
Below are essays and articles about Russian
history; reports and photos from many tours in Russia; Part one of the Xenophon index contains all the other
subjects including Ukraine, Greek, Roman, American, and European history and
book reviews. The index is neer ending, since I have boxes of more material to
add plus there is always new material being published.
King of Poland -1461-1506 - He tried to assist the Livonians against Muscovy -
Encycloedia Britannica entry
Andronikov Monastery in Moscow, text and
photos from our visits.
Armorymuseum in the
Moscow Kremlin, text and photos from our visits
Museum of Artillery, Engineers and Signal troops- St. Petersburg - text and
many photos of exhibits from our visit in 2005. plus more photos from 4
previous visits
Artillery photos
Azov CampaignsAn order of
battle listing the polki and their commanders for Peter I two campaigns
to capture Azov.
NavyReview by John Sloan of Edward Philip's book on the Founding of the
Russian Navy by Peter I.
Tush Summary of Colonel Tush's article in which he demostrated that
building of naval vessels on the Don and Volga predated Peter I.
Borodino Battle - photos from our
visits to the battlefield and chronology of entire campaign of 1812 compiled by
John Sloan.
Bortenovo battle, (22 Dec.
1317), photos of large painting in Tver Museum.
Bukhara - photos from visit in 1964.
Catherine Palace at
Tsarskoye Selo - and new photos of our visit
in 2005
History of
the palace.
Cheboksarai city photos - its
history is in the Volga cruise directory.
N. Chernishevsky - Photos
made on board the Vantage company chartered river cruise ship on which we
cruised on the Volga to Kazan and back.
A. V. Chernov -
Vooruzhenie Sili Russkogo Gosudarstva v XV-XVII Veke (The Armed Forces of
the Russian State in the 15th - 17th Centuries), Moscow, 1954. Translation
of extracts by John Sloan
Cossacks - article from
Gorget and Sash magazine by Steven Steinmetz.
Crimea main-
and Crimea2 - listing of information on Crimea
from our visit
Crimea -encyclopedia Britannica 11th edition -by Prince
Peter Alexandrovich Kropotkin
Crimea cities - list of cities visited
Crimean war - Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th edition
- by Charles Francis Adams
Danilov Monastery in Moscow, text and
photos from our visit.
Donskoi Monastery in Moscow, text and
photos from our visit.
Estates near Moscow An excellent
guide book
Georgia Military Highway - Photos
of tour to Soviet Georgia from our visit in 1964.
Gordon -
extract from a brief biography of General Patrick Gordon
Gorodetz - photos of town on Volga
- text on city history is with Volga cruise directory from our visit.
Princes of Kyiv - This is the Wikipedia entry depected in tables showing
names, pictures and dates. See all so the charts and entries I have created for
Kyivan rulers and Kyiv and the following dynasties rulling Russia from Vladimir
and Moscow to include Nicholas II.
Great Northern War - Phillips- The
Founding of Russia's Navy - by Edward J. Phillips, Review by John Sloan
Great Northern War - Tushkin-
article in Voyenno istoricheskii Zhurnal, #8, Aug 1970. by Col Tushin
Vasilevski The
siege and capture of Vyborg in 1710 - translation of extracts by John Sloan
Hermitage museum and
Winter Palace in St. Petersburg -photos from 1990's and new photos of
made in 2005
Ivangorod fortress -
text and photos, from our visit.
Izborsk fortress - text and
photos, from our visits.
Isserson, G. "The Development of
the Theory of Soviet Operational art in the 1930's"
Izmailovo Romanov estate in Moscow, from
our visit.
Kalka River, Battle of - summary
cityMedieval Tatar capital on the middle Volga, text and photos from our
siegesiege of by Ivan IV, summary article - John Sloan.
Kievan princes - Genealogical chart
and brief biographies created by John Sloan.
Rus - this is the Wikipedia entry for the history of the Kievan era of
medieval Rus.
Kinyeshma - photos of town on
Volga with text from our visit.
Island outdoor museum - photos from our visit in 2005.
The Battle of
Kletzk against Swedish
Forces. A Journal by S. P. Neplynyev, April 19, 1706 by N. N. Ogloblin
Kolomenskoye Romanov estate in Moscow, from
our visit.
Kopor'ye fortress - text and
photos from our visit.
Kosmodemyansk - photos
of town on Volga with text from our visit.
Kostroma - photos of town on
Volga - text with Volga cruise directory, from our visit. Lecture on
Ipat'yev Monastery
Kubinka - Russian Museum of Armored
forces - photos of selected exhibits of world's armor -we had a special
entrance but were allowed in only the sheds with German and Russian items.
