, N.Y., 2017, 196 pgs. index, bibliography, notes, charts and tables.
Economic history - money,
This is a 'gold bug' theoretical
treatise that attempts to support the advocacy that the world financial system
should be based on gold as a 'standard' of value on which all financial
transactions be based. The historical sections mostly discuss the history of
currency and do not give sufficient attention to the monetary role of credit.
The idea that there should and can be any type of 'final standard' of value is
false. Value is not an attribute that can be fixed to any material or
immaterial good or service. Value is purely in the mind of individuals and
collectively in the 'mind' of society. The value of an item is transitory,
dependent of supply and demand, relative to all other available items to both
seller and buyer. Proponents of using gold (or anything else) as a fixed
'standard' generally cite as an analogy the international standards for time,
weight, length and other physical properties. But those are metrics of material
things that do not change. More important is that the metrics such as inch or
pound do not have any existence in them selves or 'value' but commodities used
for some 'value standard' have their own changing values.
Matthew D. Mitchell & Peter
Applied Mainline Economics
Mercatus Center, George Mason
Univ. Arlington, VA., 2017, 1678 pgs., index, bibliography, notes
Subtitle: Bridging the Gap
between Theory and Public Policy
Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk
Wikipedia entry
Biography and works
He is considered by 'Austrian
School' economists as one of the founders of their theories about economics.
Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk
Mises Institute bio
Robert Garrison bio
A biography of authors is useful
for understanding the basis for their theories.
Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk
Capital and Interest
Forgotten Books, London, 2015,
428 pgs., paperback - trans. William Smart - reprint from 1922 edition.
Economics, economic history
Subtitle: A Critical History of
Economical Theory: Actually the subject is narrowed to the history of theories
about Interest. It is clear from the chapter titles that von Bohm-Bawerk is
discussing the history of theories concerning Interest and its legitimacy. His
method is deductive reasoning and the formulation of criticisms of the many
theories he describes. We may consider that this is book of theories about
Carl Menger
Wikipedia entry
A biography and appraisal of Carl
biography, history of economics
He is another of the authors that
'Austrian School' adherents consider a founder of their approach to the study
of economics.
Carl Menger
Principles of Economics
Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2007,
328 pgs., index, paperback
economics, history of economics
This is a reprint of a
translation of Menger's book - Principles - published in 1871.
Carl Menger
The Origins of Money
Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2009,
52 pgs.
The origins and role of 'money'
in economic transactions
Israel Kirzner
The Economic Point of View: An
essay in the History of Economic Thought
Sheed and Ward, Kansas City:
1976. First published: 1960. Reprinted and posted as a PDF by the Mises
Economics, public policy,
economic theory
He is considered by students of
the "Austrian School' of economics to be the senior exponent of their
economic philosophy and descriptor of the theories of von Mises, of whom he was
a student.
Israel Kirzner
Competition and
Entrepreneurshiped. Peter Boettke & Frederic Sautet
Liberty Fund, 2013, 200 pgs.,
index, foot notes
microeconomics, entrepreneurs,
A theory of the market and price
Ludwig von Mises
The Anti- capitalistic
The Ludwig von Mises Institute
Auburn AL., 2016, 114 pgs , index, paperback
Economics, public policy
Discussion of the attacks against
capitalism and their psychological sources
Murray N. Rothbard
For a New Liberty
Ludwig von Mises Institute,
Auburn, Alabama, ND, 420 pgs,. incex, footnotes, paperback
Economics, public policy,
economic history
Subtitle: The Libertarian
Manifesto: This is the culmination and full description of Rothbard's
political- economic theories expoounded in the other books listed.
Murray N. Rothbard
What Has Government Done to
Our Money?
Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama,
2015, 116 pgs., index, paperback
Economics, finance, public policy
The author is a leading economist
of the Austrian School. This is a libertarian discussion on the American money
supply and what the government has done that devalues it. Dr. Rothbard was both
an historian and economic theorist. As an historian he uses inductive reasoning
and produces excellent books, but he focuses on American history. But as an
economic theorist he uses deductive reasoning (as do practical academic
economists) and ignores historical facts, especially relating to ancient times.
Murray N. Rothbard
A History of Money and Banking
in the United States from the colonial era to World War II
Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2005,
510 pgs., index, footnotes
Economic history, banking,
credit, debt, money
The author is was a leading
libertarian economist. This is a libertarian - Austrian School - approach to
economics. The author provides much detailed information not found in other
texts on the subject.
Murray N. Rothbard
The Mystery of Banking
Important Books, 2017, 168 pgs.,
notes, diagrams, paperback
Economics, banking, finance
Another Austrian school economic
theory on money and banking. It is a result of deductive reasoning. I disagree
with the author's ideas on the origin of money and on what money really is in
contrast to currency and credit. He ignores real ancient historical facts.
Murray N. Rothbard
Economic Thought before Adam
Smith: An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought Volume I.
Ludwig von Mises Institute,
Auburn, 2006, 556 pgs, index, notes, bibliography
Economic theory and economic
The subject ranges from the
classical Greeks to the Scottish Enlightenment and Adam Smith. The author
includes the important Richard Cantillon. But by limiting himself to literary
sources - Greek philosophers - he misses the thinking about their economy that
obviously played a role in Mesopotamian life that can be derived from the study
of actual economic activity.
Murray N. Rothbard
Classical Economics: An
Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought Volume II
Ludwig von Mises Institute,
Auburn, 2006, 528 pgs., index, notes, bibliography
Economic theory and economic
The story begins with J. B. Say,
creator of 'Say's Law' and his opponents. Then comes Jeremy Bentham, James
Mill, David Ricardo and ideas about banking. Then, among others, John Start
Mill and Marx and Bastiat. Thus, it ends in the 19th century.
Murray N. Rothbard
Conceived in Liberty
Mises Institute, Auburn, 2011,
1616 pgs., index
American Colonial History
This is a massive study of
American history from colonization circa 1620 and the conclusion of the
American Revolution. It is based on immense study of documents and includes
facts, dates, people, events not included in typical standard histories. The
analysis is from a libertarian perspective. It is understandable, given the
great length of the work, that relatively little analysis of the British side
of the story which is slighted.
Murray N. Rothbard ed by Patrick
Conceived in Liberty: The New
Republic 1784-1791
Mises Institute, Auburn, 2019,
332 pgs., index, notes
American Colonial History
This is a continuation (edited)
of the massive first volume. The content is devoted to the interplay of
economic interests and political results. The significance of the state and
Federal public debt from the war is described. The conflict between
'nationalists' - that is the Federalists - and 'localists' -that is those who
preferred more independent power for the colonies, the new 13 states.
Murray N. Rothbard

The Progressive Era
Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama,
2017, 600 pgs., index, bibliography, footnotes, paper back
American History
The book was edited by Patrick
Newman and published after Rothbard died. Dr. Newman added several of
Rothbard's separate essays that discussed the topics missing from his
uncompleted manuscript. It is another of his massive results of research in
primary sources and analysis from a libertarian viewpoint. The result is
'revisionist' but full of facts, names, dates, policies not found in standard
survey histories. It is especially timely today as it reveals the first victory
of 'progressive' ideology in changing American society that is continuing
Murray N. Rothbard

Anatomy of the State
Ludwig von Mises Institute,
Auburn, 1974, 58 pgs., index, paperback
Political theory
The author was a radical
libertarian who despised the 'state' as the oppressor of mankind.
"Briefly, the State is that organization in society which attempts to
maintain a monopoly of the use of force and violence in a given territorial
area: in particular, it is the only organization in society that obtains its
revenue not by voluntary contribution or payment for services rendered but by
coercion." Unfortunately he, as do most people, confuses the 'state' with
the ruler. The 'state' is NOT 'in society' but above and outside it. The
'state' is an abstract concept created by western Renaissance rulers as a
theory to legitimize their rule and justify their actions after the prior
theory of the 'Chain of Being'. ceased to retain popular belief.
Murray N. Rothbard

Man, Economy, and Stateand
Power and Market
Ludwig von Mises Institute,
Auburn, 2004- 2009, 1437 pgs., index, bibliography, paperback
Economic, economic theory,
political theory, public policy
Another massive, 3 volume study
by the leading Austrian School - libertarian. The theoretical basis is von
Mises' concept of 'praxeology'. "Man..." is A treatise on Economic
Principles - and "Power..." is about Government and Market. There is
an interesting Introduction by Joseph Salerno -
As with all his books and articles persists in using the term, "state' as
the culprit in economic crime but 'state' is an abstract concept created to
legitimize the Ruler, the real culprit. He also persists in believing that
'barter' was the medium of exchange prior to the invention of money. But that
is a long discarded 'myth'. See Graeber.
Murray N. Rothbard

The Essential von Mises
Mises Institute, Auburn, 126
pgs., index, footnotes
Economic theory
A biography of Rothbard's
professional life from birth in Lemberg (Lvov) to career in the United States
with summaries of his ideas on economics and history as a leading libertarian
Alex Horsman

Rothbard quotes
Libertasbela -
7 Jan. 2021
Economic theory
Selected quotations from
Rothbard's many books and articles with an appreciation of his ideas and
influences on the study of economic theory.
Joseph T. Salerno

The Sociology Of The
Development Of Austrian Economics
Mises Institute, Mises Wire,
April 30, 2019, 10 pgs.
Economic theory - History of
economic theory
Dr. Salerno is the academic vice
president of the Mises Institute and an authority on Austrian Economics. He
recently published this article based on his lecture on the same subject in
1996. There is much confusion and misunderstanding of what 'Austrian Economics'
is as a discipline within the wide range of 'schools' of economic theory. He
writes that his purpose now is to explain the content of the lecture and to
agree with the many colleagues and friends who have been urging to do so. In
addition he claims that some controversies and misunderstandings have arisen
from within the proponents who claim to be Austrian school economists
Joseph T. Salerno

Fractional Reserves And THE
Mises Institute, The Free Market
30, no. 6 June 2012, republished March 9, 2019, 8 pgs.
Economics, money and banking -
Current events
This article publishes the
testimony of the author at the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services,
Subcommittee on Monetary Policy, which was chaired at that time by Ron Paul.
Not surprising since Dr. Paul shares the same views of 'fractional banking' as
Dr. Salerno. In this testimony and article Dr. Salerno describes what
'fractional banking' means and his opinion about the monetary problems that
result from this.
Dr. Salerno, and Congressman Paul are engaging in the continual theoretical
debate and controversy between those who denounce 'fractional banking' and
those who claim it is important and support it. This article, then, is an
example of the arguments the opponents of 'fractional banking' regularly
advance. In addition he contends that the 'free market' banking system he
proposes would return to making 'money' gold - or making gold 'money'. There
has been no reaction from Congress to consider implementing his proposals.
Frank Shostak

'The Problem With Modern Monetary
This is an extract from the Mises
Wire of March 19, 2019,
Economic theory - money, banking,
unstated political agenda
This is a libertarian theory
about money, as the references cited in the bibliography indicate. Dr. Shostak
is correct in disagreeing with the current MMT theoreticians but his (Austrian
School) theory is also incorrect. The issue is 'what exactly is 'money' and
from where did it originate and who 'creates' it. Knapp and the chartalists
read Mitchell Innes and misunderstood his explanation, which was not that
clear. The 'value' of money is not established by the ruler (lets forget this
abstract concept of 'State'). Money is itself an abstract concept - it is the
metric by which another concept 'value' is measured.
The confusion lies in the use of the same word 'money' for an abstract metric
established as a 'standard of value' and its use as the common term for items
(metal coins, paper bills, talley sticks, digital balances in bank accounts or
others such as Lap Island stone wheels.) So the ruler can establish a 'value'
for the token used in exchange, but the actual 'value' in a market - if it is a
free market - will be established in accordance with the 'law of supply and
demand' just like any other commodity.
Frank Shostak

Why The Boom -Bust- Cycle Keeps
Mises Wire -Mises Institute,
March, 3, 2019, 3 pgs.,
A standard libertarian claim
based on deductive reasoning that is the support they offer for their political
The author believes that the
'boom and bust' cycles that have occurred so frequently in the 19th -20th
centuries have been due to the policies and actions of central banks. He begins
by noting that in the 18th century 'there were no regularly recurring booms and
depressions." And there were no central banks. He continues: 'The
boom-bust phenomenon is somehow liked to the modern world. But what is the
link? The source of the recurring boom-bust cycles turns out to be the alleged
'protector' of the economy - the central banks themselves."
But in the 19th century the U.S. had no central bank but did have several
'boom-bust' events. And that that time the Bank of England (which did exist in
the 18th century) did not initially have a legal mandate to 'protect' the
economy. France had no central bank but had 'boom and bust'. From the 12th
century in Europe there were not even government banks but there were booms and
bust. The busts occurred in these cases from PRIVATE banks either extending
excessive loans or debtors, especially sovereigns, defaulting - or from natural
causes such as cold weather or crop failure.
Frank Shostak

'Easy Money Is Driving The
Boom-bust Cycles'
Foundation for Economic
Education, January 7, 2019, 4 pgs.
A standard libertarian claim
based on deductive reasoning that is the support they offer for their political
This is basically the same
argument and line of deductive reasoning as the author published in the Mises
wire article. But he expands his argument to include advocacy for a 'gold
Dr. Shostak believes that commentators on market conditions in 2018 mostly
expected the market prices to continue to increase, but that NOW, meaning late
DEC. 2018 they are expecting a 'downturn' to arrive soon. They are blaming
President Trump's policies for this reversal. They especially fault his tariff
policy. But they are not considering the 'decline in the annual growth rate of
the money supply'. An exception to this is the monetarists - followers of
Milton Friedman. He describes the monetarist theory, that the changes that
constitute a business 'cycle' are found in the changes in the growth rate of
the money supply. From this idea Friedman proposed that the central bank
bureaucrats should establish a 'fixed rate of growth of money supply'. He
includes a lengthy quotation that states this idea. He writes that If this
fluctuation is the true cause then Friedman's idea might be sound.
Frank Shostak

'Humans Have Goals, And They
Value Goods And Services Accordingly'
Mises Institute, Mises Wire,
February 10, 2020, 9 pgs.,
Philosophy, Economic theory
This is a much better essay with
better reasoning than some of the author's more libertarian articles based on
deductive reasoning. He is correct about the falsity of the establishment
economic theory about 'utility' creating 'value 'and differences in 'value
between various goods.
Frank Shostak

'Money Velocity And Economic
Mises Institute, Mises Wire, June
10, 2019, 6 pgs.
Economic theory, Theory of money
- currency, credit, debt.
Another potentially excellent
article by Frank Shostak. In this one he shows the fallacy in current concept
of a 'velocity' of money. In the standard equation, "Velocity' is actually
a dependent variable in the equation MV=PT as it is defined as V=PT/M.
But even so he does not grasp the full implication in this,
But the establishment concept of velocity of money is derived from the idea
that the token which represents money circulates at a varying speed. The
confusion comes from using the term 'money' for two different functions -
something that serves as the 'thing' that is intermediate between the buyer and
seller and acts as a 'medium of exchange'. But also 'money' serves as a
'standard of value', and a 'measure of account'. But these are not the same.
Actually 'money' is an abstract metric that quantifies 'value' of goods and
services. And through history most 'money' is constituted by tokens of
'credit'. The velocity of 'credit' is not 'movement' but expansion and
Frank Shostak

'Government 'Fixes' For The Trade
Balance Are Worse Than Any Trade Deficit'
Mises Institute, Mises Wire, 3
pgs., February, 14, 2020
This is an 'Austrian School'
libertarian analysis of the US trade account balance and the author's view that
government reactions are producing greater harmful effects.
Robert J. Gordon
The Rise and Fall of American
Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton,
2016, 762 pgs., index, references, notes, appendix
American Economic History - Pubic
The subtitle is "The U. S.
Standard of Living Since the Civil War. This is a huge text that descries the
author's thesis that the increase of the standard of living in the U.S. since
1870 is unprecedented in history in size and rapidity but since about 1970 has
slowed to almost zero and will not expand over the next 25 years. The author
denies there was much if any improvement in people's standard of living prior
to the mid 19th century and that since the 1970's there has been an
unprecedented increase in the gap of living standards between rich and poor in
America. He claims the causes of this are the usual 'headwinds' of the elitist
liberal academia and recommends the typical leftist political solutions. He
uses the standard leftist concept of the economy as a 'pie' and claims that the
'rich' (wealthy 1%) are taking a larger slice of this thus leaving a smaller
slice to the poorer 99%. But the voluminous facts he well describes show that
the economic 'pie' is what has expanded vastly thus raising the standard of
living of all. By beginning his analysis in 1870 and focusing on the US. he
falsely claims that there was no improvement of people's standard of living for
all the centuries before that and ignores the much greater differences between
the living standards of the most wealthy and poorest in many societies in the
past as well. His thesis is refuted by many of the authors in this list
including Frank Trentmann's Empire of Things.
Alec Ross 
Industries of the Future
Simon and Schuster, N.Y., 2016,
304 pgs., index. notes
Economics, investment, public
The author directly opposes
Gordon. He provides much information on the coming global expansion generated
by entirely new industries plus the spread of recent technology to 'developing
nations' such as in Africa.
Matt Ridley

The Evolution of Everything:
How new Ideas Emerge
Harper Collins, N.Y., 2015, 360
pgs., index, sources
History, Public Policy, Economics
A tour de force that applies the
concept of evolution - that is gradual cumulative change -to everything from
the universe to the Internet. But the author is a materialist, atheist who goes
to extreme lengths to denounce all religions. He unnecessarily castigates
opinions and policies with which he disagrees as being 'creationist'.
Alhil Reed Amar

