This is a complete listing of the
photos included in volumes I, II, and III of Serindia - but not the many
plates showing art work - The photos are numbered as displayed in the book
-generally in the sequence following the narration of Stein's expedition, but
sometimes out of sequence due to convenience in formating on the pages. I
initially photographed the illustrations of fortifications, to accompany
Stein's discussion of the newly discovered Han Dynasty wall north of Tun-huang,
but the more I became immersed in his work the more I thought it worthwhile to
compile a more complete reference to his huge undertaking. But some
illustrations did not photograph well. Some photos appear in more than one of
Stein's reports or memoirs.
Serindia 1 - View north-east
from Fort Malakand across the Swat Valley - Crater Camp site in foreground with
road leading towards Chakdara - the scene of a major battle that Stein
witnessed a few years before - Swat Valley in news recently as well
Serindia 2 - View of Lowarai
pass from Gujar post, above Dir - on Stein's second expedition route to
Serindia 3 - Ruined temple,
Gumbat, Talash valley - looks like a watch tower, but we will take Stein's word
for it.
Serindia 4 - Ruin of
Karwan-ralasi near Bozai-gumbaz, Little Pamir
Serindia 5 - Rock-carving of
stupa with inscription, Pakhtoridini, Chitral - Stein was on lookout for
evidence of Buddhist visits.
Serindia 6 - Boulder with
representation of stupa and inscription near Charrun, Mastuj - Mastuj is in far
northwest Pakistan close to the Wakhan corridor.
Serindia 7 - Chitralis and
Mastujis, anthropometrically examined - I much doubt if these local tribesmen
had any idea of what Stein was doing.
Serindia 8 - Bashgol Kafirs,
anthropometrically examined at Chitral- These people were lower class
Serindia 9 - Bashgol Kafirs,
anthropometrically examined at Chitral Agency
Serindia 10 - Bashgol Kafirs,
before Bazar-masjid, Chitral
Serindia 11 - View of Talash
valley, from Kuz-sarai, towards Bajaur
Serindia 12 - Fort of Gahirat
with view down Chitral valley
Serindia 13 - Mastuj fort,
with view down Yarkhun valley
Serindia 14 - View from
Shuyist across Yarkhun river towards Shayos glacier
Serindia 15 - Veranda of
Obaidullah Khan's house, Miragram, Mastuj
Serindia 16 - Stateroom in
Obaidullah Khan's house, Miragram - Stein was an honored guest to be admitted
into the official reception room
Serindia 17 - Defile of
'Darband', with view down toards Jhopu - to left is valley leading to Tui Pass.
- note the watch tower on slope, far left
Serindia 18 - Chinese fort of
Tash-kurghan, seen from south-east - the photo is far out of sequence as
Tash-kurghan is in Sarikol - across the mountains from NW India.
Serindia 19 - View from top of
Darkot pass to north-west across Darkot Glacier towards Oxus-Indus watershed -
The Darkot pass is north of Yasin and on the border between India and
Afghanistan - Wakan corridor. Stein was determined to visit the pass since it
was the entrance point of the Chinese army in 8th century.
Serindia 20 - View of Darkot
Glacier from foot of Rukang spur, looking south.
Serindia 21 - Badakhshi
immigrants in Chitral - Chitral is south-west of Mastuj and Yasin - it is both
a narrow border region and its capital city. The border with Afghanistan is
along the mountain tops a short distance west. These Badakhshi are from
Badakshan, Afghanistan, just the other side of the mountain, but they don't pay
attention to borders.
Serindia 22 - Sarikolis and
Kirghiz at Payik post, Taghdumbash - Now we are across the last mountains and
the India border into Chinese Sarikol.
Serindia 23 - Pakhpu hillmen,
anthropometrically examined at Kok-yar - again far out of sequence - Kok-yar is
in mountains south of Yarkand but Stein was trying to link these issolated
tribesmen with the Altai mountain type ethnic groups much further west. They
were very reluctant to have anything to do with Stein or the Chinese.
Serindia24 -Sarikolis,
anthropometrically examined at Tash-kurgan - back west in Sarikol - the capital
was Tash-kurgan near the then Russian and Afghan borders.
Serindia 25 - View from Kansir
fort across the Oxus valley towards the mountains above Sarhad - This is in the
Afghan - Wakhan corridor - Stein climbed the ridge to inspect this fort ruin
which he believed dated from the Chinese invasion of northern India - the photo
is too dark to see Sarhad village where the Afghan Army escort was
Serindia 26 - View across
Chichiklik Maidan to south-west - Chichiklik pass is north of Tash-kurgan and
near Mastagh-ata mountain and the then Russian border.
Serindia 27 - Spur of
Kiz-kurghan, above Taghdumbash River, seen from south - This is in Sarikol
north of Tash-kurgan where the river is flowing north before making its sharp
turn to the east and out of the mountains. Stein was looking for another watch
Serindia 28 - Ruined wall and
bastion of Kiz-kurghan, seen from south-west - and from well up onto a
precipice Stein climbed to inspect this ancient fort.
Serindia 29 - In Tangi-tar
gorge below Tar-bashi - one of the many gorges Stein negociated
Serindia 30 - Rock-cut cellas
at Och-merwan - near Kashgar
Serindia 31 - Conglomerate
cliffs below Kohmari Mazar - near Kashgar
Serindia 32 - Grotto cut on
rock fact above Kara-kash river opposite Faizabad - this is north of Kashgar -
Stein was informed about it so used some spare time to visit.
Serindia 33 - Ruined stupa at
site of Khakanning-shahri, north of Kashgar - another place that local
informants led Stein to visit. But he could not make positive identification of
its provenance
Serindia 34 - Ruins of ancient
fort, Khakanning-shahri, above right bank of Artush river - north of Kashgar
and next to the stupa - very poor photo
Serindia 35 - Ravine of
Momoko-yar, seen from eastern end of dam - north of Khotan - Stein was very
interested in irrigation projects both for contemporary reasons as as
indications of what medieval inhabitants could do.
Serindia 36 - Ruined stupa at
Rawak, seen from dune above south-west wall of quadrangle - this was one of
Stein's first and most famous excavations during his first expedition and he
returned during the second as well - it is far into the desert north of Khotan
- today it is guarded as a state archeological preserve
Serindia 37 - Remains of
ruined mound, Naghara-khana, near Yokan, seen from south - Yotkan is within the
Khotan oasis just to the west - it was the medieval capital.
Serindia 38 - Wind-eroded
remains of ruined temple at Kine-tokmak -
Serindia 39 - General view of
Khadalik site before excavation, from south - Khadalik was between Kashgar and
Khotan on the main caravan road - very poor photo
Serindia 40 - Remains of
ruined quarters, Kha.xi, Khadalik, before excavation - poor photo
Serindia 41 - Fragment of
stucco wall with stenciled Buddha figures from passage of temple Kha. i,
Khadalik=poor photo but shows interesting fact that early medieval Buddhists
could make stencils for mass production of images
Serindia 42 - Ruined shrine
Kha,ix, Khadalik, after excavation seen from south
Serindia 43 - Wind=erodeed
'tati', South west of Kighillik, Khadalik - poor photo - 'tati' local term for
an area in open desert (usually clay) on which were spread ancient remains -
fragments of ceramics and sometimes bones.
Serindia 44 - Mazar of Iman
Ja'far Sadiq, seen freom south-east - this 'mazar' meaning shrine to the named
'saint' was located north of Keryia and was last inhabited oasis in desert
south of the Niya ruin that was Stein's first sensational discovery. Here he
recruited laborers for excavations.
