Russia T-72 tank, 1st Cavalry Div Museum
US M-40 155 Howitzer, 1st Cavalry Div Museum
US T-43 heavy tank, 4th Inf Div Museum
Collection of Russian armor
US M52- 105mm SP Howitzer, 684 built in 1948,
on street at Ft Hood
Russian PT-76 Amphibious tank, 1954, 1st
Cavalry Div Museum
Chinese T-69 copy of Russian T-55. long
barrel 105mm gun, laser rangefinder and infrared searchlight, 1st Cav Div
Iraqi Armor Recovery Vehicle on Russian
T-54-55 chassis, 1st Cav Div Museum
Row of captured Russian equipment, ZU 57-2
AAA gun in foreground, SP 122 howitzer behind, 1st Cav Div Museum
Russia Tank , model??
US M-10T, tank destroyer, 3 inch M-7 gun,
50cal MG, 38 tons, Sherman chassis, crew 5, Sept 1942, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-7B2, Priest, SP 105mm howitzer, 50 cal
mg, crew 7, has higher pulpit than M7, only 127 B02 made,4th Inf Div Museum.
US M7, Priest, 105mm howitzer, 50 cal mg, 25
tons on M-4 chassis, 1941, total 4267 produced, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M4A3E8 Sherman, 76mm gun, 2-30cal mgs,
1-50cal mg, crew 5, 35 tons, 26mph on road, standard until 1955, made in
1944-45, 4th Inf Div Museum.
Russia tank model??, 4th Inf Div Museum.
Russia tank model??, 4th Inf Div Museum
US M-59, 1954, 21 ton, 1st Cav Div Museum
US M3A1, half track, 1941-44, 1st Cav Div
US M-74 Armored recovery vehicle, 1941-45, on
M-4 chassis, predecessor of M-88, 1st Cav Div Museum.
US Helicopter - 1st Cav Div Museum.
View of row of tanks, 1st Cav Div Museum.
US M-7 Priest, 105mm howitzer, 50 cal mg, 25
tons, 1941, on M-4 chassis, 1st Cav Div Museum.
Russia BTR60-PB, 1961-82, captured by Israel
in 1967, PT-76 tank in background, 1st Cav Div Museum.
Russia BMP-1, 1960's, 73mm RA20 gun, crew
3-8, captured by Israel 1967, 1st Cav Div Museum.
Brazil E-11, URUTU APC, 14,5 tons, captured
from Iraq, 1st Cav Div Museum
Russia T-55, changed turret from T-54, 1947,
1st Cav Div Museum.
Russia 2S1- 122mm SP howitzer, Gvozdika,
captured from Iraq, 1st Cav Div Museum.
US M-28 Chaffee, 75mm gun, 2-30cal mg,
1-50cal mg, 20 tons, crew 5, 35 mph, 1943, best lt tank of WWII, 4415 produced,
service in Korea, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-18 Hellcat, tank Destroyer, 76mm M1A
gun, 1-50 cal mg, 18.5 tons, crew 5, 55 mph, used 1944-5. 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-41 Walker Bulldog, 76mm gun, 1-30 cal
mg, 1-50 cal coax mg, 25 tons, 40 mph, crew 4, replaced M-24, production in
1950, 5500 made, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-47 Patton, 90mm gun, 2-30 cal mg, 1-50
cal mg, 48 tons, 37 mph, descendent of M-46, redesigned turret, new gun
control, 8676 made, sloped armor, improved 90mm gun, general use after 1952,
4th Inf Div Museum.
Russia, D-20 towed 152mm howitzer, Petrov
design bureau, and a Chinese S-60 AAA gun, 1st Cav Div Museum.
US Vulcan 20mm multibarrel AA gun M163A1,
1960's, 1st Cav Div Museum.
Russia 14.5 mm 4-barrel AA mg, ZPU-1, 8000
meters, 1st Cav Div Museum.
US M-8 Armored scout car, 1942, 56 mph, 8
tons, 1st Cav Div museum.
US M-3 Lee, 4th Inf Div museum.
US M-3 Stuart, 37mm gun, 3-30 cal mg, 14
tons, crew 4, 36 mph, 4th Inf Div museum.
US M4A1 Sherman, 75mm gun, 2-30 cal mg, 1-50
cal mg, crew 5, 31 tons, 4th Inf Div museum.
US, SP howitzers, model ??, 4th Inf Div
Russia T-72 tank, 1st Cav Div museum
US, View over outdoor display of armor, M-43
at entrance, 4th Inf Div museum
US, View of tanks, Lee, Sherman, 3 Stuarts,
4th Inf Div museum.
