Here I have posted photos I made from the
photos in Aurel Stein's report on the third expedition in 1913-1916 in Chinese
Turkestan. The photos in the printed reports are not very sharp and my efforts
to photograph them for this web space make them even worse in some cases. But I
hope these samples will give some idea of the subject. There are 505 photos in
the Innermostasia I initially thought to include only those related to
fortresses, but there are so many that reveal Stein's remarkable efforts that I
decided to include them all. Many of the photos included in Innermostasia are
also in one or more of Stein's other reports. The text is here. One volune is actually a box with
maps with link here. Vol 3 is a set of
plans drawn to illustrate various buildings or sites (I include them) and 137
plates showing some of the artifacts he collected - I did include them.
Innermostasia 1 - View of
Kishangana River from above Kel - India on Stein's route through northwest
India (today Pakistan)
Innermostasia 2 - Crossing the
Indus from right bank opposite mouth of Hodar valley - India -part of Stein's
difficult rafting down the Indus through impassable gorge in order to reach the
Hodar valley. The Hodar is a right bank tributary of the Indus that flows in a
few miles downstream (west) of Chilas. Chilas is on the Indus.
Innermostasia 3 View down Niat
Valley near the Chilas - India - on Stein's round about travel north before
reaching China on 3rd expedition. shows that sometimes he had to go through a
valley that was actually a stream bed - He had similar experiences in the Kun
lun in China.
Innermostasia 4 - Mouth of
Buto-gha valley above Chilas fort -Stein was determined to visit Chilas and
other semi-independent valleys in north west India while political conditions
made that possible at the start of his third expedition.
Innermostasia 5 - Ruined site
of Kino-kot at mouth of Hodar valley - Stein always tried to study any
fortifications he came across - this one was found at the very start of his
trip up the Hodar valley after crossing the Indus.
Innermostasia 6 - View up
Hodar Valley from Dar Hamlet - India - another typical valley that was actually
a gorge or canyon that Stein had to pass through in his determiniation to reach
previously unexplored places.
Innermostasia 7 - View to
south-east from Unutai Pass (10,290 feet) Stein enjoyed taking the hard route
across high passes - this one in India, north of the Indus on his route into
Darel from the Hodar valley.
Innermostasia 08 - Fields of
Chilidur below Unutai Pass with Darelis in foreground - Stein made a point of
examining all the local village members he could for anthropomorphic study -
and many of these mountaineers carried his baggage over the high
Innermostasia 09 - Forest
scene in Dalgin valley above Gaube-chesh - Stein noticed and commented on the
rich forests in these mountain valleys available for very profitable lumbering
- and the lumbering business was usually a monopoly of some tribe or group
connected with local ruler.
Innermostasia 10 - Men of
escort sent by Raja Pakhtun Wali - on extreme left is Shahid of Tangir, the
commander - Stein commented that these guys were only recently changed from
being bandits - the Raja deemed it essential to provide Stein with a strong
security detachment for safety and also to insure the Stein didn't stray off
the designated route. The semi-independent rulers of these remote valleys were
still striving to maintain their authority even in opposition to the British -
Government if India.
Innermostasia 11 - View up
valley from Nyachut, Darel, India - Afraz-gul was relatively junior surveyor
when assigned by the Indian government to assist Stein, he went on to a
distingished career both surveying and accompanding other explorers. Shah Alam
was the Indian nickname for Stein's dog, shown here in front of his master -
note the excellent forest. Nyachut is toward the northern end of the Darel
valley where Stein turned left (south) to pass back southward almost to the
Indus at Gayul where he turned right (west) again to cross another pass into
Innermostasia 12 - Dalgin Alp
with view of rocky spur towards Darel - Stein received special permission to
transit Darel in northwest India
Innermostasia 13 - View down
the Kel valley from Stein't route to the Barai Pass
Innermostasia 14 - View down
the Ishkobar valley towards Nyachut Darel - Stein is finally approaching the
issolated Darel chiefdom
Innermostasia 15 - Deodars
below Gabar, Darel, Gabar is just a bit north of Nyachut
Inneremostasia 16 - Remains of
Lohilo-kot (fort) below Poguch, Darel valley - Poguch is most of the distance
south in the valley.
Innermostasia 17 - Cultivation
above Dalot, Darel - India - Dalot is toward the northern part of Darel close
to Nyachut - Stein took long way about to reach Darel while going from Kashmir
to China.
Innermostasia 18 - View down
main Darel valley from above Mankial - India - Mankiel is south of
Innermostasia 19 - Shivo-kot,
looking up; Shigo-gah valley, Darel - India - The fort is on the ridge in the
center of the photo - Stein found many of the isolated valleys high in the
mountains to be well irrigated and cultivated.
Innermostasia 20 - Walls of
Zhomi-kot, Darel - India - poor photo of low wall that guarded a side entrance
into Darel
Innermostasia 21 - View up
Darel from Raji-kot site - India - Raji-kot was an isolated hill with ruined
fort - kot meaning fort -
Innermostasia 22 - Top of
Raji-kot hill, looking north-west - India - part of ruin fort is visible -
Stein was given a guided tour throughout Darel to examine the many small forts.
Actually, despite the strong independence desire of the local chiefs, Stein was
treated as an honored and distinguished guest throughout.
Innermostasia 23 - Carved
sitting platform with gray-beards of Chaturkand, Darel - India - the photo
combines Stein's efforts to photograph typical architecture and furnishing with
photos of ethnic groups. Where possible he made ethnological measurements of
representative men. Remember that all this took place less than 100 years
Innermostasia 24 - Decorated
wooden enclosure of grave, Samagial, Darel, - India - with wall of ancient
fortress above. Samagial is further south from Dalot.
Innermostasia 25 - Raja
Pakhtun Wali's castle at Jaglot, Tangir - India - with Mehtarjao Shah 'Alam
seated in foreground plus attendants and Stein's dog. Stein not only received
very special permission to visit Tangir, but also was asssigned a well armed
pose of the Pakhtun Wali's guards commanded by Shan 'Alam - the valley was off
limits to Europeans and the local tribes were used to fighting each other. Here
Stein has crossed the Shardai pass into Tangir, Jaglot is toward the southern
end of this region, which is west of Darel.
Innermostasia 26 - Dareli
headmen in attendance at Gumare-kot - notice the bare feet
Innermostasia 27 - The Raja
Pakhtun Wali with two of his sons - he was an enlightened ruler who was
attempting to bring his domain into the modern world but was murdered by clan
Innermostasia 28 - Wood
carvings at Ziarat of Dodo-kot, Darel - the warrior standing there is Shahid of
Innermostasia 29 - Old Mosque
at Prori, Tangir - India - Mullah standing in front with row of religious
students on right and men-at-arms on left -Stein had to be on best behavior
while passing through these unpassified valley, but he was well used to the
diplomatic and protocol requirements. The 'talib' religious schools were
functioning well. Prori is north of Jaglot, Stein was traveling north again.
Innermostasia 30 - Ziarat
(shrine) of Shaka-khel Baba - India - built in carved timber, Poguch, Darel -
note the typical memorial flags
Innermostasia 31 - View from
Sheobat Pass, looking south west toward Tangir-Kandia watershed - India - One
of the many difficult, high passes Stein crossed on purpose during his third
expedition in order to visit otherwise isolated valleys. The Sheobat pass was
at the northern end of Tangir where Stein again crossed over into the next
domain to Gupis.
Innermostasia 32 - Ascent over
Rock Debris to pass above Gafar-dodo, Gupis - India - some passes were waist
deep in snow, others were glacial moraines, and some were piles of
Innermostasia 33 - Ruined fort
of Birnao-kot - Tangir - India - North-west India was full of ancient and
medieval forts and walls now in Pakistan.
Innermostasia 34 - Forest in
Satil valley, Tangir - India - Stein noted the extensive lumbering industry
taking place in Tangir which provided the ruler with good income -merchants had
to pass muster as qualified Muslems
Innermostasia 35 - Street in
Chaturkand village, Mankial, Darel - India - typical mountain village with
exterior walls of houses without windows.
Innermostasia 36 - Gate of
Dodo-kot village, Darel - India - stone walls were common in these rugged
Innermostasia 37 - Confluence
of the Yasin and Ghizr Rivers above Gupis - India - Stein was particularly
interested in this route as it was the one taken by Chinese army in the 8th
century to attempt to block Tibetan and Arab alliance. Gupis is north of Tangir
and south of Yasin. Yasin is both a domain bordering on Afghanistan and the
capital town of the region.
Innermostasia38 - Ruined
enclosure of Bahri-khan, Dasht-i-Taus, with view toward head of Yasin valley -
India - note in the poor photo the remains of a cross wall
Innermostasia 39 - Group of
Tangiris at Jaglot - India - don't mess with these guys on a dark night or even
in the daytime.
Innermostasia 40 - Ruined fort
at Chumarkhan, Yasin - India - not much left, but Stein checked it out
Innermostasia 41 - View down
Yasin valley from Chumarkhan - Rest-house near middle of view; castle behind it
among trees
Innermostasia 42 - Group of
Khushwaqts and Burish at Hondur, Yasin - Raja of hondur (Khushwaqt) with two
relatives, seated; behind, Burish cultivators - The ruling clan seated and
workers standing
Innermostasia 43 - Firn bed on
northern slope of Darkot pass - Stein was determined on two expeditions to
visit this pass between India and China because it was the route of the Chinese
army in the 8th century. Darkot pass is at the northern border of Yasin with
the crossing into the Wakhan corridor of Afghanistan
Innermostasia 44 - Darkot pass
seen from below Darband ridge
Innermostasia 45 - Outer court
of Hakim's house at Barkulti, Yasin
Innermostasia 46 - Engraved
boulder with Stupa design at Tibetan inscription on ascent to Darkot
Innermostasia 47 - Panoramic
view from Karambar Pass towards south and south-west - India - On left is
eastern branch of the Karambar glacier feeding Zhoedat lake, in middle the main
Karambar glacier draining into Yarkhan river, on right, range overflooking
Yarkhan headwaters.
