James Romm - editor
Pamela Mensch - translator
Pantheon Books, NY. 2010, 503 pgs.,
copious maps, diagrams of the major battles, chronology, elaborate annotations,
encyclopedic index, 19 informative appendices, annotated sources, and extensive
bibliography. The editor, James Romm, provides important information and Paul
Cartledge provides an informative introduction.
Reviewer comment:
This is a marvelous book - the essential book now for the study of Alexander's
campaigns. It is a complete new translation of Arrian's study of Alexander the
Great's campaigns published with all the elaborate supporting material
characteristic of these new "Landmark" editions. It joins the similar
volumes of the works of Xenophon, Herodotus and Thycydides. Every place name in
Arrian's text is shown on multiple maps keyed by a footnote to the text and
included near the related text. In addition there are excellent general maps at
the back of the volume. Every time an individual's name appears in the text
there is a footnote identification. The appendices are written by experts and
deal with many specific issues that expand the reader's knowledge of their
subjects: such as, Arrian's sources, Ethnicity, Geographic notions, Macedonian
army, Individual campaigns, Persian empire, and the like. Reference to these
maps alone will be a great assistance to the reader of any other books on
Introduction - by Paul Cartledge.
This is a discussion of Arrian's literary methods, and his sources. It also
includes an extensive discussion of 'cultural identity in the Anabasis' - that
is where the Macedonians Greeks or not? - and several other tangential
Editors' preface -
Professor Romm describes the special aspects of the Landmark series - the
extensive maps and battle diagrams, the extensive footnotes and explainations.
Professor Strassler discusses the Landmark methods in more detail. There
follows an excellent chronological outline which gives the reader the ability
quickly to match chapters and sections in Arrian's work with locations of the
action and seasons of years.
In the following summary of Arrian's
descriptions of Alexander's campaigns I have listed the battles, sieges and
skirmishes. I count roughly 31 significant battles, 25 city sieges, and 21
skirmishes or minor battles. So many modern books on Alexander's campaigns only
describe the four major battles and perhaps siege of Tyre. Arrian describes
many of these smaller battles and sieges in great detail. He generally lays out
the order of battle by naming units and often the commanders but not often the
size of the unit. One disconcerting issue is that he will describe a battle
making it sound like a really bloody affair, and then write that there were
hardly any casulaties. And his estimates for the size of Persian forces in each
battle are generally now considered much to large. Alexander has a very
flexible army composed of many types of units and he uses them with great
tactical skill. But Arrian also devotes many paragraphs to discussion of
Alexander's personnel policies, command and control methods, religious
observances, morale-building measures and much more. Alexander's constant
attention to governing his expanding territories through despatch of 'satraps'
is remarkable, as he continues his campaign eastward to India he is continually
receiving dispatches and envoys from many western regions and is making and
deposing his local governors in remote places. Also not mentioned in most
modern accounts is the continual turnover of the fighting troops as veterans
are returned home and new contingents arrive. However, as usual, the logistics
measures, which must have been enormous, are only mentioned in passing. Arrian
only mentions the war that took place in Greece as the Spartan king, Agis III,
attempted to overthrow Macedonian hegemony. Arrian includes extensive
digressions to describe geographical understanding, commenting on the views or
many other authors. He does not spare Alexander from criticism in his repeated
evaluations of Alexander's conduct. But this is a military book about a
military campaign, not a biography of Alexander.
Book One - 336 - 333 BC. The opening
Arrian mentions that he will rely mostly on the histories written by Ptolemy
and Aristoboulos. He justifies his own presumption to undertake a new history
of these momenteous events.
On the death of his father, Philip, Alexander immediately seeks and obtains the
agreement of Greek cities except for Sparta that he lead an expedition against
Persia. He first campaigns in Thrace to secure the rear area.
Battle at Haemus.