US M-44 SP 155 howitzer, crew 5, 31 tons,
1-50 cal mg, 35 mph, produced in 1952, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-44 SP 155 mm howitzer, 608 built,
replaced by M-109, 4th Inf Div Museum
US M-40 155 mm SP howitzer, produced in 1945,
311 made, two used in WWII, used also by UK. 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-40 155 mm SP howitzer, crew 8, 41 tons,
24 mph, 4th Inf Div Museum.
Italy Field gun 75 mm, 1906, crew 4, 1.4
tons, range 7600 meters, World War I, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US T-43 Heavy Tank, M-109, 120 mm gun, 2-50
cal mg, crew 5, 62.5 tons, 15 mph, 1952, 200 produced, 4th Inf Div Museum, .
US T-43 Heavy Tank, M-109, under powered back
up tank destroyer, replaced in 1963 by M-60, 4th Inf Div Museum.
Germany Panzer Abwehr kannone PAK 40, 75 mm
AT gun, crew 4, wt 1.5 tons, 8400 yrds range, 1938, one of best AT guns. 4th
Inf Div Museum
Russia 45mm AT gun, M 1942, crew 6, 1 ton,
4023 yrds range, 4th Inf Div Museum
Russia 45mm AT gun, M 1942, used into 1970's
by Warsaw Pact and Korea, 4th Inf Div Museum.
Russia - Germany PAK 36, 76.2 mm field gun,
1.2 tons, 10,936 yrds range, 4th Inf Div Museum.
Russia - Germany 76.2 mm field gun, PAK 36,
used by Rommel in Africa, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-8 Light Scout Car, 1st Cav Div Museum .
US M-47 Tank, 1948, 8676 produced, replaced
in 53 by M-48, 1st Cav Div Museum.
Russia 2ST122 howitzer, 1st Cav Div Museum .
Russia D-20 howitzer, 1st Cav Div Museum.
Russia S-60, AAA gun, 1st Cav Div Museum.
Russia S-60, AAA gun, 1st Cav Div Museum.
Russia T-55 Tank, 1st Cav Div Museum.
Brazil, E-11 Urutu APC, 1970, 1st Cav Div
France 17 AMX 10-P, 1970's, 20mm cannon, 7.62
cal mg, 1st Cav Div Museum.
France 17 AMX 10-P, 1st Cav Div Museum.
Russia BMP, armored fighting vehicle, 1st Cav
Div Museum.
Russia T-72 Tank, 155mm gun, 2-3 cm foam lead
liner, 1st Cav Div Museum.
Russia T-72 Tank, 1st Cav Div Museum.
Russia T-72 Tank, 1st Cav Div Museum.
China T-69 Tank, 1st Cav Div Museum.
Russia PT-76 lt tank, 1st Cav Div Museum.
US Engineer vehicle EM 728, 1st Cav Div
US M-7 Priest, SP 105mm howitzer, 1st Cav Div
Russia - T-72 Tank, 1st Cav Div Museum.
Japan captured US M-3 Stuart, 1st Cav Div
US Engineer Vehicle EM 728 165 demo gun HESH
US Engineer vehicle, 1st Cav Div Museum.
US Engineer vehicle, 1st Cav Div Museum.
US M60 Tank, 1st Cav Div Museum.
US M60A1 Rese Tank, laser, 105mm gun, 7.62
cal coaxial mg, 12.7mm AAA mg, 1st Cav Div Museum.
US M60A1 Rese Tank, 58 tons, 50 mph, crew 7,
1st Cav Div Museum.
US M-1 Abrams Tank, 1st Cav Div Museum.
US M-1 Abrams Tank, 1st Cav Div Museum.
US M-1 Abrams Tank, 1st Cav Div Museum.
Tiger symbol on M-4 Sherman tank, 1st Cav Div
US M-4 Sherman tank, Tiger symbol on front
glacis, 1st Cav Div Museum.
US M-41 Walker Bulldog Tank, 1st Cav Div
US M-7 Priest 105 howitzer, on M-4 Chassis,
1st Cav Div Museum.
Line of armored vehicles, 1st Cav Div museum
US M-43 SP howitzer, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-43 SP howitzer, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-60 Tank, unit hqs.
US M-60 Tank, unit hqs.
US M-52 SP 105mm howitzer, 1948.
US M-52 SP 105mm howitzer, 1948.
US M-3 Lee (Grant)Tank, 4th Inf Div Museum .
US M3 Stuart Lt Tank, 37mm gun, 4th Inf Div
US M3 Stuart Lt Tank, 37mm gun, 4th Inf Div
US M3A1 Stuart Lt Tank, 37mm gun, 14 tons,
British call it Honey, Aug 1941, added turret floor, 4th Inf Div Museum .