Innermostasia 48 - Glacier
descending to north-west of Darkot pass, with its western feeders - India -
seen from northern moraines at elevation of about 13,500 feet. Stein loved to
hike over these very high passes
Innermostasia 49 - Camp at
Murgach below Karambar pass - India
Innermostasia 50 - View to
south west from below Karambar Pass, showing peaks above Darkot and Chatiboi
glacier - India
Innermostasia 51 - Panoramic
view across head of Chillinji glacier - India - looking east and south east
from camp
Innermostasia 52 - Terminal
portion of Chillinji Glacier - India - seen across Karambar River
Innermostasia 53 - Glacier
pushed across Karambar River below Shuiyen - India
Innermostasia 54 - Bridge and
"rafik' on Kara-tash River at Bakuchak - China - the 'rafik' was
constructed out of branches and logs stuck into the cracks of a sheer wall
above a canyon or river to form a kind of artificial ledge - Stein had to pass
along many - most were impassable to laden animals, even donkeys. He either had
teams of laborers supplied by local chieftains or hired help to carry heavy
Innermostasia 55 - Camels
descending Kara-tash river gorge at Ara-sunde - China - another of the narrow
passages that were actually stream beds. It is difficult to see the camels
among the rocks. |
Innermostasia 56 - View
eastwards across lake fed by eastern branch of Karambar glacier -
Innermostasia 57 - Route of
ascent of Chillinji pass - India
Innermostasia 58 - Ziarat at
Baba-ghundi, Chapursan, India
Innermostasia 59 - Fort,
village of Reshit, Chapursan valley - India - another of the numerous old forts
Stein found throughout the valleys of north-west India
Innermostasia 60 - Snout of
Khuz glacier at end of Chapursan valley - India - very poor photo
Innermostasia 61 - Snout of
glacier east of Chillinji pass, above Buattar - very poor photo
Innermostasia 62 - Head of
Ming-taka glacier looking south-east from below pass - India - very poor
reproduction of photo
Innermostasia 63 - View to
south from Ming-taka Pass - on border between India and Chinese Turkestan -
see map 3bs
Innermostasia 64 - Terminal
portion of Ishkuk glacier, Chapursan - India
Innermostasia 65 - Ascent to
Ming-taka Pass - the border pass between India and Sarikol part of Chinese
Turkestan in theTaghdumbash Range - Stein's baggage was carried up each pass by
teams recruited on one side then transfered at the top to another team sent up
from the other side. Some of the team members are hard to see amind the rocks.
This pass is south -east of the Wakjir Pass between Afghanistan and Sarikol on
a different route. Stein used the Wakjir during the 2nd expedition when he had
permission to visit the Wakhan and the Ming-taka during the 3rd expedition. See
Innermostasia 66 - View toward
Muz-tagh-Ata from mouth of Dershat valley - The massive mountain can barely be
seen in the background
Innermostasia 67 - Ruined
enclosure on Chichiklik maidan in Sarikol
Innermostasia 68 - View down
Tangitar gorge from Tar-bashi - poor photo- typical of the many gorges Stein
had to pass through This one is between Sarikol and Kashgar and could be
attempted only during a few months of a year due to seasonal water
Innermostasia69 - On Merki or
Buramsal Pass, looking south - in Sarikol - one of the difficult passes Stein
had to cross. He made frequent use of yaks - poor photo - the Burmasal pass is
on the direct routh north from Tash-Kurgan to Kashgar
Innermostasia 70 - Ruins near
Jangal-gumbaz, above Tash-Kurgan river This river flows east from the western
end of Sarikol at the Afghan border and then turns north near Kiz-kurghan -map 3bs
Innermostasia 71 - Ridge with
tombs of Ihsans, Toghlan-shahr.
Innermostasia 72 - View up
Merki valley, on the eastern slope of Muzh-tag-ata
Innermostasia 73 - View up
Chimghan valley from Chinghan-ayaki - The Chimghan river flows eastward off the
slope of Muzh-tagh-ata. Stein crossed it toward its eastern section- see
Innermostasia 74 - Changing
transport at Kara-tash-aghzi - a frequent occurance as Stein moved from one
local domain to the next - often over a mountain pass but sometimes between one
end and another of a narrow stream gorge.
Innermostasia 75 - Kara-tash
river gorge below Terek-kichik - This route was only open at certain seasons -
it was usually either filled with snow melt raging river or deep in snow
Innermostasia 76 - Wakhi
settlers in Chapursan, Hunza - These gentlemen are Afghans who have moved east
into the northwest valleys of India - Stein noted that the official
international borders were not much respected by the local tribes
Innermostasia 77 - Khirghiz
camp at Merki-chat, below the Burmasal Pass - Sarikol - another example of
nomads who moved back and forth across the official borders
Innermostasia 78 - Outer hill
range of T'ien-shan seen from route to Vilvil - China
Innermostasia 79 - On Yarkand
River below northern offshoot of Chok-tagil - China
Innermostasia80 - Ruins of
Lal-tagh site, north east of Maral-bashi - Stein visited while attempting to
cross the desert from Maral-bashi to Mazar-tagh
Innermostasia 81 - View
towards Mazar-tagh fort from across Yarkand river -
Stein visited during both 2nd and 3rd expeditions.
Innermostasia 82 - Dunes over
north end of Kum-tagh seen from shore of Chol-kol
Innermostasia 83 - Camels
negociating high sand ridges between camps XXVII and XXVIII while crossing the
Taklamakan - Stein's dangerous personal excursion to upstage Sven Hedin whose
prior excursion had led to disaster - note the camel carrying
Innermostasia 84 - Living and
dead tamarisks in riverine jungle of Kara-kol. The tree could sink its roots so
deeply that it could reach the water table - then as sand would lodge against
it the trunk and branches would rise - but if the water table dropped over the
centuries the tree would die.
Innermostasia 85 - Market
traffic on road to Marl-bashi - Stein was hoping to cross the desert due east
of Maral-bashi but the dunes defeated him.
Innermostasia 86 - Kasim Akun,
Aziz Fawan, and Tokhta Akhun with Stein's dog
Innermostasia 87 - Dunes and
last tamarisk scrub beyond Camp XXVI in Taklamakan - this was the beginning of
Stein's bold trip south from Tarim river to find the end of the Yarkand river
in late winter - his personal effort to out-do Sven Hedin - even the poor photo
gives some idea of the desert sand dunes.
Innermostasia 88 - Patch of
eroded clay at camp XXVII in Taklamakan - during Stein's trip south across the
Innermostasia89 - Dunes and
eroded clay in valley between sand 'dawans' near camp XXVII in Taklamakan -
Stein navigated by plane table and astronomy but had Hedin's map as a guide -
but the river had changed course after Hedin's trip
Innermostasia 90 -
High sand ridges seen eastwards from camp XXVIII in Taklamakan - Stein's
dangerous march south from Tarim to find the Yarkand river
Innermostasia 91 - Debris heap
marking ruined shrine below Mazar tagh fort -Stein
visited twice and found this heap during the second visit
Innermostasia 92 - Crest of Mazar-tagh hill chain, looking north-west from the
ruined Mazar-tagh fort - Stein was convinced that this short chain had in
pre-historic times been connected with the hills at Maral-bashi.
Innermostasia 93 - Dead
poplars and sand-buried structure, at N xliv at Niya
Innermostasia 94 - Ruined
dwelling N xlliii at Niya ruin between tamarisk
cones before excavaltion - Stein returned to Niya on all three expeditions - it
was his most famous find during the first expedition.
Innermostasia 95 - Fort on
Mazar-tagh hill, seen from north west during Stein's third expedition
Innermostasia 96 - Site of
ruined shrine below tamarisk cones, Kuduk-kol
Innermostasia 97 -
North-western portion of ruined residence N iii at Niya before final excavation
- Generally Stein was able to locate a prospective site by seeing a few of the
posts sticking up out of the sand - here the location has been partially
excavated but not down to floor level
Innermostasia 98 - Ruined
dwelling N xlii at Niya seen from North in course of clearing - actually barely
begun excavation.
Innermostasia -99 - Site of
ruin N xliii at Niya seen from south-west before excavation - in forground
there is row of dead poplars and part of a rush fence. - Stein's tent is in
Innermostasia 100 - Site of
ruin N iv at Niya seen from south-east - Erosion terraces with dead tree trunks
are in foreground.
Innermostasia - 101 - Site of
ruined residence N iii at Niya seen from south-west
Innermostasia 102 - Remains of
footbridge across ancient river bed at Niya
Innermostasia 103 - Roof of
room in ancient residence N xxvi at Niya - Rustam is on the right.
Innermostasia 104 - Ancient
arbour surrounding tank near ruin N xli, Niya site.
Innermostasia 105 - Men at
work on new barrage across flood bed above Tulkuch-tarim - Stein paid special
attention to current efforts at irrigation and developments in agriculture
between his several visits. He related all he learned to possible similar
conditions at the time of the medieval ruins he was excavating. Frequent new
dams and canals were made necessary by the changes in the course of the small
rivers flowing from the Kun-lun into the Taklamakan. As this photo indicates
and Stein noted sometimes it was a lack of manpower that prevented construction
of new irrigation facilities.
Innermostasia 106 - Men of
Vash-shahri guarding the route from Charchan - While Stein was enroute from
Charchan on his third expedition a gang of 'rebels' (bandits) captured Chicklik
and killed the Chinese mandrin - The gang was then killed. Meanwhile a local
self-defense group set themselves up to prevent any more such bandits arriving.
Fortunately for Stein the leader of this group happened to be one of his local
friends from the 2nd expedition so he was welcomed. The leader then guided him
to the ruins at Vash-shahri.
Innermostasia 107 -Remains of
shrine or stupa at Bash-koyumal, seen from north-west
Innermostasia 108 - Packing
fresco panels from shrine M v at Miran site with
ruined stupa M vi in background. Stein took elaborate pains to cut the frescos
free from their walls and then built wooden crates using local dead trees to
ship them by camel to the British Museum - he was delighted a year and more
later to find that they had made the long journey in perfect condition. He
reburied the walls and relics he could not safely take and was horrified when
he returned after several years and found that subsequent explorers had wrecked
the place in their inexperienced efforts to take relics.