Battle against Triballoi
Attempted forced river crossing of Danube
Successful crossing and battle with Getae, destruction of their town
Battle with Illyrians
Siege of Pelion
Another battle with Illyrians
Sucessful river crossing and battle
Night attack on Illyrians - Taulantians
Siege, capture and destruction of Thebes
Crossing the Hellespont
Battle at Granicus River
Sardis and Ephesus surrender
Capture of Miletus after brief siege
Naval battle at Miletus - Lade
Alexander disbands fleet
Capture of towns between Miletus and Halicarnassus
Begins lengthy siege of Halicarnassus - takes town but not citadel
Marches from Caria to Phrygia
Captures Hyparna, Telmessos, Pinara, Xanthos Patara + more
Attacks Sillyon
Captures Aspendos Attacks Termessos guards but bypasses town
Battle by and capture of Sagalassos in Pisidae Captures fortress at Kelainai
Arrives at Gordion
Book Two -333 - 332 BC. The campaign
continues into Phoenicia
Meanwhile, Memnon, admiral of Persian navy captures Chios, Lesbos and besieges
Mytilene, but dies and is replaced by Autophradaates and Pharnabazos, they
capture Mytilene They continue naval war to Cyclades, Tenados
Antipatros sends Proteas to attack Persians at Siphnos
Alexander leaves Gordion and marches to Ancyri, then through Cappadocia and
through Cilician Gates back to the coast
Battle through Cilician Gates He captures Anchiale and Soloi
He defeates Cilicians in mountains. Reports that Ptolemy and Asandros defeated
Orontobates and captured the Halicarnassus citadel and other towns. Alexander
reaches Myriandros on coast south of Issus, Darius crosses Amanic Gates and is
north of Issus
Battle near Issus
Pharnabazos and Autophradates again sail from Chios to Halicarnassus and then
to Siphnos
Agis, King of Sparta meets them and requests aid against other Greeks
Persian defeat at Issus disorients Agis and Persians who go to Chios and
Alexander receives surrender of some Phoenician cities including Marathos,
Sidon and Byblos
Tyrians refuse Alexander entrance, he begins siege to gain control of
Phoenician fleets.
More Phoencian and Cyprian fleets join Alexander
Siege and capture of Gaza
Book Three - 332 - 329 BC - Alexander
in Egypt and campaign into Bactria
Alexander marches to Egypt
Alexander visits shrine of Ammon
Revolt in Peloponnese, Alexander sends large Macedonian, Phoenician and Cyprian
fleets to quell.
Alexander marches to Thapsacus and crosses the Euphrates when Persian garrison
He continues to cross the Tigris - Lunar eclipse on Sep. 20, 311 B.C.
Battle of Gaugamela - 75 miles from Arbela Alexander takes Babylon and Susa
He fights the Ouxioi
He fights Ariobarzanes for the Persian gates. He reaches Persepolis and
He marches north into Media at Ecbatana and attacks the Paraetacae
Alexander pursues Darius who is assassinated
Alexander sends Krateros against the Tapurians
Alexander subdues the Mardians
He goes to Zadrakarta and then Parthia and Sousia
He marches east toward Bactra, but diverts to the south to deal with
Satibarzanes of Areia - Artakoana (possibly modern Herat)
Alexander continues south to conquer Zarangiane (possible Kandahar area) He
obtains submission of the Zarangians, Gedrosians and all of Arachosia (the area
between Kandahar and Kabul)
The Areians again revolted so Alexander sent Artabazos with detachment of
troops back north to subdue them again.
He marched north east along the mountain ranges and halted for winter. Then he
founded Alexandria in Caucasus (which is really near modern Kabul).
Alexander in May crosses the Hindu Kush from south to north (possibly via
Khaiwak pass) into Bactria. Alexander captures Drapsaka, (modern Kunduz) Aornos
and Bactra.
He crosses the Oxus (Amu Darya) using stuffed animal skins. He releases the
remaining Thessalian cavalry some of whome with others may have aready
established the beginnings of Ai Khanum
He sends Ptolemy with cavalry to capture Bessos. Bessos is sent in chains to
Alexander reaches Markanda, capital of Sogdiana.
He storms a mountain fastness to where barbarians have retreated
Book Four - 329 - 326 BC - Alexander
in Central Asia
He founds Alexandria Eschate near Tanais river - actually the Iaxartes - Syr
Daria - in modern Tajikistan
Spitamenes leads the Sogdianians revolt and kills Macedonians and fortify city
(Gaza) which Alexander besieges while Krateros besieges Cyropolis - in all 7
cities are captured.
Spitamenes is now besieging the Macedonian garrison in Markanda citadel so
Alexander sends relief
A Scythian army arrives at the Tanais so Alexander uses artillery to cover
another river crossing sending his archers and slingers over first to establish
the bridgehead.
Spitamenes escapes from Markanda and then leads a Scythian ambush of following
Alexander leads a new offensive against Spitamenes who fled into the desert.