US M5A1 Stuart Lt Tank, 37mm gun 3-50 cal
mgs, 17 tons, 36 mph, 1943, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M4A1 Sherman Tank, 75mm gun 2-30 cal 1-50
cal mgs, 31 tons, crew 5, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M4A3E8 Sherman Tank, 76mm gun 2-30 cal
1-50 cal mgs, crew 5, 26 mph, standard until 1955, 4th Inf Div Museum .
US M-7 Priest, 105mm howitzer 1-50 cal mg,
crew 7, 25 tons, M-4 chassis, 1941, 4267 produced, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M7B4 Priest, SP 105 howitzer 1-50 cal mg
on higher pulpit, crew 7 25 tons, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M7B4 Priest, only 127 of the B4 produced,
4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-10 Achilles Tank Destroyer, 3 inch M7
main gun 1-50 cal mg, 30 tons, crew 5, Sept 1942, Sherman chassis, 4th Inf Div
US M-10 Achilles Tank Destroyer, 17 # mark V
gun 1-50 cal mg 35 mph 30 tons, British rearmed with larger gun, 4th Inf Div
US M-18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer, 76mm main gun
1-50 cal mg, 18,5 tons crew 5 55 mph, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer, used 1944-45
for its speed and big gun, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-24 Chaffee Tank, 75mm main gun, 2-30 cal
1-50 cal mgs, crew 5, 35 mph, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-24 Chaffee Tank, limited use in WWII,
more in Korea, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-47 Patton Tank, 90 mm main gun 2-30 cal
1-50 cal mgs, 48 tons, 37 mph, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-47 Patton Tank, descendent of M-46,
redesigned turret, new improved 90mm gun and gun control, 8678 made, slope
armor, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-41 Walker Bulldog Tank, 76mm main gun,
1-30 cal 1-50 cal mgs, 25 tons, 40 mph, crew 4, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-41 Walker Bulldog Tank, replaced M-24
1950's 5500 made, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-48 Patton Tank, 90mm main gun 1-30 cal
1-50 cal mgs, 49 tons, crew 4, 30 mph, 1952, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-48 Patton Tank, developed from M-47
elliptical hull turret 9707 made combat in Vietnam, India, Pakistan, 4th Inf
Div Museum.
US Bradley AFV, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US Bradley AFV, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-60 Patton Tank, 105mm main gun 1-50 cal
mg 1-7.62 cal coaxial mg 51 tons 30 mph, 1960's, crew 4, 4th Inf Div Museum .
US M-60 Patton Tank, production end 1962,
then M-60A1, main tank until the Abrams, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US, T-43 Heavy Tank, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US, Helicopter Cobra, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-60 Patton Tank, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US Bradley AFV, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-41 Walker Bulldog Tank, M-47 Patton
behind it, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-47 Patton Tank, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-3 Lee Grant Tank, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-40 155 SP howitzer, long barrel, 41
tons, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-84 4.2 inch Mortar Carrier, 1-50 cal mg
20 tons 27 mph variation of M-59 APC 1957, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US left M-59 APC, 1-50 cal mg, 20 tons 32
mph, 1950's amphibious replaced by M113 in 1959 4000 made - right M-75 APC, 21
tons 1-50 cal mg, 44 mph design 1945 standard 1952 replaced in 1953 by M-59
1700 made, 4th Inf Div Museum.
Germany PAK36 gun, 4th Inf Div Museum.
Germany, PAK 40 gun, 1938, range 8400 yards,
4th Inf Div Museum.
US M-16 half-track multipurpose gun carriage,
1943-44, 9.5 tons 4-50 cal mg 2877 built, AA mgs 4 barrels, 4th Inf Div Museum.
US Line of (right to left) M3, M3A1, M5A1
Stuart Tanks, range 60 miles, carry 103 rounds 35mm main gun ammo, 5500 rounds
30cal mg ammo 350 rounds SMG ammo, later models had turret floor, 4th Inf Div
US, 4th Infantry Division Patch on museum.
US M7 Priest, 1st Cav Div Museum.
US Sherman Tank with Tiger painted on glacis,
1st Cav Div Museum.
Brazil, EE11 URUTU 1970, 14.3 tons, crew 3
passengers 3, 1st Cav Div Museum.
US M-113A2, APC, late 1950's 12 tons, 300
mile range, 42 mph, crew 2, passengers 11, 1st Cav Div Museum.
US, Engineer vehicle, 1st Cav Div Museum.
US M-60 Patton Tank, 1st Cav Div Museum.
US M-1E1 Abrams Tank, 1980's 1200 gun, 50 cal
mg, speed 45 mph, range 250 miles, 60 tons crew 4, 1st Cav Div Museum.
US M-1E1 Abrams Tank, used in Iraq, 1st Cav
Div Museum.
