This privately owned museum is
located in Nokesville Va. It contains an outstanding collection of armored
vehicles from around the world. The museum holds a special exhibition once
every year or two. The open house in summer 2006 was dedicated to the Marine
Corps Battle on Iwo Jima and included a reenactment of a Marine assault on a
pillbox, complete with use of tanks and a flamethrower, as can be seen in
several of the photos below. Go back to see the photos from the open house in
2003 when the museum was Coors armor museum - called the 'tank farm'. And we
have now added photos from the shows in 2008, 2009, 2013, 2016, 1017, 2018, nd
2019. In 2014 the new Americans in Wartime Museum was fomed. Eventually it wil
contain nuch of these exhibits and more near Woodbridge VA.
Display from Marine Corps
Heritage Center - focused on Iwo Jima
US - armored car - M-8 Geyhound
US - armored car - M-8 Greyhound
US - self propelled, tracked,
twin 40mm Bofors anti-aircraft gun on a M-19 or M 19A1 carriage derived from
the M-24 Chaffee
US - self propelled twin barrel
40mm Bofors anti-aircraft gun on a M-19 or M 19A1 carriage derived from the
M-24 Chaffee - front deck
US - self propelled twin barrel
40mm Bofors anti-aircraft gun on a M-19 or M 19A1 carriage derived from the
M-24 Chaffee- rear
US - M-24 Chafee - light tank
US - M-20 armored car
US - M113 personnel carrier
Signboard - US - M113, armored
personel carrier descriptions
US - M-14 Armored Recon Vehicle
with 20mm gun
US - M 20 armored car
US - M-24 Chafee tank
US - M-24 Chafee tank
US - Lee/Grant tank
US - Lee/Grant tank
US - M-24 Chafee light tank
US -M-10 Wolverine Tank Destroyer
US - M-10 Wolverine Tank
US - M-10 Wolverine Tank
US - heavy duty wrecker truck
with winch
US - Priest - self -propelled
artillery 105mm howitzer
US - Priest - self -propelled
artillery 105mm howitzer
British - Bren gun carrier
US - Priest - self-propelled gun
US - M3A1 half-track personel
US - light tank M3A1 Stuart
US - light tank M3A1 Stuart
Display - layout of full field
Display - layout of gas, water
and other cans from various nations - note the French air force can
British - Saker, light strike
vehicle - equivalent of jeep
US - jeep
US - jeep
US - jeep with camoflage net and
small arms
US - three sub-machine guns on
rear seat of jeep with gas mask.
US - 1945 Marine Corps jeep with
various gear and Thompson sub-machine gun
Experimental scout car with three
machine guns and more
Scout car with machine gun
US - jeep with machine gun
mounted above rear seat
Radio controlled models of US
tanks - Shermans
Radio controlled model of US tank
- Shermans
US - towed 105mm howitzer
Detail of the breech of the 105
mm howitzer
Towed anti-tank gun
Detail of gear stowed on rear of
US vehicle
US - Detail of machine guns
mounted in open rear of vehicle
US - truck mounting heavy machine
gun in ring mount in open rear bay
Display - captured Japanese flags
and military equipment
US - M 1917 light tank beginning
US - 3/4 ton command car from
504th parachute infantry - 82nd Airborne Division
US - 3/4 ton command car from
504th parachute infantry - 82nd Airborne Division
US - 4 barrel - 50cal M-2
Browning anti-aircraft machine guns mounted in rear of M-3 half track truck -
this combination called a M-16 motor gun carriage or Half track M-16AA
US - 4 barrel - 50cal M-2
Browning anti-aircraft machine guns mounted in rear of M-3 half track truck -
this combination called a M-16 motor gun carriage or Half track M-16AA
Tank being repaired
Another tank being repaired
Tank being repaired
Tank being repaired
Front loader machine
US - large logistics vehicle with
tandem trailer.
British - Reco vehicle
Detail of turret of British Recon
British - display layout of the
military equipment of special forces
British Centurian main battle
Detail of upper portion of tank
British Centurian main battle
British Centurian tank - rear
British Cernturian tank - rear
British - armored car with main
Detail of upper portion of tank
turret with smoke dispensers and periscopes.
British - armored car
British - armored car
British - armored car
British - armored car
British - armored mortar carrier
British - Abbot self-propelled
105mm cannon
British - Abbot self-propelled
cannon - side, rear view
British - armored mortar carrier
British - armored mortar carrier
- rear view
British - Scorpion Fv101
reconnaisance vehicle
British - Scorpion Recon vehicle
British - Striker armored grenade
firing vehicle
British - Saladin armored car
with cannon
Two Russian medium tanks T55MA -
Russian - T 55 A Main battle tank
Russian T55MA- main battle tank
Russian T54-55 - main battle tank
Russian - T55MA main battle tank
- side view
Russian T55MA Detail of upper
portion of tank turet with machine gun and search light
German - display of full field
gear next to tank
German - display of full field
gear next to tank
View of interior of Russian BMP
from rear
View of on side of interior from
View of interior of Russian BMP
from rear
Tank dozer
Tank dozer - engineer vehicle
Russian - BMP armored personel
Russian BMP personnel carrier
Russian T-76 amphibious tank
Rear view of Russian BMP with
doors open
Announcer wearing German
reenactor uniform
Reenactor Marines preparing for
Reenactor Marines preparing for
Anouncer - narrator beginning
description of Marine events.
