In this section we have photos taken in the
Hermitage museum in St. Petersburg during our visit to Russia in July 2005. For
text and photos taken during visits in 2003, 1998 and before please see the
section in the Russia cities directory
Ornate ceiling in first floor room by
entrance to Hermitage
Sarcaphagus in the Egyptian room on ground
floor of Hermitage.
The Kolyvan Vase - 5 by 3 meters - It is made
from Altai jasper in Siberia and brought to St. Petersburg by sled. It is in
room of Greek and Roman antiquities.
The immense Kolyvan Vase from Siberia in the
ancient art section of the Hermitage.
Part of the huge collection of Attic vases in
the Hermitage
Very large Ancient Greek Attic vase - black
and red - in the Hermitage
Ceiling in a first floor hall of antiquities
in the Hermitage.
The state stairway from the ground floor
galleries of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome to the second floor.
Bust of Greek statue in Hermitage collection
- first floor
Ceiling in the Hall of Twenty Columns - room
130 - Greek and Egyptian designs.
Design on wall in Hermitage room of ancient
Greek art.
Wall in Hermitage room of ancieent Greek art
Large statue of Augustus Caesar in the
Hermitage collection of ancient Roman art - room 107
Statue of Venus disrobing in the Hermitage
collection of ancient Roman statues.
Statue of Minerva in the Hermitage collection
of ancient Roman art
Vaulted ceiling in Hermitage hall of Roman
Painting of Christ being taken down from
Leonardo da Vinci - "Benois
Madonna". in Hermitage museum
Painting of young man
Rembrant painting - "The Return of the
Prodigal Son" in the Hermitage collection
Painting of cherubs
Suits of full tournament armor including one
for young boy. - western Europe - Renaissance
Painting of mother and child with angels
Jean-Baptistge Greuze "Spoilt
Child" 1765, in the Hermitage collection
Painting of country house and stream
Painting of bathing beach scene.
Auguste Renoir "Child with a whip"
1885 - in the Hermitage collection
Vincent van Gogh "Bushes" in the
Hermitage collection
The blue and white Alexander hall viewed from
upper floor.
One of the huge malachite vases in room of
Italian paintings.
The extraordinary ceiling in a skylit room of
Spanish art.
Murillo's "Assumption of the
Madonna" in a room full of Spanish art
Crucifixion in room of Spanish art
Crucifixion and Madonna in room of Spanish
art at Hermitage
Ribera's "St Jerome listening to the
Sound of a Trumpet" in the Hermitage collection of Spanish art
Murillo's "Adoration of Christ" in
the Hermitage's Spanish art collection
El Greco's "The Apostles Peter and St.
Paul" in the Hermitage collection of Spanish art.
Medieval king and archer in Hermitage
"Entombment of Christ" by unknown
15th century Spanish master in the Hermitage collection
Canaletto painting of "The Arrival of
the French Ambassador to Venice" in the Hermitage collection of Italian
Elizabeth and Amanda in the Hermitage room of
Spanish art
Elizabeth and Amanda in the Hermitage room of
Spanish art
Full suit of decorated parade armor in the
Knights Hall - room 243 - part of the Hermitage collection of western armor
Imperial double eagle and other elaborate
ceiling decorations as part of the Raphael Loggia in the Hermitage. It was
designed as a copy of the Vatican loggia but I don't think this double eagle is
in the Vatican.
Another section of elaborate ceiling of
Raphael Loggia in Hermitage
Full view of Raphael Loggia in Hermitage
commissioned by Catherine II by Quarenghi - 1783-1792 as copy of Vatican. The
copies are on canvas.
Section of ceiling in the Raphael Loggia hall
of the Winter Palace.
Section of the Raphael Loggia hall of the
Winter Palace.
Another elaborately decorated ceiling in the
Close-up of ceiling and upper wall in
Hermitage room
Ceiling in Hermitage - designs and painting.
Detail of painting on ceiling in Hermitage
Another elaborately decorated ceiling in the
Tapestry in Hermitage collection
Titian's "Danae" in the Hermitage
collection of Italian art.
Titian's "Portrait of young woman"
in the Hermitage's Italian art collection
Painting of St George slaying a dragon in
Hermitage Italian art collection
Early Italian painting in Hermitage
Simone Martini "Madonna" in the
Hermitage collection of early Italian art
Paintings of two saints in Hermitage
Veronese "Self Portrait" in the
Hermitage collection
In the Hermitage Pavilion Hall - this is a
fountain similar to the 'Fountain of tears" in the Khan's palace at
Part of the ceiling in the Pavilion Hall in
the Hermitage designed by Stakenschneider in 1856.
View of the balcony and elaborate columns in
the Pavilion Hall of the Hermitage
Mike, Amanda and Elizabeth standing by a
large vase in the Pavilion Hall of thee Hermitage.