Innermostasia 109 - Wall near
centre of enclosure, Bash-koyumal
Innermostasia 110 - Men
removing fresco panels from wall of shrine M v at Miran site. This was delicate work - the frescos were
thin and required Stein to make special backing material to replace the support
from the walls. He managed to remove some frescos during his 2nd expedition -
here his team is working on others discovered during the 3rd expedition - but
for many the photographs made during the 2nd expedition and published in
Serindia are the only record because they were destroyed by other
explorers between Stein's two visits.
Innermostasia 111 - Remains of
relievos in chapel at foot of stupa, Koyumal.
Innermostasia 112 - Portion of
painted dado on north-west wall of rotunda passage in shrine Mv at Miran. Some
colored photos of frescos that Stein managed to take to England appeared in
Serindia along with some b/w photos of frescos that were subsequently
Innermostasia 113 - Portion of
painted dado on north-west wall of rotunda passage in shrine Mv Miran site. -
not much left of this section
Innermostasia 114 - Portion of
painted dado on north wall of rotunda passage in shrine Mv at Miran - Stein was
particularly intrigued by the western appearance of the faces.
Innermostasia 115 - Portion of
painted dado on north wall of rotunda passage in shrine Mv at Miran
Innermostasia 116 - Remains of
shrine M iv at Miran as seen from the west - note that many illustrations of
Miran were published in Serindia.
Innermostasia 117 - Ruined
structure M ix on wind-eroded terrace at Miran
Innermostasia 118 - Ruined
shrine M xiv at Miran - after excavation
Innermostasia 119 - Mound
containing remains of collapsed shrine M xv at Miran.
Innermostasia 120 - Ruined
tower M xiii at Miran as seen from the south
Innermostasia 121 - Sher 'Ali
Khan, Bajauri trader, and two of his travel companions
Innermostasia 122 - Camels
being loaded with ice at Uzun-kol - Stein always explored in desert in winter
in order to be able to secure and transport adequate water in the form of ice -
when the small streams, ponds or springs froze the more or less potable water
would be on top and easily cut into blocks.
Innermostasia 123 - Ice-loads
on camels being deposited at fort L.K. in the Lop desert by Lou-lan. Stein
organized regular military logistics operations to supply his large teams of 50
or more local laborers plus his own permanent team. The camels would be sent in
round trips between the nearest spring or stream to collect ice and then bring
it to depots near his work sites. Similarly firewood would be collected from
dead trees or remains of wooden structures. Food of course was also supplied,
but much more easily.
Innermostasia 124 - Dwellings
in new village of Miran - This tiny and primitive village was north of the
ancient ruin. It was near water and the occupants were mostly
Innermostasia 125 - Making
cases for the fresco panels at Miran - this illustration refers to the others
showing the loading of the frescos and their detachment from the walls. Among
the local laborers Stein could count on finding skilled carpenters - but the
work was supervised by his Indian army engineer - note the turban.
Innermostasia 126 - Nur
Muhammad, headman of Miran, with son, in front of his house. Stein always
established excellent relations with the local headmen in these very hierarchal
societies, who could find and command local labor teams.
Innermostasia 127 - Convoy
with cases of mural paintings ready to start from Miran - Sher 'Ali Khan is
acting as dak runner with mail bag. - Note how well constructed these wooden
crates appear.All in all Stein accomplished an amazing feat to organize
transport of hundreds of camels in relays from the deserts and mountains to
Kashgar and then over the Karakorum pass into India from where they were
shipped to London.
Innermostasia 128 - View
across interior of Ruined fort L. E. at Lou-lanin Lop
desert from east corner - the posts indicate the location of ruined buildings.
This photo was taken during Stein's second visit to Lou-lan.
Innermostasia129 - Sections of
the south-western rampart - breached by wind erosion, of fort L.K. at Lou-lan
in Lop desert
Innermostasia 130 - Wind
eroded ground outside south-west face of fort L.K at Lou-lan in Lop desert -
dramatic indication of how deep the wind erosion on clay reaches and all that
clay is then blown west in great storms clear up into the high Kun-lun
mountains. - note some dust and sand piled up against the rampart of the
Innermostasia131 - Panoramic
view of wind-eroded ground near ruined structures N xliv at Niya during Stein's
third visit. The photo shows the impact of centuries of wind erroding the clay
down below original level
Innermostasia 132 - Remains of
ancient vineyard, with posts once carrying trellis, near N xliv at Niya - One
does not think of grapes being grown in the deserts of Central Asia -
especially the Taklamakan.
Innermostasia 133 - Panoramic
view of interior of ruined fort L.K. at Lop desert - part of the large Lou-lan
Innermostasia 134 - Room i of
dwelling in centre of fort L.K. in Lop desert - part of Lou-lan
Innermostasia 135 - Timber
debris marking wind-eroded dwelling, LM v in Lop desert - from such indications
Stein could locate places worth excavating.
Innermostasia 136 - Yardang
terrace with remians of dwelling, LM iii in Lop desert at Lou-lan. Note the
ancient building even when destroyed would tend to protect the original ground
level from subsequent wind erosion which can be seen in the depression in
Innermostasia 137 - Remains of
wind-eroded ancient dwelling LM i in Lop desert
Innermostasia 138 - Room iii
in quarters within fort L.K. in Lop desert (Lou-lan) after excavation
Innermostasia 139 - Interior
of room iii in quarters of fort L.K. in Lop desert - fold of door is in left
corner - note how deep Stein had to excavate to reach the original floor level
of some of these buildings.
Innermostasia 140 - Camels
crossing wind-eroded ground about 13 miles north east of Camp XCII
Innermostasia 141 - Yardang
ridges and trenches about 8.5 miles north-east of camp XCIII
Innermostasia 142 - View to
south-west across eroded ground beyond camp XCIII
Innermostasia 143 - Depression
marking ancient river-bed about 7 miles north-east of camp XCIII - Stein
devoted considerable effort to finding the probable course of the ancient river
that supplied water for Lou-lan.
Innermostasia 144 - Ancient
river-bed between lines of Tamarisk-cones about 7 miles south of L.A. station
in Lop desert
Innermostasia 145 - Ancient
water-course with living Tamarisks near L.D. site in Lop desert
Innermostasia 146 - Effects of
wind-erosion near ruined stupa LS XI at Lou-lan - the photo shows the dramatic
effect of wind on areas not protected by constructions - here one sees the
original ground level close to the stupa and the deep ravine created next to
Innermostasia 147 - Clearing
of refuse deposit between ruined quarters L.A. V and L.A. VI at Lou-lan during
Stein's third expedition - the ruins of the ancient buildings generally can be
found by the upper parts of the posts that remain above the sand and clay that
buried the house.
Innermostasia148 - Ruined
structures L.A. II and ground to south, showing dead tamarisk growth in
depression - at Lou-lan
Innermostasia 149 - Ruined
stupa to north-west of Lou-lan station
Innermostasia 150 - Remains of
western wall of circumvallation (the fort) at L.A. station - Lou-lan
Innermostasia 151 - Main
portion of Ya-men ruin at L.A. station - Lou-lan - Stein presumes this is the
main official office of the ancient Chinese garrison
Innermostasia 152 -
Wind=eroded terrace bearing portion of foundation of east wall of L.A. Lou lan
Innermostasia 153 - Eroded
terraces bearing remains of foundation of north wall, L.A. Lou lan
Innermostasia 154 - Eroded
terrace bearing remnant of east wall near south-east corner L.A. Lou lan
Innermostasia 155 - Line of
eroded terraces marking south wall of L.A. Lou lan station
Innermostasia 156 - Ruined
stupa L.A. X - Lou-lan station - man is standing on the original ground level -
graphic evidence of the power of the wind to erode unprotected ground.
Innermostasia 157 - North end
of the eroded terrace bearing the foundation of the east wall of L.A. - Lou lan
Innermostasia 158 - Western
portion of Mesa LC - at Lou-lan seen from south east
Innermostasia159 -Grave pits
on top of Mesa LC, after clearing, Stein found this mesa with prehistoric
graves and ruin while searching for the Chinese caravan route east from Lou-lan
to Tun-huang. He recognized that in some graves the occupants were IndoEuropean
and left the contents intact. In very recent years these graves have caused
quite a sensation and the mummies have been moved to local museums.
Innermostasia 160 - View
across interior of fortress L.E. at Lou-lan from north - This shows the erosion
of the surface due to wind.
Innermostasia 161 - Rampart at
south-east corner of fortress Lou-lan in Lop desert. Poor photo
Innermostasia 162 - West
rampart of fortress L. E. at Lou-lan in Lop desert as seen from inside the
north gate - the rampart is not as high as it looks because the ground surface
of the inside has been erroded by wind. - poor photo
Innermostasia 163 - Part of
the east rampart of fortress L.E. at Lou-lan seen from within the fort -note
the ground in foreground has been erroded - note the man standing against the
wall at original ground level - the composition of the wall with layers of clay
and branches appears even in this poor photo.
Innermostasia 164 - North
eastern portion of mesa L. F. seen from the west. As usual Stein posted a man
to show scale.
Innermostasia 165 - Room near
the gate of the small ruined outpost on mesa L.F. Stein was searching for the
Chinese route east and finding this outpost on a prominent mesa exactly on his
presumed line of march confirmed him in his assumptions.
Innermostasia 166 - Gateway of
post on top of mesa L.F. which Stein found on the Chinese supply route east of
Lou-lan toward Tun-huang. Note the man, probably Afraz-gul Khan, standing in
the ruin
Innermostasia 167 - Remains of
eroded dwelling to south-east of cemetery at L.H near Lou-lan in Lop
Innermostasia 168 - Wooden
enclosure of grave at L.F. outside the post near Lou-lan in Lop desert - this
is on mesa Stein determined was on the Chinese caravan route from Lou lan
across the Lop salt sea
Innermostasia 169 - Coffins
exposed at cemetary L.H. near Lou-lan in Lop desert
Innermostasia 170 - View
across top of mesa L.F. in Lop desert, showing gateway of post and cemetery
site beyond.
Innermostasia 171 - First
grave opened on mesa L.F. in Lop desert north east of Lou lan - with Loplik
diggers - who were spooked by sight of bodies. Afraz-gul Khan is on
Innermostasia 172 - Head of
dead man found in grave L.F. 4 on mesa L.F. in Lop desert - Head had been
covered by canvas shroud; its edge tied into small bag is seen on left. Stein
had no way to extract or preserve these bodies, so left them covered in place.
