Shown here are photos I took while assigned
first to Headquarters 8th US Army in Seoul and then to Company A, 3rd Engineer
Bn. north of the Imjin River and finally to headquarters of the 3rd Engineer
Bn. of 24th Infantry Division. Also there are a few photos taken during drives
around Korea or flights to Pusan. Some of the photos are rather poor, but at
least they provide an idea of conditions in Korea.
The parade ground at Youngsan compound -
Eighth Army Headquarters, Seoul Korea.
The parade ground at Eighth Army Hqs.
Parade ground at Eighth Army Hqs in Seoul
The UN and Eighth Army Honor Guard in Seoul -
The soldier saluting is from the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders. Note the
Turkish soldier also in the composite platoon.
Another view of the composite platoon of the
UN and Eighth Army honor guard - note Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, Turkish
and Ethiopian soldiers.
The Eighth Army - UN command - honor guard at
headquarters in Seoul.
The Honor Guard, Headquarters, Eighth Army,
The Eighth Army - UN - Honor Guard preparing
for a parade at Youngsan in Seoul
A section of the Honor Guard at UN
A parade at Youngsan - Eighth Army Hqs in
BOQ in Seoul
The BOQ at Eighth Army Headquarters in Seoul,
Hanging out the laundry at the BOQ in Seoul.
BOQ at Eighth Army Hqs in Seoul
Eighth Army Hqs at Yongson military
reservation in Seoul
US Eighth Army troops preparing for a parade
at Youngsan, Seoul
8th Army Commander, General I. D. White's,
plane at K16
Parade at Eighth Army Hqs
Honor guard parade at 8th Army Headquarters -
British contingent is Cameron Highlanders
General I. D. White - Eighth Army Commander -
taking review at Yongsan military reservation in Seoul
Parade at Eighth Army - UN - Headquarters in
Honor guard parade at 8th Army Headquarters -
British contingent is Cameron Highlanders
8th Army honor guard - American platoon
8th Army Honor guard marching
8th Army honor guard - Cameron Highlanders
returning to barracks after parade
8th Army headquarters - view from BOQ toward
signal compound
Officers' club in Seoul
Officers' club in Seoul
Main PX at Yongson - Seoul
8th Army Engineer headquarters building in
The Engineer section building at Eighth Army
Headquarters, Youngon military reservation, Seoul.
Yongsan 8th Army compound - entrance on main
Wall chart depicting a tour in Korea
Camp Conner on edge of Seoul, Korea.
Camp Conner and Seoul, Korea
View looking south west - of the company
compound, Co. A. 3rd Engineers, from hill above the NCO quarters - with mess
hall in center of photo and company headquarters on small rise behind. The
Imjin River is in the background
Placing insulation on a new quonset hut in
the A Company compound.
The main 'street' of the compound of A
Company, 3rd Engineers - view looking toward the officer's quarters at upper
end of street, NCO quarters high on left and enlisted platoon quarters on both
View of compound of Company A, 3rd Engineers
- view from hill above the officer's quarters with hot shower building in
center foreground and its coal fed boiler in small building adjacent thereto.
Two platoon enlisted barracks on left and NCO barracks on hill to right. Motor
pool is at far end of the 'street'. Imjin River is in far background.
Summer time view of the compound of Company
A, 3rd Engineers - view from hill above the officer's quarters toward the Imjin
The beginning of the construction of
officer's quarters for Company A, 3rd Engineers.
Winter comes to A company - view of the
completed officer's quarters with its wood extension to the basic metal hut.
The addition to the standard metal hut for
Company A officers' quarters.
The A Company commander (on left) and
executive officer, leaving officer's quarters for another day's work.
View of the compound of Company A, 3rd
Engineers in winter. NCO barracks in foreground, one enlisted platoon barracks
across the "street" and mess hall and company headquarters to the
right - The Imjin River is frozen in background.
The maintenance shed in the company motor
pool area - the motor sergeant and mechanics could repair most everything on
the spot.