Japan, 75mm mountain gun, captured in
Philippines, range 7130 meters, 1st Cav Div Museum.
Japan 47mm AT gun 1941, 1st Cav Div Museum.
Russia, M 1942 45mm AT gun, developed in
1932, 42 model has longer barrel, stronger carriage, range 4400 meters, 1st Cav
Div Museum.
US M-114 Command Recon vehicle 1960's crew 3
passengers 4 7 tons 1st Cav Div Museum.
1st Cav Div Patch at museum.
US M-3 Lee Grant Tank, 4th Inf Div Museum .
US Three Stuarts and a Sherman with Lee-Grant
behind, 4th Inf Div Museum.,
US Two M-7 and M7B4 Priests, and Achilles,
4th Inf Div Museum.
US Line of Stuart tanks M-3, M3A1, M5A1, and
M-7 Priest, 4th Inf Div Museum.
Captured armor and other vehicles in
Captured armor in maintenance.
Group of captured vehicles in maintenance for
US M-84 Modern command vehicles, Ft Hood
motor pool.
M3A1 Stuart Lt tank, 1st Cav Div Museum.
US Lt Tank, M-3 Stuart - 4th ID Division
US Lt Tank, M-3 Stuart - 4th ID Division
US Lt Tank, M-3 Stuart - 4th ID Division
US Lt Tank, M-3 Stuart - 4th ID Division
Plaque 4th ID Museum - M3A1 Light Tank -
US Lt Tank, M-3A1 Stuart - 4th ID Division
US Lt Tank, M-3A1 Stuart - 4th ID Division
US Lt Tank, M-3A1 Stuart - 4th ID Division
US Lt Tank, M-3A1 Stuart - 4th ID Division
US Lt Tank, M-3A1 Stuart - 4th ID Division
Plaque - US Lt Tank, M-5A1 Stuart - 4th ID
Division Museum
US Lt Tank, M-5A1 Stuart - 4th ID Division
US Lt Tank, M-5A1 Stuart - 4th ID Division
US Lt Tank, M-5A1 Stuart - 4th ID Division
US Lt Tank, M-5A1 Stuart - 4th ID Division
US Lt Tank, M-5A1 Stuart - 4th ID Division
Plaque - US - Armored Personnel Carrier -
Half track - M3
US - Armored Personnel Carrier - Half track -
US - Armored Personnel Carrier - Half track -
Plaque - US - Armored Personnel Carrier M75
US - Armored Personnel Carrier M75
US - Armored Personnel Carrier M75
US - Armored Personnel Carrier M75
Plaque - US - Command and Reconnaissance
Carrier - M114
US - Command and Reconnaissance Carrier -
US - Command and Reconnaissance Carrier -
US - Command and Reconnaissance Carrier -
US - Command and Reconnaissance Carrier -
Plaque - US Armored Personnel Carrier M113A1
- 4th ID Museum
US Armored Personnel Carrier M113A1 - 4th ID
US Armored Personnel Carrier M113A1 - 4th ID
US Armored Personnel Carrier M113A1 - - M42A1
Duster in background - 4th ID Museum
US Armored Personnel Carrier M113A1 - 4th ID
Plaque - US Anti-aircraft Gun system, Self
Propelled, M42A1, Duster - 4th ID Museum
US Anti-aircraft Gun system, Self Propelled,
M42A1, Duster - 4th ID Museum
US Anti-aircraft Gun system, Self Propelled,
M42A1, Duster - 4th ID Museum
US Anti-aircraft Gun system, Self Propelled,
M42A1, Duster - 4th ID Museum
US Anti-aircraft Gun system, Self Propelled,
M42A1, Duster - 4th ID Museum
US Anti-aircraft Gun system, Self Propelled,
M42A1, Duster - 4th ID Museum
US Anti-aircraft Gun system, Self Propelled,
M42A1, Duster - 4th ID Museum
US Anti-aircraft Gun system, Self Propelled,
M42A1, Duster - 4th ID Museum
Plaque, US Wrecker truck, 5 ton, M816, 4th ID
US Wrecker truck, 5 ton, M816,
4th ID Museum
US Wrecker truck, 5 ton, M816, 4th ID Museum
Plaque, US Helicopter UH-1B Iroquois, - Huey
- 4th ID Museum
US Helicopter UH-1B Iroquois, - Huey - 4th ID
Plaque, US Helicopter AH-1G, Cobra, 4th ID
US Helicopter AH-1G, Cobra, 4th ID Museum
US Helicopter AH-1G, Cobra, 4th ID Museum -
Plaque, US Helicopter, UH-1H, Iroquois, Huey,
4th ID Museum
US Helicopter, UH-1H, Iroquois, Huey, 4th ID
US Helicopter, UH-1H, Iroquois, Huey, 4th ID
Plaque, US Heavy Tank, T43 M-103, 4th ID
