This is the main page on which we have
links to growing number of individual articles and resources about this famous
My essay discussing what is known about the battle at Marathon
My review of Dr. Richard Billows' book - How One Battle Changed
Western Civilization
My listing and comments on reference books about the battle of Marathon
An extract from the Wikipedia entry on the battle
An extract from Dr. J. Rickard's essay on the battle
This map marks the battles that took place during the Persian invasions
- Eretria and Marathon during the first invasion (there were several more on
the southern end of Euboea) and the 4 main battles during the second invastion.
There were several more to the north in Thrace. On the historyofwar on-line
edition these symbols are 'clickable' to generate a description.
Diagram of opening phase of the battle, but it is incorrect
Diagram of the final phase - but this is incorrect as the other
illustrations will show - the battle did not take place directly in front of
the ships on the beach.
This is an excellent and correct illustration of the armies at the
beginning of the battle
This illustration follows the preceding to show the course of the
battle and the general area
Another author's concept of the battle.
A google map of Attica showing Athens and Marathon - the blue dots are
Google links to photos.
Another author's concept diagram showing both the initial and the
subsequent phases of the battle at Marathon
Another diagram with a concept of the battle of Marathon
An article on the phalanx
A diagram of a phalanx formation
The Wikipedia entry on Callimachus
An extract from the Wikipedia entry on Miltiades
The Plutarch biography of Themistocles
An extract from Dr. Rickard's entry on Themistocles
An extract from the Dr Rickard's entry on Aristides
Cornelius Nepos' book (modern translations - Great generals of foreign
nations and - Lives of the Great Commanders)