A remaining section of the medieval city
Area between citadel and southern outer city
wall on ridge and behind the camera - same wall from inside as in previous
photo outside
Section of city outer wall between citadel
and southern city limits, military zone beyond
A section of the medieval city wall.
Scene at a road side farmer's market on road
to Kaffa
Section of inner city wall with tower
Closer view of the tower in city wall
Another view of ruin of tower in city wall
Another tower and part of the outside city
Another part of the city wall
A medieval tower behind some old and new
A medieval tower behind some old and new
A tower by the seacoast
A tower in the inner city wall
Another tower and part of reconstucted wall -
viewed from inside city - same tower can be seen from outside.
View of inner city wall from space between it
and outer wall
The inner city wall with two towers
Church in the space between the inner and
outer city walls
Closer view of the church
Closer view of the church