America's Unwritten
Constitution: The Precedents and Principles We Live By
Basic Books, N.Y., 2012, 615
pgs., index, notes, illustrations, appendix
Analysis of the reality of the
legal system
Describes the large volume of
changes and additions to the real legal system built on but expanding the
limitations of the written Constitution. He is in favor of the radical changes
in law created by the 'progressives'. Basically, he writes, times have changed
and we need to learn to live with it.
Dan Amos

Keynes' Legacy
Strategic Investment, Vol 21, #
13, 2008, Agora Financial Baltimore, 6 pgs.
Economics - Investment
How Paper money Distorts
Investment Cycles, Describes how governments are attempting to solve problems
they created themselves by adhering to Keynesian economic theories.
Andro Linklater

Owning the Earth: The
Transforming History of Land Ownership
Bloomsbury, N.Y., 2013, 482 pgs.,
index, bibliography, notes, maps
The history and results of the
development of the system of private property in land
Several recent authors have
linked the system of private property in land to economic expansion. Others
claim the same system creates inequality and demand that private property be
abolished in the quest for 'social justice'. This author traces the unique,
gradual, development of this system from England and comments on its positive
and negative consequences.
Annie Jacobsen

The Pentagon's Brain: An
uncensored history of DARPA, America's Top secret Military Research agency
Little, Brown and Company, N.Y.,
2015, 552 pgs., index, bibliography, notes, illustrations
Military, Science
, |
A fascinating history even for
someone who has been involved with some of the events and programs described in
this book The author devoted much attention to the individuals who conceived of
our managed the many amazing projects.
Casey R. Mulligan

The Redistribution
Oxford Univ. Press, N.
Y., 2012, 351 pgs., index, bibliography, end notes, graphs, tables
Analysis of current
government economic policy
Reviewed in WSJ., Nov. 5,
2012 - Professor Mulligan wrote a fine summary of the book for the Wall Street
Journal 30 June 2014. Title is "A recovery stymied by Redistribution. The
author claims that economic policy and actions of the Obama administration are
blocking recovery and making unemployment larger than it would be otherwise.
This is a classic professional economist's report complete with all the
establishment mandatory econometrics, tables, graphs, discussion of the results
of 'models' and theories. All this is probably necessary to conform to current
academic practice in order to get attention to his conclusions, which are
opposite of those pronounced by progressive administration supporters. But his
conclusions simply confirm what common sense has told us all along. When 'not
work' is made as economically worth while as 'work' many folks will opt for the
Marcia L. Colish

Medieval Foundations of the
Western Intellectual Tradition 400 - 1400
Yale University Press, New Haven,
1997, 388 pgs., index, notes, bibliographic note, illustrations
Intellectual history, literary
The author decisively proves that
there was extensive intellectual development during the so-called Middle ages -
it was not a 'Dark Ages' as claimed by the self-appointed and self-serving
writers of the self-named 'Enlightenment' of the 18th century. And this
widespread intellectual development formes the real basis of modern Western
thought. But the author confines her topic to the medieval era itself and does
not discuss the attacks on the Western Intellectual Tradition that have swept
the 20th and 21st centuries, as, for instance, Professor Berman does in the
following book.
Peter Spufford

Power and Profit: The Merchant
in Medieval Europe
Thames & Hudson, 2002, 432
pgs., index, bibliography, notes, illustrations, maps,
Economic History - History of
The result of massive research
effort on the ground throughout western Europe focused on the 13th - 16th
century spread of trade and use of money. Very valuable reference on the role
of money. The author has written extensively on medieval economy.
Kwasi Kwarteng
War and Gold: A 500-year
History of Empires, Adventures, and Debt
Public Affairs, N.Y., 2014, 429
pgs., index, bibliography, notes, illustrations
Economic History - History of
The title is somewhat misleading.
The focus is on the last 200 of those 500 years and is on the role of money
(which includes debt) in the modern economy. The author is concerned with
explaining the many causes that have been written about the financial crisis of
2008. He includes much information and good analysis but also leaves out some
critical factors, such as the creation and role of 'petrodollars' since the
1970's. But he correctly describes the impact of the flood of silver into
Europe after 1500.
Richard Duncan
The New Depression: The
Breakdown of the Paper Money Economy
John Wiley & Sons, Singapore,
2012, 179 pgs., index, tables
Recent Economic History - History
of Money
Another dire prediction about the
disaster coming from use of paper money (now electronic). But the author's
solution is to increase government debt. He is correct in writing that we no
longer are a capitalist economy let alone a 'free market'.
Harold J. Berman
Law and Revolution: The
Formation of the Western Legal Tradition
Harvard Univ. press, Cambridge,
1983, 657 pgs., index, end notes, maps
The history of the development of
Western law and recent attacks on it.
This excellent reference should
be a companion piece to Dr. Colish's book in that it describes in detail the
medieval sources for our unique legal system. The author begins his
introduction: "This book, tells the following story - that once there was
a civilization called "Western", that it developed 'legal'
institutions, values, and concepts, that these Western legal institutions,
values and concepts were consciously transmitted from generation to generation
over centuries, and thus came to constitute a 'tradition', that the Western
legal tradition was born of a 'revolution' and thereafter, during the course of
many centuries, has been periodically interrupted and transformed by
revolutions; and that in the twentieth century the Western legal tradition is
in a revolutionary crisis greater than any other in its history, one that some
believe has brought it virtually to an end.".
Susan Reynolds
Fiefs and Vassals: The
Medieval Evidence Reinterpreted
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1994,
544 pgs., index, foot notes, list of works
Medieval history -
The author has studied the actual
contemporary sources for the popular concepts 'fief' and 'vassal' and found
them wanting. She finds that these concepts were presumptions of authors in
much later periods This book should be studied along with those of Professors
Colish and Berman
Prasad Eswar

The Dollar Trap
money supply, currency
Reviewed in Economist, March 8,
2014 - The dollar has the privilege of being the world reserve currency - the
US is the only major country funding its external debt with its own
depreciating currency.
Philip Howard

The Rule of Nobody
Norton, NYC, 2014, 244 pgs.
Reviewed in WSJ., April 8, 2014 -
The deadlock between Republicans and Democrats in legislatures has been
superceded by vast creation of rules and regulations that are rigid, resulting
in effective rule by bureaucrats following rules.
David Sainsbury

Progressive Capitalism: How to
achieve Economic Growth, Liberty and Social Justice
Biteback, London, 2013, 281 pgs.,
politics and economics
Reviewed on Economist, June 8,
2013 - The author wants to 'reform' capitalism. He has two main ideas. He wants
to help savers and improve education systems.
George Melloan

The Great Money Binge:
Expanding Our Way to Socialism
Simon and Shuster, 2009,
Sarah Lewis

The Rise
Simon and Schuster, 2014, 259
sociology, psychology
Reviewed by Robert Ekirch in
WSJ., April 4, 2001 - The author discusses aspects of personal achievements and
finds that ultimate success often comes from overcoming early adversity.
Thomas Piketty trans., Arthur
Capital in the Twenty-first
Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge,
London, 2014, 685 pgs., index, end notes, illustrations
International economics -
Reviewed in EconomistJan
4. 2014 and WSJ., April 8, 2014., and elsewhere. This book has been something
of a publication bombshell, with much leftist approval and conservative
disagreement. Returns on private capital investments are exceeding the rate
economies are expanding, one cause creating inequality. There already have been
many reviews and disagreements.
Jean-Philippe Delsol, Nicolas Lecaussin and Emmanuel
Anti-Piketty: Capital for the 21st Century
Cato Institute, Washington D.C.,
2017, 272 pgs., index, notes, paperback
International economics
This is a wonderful antidote to
Piketty's much discussed leftist polemic by over a dozen experts, who each
contribute decisive critiques of various mistakes, misunderstandings, faulty
data, and exaggerations produced by Dr. Piketty.
Alasdair Roberts
America's First Great
Cornell U. 2012, 255 pgs.,
economic history
Reviewed in WSJ., June 5, 2012 -
A study of the 1857 American economic collapse. The cause was state and local
government incurring debt through the weak banking system to finance overly
ambitions expansion, especially of railroads and canals. The result was panic,
massive defaults and depression lasting 3 or 4 years. Many lessons for today.
Richard Epstein
The Classical Liberal
Constitution: The Uncertain Quest for Limited Government
Harvard U. NYC., 2014,
684 pgs., index, index of cases, end notes.
political theory -
economic results - fundamental analysis of the Constitution and judicial
Reviewed in WSJ., March
24, 2014 - The progressive concept of government intervention in the name of
'social justice' has resulted in repeated and extensive violations of the
original concepts on which the Constitution was based. This is a very important
book. The author shows with specific discussion of many sections of the
Constitution how the 'progressive' (that is high liberal ) conception of the
nature of man and of the state is so opposite to that of the classical liberal
thinkers who wrote the Constitution that current judicial opinion fundamentally
violates the meaning of the Constitution. The original conception was that
individuals had natural 'rights' - inherent it being humans - and the role of
the Constitution was to protect individuals from government interference with
those rights. But the modern progressive conception is that it is government
that grants rights and the Constitution establishes the government power to
establish the rights it deems appropriate. Read in conjunction with Hamburger's
-Is Administrative Law Unlawful?
Richard Epstein

Why Progressive
Institutions are Unsustainable
Encounter Books,
NYC., 2011, 56 pgs. pocket size paperback
Discussion of the
fundamental differences between Classical Liberal and Modern Progressive
Read in conjunction
with the books listed by Philip Hamburger and Charles Calomiris
Richard Epstein

Design for Liberty; Private
Property, Public Administration, and the Rule of Law
Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge,
2011, index, index of cases, endnotes
Analysis of the profound changes
wrought by progressive legal theory on the Constitution as it is today
The focus is on the two issues
cited in the title. It is a part of the larger study in The Classical Liberal
Bill White
America's Fiscal
Public Affairs, NYC., 2014, 557
economic- political history
Reviewed in WSJ., April 10, 2014
- The author describes the role of debt in American political-economy and
claims it has expanded recently because of previously disapproved uses. He
advocates return to limited uses of public debt.
Barry Ritholtz

Bailout Nation
Wiley, NYC, 2009, 332
pgs., index, end notes,
Economics, finance, panics,
The subtitle is 'how Greed and
Easy Money Corrupted Wall Street and Shook the World Economy - coauthor is
Aaron Task and there is forward by Bill Fleckenstein whose opinions of
Greenspan as published in his Greenspan's Bubbles' are fully shared by
Ritholtz. Mr. Ritholtz states his philosophy on page 249. "In the final
analysis, allowing markets to set policy is inherently anti-democratic. Free
people are entitled to elect a representative government which then enacts
legislation on their behalf. Those elected representatives go to Washington
D.C. to do the people's will. If it is the people's will to prevent
testosterone-addled traders from saddling the taxpayers with trillions in
losses, that is their choice."
But it is clear that the elected representatives do NOT vote on the total
public's behalf but that of their selves and their supporter interest groups.
Kevin Phillips
Bad Money: Reckless Finance,
Failed Politics, and the Global Crisis of American Capitalism
Viking, NY., 2008, 239 pgs.,
index, end notes
The Financial crisis of 2007-8
and its causes - the future of Capitalism unless major changes are made
The author of this polemic
attacks the same three targets as in his previous books - Dynastyand
American Theocracy - - debt including reckless finance in general,
religion in politics, and 'peak oil' - The book was written prior to the huge
new production of crude oil and natural gas due to advanced drilling methods,
thus one can skip the chapter on 'peak oil'. One can also discount the author's
attacks on religion. But the discussion about the disaster facing the US and
world due to massive and expanding debt is an important source of reference
material. On these issues the author's detailed statistics showing the links
between the huge expansion of the financial industry, the creation of the
'shadow banking system', the government insistence on providing home mortgages
to inappropriate borrowers, the eager bankers who provided those mortgages via
securitization, and the massive expansion of general debt are important
Peter Ferrara

America's Ticking Bankruptcy
Bomb: How the Looming debt crisis threatens the American Dream and how we can
turn the tide before it is too late
Broadside Books, NY., 2011, 415
pgs., index, end notes
The political causes of American
government economic policies - and the author's recommended changes
The book is a fine summary of the
several related government policies that have created financial crisis -
deficits, debt and unfunded liabilities. The author presents a devastating
analysis of the coming American government bankruptcy unless very urgent and
major changes are made. Each chapter is focused on one of the causes, health
financing, pensions, housing and others. All of these due to government
policies. He provides his 'solutions' based in radically changed policy.
Phillip Hamburger
Administrative Laws
Univ. of Chicago Press, 2014, 635
pgs., index, end notes
political science, law,
government. Comparison of the provisions of the U. S. Constitution with the
revolution in law that has occurred since about 1900
Review in the WSJ for June 30,
2014. andEconomist Aug 9, 2014. The Congress has shifted more and more
actual law making into regulations written by the executive branch. With every
expansion of the power of the administrative state the country moves closer to
a tyranny. For an analysis based on even more analysis of the Constitution see
Richard Epstein's three books listed above, especially "The Classical
Liberal Constitution. This is a massive study of the history of law in
Europe and Anglo-Saxon countries. The conclusion is that the gradual change of
the actual law in the United States from being based on the Constitution to the
German-Prussian concept of administrative law has resulted in much current
'law' being in fact 'unlawful' in terms of its not conforming to the
Constitution. In this it is regressive in reconstituting the type of law
practiced by kings and other absolute sovereigns. The term 'administrative
state' Professor Hamburger used is synonymous with the term 'managerial state'
used by Professor Bobbitt. See also Professor Harold Berman's wider subject
matter in "Law and Revolution: The Formation of the Western Legal
Mian Atif and Amir Sufi
House of Debt: How They (and
You) Caused the Great Recession, and How We Can Prevent It from Happening
Univ. Of Chicago Press, Chicago,
2014, 219 pgs., endnotes, figures
economics - finance,
The authors correctly cite the
adverse economic impact of massive personal debt, but distort their assessment
of the causes of the financial crisis of 2008. Actually they have everything
mostly backwards. This is a progressive, populist tract. They pointedly ignore
the role of the Federal Government in demanding banks loan to 'deserving' ACORN
clients. They have a strange idea that 'rich' individuals invest in mortgages.
They describe everything in terms of 'debt' when they should be focused on its
other face, 'credit'. Read in conjunction with Calomiris - Fragile by
Design- and Mulligan - The Redistribution Recession.
Benn Steil

The Battle of Bretton Woods:
John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the Making of a New World
Princeton University Press,
Princeton, 2014, 447 pgs, index, references, end notes.
economic history- financial and
banking history US foreign relations,
Benn Steil is also author of an
article in the 29 July, 2014 WSJ "The Myth of Bretton Woods" in which
he discusses some of the content of the book. The content is about much more
than the Bretton Woods Conference. As background the author provides an
excellent summary of the professional lives of White and Keynes. We learn much
more about them. And we learn about their participation in creating the Wartime
Lend Lease program. We learn what the American government policies were for
that as well as the policies that governed the creation of the World Bank and
International Monetary Fund. For more, please read the summary at the provided
Tim Harford
The Undercover Economist
Strikes Back
Riverhead, 2013, 245 pgs.,
macro economics
Reviewed in WSJ., Jan. 18, 2014 -
The author tries to explain how the economy functions. He does not assign
faults for the 2008 financial collapse. he favors increased inflation. But not
hyper inflation. He discusses how he believes governments should react to
poverty and recessions.
Oomagh McDonald
Turning the American Dream
into a Nightmare
Bloomsbury Academic, London,
2012, 475 pgs.,
current economic and political
Reviewed inBarron'sOct. 1,
2012 - A devastating description catastrophe of the real causes of the housing
collapse and financial catastrophe - the Government did it through its demands
that mortgages be provided to people unable to pay. Read in conjunction with
Charles Calomiris - Fragile By Design
Henry Kressel and Thomas Lento
Entrepreneurship and the
Global Economy
Cambridge U. Press, London, 2012,
266 pgs.,
international economics
Reviewed in WSJ., Sept, 28, 2012
- The authors note that returns on capital investments by venture funds have
been very uneven. They believe the cause lies in the nature of globalization in
a world where governments are active.
Stanley Kurtz
Spreading the Wealth: How
Obama is Robbing the Suburbs to pay for the Cities
Sentinel, NY., 2012, 223 pgs.,
index, end notes
Current political - economic
policy |
This is one of the most important
books that expose the Alinskyite agenda which has been a central goal of
President Obama since his community activist days in Chicago. Mr. Kurtz
describes the radical plan to force integration of suburbs into cities to
divert wealth from the former to the latter. This is a major progressive goal
based on a combination of environmental and egalitarian agendas. It is all the
more dangerous because it has been hidden by use of various innocent sounding
Richard James Manyika Dobbs, and
Jonathan Woetzel

No Ordinary Disruption
Subtitle: The Four Global Forces
Breaking All The Trends: Public Affairs, N.Y., 2015, 277 pgs., index,
bibliography, end notes
Economics, Future world situation
The Book is written by
researchers at the Mckinsey Global Institute and the bibliography shows it is
very largely based on multiple reports by that organization. It is worth
everyone's time to read but is focuses as a management report to business
executives describing the four most critical new forces facing them and
advising on policies and programs they must take to meet these.
Arthur C. Brooks