US Heavy Tank, T43 M-103, 4th ID Museum
US Heavy Tank, T43 M-103, 4th ID Museum
Plaque, US Armored Recovery Vehicle, M74, 4th
ID Museum
US Armored Recovery Vehicle, M74, 4th ID
US Armored Recovery Vehicle, M74, 4th ID
US Armored Recovery Vehicle, M74, 4th ID
US Armored Recovery Vehicle, M74, 4th ID
US Armored Recovery Vehicle, M74, 4th ID
US Armored Recovery Vehicle, M74, 4th ID
Plaque, US Armored Personnel Carrier, Half
Track, M2A1, 4th ID Museum
US Armored Personnel Carrier, Half Track,
M2A1, 4th ID Museum
US Armored Personnel Carrier, Half Track,
M2A1, 4th ID Museum
US Armored Personnel Carrier, Half Track,
M2A1, 4th ID Museum
US Armored Personnel Carrier, Half Track,
M16, 4th ID Museum
US Armored Personnel Carrier, Half Track,
M2A1, - Tank Revovery Vehicle in background, 4th ID Museum
Plaque, Belgium, Gun, Anti-tank, SA-FRC,
47mm, 4th ID Museum
Belgium, Gun, Anti-tank, SA-FRC, 47mm, 4th ID
Belgium, Gun, Anti-tank, SA-FRC, 47mm, 4th ID
Plaque, US, Gun, Anti-tank, T3, 76 mm, 4th ID
US, Gun, Anti-tank, T3, 76 mm, 4th ID Museum
US, Gun, Anti-tank, T3, 76 mm, 4th ID Museum
Anti-tank gun, 4th ID Museum
Anti-tank gun, 4th ID Museum
Anti-tank gun, 4th ID Museum
Plaque, USSR, Gun, Antitank - M1947, 45mm,
4th ID Museum
USSR, Gun, Antitank - M1947, 45mm, 4th ID
USSR, Gun, Antitank - M1947, 45mm, 4th ID
Plaque, US, Tank Destroyer, M18, Hellcat, 4th
ID Museum
US, Tank Destroyer, M18, Hellcat, 4th ID
US, Tank Destroyer, M18, Hellcat, 4th ID
US, Tank Destroyer, M18, Hellcat, 4th ID
US, Tank Destroyer, M18, Hellcat, 4th ID
Plaque, USSR - Germany - Antki-tank PAK 36,
76.2mm (originally Soviet 7.762cm field gun) - 4th ID Museum
USSR - Germany - Antki-tank PAK
36, 76.2mm (originally Soviet 7.762cm field gun) - 4th ID Museum
Plaque, US Tank Destroyer M10, 4th ID Museum
US Tank Destroyer M10, 4th ID Museum
US Tank Destroyer M10, 4th ID Museum
US Tank Destroyer M10, 4th ID Museum
US Tank Destroyer M10, 4th ID
US Tank Destroyer M10, 4th ID Museum
Plaque - US Tank Destroyer, M10A1 designated
Achilles by British
US Tank Destroyer, M10A1 designated Achilles
by British
US Tank Destroyer, M10A1 designated Achilles
by British
US Tank Destroyer, M10A1 designated Achilles
by British
US Tank Destroyer, M10A1 designated Achilles
by British
Plaque - Germany, Panzer Abwehrkanone, PAK
35/36, L/4537mm, 4th ID Museum
Germany, Panzer Abwehrkanone, PAK 35/36,
L/4537mm, 4th ID Museum
Germany, Panzer Abwehrkanone, PAK 35/36,
L/4537mm, 4th ID Museum
Plaque - US Motor Carriage M7, Priest, SP 105
mm howitzer, 4th ID Museum
US Motor Carriage M7, Priest, SP 105 mm
howitzer, 4th ID Museum
US Motor Carriage M7, Priest, SP 105 mm
howitzer, 4th ID Museum
US, Motor Carriage M7, Priest, SP 105 mm
howitzer, 4th ID Museum
US, Motor Carriage M7, Priest, SP 105 mm
howitzer, 4th ID Museum
Plaque, US Motor Carriage M7B2, 105 mm
howitzer, Priest, 4th ID Museum
US Motor Carriage M7B2, 105 mm howitzer,
Priest, 4th ID Museum
US Motor Carriage M7B2, 105 mm howitzer,
Priest, 4th ID Museum
US Motor Carriage M7B2, 105 mm howitzer,
Priest, 4th ID Museum
US Motor Carriage M7B2, 105 mm howitzer,
Priest, 4th ID Museum
View of Priest self propelled artillery, 4th
ID Museum
Plaque, US, Gun, Self-propelled, M40, 155 mm
Howitzer, 4th ID Museum
US, Gun, Self-propelled, M40, 155 mm
Howitzer, 4th ID Museum
US, Gun, Self-propelled, M40, 155 mm
Howitzer, 4th ID Museum
US, Gun, Self-propelled, M40, 155 mm
Howitzer, 4th ID Museum
US, M4A3, 8 inch SP Howitzer, 4th ID Museum
US, M4A3, 8 inch SP Howitzer, 4th ID Museum