Serindia 45 - Remains of
ruined dwelling Kha,iv,v, Khadalik, seen from north-west, after
Serindia 46 - Interior of room
Kha, iv, Khadalik, showing fire-place and sitting platform
Serindia 47 - South rooms of
ruined dwelling N. xiii, Niya site, after excavation - Room i in foreground
with remains of ancient household furniture and implements
Serindia 48 - Ruined dwelling
N. xx, Niya site, seen from east, in course of excavation - Kitchen room i seen
in foreground, with large jar
Serindia 49 - Remains of hall
of ruin N. xiv, Niya site, seen from south west - poor photo
Serindia 50 - Eastern portion
of ruined dwelling N, xix, Niya site, before excavation, seen from
Serindia 51 - Dead mulberry
trees in ancient orchard, south east of ruin N, xviii, Niya site
Serindia 52 - Remains of
household furniture and implements excavated in ruins N. xiii, xv, Niya
Serindia 53 - Ruined dwelling
N. xx, Niya site, seen from south before excavation
Serindia 54 - Rooms iii, iv of
ruin N xx, Niya site, seen from east after excavation
Serindia 55 - Remains of
ancient tank to south of ruin N. xxii, Niya site.
Serindia 56 - Ornamented
wooden door frame from ruined house N. xii, Niya site
Serindia 57 - Ancient cupboard
excavated in room viii of ruined house N xxiv - Niya
Serindia 58 - Room viii of
ruined residence N xxiv, in course of excavation - The measuring rod marks a
batch of Kharosthi tablets emerging from sand
Serindia 59 - Ruin of ancient
residence, N xxiv, Niya site, after partial excavation, seen from remains of
dead arbour on east
Serindia 60 - Western rooms of
ancient house, N xxvi, Niya site, in course of excavation - On left in
foreground guest room ix, with fire place; on right anteroom vii giving access
to family quarters
Serindia 61 - Central hall,
vii, and office room, viii, in ruin N xxiv, Niya site, after excavation - A
marks the spot where the hidden archive was discovered below the
Serindia 62 - Central hall,
vii, of ruined residence N xxiv, seen from south-east - On right in foreground
is panelled window opening from the hall into passage vi.
Serindia 63 - Hall iii of
ruined house N xxvi, Niya site, after excavation, with decorated double bracket
in wood, raised on pillar
Serindia 64 - Hall iii of ruin
N xxvi, Niya site, after excavation, with double window opening into passage
Serindia 65 - Ruined stupa,
Niya site, seen from south-east - Man standing at fenced enclosure
Serindia 66 - View from
south-west towards ruin N xxviii, Niya site - Sand buried fence of arbor in
foreground - very poor photo
Serindia 67 - Remains of
ancient cattgle-shed, N xxxiii, Niya site - Row of dead poplars on right - poor
Serindia 68 - Ruined dwelling
N, xxxvi, Niya site, in course of clearning, seen from south
Serindia 69 - Wooden pillar
excavated in ruin N xxxviii, Niya site
Serindia 70 - Wooden pillars
excavated in structure Eiii- T'ang fort, Endere site
Serindia 71 - Fire-place and
bench in room vi of ruined dwelling, N xxvi, Niya site
Serindia 72 - Interior of
underground room E viii, T'ang fort, Endere site
Serindia 73 - Panoramic view
of interior of fortified village at Bilel-konghan, from circumvallation on
Serindia 74 - Panoramic view
of ruin L.B iv, Lou-lan, seen from east
Serindia 75 - Panoramic view
taken from sandy ridge west of ruined dwelling N xli, Niya site, showing
remains of N xli after excavation (A) of ancient tank with surrounding arbor
(B) and footbridge stretched across dry river bed (C) - and dead orchard beyond
Serindia 76 - Ruined dwellings
within circumvallation of Bilel-konghan, near gate, partially cleared
Serindia 77 - South segment fo
circumvallation of T'ang fort, Endere site, with gate seen from
Serindia 78 - Interior of
ruined T'ang fort, Endere site, seen from north-east - In foreground wallsw of
large structure Eiii, before excavation.
Serindia 79 - Ruined tower,
Evii, with remains of wind-eroded dwelling in foregrond, Endere site
Serindia 80 - Erosion
'witness' with masonry remains on top, Endere site.
Serindia 81 - Remains of
rampart at North west corner of ancient walled enclosure, Endere site
Serindia 82 - Ancient
fortified post at south end of Endere site, seen from south
Serindia 83 - Fragment of east
rampart of ancient walled enclosure, Endere site
Serindia 84 - Gate in
south-east segment of fortified village enclosure, Bilel-konghan, seen from
Serindia 85 - Ancient orchard
at Vash-shahri site
Serindia 86 - Tamarisk-cone
with old Muhammadan graves at Yalghuz-dong, Charchan river
Serindia 87 - Large
earthenware jars and basket excavated in quarters of Tibetan fort,
Serindia 88 - Small ruined
mound to north-east of L. A. station, Lou-lan site
Serindia 89 - Remains of
Merdek-tim seen from south of circumvallation - Man standing on top of clay
rampart - Stein went the longer way around from Lou-lan back to Charkhlik to
find this tiny fort near the Tarim river
Serindia 90 - Lopliks and
immigrants anthropometrically examined at Charkhlik - The Lopliks were
indigenous fisherman - the 'immigrants were mostly Han Chinese being sent into
the Tarim basin - Stein managed to hire 50 or so reluctant Lopliks as laborers
in mid winter to go to the unknown site in the desert - Lou-lan
Serindia 91 - Lopliks
anthropometrically examined at Abdal - Tokhta Akhun and Mullah are third and
fourth from left in front row - These two intrepid desert hunters from Abdal
were instrumental in convincing the Lopliks to brave the unknown desert in
winter - Abdal is a tiny village on the Tarim river on the south western edge
of the Lop salt sea.
Serindia 92 - View to east
from ruined stupa, Lou-lan site, across wind eroded ground - Ruined dwelling
L.A. ix in foreground. Decayed stupa mount on extreme right. AB marks line
joining with Fig. 93.
Serindia 93 - View to
south-east from ruined stupa, Lou-lan site, across wind-eroded ground - Part of
ruin L.A i in foreground - AB marks line joining with Fig. 92
Serindia 94 - Ruin of ancient
dwelling L.A. i and of stupa, Lou-lan site, seen from south-east - Figure of
man, standing at foot of 'witness' bearing ruin L.A. i, marks depression caused
by wind-erosion - The stupa is location from where the previous two photos were
taken. In those due to angle the height of dwelling L.A. i is not
Serindia 95 - Ruin and remains
of ancient dwelling L.A. ix, seen from south - dead tamarisk growth at foot and
on slope of wind-eroded ridge bearing L. A. ix - in background the same
Serindia 96 - Ruined stupa, L.
A. x, Lou-lan station, seen from south - Man on left stands at foot of base,
man on right on top of base.
