Encyclopedia Britannica
Eleventh Edition, Vol VII, 1910
by Charles Francis Atkinson
(See also our entries on the Battles of Alama,
Inkerman and Balaklava and on
Sevastopol.) The war of 1853-56, usually
known by this name, arose from causes the discussion of which will be found
under - the heading Turkey: History. When Turkey, after a period of
irregular fighting, declared war on Russia in October 1854, Great Britain and
France (subsequently assisted by Sardinia) intervened in the quarrel. At first
this intervention was represented merely by the presence of an allied squadron
in the Bosporus, but the storm of indignation aroused in Great Britain and
France by the destruction of the Turkish fleet at Sinope (30th November) soon
impelled these powers to more active measures. On the 27th of January 1854 they
declared war on the tsar, and prepared to carry their armaments to the Danube.
In this, the main, theatre of war, the Turks had hitherto proved quite capable
of holding their own. The Russian commander, Prince Michael Gorchakov, had
crossed the Pruth with two corps early in July 1853, and had overrun Moldavia
and Wallachia without difficulty. Omar Pasha, however, disposing of superior
forces, was able to cheek any further advance. During October, November and
December the Turks won a succession of actions, of which that at Oltenitza Nov.
4th) may be particularly mentioned, and a little later Gorchakov found himself
compelled to fight at Cetatea (Tchetati) before reinforcements could come up.
The defeat he sustained was for the time being decisive (6th Jan. 1854). Three
months later, the Russians, now under command of the veteran Prince Paskievich,
took the offensive in great force. Crossing the Danube near its mouth at Galatz
and Braila, they advanced through the Dobrudja and closed upon the fortress of
Silistria, which offered a strong and steady resistance, with an effect all the
greater as the Turks from the side of Shumla, now supported by the leading
British and French brigades at Varna, prevented a close investment. The Turks,
however, avoided a decisive encounter, and the stormers stood ready in the
trenches before Silistria, when the siege was suddenly raised. The decision had
passed into other hands. The tsar had learned that the Austrian army of
observation in Transylvania, 50,000 strong under Feldzeugmeister Hess, was
about to enforce the wishes of the "Four Powers." The Russian
offensive was at an end, the army hastily fell back, and on the 2nd of August
1854 the last man recrossed the Pruth. The principalities were at once occupied
by Hess.
The Invasion of the Crimea.
The primary object of the war had thus easily been obtained. But Great
Britain and France were by no means content with a triumph that left untouched
the vast resources of an enemy who was certain to employ them at the next
opportunity. The two nations felt that Sevastopol, the home of the Black Sea
fleet, the port whence Admiral Nachimov had sailed for Sinope, must be crippled
for some years at least, and as early as June 29th Lord Raglan and Marshal
Saint Arnaud, the allied commanders of England and France had received
instructions to "concert measures for the siege of Sevastopol."
Dynastic considerations reinforced the arguments of policy and popular opinion
in the case of, France, in Great Britain soldier and civilian alike saw the
menace of a Russian Mediterranean fleet in the unfinished forts and busy
dockyards. The popular strategy for once coincided with the views of the
responsible leaders. Yet there is no sign that either the commanders on the
spot or their governments realized the magnitude of the undertaking. Few but
the most urgently necessary preparations were made, and cholera, breaking out
virulently amongst the French at this time, reduced the army at Varna, and even
the fleet at sea, to impotence. The troops were so weakened that, even in
September, the five-mile march from camp to transport exhausted most of the
men. Heavy weather still further delayed the start, and it was not until the
7th of September that the expedition began to cross the Black Sea. One hundred
and fifty war-vessels and transports conveyed the army, which, guarded on all
sides by the fighting fleet, crossed without incident and drew up on the
Crimean coast on September 13th. Tactical considerations prevailed in the
choice of place. The landlocked harbours south of Sevastopol were for the time
being neglected, and a spot known as Old Fort preferred, because the long
beach, the heavy metal of the ships' broadsides, and a line of lagoons covering
the front offered singularly favourable conditions for the delicate operation
of disembarkation. Still, on the side of Sevastopol there was no good harbour,
and it was quite open to question whether in this came the strategic
necessities of the situation were not neglected in favour of purely tactical
and temporary advantages. As a matter of fact no opposition was offered to the
landing, but the weather prevented the disembarkation being completed until the
18th. St. Arnaud and Raglan had at this time under their orders 51,000 British,
French and Turkish infantry, 1000 British cavalry, and 128 guns, and on the
19th this force (less some detachments) began the southward march in order of
battle, the British (who alone had their cavalry present) on the exposed left
flank, the French next to the sea, the fleet moving in the same direction
parallel to the troops.