The Conservative Heart
Subtitle: How To Build a Fairer,
Happier, and More Prosperous America: Broadside Books, N.Y., 215 pgs., index,
end notes
Public Policy - Economics
The Author
Michael Lewis

Flash Boys: A Wall Street
Norton, NYC., 2014, 274 pgs.,
Analysis of the recent creation
of the HFT phenomena and efforts to block it.
Reviewed in EconomistApril
5, 2014 - WSJ., April 1, 2014 - Barron's April 7, 2014 - This is a
fascinating account by a professional writer rather than economist or academic.
He is author of several best sellers including this one. I highly recommend it.
This is about the recent effort of big-time investment houses to gain a jump on
rivals by establishing their computers with near immediate access to the
buy-sell actions on the stock and bond exchanges. While this costs millions in
software and infrastructure it enables 'front running' and manipulation of
prices. The author tells the story via lengthy descriptions and biographies of
leading participants in the effort to uncover the fraud.
Michael Lind

Land of Promise: An Economic
History of the United States
Harper Collins, NYC., 2014, 592
Economic history
Reviewed in Barron's The
author highly favors Alexander Hamilton's view and policy of expanded
government participation (manipulation) in the national economy versus Thomas
Jefferson's view of limited government. Compare to John S. Gordon's An
Empire of Wealth
Michael Lind
The New Class War: Saving
Democracy from the Managerial Elite
Portfolio/Penguin. N. Y., 2020,
203 pgs., index, notes
Politics, public policy
The theme is the struggle between
the establishment 'progressive' elite and the 'populist' 'counter revolution'
personalized by President Trump. The prediction of conflict between,
entrepreneurial, mercantilist and managerial versions of the 'welfare state'
wasmade by Philip Bobbitt years ago in hisShield of Achilles. The same
conflict is described in other books in this list.
Felix Martin
The Unauthorized Biography
Alfred A. Knopp, 2014, 320 pgs.,
index, bibliography, endnotes
"Unauthorized' because it is
a radically different history of the creation and use of money
The British edition published by
Bodlely Head was reviewed in Economist, May 18, 2013 - The book is full
of unconventional ideas mostly well presented but at times confusing.. But
beyond an historical study, the reader finds toward the end that the author has
a philosophical basis for promoting a radical agenda for change in the entire
system of money.
of Capital: Austrian Investing in a Distorted World
Wiley, 2013, 332 pgs., endnotes
Free market economics as
envisioned by Ludwig von Mises and the Austrian school of economics
Reviewed in Barron's, Dec
2, 2013 - The book is about both theory and practice. It is an excellent
description and analysis of the economic theories propounded by Ludwig von
Mises, Frederick Hayek and others in the so-called 'Austrian school'. It is
also a critique of the practical disasters in financial markets that face
investors. But the author's purpose is to describe how an investor today might
profit from applying the concepts of the Austrian school to his own investment
methods. For references see von Mises and Hayek, below.
Jeremy R. Hammond
Ron Paul vs. Paul Krugman:
Austrian vs. Keynesian Economics in the Financial Crisis
Jeremy Hammond, 2012, 104 pgs.,
A comparison of Austrian and
Keynesian economic theories via the words of Ron Paul and Paul Krugman
Reviewed in Barron's Sept.
2, 2013 - The author correctly selected former Congressman Ron Paul and NY
Times economist Paul Krugman as current representatives of the two opposite
theories about economics and its manifestation in the role of government; The
Austrian School believes in a real 'free market' and minimum government
interference, while the Keynesian school believes that government should manage
the economy and have an even greater control. The two opposing theories were
given a practical test in course of the financial crisis of 2007-2009: both
with respect to their contrasting predictions and recommended government
'solutions.' Thus the author's quotations from and commentary about the recent
public statements of the two surrogates about this real, dramatic financial
crisis provide a text that should be easily digested by the public. For
references see von Mises and Hayek, below
Didier Sornette
Why Stock Markets Crash:
Critical Events in Complex Financial Systems
Princeton Univ. Press, 2013, 421
pgs., references
Lots of math., facts and analysis
of markets
The book is recommended by John
Mauldin. It is a difficult read with graphs and math formulae.
Jeremy Black

The Power of Knowledge
Yale Univ., 2013, 492 pgs.,
Economic history - political
Reviewed in WSJ., Feb 26, 2014 -
The book is an study of the same topic as Gilder's book but extended back
through history. But for many issues the treatment is superficial.
George Gilder

The Scandal of Money
Regnery Publishing, NY., 2016,
202 pgs., index, end notes, glossary
Money, currency, gold, economics,
public policy, banking
Subtitle: Why Wall Street
Revolves but the Economy Never Does
George Gilder

Knowledge and Power: The
Information Theory of Capitalism and How it is Revolutionizing our World
Regnery Publishing, NY., 2013,
348 pgs., end notes, glossary
The 'new economics' based on
information theory
Reviewed in WSJ., March 18, 2014
- The author describes the impact of massive computer supported information
analysis on all aspects of future economies.
George Gilder

Wealth and Poverty
Basic Books, NYC., 1981, 306
pgs., index, bibliography, end notes
Economic analysis
The sad thing about this book is
that Gilder correctly predicted what was coming and why back in 1981, but
nothing was done to prevent it
after Google
Regnery Gateway, Washington D.C.
2020, 320 pgs., end notes, bibliography, index
Economic analysis, technical
innovation, finance, Subtitle: The Fall of Big Data and the Rise of the
Blockchain Economy
Another 'futuristic' prediction
moving on from "Knowledge" In this he demonstrates why the business
structure of Google and other current 'big data' based 'bit tech' companies
will fail and be replaced by those exploiting 'blockchain' technology.
Niall Ferguson

The Great Degeneration
Penguin Press, NY., 2013, 174
pgs., end notes
The decay of Western societies
Use the link to
historian's look at the change in Western Societies from expansionary to static
due to changes in political institutions. The author states that "This
book is about the causes of our stationary state. It is inspired by Smith's
insight that both stagnation and growth are in large measure the results of
'laws and institutions.' It is our laws and institutions that are the problem.
The Great Recession is merely a symptom of a more profound Great
Degeneration." He gives as the 'over-arching question today 'what exactly
has gone wrong in the Western World in our time? And his book is about
answering that question. It should be studied along with several of the
references he mentioned and several others in my list. Naturally both his
assessment of the very idea that the West ever was superior and his views on
the 'west and the rest' today are anathema to the political left.
Niall Ferguson
Colossus: The Price of
America's Empire
Penguin Press, NY., 2004 - 384
pgs., extensive index, bibliography, end notes, appendix
The United States has always been
an 'empire' and for the good. It should not be reluctant now.
The U.S. 'empire' has been a
significant force for international good -it should continue now - but its
expenditures on internal 'welfare' are creating a very dangerous financial
disaster. Ferguson comments ' The Americans want security - but they want
Social Security more than national security.' The author's discussion of what
was current in 2004 especially in the Middle East is now outdated. Some of his
ideas did not take place. But his early warning of to coming financial-
monetary disaster due to USG profligate welfare spending and transfer was
correct and the situation is much worse now.
Niall Ferguson
The Ascent of Money: A
Financial History of the World
Penguin Press, NY., 2008, 442
pgs., illustrations, notes, index
Economic history
This much acclaimed book has
brought the author onto the TV talk circuit as the guru of what is what with
the current economic - credit crisis. The book describes the history of money
and banking before the 20th century just enough to give some background that
will enable the author to focus on recent and current history. His last
chapter, "Afterward: The Descent of Money" begins with the sentence,
"Today's financial world is the result of four millennia of economic
evolution." And indeed it is, but one will find out more of the past
history in Glyn Davies' book and a rather different assessment of the future in
Weatherford's book. But in his summary he hits home with this. "And from
the twentieth, households were encouraged, for political
reasons, to increase leverage and skew their portfolios in favor of real
estate. And the section "From Warfare to Welfare" is a must read that
should enlighten even the most adamant liberal socialist.
Niall Ferguson
The War of the World:
Twentieth-Century Conflict and the Descent of the West
Penguin Press, N.Y., 2006, 808
pgs. 10 maps, illustrations, massive notes and bibliography, index
Modern History
A very broad, discussion
including social, economic and political history. It is a cultural history of
the 20th century West and the role of war in its collapse. It should be read
with the Bobbitt and Kennedy books. It forms a background for Ferguson's views
on money.
Niall Ferguson
The Square and the Tower:
Networks and power, from the Freemasons to Facebook
Penguin Press, N.Y.,
2018, 561 pgs., index, references, bibliography, illustrations
Modern History, analysis, current
Another excellent reference. The
author's thesis is that there has been a power struggle throughout history
between hierarchically and network structured power systems. His point is that
the present networks seen in Internet connections and 'social networks are not
new. But his historical discussion does nor give sufficient attention and space
to ancient times or the middle ages. Roman politics was based on networks of
patrons and their clients as well as on official hierarchies. The Christian,
Muslim and Buddhist religions leaders organized networks as well. The Templars
and Hospitaliers had extensive networks capable of transferring money and other
assets over distance. Networks were important prior to the time he titles 'The
First Networked Age'. But his analysis and depiction of the eras that he does
include are valuable. And his main point, that the competition between
hierarchy and network is important today is valid.
Landes, Joel Moryr and William Balmol, eds. 
Invention of Enterprise: Entrepreneurship from Ancient Mesopotamia to Modern
Princeton Univ. Press, 2010, 566
pgs., index, extensive references, notes, tables
Economic history
The thesis is that
entrepreneurship is not only a modern phenomena but existed from ancient times.
However, there are two quite different types of entrepreneur - those who use
coercion - violence - to advance themselves; and those who use peaceful
innovation to advance society as well as themselves.
Douglas W, Hubbard

The Failure of Risk
Management: Why it's Broken and How to Fix it
John Wiley & Sons, NY., 2009,
281 pgs., index, tables
Technical analysis of the science
of risk management
Chapters on the meaning of 'risk'
and the history of its study, why current methods fail, and chapters describing
how to 'fix it' using more elaborate models.
Arthur Herman

The Cave and the Light
Random House, NYC., 2013, index,
bibliography, end notes
History of political philosophy
and its extension into daily living
Reviewed in WSJ., Nov 18, 2013
The author shows with massive citations the continual influence of Plato and
Aristotle throughout Western philosophical history - the struggle between
Platonic and Aristotelian theories has had direct and indirect influence
throughout history. Read with the books by Colish, Reynolds and Berman..
Glen Hubbard and Tim Kane

Balance: The Economics of
Great Powers from Ancient Rome to Modern America
Simon & Schuster, N. Y.,
2013, 351 pgs., index, end notes, bibliography,
Economic History
Lawrence H.
Clash of Economic Ideas: The Great Policy Debates and Experiments of the Last
Hundred Years
Cambridge Univ Press, NY., 2012,
428 pgs., index, footnotes
Development of Economic Theory
This is a study of the history of
academic economics rather than an economic history. It is intellectual history
- the story of the class of ideas and concepts about economic theory that has
raged mostly in the professional economic literature but created results from
the adoption of such theories by politicians in power. Read with the Hamburger
book - Is Administrative Law Unlawful? for the companion development of
progressive political thought. Reading this book led me to recognize that
modern academic economists are our version of medieval clerics at Cambridge and
Paris. I call them secular theologians.
Lawrence H. White

The Theory of Monetary
Blackwell, Malden, Massachusetts,
1999, 269 pgs., index, references, notes, figures and tables, paperback
Economic Theory, Political
Theory, History of Money and banking
This book is the author's summary
growing out of his lectures at George Masson Univ on the history of money and
banking. It is a standard story about that. Then the author evaluates current
rationales for government involvement in the system. Then he describes current
theories about how monetary policy functions in a regime based on fiat money
operated by a central bank and alternatives might function. So his history of
economic theory is based on his own theories.
John Mauldin and Jonathan Tepper
Endgame: The end of the Debt
Supercycle and how it Changes Everything
John Wiley Sons, N. Y., 2011, 318
pgs., index, notes, diagrams
Investment advice based on macro
-economic appraisal of recent changes
Mauldin writes a very informative
free weekly essay available via Internet.
John Mauldin & Jonathan Tepper
Code Red: How to Protect our
Savings from the Coming Crisis
John Wiley Sons, N. Y., 2013, 354
pgs., index, end notes
Predictions at macro-economic
level of coming financial problems.
The authors also provide general
thoughts on alternative investment strategies.
John Mauldin
John Mauldin
Bull's Eye Investing:
Targeting Real Returns in a Smoke and Mirrors Market
John Wiley and Sons, NY, 2004,
426 pgs., index, appendices
Finance and investing -
macroeconomic conditions
The author publishes an
excellent weekly newsletter via Internet. We are in a long term bear market.
Mauldin describes the broad trends for the coming decade. Note; the book was
published in 2004, thus some of the content is relatively timeless description
of investments and other parts are his predictions which the reader can now
evaluate. The period to 2010 will be much different from the 1980-1990's. Now
stock markets have high valuations, interest rates are extremely low, the
dollar is declining and there are huge deficits in the foreign trade balance
and government debt. This means a secular bear market. In bear markets the 'buy
and hold' strategy will not work - one has to focus on absolute returns. The
bench mark for judging investments is the money market and success is in
beating the return of Treasury bills. One must carefully control risk. Bear
markets may last 8 to 17 years. But the general economy will do just fine
eventually. His new book will be published shortly.
Alan Greenspan
The Map and the Territory:
Risk, Human Nature, and the Future of Forecasting
Penguin Press, N. Y., 2013, 388
pgs., index, end notes, appendix, graphs and tables
Part a personal memoir, part and
excuse for not predicting market crashes, part lessons in basic economics
A lengthy review will be
published at the link
. |
Joseph A. Tainter