Serindia 97 - Stupa ruin three
miles to n.w. of Lou-lan station, seen from south - This is a different stupa
from that seen in previous photos
Serindia 98 - Decayed stupa
mount L.A.xi, to east of Lou-lan station, seen from south east - Lower figure
of man marks original ground level at foot of Stupa - yet a third
Serindia 99 - Remains of
wood-carvings from ruins L.A iii, Lou-lan station
Serindia 100 - Refuse heaps of
L.A. vi,ii, Lou-lan station, in course of excavation
Serindia 101 - South-west wing
of ruin L.A. ii, seen from south-east - at Lou-lan
Serindia 102 - Remains of ruin
L.A. iii, Lou-lan station, seen from north-east
Serindia 103 - Remains of
ruins L.B. ii, iii, Lou-lan site, seen from east before clearing
Serindia 104 - Decorated
wood-carvings from ruin of Buddhist shrine L. B. ii, Lou-lan site - In
foreground on right is fallen timber frame from wall
Serindia 105 - Ruin of small
stupa between shrine L.B. ii and camp 125, Lou-lan site - Mullah, standing at
foot of Stupa, marks original ground level. Foreground shows undercutting of
Yardang ridge by wind-erosion.
Serindia 106 - View across
hall iv of ruined dwelling L.B. iv, Lou-lan site towards remains of ruin L.B. v
, before excavation
Serindia 107 - Northern
portion of ruined dwelling L.B. iv, seen from south-east after excavation -
Room v with pillar in foreground
Serindia 108 -
Rooms vii, viii of ruin L.B. iv, seen from south in course of clearing
Serindia109 - View across room
iv of ruin L.B. iv, Lou-lan site, towards north-west after excavation
Serindia 110 - Room iv of ruin
L.B. iv, Lou-lan site, looking towards west, after excavation
Serindia 111 - Ruins of
shrines and stupas, M. iii-vi, Miran site, seen from west
Serindia 112 - Remains of ruin
L.B. v, Lou-lan site, seen from south-west
Serindia 113 - South face of
Tibetan fort, Miran site, with central bastion
Serindia 114 - Interior of
Tibetan fort, Miran site, in course of excavation, looking towards north-east
Serindia 115 - Rooms viii, ix
along east wall of Tibetan fort, Miran site, after excavation - This was one of
the worst excavations Stein accomplished - it was dead cold winter with fierce
wind storms - the contents of the rooms was so filthy the smell was
Serindia 116 - Rooms xii, xv,
in south-east corner of Tibetan fort Miran site, in course of
Serindia 117 - Central bastion
and east face of Tibetan fort, Miran site, seen from interior - A-B marks line
of adjoining figure 118
Serindia 118 - East face of
Tibetan fort, Miran site, seen from central area - A-B line marks line of
joining wit hFig. 117 - In foreground grain pits, in course of
Serindia 119 - Ruined shrine M
iii, Miran Site, afer excavation,seen from east - note the shrines as humps in
the overall photo - Stein found remarkable art work at these shrines -he
determined they were centuries older than the Tibetan fort and had been long
abandoned before the Tibetan occupation. Note the plane table to the left
Serindia 120 - North-east face
of ruined shrine M.ii, Miran site, after excavation, seen from east
Serindia 121 - Stucco heads of
colossal Buddhas ii, v. Excavated in north east passage of ruined shrine M.ii,
Miran site - these remarkable heads had fallen when the original bodies
collapsed and were then buried.
Serindia 122 - Stucco head of
colossal Buddha iii, as found in north-east passage of ruined shrine M ii,
Miran site -Stein could do nothing with these huge artifacts but photograph
them and re bury them.
Serindia 123 - Remains of
colossal stucco images of seated Buddhas i - iv - excavated in north-east
passage of ruined shrine M ii, Miran site.
Serindia 124 - Remains of
colossal stucco images of seated Buddhas iv-vi, Excavated in north-east passage
of ruined shrine M ii, Miran site.
Serindia 125 - Stupa and
circular passage in ruined shrine M iii, Miran site, seen from
Serindia 126 - Remains of
ruined domed structure M x, Miran site, seen from south-west
Serindia 127 - Fresco
fragments from fallen frieze of ruined shrine M iii, as unearthed in north-east
quadrant of passage - Stein with great difficulty managed to detach some
sections of fresco and pack them for successful delivery to the British Museum
where color photos were possible. Other frescos he had to rebury - later effort
to detach more was halted when his Indian army engineer went blind. Then on his
third expedition Stein found that later explorers had ruined many.
Serindia 128 - Ruined shrine
M.v, Miran site, seen from south-east before excavation - from the size one can
see what a huge effort was required to clear these ruins in mid winter as sand
continued to flow back into the ditches.
Serindia 129 - Stupa and
circular passage of ruined shrine M v, Miran site, after excavation, seen from
west - in this photo one can see part of the frescos on the outer wall of the
passageway - Stein was able only to clear part of these passages and photograph
the ruined frescos.
Serindia 130 - Ruined stupa,
M. vii, Miran site, seen from south - the hole is from the efforts of treasure
seekers centuries in the past.
Serindia 131 - Ruined stupa M.
vi, Miran site, seen from south-west - Men packing frescos in foreground under
supervision from Rai Singh - the wood was gathered from dead trees near the
Tarim river.
Serindia 132 - Ruin of domed
structure M x, Miran site, seen from south, after clearing
Serindia 133 - Portion of
painted dado on inner wall of south passage of shrine M.v. Miran site - Stein
managed to detach some sections but had to leave much behind. He was struck by
the European faces. - The full fresco had these 'angles' below and a narrated
story above.
Serindia 134 - Portion of
painted friezse and dado on south-east wall of rotunda passage in shrine M v.
Miran site
Serindia 135 - Portion of
pained frieze and dado on south-east wall of rotunda passage in shrine M v.
Miran site - this continues the story from the previous photo
Serindia 136 - Portion of
painted frieze and dado on south wall of Rotunda passage in shrine M.v, Miran
Serindia 137 - Portion of
painted fieze and dado on south wall of rotunda passage in shrine M. v, Miran
Serindia 138 - Portion of
painted ferieze and dado on south wall of rotunda passage in shrine M v, Miran
Serindia 139- Portion of
painted frieze and dado on south wall of rotunda passage in shrine M v, Miran
Serindia 140 - Portion of
painted frieze and dado on south wall of rotunda passage in shrine M v, Miran
Serindia 141 - Fragment of
painted frieze on north-east wall of rotunda passage in shrine M. v, Miran
Serindia 142 - Inscription
above prince riding, in painted frieze on south-east wall of rotunda passage in
shrine M v, Miran site
Serindia 143 - Portion of
painted frieze and dado on north wall of rotunda passage in shrine M.v, Miran
Serindia 144 - Inscription on
elephant's leg in painted frieze on south wall of rotunda passage in shrine M.
v, Miran site
Serindia 145 - View from salt
springs of Lowaza westwards along shore of salt-encrusted Lop Lake
Serindia 146 - Isolated clay
terraces in depression west of T.xxiii, Tun-huang limes
Serindia 147 - Convoy with
antiques starting from Abdal for Kashgar - When he had finished at Miran and
Lou-lan, before heading into the Nan-shan mountains, Stein dispatched the
frescos and many other artifacts back to the Indian official residence at
Serindia 148 - Eroded clay
terrace (mesa_) near western edge of ancient terminal basin of Su-lo Ho, north
west of camp 153 - For estimate of height see small figure of man sandingat
foot of terrace - very poor photo in which the man is hardly visible.
Serindia 149 - Ruin of ancient
watch-tower T iii, Tnn-huang limes, seen from east - Two men standing in
foreground at spot where first discovery of an early Chinese record on wood was
Serindia 150 - Ruined
watch-tower T xxvi, Tun-huang limes, with refuse heap, seen from south west -
Stein searched for refuse and found amazing amount of material including
documents nearly 2000 years old.