Our A Company welder was a master artisan who
could fabricate most anything necessary thus precluding our having to send
equipment out for repair at a maintenance depot.
The platoon is working to repair a bulldozer
near the new water point tower.
More work needed to repair our bulldozer
Moving dirt with bulldozer.
Moving dirt - the daily occupation of our
bulldozer - Company A, 3rd Engineer Battalion.
Dirt is never in the right place - loading a
platoon dump truck for fill needed on a road someplace.
The bulldozer and truck shovel work together
to load dirt into the company dump truck - Company A, 3rd Engineers - Korea
Using truck mounted shovel to load dirt on
dump truck.
Another view of the bulldozer and truck
mounted shovel loading dirt - this is at the division recreation center - note
the baseball players near the dugout.
Loading dirt on dump truck - 3rd Engineer Bn.
Instructing a new operator on the bulldozer.
The two platoon lowboy drivers taking a break
at motor stables in A Company motor pool.
One of our 3rd Engineer Battalion truck
mounted shovels slightly off the road.
A Company, 3rd Engineers, Bill Drake at
morning motor stables at company motor pool.
A Company, 3rd Engineers, PFC Noles operating
his bulldozer.
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. The company
welder connecting a valve to a water pipe for the water point.
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. The platoon is
working on the pipes for a new water point #3.
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. A new water point
#3 with pipe down to the Imjin River.
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. The platoon is
continuing to instal the pipes for a new water point - very tough going in
frozen ground - but the pipe has to be laid deep under ground. Note the Korean
laborers and also the barbed wire fence in background.
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. working at water
point #3
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. The platoon is
working on pipes for a new water point - our company welder was an expert in
his craft.
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. Finishing work on
the pipeline to the Imjin - note the Korean laborer - we had many Koreans
assigned to augment the platoon.
A Company 3rd Engineer Bn. The platoon is
working on the pipe to draw water from the Imjin River.
Water Point #3 - built by Company A, 3rd
Water Point #3, constructed by A Company, 3rd
Engineer Bn.
A Compnay, 3rd Engineer Bn. Using a bulldozer
to fill in earth around a very large culvert.
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. Using bulldozer
to cover a large culvert with dirt.
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. The platoon is
preparing several small culverts for later emplacement along our section of the
roads north of Imjin River.
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. The platoon is
unloading a new generator.
Installing a new generator for the recreation
Using the bulldozer to shift some steel beams
to be used as piles for a new bridge.
Most piles are in place for another new
bridge in the regimental area
The ROK engineers constructing a new bridge
for Route 14.
Double bailey bridge
Another completed bridge for the 24th
Infantry Division.
Another view of the new bridge completed by
Company D, 3rd Engineers.
The platoon lowboy driver is bringing a
ponton to the raft site on the Imjin.
Delivering a pontoon section to the company
raft site on the Imjin. Pontoons are metal, open at top, but floats are
rubberized, pneumatic balloon type shapes filled with compressed air.
A Company, 3rd Engineers, the commander,
Capt. Heard, checking out the M4A2 raft the company is constructing on the
Imjin River.
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. A section of a
raft build from pontoon bridge sections on Imjin river - this was to be an
emergency evacuation means in case of sudden invasion- view is to the north.
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. Preparing a float
for the raft made of float bridge components on Imjin River
Using the crane from a wrecker truck to lift
and move the pontoon for the raft.
A Company 3rd Engineer Bn. - the commander,
with back to camera, is checking out the assembled float bridge raft on the
frozen Imjin River.
Three A Company troops who just constructed
the M4A2 raft on the Imjin River.
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. troops checking
out the power boat on the Imjin River - the river either is about to freeze or
has just thawed.
Checking out the company power boat on the
Imjin River.
The A Company troops are enjoying a break
with the power boat on the Imjin River.
The A Company troops are enjoying a swim and
day with the power boat on the Imjin River.
