Diodorus Siculus
Sub title: To Which Are Added the Fragment of
Diodorus, and Those Published by H. Valesius, L. Rhodomannus, and F. Ursinus,
Forgotten Books, 2018, a reprint of the London Edition 1814 edition translated
by G. Booth
Reviewer Comment -
This is Vol 1. The Fragments are included in Vol II. This includes the author's
historical descriptions from the begining of the world and origin of man in
Book I, Chapter I to Roman war in Gaul and Persians at war in Cyprus and Philo
ruling is Sicily all in Book XIV, Chapter XIII.
Of course Diodorus does not date events by using year numbers. - Rather, he
will begin each chapter by naming the consuls in Rome, and/ or archons in
Athens or other annual rulers - and on occasion the Olympiad or other event
used by the ancients for chronology.
For instance in Book XI, Chapter XXII he begins by dating the outbreak of war
between Epidarians and Athenians: "The former year ended, Philocies
governed Athens the next; and at Rome, Aulus Posthumius and Sp. Furius were
When discussing events and especially decisions, motivations, and causes he
always identifies the responsible individuals or peoples (Athenians,
Lacedaemonians, Persians); never abstractions such as 'state'. By attempting to
stick to chronological order the author will jump from one region to another
and back - for instance from Persia to Greece to Sicily and even to Rome. But
he will generally stick to one topic in one chapter, thus making many of them
only one or two pages long.
I will insert modern dating at various points.
Books I and II describe ancient Egyptians and
Near Easterners such as the Assyrians and Chaldeans, and the Amazons and
Book III describes Etheopians, Africans, and
inhabitants of Atlantic Islands.
Interesting to consider is that this classical era historians describes the
Etheopians in very modern terms. "The Ethiopians say, that they were the
first men that ever were in the world, and that, to prove this, they have clear
demonstrations. For they say, they are natives of the country, and not
strangers that came to settle there and are therefore, by general consent,
almost of all men, called Autochthones; and that, in every man's opinion, it is
most probable, that those who inhabit the south, were the first living men that
sprang from the earth."
Book IV discusses Greek mythology as if it
were history, although he recognizes the difference and even complains that the
distortions and mixing greatly perplexes the historian.
As he writes: "I am not ignorant that the writers of antiquities in many
things fall short of the truth in their relations. For being that ancient
things are (as it were) scraped out of the rubbish with very great difficulty,
they greatly perplex the historian."
We can say the same thing today, and not only about 'ancient things'.
But, he continues: "In this book we shall set forth the antiquity of the
Grecians from the most ancient times, an therein treat of the gods and
demigods, and of all others that have been famous and remarkable in feats of
arms in time of war, or have found out what has been beneficial to mankind in
times of peace, or such as have been law-makers".
Book V Begins with geographical descriptions
of Sicily and the Aegean Islands and continues with chapters on other lands
Books VI through X are lost, unfortunate
because the final one included the Persian campaign to Marathon and the events
in Greece between 490 and 480 BC..
Book XI Preface
"The book before this, being the tenth in the whole composure of our
history ends with things done in the year immediately before the descent of
Xerxes into Europe, and with those debates in the general assemblies of the
Grecians at Corinth, concerning the admission of Gelo into the Grecian
In this to proceed, (as things were done), in a continued series of the
history, we shall begin with Xerxes' expedition into Greece, and end the year
immediately before the army of the Athenians, under Cimon their general,
invaded Cyprus."
Book XI - Chapter I. this includes the
opening of Xerxes' invasion with the battles at Thermopylae and Salamis.
Book XI - Chapter II is about the
Carthaginians invasion of Sicily and their defeat by Gelon.
Book XI - Chapter III describes the Greek
(Athenian - Spartan) defeat of the Persians (Mardonus) at Plataea
Book XI - Chapter IV describes the Greek
victories at Mycalea and in Ionia
Book XI - Chapter V (2 pages) describes
Gelon's death at Syracuse and Themistocles policy at Athens
Book XI - Chapter VI Discusses Themistocles -
Pausanius and Aristides
Book XI - Chapter VII is about Hero in
Book XI - Chapter IX is about Hero defeating
the Etruscans - 1/2 page
Book XI - Chapter X is about the war between
the Tarentines and Japygians - 1/2 page
Book XI - Chapter XI - is about Agrigentium
- another page
Book XI - Chapter XII is about Spartan
personal attacks on Themistocles and his exile
Book XI - Chapter XIII is about Cimon's
victories over the Persians - including at Eurymedonia
Book XI - Chapter XIV describes the
earthquake and revolt of the Messenians and Helots against Spartans.