Serindia 151 - Ruins of temple
destroyed by Tungans, at Shih-pan-tung, north of Tun-huang - The Tungans staged
a major rebellion in mid 19th century and held much of the Tarim basin for
years until the Chinese defeated their leader
Serindia 152 - Ruined
watch-tower T xxv, north of Tun-huang, seen from south-west
Serindia 153 - Remains of
ancient watch tower T xxvii, Tun-huang limes, seen from south-east
Serindia 154 - Ruin of ancient
watch-tower T xxix, Tun-huang limes, with later enclosure seen from
Serindia 155 - Ruin of ancient
watch-tower T xxvii, Tun-huang limes with refuse heaps in foreground
Serindia 156 - Remains of
watch-tower T xxviii, Tun-huang limes, with ancient refuse in course of
Serindia 157 - Face of ancient
border wall, east of watch -tower T xxxv, Tun-huang limes, showing construction
with alternate layers of stamped clay and fascines
Serindia 158 - Remains of
ancient border wall, between low dunes, east of watch-tower T xxxv, Tun-huang
limes - Surface of low gravel mound is marked by Chinese labourer standing on
Serindia 159 - View of
ramparts, partially buried in dunes, of ruined town, Nan-hu, looking from
interior towards north-east corner
Serindia 160 - Remains of
inner rampart, near north-west corner of ruined town, Nan-hu, seen from
Serindia 161 - Remnant of
ancient border wall near watch-tower Txxvii, Tun-huang limes - poor
Serindia 162 - Last ruined
farm of Kuan-tsou, north of Nan-hu - Stein stopped only briefly at the Han wall
when he found it on his way to Tun-huang - Then after viewing the 'cave of the
1000 Buddhas' and realizing he would need quite a while to obtain some of the
contents, he went to nearby Nan-hu and then back north to look for the western
end of the Han wall - on the way he found this and the other ruined farms
deserted after the Tungan rebellion.
Serindia 163 - Abandoned
homestead of Kuan-tsou, north fo Nan-hu - Another of the farms attacked by the
Tungan rebels
Serindia 164 - Remains of farm
and fenced arbour, abandoned to desert at Kuan-tsou, north of Nan-hu - Another
relatively recent ruin
Serindia 165 - Grave tumulus
with annular rim, at ancient burial-ground, N.E. of Nan-hu
Serindia 166 - Mound
containing remains of ancient watch-tower T viii, Tun-huang limes, seen from
south-west before excavation
Serindia 167 - Modern
watch-tower, with adjoining quarters, on road south-west of Tun-huang
Serindia 168 - Interior of
room i, adjoining watch-tower T viii, Tn-huang limes, after excavation - Door
opening from ii on left, remains of steps of stairs on right
Serindia 169 - Ruin of ancient
watch-tower T via, Tn-huang limes, seen from east - On right sandy depression
with Toghraks and reed beds
Serindia 170 - Ruin of ancient
watch-tower T ivc, Tun-huang limes, with view towards north-west - On left an
eroded clay terrace with deep-cut Nullah. Across depression with Togharaks and
tamarisks is seen in distance an isolated clay terrace bearing remains of
ruined watch-tower T iva - These are on the extreme left end of the Han
Serindia 171 - Remains of
ancient watch-tower T vib and quarters, Tun-huang limes, before excavation,
seen from south-east
Serindia 172 - Interior of
underground room E viii, T'ang fort, Endere site
Serindia 173 - Panoramic view
of interior of fortified village at Bilel-konghan, from circumvallation on
Serindia 174 - Panoramic view
of ruin L.B iv, Lou-lan, seen from east
Serindia 175 - Panoramic view
taken from sandy ridge west of ruined dwelling N xli, Niya site, showing
remains of N xli after excavation (A) of ancient tank with surrounding arbor
(B) and footbridge stretched across dry river bed (C) - and dead orchard beyond
Serindia 176 - Line of ancient
border wall, stretrching east of watch-tower T xiii, Tun-huang limes
Serindia 177 - Ruined
watch-tower T xiia, Tun-huang limes, seen from north-west
Serindia 178 - Ancient
watch-tower Txi, Tun-huang limes, with adjoining enclosure, seen from
Serindia 179 - Hillock with
remains marking position of ancient Yu-men station near fort T xiv, Tun-huang
limes ,seen from south-west, before clearing - Man standing on extreme left
marks mouth of passage leading to covered shaft - Stein devoted a lot of
attention to finding the "Jade Gate' and the command post for the Han
Serindia 180 - Ancient
watch-tower Txiii, with quarters, Tun-huang limes, seen from south-east, after
Serindia 181 - Ancient
watch-tower T xii, Tun-huang limes, seen from north-west
Serindia 182 - North-west
corner of enclosure of ancient magazine T xviii, Tun-huang limes, wth refuse
heap in course of clearing
Serindia 183 - Ancient fort T
xiv, at "Jade Gate' of Tun-huang limes, seen from north-east
Serindia 184 - Ancient fort T
xiv, at "Jade gate" of Tun-huang limes, with gate through west
Serindia 185 - Ruined town of
So-yang-ch'eng, seen from north-east, with inner east wall in foreground and
ower of north-west corner bastion in distance on right.
Serindia 186 - Ruins of
ancient magazine T xviii, on Tun-huang limes seen from south - On extreme left,
watch tower at south-west corner of inner enclosure. The figures of men
standing at different points of the structure serve to indicate its size. -
These folks are very hard to distinguish, one of them is toward right side in
front of the hole in the high wall
Serindia 187 - Clay terraces
and marshy depression to west of ancient watch-tower T xiva, Tun-huang
Serindia 188 - View from
ancient watch-tower T xiva, Tun-huang limes, towards north-west
Serindia 189 - Remains of
ancient border wall to south-west of watch-tower T xiva - Tun-huang limes -
poor photo
Serindia 190 - Ancient
watch-tower Txx, Tun-huang limes, seen from south-west
Serindia 191 - Panoramic view
of the "caves of the thousand Buddhas', Tun-huang, seen from across stream
to east
Serindia 192 - Panoramic view
of ruined site, Ara-tam, with country seat and orchards of Wang of Hami, seen
from south-east - This photo is far out of sequence but published here for
convenience of format. Hami is on northern side of the Taklamakan and Stein
visited it months later
Serindia 193 - Northern end of
main group and middle group of caves of the 'Thousand Buddhas' , Tun-huang,
seen from north-east
Serindia 194 - Barren hill
range east of Ch'ien-fo-tung valley seen from south end of main group of cave
temples (Caves of Thousand Buddhas)
Serindia 195 - Cave shrines
above CH iii, "caves of the thousand Buddhas', Tun-huang - from photo it
is clear that the porches and external parts of the cave entrances have been
Serindia 196 - Cave shrines
near Ch viii, 'caves of the thousand Buddhas', Tun-huang - The antechaples and
porches of the cellas above have completely disappeared. The stucco images show
recent restoration. Below are seen the porches, partially filled with sand,
leading to other cellas. Stein wrote that it was very difficult to make photos
showing the dark interiors of the caves.
Serindia 197 - Rows of cave
shrines, some showing decayed porches, near CH ix, Ch'ien-fo-tung, Tun-huang -
note a few remaining wooden supports for walk ways at the top row
Serindia 198 - Wang Tao-shih,
Taoist priest at the 'caves of the thousand Buddhas' - the hard working
self-appointed guardian of the art, not even a Buddhist himself, supplied Stein
with thousands of manuscripts and paintings in exchange for 'contribution' that
he carefully used for restoration work. Now the site is a World Heritage
location and the town, Dunhuang, even has an airport for tourists.