US, M4A3, 8 inch SP Howitzer, 4th ID Museum
Plaque, US Medium Tank, M3, Lee, (British
Grant) 4th ID Museum
US Medium Tank, M3, Lee, (British Grant) 4th
ID Museum
US Medium Tank, M3, Lee, (British Grant) 4th
ID Museum
US Medium Tank, M3, Lee, (British Grant) 4th
ID Museum
US Medium Tank, M3, Lee, (British Grant) 4th
ID Museum
US Medium Tank, M3, Lee, (British Grant) 4th
ID Museum
Plaque, US Medium Tank, M4A1, Sherman, 4th ID
US Medium Tank, M4A1, Sherman, 4th ID Museum
US Medium Tank, M4A1, Sherman, 4th ID Museum
US Medium Tank, M4A1, Sherman, 4th ID Museum
US Medium Tank, M4A1, Sherman, 4th ID Museum
Plaque, US, Medium Tank, M4A3E8, 4th ID
US, Medium Tank, M4A3E8, 4th ID Museum
US, Medium Tank, M4A3E8, 4th ID Museum
US, Medium Tank, M4A3E8, 4th ID Museum
US, Medium Tank, M4A3E8, 4th ID Museum
US, Medium Tank, M4A3E8, 4th ID Museum
US, Medium Tank, M4A3E8, 4th ID Museum
Plaque, US Light Tank, M24, Chaffee, 4th ID
US Light Tank, M24, Chaffee, 4th ID Museum
US Light Tank, M24, Chaffee, 4th ID Museum
US Light Tank, M24, Chaffee, 4th ID Museum
US Light Tank, M24, Chaffee, 4th ID Museum
US Light Tank, M24, Chaffee, 4th ID Museum
Several of the armored vehicles in the line
at the 4th ID Museum - Sherman, Lee, SP artillery,
US, Truck, Ambulance, M725, 4th ID Museum
US, Tank, 4th ID Museum
Row of field guns and anti-tank guns, 4th ID
US, Anti-tank gun T3, 4th ID Museum
Italian, Anti-tank gun, 4th ID Museum
Italian, Anti-tank gun, 4th ID Museum
German, PAK 40, 75mm gun, 4th ID Museum
German, PAK 40, 75mm gun, 4th ID Museum
US, 3/4 ton truck, 4th ID Museum
USSR, Anti-aircraft gun, S-60, 57mm, 4th ID
USSR, Anti-aircraft gun, S-60, 57mm, 4th ID
China, Anti-aircraft gun, Type 74, 37mm, 4th
ID Museum
USSR, VAZ 469, 3/4 ton truck, 4th ID Museum
USSR, Anti-aircraft gun, ZPU-4, 45mm, 4th ID
USSR, Anti-aircraft gun, ZU-23, 23mm, 4th ID
USSR, Anti-aircraft gun, ZU-23, 23mm, 4th ID
Plaque, Bulgaria, Multi-purpose tracked
vehicle, MT-LB, 4th ID Museum
Bulgaria, Multi-purpose tracked vehicle,
MT-LB, 4th ID Museum
Plaque, Czech, Armored Personnel Carrier,
BMP-1, 4th ID Museum
Czech, Armored Personnel Carrier, BMP, 4th ID
Plaque, USSR, Main Battle Tank, T54/55, 4th
ID Museum
USSR, Main Battle Tank, T54/55, 4th ID Museum
Plaque, People's Republic China, Main Battle
Tank, Type 69-II, 4th ID Museum
People's Republic China, Main Battle Tank,
Type 69-II, 4th ID Museum
People's Republic China, Main Battle Tank,
Type 69-II, 4th ID Museum
Plaque, USSR, Main Battle Tank, T-62, 4th ID
USSR, Main Battle Tank, T-62, 4th ID Museum
Plaque, Poland, Main Battle Tank, T-72M1, 4th
ID Museum
Poland, Main Battle Tank, T-72M1, 4th ID
Poland, Main Battle Tank, T-72M1, 4th ID
Plaque, USSR, Self-propelled howitzer, 2S1,
122 gun, 4th ID Museum
USSR, Self-propelled howitzer, 2S1, 122 gun,
4th ID Museum
USSR, Self-propelled howitzer, 2S1, 122 gun,
4th ID Museum
USSR, Self-propelled howitzer, 2S1, 122 gun,
4th ID Museum
Plaque, USSR, Reconnaissance Vehicle,
Radiological/chemical, BRDM-2 RKH, 4th ID Museum
USSR, Reconnaissance Vehicle,
Radiological/chemical, BRDM-2 RKH, 4th ID Museum
Anti-tank gun, field gun and 1/4 trucks, 4th
ID Museum
View of line of foreign tanks at 4th ID
Interior of 4th ID Museum - two young
'soldiers' in front of a museum diorama
Interior of 4th ID Museum - two young
'soldiers' in front of a museum diorama
Interior of 4th ID Museum - another young
'soldier' in front of a museum diorama
Interior of 4th ID Museum - two young
'soldiers' trying on Army uniforms