Book XI - Chapter XV describes the war
between the Argives and Mycenaens
Book XI - Chapter XVI discusses the death of
Hero - 1 page
Book XI - Chapter XVII is again about events
in Syracuse
Book XI - Chapter XVIII describes the murder
of Xerxes by Artabanus
Book XI - Chapter XIX describes the war
between Athenians and Aeginians
Book XI - Chapter XX describes the Egyptian
revolt against Persia (including the Athenian expedition) and events in Sicily
Book XI - Chapter XXI continues discussion of
Persian expedition in Egypt (and defeat of the Athenians) and war in Sicily
Book XI - Chapter XXII discusses the war
between Epidaurians and Athenians
Book XI - Chapter XXIII discusses the war
between he Corinthians and Megareans
Book XI - Chapter XXIV discusses the war
between the Athenians and the Boeotians
Book XI - Chapter XXV describes the
Athenians' (commanded by Tolmides) invasion of the Spartans
Book XI - Chapter XXVI describes the war in
Sicily between the Aegesteans and Lilybaeans -and related topics
Book XI - Chapter XXVII in this chapter
Pericles attacks the Peloponnesians, and besieges Sicyon - also Phaylus invades
Book XI - Chapter XXVIII the Siculi general,
Deucetius, attacked the Agrigentines but submitted to the Syraceusans who then
sent him to Corinth
Book XII Preface
"He who seriously considers the uncertainty and instability of human
affairs, must needs by struck with great admiration; for he will find that
nothing which amongst men is accounted good, is purely such; nor any thing that
is esteemed bad, is perfectly or absolutely evil, without some ingredient of
profit and advantage; which lesson we may learn from what is before related, if
we ponder and digest things well."
What a wonderful concept.
The author is thinking of and expresses the terrible fear the Greeks-had at the
invasion by Xerxes, but then of the extraordinary growth of power, wealth,
renown, philosophy and cultural advancement that their victory over the
Persians brought them. In this book he proposes to continue the history by
recounting Cimon's campaign to Cyprus and conclude with the Athenians first
campaign against the Syracusans.
Book XII Chapter I The account of Cimon's
campaign into Cyprus which resulted in the peace treaty between the Athenians
and Persians, then up to his death on Cyprus
Book XII Chapter II The Megareans revolt
against Athenians and are defeated. The Athenians are routed at Chaeronea by
the Boeotians. Then many other cities revolt. Finally a peace treaty is
Book XII Chapter III The Agrigentians war
against the Syracuseans. The Crotonians war against the Sybarites and Sybaris
is razed. And events in other places.
A lengthy chapter.
Book XII Chapter IV This is mostly about Rome
- Virginia - The author lists the Decemviri - 10 men who composed the Twelve
Tables - general peace everywhere
Book XII Chapter V describes the war between
Samians and Milesians. The revolt of Samians against Athenians - the war in
Sicily of Syracusians against Trinacrians
Book XII Chapter VI describes the Corinthians
war against the Corcyrians - the Potideans revolt against Athenians and Potidea
is besieged by Phormio
Book XII Chapter VII describes the
Peloponnesian War - Potidea revolts and surrenders. Nicias becomes Athenian
admiral. The war is concluded after 10 years. -
Diodorus' view was typical of the time. This is a lengthy chapter with much
Book XII Chapter VIII describes the
continuation of the Peloponnesian war plus wars in Rome. Then the Athenians
expedition to Sicily commanded by Nicias in the 16th year of the war.
Book XIII Preface
"If we should imitate others in the compiling of their histories, we
should first in the preface of every book, observe some thing pertinent to the
occasions and subjects in hand, and then descend to the continuation of our
discourse, upon the actions and affairs that follow next in order: for by some
small intermission from writing, we gain a breathing fit; the fruit and
advantage by prefaces" .... But - "we shall begin this book with that
expedition against the Syracusans, and end it at the beginning of the second
Carthaginians war against Dionysius the tyrant of Syracuse."
Book XIII Chapter I describes the Athenian
fleet being prepared for the campaign. Alcibiades is accused and flees to Italy
and then Sparta - The Syracusians send to Lacedaemon for assistance - Gylippus
is sent - the Battle at Syracuse - the Lacedaemonians invade Attica - Eurymedon
and Demosthenes arrive at Syracuse - the Athenians 'ruined' at Syracuse.
This is a very long chapter.
Book XIII Chapter III Callias is governing
Athens - various subject islands change sides. The Athenians overthrow the
democracy and substitute an oligarchy rule by 400. They rebuild a fleet - but
they are defeated by the Lacedaemonians at Oropus. The Persian king, Darius,
seeks to aid the Spartans and sends money plus Phoenicians ships. Alcibiades
convinces Pharnabazus to hold off in order to keep a balance of power between
Sparta and Athens.
Book XIII Chapter IV the oligarchy of 400 is
overthrown - The Athenians defeat the Lacedaemonians at sea near Sestos and
Abydos. Twenty-two years of the Peloponnesian war ended and Thucydides ends his
Book XIII Chapter V The Carthaginians invade
Sicily - The Athenians and Lacaedaemonians battle at sea at Dardanium -
uprising at Corcyra - another naval battle, at Cyzicum, won by the Athenians.
Book XIII Chapter VI The Lacedaemonians sue
for peace after defeat at Cyzicum but Athenians refuse.
Book XIII Chapter VII - Hannibal invades
Sicily - Diocles is magistrate at Athens - Quintus Fabius and Caius Frius are
Roman consuls.
Book XIII Chapter VIII The Athenian admiral,
Thrasybulus, attacks Ephesus - the Lacaeaemonians besiege Pylos and surrender
Chalcedon besieged by Theramenes then Byzantium is betrayed to Alcibiades.
