These are photos from the 2014 Open House
American tank - at entrance to the museum grounds
Rear view of American tank
Military truck
View of line of military trucks from museum entrance road
U./S. Amphibious truck - DUCK
U. S. Marine Corps amphibious truck
U. S. Marine Corps amphibious truck
Military truck
U.S. 1/4 ton jeep and some re-enactor's tents
U.S. 1/4 ton Jeep and trailer
Row of Jeeps
One of the Fire engines destroyed in the 9/11 attack on World Trade
center in N.Y. provided specially for the museum
Sign describing the U.S. 105mm howitzer motor carriage, M 7
U.S. 105mm howitzer motor carriage, M 7 "Priest"
U.S. 105mm howitzer motor carriage, M 7 "Priest"
U.S. Sherman tank
U.S. Sherman tank
Close up detail of the track system of the Sherman tank
U. S. 3/4 ton truck
Another U. S. 1/4 ton Jeep
Anti-tank gun
Display of body armor and other gear
Display in Marine Corps Museum section
Another Display in Marine Corps Museum section
Towed artillery piece
Towed artillery piece
Army band providing musical entertainment
Sign with description of the M 16 Multiple gun Motor Carriage - Half
track with multiple 50 cal. anti-aircraft machine guns - also effective against
ground targets
M 16 Multiple gun Motor Carriage - Half track with multiple 50 cal.
anti-aircraft machine guns - also effective against ground targets
U. S. Stuart Light Tank
A detail of a huge model diorama showing a landing on Japanese shore -
I made only one photo in 2014 because I have many from 2013.
Sign with description of the M3A1 Half-track personnel carrier
M3A1 Half-track personnel carrier - with display of various World War
II items
U. S. 500 LB Bomb
Display of multiple types of bombs
A 500 LB General Purpose AN M64 Bomb
A 500 LB General Purpose AN M64 Bomb
Display of World War II uniform and artifacts
Display of captured Japanese military artifacts from World War II
Re-enactors preparing for maneuver
Re-enactors preparing for maneuver
Re-enactor holding automatic rifle
Re-enactor with light machine gun
Sign describing the British Centurian main battle tank
Centurian main battle tank
Close up view of turret of the Centurian main battle tank
Rear of Centurian main battle tank
Detail view of rear of Centurian main battle tank
Russian main battle tank
Close up detail of track system of Russian main battle tank
Cloose up detail of turret of Russian main battle tank
Sign advertising the 523rd transport company
An armored Jeep next to a regular version
An armored Jeep next to a regular version - in reversed positions
A poster describing the Swiss tank Pz68/88
Swiss tank Pz68/88
Detail of the track system of the Swiss tank Pz68/88
Amphibious tractor
Main battle tank
U. S. Armored personnel carrier
Display sign describing the U. S. M41 76mm gun tank Walker - Bulldog
Twin 40 mm Bofors anti-aircraft guns on carriage
Display sign at the 101 Airborne Div Hqs
105 mm towed howitzer
Detail of 105 mm towed howitzer
Detail of 105 mm towed howitzer
Anti-aircraft machine gun
Famous marmite cans - lets have hot chow.
Silhouette of man at a grave
Sign for the Hqs D troop 1/12th cav.
Re-enactor's tent
Sign at tent of Company E 506 Parachute infantry tent - Carentan
Tent with some weapons and field gear
Situation map of area in Normady where the airborne operated
Sniper rifle, radio and other weapons
Anti-aircraft system
Self-propelled anti-aircraft gun carriage
Sign for the National Quads Searchlight Association - VietNam 1965-1972
Table with amunition used in the anti-aircraft 'duster'
Self propelled anti-aircraft gun carriage
Detail of the track system of the anti-aircraft gun carriage
Display sign describing the M 113 armored personnel carrier
Sign describing the Russian T 55A (M) main battle tank
Russian tank
Display of Russian small arms
Detail of Russian tank and small arms
Russian personal bedding
Sign describing the Russian BMP-1 Infantry combat vehicle
Russian BMP-1 Infantry combat vehicle
Russian crew personal equipment next to their BMP
Russian main battle tank
Interior of a BMP
Interior of a BMP
Interior of a BMP
Russian armored personnel carrier
Russian T55 main battle tank
Russian T55 main battle tank
Rocket propelled grenade launcher
Russian armored personnel carrier
Main battle tank
Main battle tank
Reconnaissance vehicle
Reconnaissance vehicle
Main battle tank
British self propelled howitzer
British self propelled howitzer
Armored personnel carrier and Russian BMP
Armored personnel carrier
British self propelled howitzer
British self propelled howitzer
Armored vehicle
Reconnaissance vehicle
Main battle tank
Main battle tank
Rear view - Main battle tank
Sign describing the British Scorpion FV101 Armored Vehicle
Sign describing the British Abbott FV433 - Field Self propelled field
artillery 105mm
Detail of the British Abbott FV433 - Field Self propelled field
artillery 105mm
Sign describing the British Ferret scout car MK1/1
Russian T-34/85 medium tank
Sign describing the Russian T 34/85 medium tank
Re-enactor of Russian officer with tent and artifacts
Re-enactor of Russian officer with tent and artifacts
Re-enactors of Russians with tent and artifacts
Russian light machine gun
German half-track armored personnel carrier
German tent camp
German machine guns
German machine gun
Re-enactors in German camp with artifacts
Re-enactor showing young boy how the German machine gun operates
German Hertzer
Sign identifying the re-enactor group as British Long Range Desert
Group Dec 1941 Operation Crusader
Sign describing the British Infantry tank Mark III - Valentine III
British Infantry tank Mark III - Valentine III
British Infantry tank Mark III - Valentine III
British version of the Lee-Grant medium tank
British version of the Lee-Grant medium tank
British verssion of the Lee/Grant medium tank
Sign describing the Canadian C15 TA Armored Truck
Canadian C15 TA Armored Truck
Australian Dingo recon vehicle
Sign describing the German Daimler - scout car M II W/T
Australian use of German Daimler - scout car M II W/T
Sign describing the British Bren Gun carrier -Universal carrier No 2
British Bren Gun carrier -Universal carrier No 2
Rifle and light machine gun
Re-enactors of British soldiers with display of equipment
Re-enactor tent camp
First Aid Station
U. S. M8 Light Armored car
Sign describing the U. S. M 8 light armored car
U. S. light armored car
Jeep and truck with boom
Wrecker truck with boom
Sign of the French Foreign Legion Parachute unit
U. S. M-24 Light tank Chaffee
Sign describing the U. S. M-24 Chaffee light tank
Sign describing the U.S. Light tank M5A1 - Stuart
U. S. light tank
U.S. Light tank M5A1 - Stuart
Sign describing the Chenowith fast attack vehicle
Chenowith fast attack vehicle
Chenowith fast attack vehicle
Amphibious tractor
View inside a repair shed
View inside a repair shed
Row of military trucks
Marines operating a Sherman tank during reenactment
Marines operating a Sherman tank during reenactment
Marine squad advancing in demonstration assault
Marine squad advancing behind narrator with some of the spectators in
Marine squad moving into assault - note the Marine in foreground has a
The Marines are in the underbrush ready to use flamethrower
Marine has just used his flamethrower - smoke rising - we have movies
of the event
Marine squad regrouping after assault - flamethrower is in center of
Marines securing and policing the demonstration area
Marines bringing the Sherman tank back after participating in assault
The 'victorious' Marine squad trudging back after their assault -
several personnel carriers in background
U. S. tank
Two military motorcycles
Two more military motorcycles
General view of display area - two U. S. armored cars in forground and
a British Lee/Grant tank in background