Interior of 4th ID Museum - two young
'soldiers' trying on Army uniforms
Interior of 4th ID Museum - manikin in
"pinks and greens' US Army uniform
Interior of 4th ID Museum - the museum has
sets of Army uniforms for children to try on - here is one attempt
Interior of 4th ID Museum - diorama depicting
the division action in VietNam
Interior of 4th ID Museum - display of small
arms used in VietNam
Interior of 4th ID Museum - display of North
VietNamese soldier
Interior of 4th ID Museum - display of photos
of operation Dragon Mountain in VietNam
Interior of 4th ID Museum - display manikin
of Sadaam Husein as he was captured by 4th ID soldiers.
Interior of 4th ID Museum - display the
uniform worn by General Odenario, who was the CG of 4th ID in Iraq.
Interior of 4th ID Museum - display of
typical uniforms and items of equipment of division soldiers in VietNam
Interior of 4th ID Museum - display of photos
and artifacts from Operation Iraqi Freedom - 4th ID in Iraq
Interior of 4th ID Museum - display of photos
about the 4th ID operations in Bosnia
Interior of 4th ID Museum - display of
uniforms worn by 4th ID in Iraq 2005-07
Interior of 4th ID Museum - display - map
showing 4th ID unit locations during duty in Germany
Interior 4th ID Museum - display
commemorating that Ft Hood was opened initially during WWII as the home for
Tank Destroyer training and unit organization
Interior 4th ID Museum - display - map and
photos of 4th ID campaign in VietNam
4th ID Museum - outdoor display - map and
photos of 4th ID campaign in Iraq - part of a large memorial complex
4th ID Museum - outdoor display -one of
several plaques with names of division members killed in campaign in Iraq -
part of a large memorial complex
4th ID Museum - outdoor display -map of
division operations in Iraq - part of a large memorial complex
4th ID Museum - outdoor display -one of
several plaques with names of division members killed in campaign in Iraq -
part of a large memorial complex
4th ID Museum - outdoor display - statue of
soldier and young girl before the boots and rifle of a comrad.
4th ID Museum - outdoor display - overall
view of much of the memorial including the statue of soldier and young girl
before the boots and rifle of a comrade.
4th ID Museum - outdoor display - Plaque
honoring division members killed in an aviation accident.
4th ID Museum - indoor display -weapons and
artifacts from World War One
4th ID Museum - indoor display -weapons and
artifacts from World War Two - Normandy beach
4th ID Museum - indoor display -weapons and
artifacts from World War Two - Battle of Bulge
4th ID Museum - indoor display -weapons and
artifacts from World War Two - captured German items
Ft Hood, Texas, armor vehicle on street
Ft Hood, Texas, armor engineer vehicle on
street corner.
First Cavalry Division Museum - Soviet 2S-1
Self propelled 122 howitzer.
First Cavalry Division Museum - Soviet D-20
Self Propelled 155 gun- howitzer.
First Cavalry Division Museum - Soviet, D-60
152mm howitzer .
First Cavalry Division Museum - Chinese, S-60
57mm Anti-aircraft gun .
First Cavalry Division Museum - Plaque -
Soviet, Armor recovery vehicle on a T54-55 tank chassis.
First Cavalry Division Museum - Soviet, Armor
recovery vehicle on a T54-55 tank chassis.
First Cavalry Division Museum - Soviet, Armor
recovery vehicle on a T54-55 tank chassis.
Plaque - First Cavalry Division Museum - US.
M3A1 Personnel Carrier, Half-tracked.
First Cavalry Division Museum - US. M3A1
Personnel Carrier, Half-tracked.