Alexander receives 23,000 reinforcements from Macedonia - Greece.
Alexander returns to Zariaspa.
Alexander again campaigns to the Oxus, crossed it into Sogdiana, dividing the
army into 5 columns to attack all the local towns to Markanda.
Meanwhile Spitamenes takes Scythian - Massagetai cavalry around Alexander into
Bactria and captures a fortress, then reaches Zariaspa where they defeat a
sally by the Macedonian garrison.
Krateros then attacks the Massagetai who retreat into the desert where Krateros
defeats them.
Spitamenes is still waging gurrilia warfare and attacks another Macedonian
garrison commanded by Koinos, who defeats him again. At this defeat the
Massagetai retreat once more, but decapitate Spitamenes.
Alexander collects the detachments and remains in Nautaka (central Sogdiana)
over the winter.
In early spring Alexander marches against the Sogdian 'Rock' being held by
Oxyartes leading another revolt.
Alexander conducts a major siege of Sogdian Rock.
Alexander then campaigns into Pareitakene and besieges Khorienes who is holding
another 'rock ' mountain fortress. Winter weather is still hampering the
Macedonian army during these sieges.
Alexander returns to Bactra while he sends various units to subdue the rest of
At end of spring Alexander begins campaign into India. crossing the Salang
He reorganizes the administration of the region around Alexandria in Caucasus
(Kabul). He now has Saca, Baktrian and Scythian cavalry.
He divides the army and crosses into northern India (actually modern Pakistan)
via two passes reaching the upper Indus River. Hephaistion sieges and captures
Alexander attacks other towns and mountain fortresses.
After crossing the mountains Alexander reaches Arigaion only to find it already
destroyed by its inhabitants.
Alexander defeats more Indians holding hill top positions.
Alexander crosses the Gourian river and attacks the Assakanians starting with
the Massaka city, fighting first outside the city walls, then using siege
engines against the wall.
Bazira and Ora were then besieged and taken.
Alexander next besieges the locals holding a "Aornos Rock - (Pir Sar) a
mountain near the headwaters of the Indus.
Finally Alexander reaches the Indus.
Book Five - 326 BC. - Alexander into
India (Pakistan)
Alexander crossed into the territory between the Kophen and Indus rivers and
attacked Nysa city, but relented after appeals. (Actually the Kophen is a
tributary of the Indus). Alexander reached Taxila and was welcomed by a new
ally, Ambhi, who joins him with 5,000 Indian troops
Alexander defeats Poros in battle at Hydaspes (Jhelum) River, then retains him
as ruler of the area. Poros then provides large Indian contingents and
elephants to augment Alexander's army.
Alexander detaches troops to quell an uprising back in Assakania.
He continues to advance into India crossing the Hydraotes (Chenab) River.
He attacks the Kathaioi at Sangala, which he then destroys. He crosses the Ravi
Alexander sends Eumenes to attack two more cities.
He reaches the Beas River. At this point the army refuses to go further -
Arrian records the speechs in great detail.
Alexander returns westward to the Chenab River and repairs Nikai and Boukephala
cities. He receives 35,000 reinforcements.
Book Six - 326 - 324 BC - Alexander
continues in India and returns to Babylon
Alexander sails down the Chenab and Jhelum to the Indus and then to the Indian
Ocean - part of the army is on boats and parts march on either side of the
river. He conducts raids to subdue local inhabitants.
He crosses desert to attack the Malloi tribe in several unnamed cities,
besieging one after another. These are located along the middle course of the
Indus and its tributaries, the Hyphasis, Hydatus, Akesinos and Hydaspes.
In one Malloi city (possibly Multan) he crosses the wall and is very seriously
wounded, only saved by his bodyguards.
Alexander receives surrender of King Mousikanos, but then attacks King Oxikanos
(two cities near the lower Indus).
He then marches west into the hill country to capture Sindimana.
Mousikanos then revolts and Alexander returns to storm his cities.
Alexander divides the army, sending a large part with Krateros via an inland
route through Zarangiane (Afghanistan) to Babylon.
He then continues down the Indus, captures Patala and reaches the ocean.
He appoints Nearkhos admiral to sail along the coast from the Indus back to
He leads a part of the army through Gedrosia desert.