The Collapse of Complex
Cambridge Univ. Press, 1988, 250
pgs., index, references,
An archeologist describes the
collapse of ancient societies and some modern counterparts
The author mostly bases his views
on his archeological - anthropological study of ancient ruins such as the Maya
and American Indians. I believe his emphasis on ancient Rome over does it.
There are many references that show that Western Rome didn't 'collapse' but
rather transitioned into new political forms. But his thesis is interesting -
that societies collapsed when the energy cost of maintaining more elaborate
infrastructure exceeded their ability to afford that cost.
Morgenson and Joshu a
Endangerment: How Outsized Ambition, Greed, and Corruption led to Economic
Times Books, NY, 2011, 331 pgs.,
The financial crisis of 2008 and
who was responsible for it
Read also Charles
Calomiris- Fragile by Design.and
Robert Schiller's Irrational Exuberance
Charles W.
Calomiris and Stephen H Haber 
by Design
Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton,
2014, 570 pgs., index, bibliography, footnotes
Economic history - banking and
Subtitle: The Political Origins
of Banking Crises and Scarce Credit - The book is a comparative study of
several quite different banking systems and their interrelationships with the
political demands of their governments. The section on U.S. Banking is
important in itself for its history. Other books on American financial and
economic history that can be read with this are: John Steele Gordon's
An Empire of Wealth, R. Christopher
Whalen's Inflated: How Money and Debt Built the
American Dream, and Felix Martin's Money. And on the recent financial
crash and banks there is Anat Admati's The
Banker's New Clothes.
The most important general lesson in the book is that banking systems are
inherently creatures of the governments that support and control them. There
are no really independent banking systems today. In other words they are
political entities.
Robert J. Schiller
Irrational Exuberance
Broadway Books, 2001, 319 pages,
index, preface, figures and tables, bibliography, footnotes, paperback
Economic history - Stock Market
bubbles and crashes
Reviewer comment:
The author provides figures showing the historical data on stock prices,
price-earnings ratios and increases. His history based analysis is excellent.
The book was written with the 'dot.com' crash in mind after the great market
'boom' of the 1990's. Obviously he has been ignored as the subsequent greater
crashes (financial disaster of 2008) and again (in 2020) prove.
The author writes: "The need for such a book is particularly urgent today,
in view of the widespread and quite fundamental disagreement about the stock
market." No doubt, then, what about in 2007-8 and in 2019-2020? He asks:
"Why did the U.S. stock market reach such high levels by the turn of the
millennium? What changed to cause the market to become so highly priced?"
Indeed, What?? Now we can ask again What? but in addition - why has the same
situation been repeated? - Are the causes he identified in 2001 intrinsic? are
they endemic? David Hay of Evergreen has been urging attention to the
continuing market 'bubble' and even titling it 'bubble on bubble' to no
apparent avail.
Peter D. Schiff
The Real Crash, How to save
yourself and your country
St. Martin's Press, NY., 2012,
335 pgs., few footnotes
Investment advice - Government
generated debt will create a greater financial disaster
J. Antony Boeckh
The Great Reflation: How
Investors can profit from the New World of Money
John Wiley Sons, NY., 2010,
index, diagrams
Investment advice - governments
are desperately trying to create inflation to solve their debt problems
David Goldhill, David
Catastrophic Care: How
American Health Care Killed My Father - and How We can Fix it
Random House, NYC., 2013, 400 pgs
Critique of the American health
care and insurance system with recommendations
Jonathan Macey
The Death of Corporate
Reputation: How Integrity has Been Destroyed on Wall Street
FT Press, NYC., 2013, 304 pgs
finances, economics, business
In the past reputation was a very
important assess for a business, in fact, the author shows, some large
corporations were destroyed from loss of reputation. But in recent years the
widespread attack on businesses by government prosecutors has become so routine
and even shown to be false so the result has been counter productive.
Government effort to sully the reputation of businesses has made decline of
reputation so routine that it has lost its power and become much less
Victory of Reason
Subtitle: How Christianity Led to
Freedom, Capitalism, and Western Success - Random House, N.Y., 2005, 281 pgs.,
index, bibliography end notes, paperback
Economic and Political History -
refutation of many ideas taught in typical schools today
A more narrowly focused study
with a similar view as in the following. In this book the author examines the
basic belief of Christianity in the rule of Reason. This is unique among the
world's great religion. It enabled Christian thinkers to develop theology based
on reasoning about God. This in tern supported the development of science,
belief in individual freedom and democratic political organization and
capitalist economic theory and practice.
How the
West Won: The Neglected Story of the Triumph of Modernity
ISI N. Y. C., 2014, 455 pgs.,
index, bibliography, end notes,
Economic and Political History -
refutation of many ideas taught in typical schools today
Mr. Stark He demonstrates that
'capitalism' began in Europe far earlier than is commonly believed He
demonstrates with specific examples, naming the authors, the common fallacies
and myths promulgated by the anti-Western academics and authors. He compares
these with scholarly work that proves otherwise provides a comprehensive
antidote to recent academic instruction in colleges and high schools (where
courses on Western Civilization even remain) The author compares the ancient
authoritarian, consuming empires with the Western European medieval society
that welcomed invention and investment.
Zachary Karabell
The Leading Indicators
Simon and Schuster, N.Y. , 2014,
287 pgs.,
Economic theory
Reviewed in WSJ., Feb. 10, 2014 -
The author describes the history of the effort to describe economies in
mathematical terms by use of statistics as a relatively modern phenomena. The
purpose for this new effort is to enable governments to control and manipulate
their societies. The results then often assume a major role in determining
government policy. But when government responds by manipulating the data it
'wreaks havoc on itself'.
Reden, Sitta
Money in
Classical Antiquity
Cambridge Univ. Press, NYC.,
2010, index, references, bibliographical essay, glossary, appendices
Scholarly study of the
development and role of money in ancient Greece and Rome
This is a very important book for
the study of current economic crisis. Dr. von Reden shows the important role of
credit=debt in classical Greece, Rome, and Egypt. Credit is NOT a modern
invention but was a significant part of the real money supply since ancient
M. I. Finley
Economy and Society in Ancient
Viking Press, N.Y., 1982, 326
pgs., index, notes, bibliography
Economic history in classical
John Tomasi
Free Market Fairness
Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton
N.J., 2012 212 pgs.,
Economic-political theory and
Reviewed in WSJ., March 20, 2012
- An attempt to square a circle, find a possible middle ground between 'free
market economics' and 'social fairness' political theory
Rev. Robert Sirico
Defending the Free Market: The
Moral Case for A free Economy
Regenry, Wash., D. C., 2012, 213
pgs. select readings
How and why the Judeo-Christian
world view created freedom and economic liberty tied to public morality
Stephen T. Asma
Against Fairness
Chicago U. Chicago, 2013, 208
Current political - economic
Reviewed in WSJ., Dec. 28, 2013 -
The author writes that 'fairness' in its current popular political meaning is a
cover word for egalitarianism, meaning redistribution of wealth and utilitarian
ethics. The result is the decline of previously accepted virtues such as honor,
loyalty, compassion, and duty.
Daniel Stedman Jones
Masters of the Universe:
Hayek, Friedman, the Birth of Neoliberal Politics
Princeton Univ. Press, 2012, 418
pgs., endnotes
current political- economic
An attack on 'neoliberal'
politics - claimed to be a result of Hayekian economics - that the author
claims caused the financial crash - support for Keynesian economics.
John Horvati
Return to Order: From a
Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society
York Press, Hannover Pa. 2013,
index, bibliography, footnotes, illustrations
Coins the term "Frenetic
Intemperance" as the fundamental cause of America's political and economic
Based on a very romantic
conception of Medieval European society, practice and thought. The critique of
contemporary society and culture is valid, but the proposed return to medieval
conditions is impossible
The First 5,000 Years
Melvile House, Brooklyn, NY.,
2011, 534 pgs., massive bibliography, index, footnotes - 2nd added edition 2014
An anarchist anthropologist's
account of debt and its impact on all social relations
An excellent, comprehensive
history of the role of credit=debt in human financial affairs. His refutation
of the 'myth' of barter is worth the whole book. Read also Podyany and Hudson
on the real story of 'money' in ancient Mesopotamia. They agree with Graeber.
Unfortunately the author is so ideologically committed to anarcho-communism
that he ascribes the worst motives for causation of recent events. For
instance, he claims that President Nixon's (and American in general) military
policies in Vietnam were responsible for inflation and financial problems,
never mentioning the massive costs of the LBJ welfare state policies, which
Nixon continued.
Anat Admati and Martin Hellwig
The Banker's New Clothes:
What's Wrong with Banking and What to Do about It
Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton,
2013, 398 pgs., index, extensive bibliography, endnotes
The fundamental problem is the
flawed structure of the modern banking system
This is a polemical advocacy book
urging that banks be required to have a much larger equity position versus
borrowing in their assets as a cushion to protect against insolvency and
liquidity problems. I agree with this and want even greater equity percentage
they the authors recommend. However, I believe most of their arguments are
false and are based on misunderstanding of the role of banks and the nature of
money. Worse, they lay the entire blame for bank failures and in particular the
2007-8 financial collapse on the bankers being greedy. They ignore the role of
government demands on banks to fund easy expansion of housing for favored
groups. Read Charles Calomiris - Fragile by Designand Casey Milligan -
The Redistribution Recession.
Alan Ryan
On Politics: A History of
Political Thought
W. W. Norton, N.Y., 2012, 2 Vol.
1114 pgs., index, notes, bibliography, further reading
Intellectual history -
A massive two volumes - Vol. One
from Herodotus to Machiavelli - Vol. Two from Hobbs to the present. The author
describes the history of thoughts about politics by focusing mostly on that of
the leading, influential, thinkers.
There is a review in The Economist, December 15, 2012. The author includes his
analysis of all the leading political philosophers one usually considers. This
is his analysis, in contrast to compendiums that are mostly extracts from the
selected thinkers' works.
Michael K. Salemi

Money and Banking: What
Everyone Should Know
The Great Courses, Chantilly,
Virginia, 2012
36 Lectures on DVD with
Excellent summary including much
information not found in typical books.
Nicholas Wapshoot
Keynes - Hayek: The Clash That
Defined Modern Economics
W. W. Norton, N. Y.., 2011
History of economic theory
As the title indicates, this is
more focused than White's book listed above, but covers much the same ground.
Dmabsa Moyo
How the West Was Lost: 'Fifty
Years of Economic Folly - and the Stark Choices Ahead
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, NYC,
2011, 226 pgs., index, bibliography, notes,
Polemic castigating the 'West'
for the world's economic and fiscal evils.
This comment on page 173 is a
clear summary of the author's views. "For the past 500 years, Western
economic dominance has been a story of ruthlessness and self-interest. Its
military power, its global hold, its influence on the world, have been the
history of its trade, or rather the history of its single-minded ability to
extra from other countries, other continents, other peoples, the material, land
and people that would drive its economy forward - and in other words make them
David Smick

The World is Curved: Hidden
Dangers to the Global Economy
Penguin Group NY., 2008, index,
bibliography. The Mortgage Crisis was only the Beginning.
The Mortgage Crisis was only the
Beginning of current and future fiscal catastrophe
Use the link to read more. The
title is a response to Thomas Friedman's book The World Is Flat: A brief
History of the Twenty-first Century. The author's central theme is that we
are now in a truly global economy - a multinational economy created by
globalization. The book is the opposite ofBailout Nationand in another
way ofIn FED we trust.The author's thesis is that the globalization of
the world economy during past 25-30 years is responsible for the massive gains
in wealth all around - for the lifting out of poverty of billions of people,
but also has created new problems.
David Wessel
In FED we Trust: Ben
Bernanke's war on the Great Panic: How the Federal Reserve became the Fourth
Branch of Government
Crown Business, NYC, 2009, 323
pgs., index, selected bibliography,
Investment, money and banking,
Financial crisis of 2008
Subtitle - Ben Bernanke's War on
the Great Panic: How the Federal Reserve became the Fourth Branch of
Government. Mr. Wessel is an economic journalist, meaning he uses the skills of
a reporter and focuses on economic issues. His book reflects the strong and
weak aspects of this background. The main weak point is in the organization. As
a journalist he wants to entice the readers, so in typical journalist style he
opens the story (and it is a story he is telling) with the end. In this case it
is the opening in Chapter One in which the author describes the bankruptcy of
Lehman and what his protagonists (Bernanke, Kohn, Warsh, Geithner, Paulson and
supporting cast) were doing about it. The strong point is that he has an
excellent eye for personal details and tells a great 'story' full of the
excitement experienced by his protagonists as they reeled from one disaster to
the next. But within his story he inserts much valuable by way of 'lessons
learned' and critical analysis.
The book was published in 2009 before Bernanke was reappointed as Chairman by
President Obama in January 2010. One would like to learn what Mr. Wessel thinks
about the events since then.
Stephen King

When the Money Runs Out: The
End of Western Affluence
Yale Univ Press, New Haven, 2013,
287 pgs., index, bibliography, end notes.
Economic Theory, analysis of the
financial crisis of 2007-08
Reviewed in Economist, 11
May, 2013 - The author does not mean the money literally 'runs out' but rather
than increasing standard of living is running out in the 'developed' world
because governments have resorted to massive increases in debt, expansion of
money supplies. harming savers through manipulated low interest rates. The
result is increased inequality of income and wealth plus no or little expansion
of economies.
James Rickards

Currency Wars: The Making of
the Next Global Crisis
Portfolio, Penguin, NY., 2011,
296 pgs., index, selected bibliography, endnotes.
Economic theory, analysis of the
credit crisis of 2007-08.
Warning on what is coming if and
when the nation states resort to competitive depreciations of their currencies.
I wrote the review of the book at the link here 10 years ago, much has changed
since then including the publication of many more books and much analysis, so
both Rickards analysis and my thoughts have changed as well.
James Rickards
The Death of Money: The Coming
Collapse of the International Monetary system
Portfolio Penguin, NY., 2014, 356
pgs., index, additional reading, end notes
International finance,
predictions of potential future problems
An expansion on the previous
warning on what is coming if and when the nation states resort to competitive
depreciations of their currencies. Now we see that many are already doing this.
But, so far the 'death' has not happened.
Rickards starts right out with his subject. "The Death of Money is
about the demise of the dollar, not of money. By extension, it is also about
the potential collapse of the international monetary system because, if
confidence in the dollar is lost, no other currency stands ready to take its
place as the world's reserve currency." The remaining section is a brief
summary of the international monetary system based on the dollar since the late
1970's, plus a mention of the 3 previous collapses of the monetary system in
1914, 1939, and 1971. he devotes sections to Financial War - Inflation -
Deflation - Market Collapse - and A Deluge of Dangers. His conclusion is:
"The system has spun out of control, the altered state of the economic
world, with new players, shifting allegiances, political ineptitude, and
technological change has left investors confused."
James Rickards

The Road to Ruin: The
Global Elite's Secret Plan for the next Financial Crisis
Portfolio Penguin, NY., 2016, 340
pgs., index, additional reading, end notes
International finance,
predictions of potential future problems
Another expansion on the previous
warnings on what is coming when the expanding debt can no longer be financed
and the world looses faith in the dollar as its reserve currency and there is a
liquidity crisis. The Central Banks are prepared now for the IMF to issue large
quantities of SDR's to the banks as a new reserve currency. The relative value
of the dollar will fall.
Kevin D. Williamson
The End is Near and its going
to be Awesome: How Going Broke will Leave American Richer, Happier, and More
Broadside Books, NY., 2013, 228
pgs., index
Economic theory, analysis of
financial crisis and prediction of future economy
The author writes from a strong
libertarian philosophy. His data and critique of the current fiscal and
monetary situation is well based. His opinion is that the 'welfare states'
simply cannot fulfill their promises. In my opinion he is much too optimistic
about what will happen with the publics realize this fact.
David A. Stockman
The Great Deformation: The
Corruption of Capitalism in America
Public Affairs, NY., 2013, 742
pgs., index
Narrative of the events and
economic theories that led to the financial crisis of 2007.
Reviewed in Barron's Sept. 2,
2011 - WSJ., April 18, 2013 - Washington Examiner, April 11, 2013 - Getting
even with President Reagan
Peter Watson
The Modern Mind: An
intellectual History of the 20th Century
Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 2000,
847 pgs., index, endnotes
, |
Chronological narrative of the
development of all aspects of intellectual life
A tour de force - including
everything from art and anthropology to zoology. It is an important study that
describes the origins and development of our culture today.
Paul Krugman 
The Return of Depression
Economics and the Crisis of 2008
W. W. Norton Co, NY., 2009, 191
pgs., revision of the 1999 edition
Economic theory, comment and
analysis of the economic crisis of 2007-2008
The author is a major acolyte of
Lord Keynes whom he extols in the last chapter. He advocated Keynesian 'demand
side' economics - centered on perpetual expansion of government 'stimulus' via
spending based on increased debt. He writes well and presents clear description
of his theories and desired outcomes.
Stephen Leeb
Game Over: How you can Prosper
in a Shattered Economy
Business Plus, NY., 2009, 244
pgs., index
Investment advice - predictions
on future economy
The author believes in all the
doom ideas about 'peak oil', 'peak resources', and advocates investing on gold.
Written in 2009, the book misses completely what took place by 2013. The tone
is hyper-alarm. Worth a read to learn how wrong economists can be even in the
short run.
David Patterson
"The Roads to Fiscal
Barron'sAugust 23, 2010
pg. 33
analysis of the US fiscal debt
bomb with examples from history
The author cites historical
examples of the collapse of empires and governments through failure to
eliminate massive debt. He notes, "We are just where those others were:
captive to entrenched special interests that will brook no change to their
positions, whatever the long-term danger." The danger he notes is not
simply fiscal but of social revolution.
Justin Fox

The Myth of the Rational
Market: A History of Risk, Reward, and Delusion on Wall Street
Harper Collins, NY, 2009, 382
pgs., index, notes, Cast of Characters
Economics, financial crisis
Dissects and skewers Barton
Malkiel and the other 'rational market' and Modern Portfolio Theory
apologists. |
Hunter Lewis
Crony Capitalism in America,
AC2 Books, 2013, 399 pgs.,
Political corruption in
Washington DC
Reviewed in Barron's, Nov.
4, 2013 - Real capitalism and free markets are not to blame for current
economic- political disastrous policy. Capitalism has been distorted by 'crony'
that is political favoritism distorting economic policy. See also Peter
Schweizer,Extortion: How Politicians Extract your Money, Buy Votes,
and line their own Pockets.
Hunter Lewis
Where Keynes Went Wrong: and
why World Governments keep creating inflation, bubbles, and busts.
Axios Press, Mt. Jackson VA.
2009, 384 pgs. extensive notes, index
Economics - expose of the real
Keynes and his agenda
This is a very important book and
one largely ignored because it exposes Keynes as a charlatan and mountebank.
The author takes extensive exact quotations from Keynes many books, articles
and speeches and shows their fallacies. Moreover, he shows Keynes himself
switched his whole economic philosophy after World War I. The author does not
discuss sufficiently the part of his book title about WHY governments are doing
as he notes. But he shows that Keynes created his economic theories because
they are popular with politicians as a convenient basis for what they want to
do. Among Keynes' fallacious concepts were (are) that all interest rates should
be near zero and that governments should foster 'permanent boom' times.
Hunter Lewis
Free Prices Now! Fixing the
Economy by Abolishing the FED
AC2 Books, 2013, 276 pgs
Economics ,
The author criticizes the FED for
manipulating interest rates which then creates artificial booms that cause
subsequent busts. The FED created the housing bubble. The reduced cost of
borrowing is offset by the decreased income from savings. But the progressive's
adherence to Keynesian theory, they claim, justifies their continual demand for
more and more government intervention and control - all financed by the FED
Victor Sperandeo
"The Lessons of History:
When governments cannot borrow, hyperinflation is frequently the result"
Barron's,December 20,
2010, pg 55
Economic history applied to
current monetary policy
The author of the must-read
Crashmaker comes through with a powerful analysis of the real source of
hyperinflation - it has nothing to do with the official theories about
inflation. In fact hyperinflation and inflation are not the same. The Bernanke
FED and European central bank are claiming that their massive expansion of real
money supply won't be 'inflationary' and it may not be, but it is a very likely
cause of a coming hyperinflation when they run out of lenders willing to give
more to governments. We face a solvency crisis, not a liquidity crisis. Read
this along with "This Time is Different'.
Martin Jacques

When China Rules the World:
The end of the Western World and the Birth of a New Global Order
The Penguin Press, NY. 550 pgs.,
index, bibliography, notes
economics, world politics,
An excellent discussion with
copious detail by a British author who has lived in China for years. But as
much as he knows about China he knows little about the United States. The
prediction found in the title and throughout the analysis is based on the
author's radical leftist view of the evil of capitalism and the United States
in particular (with United Kingdom a close second). He clearly relishes the
downfall of these "predatory" societies. Nevertheless the book is
valuable reading on the current and future growth of China and its world power.
Clide Prestowitz
Three Billion New Capitalists:
The great shift of wealth and power to the East.
Basic Books, NY., 2005, 320 pgs,
index, recommended reading
economics, world politics, China
and India
title describes the author's
thesis. His entire tone and approach is much more even and objective than that
of Martin Jacques.
Harry S. Dent Jr.