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. More recreaction
with the company power boat on the Imjin River.
A Company troops enjoying an outing on the
Imjin River.
A Compnay 3rd Engineer Bn. Bringing the power
boat up to the pontoons company raft.
A Company, 3rd Engineers having lunch in
field near ball field.
A Company, 3rd Engineers, having a meal in
the field, Korea 1957.
A Company, 3rd Engineers having lunch in
field near ball field.
A Company, 3rd Engineers at softball.
A Company, 3rd Engineers taking break at
softball game
A Company, 3rd Engineers enjoying a softball
A Company,. 3rd Engineers at ball game.
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. A few of the
softball team members.
Freedom Bridge over the Imjin River - former
railroad bridge - it is on the main supply route and only remaining bridge
directly between Seoul and North Korea. Guarded by 19th Infantry Regiment - its
destruction in case of emergency from North Korean invasion was the mission of
our platoon of the 3rd Engineer Company.
View of Freedom Bridge over the Imjin River -
looking north into North Korea - in background - note that only the section
across the river remains intact.
A view north toward Freedom Bridge just
behind the trees on the right. The truss section in center is a remaining part
of the destroyed section of the railroad bridge. We are using a bulldozer to
clear snow to open the supply route.
Here I am checking out the Freedom Bridge
over the Imjin.
DMZ sign
Helicopter landing on the parade field we
leveled for a review conducted for General Vittrup
The massed colors pass in review for General
Vittrup - 6th Tank Battalion, 24th Infantry Division - we worked for several
days including nights to level this area for a parade ground.
Review for General Vittrup, 24th Infantry
Division, Korea
Review for General Vittrup, 24th Infantry
Division, Korea
Review for General Vittrup, 24th Infantry
Division, Korea
General Vittrup greeting General I. D. White
at the review.
Review for General Vittrup, 24th Infantry
Division, Korea.
Review for General Vittrup, 24th Division,
Review for General Vittrup, 24th Division,
Aerial view of Hqs compound of the 3rd
Engineer Bn. The officer's quarters are the three buildings at top of hill.
Ammunition dump is at lower left - Company C is above it over the hill at left
of photo with motor pool beyond.
View from the officers' BOQ on hill above Hqs
of 3rd Engineers and Company C.
Motorized grader and other engineer road
building equipment - 3rd Engineer Battalion - Korea
Winter scene at newly constructed community
center #3 compound in Korea.
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. Three of the
platoon members visiting the PX at the Community Center #3.
Headquarters compound of 19th Infantry
Regiment north of Imjin River along the DMZ in Korea.
Compound of 2nd Bn, 19th Infantry Regiment,
north of Imjin River along the DMZ in Korea.
19th Infantry Regiment bunker and trenches
19th infantry Regiment - aerial view of one
The regimental tank battalion at a wash point
Entrance to bunker on Ring Block
A ROK tank stuck in a gorge
A visit to observation post Mazie, maintained
by the 3rd Battalion of the 19th Infantry Regiment, 24th Infantry Division,
which Company A, 3rd Engineers supported along the DMZ north of the Imjin River
in Korea.
OP Mazie - view into DMZ and North Korea
OP Mazie trenches next to the covered
observation post in late winter
OP Mazie - view of North Korea in winter
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. Two of the
platoon members at OP Mazie.
Visiting OP Mazie for a view into North
A Company visiting Observation Post, Mazie
along the DMZ
A Company visits Observation Post Mazie on
the DMZ
North Korea seen from Observation Post Mazie
along the DMZ.
A visit to Observation Post Mazie, waiting
our turn to look through the telescope into North Korea.
OP Mazie in main battle position of 19th
Infantry Regiment
Imjin River, view from OP Mazie
A view of North Korea through the spotting
telescope at the observation post.
OP Cherry Herring
OP Cherry Herring - the DMZ is beyond the
OP Cherry Herring - view of North Korea
positions through spotting scope
The Libby Bridge over the Imjin
River - the main life line of the 19th Infantry Regiment
Libby Bridge over the Imjin River - a
responsibility of Company A, 3rd Engineers.