When he reaches Carmania (the region adjacent to the Strait of Hormuz) he is
rejoined by Krateros and Nearkhos plus many of his satraps from throughout
Persia and Afghanistan as far as the Caspian Sea.
He then appoints Hephaistion to lead the majority of the army back along the
coast while he travels inland to Pasargadae.
Book Seven - 324 - 323 BC - Alexander
in Persia and Babylon
Alexander reaches Pasargadae and Persepolis.
This book is about Alexander's activities until his death.
Epilogue -
Professor Romn briefly describes the struggle that ensued between Alexander's
various generals and others which resulted in the dismemberment of his brief
empire into the several Hellenistic kingdoms. This era is not included in
Arrian's book, but is described by Diodorus. The several main contenders made
use of the massive funds released from the Persian silver and gold horde to
finance spectacular expansion and development of military capabilities mostly
squandered in warfare against each other.
Appendix A - Arrian's sources -
Professor Elizabeth Baynham briefly evaluates Arrian's use of Ptolemy,
Aristoboulos and other lesser authors. She discusses the varied opinions of
current scholars about Arrian's work and his use of available sources.
Appendix B - Alexander - Greeks and
Professsor Eugene Borza provides a discussion focused on the current contention
(of Greeks and Macedonians) about whether or not the ancient Macedonians were
actually Greeks or not. He writes that they were not.
Appendix C - Alexander the man (and
Professor Richard Stoneman evaluates the possibility that Alexander actually
came to believe himself a 'god' and considers it likely. He makes considerable
use of Plutarch's views. While many of Alexander's contemporaries were willing
to consider him a 'god' due to his extraordinary success - and good luck - many
others, especially his fellow Macedonians were not. Stoneman notes that Arrian
was rather defensive in his comments as many of his sources had been disdainful
of this assumed position. That plus the 'heavy drinking' and high living had
served as fertile opportunities for Alexander's political opponents and
moralists in general to attack him. Stoneman notes that a Macedonian king was
actually 'first among equals' which created annimosity even among his
Appendix D - Alexander's Army and
Military Leadership
Professor Romn rates Alexander highly in his leadership ability, but notes that
this was waning during the final year. And by that time the men had become more
difficult to manage. Professor Romn notes Alexander's extraordinary skill in
organizing logistics. However, Alexander inherited a superior army from his
father. Professor Romn describes this army in some detail. The editors insert
in this appendix a valuable diagram keyed to the order of battle for Gaugamela
battle. Professor Romn notes that Alexander, like most ancient generals, led
from the front and rode into battle with his Campanion cavalry. But what is
striking about Alexander's conduct, especially in this battle, is his tactical
control even during the battle at least up to the critical point at which he
chose to lead the crucial attack. We read in Arrian how Alexander, stationed
with his striking arm was able to orchestrate tactical shifts and counter
measures designed not only to maximize the results achieved by the several
different types of units in his command, but also to do what we would call
today 'reflexive control' that is get Darius and Bessos to make moves that
Alexander desired.
Appendix E - Alexander's Inner Circle
- Professors Romn and Heckel discuss the personalities and characteristics of
Alexander's senior command. They note that Alexander inherited a generation of
very experienced generals from his father's army and that these men were
frequently at odds with Alexander over tactical decisions, but even more so
over his broad political and cultural program. All of theme but Antipatros, who
remained in Macedon to defend the home front, died before Alexander
Appendix F - Money and Finance in the
Campaigns of Alexander
Professor Frank Holt in three pages describes what we know and can know about
this fascinating and crucial subject. That is - not much. We know that
initially Alexander started the campaign in great financial difficulty - that
he managed to keep things going for the first year from confiscated funds at
Sardis and then tribute levied along the way - and then obtained probably the
greatest wealth of any single conqueror when he siezed the Persian treasury. We
know of the thousands of coins subsequently minted for Alexander. But we do not
know much at all about the mechanics of day to day funding and payment either
to the troops or to suppliers.
Appendices G through R -
Each is a very valuable discussion on a specific topic that provides
significant information about such interesting issues as Alexander's relation
to or activities in Persia, Central Asia and India. Other topics are the
"Alexander Romance" his geographical beliefs, his death and the
Macedonian royal tombs.
Ancient Sources -
An annotated list of 35 ancient authors whose works are mentioned in the
footnotes or other explainations provided by the present authors and
A huge bibliography, very extensive
notes and more maps.
Maps and illustrations