Book XIII Chapter IX Theramenes and
Alcibiades return to Athens - Lysander becomes Lacaedaemonian general -
Athenian general, Antiocuhus defeated at sea at Ephesus - Spartan king, Agis,
surprises part of the Athenian walls but is beaten off. Alcibiades is accused
of assaulting Cuma and Conon is made admiral in his place.
Book XIII Chapter X Pausanias succeeds
Plistagonax as king of the Lacedaemonians
Book XIII Chapter XI Callicratides is
Lacedaemonian general and leads them in naval battle defeating Conon at
Mitylene. Callicratides then besieges the city.
Book XIII Chapter XII war between
Carthaginians and Syracusans at Agrigentium
Book XIII Chapter XIII more about Sicily -
Dionysius becomes Syracusian general then becomes despot
Book XIII Chapter XIV Athenians won naval
battle at Arginusae - but some admirals executed for not burying sailors who
drowned during the battle.
Book XIII Chapter XV Lysander becomes
Lacedaemonian admiral - he defeats the Athenians at Aegospotamos - then he
besieges Athens which is forced to surrender - this ends the Peloponnesian War
Book XIII Chapter XVI Events in Sicily -
Carthaginians sack Agrigentium and besiege Gela. Dionysius aids Gela-
Book XIV Preface
The author pens an extended comment about the psychology of 'evil' men. He
remarks about the Thirty tyrants at Athens. "For the thirty tyrants of
Athens, who by their covetousness and ambition involved their country in
dreadful calamities, thereby, in a short time, not only lost their authority,
but left behind them an immortal stain and dishonor to their names."
Then he turns: 'And the Lacedaemonians, who had undoubtedly gained the
sovereignty of all Greece, lost what they had gained, when they began to
oppress their associates and confederates. For the thrones of princes are
supported by justice and mercy, but are overturned by cruelty and oppression of
their subjects." He continues with the example of Dionysius, tyrant of
He finally outlines the subject of this book. "In this we shall add what
next follows in order, and begin with the thirty tyrants of Athens, and from
thence down to the taking of Rome by the Gauls, wherein is contained the
history of eighteen years."
Book XVI Chapter I The peace between
Athenians and Lacedaemonians - The conflict in Athens between the thirty
tyrants and the democrats.
Book XVI Chapter II - Dionysius is tyrant and
Syracusians revolt
Book XVI Chapter III - The Lacedaemonians
establish oligarchies ruling in every city. Dionysius disarms the Syracusian
people. Alcibiades is killed - Lysander attempts to deprive the Heraclidae of
their sovereign power.
Book XVI Chapter IV Dionysius's activities in
Sicily - Lacedaemonians quarrel with the Elie
Book XVI - Chapter V The war between Cyrus
and his brother, Artaxerxes, king of Persia. The Greek mercenaries march out of
Persia. Diodorus describes in great detail the organization of the Greek force,
its march to Babylon, the battle and their march back to the Black Sea and then
Book XVI Chapter VI - Thrasybulus opposes the
thirty tyrants in Athens. The Lacedaemonians at war with the Messanians. The
Lacedaemonians march to Athens and enforce a peace. The Persians again seek to
control the Ionian cities and the Lacedaemonians send they aid. Xenophon leads
a force of the Greeks returning from Asia campaign against the Thracians.
Book XVI Chapter VII Dionysius at war wit
Rhegians then with the Carthaginians in Sicily.
This is a very long chapter with much detail.
Book XVI Chapter VIII The Lacedaemoniams
commanded by Agesilaus, campaign at Ephesus against the Persians. He defeats
the Persians at Sipylus. The Phocians war against the Boeotians.
Book XVI Chapter IX The Argives with
confederates, including Corinthians, Athenians and Boeotians, war against the
Lacdaemonians - Agesilaus brings his army back to Greece He defeats the
Lacdemonians at Coronea - Battles at Acicas and Nemae. The Lacedaemonian
admiral Pisander defeated by the Persians' fleet commanded by Athenian admiral
Conon in naval battle at Cnidus. Conon sails to Athens and begins rebuilding
the city walls and the Long Walls. The Corinthians war against the
Lacedaemonians for eight years.
Book XVI Chapter X In Sicily Dionysius again
at war with Rhegians. The Carthaginians under Mago settle affairs. In Greece
Iphicrates operates at Corinth, Phlius and Sicyon. Romans active in Italy
besieging Veli for 11 years.
Book XVI Chapter XI Thrasybulis, the Athenian
general is active in the Ionian islands and at Chersoness. Mago commands
Carthaginians against Dionysius. Spartans again active in Asia.
Book XVI Chapter XII Dionysius campaigns at
Rhegium - other wars in Italy - Dionysius invades Italy
Book XVI Chapter XIII Persians at war against
Evagoras in Cyprus - More conflict at Rhegium - The Gauls invade Italy and
defeat the Romans at the Allia river, then capture Rome but finally defeated by
Marcus Furius at Trausium..
Diodorus writes that having completed his
purpose, we shall put an end to this book."