The Libby Bridge on the Imjin in winter
Libby Bridge over the Imjin River, maintained
by Company A, 3rd Engineers
Imjin River, ice breaking in spring near
Freedom Bridge
Imgin River in fall
Imjin River in winter
Imgin River in summer
Imgin River in winter
Imjin River - sunset
Imjin River - sunset
Winter on the Imjin River, Korea,
Imjin River view from hill north of river
Bridge on Imjin River, winter 1956-57
Mountains along Route 3
Fields and hills
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. communications
pole in winter
Camp Casey - a new NCO Club under
Camp Casey, new NCO club
Camp Cassey, new NCO Club under construction
Camp Casey, construction of a new NCO club
The 44th MASH (hospital) in the distance near
Hqs 3rd Engineer Bn.
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. asphalt plant -
blurred photo
Asphalt plant, 3rd Engineer Bn.
Compound of the 15th AAA across the Imjin
Lts Cook and Maxie, 3rd Engineers, at Ring
Block, Korea.
Helicopter landing pad near DMZ in Korea.
Helicopter landing pad near DMZ in Korea.
Double Double Bailey Bridge on the upper Han
tan River - double exposure also.
An example of a long and large double Bailey
Bridge constructed in northeast Korea on the upper course of the Han River.
Seen during recon drive in that region.
Another bridge constructed by Army engineers
- note previous lower level bridge to left.
A makeshift foot bridge replacing a destroyed
road bridge.
A makeshift foot bridge replacing a destroyed
road bridge.
Ditch digger machine from the 36th Engineer
Community Center #3 viewed in the distance
across the Imjin River, Korea
A newly built theater at the Community Center
Lt. Joe Freese. Company A, 3rd Engineers at
Community Center #3, Korea.
Lt. Joe Freese on road outside Community
Center #3
Quartermaster area at Munsan in in winter
A Quartermaster area near Munsan in, Korea
24th Division quartermaster area under
Headquarters of 24th Infantry Division north
of Seoul Korea.
Winter comes early and stays late along the
river in Korea.
Wonderful young Korean children in Seoul.
Korean children in a small roadway store.
Typical Korean village - note piles of
firewood - the hills are seriously deforested due to collection of firewood.
Korean civilian carrying typical load on
street outside the US Army compound in Seoul.
Koreans are raising a telephone pole next to
a road.
It is rice transplanting time a very
laborious process.
Korean soldier proud of his catch - but did
he shoot it or buy it?
Korean children by roadway near Suwon Korea.
Jackson Compound, Uijongbu, Korea
Camp Jackson, near Uijongbu
Officer's Club at Camp Jackson compound
Entrance gate to Camp St.' Barbara, near
Near Uijongbu, Korea, typical village - power
station in background
A house in Uijongbu, Korea
Uijongbu - new Korean house
Uijongbu - Korean house
Uijongbu street
Inspecting a new power station.
New power station
Here I am stopped at the 38th Parallel in
eastern Korea.
Here I am with my driver as we drove around
Korea in spare time - we had to drive far to the east of our regimental area to
find a place where the US front line was north of the 38th Parallel.
Two A company troops at the 38th Parallel
Willard Noles and Van Valkenburgh - my
drivers - at the 38th Parallel.
George Baurer viewing the marker at the 38th
Parallel in eastern Korea.
Company A, troops visiting the 38th Parallel
in Korea.
A Company soldiers during a visit to Camp
Saint Barbara, home of the Corps Artillery in Korea
Bridge on route 13
Koreans working on the main road north from
Seoul through the mountain pass.
Aerial view of a dam and lake in the moutains
of eastern Korea.
Amazing how the Korean men could carry such
A Korean pile driver being set up - note the
use of pipe for piles.