The Great Depression Ahead:
How to prosper in the crash following the greatest boom in history.
The Free Press, NY., 2008, 376
pgs, index
investment advice, economics
The author is a perma-bear - who
has been predicting doom for years.
Harry S. Dent Jr.

The demographic cliff: How to
survive and prosper during the great deflation of 2014-2019
Portfolio, Penguin, N. Y., 2014,
358 pgs., index, tables, graphs
investment advice, economics
The author is a perma-bear - who
has been predicting doom for years. In this book he focuses on the impact of
demographics that shows waves of increasing and decreasing populations in each
age group. He describes what the result is, namely waves of typical average
purchases. He predicts the coming decline in the young segment and expanding
increase in elderly will create huge economic changes.
David Wiedemer and Robert
Wiedemer, Cindy Spitzer

Aftershock: Protect Yourself
and Profit in the Next Global Financial Meltdown
John Wiley & Sons, NY,, 2010,
273 pgs., index, bibliography
economics, financial crisis
This is an important book with a
message that should be widely studied. Unfortunately, it is also badly flawed.
The authors consume far too much space in self-congratulation on their own
claim to unique brilliance. They claim to be the only analysts who predicted
the housing and financial crises of 2007-09 and who know about the coming
'meltdown. But many others, including some listed here also made the same
predictions. For instance, they claim others believe ALL debt is 'bad' (not
true) but they are correct in claiming that 'smart' debt is good but 'dumb'
debt is bad. Well, how brilliant can that be? Actually it is meaningless. The
correct idea is that debt created in the course of borrowing existing funds to
finance investment having the purpose of future growth is 'good'. But debt
created by creating new money for the purpose of consumption is what is 'bad'.
The authors' thesis, that the U.S. is in a 'bubble' economy is correct. They
describe the housing and financial bubbles and predict the coming collapse of
the world financial system. But they do not address the long-term historical,
political, causes of this situation.
Editorial staff
"The World turned upside
down: A special report on innovation in emerging markets"
Economist,April 17, 2010
pgs 11-18.
economics |
A typically valuable special
report. The authors describe how innovative companies in 'emerging market'
countries were believed to be leading the world into future economic expansion.
Editorial Staff
"Briefing Greece's
sovereign-debt crisis
Economist, April 17, 2010,
pgs 78-82
economics, financial affairs,
current affairs, |
A report on what is happening in
Greece and the responses of the European community. Of course much has happened
since 2010 but without much change.
Editorial Staff
"They might be giants"
Economist, May 15, 2010,
pgs 3 -20
global economics, finances
A valuable report on the
condition and future of the banking system in 'emerging market' countries.
Special attention is given to banks in China, India, Brazil and Russia.
John Grimond
"For want of a drink: A
special report on water"
Economist, May 22, 2010,
pgs. 3-20
An extensive, detailed report on
the dangerous shortage of water, what is being done and some ideas about what
should be done to alleviate this.
J. Samuelson
"The Welfare State's death
Washington Post, May 10,
public policy, economics
Amazing at is seems, the
Washington Post published this OP-ed article by one of its standard
contributors. Samuelson ( who is a well-know left wing economist) is admitting
what I have been saying for years - namely that the welfare state cannot pay
for its promised benefits.
Christopher Horner
Power Grab: How Obama's Green
Policies will steal our freedom and bankrupt America
Regnery Publishing, NY., 2010,
396 pgs. extensive notes, index
political/economy - the
multi-faceted radical left attack on the 'commanding heights;
The author identifies the host of
radical leftist revolutionaries who have used the 'green' 'environmental'
movement as replacement for Marx's proletariat. Under cover of the various
environmental dangers including 'global warming' they are seeking the socialist
agenda. He identifies the key players Obama has brought into power in the
executive branch.
Economist Staff
"The gods strike back:
Special Report on Financial Risk"
The Economist,Feb
13th-19th 2010
economics, financial crisis
An excellent summary of what
happened, an analysis of causes and results, and recommendations for banking
and financial industry 'reforms'. The title is a play on Bernstein book listed
Tad DeHaven
"Five decades of failure are
enough: Budget-busting waste and economy-strangling red tape"
Washington Times, Wed, Feb
10, 2010, pg B3
housing and credit crisis,
The author names names - Samuel
Pierce, Alphonso Jackson, Henry Cisneros and Andrew Cuomo - all government
officials who promoted the welfare state program to make 'affordable housing'
an entitlement via programs to force subsidies for home ownership. HUD, FHA,
and the GSE's were all at the center of the policy. Moreover, despite the
collapse the government is doing its best to continue the policy.
Peter Schweizer

Architects of Ruin: How Big
Government Liberals Wrecked the Global Economy - and How they will do it again
if no one stops them
Harper, NY., 2009, 217 pgs,
notes, index
financial failures, government
This book should be read along
with Thomas Sowell's The Housing Boom and Bust. Both show that the huge
bubble in house prices and subsequent crash was the result of government
insistence on making 'affordable housing' an expanded entitlement. Mr.
Schweizer names names such as Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd, Andrew Cuomo
and Robert Rubin. He notes the role of ACORN and PUSH. He shows that the effort
to blame Wall Street and bankers is a smoke screen to divert attention while
the radical politicians continue to demand the dangerous programs be expanded.
The subject is focused, but one should note that 'affordable housing' is but
one of the three central entitlements the liberals have been pushing for years,
the others being socialized health care and higher education.
Amity Shales
the forgotten man
Harper Collins, NY., 2007, 464
pgs., index, bibliography
economic- political history
This is a short, clear exposition
of the ideas of von Mises and Hayek presented in a direct language for the
general reader. It is an analysis of the prevalent economic fallacies that
support public policy today. It begins with a discussion of the classic story
by Bastiat about the economic effect of a 'broker window'. This is the basic
'must read' in the study of economics.
Amity Shales
"How to Make a Weak Economy
Wall Street Journal2 Feb.
government policy, financial
Read with Ms. Shales full story
published in the forgotten man. Here she compares the record of FDR
described in that book with the current policies of President Obama. The result
of FDR's policies was to extend and deepen the Depression and the author
believes the current policies will have the same result. She notes the
political purposes of claimed economic policy such as favoritism of labor
unions and attacks on business, especially bankers. "FDR's war against
business played to the crowd, but it hurt the economy. While monetary policies
impeded recovery in the late 1930's it was the administrations' assault on
companies and capital that ensured the Depression's duration."
Amity Shales
Harper Collins, NY., 2013, 565
pgs., index, endnotes, sources, illustrations
political biography
The author believes President
Coolidge to be much under rated by liberal establishment historians and shows
valuable contributions to political/economy that reduced some of the
mal-administration of the Wilson reign.
Carmen M.
Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rogoff
Time it is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly
Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton
NJ., 2009, 463 pgs, extensive notes, tables, charts, appendix, index
Financial failures, government
debt crises, bank failures
Reviewed in Barron's Dec. 7,
2009. The authors are typical modern economists, using models, econometrics,
citing economic theory, and the full suite of economic tools. When I see
repeated use of 'problematic' meaning either dangerous or difficult, I see a
red flag. But the ordinary reader has to ignore all this stuff written for the
professional economist and focus on the message. This is delivered forcefully
right in the Preface. "If there is one common theme to the vast range of
crises we consider in this book, it is that excessive debt accumulation,
whether it be by the government, banks, corporations, or consumers, often poses
greater systemic risks than it seems during a boom." The title is a clever
play on the too common statement made by the market 'experts' during times
leading up to a crash that 'this time it is different', when as the authors
demonstrate so fully it never really is. One has to admire them for moving
beyond mathematical economics to delve in history - although I believe claiming
'eight centuries' is a stretch when they focus overwhelmingly on the last two
centuries. John Mauldin recommended this book highly. There have been favorable
reviews in media and more citations coming all the time. They have been
speaking at economists' gatherings. The research work is presented in a way
favorable for a Nobel Prize.
Peter Bernstein

Against the Gods: The
remarkable Story of Risk
John Wiley & Sons, NY., 1996,
383 pgs, index, extensive bibliography, notes on sources.
The history of the concept of
'risk' described through the contributions of many writers.
The book is also highly
recommended by John Mauldin. I found it fascinating in its description of the
personal role of many individuals. The author provides a brief biography of
each of the major contributors whose ideas he describes - from ancient Greeks
to the 1960's. Those readers whose interest is in the development of concepts
such as probability, game theory, regression to the mean and similar ideas can
skip to chapter 15 in which the most modern theories are described.
Unfortunately, the content ends in mid-1990's. And as is so unfortunately the
case the author follows the current practice of economists in general in
ignoring the political half of political-economy. But in doing so he claims
approval for the pure mathematical approach to economic analysis.
Thomas Sowell

The Housing Boom and Bust
Basic Books, NY., 2009, 184 pgs.,
index, sources
A full and revealing description
of the real causes of the credit - housing bust of 2006-2008
Once again this distinguished
economist cuts through the political smoke screen to describe the role of 40
years or more of American government policy in creating both the underlying
basis and the ultimate causes of the collapse in the credit - housing market in
the US. The efforts of politicians to shift blame to private bankers and
brokers and to claim it is a fault of the 'free market' or 'capitalism'
generally are shown to be false. He also returns to the origins and development
of the 'Great Depression'. He shows that in that case also it was government
interventions which deepened and prolonged the depression. The book is a must
read for everyone today.
Thomas Sowell

Wealth, Poverty and Politics:
An International Perspective
Basic Books, NY., 2015, pgs.,
index, sources
Economics, Politics, public
The author writes chapters on
Factors frequently described as sources or causes for poverty - Geographic,
Cultural, Social and Political. He shows that all these are relevant in various
ways but none explain the existence of either wealth of poverty in all times or
places. Both are results of complex interactions. The author insists that
analysis must focus on production rather than distribution of assets.
Christopher Steiner
$20 Per Gallon: How the
Inevitable Rise in the Price of Gasoline Will Change Our Lives for the
Grand Central Publishing, NY.,
2009, 274 pgs., index, brief notes
Futurology with a strong emphasis
on social commentary
The author accepts the 'peak oil'
concept that predicts a major decline on the supply of crude oil world-wide. He
cites some studies and data to support this theory. This may or may not be as
serious as the author and his sources believe. But what I find offensive is
stated right from the book title. The author is strongly in favor of all the
vast changes in society which he predicts and is excited that this 'shortage'
of oil (gasoline) will force these changes on a reluctant public via government
intervention and coercion. These include all the usual mantras of the
'environmentalists'. The book is a 'wake-up call' for anyone who hopes to
resist this expansion of government power. To the extent that there will be
coming shortfalls in the oil supply we should be investigating ways to overcome
this in preserving the best of current conditions, not using it as a wedge and
hammer to provide political support for more government power and reduced
freedom. But fellow environmental fanatics will love this book.
Thomas Sowell

Basic Economics: A Common
Sense Guide to the Economy, Third Edition
Basic Books, N.Y., 2007, 626 pgs,
notes on sources
A valuable basic text on
economics for the general reader. It is focused on countering popular myths and
fallacies. But in the first chapter on "what is economics' the author
writes "Economics is the study of the use of scarce resources which have
alternative uses." I believe this idea needs amending: "Economics is
the non-coercive process whereby scarce resources having alternative uses are
allocated to maximize the general good". But "Politics is the
coercive process whereby scarce resources having alternative uses are allocate
to maximize the outcomes desired by the political authorities." Thus
Sowell, in keeping with general studies of economics repeatedly includes
examples in which political decisions altered the results that otherwise would
have come from pure economic processes, but without calling attention to this.
Henry Hazlitt
The Free Man's Library
D. Van Nostrand Co, NY.,1956, 176
libertarian politics and
philosophy, economics
I list this short book first as
it is an early bibliography of important books that focus on the philosophy of
individualism free trade, free enterprise, free markets and individual
liberties. From the date the reader can see that it does not include any of the
many recent books listed below. Each book has an excellent comment that will
enable the reader to select those most relevant to political/economy.
Hackett Fischer
Great Wave
Oxford Univ. Press, 1996, 536
pgs, notes, appendices, index
Economic History - Inflation
Fischer was more interested in
study of the forces that created the 'great waves' of inflation since the
1200's and their results than in the detailed study of their subsequent
deflations and equilibrium periods. He describes the details of economic
changes that accompanied the subjects in the Bobbitt and Kennedy books. The
author in late 1990's predicted the coming epochal change in the world from
inflation to deflation. This is the best analysis of the causes of inflationary
waves based on history and it shows many causes in addition to money supply.
- Shield
of Achilles
Random House, NY., 2003, 919 pgs,
bibliography, index, notes, paperback and hardback
History of the 'state', warfare
and constitutions
Description of the several
transformations of the 'state' since its inception around 1500 and the
interrelationships between external strategy and internal constitutional
changes - He notes the end of the 'nation state - welfare state' in late 1990's
and ensuing conflict between three alternatives: entrepreneurial, managerial
and mercantile states - that we witness today. Study with the Kennedy book.
and Consent The Wars for the Twenty-first Century -
Alfred Knopf, N. Y., 2008, 672,
pgs., index, notes
History of the 'state', and
relation to terror
A continuation of the previous
book. In this Prof. Bobbitt shows the relationship between the type of 'state'
and the methods of terror. Very critical analysis of what we face with terror
in the 21st century.
Paul Kennedy

The Rise and Fall of the Great
Powers: Economic Change and Military conflict from 1500 - 2000
Random House, New York, 1987, 677
pgs, notes, bibliography, maps, index
The interrelationship between
economic and fiscal strength versus military and strategic power
An excellent narrative of events
with analysis of the details of the subject. This should be studied in
conjunction withShield of Achillesand The Great Wave. The author
integrates the roles of military technology, organization and tactics with the
importance of logistics and behind all else the significance of money and
financing in enabling the state to conduct war. Financial crises bring down
even the most powerful states. His first major theme is that 'there exists a
dynamic for change, driven chiefly by economic and technological developments,
which then impact upon social structures, political systems, military power,
and the position of individual states and empires". The second theme is
that 'this uneven pace of economic growth has had crucial long-term impacts
upon the relative military power and strategical position of the members of the
states system."
Ludwig von Mises

Wikipedia entry
Biography, economic theories
A brief biography with a list of
von Mises' publications and comment about his influence on economic theory
Ludwig von
Action: A Treatise on Economics
3rd edition, Henry Regnery
Company, Chicago, 1949
Economics and social history
The center piece of the
"Austrian School' of economic theory. A field not sufficiently studied, in
opposition to Keynesian economic theory. Probably the most important book in
this list, but not easily understood.
Ludwig von
Socialism; an Economic and
Sociological Analysis
Yale Univ. Press, New Haven,
1951, index
Economics and sociology
Devastating proof of the
impossibility of socialist economic theory and practice to achieve its
theoretical goals. Very interesting sections on the relationship of Christian
teaching to the conflict between private property and socialism. No 'economic
'planner' can obtain sufficient knowledge to create plans for the unknown
Ludwig von Mises

Theory and History: An
interpretation of social and economic evolution
Arlington House, New York, 1969,
384 pgs, index.
philosophy, economics,
Economic philosophy - thoughts on
what man can know in social science such as economics and how this differs from
physical sciences and metaphysics - discussion on 'value'.
Ludwig von Mises

'Politics and Ideas'
This is an extract from the essay
published in the Mises Institute, Mises Wire, Feb, 8, 2021 ]
Intellectual history, political
The essay was adapted from the
sixth lecture of Economic Policy: Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow. The subject
is the influence of ideas on politics and the results. He writes that it is the
modern influence of the intelligentsia, especially those creating ideas about
economics and political/economy who are responsible for the dire economic,
political, social conditions we face today.
Ludwig von Mises

Ludwig von Mises
Nation, State, and Economy
Ludwig von Mises
The Anti-Capitalist
Ludwig von Mises Institute,
Auburn, Al., 2016,114 pgs., paperback
psychology, economics, philosophy
A discussion - essay on the
author's explanation about why the intelligentsia and followers are opposed to
capitalism despite its obvious success in raising the world population to
higher living standards
Ludwig von

Theory of Money and Credit
Skyhorse Publishing, NYC., 2013,
493 pgs, index, footnotes, paperback - first published in 1934
Economics, money and banking
The classic Austrian view on
money, credit and banking. But it is, as the title indicates, pure theory
-deductive reasoning and it repeats the myth of barter as the precursor to
creation of money
Ludwig von Mises

"Acting man and
This is an extract from a chapter
published by the Mises Institute in 06/19/2018
Economic theory
The author's views on the nature
and role of 'economic science' in contrast with the physical sciences. He
writes: "Action is the search for improvement of conditions from the point
of view of the personal value judgments of the individual concerned.
(Dr. McCloskey in her three books on Bourgeois terms this 'betterment')
Ludwig von Mises