The Alma
Old Fort was beyond the reach of Menshikov, the Russian commander, but, as
the fortress communicated with the interior of Russia via Kerch and Simferopol,
it was to be expected that he would either accept battle on the Sevastopol
road, or cover Simferopol by a flank attack on Lord Raglan. Both these
contingencies were provided for by the order of march, and in due course it was
ascertained that the Russians adopted the former alternative, and barred the
Sevastopol road on the heights of the river Alma. Menaced by the guns of the
fleet, Menshikov had wheeled back his left, and at the same time he
strengthened his right in order to cover the Simferopol road. From this it
followed naturally that the brunt of the attack fell upon the British
divisions, whilst the french, nearer the sea, struck to some extent dans le
vide. The two commanders, after a reconnaissance, decided upon their plan. The
French divisions in echelon from the right were to cross the river and force
Menshikov inwards, whilst the British were to move straight to their front
against the strongest part of the Russian line. Substantially this plan was
carried out on the 20th of September. Owing to want of men (he had but 36,400
against over 50,000) Menshikov was unable to hold his left wing very strongly,
and the French were scarcely checked save by physical obstacles; but opposite
the British force the ground sloped glacis-wise up to the Russian line, and
nothing but their iron discipline, the bet heritage of the Peninsular War,
brought them victorious to the crest of Kurghane hill. The Russians had no
option but to retreat, which they did without molestation. The allies lost
about 3,000 men, mostly British (though Prince Napoleon's men also suffered
heavily); the Russians reported 5709 casualties.
The March on Sevastopol.
On the 23rd of September the advance was resumed, and by the 25th
Sevastopol was in full view of the allied outposts. It was now that the
necessary consequences of the choice of Old Fort as the landing-place presented
themselves as a problem for instant solution. Whatever chance there had been of
assaulting the north side of Sevastopol was now gone. Menshikov had sacrificed
some ships in order to seal up the harbour mouth, and naval cooperation in
attack was now impossible, while the other Russian ships could in safety aid
the defenders with their heavy guns. A siege, based on the beach of Old Fort or
the open roads of Kacha, was out of the question, as was re-embarkation for a
fresh landing. There remained only a flank march by Mackenzie's farm and the
river Chernaya. Once established on the south side, the allies could use the
excellent harbours of Kamiesh and Balaklava; this could almost certainly be
effected without fighting, while in besieging Sevastopol itself and not merely
the north side, the allies would be striking at the heart. But a flank march is
almost always in itself a hazardous undertaking, and in this case the invaders
were required further to abandon their line of retreat on Old Fort. In point of
fact, the army, covered by a division opposite the Russian works, successfully
accomplished the task. At the same moment Menshikov, after providing for the
defence of Sevastopol, had marched out with a field army towards Bakhchiserai,
and on the 25th of September each army, without knowing it, actually crossed
the other's front. On arrival at Balaklava the allies regained contact with the
fleet, and the detachment left on the north side, its mission being at an end,
followed the same route and rejoined the main body. The French now took
possession of Kamiesh, the British of Balaklava.
Beginning of the Siege.
Thus secured, the allies closed upon the south side of the fortress. A
siege corps was formed, and the British army and General Bosquet's French corps
covered its operations against interruption from the Russian field army. The
harbour of Sevastopol, formed by the estuary of the Chernaya, was protected
against attack by sea not only by the Russian war-vessels, afloat and sunken,
but also by heavy granite forts on the south side and by the works which had
defied the allies on the north. For the town itself and the Karabelnaya suburb
the trace of the works had been laid down for years. The Malakoff, a great
tower of stone; covered the suburb, flanked on either side by the Redan and the
Little Redan. The town was covered by a line of works marked by the Flagstaff
and central bastions, and separated from the Redan by the inner harbor.