Korea contractors using their pile driver at
construction site
Road repair, Korean style on a main road near
A series of culverts have been implaced and a
temporary road built over them to provide a low level crossing which of course
will be under water during the high rain season.
Duk Su Palace, water clock and large bell
Duk Su Palace grounds
Duk Su Palace
Duk Su Palace grounds
Blue Room, Chon Duk Palace, Seoul, Korea
Visitors to the Duk Su Palace, Seoul.
Visitors to the Chon Duk Palace, Seoul
Visiting the Chon Duk Palace, Seoul
Chon Duk Palace grounds, Seoul.
Visiting the Chon Duk Palace in Seoul
Chon Duk Palace in Seoul
Chon Duk Palace in Seoul
Chon Duk Palace in Seoul
Chon Duk Palace building
Chon Duk Palace - main building - in Seoul
Chon Duk Palace - main building, interior
ceiling - in Seoul
Chon Duk Palace grounds
Chon Duk Palace, Throne Room
Chon Duk Palace, Throne Room
Chon Duk Palace, actresses
Chon Duk Palace, actresses
Chon Duk Palace, entrance gate
Buddhist temple, exterior
Statue in Buddhist temple
Exterior of Buddhist Temple with Korean group
Buddhist temple - close up of facade and
overhang in Seoul
Interesting statues found during drive around
Another view of interesting statues
Statues on a hill top
Statues on a hill top
Statues on a hill top
A Korean funeral procession
Korean funeral procession
Chosen Hotel - Seoul
Chosen Hotel - Seoul
Chosen Hotel - Seoul
The mountains in North Korea in back ground.
Maryknoll Hospital under construction in
Pusan, Korea
Maryknoll Hospital under construction in
Pusan, Korea
Maryknoll Hospital under construction in
Pusan, Korea
Maryknoll Hospital under construction in
Pusan, Korea
ROK area at Pusan Korea.
ROK tire and ordnance shop, Pusan. Korea
ROK compound Pusan Korea.
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. M-4 raft on Imjin
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn, using power boat
on Imjin River
Chorwon Valley, wrecked railroad cars
Chorwon Valley, wrecked railroad cars
Chorwon Valley, wrecked railroad cars
Chorwon Valley, now desolate
Chorwon Valley, remains of a bunker
Chorwon Dam, winter 56-57
Ruined building in Chorwon valley
Ruined building in Chorwon valley
Ruined building in Chorwon valley, Jan. 1957
Chorwon dam in winter view across snow
covered rice paddies.
Chorwon dam in summer view over
rice paddies. This dam was far to the east of our regimental area, only reached
during drive around Korea.
Chorwon valley - ruined buildings
Chorwon valley - ruined building
Chorwon valley - road with remains of
Chorwon valley - ruined building
Tong-go-ri village winter 1957
Tong-go-ri village
City hall, Chanchon, fall 1956
Temporary bridge on Sam Chon River
Double Bailey bridge on Han Tan River - Jan.
Eazy Block and rice paddy in winter
Rice paddy in winter 1956-57
Working in rice paddy
Rice paddy
Road past a stream and field
Korea countryside - rice paddy and other
Working in rice paddy
Pukhan River in mountains
Bridge over the Pukhan River in Korea.
Puk Han River bridge
Puk Han River
Puk Han River - Koreans rafting timber - rail
road tunnel along side the river
Puk Han River, fall 1956
Puk Han River, further north into mountains
Puk Han river - dam
Puk Han river - aerial view
Puk Han river - dam
Puk Han river - dam
Puk Han river - dam
Tunnel on Rt 15
Men carrying loads of firewood on Rt 15
Inchon, US Navy ship
Inchon Harbor - near low tide - pipeline from
a dredge sending dreged material to shore
Inchon harbor - Korean boats
Inchon harbor at low tide
Inchon harbor - view from Wolmi do island
Inchon harbor at high tide
U.S. post office on Wolmi Do island in Inchon
Inchon harbor
Inchon town
Inchon - commercial wharf
Inchon - driving past wharf
Inchon - driving past wharf
Loading and unloading sacks of rice at Inchon
U. S. Navy ship in Inchon harbor
U. S. Navy ship with tugs in Inchon harbor
C Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. Piledriver for
new bridge
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. company area
north of Imjin river - heated shower room in foreground, motor pool at entrance
to compound, Freedom bridge on horizon
A company, 3rd Engineer Bn. - laying
foundation for a new quonset hut.