Serindia 199 - Rows of small
cave shrines adjoining Cave Chxii, northward, Ch'ien-fo-tung, Tun-huang
(Chinese name for cave of the thosand Buddhas) On extreme left, portion of
middle porch, giving light to cave of colossal seated Buddha.
Serindia 200 - Cella and porch
of cave temple Ch i, partially restored, Ch'ien-fo-tung, Tun-huang. On extreme
right is the locked door leading to the rock-cut chapel, previously walled up,
where the hidden deposit of MSS, etc. was discovered. - some of the manuscripts
are piled here for Stein to examine - that he obtained the oportunity is a
credit to his diplomatic skill, and that he was enabled to take away thousands
of these is amazing.
Serindia 201 - Stucco image of
colossal seated Buddha, with painted halo and vesica in relievo and tempera
paintings on rock carved screen behind, in Cella of Cave Ch ii,
Serindia 202 - Panel painted
in tempera, showing Sukhavati scene above and Jataka scene below, on south wall
of cave Ch ii, Ch'ien-fo-tung.
Serindia 203 - Fresco
paintings on south wall and south-west corner panel of cave cella Ch iia,
Serindia 204 - Portion of
fresco painting on south wall of cave cella Ch iia, Ch'ien-fo'tung
Serindia 205 - Fresco painting
on north wall of cave cella, Ch iia, Ch'ien-fo-tung - unfortunately in the B/w
photo the central image does not appear well, this must have been a spectacular
fresco in color
Serindia 206 - Panel painted
in tempera, showing western paradise scene, on south wall of cave Ch ii,
Ch'ien-fo-tung - another spectacular painting in color
Serindia 207 - Alcove with
stucco images, partly restored, in cave Ch iiia, Ch'ien-fo-tung - Stein
commented that the restoration work detracted from the figures, perhaps by now
better work has been accomplished for modern tourists.
Serindia 208 - Stucco images,
partly restored, of Buddha with attendant disciples and Bodhisattvas, in cave
iv, Ch'ien-fo-tung
Serindia 209 - Central painted
panel showing western paradise scene on north wall of cave Ch,iiia,
Serindia 210 - Central painted
panel, representing Amitabha's paradise, on north wall of cave iv,
Ch'ien-fo-tung - The side scenes represent Ajatasatru's story and Queen
Vaidehi's meditations.
Serindia 211 - Raised recess
with remains of stucco images, on west side of cave Ch v,
Serindia 212 - Alcove with
stucco images, partially restored, and tempera paintings, on west side of cave
Ch vi, Ch'ien- fo-tung
Serindia 213 - Interior of
cella in cave Ch vii, Ch'ien-fo-tung, showing platform with stucco images and
paintings on west wall and ceiling
Serindia 214 - Tempera
paintings showing procession of over-life-size Bodhisattvas on north wall of
porch in cave vii, Ch'ien- fo-tung
Serindia 215 - Tempera
painting on south wall of porch of cave viii, Ch'ien-fo-tung, showing Buddha on
car, moving through the air escorted by planeary divinities, etc.
Serindia 216 - Lower portion
of painted panel ii and dado showing procession of donatrices and attending
ladies on east wall of cella in cave Ch viii, Ch'ient-fo-tung
Serindia 217 - Painted panel
xv and dado showing Khotan princess with family and attendants, also Chinese
dedicatory inscription, on east cella wall, cave Ch viii,
Serindia 218 -
Centre of cella in cave Ch, viii, Ch'ien-fo-tung, showing paintings on screen
behind stupa, on west wall and ceiling.
Serindia 219 - Panels painted
in tempera, ix, x, north-west corner of cella in cave Ch viii,
Serindia 220 - Panel painted
in tempera, v, showing western paradise, on south wall of cella, cave Ch viii,
Serindia 221 - Wall painting
in tempera, viii, with legendary scenes on west wall of cella in cave viii,
Serindia 222 - Wall painting
in tempera, ix, with legendary scenes on west wall of cella in cave viii,
Serindia 223 - Panel painted
in tempera, xiii, showing divine assemblages, on north wall of cella in cave Ch
viii, Ch'ien-fo-tung
Serindia 224 - Panel painted
in tempera, xi, and portion of panel x, showing scenes of western paradise, on
north wall of cella in cave Ch viii, Ch'ien-fo-tung
Serindia 225 - Wall painting
in tempera, showing Bodhisattvas, on south wall of porch in cave ix,
Serindia 226 - Painting in
tempera showing part of Buddha's car with attendant host of planetary
divinities, on south wall of porch in cave viii, Ch'ien-fo-tung
Serindia 227 - Stucco images
of late date representing Hsuan-tsang as Arhat with attendantes in cella of
cave xiv, Ch'ien-fo-tung
Serindia 228 - Renovated
stucco images in alcove of cella in cave x, Ch'ien-fo-tung
Serindia 229 - Stucco image of
seated Buddha in alcove, and tempera paintings on west wall and ceiling of cave
Ch xii, Ch'ien-fo-tung
Serindia 230 - Tempera
paintings in north-west corner of cella in cave Ch xii, Ch'ien-fo-tung
Serindia 231 - Central panel
of tempera painting representing western paradise, on north wall of cave Ch vi,
Serindia 232 - Paintings in
tempera, representing scenes of western paradise above, and movements of troops
below, on south wall of cella in cave Ch xii, Ch'ien-fo-tung
Serindia 233 - Left-hand
portion of painting in tempera, with legendary scenes, on west wall of cella in
cave Ch, xvi, Ch'ien-fo-tung
Serindia 234 - Paintings in
tempera on walls of north-west corner of cella in cave Ch xvi,
Serindia 235 - Painted panel
in tempera, showing western paradise, on north wall of cella in cave Ch xvi,
Serindia 236 - Right-hand
portion of painting in tempera, with legendary scenes on west wall of cella in
cave Ch xvi, Ch'ien-fo-tung
Serindia 237 - Remains of
ruined temple and stupas, east of So-yang-ch'eng, seen from south-west
Serindia 238 - Ruin of main
stupa, east of So-yang-ch'eng, seen from south
Serindia 239 - Wind-eroded
east wall, near north-east corner, of deserted town south of An-hsi
Serindia 240 - Portion of
inner east wall of ruined town of So-yang-ch'eng, breached by wind erosion,
seen from east
Serindia 241 - Grottoes of
Hsiao-ch'ien Fo-tung, above Ta-shih, seen from north-west - poor photo
Serindia 242 - Cave temples on
left river bank, Wan-fo-hsia, seen from north
Serindia 243 - Canon with cave
temples of Wan-fo-hsia, seen from north-west
Serindia 244 - Cave temples on
right bank of river, Wan-fo-hsia, seen from south-west
Serindia 245 - Tempera
paintings showing legendary scenes, on south-east wall of cella in cave ii,
Serindia 246 - Tempera
paintings on north-west and north-east walls, antechapel of cave xviii,
Serindia 247 - Tempera
paintings on north-west and north-east walls of antechapel of cave xvii,
Serindia 248 - Tempera
paintings and stucco Buddha image, partially restored, facing entrance of cella
in cave xviii, Wan-fo-hsia
Serindia 249 - Gate fortress
of Chia-yu-kuan seen from south-west - Stein immediately recognized that this
is a Ming Dynasty fortress in the Great Wall and was the custom's post for
entrance ande exit from China to the west. He was welcomed by the Chinese
garrison commander. It is now restored for tourists.