Lieut.-Col Todleben, the Russian chief engineer, had very early begun work on
these sites; and daily recreating, rearming and improving the fortifications,
finally connected them by a continuous enceinte. Yet Sevastopol was not, early
in October 1854, the towering fortress it afterwards became, and Todleben
himself maintained that; had the allies immediately assaulted, they would have
succeeded in taking the place. There were, however, many reasons against so
decided a course and it was not until the 17th of October that the first attack
took place. All that day a tremendous artillery duel raged. The French siege
corps lost heavily and its guns were overpowered. The fleet engaged the harbour
batteries close inshore, and suffered a loss of 500 men, besides severe damage
to the ships. On the other hand the British siege batteries silenced the
Malakoff and its annexes, and, if failure had not occurred at the other points
of attack, an assault, might have succeeded. As it was Todleben, by daybreak,
had repaired and improved the damaged works. Meanwhile General Canrobert had
succeeded St Arnaud (who died on the 20th of September) in the joint leadership
of the allies. It was not long before Menshikov and the now augmented field
army from Bakhchiserai appeared on the Chernaya and moved towards the Balaklava
lines and the British base.
A long line of works on the upland secured the siege corps from
interference, and the Balaklava lines themselves were strong, but the low
Vorontsov ridge between the two was weakly held, and here the Russian commander
hoped to sever the line of communications. On the 25th of October Liprandi's
corps carried its slight redoubts at the first rush. But the British cavalry
stationed at the foot of the upland was situated on their flank, and as the
Russian cavalry moved towards Kadikoi, the "Heavy Brigade" under
General Scarlett charged home with such effect that Menshikov's troopers only
rallied behind their field batteries near Traktir bridge. At the same time some
of the Russian squadrons, coming upon the British 93rd regiment outside the
Balaklava lines, were completely broken by the steady volleys of the "thin
redline." The "light Brigade" of British cavalry, farther north,
had hitherto remained inactive, even when the Russians, broken by the
"heavies," fled across their front. The cavalry commander, Lord
Lucan, now received orders to prevent the withdrawal of the guns taken by
Liprandi. The aide-de-camp who carried the order was killed by the first shell,
and the whole question of responsibility for what followed is wrapped in
obscurity. Lord Cardigan led the Light Brigade straight at the Russian field
batteries, behind which the enemy's squadrons had re-formed. From the guns in
front, on the Fedukhine heights, and on the captured ridge to their right, the
advancing squadrons at once met a deadly converging fire, but the gallant
troopers nevertheless reached the guns and cut down the artillerymen. Small
parties even charged the cavalry behind, and at least two unbroken squadrons
struck out right and left with success, but the combat could only end in one
way. The 4th Chasseurs d'Afrique relieved the British left by a dashing charge.
The "Heavies" made as if to advance, but came under such a storm of
fire that they were withdrawn. By twos and threes the gallant survivors of the
"light Brigade" made their way back. Two-thirds of its numbers were
left on the field, and the day closed with the Russians still in possession of
the Vorontsov ridge.
If the heights lost in this action were not absolutely essential to the
safety of the allies, the point selected for the next attempt at relief was of
vital importance. The junction of the covering army and the siege corps near
Inkerman was the scene of a slight action on the day following Balaklava, and
the battle of Inkerman followed on the 5th of November. By that time the French
had made good the losses of the 17th of October, their approaches were closing
upon Flagstaff bastion, and the British batteries daily maintained their
superiority over the Malakoff. On the 5th there was to have been a meeting of
generals to fix the details of an assault, but at dawn the Russian army, now
heavily reinforced from Odessa, was attacking with utmost fury the British
divisions guarding the angle between Bosquet and the siege corps. The battle of
Inkerman defies description; every regiment, every group of men bore its own
separate part in the confused and doubtful struggle, save when leaders on
either side obtained a momentary control over its course by means of reserves
which, carrying all before them with their original impetus, soon served but to
swell the melee. It was a 'soldiers' battle' pure and simple. After many hours
of the most desperate fighting the arrival of Bosquet (hitherto contained by a
force on the Balaklava ground) confirmed a success won by supreme tenacity
against overwhelming odds, and Menshikov sullenly drew off his men, leaving
over 12,000 on the field. The allies had lost about 3300 men, of whom more than
two-thirds belonged to the small British force on which the strain of the
battle fell heaviest. Their losses included several generals who could ill be
spared, but they had held their ground, which was all that was required of
them, with almost unrivalled tenacity. Lord Raglan was promoted to be field
marshal after the battle.
The Winter of 1854-1855.