Now such mummies are displayed in museums in Sinkiang.
Innermostasia 173 - Dead man
found in grave L.F. 1 on mesa L.F. in Lop desert - Canvas shroud lifted from
head. Small basket seen above the head was found outside the shroud in
corresponding position. Stein noted that these bodies were IndoEuropean and not
Innermostasia 174 - March
between salt-encrusted Yardangs to south-east of camp CII near shore of dried
up Lop sea bed. Here Stein is on one of his most dangerous and significant
treks - across the Lop salt sea from Lou lan to Tun-huang in search of the
ancient Chinese caravan route that supplied Lou lan and continued across the
northern side of the Taklamakan. This trek was in winter and based entirely on
Stein's dead reckoning ability.
Innermostasia 175 -
Salt-encrusted hillocks beyond the find-place of Han coins, etc., between camps
Ci and Cii - Stein continues the trek - one of the most amazing events was the
discovery of a large group of Chinese Han coins stretched out in a line
parallel to his route of march and clearly dropped by some caravan almost 2000
years ago. The find confirmed Stein in his belief of the logic of his
Innermostasia 176 - Reed-beds
of Altmish-bulak seen from above westernmost spring. This small spring in the
foothills northwest of Lou lan is where he sent his camels to rest while he
conducted the lengthy excavation - then he went there with his teams prior to
undertaking the dangerous trek across the Lop sea. He went more directly across
while Lal Singh took a more circular route northeast and then south east
acround the salt sea.
Innermostasia 177 - Amidst
belt of mesas, south of camp XCIX, Lop desert
Innermostasia 178 - Mesa L. J.
on which Stein found a ruined watch tower - north east of main part of Lou-lan
- this was one of the sites that confirmed Stein's view on the direction of the
route the Chinese used between Tun-huang and Lou-lan across the Lop salt
Innermostasia 179 - Camels
crossing the crumpled salt surface of the Lop sea - Stein bravely crossed this
totally desolate area for 10 days to show he found the ancient Chinese trade
route between Lou-lan and Tun-huang - the sharp salt cut the camel's feet badly
- they had to be 'resoled' by sewing bull hide right onto their foot pads, a
very painful operation that kept the camp up most of the night.
Innermostasia 180 - Heaped-up
blocks of salt on surface of dried-up Lop sea bed - the rough surface damaged
the camel's feet.
Inneremostasia 181 - Strip of
boggy ground on salt-encrusted Lop sea bed, crossed toward Kum-kuduk - here
Stein was approaching the southeast 'shore' of the Lop sea to reach the caravan
route to Tun-huang
Innermostasia 182 - Camp CVII
at foot of clay terraces overlooking easternmost bay of dried-up Lop sea
Innermostasia 183 - Camp CVI
with first vegetation reached on north shore of dried-up Lop sea bed.
Innermostasia 184 - Mesas in
ancient lacustrine basin beyond Su-lo Ho termination looking south west from
camp CXII
Innermostasia 185 - Mesas in
ancient lacustrine basin beyond Su-lo- Ho termination looking west from camp
Innermostasia 186 - Mesas in
ancient lacustrine basin beyond Su-lo Ho termination, looking west north west
from camp Cxii
Innermostasia 187 - Mesa ridge
overlooking end of ancient lacustrine basin, east of Besh-toghrak with hills of
eastern Kuruk tagh in distance. This is on south side of the Lop salt sea close
to the caravan route to Tun huang.
Innermostasia 188 - View
westwards across central part of the dry lacustrine basin beyond Su-lo Ho
Innermostasia 189 - Tokhta
Akhun (master camel man), Niaz (helper), Muhammad Shah of Charchan (local
supervisor), and Turdi (Dak man) (that is the intrepid mail man) all returning
from Kum-kuduk. Stein lavished praise on all the locals who were worthy of it
(all of the above) and opprobrium on those who were not.
Innermostasia 190 -
North-eastern corner of terminal basin of the Su-lo Ho with line of limes
agger, looking south from T iva, Tivb and Tivc - Stein always refered to the
Han border complex with the Roman term "limes' and for the wall itself as
the Roman 'agger'. The towers are not very clear but are on the mounds in the
Innermostasia 191 - Line of
Limes wall stretching eastwards from watch tower T iii - Here the wall has
almost disappeared but its typically ruler straight remains is easily found in
the desert.
Innermostasia 192 - View from
Tower T iva eastwards across the terminal portion of the Limes
Innermostasia 193 - Petrified
stacks of fascines outside watch station T xi, on Tun-huang Limes - Stein at
first thought these well organized piles of fascines might be for ready repair
of the wall, but then recognized that they were the reserve supply of firewood
for use when making a fire signal on top of the adjacent tower.
Innermostasia 194 -
Watch-tower T iva at the western extremity of the Tun-huang Limes- Stein found
this tower during his second expedition as recounted in
Innermostasia 195 -
Watch-tower T xiii of Tun-huang Limes with quarters cleared in 1907.
Innermostasia 196 - View
northward across Khara-nor from tower Txxiid on the Han wall - Kara-nor is the
lake formed by the Su-lo Ho close to and north of Tun Huang - the Han wall took
advantage of the river - very poor photo
Innermostasia 197 - Shore of
Kara-nor, looking eastwards from Tower T xxiid - in the photo one cannot
distinguish the water of the Kara-nor, which may have been mostly frozen at the
Innermostasia 198 - Petrified
stack of reed fascines near watch tower Txiii - on Han wall north of Tun-huang
- very poor photo
Innermostasia 199 - Watch
tower Txxiid on Han wall standing on ridge above Khara-nor lake - poor
Innermostasia 200 - Han wall
line near tower T xiii- the wall is almost covered by drift sand but a tower is
visible. But these sections clearly show that the wall was constructed out of
alternating layers of clay and brushwood.
Innermostasia 201 - Remains of
Han wall east of tower T xiii nearly covered with drift sand - poor
Innermostasia 202 - Refuse
heap below watch tower Txxiif, Han wall north of Tun-huang. Stein excavated
every refuse heap he could find and obtained a remarkable collection of
documents in many languages
Innermostasia 203 - Photo of
Abdurrahim, hunter and guide on his return from Tun-huang - Stein met a wide
variety of local residents of the deserts, mountains and towns and so impressed
them that they volunteered repeatedly to assist him.
Innermostasia 204 - Watch
tower Tvii on the Han wall north of Tun-huang as seen from the south west -
Stein tried to have someone in his photos to indicate scale. -This tower shows
the holes in the side used by soldiers to aid climbing
Innermostasia 205
- Watch tower Txlb on the Han wall east of An-hsi
Innermostasia 206 - Farm near
western edge of Tun-huang oasis
Innermostasia 207 - Dune
covered footspurs south of Tun-huang seen from road to Yueh-ya-ch'uan - poor
Innermostasia 208 - Sacred
lakelet of Yueh-ya-ch'uan with temple and 'sounding sands' - The 'sounding
sands' was a famous high dune that emitted a musical sound due to wind. It was
mentioned by Marco Polo.
Innermostasia 209 - Outer
shrines at Yueh-ya-ch'uan sanctuary near Tun-huang
Innermostasia 210 - Southern
gate of Tun-huang town
Innermostasia 211 - Memorial
arch near eastern gate of Tun-huang town
Innermostasia 212 - Watch
tower T xli o - of later date outside the Han wall line north west of
Innermostasia 213 - Ruined
temple on left river bank at Wah-shan-tzu defile
Innermostasia 214 - Watch
tower T xlii f - on the Han wall line east of Shih-erh-tun - this is far to the
east from Tun huang
Innermostasia 215 - Watch
tower T xxxviii a on the Han wall line near An-hsi
Innermostasia 216 - Ruined
fort and watch tower T xlii d on the Han wall line near Shih-erh-tun
Innermostasia 217 - Interior
of ruined fortress Ch'iao-wan-ch'eng on the line east of Bulungir - far to the
east from Tun huang
Innermostasia 218 - a section
of the Han wall built of faggots behind a sand dune north east of Hua-hai-tzu -
well east of the Tun-huang section
Innermostasia 219 - Han wall
trace amidst tamarisk cones north-east of Hua-hai-tzu - well east of the
Tun-huang section - the wall is not very well seen in this poor photo
Innermostasia 220 - section of
the Han wall built with brushwood fascines east of tower Txliii i, north of
Innermostasia 221 - Watch
tower T xliii i on the Han wall north of Hua-hai-tzu - far east from
Innermostasia 222- Watch tower
T xliv b - the last tower on the Han wall that Stein found east of
Innermostasia 223 - Watch
tower T xliii b - on Han wall west of Hua-hai-tzu
Innermostasia224 - Watch tower
on medieval 'Great Wall" - not the Han wall - outside Yeh-mao-wan, near
Innermostasia 225 - Watch
tower T xlviii b - on Han wall line below Mao-mei - Mao-mei oasis is on the
Etsin-gol river that flows north toward Mongolia -Stein searched both banks of
the river to locate where the Han wall crossed. He found also several forts of
later construction.
Innermostasia 226 - Cave
shrines and antichapels exposed near center of Ch'ien-fo-tung site
Innermostasia 227 - Chief of
the Etsin-gol Torguts (Mongols)with his headmen - Stein found their
semipermanent encampment far north of Mao-mei on the Etsin-gol river close to
Mongolia - they supplied laborers for his excavation ofKhara-khoto - With his usual careful prior planning
Stein found a Mongol speaker far in advance of the trip to bring with
Innermostasia 228 -
Circumvallation, T xlviii e, on Etsin-gol below (north) of Mao-mei - one of the
issolated forts Stein found along the river bank
Innermostasia 229 -
Bayin-bogdo hill at head of the Etsin-gol Delta - where it created two brackish
Innermostasia 230 - Spring-fed
marsh at west foot of Bayin-bogdo hill - near Kara-khoto
Innermostasia 231 - View
across head of Etsin-gol delta, from foot of Bayin-bogdo hill.
Innermostasia 232 - Tower near
Hsi-wan-tun (or Sere) on Etsin-gol - east wall shows later repairs - one of the
isolated towers and forts Stein found along the river.