Serindia 250 - Line of
medieval 'great wall' south of Chia-yu-kuan, with view towards foothills of
Nan-shan - Stein concluded that the wall here was not designed as a defensive
barrier against invaders but as a customs barrier against Chinese who might
want to travel west. - poor photo in which the wall is barely visible
Serindia 251 - Watch-tower and
post of Ta-han-chuang at foot of outer Nan-shan hills, south west of
Chia-yu-kuan - This tower is also on the Ming Dynasty wall that closes the
narrow corridor in Gansu west of Su-chou
Serindia 252 - Ruined
circumvallation at south-west end of Hei-shui-kuo site, Kan-chou seen from
north west. - Nan-shan mountains in background
Serindia 253 - Hao-shan-kou
define, with view to nroth-east towards Huang-tsao-ying village - Stein long
pondered the purpose of this wall in its location and decided it was a Ming
effort to block passage from the north into Gansu.
Serindia 254 - Mediaeval
'great wall' north of Su-chou, near Hsin-ch-eng-tsu
Serindia 255 - Clay ridge
bearing ruined shrines, of A.iii, Art-tam site, seen from west
Serindia 256 - Ruined temples
A, i, ii, Art-tam site, seen from south-east
Serindia 257 - Interior of
cave cella A iii, iii, Ara-tam site
Serindia 258 - North wall of
cave cella A, iii,iii, Ara-tam site
Serindia 259 - Portion of
tempera painting, showing altar below seated Buddha, on N.W. wall of antechapel
in cave xviii, Wan-fo-hsia
Serindia 260 - North-east
corner of cave cella A iii, ii, Ara-tam site
Serindia 261 - Buddhist temple
I, north of Lapchuk, Hami
Serindia 262 - Walls of ruined
town, Lapchuk, with tower at north-east corner, seen from interior
Serindia 263 - Group of
villagers anthropomentrically examined at Ara-tam, Hami
Serindia 264 - Group of
villagers anthropometrically examined at Yar-khoto, Turfan
Serindia 265 - Ruins of
vaulted dwellings along north-west wall and in west corner of Chong-hassar,
Turfan, seen from north-east
Serindia 266 - Ruins of
Buddhist shrine and of dwellings along south-west wall of Chong-hassar, seen
from north
Serindia 267 - Fort and keep
of Chong-hassar, seen from north-east across outer walled enclosure
Serindia 268 - Ruined keep of
Chong-hassar, seen from west
Serindia 269 - Ruined shrines
I-III, Kichik-hassar, seen from south
Serindia 270 - Ruined
stupa and shrine I, Kichik-hassar, seen from east
Serindia 271 - Caves and
shrines at lower end of Toyuk gorge, seen from east
Serindia 272 - Ruin of
terraced Buddhist shrine at Kara-khoja, Turfan, seen from south-east
Serindia 273 - Panoramic view
of Yar-khoto, Turfan, looking from centre of ruined town to north-west and
north - Large Buddhist temple ruins in distance
Serindia 274 - South-eastern
portion of "Ming-oi' site, Shorchuk, with ruined shrines of central group
of N.W. portion (on left) seen from west
Serindia 275 - Main street of
Yar-khoto, with ruined shrine(a) facing it, and eastern portion of ruined town
seen from north-west - Trees of Yar-khoto village in distance on left.
Serindia 276 - Central portion
of ruined town of Yar-khoto, with shrine facing main street (a), seen from
Serindia 277 - Ruins of
'khan's palace', within ruined town of Kara-khoja, Turfan, seen from
Serindia 278 - Central temple
ruin and part of enclosing court of large Buddhist vihara, Yar-khoto, seen from
Serindia 279 - Central group
of stupas at northernmost Buddhist sanctuary, Yar-khoto
Serindia 280 - Funeral
monument, Mi, xxii, at "Ming-oi' site, Shorchuk, with cinerfary urns
outside enclosing wall.
Serindia 281 - Panoramic view
of 'Ming-oi' site, Shorchuk, taken from south near temple Mi,xxvi, Ruined
shrines of groups I and II in foreground, with temple x-xii on right and site
of cave temples (C) in distance behind. A-B at right edge marks line of joining
with next photo.
Serindia 282 - Panoramic view
as in previous photo continued to north end of groups I ande II in foreground
with shrines of central group innorth-west portion on left - A-B at ledt edge
marks joining line with previous photo
Serindia 283 - Ruined shrines
of groups II and III in south-east portin of "Ming-oi" site,
Shorchuk, seen from west
Serindia 284 - Central group
of ruined shrines Mi, x-xiii, in north-west portion of 'Ming-oi" site,
Shorchuk, seen from west
Serindia 285 - Ruined shrines
in north-west portion of "Ming-oi" site, Shorchuk, with end of Group
II - seen from south - Ancient watch-tower above cave temples marked by
Serindia 286 - Main group of
cave temples, with 'Ming-oi'site, Shorchuk, in distance, seen from
Serindia 287 - Ruined stupa
and shrines at north end of "Ming-oi' site, Shorchuk, seen from
Serindia 288 - Group of
funeral monuments at south-east end of 'Ming-oi' site, Shorchuk,seen from
Serindia 289 - North corner of
antechapel and adjoining end of cella in ruined shrine Mi,xviii,
"Ming-oi" site, Shorchuk
Serindia 290 - Stucco relievo
statues and circular image base found outside cella of ruined shrine Mi, xviii,
"Ming-oi" site, Shorchuk
Serindia 291 - Temple ruin Mi,
x-xii, in north-west portion of "Ming-oi" site, Shorchuk, seen from
Serindia 292 - Ruined stupa,
at Su-bashi site, north of Kucha town
Serindia 293- Stucco reliefs
found exposed at entrance to cave temple A, north-west of "Ming-oi"
site, Shorchuk
Serindia 294 - Stucco relievo
sculptures in north-east corner of passage mi, xii of ruined temple
"Ming-oi" site, Shorchuk
Serindia 295 - Group of stucco
relievo sculptures in north-west corner of passage mi, xii, of ruined temple,
"Ming-oi" site.
Serindia 296 - Stucco relievo
and tempera painting remains on N.E, wall of ruined shrine F. xii,
Serindia 297 - Ruined shrines
at Khora- site, seen from south-east
Serindia 298 - Entrance to
cave temple A, north of "Ming-oi" site. Shorchuk
Serindia 299 - Ruined shrines
of groups III and IV, Khora, site, seen from south
Serindia 300 - Ruined Buddhist
shrines, Khora, seen from east. Ruins of Groups I, II in foreground
Serindia 301 - Ruined
enclosure of Muhammadan cemetery at Gumbaz, near Inchike river
Serindia 302 - Ruined
quadrangle of Kara-dong site, seen from near south-west corner
Serindia 303 - Ruined dwelling
Ka I, Kara-dong site, seen from north-east before excavation - This gives good
idea of how Stein found these ruined villages in the desert - there were
usually the remains of house wall posts above the sand.