It was now obvious that the army must winter in the Crimea, and
preparations in view of t were begun betimes., But on the night of November
14th a violent storm arose which wrecked nearly thirty vessels with their
precious cargoes of treasure, medical comforts, forage, clothing and other
necessaries. After so grave a calamity it was to be expected that the troops
would be called upon to undergo great hardships. But the direct cause of
sufferings that have become a byword for the utmost depths of misery was the
loss of twenty days' forage in the great storm. Of food and clothing enough was
in store to tide over temporary difficulties, but the only paved road from
Balaklava to the British camps was now in Russian hands, and the few starving
transport animals were utterly inadequate for the work of drawing wagons over
the miry plain; things went from bad to worse with Raglan's troops, until from
the outposts before the Redan to the hospitals at Scutari a state of the utmost
misery prevailed, relieved only by the example of devotion and self-sacrifice
set by officers and men. The British hospital returns showed eight thousand
sick at the end of November. Even the French, whose base of Kamiesh had escaped
the storm, were not unhurt by the severity of the winter, but Napoleon III sent
freely all the men his general asked, while the Russians in Sevastopol, who had
made long painful marches from the interior, were the survivors of the fittest.
Canrobert took over the lines before the Malakoff to relieve the British. He
had at the end of January 1855 78,000 men for duty; Raglan could barely muster
12,000. But with the advent of spring paved roads and a railway were promptly
taken in hand, and during the remainder of the war the British troops were so
well cared for that their death-rate was lower than at home, while the
hospitals in rear, thanks to the energy and devotion of Florence Nightingale
and her nurses became models of good management.
Course of the Siege.
Meanwhile the siege works were making but slow progress, and the fortress
grew day by day under the skilful direction of Todleben. Rifle-pits pushed out
in front of the defenders' lines were connected so as to form a veritable
envelope. Beyond the left wing a new line, the "White Works," sprang
up in a single night, and the hill of the Mamelon was suddenly crowned with a
lunette to cover the still defiant Malakoff. But the absence of bomb-proof
cover exposed the huge working parties necessary for these defences to an
almost incessant feu d'enfer, by which the Russians every week suffered
the losses of a pitched battle. Meanwhile the field army was idle, Menshikov
had been replaced by Prince Michael Gorchakov, Liprandi's corps had withdrawn
from the Vorontsov ridge, and Omar Pasha, with a detachment of the troops he
had led at Oltenitza and Cetatea, repulsed a Russian attack on Eupatoia (Feb.
17th). The besiegers steadily approached the "White Works", Mamelon,
Redan and Flagstaff bastion, and as spring arrived the logistic and material
advantages of the allies returned. On Easter Sunday (April 8th, 1855) another
terrific bombardment began, which lasted almost uninterruptedly for ten days.
The White Works and the Mamelon were practically destroyed and the Russians,
drawn up in momentary expectation of assault, lost between six and seven
thousand men.
But the bombardment ceased, and assault did not follow. For, at the allied
headquarters and at Paris, grave differences of opinion on the conduct of the
war had developed. Napoleon III. wished active operations to be undertaken
against the Simferopol field army, whereas the leaders on the spot, while
admitting the theoretical soundness of the French emperor's views considered
that they were wholly beyond the means of the two armies. The discussions
culminated in Canrobert's resignation of the chief command, though he would not
leave the army, and took a subordinate post, which he filled with great
distinction to the end of the war. His successor, General Pelissier, was a
soldier trained in the hard school of Algerian warfare, and endowed, as was
soon evident, with the most inflexible resolution of character. He did not
hesitate to take up and maintain a position of decided opposition to his
sovereign's views; and the capture of Kerch (24th May 1855), carried out by a
joint expedition, was the first earnest of new vigour in the operations. This
success served all the purposes of a complete investment of Sevastopol, the
want of which had greatly troubled the allied generals. The line of
communication and supply between Sevastopol and the interior was cut, vast
stores intended for the fortress were destroyed, and the sea of Azov was
cleared of shipping. On the 25th Canrobert established himself on the Fedukhine
heights, his right continued along the Chernaya by General la Marmora's newly
arrived Sardinians, 15000 strong, while masses of Turks occupied the Vorontsov
ridge and the old Balaklava battlefield. As June approached, Raglan and
Pelissier, who, unlike most allied commanders, were in complete accord and
sympathy, initiated very vigorous methods of attack. They decided that the
works west of Flagstaff could be comparatively neglected, and the full weight
of the bombardment once more fell upon the Mamelon and the Malakoff. Once more
these works were reduced to ruins, but the rest of the defences still held out.