968 Field
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. completing roof
of new quonset - sealing the joints
3rd Engineer Bn. Air compressor drilling for
explosives in preparation of new site for quonset hut.
3rd Engineer Bn. Headquarters compound with
44th MASH on hill in background
3rd Engineer Bn. Headquarters compound with
44th MASH on hill in background
3rd Engineer Bn. headquarters compound view
from officer's BOQ on hill
3rd Engineer Bn. headquarters compound -
officers' BOQ is on hill on right edge
Guard Mount at Hqs. compound 3rd Engineer Bn.
Guard mount at Hqs. 3rd Engineer Bn.
3rd Engineer Bn. BOQ hut on edge of him in
battalion compound with rice paddies in background
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. laying pipelines
in frozen earth for a new water point # 3.
2nd Platoon, A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn.
preparing large culvert for E Co. 19th Infantry Regiment.
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. -completed water
point #3.
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. exercising power
boats on Imjin River - the boats are there for use in preparing rafts and
floating bridge in case of evacuation.
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. welder cutting
pipe for water point.
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. welder working on
a different pipe at different location - another water point.
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. - Spc McPhersen
and Jenkins watching Spc Tinkle, the companyu welder fabricating a dozer part
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. working on bull
dozer at company quarry
3rd Engineer Bn. View from near the officer's
BOQ on top of highest hill in the battalion compound to avoid the rice paddies
as seen below.
Officer's club of 3rd Engineer Bn. next to
BOQ on highest hill in the battalion compound
3rd Engineer Bn. - loading a 2 1/2 dump truck
with a truck mounted shovel
3rd Engineer Bn. - loading fill from river
with a clam shell and shovel
43rd Engineer Bn - installing a generator at
central power station using a 40 ton crane
43rd Engineers, Clam shell at rock pile
3rd Engineer Bn. Truck mounted shovel loading
fill dirt
A Company 3rd Engineer Bn. - loading dirt
with truck mounted shovel
A Company, 3rd Engineers, Truck mounted
shovel loading fill dirt
3rd Engineer Bn - Truck mounted shovel off
road in ditch
3rd Engineer Bn - Truck mounted shovel
loading dirt
43rd Engineers - Clam shell loading at rock
D Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. - Ditch digger
mounted on low boy at 3rd Engineer Hqs compound
3rd Engineer Bn. - Unloading a large new
generator at Bn. Hqs.
A Co. 3rd Engineer Bn. - moving steel piles
for a new bridge
B Co. 3rd Engineer Bn. - Construction of new
3rd Engineer Bn. Korean contractors using
their pile driver at new gym
Imjin river near A company, 3rd Engineer Bn.
View of Pusan town and harbor
Street in Pusan
Mountains with defensive roads north of Pusan
Aerial view of Pusan city and harbor
Aerial view of Pusan city and harbor
Aerial view of Naktong River near Pusan
Mountains north of Pusan
Aerial view of mountains near Pusan with
harbor in distance
Pajuri village, near 3rd Engineer Bn.
Aerial view of Korean village
Pajuri market - village near 3rd Engineer Bn.
Culverts under temporary roadway
Korean village - aerial view
Korean village
Washing clothes
Laundry time
Tong go ri village from the officers BOQ of
3rd Engineer Bn - located on highest point in headquarters compound
Seoul - capitol building close to mountains
north of city
South gate of Seoul Korea.
