Univ. of Chicago Press, 4th edition, 2012,
217 pgs., index, footnotes, paperback - with introduction by Ian Hacking
Reviewer comment
This book itself, along with Dr. Kuhn's lectures, created a revolution in
scientific circles. He used the term 'paradigm' to mean the established
fundamental conceptions that are practically 'givens' at a particular time or
era within the scientific community.Once established the concept becomes the
basis for any further investigations upon which scientists stake their claims.
Thus, it becomes difficult to replace it even in the face of increasing
deviation of new knowledge from the standard 'paradigm'. He chose 4 fundamental
beliefs that were fought over for years or centuries.
I - Introduction: A Role for History
II - The Route to Normal Science
III - The Nature of Normal Science
IV - Normal Science as Puzzle- solving
V - The Priority of Paradigms
VI - Anomaly and the Emergence of Scientific
VII -Crisis and the Emergence of Scientific
VIII - The Response to Crisis
IX - The Nature and Necessity of Scientific
X - Revolutions as Changes of World View
XI - The Invisibility of Revolutions
XII - The Resolution of Revolutions
XIII - Progress through Revolutions
Postscript - 1969
Michael Polanyi - Science Faith and