The Assault of the Redan
On the 7th of June 1855 the French stormed the Mamelon and the White Works,
the British captured and maintained some quarries close to the Redan, and next
morning the whole of Todleben's envelope had become a siege-parallel. The
losses were, as usual, heavy, 8500 to the Russians, 6883 to the allies. This
was merely a preliminary to the great assault fixed for the 18th, the fortieth
anniversary of Waterloo. But meanwhile Pelissier's temper and Raglan's health
had been strained to breaking-point by continued dissensions with Paris and
London. The telegraph, a new strategic factor, daily tormented the unfortunate
commanders with the latest ideas of the Paris strategists, and on the fateful
day the two armies rushed on to failure. The French attack on the Malakoff
dwindled away into a meaningless fire-fight: the British, attacking the Redan
in face of a cross-fire of one hundred heavy guns, at first succeeded in
entering the work, but in the end sustained a bloody and disastrous repulse. Of
the six generals who led the two attacks, four were killed and one wounded, and
on the 17th and 18th the losses to the Russians were 5400, to the allies 4000.
But the defenders' resources were almost at an end, and the bombardment
reopened at once with increased fury.
On the 20th Todleben was wounded, and soon afterwards Nakhimov, the victor of
Sinope, found a grave by the side of three other admirals who had fallen in the
defence. Pelissier resolutely clung to his plans, in spite of the failure of
the 18th against ever-increasing opposition at home. Raglan, worn out by his
troubles and heartbroken at the Redan failure, died on the 28th, mourned by
none more deeply than by his stern colleague.
The Storming of the Malakoff.
During July the Russians lost on an average 250 men a day, and at last it
was decided that Gorchakov and the field army must make another attack at the
Chernaya - the first since Inkerman. On the 16th of August the corps of
Generals Liprandi and Read furiously attacked the 37,000 French and Sardinian
troops on the heights above Traktir ridge. The assailants came on with the
greatest determination, but the result was never for one moment doubtful. At
the end of the day the Russians drew off baffled, leaving 260 officers and 3000
men on the field. The allies only lost 1700. With this defeat vanished the last
chance of saving Sevastopol. On the same day (Aug. 16th) the bombardment once
more reduced the Malakoff and its dependencies to impotence, and it was with
absolute confidence in the result that Pelissier planned the final assault. On
the 8th of September 1855 at noon, the whole of Bosquet's corps suddenly
swarmed up-to the Malakoff. The fighting was of the most desperate kind. Every
casemate, every traverse, was taken and retaken time after time, but the French
maintained the prize, and though the British attack on the Redan once more
failed, the Russians crowded in that work became at once the helpless target of
the siege guns. Even on the far left, opposite Flagstaff and Central bastions,
there was severe hand- to-hand fighting, and throughout the day the bombardment
mowed down the Russian masses along the whole line. The fall of the Malakoff
was the end of the siege. All night the Russians were filing over the bridges
to the north side, and on the 9th the victors took possession of the empty and
burning prize. The losses in the last assault had been very heavy, to the
allies over 10,000 men, to the Russians 13,000. No less than nineteen generals
had fallen on that day. But the crisis was surmounted. With the capture of
Sevastopol the war loses its absorbing interest. No serious operations were
undertaken against Gorchakov, who with the field army and the remnant of the
garrison held the heights at Mackenzie's Farm. But Kinburn was attacked by sea,
and from the naval point of view the attack is interesting as being the first
instance of the employment of ironclads. An armistice was agreed upon on the
26th of February and the definitive peace of Paris was signed on the 30th of
March 1856.
Decisive Importance of the Victory.
The importance of the siege of Sevastopol, from the strategical point of
view, lies beneath the surface. It may well be asked, why did the fall of a
place, at first almost unfortified, bring the master of the Russian empire to
his knees? At first sight Russia would seem to be almost invulnerable to a sea
power, and no first success, however crushing, could have humbled Nicholas I.
Indeed the capture of Sevastopol in October 1854 would have been far from
decisive of the war, but once the tsar had decided to defend to the last this
arsenal, the necessity for which he was in the best position to appreciate, the
factor of unlimited resources operated in the allies' favour. The sea brought
to the invaders whatever they needed, whilst the desert tracks of southern
Russia were marked at every step with the corpses of men and horses who had
fallen on the way to Sevastopol. The hasty nature, too, of the fortifications,
which, daily crushed by the fire of a thousand guns, had to be recreated every
night, made huge and therefore unprotected working parties necessary, and the
losses were correspondingly heavy. The double cause of loss completely
exhausted even Russia's resources, and, when large bodies of militia appeared
in line of battle at Traktir Bridge, it was obvious that the end was at hand.