The main highway through the pass in mountain
just north of Seoul
Seoul - gate
Seoul - street car
Seoul - view showing how close the mountain
range is to the north of the city
Seoul - new building under construction
Seoul - view over city from top of the
'Thousand stairs' park
Seoul - new building on outskirts
Seoul - building on outskirts of city
Seoul - city street
Seoul - another street scene
Seoul - another street scene
Seoul - new sub division
Seoul - street scene
Building at Kimpo airfield near Seoul
Seoul, downtown with medieval city gate
Street scene in Seoul, Korea
Street scene in Seoul, Korea
Seoul - village in suburbs
School north of Seoul
Seoul - outskirts
A ruined building in Seoul Korea
Route 1, north of Seoul, bridge construction
Mountains north of Seoul
Seoul, village in suburbs
Seoul, with mountains close on north side
Seoul, with mountains close on north side
Seoul - Yongdon Po industrial area
Seoul, downtown with Han River on horizon
The Han River - Korea
Bridge over Han Tan river
Han Tan river with bridge in winter
Han Tan River - Huachon Dam and Reservoir
Fishing on the Han River near Seoul
Fishing Han River during a major overflow
Han River bridges close to side of Seoul -
note the normal river level -note also the section of temporary repair
Han River Bridges at normal river level
Han river near Seoul - view of river bank at
normal level
Han river bridges as river begins to rise
toward flood stage
During monsoon season a huge flood on the Han
River raises the water level many feet, almost overtopping the major bridge.
The Han River bridges at Seoul in winter with
ice skating - not the level of the river in comparison with the flood shown in
other photos.
Han river bridge on southern edge of Seoul
during summer monsoon rain storm - note the river is up to the roadway, compare
with photos of the river and bridge at normal time. It was necessary to load
the upstream side of the road with piles of sandbags to prevent the power of
the water from over turning the bridge.
Buildings K-16 adjacent to the Han river
bridge photo taken on the bridge during flood
Buildings K-16 adjacent to the Han river
bridge photo taken on the bridge during flood
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. testing power
boat on Imjin River
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. truck mounted
shovel loading dirt at recreation center
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. playing soft ball
at recreation center
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. playing soft ball
at recreation center
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. New Gym at
Recreation center #3
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. Recreation center
#3 but what is going on?
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. Recreation center
#3, theater
Korean parade in hopes for rain
Interior, officers quarters, Co A, 3rd
Interior, officers quarters, Co A, 3rd
Interior, officers quarters, Co A, 3rd
Koreans ice skating on the frozen Han at
Winter on the Han River south of Seoul - ice
skating just beginning at this time - but note the typical level of the water
or height of the bridge - compare with flood time
Normal flow of the Han close south of Seoul
The international platoon in the honor guard
company at 8th Army Hqs, Seoul including the Qeen's Own Cameron Highlanders
Honor guard platoon at Hqs 8th army in Seoul
Water point constructed by Co A, 3rd Engineer
Storage tower and pump house for water point
constructed by Co. A, 3rd Engineer Bn.
The distribution pipe from the water point
storage town for loading water into trucks - winter - Co A. 3rd Engineer Bn.
The purfication system inside the pump house
for the water point.
MSR - main supply route - through Korean
Driving through a Korean village on the main
supply route
Driving through Pubwon Ni in May 1957
Driving through another vilage on the MSR
Turkish Brigade compound
Entrance to the Turkish Brigade compound
Community Center #3 built by Co A. 3rd
Engineer Bn.
Driving through a Korea village during the
rainy season can be difficult
D Company, 3rd Engineers, Smothing the
approach to a new bridge with a grader
Loading a drag line on a low boy in river
near the D Company 3rd Engineer's bridge in 1957.
D Company, 3rd Engineers, compacting the
bridge surface with a small roller.