Serindia 304 - Ruined dwelling
Ka, I, Kara-dong site, seen from west during excavation - The original floor
was frequently many feet down under sand drifts
Serindia 305 - Ruined dwelling
Ka, III, buried in tamarisk-cone, Kara-dong site - The Tamarisk when still
alive would send roots deep to the water table and then continue to grow up as
drifting sand accumulated around it trunk - the process could continue for a
century or more as both the Tamarisk and sand grew higher until the water table
might disappear and the tree then die.
Serindia 306 - Ruined mosque
in deserted village of 'old Domoko'
Serindia 307 - Ancient jars,
wooden lock, and screen excavated from ruined dwelling Ka I, Kara-dong
Serindia 308 - Ruined
homestead overrun by drift sand and Tamarisk schrub, 'old Domoko'
Serindia 309 - Remains of
ruined temple cella and porch F III, iii, Farhad-beg-yailaki site, seen from
Serindia 310 - Sand-filled
rooms at north corner of ruined building F. ii, Sarhad-beg-yailaki site, seen
from south-west
Serindia 311 - Ruined stupa
base, F vio, Farhad-beg-yailaki, seen from east
Serindia 312 - Remains of
stucco relievo and wall paintings to S.W. of entrance of ruined shrine F xii,
Serindia 313 - Remains of
stucco relievo and wall painting on N.W. wall of ruined shrine F xii,
Farhad-beg-yailaki site
Serindia 314 - Remains of
tempera paintings at south corner of ruined shrine, F. xii,
Serindia 315 - Remains of
ruined Buddhist shrine F.xii, embedded in Tamarisk-covered sand cone,
Serindia 316 - New cultivation
on ground reclaimed from scrubby desert between Domoko and Gulakhma - Stein
returned to Domoko several times to observe changes in irrigation and
reclamation - he was interested in contemporary changes and also is how such
changes might serve as references for understanding similar medieval
Serindia 317 - Excavation
proceeding at south-west wing of ruined monastic quarters, F.II,
Serindia 318 - Tamarisk-cone
within new cultivation between Domoko and Gulakhma
Serindia 319 - Remains of
ruined Buddhist shrine, amidst Tamarisk-covered hillocks, Kara-yantak, in
course of excavation
Serindia 320 - Group of my
party taken at Ulugh-mazar - From left to right: Ibrahim Beg (significant local
minor official who provided much assistance); Chaing-Ssu-yeh (the Chinese
interpreter, secretary and extremely valuable assistant from the consulate at
Kashgar); Stein with the second of his dogs; Jasvant Singh (personal cook for
Lal Singh); Rai Bahadur Lal Singh (indispensable professional military surveyor
from the Survey of India who accomplished much of the survey - Rai and Bahadur
are high honorifics bestowed for his years of accomplishments); Naik Ram Singh
(Naik is corporal, he was accomplished engineer from the Indian army)
Serindia 321 - Excavation
proceeding at sand-buried shrine, Ta I, near Mayaklik, north of Khotan
Serindia 322 - Site of ruined
Buddhist srine Ta, near Mayaklik, seen from south before excavation - the
shrine is under sand on the horizon.
Serindia 323 - Stucco head of
colossal Buddha statue, excavated in ruined Ta i, near Mayaklik - with Stein's
measuring stick agaist it to show size.
Serindia 324 - Remains of
stucco Buddha image with painted base, in ruined shrine Ta i, near
Serindia 325 - Tempera
painting on south-east wall of passage of ruined shrine Ta i, near
Serindia 326 - Remains of
stucco images and tempera paintings on S.E. passage wall of ruined shrine Ta i,
near Mayaklik
Serindia 327 - Tempera
painting on wall of ruined shrine Ta, ii, Mayaklik, showing seated Buddha
between vesicas of colossal figures
Serindia 328 - Painting in
tempera of Four-armed divinity, on inner passage wall of ruined shrine Ta i,
near Mayaklik
Serindia 329 - Ruined fort and
watch-tower on Mazar-tagh ridge seen from north-west - Bed of Khotan River and
jungle belt on its right bank in distance below. This Tibetan fort is on the
only high bluff next to the Khotan river, about half way through the
Taklamakan. Its location indicates the extent of the Tibetan expansion into the
Tarim basin.
Serindia 330 - Interior of
ruined fort of Mazar-tagh, with remains of keep in centre and north bastion on
Serindia 331 - North bastion
of ruined fort, Mazar-tagh, seen from outer court v.
Serindia 332 - Remains of
ancient watch-tower on Arach hill, north-east of Maral-bashi - Stein visited
Maral-bashi, east of Kashgar several times while passing through, most notably
after he was defeated by sand dunes while attempting a direct crossing from
Maral-bashi to Mazar-tagh.
Serindia 333 - Group of
Kirghiz, anthropometrically examined at Uch-turfan
Serindia 334 - Refuse layers
with ancientrecords, on N.E. slope below Mazar-tagh fort, in course of
excavation - Stein always zeroed in on refuse dumps as they reveiled an amazing
amount of preserved ancient documents - but the Tibetan dumps here and at Miran
were the worst for decayed matter.
Serindia 335 - Mazar-tagh hill
with ruined fort seen from north-east. Clay banks of Khotan River bed in
foreground - the photo taken on the river ice itself.
Serindia 336 - Kaka-jade peaks
seen from near Moinak-kak - Kara-teke range
Serindia 337 - Chinese citadel
crowning rocky spur above Uch-Turfan. Seen from east
Serindia 338 - Ruined
watch-tower of Chong-tim site, in desert south of Kelpin
Serindia 339 - Ruins of
Tumshuk-tagh-shahri, seen from north-east
Serindia 340 - Wall closing
access to ruined town above Hasha, seen from south west, with refuse heaps of
Serindia 341 - Stone image
worshipped at Kirghiz shrine of Chal-koide, below Idak pass in Kara-teke range
- part of the T'ien-shan - Stein noted frequently the local shrines where
Mohammaden tribesmen worship at places which long existed prior to the
Mohammaden invasion and conversion of the locals. They simply took over
Buddhist or shamanist shrines without realizing it.
Serindia 342 - Villagers of
Kelpin, anthropometrically examined - Kelpin was in a relatively issolated
narrow valley on the south side of the T'ien-shan range
Serindia 343 - Snowy peaks of
main K'un-lun rangeto S.S. W and S.W of Nura - Village lands of Nura on loess
beds in foreground
Serindia 344 - Muhammadan tombs near shrine at south
foot of Okur-mazar-tagh, Tumshuk
SerindiaPlan 1 - Plan showing dispositon of room with
construction of skylight ceiling, in Hakim Obaidullah's house, Miragram -
Ground plan of ruined temple at Gumbaz, Talash - Stein stopped here in
northwest India frontier on his way to China.
Serindia Plan 2 - Rock- engraved Stupa designs of
Paktoridini, Chitral, and Charrum, Mastuj - Stein was always on the look out
for evidence of ancient Buddhist visitors and local worship prior to the Moslem
invasion - he found these enroute - see photo - Serindia 5

Serindia Plan 3 - Site plan of Kiz-kurghan - Located in
Sarikol part of Chinese Turkestan in mountains - note the Taghdumbash
Serindia Plan 4 - Plan of ruined shrine near A,-terek,
Hangya, Khotan -
Serindia Plan 5 - Site plan of ruined shrines,
Serindia Plan 6 - Plan of main group of ruined shrines,
Khadalik - section of timber and wattle wall in shrine viii, Khadalik
Serindia Plan 7 - Revised site plan of ancient site
beyond Niya River - The revision includes information from the first and second
Serindia Plan 8 - Plan of ancient residence N. xii, Niya
site - Plan of ruined house N xix, Niya site.