Innermostasia 233 - Ruined
fortr, T xlviii c, near Ta-wan on Etsin-gol
Innermostasia 234 - Inner fort
of Aduna-kora near Khara-khoto - sand is piled against the wall - poor
Innermostasia 235 - Dry river
bed west of Khara-khoto - poor photo
Innermostasia 236 - Grove of
wild poplars near Tawun-tora, in Etsin-gol delta on route to Khara-khoto -
camel caravan is resting - poor photo
Innermostasia 237 - Halt at
Bahan-durwuljin, in Estin-gol delta - poor photo
Innermostasia 238 - Stein
standing by his camp tent at Borgasu in Etsin-gol delta - Stein found a clan of
Mongol semi-nomads in this area from whom he recruited reluctant laborers to
excavate at Khara khoto
Innermostasia 239 - Torgut
Mongols at Tawun-tora, in Etsin gol delta
Innermostasia 240 - The
impressive high wall of Khara-khoto fortress city seen from south-west - it
lies east of the Etsin-gol almost to Mongolia - note the stupa at one coprner
and the two bastion towers along the wall - It was described by Marco Polo -
for plans of the town and area see below.
Innermostasia 241 - North west
corner of the high walls of Khara-khoto fortified city showing the small stupas
outside and the large on built into the corner of the wall - Stein was unable
to determine the origin of the hole cut into the wall.
Innermostasia 242 - South face
of the high wall of Khara-khoto city with sand piled up on the lee
Innermostasia 243 - West face
of circumvallation of Khara-khoto, with Muhammadan tomb at south-west
Innermostasia 244 - Interior
of Khara-khoto, looking toward south-east
Innermostasia 245 - Interior
of Khara-khoto, looking towards north-west
Innermostasia 246 - Western
wall of Khara-khoto, with breaches due to wind-driven sand, near south-west
corner - and Stein's camp by the shrine
Innermostasia 247 - North-west
corner of the walled area of Khara Khoto as seen from within - not the rough
passage cut through the north wall, for which Stein could find no reliable
Innermostasia 248 - Ruined
stupas built above the north-west corner of the city wall of
Innermostasia 249 - Alcove at
back of temple K K at Khara-khoto with image bases
Innermostasia 250 - Bastions
guarding eastern gate of Khara-khoto
Innermostasia 251 - Ruin of
Muhammaden toub KK vi - Khara-khoto, seen from north - Stein's tent is next to
it - he always tried to put someone in the photo to show scale
Innermostasia 252 - Front of
Muhammaden tomb, KK vi at Khara-khoto, facing eastward with Stein's tent in
front and a worker beside it - The tomb is outside the city walls and likely
was built after the 'glory' days of the city when it was Buddhist.
Innermostasia 253 - Ruined
dwelling, east of K.K. iv, near Khara-khoto
Innermostasia 254 - Ruins of a
dwelling, east of KKxiv near Khara-khoto
Innermostasia 255 - Remains of
a dwelling east of KK ii, near Khara-khoto, partially buried in a tamarisk
Innermostasia 256 - Ruined
shrine and stupa at KK iv, Khara-khoto
Innermostasia 257 - Base of
destroyed stupa KKii with debris of stucco sculpture, before clearing - Stein
strongly objected to the manner in which previous explorers had nearly
destroyed the stupa itself while taking away the most valuable artistic
Innermostasia 258 - Debris
covering slopes of base of destroyed stupa, K. K. ii at Khara-khoto
Innermostasia 259 - Sand
smothered ridge of desert chain south of camp 160 - poor photo
Innermostasia 260 - Camp at
Zigda-kaya spring, on route to Kao-t'ai - poor photo
Innermostasia261 - Site of
Ma-ti-ssu monastery, seen across valley - very poor photo
Innermosasia 262 - Nan-shan
Range and villages at its foot, looking south of Nan-kou-ch'eng - poor photo
Innermostasia 263 - Temple
court outside Huang-shui
Innermostasia 264 - Temple
quarters near east gate of Kao-tai town
Innermostasia 265 - Street in
Innermostasia 266 - Village
shrines at Nan-kou-tai-tzu
Innermostasia 267 - Temple
quarters outside city wall at Kan-chou - by quarters Stein means this is where
he set up his camp during his visits to Kan-chou.
Innermostasia 268 - Stupa and
temple behind shrine of the "great Buddhas' at Kan-chou - this photo may
give some idea of the original size of the various ruined stupas Stein found in
the desert. They all had lost the crowns.
Innermostasia 269 - Temple
below cave-shrines of Ma-ti-ssu Monastery - Stein went out of his way to visit
this famous shrine and monastery
Innermostasia 270 - Temple
outside Nan-kou-ch'eng
Innermostasia 271 -
Cave-shrines and temple at Ma-ti-ssu
Innermostasia 272 - Corner of
interior of domed Muhammadan tomb, K.K. vi at Khara-khoto
Innermostasia 273 - Stucco
images of Buddha and Bodhisattva in chapel of second story of cave -shrines,
Ma-ti-si - poor photo
Innermostasia 274 - West court
of Ta-ssu-miamo temple, Nan-kou-ch'eng
Innermostasia 275 - Stucco
images of Buddha and Bodhisattva, flanked by bronze statues of seated Arhats
(restored) in Ta-ssu-miao shrine, Nan-kou-ch'eng
Innermostasia 276 - Bronze
statues of Arhats, largely restored with stucco, in antichapel if Ta-ssu-miao
shrine at Nan-kou-ch'eng
Innermostasia 277 - Kan-chou
river defile seen from Cheng-i.
Innermostasia 278 - Fort of
O-po, Nan-shan mountains, seen from west
Innermostasia 279 - View down
valley leading to O-po-ling-tzu pass in the Nan Shan mountains
Innermostasia 280 - Meadows at
mouth of valley leading to Pien-tung-k'ou
Innermostasia 281 - West gate
of San-pa village, on Kan-chou river
Innermostasia 282 - On the
road towards Ssu-pa village on the Kan-chou river
Innermostasia 283 - Valley
above Yeh-ma-ching, Pei-shan - Stein undertook another desert trek going from
Mao-mei to Barkul across the desolate Pei-shan desert hills. His local guides
proved incompetent but Stein's dead reckoning and survey skill were
Innermostasia 284 - Camp at
Tung-erh-shan well in Pei-shan - water was scarce in the Pei-shan but there
were several wells.
Innermostasia 285 - Basin of
Ming-shui in Pei-shan hills - Stein counted on reaching this known 'oasis'
valley part way across the Pei-shan
Innermostasia 286 - Foothills
of the Karlik-tagh above Bai - these are an eastern extension of the T'ien Shan
north of the Lop sea
Innermostasia 287 - Valley on
south side of Ma-tsun-shan range above camp 209 in Pei-shan hills
Innermostasia 288
- Watershed on Ma-tsun-shan range - part of the larger Pei-shan desert hill
complex. Stein had some difficulty finding his way through the complex canyons
of this range.
Innermostasia 289 - The
Karlik-tagh range seen from Kara-singir, on way to Tur-kol in the easternmost
Innermostasia 290 - On saddle
of T'ien-shan above Ta-shih-to station
Innermostasia 291 - Temple
court outside Barkul, with view towards Barkul-tagh - This is on northern side
of the T'ien-shan
Innermostasia 292 -
Ch'uan-tzu-chieh village, with view towards T'ien-shan from northern
Innermostasia 293 - Kazak
nomads on route west of Barkul - on north side of T'ien-shan
Innermostasia 294 - North-west
corner of outer circumvallation of ancient Pei-t'ing (Besh-balik) on northern
slope of the T'ien-shan - see plan, below
Innermostasia 295 - Gorge in
Umur-tagh, easternmost of the main T'ien-shan above Bai
Innermostasia 296 - Ascent in
Pa-no-p'a valley above Lo-t'o-p'u-tzu, in T'ien-shan - on way back south across
the mountains.
Innermostasia 297 - Mr. Li
Shu-jung, district magistrate of Barkul
Innermostasia 298 - P'an
Ta-jen with his two sons at Urumchi - This scholarly mandrin was Stein's main
official help at Khotan during the first expedition, then had been elevated to
magistrate at Ak-su during the second and now was at the capital at Urumchi
during Stein's third expedition. He was instrumental in providing Stein with
official support.
Innermostasia 299 -
Forest-clad northern slopes of the T'ien-shan above Ch'uan-tzu-chieh as Stein
was crossing south through the mountains.
Innermostasia 300 - View to
the south from Pa'no'p'a pass in the T'ien-shan
Innermostasia 301 - View down
valley from about two miles south of Pa-no-p'a pass, T'ien-shan - Here Stein
has crossed the divide and is moving south into the Tarim basin, He notes that
the northern slope of the mountains is heavily forested but the southern slope
is bare rock.
Innermostasia 302 - View down
valley from about 3 miles above Pa-no-p'a pass, T'ien-shan - Here Stein is
reaching the crest - watershed, but there is very little water on the southern
Innermostasia 303 - Ruined
shrines, M.C. at Murtuk, Turfan - Stein has reached the depression which he
surveyed intensively
Innermostasia 304 - General
view of northern group of ruined tombs, Kosh-gumbaz, Kara-khoja - Stein
itentified Kara-khoja as the capital of the ancient kingdom
Innermostasia 305 - Ruin, M.B.
i, at Murtuk in course of clearing
Innermostasia 306 - Tower of
Yoghan-tura east of Khando, seen from south-west
Innermostasia 307 - Ruined
tombs at southern group, Kosh-gumbaz, Kara-khoja
Innermostasia 308 - Ruin of
sepulchral structure Kao, III, at Kosh-gumbaz, Kara-khoja
Innermostasia309 - Ruins on
western side of Toyuk gorge, seen from northernost shrines
Innermostasia 310 -
Northernmost group of ruined shrines in Toyuk gorge
Innermostasia 311 - Ruined
shrines on west side of Toyuk gorge, seen from ruin Toy, vi -
Innermostasia 312 - Mazar of
the "Seven Sleepers' - Toyuk, looking towards mouth of gorge
Innermostasia 313 - Painted
ceiling of shrine, Toy.vi at Toyuk
Innermostasia 314 -
Cave-temples and shrines in southern portion of Bezeklik site
Innermostasia 315 - Ruined
shrines in northeren portion of Bezeklik site.