Kulikovo battle - Russian victory in
1380 - maps with text to be added soon.
Kutuzov - Russian field marshal -
text and illustrations about the special exhibition in the Artillery Museum in
St. Petersburg.
Lithuanian Army history by
Joseph Walukonis
Makar'yevo - photos and
text about this convent re-established on Volga, from our visit.
Mandrogi - new tourist stop on
Svir River, photos from our visit.
Moscow - history of the city, kremlin and
surrounding locations - compiled by John Sloan.
Kremlin in 2003 and in
Kremlin Armory museum -
new photos from our visit in 2005.
Moscow estates - guide to estates
near Moscow
Narva fortress now in Estonia -
text and photos from our
Naval museum in St.
Petersburg in 2005 from our visit.
Nizhni-Novgorod - history of
medieval fortress and modern industrial city with photos at
Novgorod - text and photos of the
ancient city state from our visit.
Novodevichi convent fortress - text and
photos from our visits.
Novo-Spaski Monastery in Moscow from our
Orel - First issue of a Russian
miliary history journal, no longer being published.
Pallada - Photos of our
favorite Volga River cruise
Panorama museum -
Heroic Defense of Sevastopol - text and illustrations from our visits.
Pavlovsk Palace - Paul I
Palace south of St. Petersburg. and new from
tour in 2005.
Pechora Pskovskoye -
monastery fortress - text and photos from our visits.
Periaslavl Zalesski city and
monasteries - text and photography of the medieval fortress town from our
visits. History
Peter and Paul fortress - text and photos
from our visits. And new photography from 2005.
Peterhof palace in
1990's and 2003 from our visits.
Peterhof palace in 2005 from another
Plevna battle in Russo-Turkish war -
text and maps.
- Quaint Volga river town from our visits.
Poltava battle by Peter
Englund - review by John Sloan of the excellent book.
Pskov city fortress - text and
photos from our visit.
Pyatagorsk photos with
photos of Yalta in 1964 from our special visit.
Report on tour
in 1991on visit to Moscow and other towns in December as the USSR
Report about
Kyivon visit to Kyiv, Ukraine in January 1992.
Report 1992aon
our group tour of Russia and Ukraine in 1992.
1997 on tour to Ukraine in July 1997.
Report 1998on
tour to Russia along Volga in 1998.
Report by
Jim Drummond on our tour along the Volga in 1998.
Report tour 05
- Tour in 2005 with Vantage company from Moscow to St. Petersburg via cruise
ship - the full report with photos is on line and the photos are shown at the
listing 'tour 05 below.
Romano-borisoglebsk -
photos and text about this rarely visited town on the Volga River, during our
special visit in 2003 and from shipboard during our tour in 2008 - Soviet name
was Tutayev.
Romanov dynasty
wax museum exhibition in
Simbirsk with life-like figures of the Romanov rulers plus Ivan IV, Ivan III,
and Boris Gudunov.
RostovVeliki - historical text and photos
from our visit.
Ruso-Japanese war -11th Edition of
Encyclopedia Vol. 23, pgs., 919-930
John Henry V. Crowe
Russo-Turkish war - 11th Edition of
Russian army -
Muscovite army organization
- an essay by Dr. Dianne Smith.
military museums - This link
is to a central table with links to military museums in Russia and Ukraine.
Russia - Military history manuscript
Russian cities - a lising of cities visited
fortresses - a listing of fortified cities and separate fortresses visited
army of Ivan IV. A essay
by Dr. Dianne Smith, slightly different from the above. - and its
Russian History - Sean McMeekin - Stalin's War
campaigns and battles - listing of
articles and graphics.
Russian army
main page for section on Imperial uniforms.
Russian army of
Peter I - Viskovatov Illustrations
published in the 19th century.
Russian army of
Alexander I - Viskovatov
Lithographs of the Hussar regiments of Alexander I.
Russian army of
Nicholas I - Viskovatov illustrations.
Russian army of
Nicholas II Illustrations of uniforms
from Viskovatov and from various old books.
Russian army
uniforms of 1840's.
Russian army
uniforms of 1910, has all the
illustrations of uniforms from the book by Col Shenk of 1910.
Russian Aviation museum at
Monino near Moscow -
photos from our several visits.
Central Army
Museum in Moscow - photos from our visits.
Russian cities
- list of links to each city in our files
World War II memorial museum
in Moscow - photos from our visits.
Russian Art and Architecture by
Mikhailo Jelisavcic, main page for a very extensive illustrated text.
Russian history main page with links to related topics.
Russian history Student report by John
Sloan - outline for study of Russian military history
Russian -Essay on Russian
military history by John Sloan with many links to subsequent and related files
and illustrations.