Plaque - First Cavalry Division Museum -
US.M74 Armored Recovery Vehicle
First Cavalry Division Museum - US.M74
Armored Recovery Vehicle
First Cavalry Division Museum - US.M74
Armored Recovery Vehicle
Plaque - First Cavalry Division Museum -
US.M79 Armored Personnel Carrier
First Cavalry Division Museum - US.M79
Armored Personnel Carrier
Plaque - First Cavalry Division Museum -
MGR-1B - Honest John Rocket
First Cavalry Division Museum - MGR-1B -
Honest John Rocket
First Cavalry Division Museum - MGR-1B -
Honest John Rocket
Plaque - First Cavalry Division Museum - US -
M-44, Self-propelled, 155mm Howitzer
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - M-44,
Self-propelled, 155mm Howitzer
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - M-44,
Self-propelled, 155mm Howitzer
Plaque - First Cavalry Division Museum - US -
M-41, Light Tank, Walker Bulldog
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - M-41,
Light Tank, Walker Bulldog
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - M-41,
Light Tank, Walker Bulldog
Plaque - First Cavalry Division Museum - US -
M-7, Gun, Motor Carriage, Priest
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - M-7,
Gun, Motor Carriage, Priest
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - M-7,
Gun, Motor Carriage, Priest
Plaque - First Cavalry Division Museum - US -
M-37, Cargo Truck . 3/4 ton
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - M-37,
Cargo Truck . 3/4 ton
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - M-37,
Cargo Truck . 3/4 ton
Plaque - First Cavalry Division Museum - US -
M-37, Cargo Truck . 3/4 ton - fitted as a wrecker truck
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - M-37,
Cargo Truck . 3/4 ton - fitted as a wrecker truck
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - M-37,
Cargo Truck . 3/4 ton - fitted as a wrecker truck
Plaque - First Cavalry Division Museum - US -
M-37, Dump Truck . 3/4 ton - 4x4
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - M-37,
Dump Truck . 3/4 ton - 4x4
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - M-37,
Dump Truck . 3/4 ton - 4x4
Plaque - First Cavalry Division Museum - US
- 47mm Anti-Tank Artillery gun, MI 1941
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - 47mm
Anti-Tank Artillery gun, MI 1941
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - 47mm
Anti-Tank Artillery gun, MI 1941
Plaque - First Cavalry Division Museum - US
- 75mm, Mountain gun, Model 41
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - 75mm,
Mountain gun, Model 41
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - 75mm,
Mountain gun, Model 41
Plaque - First Cavalry Division Museum - US
- M-3,. Light Tank, Stuart, - this one captured by Japanese
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - M-3,.
Light Tank, Stuart - captured by Japanese
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - M-3,.
Light Tank, Stuart - captured by Japanese
Plaque - First Cavalry Division Museum - US
- M-114, Command and Reconnaissance Carrier
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - M-114,
Command and Reconnaissance Carrier
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - M-114,
Command and Reconnaissance Carrier
First Cavalry Division Museum - US -
Heliocopter, Sikorski S-64, CH-54 Skycrane
First Cavalry Division Museum - US -
Heliocopter, Sikorski S-64, CH-54 Skycrane
First Cavalry Division Museum - US -
Heliocopter, Sikorski S-64, CH-54 Skycrane
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - OV-1
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - OV-1
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - Medium
Tank M60 - Patton
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - Medium
Tank M60A1 - Patton
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - Medium
Tank M60A3 - Patton
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - Medium
Tank M60A3 - Patton
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - Medium
Tank M60A3 - Patton
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - Medium
Tank M60A3 - Patton
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - Medium
Tank M48, 90mm- Patton
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - Medium
Tank M48, 90mm- Patton
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - Medium
Tank M47 - Patton
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - Heavy
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - Armored
personnel carrier, tracked
First Cavalry Division Museum - US -
Engineer vehicle M728
First Cavalry Division Museum - US -
Engineer vehicle M728
First Cavalry Division Museum - US -
Self-propelled gun-howitzer, M10A2, 1963
First Cavalry Division Museum - US -
Self-propelled gun-howitzer, M10A2, 1963
First Cavalry Division Museum - US -
Self-propelled howitzer, M109A2, 155 mm, 1962
First Cavalry Division Museum - US -
Self-propelled howitzer, M109A2, 155 mm, 1962
First Cavalry Division Museum - US -
Self-propelled howitzer, M109A2, 155 mm, 1962
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - FIST
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - FIST
First Cavalry Division Museum - US - Purple
Heart memorial
First Cavalry Division Museum - Soviet tank
First Cavalry Division Museum - Soviet tank
First Cavalry Division Museum - US -
Self-propelled howitzer on street corner.
First Cavalry Division Museum - US -
Self-propelled howitzer on street corner.
First Cavalry Division Museum - Chinese Main
Battle Tank, Type 60 - copy of Soviet T55.
First Cavalry Division Museum - Chinese Main
Battle Tank, Type 60 - copy of Soviet T55.