Decorations over doorway to the Pavilion Hall
of the Hermitage
Painting of two gentlemen in the Hermitage
Sofa and other furniture in Hermitage
Two malichite columns in Hermitage - Winter
View in a mirror in the Hermitage of the
malichite room
A decorated door in the Hermitage
View in a mirror in the Hermitage
Tapestry on wall of Hermitage
Mike, Amanda and Elizabeth in the Hermitage
The Armorial Hall in the Winter Palace
designed by Stasov in Neoclassical style.
The Armorial Hall in the Winter Palace
designed by Stasov in Neoclassical style.
Stucco warriors and battle standards near the
doors in the Armorial Hall in the Winter Palace
The ceiling and upper section of the walls of
the Armorial Hall in the Winter Palace.
Grand Prince, General Constantine Pavlovich,
commander of Russian Imperial Guard division at Austerlitz and Borodino. -
painting on the 1812 Hall of the Winter Palace.
Emperor of Austria Franz Ferdinand, portrait
in the 1812 hall of the Winter Palace.
Prussian King Frederick William, portrait in
the 1812 Hall of the Winter Palace.
A part of one wall of the 1812 Hall showing
portraits of Russian general officers who fought at Borodino. - in the Winter
Field Marshal, Prince, Kutuzov, commander of
Russian combined armies at Borodino, portrait in the 1812 Hall of the Winter
Mike, Elizabeth and Amanda standing by a huge
vase in the Hermitage Museum
Example of beautiful floor made from many
pieces of different types of wood - in Hermitage.
Elizabeth and Amanda standing by a huge blue
vase in the Hermitage
Chandelier in the Hermitage
General Barclay de Tolly, commander of
Russian First West Army at Borodino - portrait in the 1812 Hall of the
The Duke of Wellington, commander of British
forces at Waterloo, portrait in the 1812 Hall of the Hermitage.
Some of the suits of western parade armor
mounted on stuffed horses in the Knights' Hall of theee Hermitage.
Some of the suits of western parade armor
mounted on stuffed horses in the Knights' Hall of theee Hermitage.
Full suites of plate armor for tournaments -
in the Hermitage
Close-up detail of suite of plate armor for
tournaments - in Hermitage Knights' Hall.
A beautiful example of the gunsmith's art -
pistol with ivory instead of wood. in Hermitage.
Ceiling decoration in a room of the Hermitage
A elaborately decorated ceiling in the
Painting of woman and two children in
Another painted scene on ceiling in Hermitage
The "Litta Madonna" - one of two
paintings of Madonna by Leonardo da Vinci in the Hermitage.
Titian's painting "Danae" in the
Portrait of Madonna and baby and man in
Painting of St. George slaying a dragon in th
Hermitage collection
Inlay designs on doors flanked by early
Italian paintings in Hermitage
Chandelier and decorated ceiling in Hermitage
Renaissance Italian Madonna with child and
St. Joseph - in Hermitage
Italian Renaissance painting of Madonna and
child with saints.
Italian high relief portrail of Nativity
scene in Hermitage
Italian high relief Madonna and child in
Italian Renaissance painting of an archbishop
viewing the young Christ.
Another elaborate ceiling in the Hermitage.
Wall in Hermitage with early Renaissance
Ceiling and balcony with chandeliers in the
Pavilion Hall of the Hermitage.
Ceiling and balcony with chandeliers in the
Pavilion Hall of the Hermitage.
Part of copy of Roman mosaic floor in the
Pavilion Hall of the Hermitage
Stairs and balcony in the Pavilion Hall of
the Hermitage
The balcony and upper walls of the Pavilion
Hall of the Hermitage
Large blue and gold vase in Hermitage
Chandelier in Hermitage
View looking from the second floor down on
the Jordan Staircase in the Winter Palace.
Decorations on walls of the Hermitage
Carriage for a child in Hermitage
The sarcophagus of Alexander Nevski in the
A sarcophagus in the Hermitage
Ceiling in the Malachite room in the Winter
Palace designed in 1837 for Alexandra Fyodorovna.
Malachite vase and golden doors in the
Malachite Room of the Winter Palace.
Furniture and wall decorations in the
Malachite room of the Winter Palace.
Vase and decorative art items in the
Malachite room of the Winter Palace.
Columns and furniture in the Malachite room
of the Winter Palace
Golden door and malachite columns in the
Malachite room of the Winter Palace.
Tapestries on wall of the White Dining roomin
Winter Palace - where the Provisional government was meeting when the
Bolsheviks broke in and arrested them
Tapestry on wall in the White Dining room
-alegories of Africa, Asia and American. The Provisional Government was meeting
in this room when the Bolsheviks stormed the Winter Palace and forced them to
surrender. The clock is set for that time. - 2 AM.
Tapestry on wall in the White Dining room
-alegories of Africa, Asia and American. The Provisional Government was meeting
in this room when the Bolsheviks stormed the Winter Palace and forced them to
surrender. The clock is set for that time. - 2 AM.
Portrait of a Russian Empress in the Winter
Peter the Great's throne - but of course he
never actually was here as the building was not built prior to his death. The
room was designed by Monteferrand, the same architect who built St. Isaac's
Cathedral. The throne, however, was Peter's.
