


Fort McHenry in Baltimore Maryland became famous during the British bombardment during the War of 1812. Francis Scott Key witnessed the bombardment from on board a British ship and described his thoughts in a poem that, when set to music, bacame the U. S. National Anthem. The park containing the fort is administered now by the U. S. National Park Service. The photographs here were made during a special event, one of many the park hosts. This was on July 14, 2012 "Rally Round the Flag -Civil War Tattoo Ceremony".
The ceremony was in honor of the 150th anniversary of the American Civil, during which the fort served as a training ground for Union troops and also a detention camp for southerners. There were two fine musical groups performing, the Wildcat Band, a Civil War Union band; and the Fort McHenry Guard Fifes and Drums. The Guard wore Union Civil War uniforms, although it also can depict War of 1812 uniforms when appropriate. It also doubled as the artillery unit for firing the retreat gun during the final ceremony.
The fort is owned and administered by the National Park Service, however for convenience we place it in the directory with Army forts.


The ceremony also honored Mr. James Lighthizer, President of the Civil War Preservation Trust, who acted as Honorary Colonel to review the troops and perform the 'trooping of the line' as well as discharge the cannon during retreat.

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View of the fort from near the entrance near sunset.

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The giant (30 by 42 foot) American flag that flies over Ft McHenry most of the time, but in inclement weather and all night a smaller flag flys

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Statue of Lt Colonel Armistead, commander of the fort during the British bombardment

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Rear view of the statue of Lt Colonel Armistead

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Re-enactor's tents in front of the fortress wall

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An artillery line in a line in front of the fort with Baltimore harbor behind.

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The entrance of the fort between two bastions, with some Civil War re-enactors resting.

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More re-enactors outside the fort, next to one bastion

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More re-enactors outside the fort, next to one bastion

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Civil War artillery piece in fortification outside the main fort

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Office and barracks building (plus powdermagazine) insice the fort with audience listening to band.

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Another barracks with audience listening to band concert

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The Wildcat Band in concert of Civil War music inside the fort.

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The interior of the fort with the huge flag and an audience listening to the Civil War music - the barn shaped building is a power magazine.

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View from the fortress wall over a gun emplacement and Baltimore harbor.

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View from the fortress wall over a gun emplacement and Baltimore harbor.

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Another artillery emplacement with Civil War era cannon on rotating bases.

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Another artillery emplacement with Civil War era cannon on rotating bases.

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View from on top a bastion wall of the entrance area between two bastions with family observing.

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View of fortress entrance area from on top one bastion - toward the other bastion and with part of covering redan on right.

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View from on top bastion wall of the fortress entrance and adjacent bastion, with covering redan in front.

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View of fortress interior with buildings and entrance gateway from on top one bastion.

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View of fortress gateway and bastion beyond

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View from fortress curtain wall with side of bastion on left and artillery emplacement outside the wall.

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View from fortress curtain wall with side of bastion on left and artillery emplacement outside the wall.

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View of fortress interior with Civil War re-enactorsmarching around the path with the Ft McHenry guard fifes and drums leading

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The Fifes and Drums of the Ft McHenry Guard

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Interior of the fort with audience watching Ft McHenry Guard Fifes and Drums

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The Ft McHenry Guard Fifes and Drums on parade - note the War of 1812 uninforms

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The Civil War re-enactors form for review

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View of Baltimore harbor fron the fort wall - note the 'roll on- roll off' ships

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The Ft McHenry Guard performing

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The two bands face each other

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The Civil War re-enactors at ease during musical performances

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Enjoying the music - interior of the fort with audience and re-enactors

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Another view of the Ft McHenry Fife and drum corps

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The family joins the appreciative audience for the ceremonies.

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The Wildcat Band enjoying the performance of the Ft McHenry Guard musicians

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The honored official, Mr. James Lighthizer, on the reviewing stand with the Park Service director - more part rangers and the announcer on the balcony

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Close-up photo of the Ft McHenry Guard

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Re-enactors again watching the concert

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A stash of various types of cannon

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Close-up of the Ft McHenry Guard

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Memorial sign to Lt Colonel George Armistead inside the his quarters and office building

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Memorial sign to Lt Colonel George Armistead inside the his quarters and office building

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Illustration of the fort inside the post office building - The moat and bridges are now gone but outer works with artillery are now there instead.

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Interesting display of cut out figures depicting the various uniforms worn during the War of 1812 - display in the post office building

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Diagram on wall in office depicting the layout of the fort - Vauban style bastioned trace with 5 bastions aligned for mutual cross fire. It does not show outerworks.

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The Civil War re-enactors doing manual of arms and inspection in ranks.

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The Civil War re-enactors doing manual of arms and inspection in ranks.

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A diagram of the layout of the fort dated 1819. Shows in addition to the main trace the outer work for artillery on the point which still exists. And the redan covering the gate is shown here.

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The Civil War re-enactors demonstrating a rifle salute but without discharging the weapons.

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The Wildcat Band strikes up another number

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The Civil War re-enactors present arms and dip the regimental flag during the rendition of the "Star Spangled Banner"

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Inside the powder magazine - with replicas of powder barrels

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The back side of the quarters and office buildings in the fort -backed up against the parapet of one curtain wall.

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A display depicting an incident in which a British shell scored a direct hit on one artillery position with the results described.

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View from one bastion toward another and one of the outer works underground supply - time is near sun set with light according.

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View near dusk from one bastion toward another

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Display on wall in one underground casement

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Inside one underground casement

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An air vent in a casement in the curtain wall.

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Another view of a bombproof casement in a curtain wall.

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Another view of a bombproof casement in a curtain wall.

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An educational display describing the function of the bomb proofs under the curtain walls.

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Entrance into a bomb proof from the gateway into the fort.

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The "fieldmarshal' beside one of the larger Civil War era cannon and shells.

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An artillery battery emplaced in position outside the fortress walls

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An artillery battery emplaced in position outside the fortress walls

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The "fieldmarshal" about to explore an underground between the fortress walls and the outer artillery emplacements

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The "fieldmarshal" about to explore an underground between the fortress walls and the outer artillery emplacements

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Entrance to one of the underground areas

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Exploring further into an underground area

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Underground storage area

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More underground storage

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Entrance to underground areas

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View of the covered way between the bastion wall and the outer works.

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The band, re-enactors and audience filing out of the fort for the retreat ceremony

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The Fort McHenry Guard Fife and Drums doubling as artillery crew preparing to fire the retreat gun.

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The Ft McHenry Guard pulling the cannon back out of battery in order to load it

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The Wildcat Band playing retreat

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The Ftr McHenry Guard standing by as Mr Lighthizer is instructed on how to fire the piece.

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Standing by as the piece is fired.

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There it goes - we have ignition

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Success - the retreat gun has sounded

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And the re-enactors are at present arms as the bugle sounds taps and the large flag is replaced by the small nighttime flag.


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