The novels of Tolstoy give a graphic picture of the war from the Russian point
of view; the miseries of the desert march, the still greater miseries of life
in the casemates, and the almost daily ordeal of manning the lines under
shell-fire to meet an assault that might or might not come; and no student of
the siege can leave it without feeling the profoundest respect for the courage,
discipline and stubborn loyalty of the defenders.
Minor Operations.
A few words may be added on the minor operations of the war. The Asiatic
frontier was the scene of severe fighting between the Turks and the Russians.
Hindered at first by Shamyl and his Caucasian mountaineers, the Russians stood
on the defensive during 1853, hut next year they took the offensive, and, while
their coast column won an action on the 16th of June at the river Churuk,
another force from Erivan gained an important success on the Araxes and took
Bayazid, and General Bebutov completely defeated a Turkish column from Kars at
Kuruk Dere (July 31st, 1854). Next year Count Muraviev completely isolated the
garrison of Kars, which made a magnificent defence, inspired by Fenwick
Williams Pasha and other British officers. In one assault alone 7000 Russians
were killed and wounded, and it was not until the 26th of November 1855 that
the fortress was forced to surrender. The naval operations in the Baltic
furnish many interesting examples for the study of naval war. The allied fleet
in 1854, after a first repulse, succeeded in landing a French force under
Baraguay d'Hilliers before Bomarsund, and the place fell after an eight days'
siege. In 1855 seventy allied warships appeared before Kronstadt, which defied
them. Reinforced they attacked Sveaborg, but after two days' fighting had to
draw off baffled. The numbers engaged in the Crimean War, and the cost in men
and money is stated in round numbers below. In May 1855 the Crimean theatre of
war occupied 174,500 allies (of whom 32,000 were British) and 170,000 Russians.
The losses in battle were: allies 70,000 men, Russians 128,700; and the total
losses, from all causes and in all theatres of the war: allies 252,600
(including 45,000 English), Russians 256,000 men (Berndt, Die Zakl im
Kriege, p. 35). In the siege of Sevastopol the Russians are stated by
Berndt to have lost 102,670 men dead, wounded and missing. Mulhall (Dict of
Statistics 1903 ed., pp.586-587) gives much greater losses to each of the four
powers principally engaged. The cost of the war in money is stated by Mulhall
to have been 69,000,000 pounds to Great Britain, 93,000,000 to France,
142,000,000 to Russia.
Of the many works on the Crimean War those of greatest value are the
following. English: the official work on the Siege of Sebastopol; A. W.
Kinglake, The Invasion of the Crimea (London, 1863; "Student's
edition" by Sir G. S. Clarke): Sir E. B. Hamley, The War in the
Crimea (London, 1891); Sir W. H. Russell, The War in the Crimea
(London 1855-1856); Sir Evelyn Wood, The Crimea in 1854 and 1894
(London, 1895); Sir D. Lysons, The Crimean War from First to Last
(London 1895); Col. A. Lake, The Defence of Kars (London, 1857). French:
Official, Guerre de l'Orient, Hist. De l'artillerie (Paris, 1859);
Marshal Niel, Siege de Sebastopol (official account of engineer
operations, Paris 1858) and Atlas historique et topographique de la
guerre de Crimee (see also the map of Russia by the French staff, sheets 56
and 57); Baron C. De Bazancourt, L'expedition de Crimee (Paris, 1856);
C. Rousset, Histoire de la guerre de Crimee (Paris, 1877). Russian: the
work of Todleben, Die Vertheidigung von Sebastopol (St. Petersburg,
1864); Defense of Sebastopol (St. Petersburg, 1863); Anitschkoff,
Feldzug in der Krim (German trans., Berlin, 1857); Bogdanovitch, Der
Orientkrieg (St. Petersburg, 1876); Petroff, Der Donaufeldzug Russlands
gegen Turkei (German trans., Berlin 1891); Of German works the most useful
are: Kunz, Die Schlachten und Treffen des Krimkrieges (Berlin, 1889);
Der Feldzug in der Krim; Sammlung der Berlichte beider Parteien
(Leipzig, 1855-1856)
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