Inner courtyard of the Winter Palace seen
through window on second floor.
Wall in the Armorial Hall of the Hermitage -
Winter Palace
The actual throne room - Hall of St. George -
built by Quarenghi and opened on St. George's day in 1795
Decorated wall and chairs in the Raspberry
Boudoir - the private room of Maria Alexandrovna, wife of Alexander II.
A model sleigh with cossack driver.
The Alexander Hall seen from the balcony on
the 3rd floor. It was designed by Alexander Bryullov in 1837 to commemorate the
Victory over Napoleon.
The Alexander Hall seen from the balcony on
the 3rd floor. It was designed by Alexander Bryullov in 1837 to commemorate the
Victory over Napoleon.
Detail portrait of one of the hussar generals
on wall in 1812 room of Hermitage.
Large painting on the Hermitage Hall of 1812
depicting moment at Borodino battle when General Prince Bragration was mortally
Ceiling in cupola of the Cathedral - the
private imperial chapel in the Hermitage. It was designed by Rastrelli in
baroque style.
A section of stained glass - this is one
sample of a special exhibition mounted inside the imperial cathedral room of
the Hermitage.
One corner of the skylight room in thee
Hermitage contaning Spanish school paintings.
Madonna, child and cherub in Hermitage
collection of Spanish art
Portrait of young man in Hermitage collection
Portrait of a saint in Hermitage collection.
Several of the full suits of western
tournament or parade armor mounted on stuffed horses in the knights' hall of
the Hermitage.
Several of the full suits of western
tournament or parade armor mounted on stuffed horses in the knights' hall of
the Hermitage.
"St Sebastian" by Titian in the
Hermitage collection
Raphael's 'Pope Leo X" in the Hermitage
Madonna and child and group in Hermitage
Paolo Veronese's "Pieta" (betwen
1576-1582) in Hermitage collection
"Madonna and child with St Elizabeth and
John the Baptist" in Hermitage collection
Young woman with dog in Hermitage museum
Madonna and child with saints in Hermitage
Madonna and child with bishop and couple in
Hermitage collection
Rembrant von Rin "Return of Prodigal
Son" in the Hermitage collection
Rembrant's "Abraham sacrificing
Isaac" in thee Hermitage museum
Rembrant Moor In Hermitage museum
Rembrant "Self-Portrait" in
Hermitage museum
Rembrant's "Portrait of an old man"
in Hermitagecollection
Madonna and child with cherubs in Hermitage
Rembrant "Master and apprentice" in
Hermitage collection
Portrait of Generalissimus Prince Alexander
Suvorov in the Hermitage museum
Highly decorated and panelled door in
Portrait of Emperor Nicholas II in the
Portrait of Tsar Alexander III in Hermitage
hall of emperors and tsars.
Portrait of Emperor on horseback - in
Portrait of Empress Catherine II - in
Hermitage hall of emperors.
Portrait of Empress Catherine I - in
Hermitage collection
Portrait of Emperor Peter III - in Hermitage
hall of emperors.
Portrait of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna - in
Hermitage hall of emperors.
Portrait of Regent Sophia Aleksevena - half
sister of Peter I - in Hermitage hall of emperors
Portrait of Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich - in
Hermitage hall of emperors.
Portrait of Emperor Peter I - in Hermitage
hall of emperors.
Portrait of Emperor - in Hermitage hall of
Portrait of Empress Catherine I in Hermitage
emperor's hall
Portrait of Tsar Feyodor Alekseyevich - in
Hermitage hall of emperors
Portrait of Peter's first wife, Evodoxia
Loputkina - in Hermitage hall of emperors.
Portrait of Tsar Alexsei Mikhilovich - in
Hermitage emperor's hall.
Unidentified - in Hermitage museum
Madonna and child and St. Joseph - in
Hermitage collection
Dutch school painting - in Hermitage
Portrait of a man - Hermitage collection
unknown - Hermitage museum
Portrait of empress in Hermitage hall of
Military designs in stucco in the Alexander
Hall of the Winter Palace
Ceiling and chandeliers in the Alexander Hall
of the Winter Palace.
Ceiling and chandeliers in the Alexander Hall
of the Winter Palace.
Large painting depicting Alexander the Great
receiving the wives and daughters of Darius after battle of Issus - in
Hermitage collection.
Houdon's statue of Voltaire - in Hermitage
Fragonard - " " in Hermitage
Unidentified - in Hermitage collection
Large vase in Hermitage museum
Ceiling in the White Hall of Winter Palace -
designed by Alexander Bryullov
Another large vase in Winter Palace.
Ornate rolltop desk in Winter Palace - in
White Hall
Ceiling in the White Hall of Winter Palace.
Vase in the Gold Drawing room of Winter
Amanda and Elizabeth join the throng in the
Raspberry Boudoir - the private room of Maria Alexandrovna, wife of Alexander
II. - Winter Palace
Walls of the Raspberry Room of the Winter
Detail of inlaid wood floor in the Rotunda of
the Winter Palace.