These photos were made at the 'tank farm'
open house in 2019. This year the event was larger than ever with both more
vehicles and reenactor groups present and many more visitors. As usual they had
a flamethrower demonstration and in addition a Marine squad assault
demonstration with support by a Sherman tank firing machine gun and cannon.
Unfortunately, I do not know how to attach the videos I make to this htm table.
Sign with the day's events
Cavalry horses feeding in temporary corral
Cavalry men tending their horses
Cavalry tent
Cavalry horses by a towed WWII cannon
Ruth with DVM Brian Petriski
Phillipean scout M3A1 scout car and towed
anti-tank gun
Phillipean scout M3A1 scout car
Phillipean scout M3A1 scout car
U.S. Cavalryman and Philipean scout
Detail - machine gun on Philipean scout car
Mr. Edwin Diolozo - Philipean scout
U. S. Marine Corps amphibious truck DUCK
Banner at U.S. Marine Corps museum exhibits
Banner at U.S. Marine Corps museum exhibits
Small (mountain) howitzer
U.S. Marine Corps LAV - Light attack vehicle
Marines on a LAV - Light attack vehicle
Display sign describing the M3A1 Light tank
M3A1 Steuart Light Tank
Marines on a LAV - Light attack vehicle
Armored truck
Drawing showing the layout of the future
Americans in Warfare museum
Display sign describing the M3 Lee/Grant
medium tank
The M3 Lee/Grant medium tank
The M3 Lee/Grant medium tank
Standard transportation truck
Towed 105mm howitzer
M18 Hellcat tank destroyer
M18 Hellcat tank destroyer
M18 Hellcat tank destroyer
Display sign describing the M24 Chaffee light
M 24 Chaffee Light tank
M 24 Chaffee Light tank
Display sign describing the Russian T34/85
medium tank
Twin 44mm Bofors anti-aircraft guns on M19
gun carriage
West Point roommate, nick Neegard visiting at
the tank show
Nick and John in front of a Hellcat
Crowd of eager visitors
Twin 40mm Bofors anti-aircraft guns on M19
gun carriage
Display sign describing the M 19 40mm gun
Twin 40mm Borfors anti-aircraft guns on M19
gun carriage
Display of soldiers' personal equipment
Display of German soldier's equipment
Soldier's personal equipment
American Stuart M5A1 light tank
Equipment including light machinegun
Display sign describing the Amerian M5A1
Stuart light tank
M5A1 Stuart light tank
Display of personal equipment
American 3inch gun motor carriage M 10
3 inch gun carriage M 10
Display sign describing the 3 inch gun motor
carriage M 10
Display sign describing the M 8 light armored
M 8 light armored car
U. S. Veterans Administration large touring
View of the entrance to the display building
and the WWI tank positioned there
View of the Veteran's Administration mobile
WWI American light tank
Display sign with photos of the 1917 American
light tank
American WWI light tank M1917
American WWI light tank M1917
Russian T72 medium tank - the newest Russian
tank here - It is open for getting inside, a great treat for the visiting
Old time cannon
Russian T72 tank
Russian T72 tank
Example of tank ammunition next to the T72
Russian T72 tank
Rear deck of the Russian T72 - typically
Russian tanks have extra fuel drum and logs to use in case of becoming stuck
Eager visitors climbing into the T72 Tank
Motorcycle with side car
Three military motorcycles
Display sign discussing American tank
Display sign discussing Russian tank
General purpose comman car
General purpose command car with
Display sign - the "Dusters" have a
well organized group - the men who operated the 40mm twin antiaircraft guns
mounted in tracked carriages and also the high powered search lights and other
related equipment in Viet Nam.
Display sign describing the M42 Duster - the
twin40mm Borfors guns mounted on tracked chassis.
View inside the Duster showing operating
system and operator seat.
The M 42 Duster twin 40mm aitiaircraft cannon
on tracked chassis
Interesting sign for the National Quads
Dusters searchlight Association showing the various components
WW II Jeep
Field communications display
Display sign describing the Russian BMP 1
Russian BMP - 1
Russian personel carrier BTR 60
Display sign describing the Swiss PZ 68/88
medium tank
Swiss PZ 68/88 medium tank
Swiss PZ 68/88 medium tank
Swiss PZ 68/88 medium tank
Swiss PZ 68/88 medium tank
Medium tank ??
Mobile ground based quad 50 cal machine gun -
part of the Dusters anti-aircraft system in Viet Nam.
Russian T 72 main battle tank with visitors
climbing all over and inside it.
A large piece of the steel from the destroyed
World Trade Center - donated for display in the museum
A display sign describing what the museum
plans to do with the World Trade Center artifacts.
View of a small section of the 'tank farm'
open house area inclding 3 tanks
Three tanks
Display sign describing the Russian T55A (M)
Main battle tank
Russian T55A(M) Main battle tank
Russian T55A(M) Main battle tank
Russian BMP
Armored engineer vehicle
Russian T 55A Main battle tank
Russian BMP
Detail of turret of Russian T 55A
Russian T55 M main battle tank
Swedish S tank
?? tank
?? tank
Swiss tank
Briish Centurian main battle tank
Display sign with photos of the Swedish S
American Sherman medium tank used by Marines
in demonstration
Reenators emplacement and visitors
American M3 Sherman tank and model
emplacement viewed by visitors
U.S. Marines large supply tractor
Reenactors in emplacement noe tin cans on
trip wires
Quad - 4 antiaircraft 50 cal machine guns
mount with only 1 gun
American M 113 armored personel carrier
View of small part of the 'tank farm' open
house area with the Quad 50 and M113 and other exhibits.
