Many if not most books on the history of
warfare, of particular wars, generals, and related topics such as power itself,
will include some discussion of the strategies pursued during the war, or by
the commanders. This list is confined to works specifically focused on
strategies, rather - thinking about strategies.
Peter Paret, ed. Makers of Modern
Strategy: from Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age
Edward Mead Earle - Makers of Modern
Strategy: Military thought from Machiavelli to Hitler
Niccolo Machiavelli - The Art of War
Farnsworth edition edit by Neal Wood
Niccolo Machiavelli - The Discourses on
the First Ten Books of Titus Livy
Niccolo Machiavelli - The Art of
Warnew edition edit by Christoher Lynch
Niccolo Machiavelli - The Prince and the
Nicollo Machiavelli - Essays
Lawrence Freedman - Strategy: A
John Lewis Gaddis - On Grand Strategy
Philip Bobbitt - Shield of Achilles -
Lukas Milevski - The Evolution of Modern
Grand Strategic Thought
Beatrice Heuser - The Evolution of
Strategy: Thinking War from Antiquity to the Present
Victor Davis Hanson Makers of Ancient
Strategy: From the Persian Wars to the Fall of Rome
Harry Summers Jr - On Strategy: The
Vietnam War in Context-
Sextus Julius Frontinus - Strategmata
Polyaenus - Stratagems of War - trans
by R. Shepherd -
Antoine Henri Jomini - The Art of War
Antoine Henri Baron Jomini - The Art of
Flavius Vegetius Renatus - The Military
Institutions of the Romans
Maurice de Saxe, Marshal - Reveries on
the Art of War
James C. Gaston, ed - Grand Strategy and
the Decision Making Process
Thomas Cleary, ed., Sun Tzu - The Art of
War -
Samuel B. Griffith, ed., Sun Tzu - The Art
of War-
Ken Mondschein, ed. The Art of War and
Other Classics of Eastern Philosophy-
-Stefan T. Possony - The Strategy of
-J. C. Wylie - Military Strategy
Edward N. Luttwak - The Grand Strategy of
the Roman Empire -
Edward N. Luttwak - The Grand Strategy of
the Byzantine Empire
Edward N. Luttwak - The Grand Strategy of
the Soviet Union
Edward N. Luttwak - Strategy: The Logic of
War and Peace
Liddell Hart - Strategy
Quincy Wright - A Study of War
Roger Mickelson, ed. A Philosophy of
Oliver Spaulding, Hoffman Nickerson, John
Wright - Warfare: A Study of Military Nethods From the Earliest Times