Unloading 12 x 12 timbers at C Company, 3rd
Engineers bridge site - 1957
C Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. - Preparing a
deadman to secure cable for foot bridge on Imjin River
C Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. Starting
construction of footbridge on Imjin River
C Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. beginning a 1100
foot long foot bridge on Imjin River in 1957
A Company, (2nd platoon) 3rd Engineer Bn,
Almost completed constructing a raft from float bridge sections, on Imjin
River, Dec. 1956
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. Continuing
construction of raft on Imjin River
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. Freeing raft from
ice using bulldozer on Imjin River, Dec. 1956
C Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. 270 foot long
bridge of steel piles and timber stringers, May 1957
C Company, 3rd Engineer Bn., 270 foot long
bridge of steel piles and timber stringers, May 1957
C Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. 270 Foot long
bridge constructed of steel piles and timber stringers, May 1957
C Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. Completed 270
foot long steel pile bridge with timber stringers, May 1957
Shovel on low boy next to completed bridge
Destroyed railroad bridge next to Freedom
Bridge over the Imjin River
3rd Engineer Bn. Truck mounted shovel in
3rd Engineer Bn. Discussing what to do about
overturned bulldozer
3rd Engineer Bn. Several more 'authorities'
enter the discussion
3rd Engineer Bn. Definately a mess, will the
dozer survive?
3rd Engineer Bn. A doubtful viewer of the
upturned dozer
3rd Engineer Bn. Considering using another
3rd Engineer Bn. Attaching a chain in hopes
of pulling the dozer upright
3rd Engineer Bn. No, pushing or pulling the
upturned dozer with another will never do it.
3rd Engineer Bn. Beginning to consider better
3rd Engineer Bn. Bringing some power to bear
on the situation of the dozer
3rd Engineer Bn. - making some progress by
attaching a chain in preparation for righting the dozer
3rd Engineer Bn. Technology to the rescue - a
crane to lift the dozer and another bulldozer to pull it right side up
3rd Engineer Bn. At last teamwork wins the
day as the combination of crane and dozer begins to move the bull dozer right
side up
A natural depression - looks like a good site
in which to create a swimming pool
Always there is much mud to clear off the
main roads
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. - Beginning to
lay new culverts
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. Culverts need
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. Beginning to
construct another culvert
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. Using dozer to
move dirt over culvert to replace the road above
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. - Almost
completed moving earth fill over new culverts
3rd Engineer Bn. - A frame hoist monted on
armored vehicle chasis
3rd Engineer Bn. Side view of A frame mounted
on armored chasis
24th Division review parade for General
Vitrup - two Army aviation planes passing over the field
24th Division, Review for General Vitrup - we
leveled the ground for the review by working 24 hour - 3 shifts a day.
24th Division, Armed Forces Day display at
Uijongbu - May 1957
24th Division, Armed Forces Day eisplay at
Uijongbu - May 1957
C Company, 3rd Engineer Bn, Completing a
level area in front of the 600 yard firing line on rifle range
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. - Preparing to
ferry the 19th Infantry Regiment across the Imjin in an exercise in December
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. - Preparing
floats on the Imjin River in December 1956
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. - View from mid
river back to north bank to the company raft site
H&S Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. Bull dozer
stuck in mud near rice paddy
H&S Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. - Pulling a
dozer out of a rice paddy at night
D Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. Loading Drag line
on a low boy in stream near a D Company bridge site
C Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. Yes, it is a
towed grader still in operation near the C Company bridge
C Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. The towed grader
is getting under way, actually being towed
C Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. - There they go
clearing the ditch along the MSR
C Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. The towed grader
has stopped
Results of rain washout on sidewalk along the
main route in Seoul
Throne room in the Chan Duk Palace in Seoul
Throne room in the Chan Duk Palace in Seoul
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. Securing bull
dozer to low boy for transport
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. Securing the bull
dozer to the low boy
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. Making final
check on dozer before moving the low boy
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. Cranking up the
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. Making final
check on dozer before moving the low boy
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. Noles, Bauer and
Deshager with their bull dozer preparing for work
A Company, 3rd Engineer Bn. Operating the
dozer near the Imjin River, December 1956