Russian -
Bibliography on
Russian military history compiled by John Sloan.
Russian - essay on
history from 1400 to 1600 by John Sloan.
Russian history - chronology - 1604 to
1689 compiled by John Sloan.
Russian history -
chronology from pre-history to 1800,
being expanded compiled by John Sloan.
Russian history - Soviet analysis of the
Russian Civil War
The official Study of the Strategic Operations of the Red Army - after action
report prepared by Bubnov, Tukhachevski and others plus report on war with
Russian lacquer boxes - Mystora
medievalarms and armor - text
and illustrations compiled by John Sloan.
Old Believer Icons - a fine collection of brass castings.
Rulers and related princes - full
genealogy compiled by John Sloan, text and illustrations, being expanded.
We are adding new tables showing the princes according to their generation from
There are at least 22 generations to be listed and we are currently working on
generation 10. Please go to this link.

wars with neighbors - graphs
of warfare by years from 1450 to 1800, being expanded back to 900AD.
Russo-Japanese Warentry from 11th
edition Encyclopedia Britannica
Russo-Turkish war entry from 11th
edition of Encyclopedia Britannica
Russo- Turkish War summary by Adolf
von Horsetzky
Samarkand- photos from our
visit in 1964
Samara - Volga town to which Stalin moved temporary government offices
during WWII - photos from our visit.
StorozhevoyeMonastery at Zvenigorod, photos from our visit.
Scythian cemetery near Alma River in Crimea - photos from our visit.
people - article from 11th
edition of Encyclopedia Britannica.
Scythian people -article
Simbirsk - text and photos from
our visit to Volga town renamed back from Ulyanov.
Skugarevski, A. P. "The Future
War, Views of a Russian General" The London Times Russian Section,
July 29, 1916 - reprinted by the Journal of the Military Service
Institute in 1916.
Smolensk - history text and
photographs of the medieval fortress city from our visits
Streltzi - article from
Gorget and Sash magazine by Richard Sanders
Sudak - medieval Genoese fortress on
site of earlier Alan - Khazar city Sugdai - Surozh - extensive text and photos
from our visit.
Suvorov Alexander- Russian field marshal - photo, several maps, short
biography with more text to be added.
Suvorov Alexander- Encyclopedia Britanica entry
Alexander Suvorov - text of his famous
booklet - Nauka Pobezhdat
- Science of Victory
Suvorov museum in St.
Petersburg - a few photos from our visit
- text and photos of the medieval town from our visits
Svechin, Aleksandr Andreyevich.
"The War Game", translated by John Johnson, from the original 1923,
which was also in Voyennaya Mysl', No 10, October 1988, pp. 54-57 as a
reprint from the same journal Voyennaya Mysl; i Revolyutsiya in 1923.
Time line - a
draft beginning of a time comparison of the Reigns of Russian and British
TM-30-430 - table of contents
for U.S. Army manual on Soviet Army in 1945, available on microfiche and now on
CDROM in PDF format.
US TM 30-30-1 Handbook on Soviet Army and
Front organizations circa 1945.
Tour 1964
- some photos made during our tour in 1964 through Russia, Georgia and
2005 - cruise on Russian rivers and lakes in 2005
Trinity St. Sergius fortress
monastery - text and photos from our visits
Tula - text and photos of this
southern frontier fortress city for defense of Moscow from Tatars, from our
Tver - medieval rival of Moscow on Volga
River northwest of Moscow - photos from visits
Uglich, text and photos of this
medieval town on the Volga, from our visit
Ukraine -
new central listing of Ukrainian cities and fortresses.
Vasil'ev, M. Osada
i vzhatie Vborg 1710- Siege and Seizure of Vyborg in 1710. - translation by
John Sloan
Vladimir - text and
photos of this fortress city founded
in 1108 - later capital of Grand Prince
River is the page listing views of towns and places along the river.
Volga river cruise is a lengthy description
of all the villages and cities along the Volga to Samara from our cruises in
1998, 2003 and 2005
Volga River views - photography of
cruises down the Volga to Saratov in 1998 and 2003, and tours by bus in 1992
Volga views of cruise
along the Volga to Rybinsk and then through the northern lakes to St.
Petersburg in 2005
Voroshilov - Soviet General Staff Academy -
Index to materials we have edited and provided to US Army - there is more we
hope to add
Vyborg - remains of Swedish
castle - also views of Mannerheim line from our visits
Yaroslavl 2005 - photos of Volga
river city during our tour in 2005.
Yaroslavl history from
Wikipedia entry.
Yaroslavl - text and photos
of Volga river city from our visits between 1993 and 1998 - historical
description with Volga cruise.
Yalta - a few photos from
1964 visit