"Understanding the Root
Causes of Inflation"
This is an extract from the Mises
Wire article, of January 26, 2021.
Economic theory, Inflation,
political policy
Since Dr. Ludwig von Mises is
dead, the essay comes from his previous writing, in this case it is from a
lecture. This is the fourth lecture from Mises's Economic Policy: Thoughts for
Today and Tomorrow.
Ludwig von Mises
The Ultimate Foundation of
Economic Science
D. van Nostrand Co, Princeton,
1962, 158 pgs., index, notes
Economic theory,, political
policy, theory of knowledge, praxeology
This another of the author's
arguments in favor of deductive reasoning. We may question if deductive
reasoning is in fact the 'ultimate foundation' and also if economics is a
science. But his argument against the 'epistemology of positivism' is much
George Soros
On Globalization,
Public Affairs, NY., 2002, 191
pgs., index.
finances and economic policy
The author provides an excellent
description of the details of the financial crises of the late 1990's. He
brings together the traumatic but separate events that tend to be, if not
forgotten, at least thought of in isolation. Taken together, these financial
crises and the responses of governments to them describe what Fischer saw as
the final crest of the great wave of the 20th century inflation. Soros also
describes in terms of globalization at least a part of the causes of these
crises. Unfortunately his prescriptions for increased rather than decreased
government intervention and regulation would only shift the outcomes in other
Kenichi Ohmae

The End of the Nation State:
The Rise of Regional Economies
The Free Press, NY, 1995, 210
pgs, notes, index
The author's thesis is that the
political structure of 'nation states' cannot meet the needs of future society
under future economic conditions. The political-economic forces at work have
already raised troubling questions about the relevance. He predicts political
configurations will shift to match geographic economic optimums. A conclusion
similar to Bobbitt's but based on very different assumptions.
Fredrich A.
Fredrich A.
The Road
to Serfdom
The Definitive Edition edited by
Bruce Caldwell, Univ. of Chicago Press, 283 pgs., index, footnotes, paperback -
Freedom. socialism, economic
This is volume 2 of the Collected
World of F. A. Hayek, of which there are 19 volumes, all important. This is was
the most popular of his books when it appeared, causing a sensation as a
critique and prediction about the results then appearing from the expansion of
government socialism
Fredrich A.
- The
Constitution of Liberty
Univ. of Chicago Press, Gateway
Ed. 1959, 570 pgs, index, footnotes
politics, economics and social
This is one of the basic books
on liberty (or freedom) versus socialism. The author states that his purpose is
to "present an ideal and show how it might be realized". The author
writes that the basic principles of western civilization's concept of freedom
have been under assault for so many years that the public has even lost
understanding due to confusion, despite valiant efforts to clarify the issues.
The first part seeks to show why we want liberty and what it does. The second
part examines the institutions of Western civilization that were developed to
secure individual liberty. The third part tests these principles by applying
them to current critical public social and economic issues.
Fredrich A. Hayek

Studies in Philosophy,
Politics and Economics
Simon and Schuster, NY, 1969, 356
pgs, index.
economics, politics,
This book contains a number of
the author's speeches, essays and studies. The three main parts deal with the
three subjects of the title. All are necessary for a full understanding of
contemporary political-economic life. Again, the author demonstrates the
fallacies of socialism. He discusses the differences between 'commutative
justice' and 'distributive justice'. He shows that as much as the proponents of
'distributive justice' claim an altruistic purpose and that policies seeking to
further this, in reality such efforts must involve coercion and the curtailment
of freedom.
Fritz Machlup editor and
contributor with 6 other authors
Essays on Hayek
Hillsdale College Press,
Hillsdale Michigan, 1976, 182 pgs., index, footnotes, paperback
Economic theory, intellectual
An appreciation of Hayek and
discussion about his contributions to economic theory.
Economics in One
Manor Books, NY. 1946 - 1973, 143
pgs., paperback
This is a short, clear exposition
of the ideas of von Mises and Hayek presented in a direct language for the
general reader. It is an analysis of the prevalent economic fallacies that
support public policy today. It begins with a discussion of the classic story
by Bastiat about the economic effect of a 'broker window'. This is the basic
'must read' in the study of economics.
Albert Hunold - ed.
Freedom & Serfdom: An
Anthology of Western Thought
D. Reidel Pub. Dordercht,
Holland, 1961, 288 pgs.,
mostly current political theory,
but with attention to concerns about the economic ideas of communism
This is a selection of 15 essays
by outstanding international philosophers and political theorists. The authors
are mostly concerned with totalitarianism and contemporary western political
drifting toward it or at least socialism. There are four especially important
essays, by Russell Kirk, Frederich Hayek, Hannah Arendt and Eric Voegelin
Michael Mandelbaum
The Road to Global
Simon and Schuster, NYC., 2014,
245 pgs.,
current international economics
Reviewed in WSJ., April 3, 2014.
- This is the economic establishment belief in the state of the international
economy. It is an appraisal of 'globalization' which is based on American power
to prevent disruptions. He believes that overall 'globalization' is proceeding
despite set backs such as the financial crisis of 2008.
Thomas G. Donlan
"History Lesson From the
The Editorial Commentary article
from the November 2, 2009 issue of Barron's.
History, economics
A very interesting essay based on
research by Lee Ohanian. The subject is the mistakes of the Hoover
Administration that are not well recognized for their mistaken adverse effects
that converted a stock market crash and recession into a worse depression.
"While generations of Americans have blamed Hoover for relying on the free
market instead of government intervention, some of the workers' misery in the
Great Depression should be attributed to Hoover's mistaken high-wage
policy." Note the lesson for today.
Clarence B. Carson
The Welfare State 1929-1985
American Textbook Committee,
1986, 346 pgs, index, notes
American history - Volume 5
of A Basic history of the United States |
The best short historical study
of the Great Depression and its aftermath through 1985.
Robert J. Samuelson
The Great Inflation and its
Aftermath: The Past and Future of American Affluence
Random House, New York, 2008, 309
pgs., index, notes, glossary
history, economics
The author focuses on American
economic and political history since World War II. He discusses the government
policies that created and attempted to end the huge inflation of the 1970's.
The results would have been even better had he at least including some of the
background from pre- World War II.
People's Pottage
Caxton Printers Idaho, 1953-92
economics, history, politics
Denunciation of the revolution
created by the FDR "New Deal". This is a set of essays the most
famous of which is "The Revolution Was" in which the detailed
revolutionary program of the New Deal is explained. It is extra valuable now as
it enables comparison of Obama to FDR.
Liaquat Ahamed
Lords of Finance: The Bankers
who Broke the World
Penguin Press, NY., 2009, 564
pgs., notes, index, bibliography
economic history, finance
A study of the coming of the
Great Depression told via extended biographies of the four main central bankers
- Montagu Norman, Bank of England - Benjamin Strong, New York Federal Reserve -
Hjalmar Schacht, Reichsbanki - Emile Moreau, Banque de France. Wonderfully
vivid biographies that reveal the personal strengths and weaknesses of these
and other main actors in the fateful drama. While I personally believe in the
significance of the personal importance of 'great men' in history, I also
believe that the social - cultural - intellectual environment in which these
men operated exerted an important influence of their actions and the results.
William Mulleraman
The Year of the Great Crash -
Harper and Row, NY., 1989, 391
pgs., index, notes, bibliography, illustrations
economic history
A social - cultural history of
one year - with a brief prologue in 1928 and epilogue into the 1930's. The book
is full of descriptions of personalities and events from Al Capone to Mahatma
Gandhi. This is an excellent companion to "Lords of Finance'.
Milton Friedman and Anna Jacobson
A Monetary History of the
United States 1867 - 1960
Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton
economic history
The classic study of money and
banking in the US since the Civil War. This provides historical perspective on
'banking crises' 'panics' and political manipulation of economic markets.
Martin Weiss
Crash Profit: Make Money when
Stocks sink and soar!
John Wiley and Sons, NJ. 2003,
351 pgs., index, notes
Investment in economic
deflationary period
Description of the same credit
expansion and deleveraging deflation as in the Bonner books, but with focus on
ways to invest to make money anyway
Martin Weiss
The Ultimate Depression
Survival Guide: Protect your savings boost your income and grow wealthy even in
the worse of times.
John Wiley and Sons, NJ., 2009,
220 pgs., index
investment advice, economics,
Further elaboration of the book,
Crash Profit, with advice on investing in deflationary - inflationary
times. The author publishes a monthly newsletter 'Safe Money', that provides
explicit recommendations on investments. His company also gives unbiased
evaluations of banks and insurance companies.
of Money: From Ancient times to the present day
Univ. of Wales Press, Cardiff,
1994, 2002, 720 pgs., index
Economic history
The book begins with an excellent
discussion on the nature of money throughout history and its functions. Next it
has full discussion of ancient money before and after the invention of coinage.
There are chapters on Greek and Roman money and medieval money. The role of
early bankers is described. Then, with the creation of the Bank of England the
discussion rather merges money and banking because most actual money in modern
times is a creation of banks in the form of credit. There is a detailed
description of the development of money and banking in the United States since
1700 and in the rest of the world. The book concludes with a chapter on the
future of a global currency.
- The
History of Money
Three Rivers Press, NY,
1997, 288 pgs, index, bibliography, footnotes.
Economic history
A very readable history of the
role of money from ancient times to the present. The author's purpose is to
make readers aware of the serious problems with money today. However, the
relatively short chapters on money in ancient and medieval times do provide
interesting background. The author describes the Roman Empire as the first
'welfare state". He devotes much space to the role of gold versus paper
money. Most interesting is his prediction that there will be an increasing
struggle over who will control the money supply. Very useful book for counter
acting the ideas of money that underlay so many other economic and political
Max Boot

War made New: Technology,
Warfare and the Course of History 1500 to Today
Gotham Books, NY, 2006, 624 pgs.,
18 maps, some illustrations, extensive noes and large bibliography, index
history, warfare
The author places too much stress
on the impact of technology, Philip Bobbitt's Shield of Achillesis a
better analysis of the development of the modern warfare state. Kennedy
explicitly downplays the role of technology in the transformation of warfare
itself as well as in the causation of the rise and fall of nations.
Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets: 5th edition
Addison- Wesley, NY., 1997, 732
pgs. index, appendices
Technical text book on money and
A textbook description of
financial markets and banking and monetary theory with much use of mathematics
and equations and graphs. The economic establishment view with Keynesian ideas.
It takes for granted that modern political-economy is on a sound basis. This is
an excellent text for understanding the ideas of establishment economists, such
as 'velocity'. One badly needs a book by Mishkin dated 2015.
Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets: 9th edition
Addison- Wesley, NY., 2010, 663
pgs. index, appendices, glossary
Technical text book on money and
And here it is. A textbook
description of financial markets and banking and monetary theory with much use
of mathematics and equations and graphs. The economic establishment view with
Keynesian ideas. It is still Keynesian despite Mishkin's assessment that the
world of banking and finance changed in 2008. It takes for granted that modern
political-economy is on a sound basis. This is an excellent text for
understanding the ideas of establishment economists, such as 'velocity'. I
disagree with that as well as his concept of the nature of money and interest.
G. Edward Griffin

The Creature from Jekyll
Island: A second look at the Federal Reserve
American Media, Calif.,
1994-2003, 608 pgs., index, bibliography
History of the Federal Reserve
Read with Crashmakerand
Mayer's book. This is a devastating indictment of the whole FED reserve system
and demand that it be abolished. It is very depressing when one understands
what the book describes. But it is not so polemical as Greider's book.
Sperando and Alvaro Almeida

Sheridan Books, Michigan, 2000, 2
Vol. 1572 pgs.
economics, politics,
political theory
A powerful novel - gripping
mystery, spy, financial, political, economic story. The role of the FED in
creating the financial disaster in the US and the politics of the 'welfare
state' is the underlying theme. The premise is clearly stated, "Since the
misnamed "Progressive Era' of the early 1900's America's leaders have set
this country on the same downward spiral of redistribution, excessive
regulation, and inevitable decline..." A very powerful 'must read'. The
book is now very expensive and difficult to find, but very much worth the
William Greider

Secrets of the Temple: How the
Federal Reserve Runs the Country
Simon & Schuster, NY.,
economics, politics
A very negative view of the
Federal Reserve from a liberal perspective - written before the activities of
the 21st century
William A. Fleckenstein

Greenspan's Bubbles: The Age
of Ignorance at the Federal Reserve
McGraw-Hill, NY.,
economics, politics
A devastating account of the
Federal Reserve policies of the Greenspan era - 1990's - 2003 - Places too much
blame on Greenspan himself rather than on the Fed Reserve System as an
institution and on the purposes for which it was created.
Ravi Batra

Greenspan's Fraud: How two
Decades of his policies have undermined the Global Economy
Palgrave, NY., 2005, 278 pegs.,
index, notes
polemic attack on Greenspan and
his policies
The author's polemical attack on
Greenspan looses its power to convince by too much focus on the man rather than
the FED as an institution and the political policies of the US Government that
Greenspan was executing, even he was claiming otherwise. The author presents
his own 'solutions' to the economic crisis. He claims that the Social Security
system is a fraud - which it is.
Alan Greenspan

The Map and the Territory
Penguin Press, N.Y. 2013, index,
notes, appendices, tables
Economics, business, FED
Subtitle: Risk, Human Nature, and
the Future of Forecasting - This is Greenspan's memoir about his role as
Chairman of the FED. It is about the financial collapse of 2008 and the
difficult of risk assessment and forecasting when a 'bubble' will burst.
Nassim Taleb

by Randomness: The Hidden role of Chance in Life and in the Markets
Random House, NY., 2005, 315 pgs.
, bibliography, index, notes
investments, financials
The hubris of financial market
traders who believe their current success is due to their own brilliance while
forgetting the eventual reversion of trends to their mean.
Black Swan
Penguin edition, NY., paperback,
2010, 444 pgs,. index, bibliography, end notes
investments, financial history
The 'black swan' is the
unexpected arrival of disaster due to misbelief that just because something has
not occurred in the past it cannot occur in the future.
Skin in
the Game
Random House, N.Y., 2018, 279
pgs., index, notes, bibliography, equations, glossary
Economics, investments, stock
markets, mathematics, philosophy
Subtitle is: Hidden asymmetries
in daily Life. The title means the author only relies on people who have their
personal stake - win or lose - in the decisions being made.
The author states the content: "is about four topics in one: a)
uncertainty and the reality of knowledge (both practical and scientific,
assuming there is a difference) or in less polite words bull***t detection, b)
symmetry in human affairs, that is, fairness, justice, responsibility, and
reciprocity, c) information sharing in transactions, and d) rationality in
complex systems and in the real world. Further, he writes: "skin in the
game is necessary to understand the world."
As the section and chapter titles indicate, this is a dense but wide ranging
delve into philosophy as much as it is practical advice for achieving success.
It is based on the author's personal experience. The mathematics are reserved
for the appendix.
Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder
Random House, NY., 2012, 519,
pgs., index, bibliography, end notes
Financial history - investments
The best of Taleb's books. In
this he expands his concepts to discuss the difference between investments that
are dangerous because they are fragile to shock and those that are valuable
because they will benefit from shock.
Branko Milanovic

"The Importance of
Talebs System: From the Fourth Quadrant to the Skin in the Game"
This is an extract from the
Global Policy Journal
29 January 2018
Taleb's first 4 books
Branko Milanovic explores the
impact and importance of Nassim Nicholas Taleb's work.
" Several weeks ago on Twitter I wrote (in an obviously very short form)
why I thought that Taleb was one of the most important thinkers today. Let me
explain in greater detail. Taleb went from (a) technical observations about
non-Gaussian distributions of some phenomena to (b) generalization of what this
means for our perception of reality and the way we comprehend things
(epistemology) to (c) methodology of knowledge and the role of inductive
thinking to finally (d) a statement on ethics".
Nassim Taleb
and coauthors