Innermostasia 316 - Ruined
shrine, Sirkip, seen from south-east.
Innermostasia 317 - Ruined
shrine, Sirkip, seen from north-west
Innermostasia 318 - Remians of
mural painting at head of colossal image of Buddha in Nirvana shrine xiiik
Bezeklik - not much remails of this detailed painting
Innermostasia 319 - Mural
painting showing colossal Buddha with figures of adoring Bodhisattvas, etc.,
shrine iii Bezeklik
Innermostasia 320 - Jars and
bowls in wood or potery, also food tray, from funerary deposit of AST.I 4,
Astana cemetery -Stein devoted a lengthy stay to excavate many of the graves at
Astana, but he left the bodies as he found them.
Innermostasia 321 - Tumuli
above tombs in ancient cemetery near "Bedaulat's town', Turfan
Innermostasia 322 - Coffin
with corpse from tomb AST. ix, 2 - Astana cemetery -Carved wooden pedestal for
funeary deposits in foreground
Innermostasia 323 - Head of
coffin, holding wrapped corpse of man, from tomb AST ix, 2 - Astana
Innermostasia 324 - Mummified
corpses of man and woman from seventh century tomb, AST ix, I - Astana cemetery
- Stein left all the mummies in place - he noted they were IndoEuropean - more
recently many mummies have been placed in museums at Urumchi and other
Innermostasia 325 - Painted
stucco figures of monsters from tomb AST iii2 -Astana cemetery
Innermostasia 326 - General
view of northern area of ruined town of Yar-khoto, seen from south
Innermostasia 327 - Ruins of
large structures in center of northern area of Yar-khoto
Innermostasia 328 - Ruined
houses to east of main road, Yar-khoto
Innermostasia 329 - Structures
excavated from clay terrace (Zindan) and other ruins in southern area,
Innermostasia 330 - Large
mansion to west of main road in northern area, Yar-khoto
Innermostasia 331 - Ruin of
large Buddhist sanctuary, Yar ii - Yar-khoto, seen from south
Innermostasia 332 - Group of
my party at Idikut-shahri, Turfan - from left to right, Ibrahim Beg - R.B. Lal
Singh - self with Dash III - Musa Akhun - Afraz-gul Khan - Jasvant Singh - Ruin
of "khitai-madrash; in background - These were Stein's 'core' team members
- Ibrahim Beg was excellent and reliable Central Asian assistant - Rai Bahadur
Lal Singh was expert surveyor from the Survey of India - Musa Akhun was Stein's
personal assistant (cook too) - Afraz-gul Khan was younger surveyor assigned by
the Survey of India who went on to a distinguished career - and Jasvant Singh
was Lal Singh's personal cook (essential for dietary requirements)
Innermostasia 333 - Ruin of
Buddhist Vihara at Yar I - Yar-khoto, seen from south-east
Innermostasia 334 - Spring of
Singer, covered by ice-sheet - Kizil-tagh in background - Singer was issolated
spot in a mountain valley
Innermostasia 335 - Maze of
short yardangs near Kuruk-darya, south of Yardang-bulak - the Kuruk-darya was
the dried remanent of the Tarim river that Stein surveyed to determine if it
had been the source of water for Lou-lan in ancient times.
Innermostasia 336 - Burial
ground L.S. on Kuruk-darya - Rows of eroded small posts mark position of
graves. - This looks like Afraz-gul Khan in silhouette
Innermostasia 337 -
Tamarisk-cones and dead jungle on Kuruk-darya bed, south of
Innermostasia 338 - View to
south from above Besh-kara-choka pass, Kuruk-tagh -The Kuruk-tagh mountains are
an eastward extension of the T'ien-Shan.
Innermostasia 339 - Ice-sheet
covering stream near Toghrak-bulak, in Kuruk-tagh mtns.
Innermostasia 340 - Group of
Ruined stupas, Ying-p'an site
Innermostasia 341 - Ruined
circumvallation of Ying-p'an site, seen from west
Innermostaia 342 - Ruined
shrine, Yingii, Ying-p'an site, seen from south-west
Innermostasia 343 - Cave
shrines in gorge of Kizil Ming-oi
Innermostasia 344 - Ruined
watch-tower, Koyuk-tura
Innermostasia 345 - Ruined
watch-tower, Y ii, on route to Korla
Innermostasia 346 - Ruined
post of Yar-karaul, on route to Korla
Innermostasia 347 - Ruined
watch-tower, Y.iii, on route to Korla
Innermostasia 348 - Remains of
ancient watch-tower, Y iv, on route to Korla
Innermostasia 349 - Ruined
stupa, Ying I i, Ying-p'an site, seen from south
Innermostasia350 - Remains of
ruined watch-tower Y vii, on route to Korla
Innermostasia 351 - Ruin of
watch-station, Y i ('Kurghan'),on route from Yingp'an to Korla, seen from
Innermostasia 352 - Tower and
enclosure of ancient watch-station Y i ('Kurghan'), seen from south.
Innermostasia 353 - Remains of
ruined quadrangle, Tajik
Innermostasia 354 - Site of
Jigdalik, looking west
Innermostasia 355 - Ch'iang
Ssu'yeh bidding farewell - He was Stein's best Chinese interpreter and general
assistant. He came from the Indian consulate in Kashgar for Stein's second
expedition and was instrumental in so many successes, especially in obtaining
the manuscripts from Tun-huang "cave of the 1000 Buddhas' but was in too
poor health to participate in the third expedition.
Innermostasia 356 - Kokan Beg,
headman of the Kirghiz about Great Kara-kul
Innermostasia 357 - Valley
above Bostan-arche
Innermostasia 358 - View up
Sel-dara valley below eastern heights of Sel-tagh, from above
Innermostasia 359 - Panoramic
view of Trans-alti Range from Por-dobe
Innermostasia 360 - Snowy
range dividing Great Pamir from Wakhan, seen from above western end of Lake
Victoria - Here is on his way through the Pamirs eventually toward
Innermostasia 361 - View from
Kush-kulak saddle across Kara-tegin towards ranges above Surkh-ab and Muki-su
Innermostasia 362 - Sel-tagh
or Muz-tagh range, seen from Tars-agar pass
Innermostasia 363 - Central
portion of Sel-tagh range, seen from Mazar-bel-bashi above Altun-mazar
Innermostasia 364aas - close
up of Afraz-gul Kahn in the Pamirs - Stein sent Lal Singh with all the precious
artifacts from Kashgar across the Karakorum back to India. He took only
Afraz-gul Khan and his cook then through Russian central Asia and then into
Innermostasia 364 - View up
Bostan-arche valley towards Chakraghil portion of Meridional range - Afraz-gul
Khan in foreground - by Meridional Stein means this part of the Pamirs extended
north to south right along a meridian of longitude. Among other skills
Afraz-gul was able to shoot wild game for the party.
Innermostasia 365 - Kirghiz
anthrometrically examined at Kara-chim - Of course once into Russian territory
Stein could not survey nor excavate. But that did not stop him from conducting
his examinations of each local group - collecting the kind of data on physical
features that were so popular at the time. One has to wonder what these
'subjects' thought of the proceedings.
Innermostasia 366 - Roshani
headmen at Saunab - One of the isolated tribal groups in the Pamirs - Stein
considered them pure Altai stock. notice the great difference from the
Innermostasia 367 - Glacier at
head of Chakur-jilga
Innermostasia 368 - View down
Tanimaz or Kudara valley, from below Kizil-tokai
Innermostasia369 - Crossing
rock debris thrown down by earthquake near Palex, Tanimaz valley
Innermostasia 370 - View down
Bartang gorge near Nusur, Roshan - this area is now part of Tajikistan near the
border with Afghanistan
Innermostasia 371 - Gorge of
Bartang river, above Raut, blocked by earthquake - Newly formed tarn in
foreground; former river bed buried under rock debris.
Innermostasia 372 - Shedau
lake formed by barrage thrown down by Sarez earthquake
Innermostasia 373 - Barrage
thrown across Bartang valley by earthquake, with western end of newly formed
Sarez lake - View from about 12,000 feet height on Marjanai spur, looking to
north-west. Clouds of dust raised by rock movement on higher slopes.
Innermostasia 374 - View to
north-east across Sarez lake from slope above Yerkh fiord
Innermostasia 375 - Passage of
debris scarps above western shore of Yerkh fiord - Arrow points to man crossing
by improvised track - but he is hardly visible.
Innermostasia 376 - Upper end
of Yerkh fiord, seen from north
Innermostasia 377 - Rock
debris thrown down by earthquake on right bank of Tanimaz River, near
Innermostasia 378 - Yeshil-kol
lake, near Kamparchuk
Innermostasia 379 - Kirghiz
camp near head of Bash-gumbz valley
Innermostasia 380 - Buruman
ridge, seen across Yeshil-kol from mouth of Little Marjanai valley
Innermostasia 381 - Range
facing Burman ridge across western end of Yeshil-kol
Innermostasia 382 - Trans-alai
range seen from camp Yaman-karchin, across Alai valley
Innermostasia 383 - View over
Yeshil-kol from Buruman ridge.
Innermostasia384 - Village and
fields of Saunab (Tash-kurghan) in Roshan
Innermostasia 385 - Cliffs and
gumbaz at Sume-tash, Alichur Pamir
Innermostasia 386 - View
westwards from Odiz-kotal, above Bargtang gorge
Innermostasia 387 - On roofs
of houses in Saunab village
Innermostasia 388 - View from
Hissar fort up Ab-i-panja valley
Innermostasia 389 - Crossing
the Bartang river on skin-rafts at Nusur - Stein had to cross several rivers or
float down them during his expeditions.
Innermostasia 390 - Junction
of Tanimaz and Bartang rivers at Darband above Saunab
Innermostasia 391 - View to
South-east across eastern end of Lake Victoria, towardes Nicholas
Innermostasia 392- Hindukush
range seen across the Oxus valley from above Langar-kisht. Stein was prohibited
from entering Afghanistan, so had to view the Oxus valley and Wakan from the
Russian side but he could see the Hindukush and be disappointed.