Anouncer - narrator beginning
description of Marine events.
Reenactors of Marine assault
preparing for event
Marine reenactor squad in
position to conduct assault
Marine reenactor leader with his
radioman checking three Marines
Marine reenactors beginning to
advance on 'eneny' entrenchments
Marine reenactors conducting
practice drill occupying the entrenchement - they performed a rehersal dry run
prior to the firing demonstration
Marine reenactors with amphibious
vehicle getting organized for demonstration
Marine reenactors beginning
Marine reenactors now deployed
into line with three teams for fire and maneuver
Marine reenactors - two Sherman
tanks move up in support and commence firing along side the amphibious tractor
- the Marine with flame thrower waits in a concealed position
Marine reenactment - smoke now
rising from shelling of 'enemy' entrenchments.
Marine reenactment - Sherman
tanks continue to fire in support
Marine reenactors reaching final
assault positions.
Marine reenactment - smoke and
fire on entrenchment from initial fire from flamethrower to left in photo
Marine reenactment - flamethrower
is now laying down a fierce fire as assaulting Marines wait under cover
Marine reenactor - flamethrower
is now moving forward to increase the effectiveness of fire.
Marine reenactor - close up view
of flame thrower in action
Marine reenactors - with 'enemy'
thoroughly disorganized by remaining fire the Marine squad advances on the
Marine reenactment - the
assaulting squad storms over the top of the 'enemy' entrenchment
Marine reenactors - enjoying a
break near their amphibious tractor after the successful assault
Marine reenactor squad showing
organization of teams - standing at attention for spectators
Military Police dog handler with
police dog.
Line of armored vehicles on
Two British tanks moving across
field to demonstrate mobility
American Stuart light tank moving
across field in front of two British tanks to demonstrate mobility
American light tank and two
British tanks moving across field to demonstrate mobility
Two British tanks moving across
field to demonstrate mobility
British tank maneuvering across
open field
British and Russian tanks
maneuvering across open field
Russian T-54 tank maneuvering
across open field
German - WWII Jagdpanzer Hertzer-
rear view
German - WWII half-track personel
German - WWII command car
German - WWII Jagdpanzer Hetzer
German - WWII
Jagdpanzer Hetzer
German reenactors discussing
events in front of a half-track personel carrier
British tank maneuvering on field
German - WWII machine gun
German - display of WWII
individual soldier equipment
Russian - WWII T-34/85 tank
Russian - World War II reenactor
with submachine gun
British Bren gun carrier
British Bren gun carrier
British Scorpion Recon vehicle
Armored truck
US - Lee/Grant tank
US - Lee/Grant tank
British Scorpion Recon Vehicle
US -towed 105mm howitzer
US - towed 105mm howitzer
US - anti-aircraft cannon on
tracked armored vehicle
US - M113 armored personel
US - recoilless rifle mounted on
mobile platform
US - display layout of a variety
of personal weapons including bazooka and light machine gun and automatic
US - 81mm mortar
US - display layout mostly of
bolt action rifles.
US - display of rifles plus tent
and other items.
Military motorcycles
Russian military motorcycle with
side car
Military motorcycles
US - M1A1 pack howitzer
US - M 10 Wolverine tank
US - M 10 Wolverine tank
British Armored scout car
Sweden - S - medium tank
Sweden - S - medium tank
Sweden - S - medium tank
Two rows of armored vehicles,
mostly British or Canadian
Sweden - S - medium tank
Sweden -S - medium tank
British - Sriker anti-tank
missile carrier
Interior of recon vehicle
British - scout car and Saladin
recon vehicle
British - Chieftan main battle
British section of the display
British - display layout of
personal weapons and equipment
Russian T54-55 main battle tanks
Display on wall and commemoration
flag for Iwo Jima Veterans day
Display on wall and commemoration
flag for Iwo Jima Veterans day
US - Display - 60mm mortar and
machine gun
US -Stuart light tank
View of one of the long lines of
armored and other vehicles on display
Three medium tanks
German - several reenactors with
a half-track
Interior of armored personnel
Display of small arms next to the
Russian armored personel carrier
US - Marine Corps recoilless
rifle mounted on a moveable platform
US Army World War II halftrack -
In left forground is rear of
Hetzer - in far background is British Chieftan. - American World War II
aircraft overhead.
Clearing a jammed rifle during
the live fire target practice.. An American is being helped by the German
Young visitors examining US WWII
jeep and camouflage
Detail of tank turret and front
deck of Russian T 55
Russian T 55A main battle tank
Russian T 34-85 tank
US 105mm howitzer
British armored vehicle
Visitors watching Marines
Visitors watching Marines
Visitors watching Marines
British recon vehicle
Interior of British recon vehicle