Statistical Consequences of Fat Tails
Stem Academic Press, 2020, 441
pgs., index, glossary, bibliography, diagrams, tables
Sub title, Real World
Preasmptotics, Epistemology and Applications
A mathematical study of
distribution comparing Gaussian statistical analysis with the analysis of data
that does not conform to the distributions appropriate for that analytic
method. Very critical of current methods.
Talib lists 7 coauthors each to a separate chapter. The book is a mathematical
study of distribution comparing Gaussian statistical analysis with the analysis
of data that does not conform to the distributions appropriate for that
analytic method. The author is very critical of current methods. The book
contains the very high- level statistical analysis that explores the phenomena
of 'fat tails' that is non-Gaussian distributions that are very frequent in
real life.
Charles P.
Panics and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises
John Wiley & Sons, NY., 3rd
ed. 1996, 4th ed., 2000, 264 pgs. index, notes
economic history, political
The author focuses on the
financial crises that culminate an expansionary business cycle and lead to a
contraction. These result from excessive speculation and may be called 'manias'
followed by 'panics'. He briefly overviews many of these since the 1600's and
provides a summary table. He discusses the continual controversy between the
'currency school' that is monetarists and the 'banking school' that is
Keynesian. He does not much like 'econometrics'. Much of the book is devoted to
the question of a 'lender of last resort'. The subject is NOT Inflation or
deflation in history, nor the full business cycle, but rather the specific
culmination of it indicated in the title.
Charles P.
Kindleberger and Robert Alber
Panics and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises
John Wiley & Sons, N.Y., 5th
ed. 2005, 355 pgs, paperback, Index, notes
economic history, political
Charles Kindleberger died in
2003, the book was completed by Robert Alber. This is especially unfortunate
since we so badly need their analysis of the most massive 'mania, panic and
crash of the last 50 years (2005-2009). Both editions are important in refuting
the concept of the 'efficient market' and the 'buy and hold' philosophy.
Peter G. Peterson
Running on Empty: How the
Democratic and Republican Parties are bankrupting our future and what Americans
can do about it
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, NY.,
2004, 242 pgs., brief source note
The coming collapse of the United
States financial system
The author was one of the first
to shout about the coming financial disaster from Social Security and Medicare
lack of real funding for future entitlement spending. All his predictions have
become worse since 2004. But politicians of both parties are not paying
attention (except Congressman Ron Paul). He believes the main cause now is the
'entitlement generation' and politicians who promise more but 'pay' for it by
increasing public debt.
William Bonner and Addison Wiggin
Financial Reckoning Day:
Surviving the Soft Depression of the 21st Century
John Wiley and Sons, NY., 2003,
306 pgs., index, footnotes.
politics, economics
Predictions about the demise of
the US welfare state system - 'what cannot continue, will stop'. The authors
see America repeating the mistakes of Japan. They note the deleveraging of the
credit bubble. And they blame Greenspan for economic blunders.
William Bonner and Addison Wiggin
Financial Reckoning Day:
John Wiley and Sons, NY., 2009,
437 pgs., notes, index
politics, economics
A new version of the above, with
100+ more pages. The first edition is repeated practically verbatim, but the
new material is very worthwhile. If you have the first edition, get this from
library, otherwise buy this version
Burton G. Malkiel
A Random Walk down Wall
Street: The Time tested Strategy of Successful Investing
W. W. Norton Co, NY., 1973 -
2007, 414 pgs., index, tables
The champion of 'buy and hold'
investing - buy an index - based on 'efficient market theory' and Modern
Portfolio theory. I don't buy it at all. But he does demolish chartists,
technical analysts (easy to do) and also much fundamentalist research (harder
to do). In the new edition the author claims his first edition is still valid -
but this was published before 2008. Many other books on this list demolish the
underlying concepts of 'intrinsic value' and "rational" man. The
'straw men' he sets up are easily set on fire, as are his own examples in
support of his theory. Dr. Malkiel is now hyping the 10th edition of this book.
He now is stressing investment in 'emerging markets' a fad he didn't include in
early editions.
Addison Wiggin
The Demise of the Dollar
Agora Press, John Wiley and Sons,
2008, 197 pgs, notes, index.
politics, economics
Further description of the
impossible fiscal, economic policies of the U.S. to continue the welfare state
promises. The author discusses the role of the FED in creating the monetary
crisis. And the book claims to provide ideas for profitable investing in this
Bill Bonner and Addison Wiggin
Empire of Debt: The Rise of an
Epic Financial Crisis
Agora Press, John Wiley and Sons,
N.Y.., 2006, 370 pgs., notes, index
politics, economics
A libertarian view. The coming
collapse of the United States due to over extension of credit and the inherent
fallacy of fiat money. Both Republicans of President Reagan and Democrats of
all presidents are blamed but the problem began with President W. Wilson and
the creation of the FED and Income Tax. The authors deplore the U.S. effort to
create an 'Empire' which cannot be financially supported.
Bill Bonner and Lila Rajiva
Mobs, Messiahs, and
John Wiley and Sons, 2007, 424
pgs, index, footnotes.
economics, psychology, political
Description of the fallacies of
politicians and peoples throughout history with special emphasis on the United
States today. The author has a very negative view of human nature.
Addison Wiggin and Kate
I.O.U.S. A: One Nation, under
stress, in debt
John Wiley and Sons, 2008, 266
pgs, index
politics, economics, social
Expands on the theme of the
previous Bonner and Wiggin books - Based on interviews with leading economic
and political leaders. Companion to a movie that attempts to influence public
opinion by showing the impossibility of the US government to fulfill its
promises for welfare.
Gordon Steele
An Empire of Wealth: The Epic
history of American Economic Power
Harper, NYC. 2004, index,
bibliography, end notes
Economic history
Reviewed in Forbes, Nov. 15, 2004
- An excellent, detailed economic history of the U.S. Full of data. Enjoyable
reading with brief biographies of important persons. Readers will learn much.
Unfortunately the author continues his support of the Hamilton idea of central
banks and government debt. Written in 2004 the author makes some note of
potential financial problems but nevertheless continues to believe in debt. One
has to wonder what he thinks now in 2014
. |
John Steele Gordon

Blessing: The Extraordinary Life and Times of our National Debt
Walker and Co. NY.
1997, 214 pgs., index, table showing the US national debt up to 1996
economic history,
The author, as his
title indicates, is much in favor of Hamilton's idea for creating a national
debt and a central bank. He disagrees with Jefferson's and Jackson's strong
attacks on both. Gordon claims that the national debt was instrumental in
providing finances for the Civil, and both World Wars. Yet he is very concerned
about what has happened since - the extraordinary huge increase in the national
debt. And this is only in 1996. He would likely have a heart attack, if
considering the level of debt in 2009.
David Colbert
Eyewitness to Wall Street
Martin Mayer
The Bankers
The Free Press, NY., 2001
financial, economics
A detailed description and
analysis of the functioning of the US banking system from an insider's point of
Martin Mayer -
The FED: Inside story of how
the world's most powerful financial institution drives the markets
monetary policy, fiscal policy
The author provides extreme
detail needed to see how the financial system actually operates. It cannot be
fully understood in one reading. As an 'insider' the author describes
personalities, who does what. He describes the events of the market crash of
October 1987. Another book that explodes the myth of the 'free market'.
Describes the Congressional political forces on the FED. More objective than
Greider's book.
with CrashmakerandCreature from Jekyll Islandand People's
PottageThis is more straight forward economic and political history.
Martin Mayer
Stealing the Market: How the
Giant Brokerage Firms, with Help from the SEC, Stole the Stock Market from
Basic Books, NY.,
economic history, investments
The author used access to the
players in the financial markets and banking system to create this expose.
Martin Mayer
The Greatest-Ever Bank
Robbery: The Collapse of the Savings and Loan Industry
Collier Books, NY.,
investment history
Another detailed description from
an 'insider' perspective with attention to personalities.
Barry Ritholtz

Bailout Nation: How Greed and
Easy Money Corrupted Wall street and Shook the World Economy
John Wiley & Sons, NY., 2009,
332 pgs., index. notes
economic history, investment
We might consider this a
continuation of the exposure of fraud and near-fraud described by Martin Mayer.
It also is another attack on Greenspan and his policies of 'easy money' like
that of Bill Fleckenstein and Bill Bonner. The author includes some of the
political involvements but does not get to the core of the issue, nor does he
more than mention the origins of the FED.. It is easier to blame the 'greed' of
'incompetent' bankers and brokers. Still, a fine detailed description of
'bailouts' since 1971 culminating in the credit collapse of 2008 - but we now
need more of the same on subsequent events.
Charles Gasparino
Blood on the Street:
Free Press, NY., 2005, 353 pgs,
index, notes
The Wall Street stock bubble of
late 1990's and the role of stock analysts at major firms in promoting it.
This is about the stock market -
It focuses on the way analysts at major Wall Street companies gave favorable
ratings to companies that were providing millions of dollars of business to
their companies. It describes the matter and how Eliot Spitzer as NY Attorney
General broke several cases and forced some changes in the relationship between
analysts and the companies. The author is now using his excellent connections
with insiders to report on Fox Business TV.
Charles Gasparino
The Sellout: how Three Decades
of Wall Street Greed and Government Mismanagement Destroyed the Global
Financial System
Harper Business, NY., 553 pgs.
economics, business history
This is a much bigger story as
the bond market is much bigger than the stock market. And it is the bond market
that is directly related to the debt=credit explosion. A very well written,
even fascinating account with descriptions of the major players in the finance
industry. An even more detailed and narrowly focused account of the financial
'meltdown' and credit collapse of 2008. The author focuses on the principal
players. He describes the role of the Federal Government, something that
Ritholtz overlooks or ignores. But, again, this is contemporary reporting
without discussion of the deeper and longer-range historical background. It was
not government 'mismanagement' but purposeful egalitarian political policy.
Charles Gasparino

Bought and Paid For: The
Unholy Alliance between Barack Obama and Wall Street
Penguin Books, NY., 2010, 290
pgs. notes, appendices
Current link between politics and
Wall Street finances. A valuable expose.
Mr. Gasparino continues his
investigative journalism. The style is the same as in other books. And this one
could use a strong editing to reduce irksome repetition. But the theme is
important. The author names names and gives dates of meetings. The title tells
it all - a close financial support of Obama from his early campaigns into the
presidency by the biggest honchos on Wall Street who sought political support
for their financial - monetary profit making methods.
Peter Schweizer

Extortion: How Politicians
Extract your money, Buy votes, and Line their own Pockets
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, N.Y.,
2003, 249 pgs., index, notes, graphs
Politics, Corruption, public
The author's point is that 'money
is corrupting politics'. Special interests 'push money and special favors into
Washington D.C. in order to get them'. The recent elections show that the
situation in 2020 is worse then it was on 2003
Peter Schweizer

Architects of Ruin
Harper Collins, N.Y., 2009, 2017
pgs., notes
Government corruption, politics,
public policy
Subtitle: How Big Government
Liberals Wrecked the Global Economy - and How They Will Do it Again If No One
Stops Them. Well President Trump and his allies stopped them again temporarily,
but now with Biden and President they are expanding their ruinous domestic and
foreign policies.
Kimberly Strassel
Resistance (at all Costs)
Hachete Book Group, N.Y. 2019,
235 pgs., index
Politics, Corruption, public
Another view of special interest
group funding politics with focus on the revolutionary leftist progressive
attack on conservative policy in the name of attacking President Trump.
David S. Landes
The Wealth and Poverty of
Nations: Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor.
W. W. Norton Co. New York, 650
pgs, bibliography, index, notes
World history, economic history
Why European countries created
wealth and gained power in the context of society's cultures. Europe succeeded
throughout the world due to its culture. This describes a broader picture than
Kennedy's book.
Invest like a Dealmaker:
Secrets from a Former Banking Insider
John Wiley & Sons, New
Jersey, 2008, 222 pgs, index, notes
investment advice
The author describes his theories
about finding good investments. And he discusses the methods of a number of
famous investors including Charlie Munger, Benjamin Graham, Warren Buffett..
His method requires detailed research into the fundamentals of a company before
investing. He writes, forget Modern Market Theory - pick a few stocks and keep
them. Main point is there are two stock markets - one for amateurs and one for
Robert G. Hagstrom
The Essential Bufffett:
Timeless Principles for the New Economy
John Wiley & Sons, NY.,
investment advice
The author attempts to identify
Buffett's fundamental principles and investment methods
Mary Buffett and David Clark
The New Buffettology
Rawson Associates, 2002, 288 pgs,
investment advice
Describes Buffett's original
investment in insurance companies and how he uses the float as protection from
high income taxes. How to take advantage of bad situations and down markets
with companies that have durable competitive advantage.
Lawrence A. Cunningham
How to Think Like Benjamin
Graham and Invest like Warren Buffett
McGraw-Hill, NY.,
investment advice
More on investment rules culled
from Buffett's record.
Hildy and Stan Richelson
Bonds: The Unbeaten path to
secure Investment Growth
Bloomberg Press, NY.,
investment advice
Authors advocate buying
individual bonds and holding to maturity. They claim this is only sure way to
know exactly what your return will be from an investment. The very significant
return on US Treasury bonds versus the stock market since 1999 strengthens
their argument.
Robert Sobel
The Pursuit of Wealth: The
Incredible Story of Money Throughout the Ages
McGraw-Hill, NY.,
economic history
Robert D. Kaplan
The Coming Anarchy: Shattering
the Dreams of the Post Cold War
Random House, NY., 2000, 198
pgs., index
economics, investments
A collection of the author's
essays published from 1994 on .
Robert D. Kaplan
The Revenge of Geography
Random House, N.Y., 2012, 403
pgs., index, notes, maps
Geo-politics, geostrategy,
current events
The subtitle: What the Map tells
us about coming Conflicts and the Battle Against Fate. An approach to analysis
of current power to that of Zeihan's three books. The author describes and then
analyzes the composite potential power of each country or region given its
geography (world location and resources).
Gary Schilling
Deflation: How to
Survive and Thrive in the Coming Wave of Deflation
McGraw-Hill, NY.,
economics, investments
A very early, prophetic
discussion of the deflationary epoch and how to protect investments. Should
have been studied years ago.
Gary Schilling
The Age of Deleveraging:
Investment Strategies for a Decade of Slow Growth and Deflation
John Wiley and Sons, NY., 2010
Analysis of current economic -
financial situation
Mr. Schilling touts his new book
in an essay in Forbes Dec 20, 2010. Quote" After 40 years of leveraging up
by global financial firms and three decades of a borrowing and spending binge
by U. S. Consumers, deleveraging is here. It will persist fora decade, and
that's the good news." In the book he gets specific about which industries
to avoid (housing and financial related) and which to favor (energy, especially
in North America).
Carroll Quigley
Tragedy and Hope: A History of
the World in our time
MacMillan Co., NY./, 1966. 1348
pgs., index
The author was a professor of
history at Georgetown Univ. He was a self-proclaimed liberal with access to the
establishment leaders and wrote from an 'insider's' point of view about the
liberal agenda as it has been practiced in recent times. He was an Anglophile.
The first chapters provide an historical background from the 19th century.
Other chapters are topical. One strikingly relevant observation Quigley makes
is about the unique position of the United States from its ability to finance
its operations and debt from its own fiat currency. That ability is at the
center of controversy over international finance and the expanding US deficit
in balance of payments today. This is a difficult but very important book.
Jim Rogers
Adventure Capitalist
Random House, NY., 2003, 357
pgs., index
World travel with observations on
culture and economics
The author's main conclusions
from his drive around the world: there will be a new commodity bull market -
China is rising in future - India and Pakistan are disintegrating - the Euro
will fall - Angola has bright future as does Bolivia. NGO's are a fraud.
Roger Lowenstein
Origins of the Crash: The
great bubble and its undoing
The Penguin Press, NY., 2004, 270
pgs., index, notes
The 'dot. com crash
This is a detailed description of
the great boom on Wall Street in the 1990's - specifically the so-called
'dot-com' crash. It is about the massive speculation and fraud that transferred
millions of dollars. The author names many of the worst perpetrators such as
Jack Grubman, Henry Blodget, Ken Lay, and Bernie Ebbers and the corporations
such as Enron and World Com. He includes Alan Greenspan and the role of
government - FED monetary policy. He focuses on the criminal behavior and the
mass mania that generated a spectacular increase in stock prices followed by a
rapid collapse of same. But the whole discussion is superficial. The author
does not recognize that he is describing a typical 'blow-out' phase of a
century long inflation wave- nor that it will be followed by a deflationary
period. Writing in 2004, of course, he cannot know that his Crash and 'great
bubble' was but the first of the series that followed.
Paul Krugman
The Great unraveling: Losing
our way in the new century
W. W. Norton, NY., 2005, 426
pgs., index
A compendium of the authors
published articles, mostly from the New York Times between 2000 and
2005. - public affairs, economics.
We read this for the same reason
we study Das Kapital and the Communist Manifesto - The author is still at it
and has a strong following in the liberal "progressive' political camp. He
makes his biased position clear in the preface when he quotes the radical
reporter, Helen Thomas, who called President Bush II "the worst president
in all of American history'. For professor Krugman everything Bush is bad and
everything Clinton is good. He continues to advocate the worse of Keynesian
economics and urges the president and congress to INCREASE spending and expand
the DEFICIT. Unfortunately he still has a prominent position on the pages of
the New York Times to promote his leftist agenda.
Christopher Whalen

Inflated: How Money and Debt
Built the American Dream
John Wiley, 2011, 393 pgs, notes,
economic history of US. money and
A vivid narrative about the rule
of banks and financiers in the economic and political history of the U.S.
Highlights the important role of President Lincoln and Republicans in expanding
government control. Shows clearly the role of credit and debt generated by the
banking system in both expansion and contraction. Describes the importance of
the Federal Reserve. But the author misses the relationship of the FED and
creation of the income tax and direct election of senators.
Lawrence Freedman

Strategy: A History
Oxford Univ. Press, 2013, 751
pgs., index, extensive notes
Intellectual history
After a brief discussion of the
Bible, and Greeks, the author jumps to Sun Tzu and Machiavelli. The remainder
is divided into sections on 'Strategies of Force', 'Strategy from Below',
'Strategy from Above', and "Theories of Strategy.' Chapter 32 is on The
Rise of Economics.
Peter Heather

The Fall of the Roman Empire:
A New History of Rome and the Barbarians
Oxford Univ. Press, 2007, 572
pgs., index, noes, bibliography, maps
Military and Cultural History
Peter Heather

The Restoration of Rome:
Barbarian popes and Imperial pretenders
Oxford Univ. Press, 2011, 470
pgs., index, noes, bibliography, maps
Simon James