Innermostasia 393 -
Ab-i-panja, with alluvial fan of Dara=i-panja on left bank, seen from
Innermostasia 394 - On Adude
pass, looking east - Stein just loved crossing high passes, the higher and more
snow the better
Innermostasia 395 - Ruined
walls of Zangibar fort, Wakhan - on the Russian side
Innermostasia 396 - Ruined
fort of Hissar, seen from north-east.
Innermostasia 397 - Hindukush
peaks above Ishmarg, seen across Ab-i-panja
Innermostasia 398 -
Kali-i-panja, seen from right bank of Ab-i-panja
Innermostasia 399 - Village of
Warang, Wakhan
Innermostasia 400 - Ishkashm
and plateau towards Zebak, seen from Nut across Ab-i-panja
Innermostasia 401 - Rapids of
Great Pamir river near mouth of Mats valley
Innermostasia 402 - View up
western face of circumvallation, Zamr-i-atish-parast
Innermostasia 403 - Looking
down western line of wall and towers - Zamr-i-atish-parast - The Pamirs are
full of ancient fortress ruins that one would love to visit.
Innermostasia 404 - Towers at
south-west corner of Qala-i-qa'qa, with view down Ab-i-panja - see plan
Innermostasia 405 - Tower on
second line of wall, south face, Zamr-i-atish-parast -see plan 47
Innermostasia 406 - Citadel of
Zamr-i-atish-parast, seen from north across ravine
Innermostasia 407 - Tower, x,
on east face of circumvallation , Qala-i-qa'qa
Innermostasia 408 - Outwork on
west face of circumvallation, Zamr-i-atish-parast
Innermostasia 409 - Fort of
Zulkhomar, Zamr-i-atish-parast, seen from south
Innermostasia 410 - Ravelin
with tower at north end of citadel, Zamr-i-atish-parast
Innermostasia 411 - Rampart
and towers on north-west face of Qala-i-qa'qa
Innermostasia412 - Southern
ridge of Qala-i-qa'qa, seen from east
Innermostasia 413 - Decorated
wall on south-east face of circumvallation, Qala-i-qa'qa
Innermostasia 414 - Ruined
towers and wall on river front, Qala-i-qa'qa
Innermostasia 415 - Oxus
valley, near Barshor, Gharan
Innermostasia 416 - View down
Ghund valley near Charsim
Innermostasia 417 - Ruined
dwellings at Bidech, Shakh-dara, Shughnan
Innermostasia 418 - Tower and
Kirghiz camp at Jaushangaz, Shughnan
Innermostasia 419 - Glacier on
Roshan side of Shitam pass, seen from north-west - yet another of the passes
Stein insisted on traversing even though there was an easier route.
Innermostasia 420 -
Ferokh-sangau glacier below Shitok-lazar, Roshan
Innermostasia 421 - Track over
'awrinz' in Bartang river gorge, below Khaizhez - The men are standing on the
trail which winds up over spurs
Innermostasia 422 - Descent on
skin raft through Bartang river gorges, Roshan - Stein is identified by his
unique hat
Innermostasia 423 - Walnut
grove at Paghu, Roshan
Innermostasia 424 - Bartang
river gorge above Yemts, Roshan
Innermostasia 425 - Castle of
Mirs of Roshan, Kala-i-wamar
Innermostasia 426 - Group of
Roshani family, Kala-i-wamar
Innermostasia 427 - View from
Shitam pass, connecting the panoramic views in figs 429 and 430 - shows the
high range between Ghund and Shakh-dara
Innermostasia 428 -
Ice-streams joining main Siargh glacier from south, seen from about 13,000
Innermostasia 429 - Panoramic
view from Shitam pass, about 16,100 feet above sea, between Shughnan and
Roshan, to south (left) and south-west (right)
Innermostasia 430 - Panoramic
view from Shitam pass to west (left) and north-west (right)
Innermostasia 431 - Panoramic
view from moraine below Sitargh pass (about 14,600 feet) to south-east (left)
and south (right)
Innermostasia 432 - Panoramic
view from moraine below Sitargh pass to south-west (left) and west
Innermostasia 433 - View down
Oxus gorge below Amurn, Yazgulam
Innermostasia 434 - View down
Oxus valley towards Kala-i-wamar, from above mouth of Bartang river
Innermostasia 435 -
"Awrinz" above Wanj river near Baraun - the 'awrinz' is the narrow
trail along the mountain side - typical of many Stein negociated.
Innermostasia 436 - Halt at
Dasht-i-bun village, Wakhia-bala
Innermostasia 437 - Village
mosque at Yerkhab, Kara-tegin
Innermostasia 438 - Market
village of Faizabad, Hissar
Innermostasia 439 - Kirghiz
anthropometrically examined at Bash-gumbaz, Alichur Pamir
Innermostasia 440 - Wakhis
anthropometrically examined at Warang, Wakan
Innermostasia 441 - Ishkashmis
anthropometrically examined at Nut
Innermostasia 442 - Shughnis
anthropometrically examined at Kharuk
Innermostasia 443 - Roshanis
anthropometrically examined at Paghu
Innermostasia 444 - Roshanis
anthropometrically examined at Kala-i-wamar
Innermostasia445 - Yazgulamis
anthropometrically examined at Rokhar
Innermostasia 446 - Darwazsis,
from Wanj valley, anthropometrically examined at Rokhar
Innermostasia 447 - Glacier
seen eastwards on descent from Girdan-i-kaftar pass
Innermostasia 448 - Cliff of
Diw-dara below Shitkharw, Wakan - a veritable highway on the mountain side
compared with many trails - but note it is built out on logs stuck into the
Innermostasia 449 - Old
wood-carving at entrance of Ming-bashi's house, Kala-i-wamar - see plan
Inneremostasia 450 - Gorge
above Sangardak, Hissar - Yes, Stein went through this one as so many
Innermostasia 451 - View
across town of Tabbas-i-mazena from south
Innermostasia 452 - Sayad reed
huts near Koh-i-kohwsaja
Innermostasia 453 - North-west
corner in court of ruined madrasah, Khargird
Innermostasia 454 - Group of
Sayad fishermen anthropometrically examined near Naizar
Innermostasia 455 - Ruins of
Ghagha-shahr and Kok-i-zal, Koh-i-khwaja, seen from east
Innermostasia 456 - Ruined
site of Ghagha-shahr, Kok-i-khwaja, looking eastwards from route to hilltop -
Reed covered marshes of Hamun seen in distance
Innermostasia 457 - Ruins of
Ghagha-shahr, seen from Kok-i-zal
Innermostasia 458 - Ruined
terrace and structures on north-west side of quadrangle, Ghagha-shahr - Cliffs
below Kok-Zal seen in background
Innermostasia 459 -
South-eastern corner of circumvallation, Ghagha-shahr - Gate towers on
Innermostasia 460 - Supporting
wall and gate of outer court, Ghagha-shahr
Innermostasia 461 - Ruined
structures on west side of terrace above quadrangle, Ghagha-shahr - Vault in
foreground gives access to corridor iv
Innermostasia 462 - Remains of
upper story apartments on north-east side of quadrangle, Ghagha-shahr
Innermostasia 463 - Buttressed
terrace on north-west side of quadrangle, Ghagha-shahr - Ruins of Kok-i-Zal on
hill top above
Innermostasia 464 - Ruined
structures above quadrangle, Ghagha-shahr, seen from south
Innermostasia 465 - Inner gate
leading to quadrangle, Ghagha-shahr - On left of gate is seen the position
where passage i stood
Innermostasia 466 - Remains of
plaster relievos on outer walls of structure v, Ghagha-shahr
Innermostasia 467 - Western
corner of passage i, Ghagha-shahr, after removal of later walls, Arrow
indicates position of remains of painted standing figure
Innermostasia 468 - Remains of
mural paintings on earlier wall of passage i, Ghagha-shahr
Innermostasia 469 - Mir
Muhammad, Tekke Turkoman, at Fariman - Impressive warrior type
Innermostasia 470 - Niches
with painted stocco decoration, Madrasah of Khargird
Innermostasia 471 - Eastern
aisle of entrance hall, ii, Ghagha-shahr
Innermostasia 472 - Buttresses
of terrace wall, north of quadrangle, Ghagha-shahr
Innermostasia 473 - Rock
island of Koh-i-khwaja, seen from east across Hamun
Innermostasia 474 - Ruins of
Kok-i-zal on Koh-i-khwaja
Innermostasia 475 - View
across top of Koh-i-khwaja, with graves and ziarats, from Kok-i-zal
Innermostasia 476 -
Band-i-sistan barrage across Helmand, seen near its head on Persian bank -
Stein was not allowed to enter Afghanistan
Innermostasia 477a - Remains
of Muhammadan tombs on wind-eroded mound, south-east of Kalat-i-gird
Innermostasia477 - Ridge
bearing remains of Shahristan site, seen from east
Innermostasia 478 - Ruined
circumvallation and citadel at Shahristan site, seen from north
Innermostasia 479 - Ruin of
fortified post, R.R. v, seen from south -=In foreground line of late
Innermostasia480 - South face
of ruined fort, Burj-i-chakar
Innermostasia 481 - Ruined
fort of Burj-i-chakar, seen from north-east
Innermostasia 482 - View
towards Zahidan site from Kala-i-timur - Eroded wall of enclosure of
Kala-i-Timur in foreground
Innermostasia 483 - Main
circumvallation of Kalat-i-gird seen from south-west - Note Afraz-Gul Khan is
on top of wall with his plane table.