View of small part of the 'tank farm' open
house area with the Quad 50 and M113 and other exhibits.
Russian T72 main battle tank
Russian T72 main battle tank
Russian T72 main battle tank
Breach of a towed howitzer
Display chart describing the British
Centurian main battle tank
British Centurian main battle tank
Towed 155mm howitzer
British Striker armored grenade firing
British Striker armored grenade firing
British Centurian main battle tank
Display sign describing the British Scorpion
FV101 Armored Reconaissance Vehicle
British Scorpion Fv 101Armored Reconnaissance
British SFV 432 mortar carrier
British SFV 432 mortar carrier with visitors
On the right is the British armored motar
carrier and on the left another British armored vehicle
British SFV 432 armored mortar carrier
British SFV 432 armored mortar carrier
Display of British soldiers equipment
British armor ??
British armor ??
Interior view of the SFV 432 British Mortar
Detail of the British SFV 432 showing the
Two British Abbot Self propelled 105 mm
Interior of Marine amphibious tractor
American Marine amphibious tractor
American Marine amphibious tractor
American Marine amphibious tractor
Interior of American Marine tractor
Line of three standard Army trucks
View of a section of the 'tank farm' field
showing several tanks and other exhibits
Russian motorcycle with sidecar
Russian motorcycle
Reenactor with camp -Russian Naval Infantry
in 2nd Chechen War
Reenactors with camp -Russian Naval Infantry
in 2nd Chechen War - With a PT76 Amphibious tank
Russian Naval Infantry camp with machinn gun
Russian Naval Infantry re-enactor with PT76
amphibious tank
Russian Naval Infantry 2nd Chechen War
Russian PT76 amphibious tank
American amphibious tractor
Russian T55A - main battle tank
American Sherman tank with Marines returning
from a demonstration drive
Interior of the large American Marine
amphibious tractor
Swedish S Tank
American communications - radio - van
A veteran of VietNam war - nurse - with
medical exhibits
Some exhibits of medical items from veteran
nurse's collection
Some exhibits of medical items from veteran
nurse's collection
VietNam War veteran nurse's uniform and other
Various exhibits including a radio, pack,
sleeping gear and other items
Armored convoy patrol vehicle
View of Red Cross tent and other items
Display of machine guns, ATrocket grenades
and launchers and rifles
Display of automatic rifles and ammo pouches
Display of bayonets used in VietNam
Russian T34-85 medium tank
Russian T34-85 medium tank
Display sign describing the Russian T34-85
medium tank
Display sign describing the American M24
Chaffee light tank
American M24 Chaffee light tank
Tent with display and members of VietNam War
Map of VietNam showing locations of major
American bases
VietNam War Veterans table with various hats
for sale
American M10 3 in gun and motor carriage
Display sign describing the American M10 3
inch gun and motor carriage
Display sign with story of the American M10
tank destroyer
Display sign describing the Amerian M10 Tank
American M10 Tank Destroyer
Equipment display
Sleeping cot and sleeping bag
Display sign describing the American M8 light
Armored car
American M8 Light armored car
American Stuart M5A1 Light tank
Display sign describing the American M5A1
Stuart light tank
American M5A1 Stuart Light tank
Visitors always enjoy watching the Marines
demonstrating tactical action -here they have a Sherman tank in support firing
the main gun and machine gun
Visitors watching with anticipation that the
Marine will fire his flamethrower. In former years I took up a position right
on the fence to make a video of the flame thrower but this year I decided not
to do that.
There it goes - smoke rising from the flame
discharge from the Marine flame thrower
The flame thrower exhibition continues - one
can see some flame in the rising smoke.
Display sign describing the American M3A1
Half Track personnel carrier - actually it served in many other roles as well.
American Half track personnel carrier
Tracked multi purpose vehicle
Tracked motor cycle looking carrier
German motorcycle with side car next to a
moden of a sentry box and road sign.
German reenactors' main tent
Young visitor examining a German machine gun
German steel calrop - deployed on beaches and
before field fortifications - modern version of medieval wooden caltrops.
German half tracked personnel carrier
German half tracked armored personel carrier
British version of a jeep
German military bicycle
Another German military bicycle
German Hetzer anti-tank tank
Display sign describing the German Jagdpanzer
Hetzer 38(T) After WWI the Czechs sold off remaining vehicles and this one
served in the Swiss army
German Jagdpanzer Hetzer
British - Australian reconnaissance vehicle
British - Australian reconnaissance vehicle
Australian tents
Australian tents wih some camouflage netting
camouflage netting
British Bren Gun carrier
Display sign describing the British universal
carrier No 2 MKII - Bren Gun carrier
British Bren Gun carrier
British reenactor explaining weapons to
group of young visitors
Display sign describing the British Infantry
tank Mark III Valentine III main battle tank
British Mark III Valentine III tank
Sign identifying the Soviet 33rd Guards
Rifle Division
Russian reenactor in unit tent
Russian reenactor in unit tent
Russian unit tent with several machine gunes
and other equipment
Russian reenactor discussing Maxim machine
gun with young visitor
Young visitor enjoys opportunity to play at
shooting the Maxim machine gun
Sign identifying the 883rd Rifle Regiment of
the 193rd Rifle Division
Another Russian tent
Russian T34/85 medium tank
Medical aid station
Display signs and table display of Chaplain
Chaplain with some exhibits
Display signs at the service dog location
Here I am near the towed howitzer
Here I am next to the American WWI 1917
light tank