Rome and the Sword: How
Warriors and Weapons Shaped Roman history
Thames and Hudson, 2011, 328
pgs., of small font, index, notes, bibliography, illustrations, maps
Military and Cultural History
Dan Jones
The Plantagenets: The Warrior
Kings and Queens Who Made England
Viking, NYC., 2012, 534 pgs.,
index, added reading, maps, genealogical charts
Military, Political and Cultural
Use the link to read more. This
is an excellent book, a great read full of fascinating detail. The author's
obvious purpose is to tell a great story about 'The Warrior Kings and Queens
who Made England" and he fulfills his purpose. His larger purpose is to
show how the members of this Plantagenet dynasty and their opponents created
the fundamental structure and nature of England and its society. There are also
concepts and 'lessons' the attentive reader can find on his own embedded in the
story. There is an excellent index and helpful maps. The author provides a
useful 'further reading' for each chapter, which shows the rich reference
sources, both primary chronicles and memoirs and recent biographies and
studies. The author leaves out footnoting, no doubt to avoid breaking up the
narrative. But within the text itself he provides extensive direct quotations
cited to eyewitness accounts and contemporary historians.
Dan Jones
The Wars of the Roses: The
Fall of the Plantagenets and the Rise of the Tudors
Viking, NYC., 2014, 392 pgs.,
index, added reading, maps, genealogical charts
Military, Political and Cultural
A sequel to Plantagenets - Dan
Jones carries the narrative on to the conclusion of the house of Plantagenet.
Brendan Simms
Europe: The Struggle for
Supremacy from 1453 to the Present
Basic Books, NYC, 2013, index,
Political, Cultural and Military
The author's thesis is that the
struggle to control Germany has been the central driving force of European
Geoffrey Parker
Global Crisis: War, Climate
Change and Catastrophe in the Seventeenth Century
Yale Univ. Press, New Haven,
2013, 871 pgs., notes, index, bibliography, maps
Political and Military History
Jonathan Haidt
The Righteous Mind: Why Good
People are Divided by Politics and Religion
Pantheon, NYC., 2012, 419 pgs.,
moral philosophy, ethics
Reviewed in WSJ., March 10, 2012
- July 1, 2012 - The author searches for the fundamental cultural bases that
cause individuals to differ so pronouncedly on political and religious issues.
The author is a liberal academic who is seeking to find some common ground with
conservatives. But he still tends to consider conservatives as somehow missing
something upstairs.
Arnold Kling
Specialization and Trade
Cato Institute, Wash. D.C., 2016,
206 pgs., index, paperback
A libertarian view of proper
economic theory and why the prevailing establishment concepts are faulty.
John Hicks
A Theory of Economic
Oxford Univ. Press, 2001, 181
pgs., index, paperback
Economic history
The author seeks to develop a
theoretical understanding of the development of market economies throughout
history leading up to the Industrial Revolution.
Randall G. Holcombe
The Austrian School of
Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.,
2014, 126 pgs., index, paperback
Intellectual history -
The book is about the
"Austrian School" of economic theory. Of course there is no actual
'school' but the term refers to the individuals who can be considered to have a
similar set of theories about economics. As the author writes: "A school
of thought is defined by the ideas of its members, and there is not a clear
line that identifies its borders." He notes that the popularity of the set
of ideas lost popularity in the last century but has been rejuvenated in this.
So he describes this 'Austrian School' by explaining some of its main
theoretical subjects, such as, Market process, Decentralized knowledge,
entrepreneurial business, money, banking and business cycles.
Randall G. Holcombe
Political Capitalism
Cambridge Univ. Press, 2018, 294
pgs., index, references, footnotes, paperback
Economic theory and history,
political theory
The author describes the theory
of Political Capitalism and the actual history of economic activity that may be
considered to be based on it. He concludes: "The analysis that follows
concludes that political capitalism, in which the political and economic elite
control the system for their own benefit, is not market capitalism and should
be analyzed as a separate economic system. His point is that the extensive
intervention of government power into market based economic systems results in
such extensive change that it should be considered quite different so that the
resulting activities and outcomes should NOT be ascribed to a real market
economic system.
Gary S. Becker
Economic Theory
Aldine Transaction Publishers,
London, 2008, 222 pgs., index, paperback
Econometrics - application of
elaborate mathematical formulas to attempt to derive solution based on economic
The key word in Theory. The
author teaches economics at Univ. of Chicago. He has very impressive
credentials in the academic economist family. The book is about
'macroeconomics' but is not strictly limited to that. He is of the general
economist persuasion that 'theory' even when based on a relatively small sample
of variable factors out of reality in order to make analysis possible is
essential. To theory he then creates relationships between the selected factors
and posits mathematical relationships formulated in equations. This is modern
Matthew D. Mitchell & Peter
Applied Mainline Economics
Mercatus Center, Arlington VA.,
Economic theory, political policy
This is an Austrian school -
libertarian based theoretical analysis of major issues about economic activity.
The authors title their work "Mainline" but it is not the core
philosophy of contemporary establishment academic economists. Rather, in my
opinion Austrian School theories about economic activity are superior to the
theories inculcated in students of economics in the famous establishment
Shifts in Financial Markets
Palgrave, Macmillan, N.Y. 2016,
186 pgs., index, bibliography, figures
Contemporary financial
organizations, banks and related
The subtitle is: People, Policies
and Institutions. The author was an active participant in Wall Street financial
organizations for many years, rising to the top echelons. He knows the people,
he has witnessed and frequently participated in creating the policies, and he
has observed the significant changes in the institutions. And he is very
concerned about what he sees now. The change is so significant he terms it
'tectonic' like earthquakes and shifts in the world's 'plates'. In the final
chapter he summarizes today's situation and offers some ideas about what one
might do.
Geoffrey Ingham
The Nature of Money
Polity, Cambridge U.K., 2004, 254
pgs., index, references, notes, paperback
Economic history,
This is one of the best books on
Money that I have found so far. Not surprising, I guess, that it is written not
by an economist but rather a sociologist. Thus, he maintains that money is a
social instrument.
Geoffrey Ingham
Polity, 2008-2011, 331 pgs.,
index, references, notes, paperback
Economic history, Economic
theory, money
The author begins with Adam Smith
and the late 18th century theoreticians about capitalism, then proceeds through
the list to Keynes. He then discusses 'institutions' by which he means 'money'
and its creation and use. He concludes with comment about the financial crises
that took place as he was writing.
The Unauthorized Biography
Alfred A. Knopp, NYC., 2014, 320
pgs., bibliography, index, end notes
Economic history and theory of
This is a very important book in
which the author dispels myths about money and banking. Thus, I am all the more
disappointed, when I read major mistakes that actually confuse the very issues
he is advancing. He mixes his terms by using money and currency almost
interchangeably. His descriptions of the development of modern money are good,
but his ideas about ancient Near East and especially early Greek economies and
their money are not.
L. Randall Wray

Modern Money Theory
Palgrave, Macmillan, N.Y., 2012,
294 pgs., index, illustrations, bibliography, paperback
Economic theory, political policy
The author is one of the leading
academic advocates for the current leftist political program based on MMT the
mantra of environmentalists and 'green' demands for major change in American
society. I wrote a lengthy commentary on the book and MMT itself when it was
published. MMTThe theory is a development of
Chartalist theory from the early 19th century.
Eric Tymoigne & L. Randall

Money: an Alternative
University of Missouri, Kansas
City, Working Paper 45, July, 2005, 23 pgs.
Economic theory, political policy
Another essay about how wonderful
MMT would be when it is the basis for political policy
Stephanie Bell, John Henry, L.
Randall Wray 
A Chartalist Critique of John
Locke's Theory of Property, Accumulation, and money
Dept. of Economics, University of
Missouri, Kansas City, 2000, 12 pgs., bibliography
Economic theory, political policy
The economic department at U of
Missouri is a central of advocacy of MMT.
L. Randall
and State Theories of Money -
Edward Elgar Pub. Cheltenham,
U.K., 2004,
Economic history and theory -
chapters 1 and 8 in this book
Subtitle: The Contributions of A.
Mitchell Innes Chapter 1 Introduction and Chapter 8 Conclusion Dr. Wray writes
that the very important articles written by Innes appeared in British journals
that are now very difficult to obtain. We own him a great reward for having
published them in this book and for engaging the other experts here is writing
commentary and their own contributions in the other chapters.
Mitchell Innes was a civil servant who studied economic history and developed
an alternate theory about the origin and development of 'money' from ancient
See also below - Wray
A. Mitchell Innes
" What is Money?"
Banking Law Journal, May,
1913, pgs., 377-408 - republished in Edward Elgar Pub. Cheltenham, U.K., 2004,
Economic history and theory -
chapter 2 in this book
One of the two early articles by
Mitchell Innes in a now obscure professional publication and mostly lost, but
thanks to renewed interest by Prof Wray and claimed relevance by the MMT
supporters now republished and available on line.
A. Mitchell Innes
"The Credit Theory of Money'
Banking Law Journal,
Dec/Jan. 2014, pgs., 2521-268, republished in Edward Elgar Pub. Cheltenham,
U.K., 2004,
Economic history and theory -
chapter 3 in this book
One of the two early articles by
Mitchell Innes in a now obscure professional publication and mostly lost, but
thanks to renewed interest by Prof Wray and claimed relevance by the MMT
supporters now republished and available on line.
John F. Henry

"The Social Origins of
Money: The Case of Egypt"
Edward Elgar Pub. Cheltenham,
U.K., 2004,
Economic history and theory -
chapter 4 in this book
A well written combination review
of Innes and description of ancient Egyptian use of money in market
Michael Hudson

"The Archeology of
Edward Elgar Pub. Cheltenham,
U.K., 200 PDF4,
Economic history and theory -
chapter 5 in this book
Subtitle: Debt versus Barter
Theories of Money's Origins
See also below Hudson and other entries opposing or supporting the 'myth of
Hudson ondebt
Hudson on finance
Hudson on Goetzmann
James Robertson

History of Money
 a PDF published by Robertson
Economic history - money -
This is a copy of James
Robertson's short essay on the history of money. It is a typical economics
establishment description starting with the 'myth of barter' found in Adam
Smith's Wealth of Nations. The whole theory was developed and continued
before 18th century writers knew anything about the economy of ancient
Mesopotamia or Egypt or China. In Chapter 2 he writes that throughout history
the people with power have almost been rich. But that is not so, as clan and
tribal leaders from primitave societies to Teutonic, or Celtic leaders were not
rich. In Chapter 6 he (unusually) describes money as a metric that quantifies
'value'. But in Chapter 9 he reveals his political purpose for writing the
essay and his political position advocating a drastic change in economic life,
in money itself. He also claims that money was created by powerful people to
enable themselves to become wealthy. That idea is false.
Geoffrey W. Gardiner

"The Primacy of Trade Debt
in the Development of Money"
Edward Elgar Pub. Cheltenham,
U.K., 2004
Economic history and theory -
chapter 6 in this book
Another elaboration of monetary
theory based on Innes.
Geoffrey Ingham

"The Emergence of Capitalist
Credit Money"
Edward Elgar Pub. Cheltenham,
U.K., 2004,
Economic history and theory -
chapter 7 in this book
See also Ingham on
See Ingham on money
Biography of Mitchell Innes
Brief bio of the early author on
the Theory of money
As the reader can see from the
brief biographical entry Mitchell-Innes had a very distinguished public career.
But his considerable interest to us today is the important contributions to the
understanding of 'money' that comes from two articles he published in 1913 and
1914. These have been reprinted by L. Randall Wray in his book, Credit and
State Theory of Money in 2004. But Dr. Wray's interest and purpose was for
Innes' ideas to support the Chartalist theory of Modern Monetary Theory - MMT.
So the other contributors to Credit and State have followed that purpose. The
entire book has been scanned by Arno Mong Daastoel and is available in PDF
C. H. V. Sutherland

Coinage in Roman Imperial
Policy 31 B.C. - A.D. 68
Methuen & Co, London, 1952,
220 page., index, illustrations , footnotes
Jonathan D.
T. Ward
Vision of Victory
Atlas Publishing, 2019, 279 pgs.,
index, notes, paperback
Geopolitics, current events,
China vs. U.S. Politics
The author spent years in China
and more in the study of Chinese political, economic and military policies and
planning. But he has lived or visited many other places around the world and
seen first hand what the Chinese are doing on other continents. He learned to
speak and read not only Chinese but Russian. This is a comprehensive result of
these years of study. He includes direct citations from original Chinese
sources that describe the objectives and means being employed to achieve them.
The fundamental mission of Chinese leadership is to enable China to be the
leading world power by 2050. To this end they are employing every type of power
including especially economic and military expansion. Each page of the book is
packed with information, data, quotations, appraisals that make it impossible
to prepare an adequate summary in a few pages. This is a brief survey, so
please read the book.
My review includes a lengthy list of references.
Michael Pillsbury

The Hundred-year Marathon
St. Martin's Griffin, N.Y., 2016,
332 pgs., index, endnotes, paperback
Geopolitics, China vs. U.S.
Politics, Current events
Subtitle: China's Secret Strategy
to Replace America as the Global Superpower,
This is a very important book that brings together information from many
sources, including Chinese, that describe the Chinese program to become the
world's leading power. The subtitle is misleading in calling it 'secret' as the
author himself shows by his extensive quotation from open, public Chinese
publications that reveal the policies, the theories behind them, and the
obvious results from their implementation to date. This is one of the three
most significant references (Jonathan Ward's China's Vision of
Victoryand Kai-Fu- Lee'sAI Super Powers China, Silicon Valley, and the
New World Order are the others. I list links to these and others below.
Pillsbury bases his view on many years of study and working at the highest
levels of American policy making during which he had preferential access to
senior Chinese military and political officials and theorists. Ward bases his
view on years of living in China in direct contact with Chinese of all social
levels plus years of study of Chinese documents. Lee bases his view on his
years as a senior developer of applications in artificial intelligence and
information technology in both the United States and China. He describes what
he knows about contemporary and the future results coming from advanced
information technology.
Clive Hamilton & Mareike
Hidden Hand: Exposing How the
Chinese Communist Party is Reshaping the World
One world Publishing, London,
2020, 418 pgs., index, notes
Strategy, Communist Party policy,
international politics
This is a super important book
based on extensive research, insider information, and clear analysis. The title
tells the story. But too many Americans and Europeans have already been
subverted, manipulated, bribed, threatened and worse. The authors come from a
different national perspective and provide insight to the reality of for what
the CCP and Xi are planing and working asiduously. And the authors make it very
clear that the CCP is NOT the Chinese people who themselves are being dominated
by all of the above policies. The book was written mostly based on what has
transpired during the Trump, Obama, and Bush presidencies. Now with Biden under
control of the radical leftist - one world - new world order revolutionaries
the situationis rapidly becoming worse. The content devotes much analysis to
Canada and Europe with information not generally read by Americans. The
glossary and acronyms are very helpful in listing Chinese names and meanings.
The book greatly expands the analysis in Allison's book and the others listed
below. And it should be read along with Clyde Prestowitz's book listed next.
Clyde Prestowitz
The World Turned Upside
Yale Univ. Press, New Haven,
2021, 321 pgs., index, end notes.
Geopolitics, China vs. U.S.
Current Events, Politics
Subtitle: America, China, and the
Struggle for Global Leadership. This is a recent addition to the literature
about the conflict between China and the United States. Theauthor provies an
excellent summary history of Chinese civilization (it is more than a country or
society or nation or empire). The fundamental characteristics of Chinese
civilization today are a continuation of those from a thousand years B.C. The
Chinese understanding of their past dominates their view of what their society
should be in the world future. The author also describes American historical
development as the background for understanding what American leaders have
believed about China - fundamental misunderstnding.
This book should be read along with Hamilton's book listed above and those
Graham Allison

Destined For War
Scribe, London, 2017, 364 pgs.,
graphs, paperback
Geopolitics, China vs. U.S.
Current Events, Politics
Subtitle: Can America and China
Escape Thucydides's Trap. This is a very important study of critical current
and future conditions facing American and Chinese leaders (rulers) and
citizens. It very forcefully presents a thesis that, if accepted, would affect
American foreign and domestic policy and Chinese responses to those. Thus it
should be carefully analyzed. But even more important is Thucydides' own
writing on the human condition for its very relevant lessons for very similar
examples of human conditions today. The 'trap' is not one into which a 'state'
might fall, but one in which individuals and human communities do fall
frequently. History is the recorded record of human ideas, decisions and
actions, not those attributed to some theoretical concept. (See, for instance
The fundamental problem with this study is common to modern academic political
science and economics practitioners: the insist on study of aggregates of
humanity rather than individuals. They insist that doing otherwise generates
too much 'noise' in the data for modeling behavior. Political scientist
academics frame their efforts around the abstract concept of the 'state' which
was adduced during the Renaissance to replace the 'Great Chain of Being' as the
legitimizing concept for rulers. But the ancient Greeks had no such concept.
They believed that individuals were responsible for the results of their
actions. And that actions decided upon were the responsibility of the group.
Kai-Fu Lee

AI Superpowers
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, N.Y.
2018, 253 gs., index, notes
Economics, Geopolitics, U.S. vs
China - Future of high technology
Subtitle: China, Silicon Valley,
and the New World Order his is one of the very important book for everyone
interested in the current and future development of artificial intelligence and
machine learning in China and the United States. The others are Michael
Pillsbury's The Hundred-Year Marathonand Jonathan Ward's China's
Vision of Victory. They should be studied together.
The author has many years of direct, personal experience in study and
development of AI in both the United States and China. He also has been a CEO
and executive in major innovative, leading computer software corporations. Now
he leads a Venture Investment company he founded to encourage and expand more
'start up' innovative companies. In this book he combines his observations on
the historical development of AI and the computer industry in general with his
expectations for the future developments. He is especially concerned about the
broader impact of the expanding role of all aspects of AI (such as deep data
mining and machine learning) in social and political issues such as
unemployment and wealth distribution. He also provides his assessment of the
relative leadership between China and the United States in all aspects of AI
now and in the next 10 years or so.
Martin Jacques

When China Rules the World
The Penguin Press, N.Y., 2009,
550 pgs., index, notes, maps, figures
Economics, Geopolitics, U.S. vs
China -
Subtitle: The End of the Western
World and the Birth of a New Global Order. The author applauds the future he
predicts. He is very much fundamentally anti-U.S. and also anti-Europe in
outlook. His prediction is controversial but very possible. But it is going to
be pleasant.