Innermostasia 484 - Ruin of
fortified mansion near Bulai, Sistan, seen from south - and quite a mansion it
Innermostasia 485 - Ruined
post, R.R. xvii, seen from south-west face of outer enclosure
Innermostasia 486 - Ruins of
Atish-gah site, seen from east
Innermostasia 487 - Quarters,
outside fortified post, R.R. xvii, after excavation
Innermostasia 488 - Main ruin
of Atish-gah site, seen from south
Innermostasia 489 - Ruins on
Akhur-i-rustam mound near Hauzdar, seen from south-west
Innermostasia 490 - Ruined
dwellings within Kundar village
Innermostasia 491 - Ruined
rotunda outside Pai-kash-i-rustam seen from south-east
Innermostasia 492 - Ruined
post, R.R. xii, seen from south - There is Afraz-gul Khan with his plane table
on top of the mound
Innermostasia 493 - Room
cleared at entrance of ruined post R. R. xx - There is Stein's survey measuring
Innermostasia 494 - Gate of
ruined fort village, Ramrud, seen from within
Innermostasia 495 - Main
structure of Kala-i-timur, seen from north-west
Innermostasia 496 - Ruin of
mansion at Burj-i-afghan, seen from south
Innermostasia 497 - Ruin of
fortified mansion at Bibi-dost, seen from west
Innermostasia498 - Ruin of
windmill (chigini) near Machi
Innermostasia 499 - Aiwan in
ruin of fortified mansion, Machi
Innermostasia 500 -
Wind-eroded mound, R. R. vii, find-place of prehistoric pottery, etc.
Innermostasia 501 -
Wind-eroded terraces, salt-encrusted, near Ramrud, seen from
Innermostasia 502 - Ruined
watch-post R. R. xxv, seen from south
Innermostasia 503 -
Wind-eroded ridges and trenches west of Ramrud
Innermostasia 504 - Ruin of
domed tomb on wind-eroded terrace near Kalati--gird
Innermostasia 505 - Modern
watch-post at Karodak, on Nushki-sistan trade route
Innermostasia Vol 3 Plan 1 -
Plan of ruined fort, Chumarkhan, India - Rock engraved Stupa design with
Tibetan inscription on moraine south of Darkot pass, India - Plan of ruined
fort, Bahri-khan, India - Plan of ruined hospice, Chichklik-madan,
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 2 -
Ruined site of Jangal-gumbaz, Tash-kurgan, Sketch plan of ruin iii, Plan of
ruin iv - all of these are in Sarikol of which Tash-kurgan was the
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 3a -
Ruins of Lal-tagh site
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 3b -
Remains of shrines below sacred tombs on Mazar-tagh - this Tibetan fortress was
on Khotan river near middle of Taklamakan.
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 4 -
Detailed map of southern portion of Niya site. - this also appears in Stein's
sets of maps for Innermostasia and for Serindia in color.
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 5 -
Ruined dwellings N.xxxix, xlii, xliii, xlv - at Niya site.
Innermostasiavol 3 Plan 6 -
Site plan showing ruined farm N xliv with adjoining vinyard and ancient river
bed at Niya site. There is a photo of this showing the bridge.

Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 7 -
Revised plan of ancient residence N iii, Niya site.
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 8 -
Sketch-plan of ruined site, Koyumal
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 9 -
Ruined structures of Miran site - Sketch-plan of ruined site,
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 10 -
Plan of ruined fort, L.K. Lou-lan
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 11 -
Sketch-plan of ruined site L.M. Lou-lan -with four of the individual buildings
as well
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 12 -
Sketch-plan of ruined fort L.E. - Plan of ruined fort L.F. with burial ground -
Sketch-plan of mesa L.C. with grave pits. - These ruins were discovered by
Stein to the north-east of the main Lou-lan area as he was starting his trek
across the Lop salt sea in search of the ancient Chinese caravan route. He
found several corpses and reburied them. 
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 13 -
Plans of watch-stations, Tun-huang Limes - xxiia, xxiid, xxiif, xxiiia,
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 14 -
Plans of watch-stations, Tun-huang Limes - xxla, xxiiib, xxiiif, xlii i,
xxiiiu, xliid
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 15 -
Site-plan of Limes wall and watch-towers near Shih-erh-tun - Sketch-plan of
watch station T xliii l near Limes of Ying-p'an - Sketch plan of ruined Chinese
station of Ch'iao-wan-ch'eng
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 16 -
Plan of watch-stations and forts on Han Limes and at Etsin-gol - this section
of the Han wall was far east of Tun-huang. - Towers xlive, xliie, xxiih,
xlviic, xliif - fort Ulan Durul Jin and fort Aduna-kora both further north
beside the Etsin-gol (river).
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 17 -
Sketch plan of site of Khara-khoto - this shows the relationship of the ruined
city with ancient river bed - Khara-khoto lies east of the Etsin-gol near the
border with Mongolia. It was a thriving city before Ghengis Khan captured it
but still important when Marco Polo visited.
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 18 -
Sketch plan of ruined town of Khara-khoto - The walls were still massive (and
they exist today) but there was not much remaining inside. There are many
photos in the book - here is one. 
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 19 -
Plans and sections of stupas and shrine at Khara-khoto - see above for for
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 20 -
Sketch plans of seven ruins at and near Khara-khoto -
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 21 -
Ruined Gmbaz outside Khara-khoto - (a Moslem tomb) - one of several photos

Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 22-
Sketch-plan of ruined dwellings east of , and shrine K.K. ii at,
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 23 -
Sketch plan of ruined site of Pei-t'ing, near Huo'p'u-tzu - photo

Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 24 -
Sketch plan of ruined town of Idikut-shahri, Kara-khoja - this should not be
confused with Khara-khoto
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 25 -
Sketch plan of ruined monument Kao.iii, Kara-khoja - Sketch plan of ruined
building Kao,v, Kara-Khoja - Sketch plan of remains Toy. i-iii, Toyhuk gorge -
Sketch plan of shrines Toy, v, Toyuk gorge.
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 26 -
Sketch plan of shrine Yar.i, Yar-khoto - Sketch plan of cave shrine below
Yutogh - Sketch plan of shrine below Yutogh - Sketch plan of shrines Toy v,
Toyuk gorge - Sketch plan of ruined tower near Lamjin
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 27 -
Plan of western group of ruined shrines in gorge, Toyuk - photo

Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 28 -
Sketch plan and sections of cave-shrines, Toyuk vi. Sketch plan of Ssirkip-tura
- Sketch plan of ruin M., i, ii.
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 29 -
Site plan of ruins near Murtuk
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 30 -
Site plan of shrines at Bezekik
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 31 -
Sketch plan of ancient cemetery near Astana - Stein uncovered many of the
graves and collected fabrics and some grave goods before leaving the skeletons
and reburying them. He recognized that at least some were
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 32 -
Sketch plan of tombs in cemeteries i, ii, Astana, Turfan - general plan of
cemetery i
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 33 -
Sketch plan of tombs in cemeteries iii, iv and v - Astana, Turfan
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 34 -
Sketch plan of tombs in cemeteries vii-x, Astana, Turfan - General plan of
cemetery Astix
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 35 -
Sketch plan of ruined town, Yar-khoto
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 36 -
Sketch plan of Ying-p'an site
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 37 -
Ruined shrines of Ying-p'an
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 38 -
Sketch plan of shrine Ying-p'an I, i - Sketch plan of shrine Ying-p'an II -
Sketch plan of burial place I Q - Sketch plan of ruined post, Yar-karaul, Y
viii - Sketch plan of watch station Y ii - Sketch plan of watch tower Y viii -
Sketch plan of watch station Y I,
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 39 -
Sketch plans of - tower K vii, west of Chil-abad - tower K v at Chil-abad -
ruined circumvallation at Kucha - fort K viii west of Chil-abad - top of
Pilang-tura tower at Kucha - ruined post K iv at Chuk-tam
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 40 -
Sketch plans of circumvallations at Kizil-shahr - ruined monastic structures at
Tonguz-bash - ruined enclosures of Ak-shahr near Sai-arik - circumvallaton at
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 41 -
Sketch plan of Tajik site - Sketch plan of Khitai-shahri site at Kucha - Sketch
plan of Chong-shahr near Khanak-atam
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 42 -
Sketch plan of site of Toghrak-akin
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 43 -
Sketch plan and section of cave-temple and terraced shrine, Toghrak-akun -
details of the site in previous plan
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 44 -
Sketch plans of - ruined dwellings at Kitai-bazar, Kucha - ruined fort at
Sang-khan-atam - cave shrines at Tezak-kaghe - cave Jig.iii on east side of
Jigdalik - cave Jig i, at Jigdalik - cave Jig ii at Jigdalik -
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 45 -
Sketch plan of ruined fort at Hissar - Site plan of ruins near Tezak-kaghe -
Site plan of Kala-i-Zangibar at Warang
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 46 -
Sketch plan of ruined fort at Simjin - Sketch plan of ruined fort at Zangibar -
these are now in Tajikistan near the border with Afghanistan - One wishes for
exensive archeology of the many forts in this region. Stein was unable to do
any archeological exploration and had to confine himself to photography and
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 47 -
Sketch plan of ruined stronghold, Zamr-i-atish-parast - photos

Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 48 -
Sketch plan of Kafir fort, Darshai - Sketch plan of citadel on height of
Zamr-i-atish-parast - see above photos
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 49 -
Sketch plan of Qala-i-Qa'qa near Namadgut - see above photos
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 50 -
Rough plan and elevation of Ming-bashi's house in Kala-i-Wamar - photo

Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 51 -
Plan of ruined stronghold on Ghala-koh at Duruh
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 52 -
Sketch plan of Koh-i-Khwaja hill with ruins and shrines
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 53 -
Rough sketch plan of Ghagha-shahr on Koh-i-Khwaja
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 54 -
Sketch plan of Gha i at Koh-i-Khwaja - Diagram showing 'transitional' arch
construction at Mil-i-Kasimabad in Persia - Elevation and section of engaged
column at Gha j, Ghagha-shahr - Drawing showing design of decorated plaster
panel from doorway k at Ghagha-shahr - Drawing showing remains of mural
painting in vaulted passage Gha iv, Ghagha-shahr.
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 55 -
Sketch plan of Shahristan site in Sistan, Persia
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 56 -
Sketch plan of ruined town site, Zahidan
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 57 -
Sketch plans of - Ruined fortress, Kalat-i-gird - Pai-kash-i-Rustam, Hauzdar -
Fortified village, Ramrud - Atish-gah, Kimmak - Akhur-i-Rustam,
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 58 -
Plan of mansion, Machi - Rough plan of fortified residence at Machi -
Kala-i-Timur, Zahidan
Innermostasia vol 3 Plan 59 -
Rough sketches of ground-plan of watch-stations north of Rud-i-Biyaban - near
Persian- Indian border south of Afghanistan