Serindia Plan 9 - Plan of ruined residence, N xiv, Niya
Serindia Plan 10 - Plans of ruined houses N. xiii, and
xv, Niya site
Serindia Plan 11 - Plans of ruined houses N. xvi and
xviii, Niya site - plus small sketch of ancient wooden cupboard from N xxii.
Serindia Plan 12 - Plan of Aiwan in Musa, Darogha's
house, Bagh-jigda, Yarkand - Plan of ruined house N xx, Niya site
Serindia Plan 13 - Plans of ancient houses N. xxi and
xxiii, Niya site
SerindiaPlan 14 - Plan of ancient residence N, xxiv,
Niya site
Serindia Plan 15 - Plan of ancient residence N. xxvi,
Niya site
Serindia Plan 16 - Plan of ancient residence N, xxix,
Niya site
Serindia Plan 17 - Plans of ancient dwellings N. xxxv,
xxxvi, xxxvii, xxxviii, Niya site
SerindiaPlan 18 - Site plan showing ruined house N. xli,
with adjoining ground and ancient river bed, Niya site
Serindia Plan 19 - Plan of ruined village Bilei-konghan,
near Endere River
Serindia Plan 20 - Plan of ruined fort of T'ang period,
Endere Site, reproduced from survey of 1901, with additions - Endere was one of
the sensational archeological discoveries Stein made during his first
expedition to which he returned during the second expedition at which time he
discovered more, especially the fortifications.
Serindia Plan 21 - Plans of ruined structures E. vi and
vii, Endere site - Elevations of wooden pillars from E. iv and v, Endere -
Elevation and ground plan of fireplace in clay, room E. vii - Plan of ruined
fort, south of Endere site
Serindia Plan 22 - Site plan of ruinede sites L.A. and
L.B. at Lou-lan - This was one of Stein's principle objectives for his second
expedition and even more so for the third - he took advantage of the delay in
publishing Serindia in order to add to it some information acquired during the
third expedition. - C124 and C125 are locations of two of his camps.
Serindia Plan 23 - Site plan of ruined station L.A.
Lou-lan site, with additions from 1914 -Note the name, Afrazgul Khan on the
drawing - this junior surveyor was assigned for the third expedition and was
not present during the second for which Serindiawas the report. The plan
title notes that information was added from the third expedition of which
Innermostasia was the actual report.
Serindia Plan 24 - Site plan of ruined dwellings L.A. i,
iv, and vii, Lou-lan site - Photo 94 shows one of these buildings
Serindia Plan 25 - Plan of ruined structures L.A. ii,
iii, v, and vi, Lou-lan site
Serindia Plan 26 - Plan and section of ruined Stupa, L.
A. group, Lou-lan site - Sketch plan and section of ruined Stupa between groups
L.A. and L.B. Lou lan - the stupa appears in several of Stein's
Serindia Plan 27 - Plan of ruined structures L.B. i-iii,
Lou-lan site
Serindia Plan 28 - Plan of ruined houses L.B. iv and v,
Lou-lan site
Serindia Plan 29 - Site plan of Miran ruins, with
additions of 1914 - Stein visited Miran on the way to Lou-lan and again on the
way back during the second expedition and again during the third
Serindia Plan 30 - Plan of Tibetan fort, M. i, Miran -
the fort and ruined stupas are south of the small village - note the bastions -
Stein found the refuse dumps here extraordinarily disgusting - many were in the
small rooms shown along the eastern wall. This fort and that at Mazar-tagh
indicate the extensive occupation of the Tarim by the temporary Tibetan
SerindiaPlan 31 - Plan of ruined temple M. ii, Miran -
Stein determined that the Buddhist temples a short distance from the fort
predated it by centuries and were already buried when the fort was constructed.
This temple is marked II on the site plan.
Serindia Plan 32 - Plan and elevation of ruined shrines
M. iii and v. Miran - Stein uncovered remarkable stucco and frescos partially
preserved under sand along the walls.
Serindia Plan 33 - Detailed map of ancient Chinese Limes
west of Tun-huang - We have color versions of this and other maps that show
locations of many towers along the left bank of the Su-lo Ho - In this one we
see towers from Tvid at the west end to Txxiiig at the eastern border. - Towers
Tx viiia and Txviiib are along the route south to Tun-huang. Stein numbered
these towers more or less in the order in which he examined them.
Serindia Plan 34 - Plans of watch towers T xxv, xxviii,
and Txxix on ancient Limes north of Tun-huang - Stein did not prepare such
plans for every tower, many of which were far too completely ruined. And there
are many photos of the better preserved of the towers. Stein always refered to
the Han wall as "Limes' reflecting his connection between this and the
Roman frontier lines which had a similar strategic purpose.
Serindia Plan 35 - Plan of ruined town, Nan-hu - Stein
visited the modern village, Nan-hu, and the adjacent medieval ruin, located
west of Tun-huang, on his way back from Tun-huang to the Han wall. There was
not much left of the medieval site.
Serindia Plan 36 - Plans of ruined watch towers Tiii,
ivb, v, and xix on ancient Limes west of Tun-huang - actually more northwest
and north of the town
Serindia Plan 37 - Plans of ruined watch towers T vib,
vic at western extremity of ancient Limes (Han Dynasty wall) north-west of
Tun-huang - These can be found on the related maps.
Serindia Plan 38 - Plans of ruined watch towers Tviii,
xii, xiii, on ancient Limes , Tun=huang.
Serindia Plan 39 - Plans of ruined watch stations T
xxiia, xiva, Txvi ancient Limes west of Tun-huang
Serindia Plan 40 - Plans of ruined fort and station T
xiv, ancient Limes west of Tun-huang - Plan of remains of ruined station Txva,
ancient Limes - Tun-huang
Serindia Plan 41 - Plan of ruined magazine T.xviii,
ancient Limes west of Tun-huang - it is actually more north of the town - This
is a huge building that caused a lot of puzzlement for Stein until he figured
out it was a storage magazine for a length of the wall. Here is a
photo of the building. Other photos are in Innermostasia.
Serindia Plan 42 - Site plan of cave-temples of
"Thousand Buddhas', Tun-huang - the Roman numerals correspond to
descriptions in the text and some of the photos.
Serindia Plan 43 - Plans of cave-temples Ch i, ii, and
iii, "Caves of the Thousand Buddhas", Tun-huang - The 'walled up
chapel' is the location in which thousands of rare manuscripts were
Serindia Plan 44 - Plans of cave-temples Ch. v, vi, vii,
and viii, "Caves of the Thousand Buddhas", Tun=huang
Serindia Plan 45 - Plans of cave-temples Ch. ix, x,xii,
xv, "Caves of the Thousand Buddhas", Tun-huang
Serindia Plan 46 - Plan of ruined town (So-yang-ch'eng),
Ch'iao, tzu - Photo 240 shows some of the wall - 
Serindia Plan 47 - Plan of ruined shrines A.i and ii,
Ara-tam, Hami - Plan of watch-station inside extant border wall, north of
Chia-yu-kuan - One of the several photos of Ara-tami 
Serindia Plan 48 - Plan of ruined Buddhist shrines A.
iii, Ara-tam, Hami -Wang's garden palace - several photos are listed
Serindia Plan 49 - Rought sketch plan of ruined town
site of Yar-khoto, Turfan - Sketch plan of ruins near Lapchuk - note the
signature of R. B. Lal Singh who replaced Ram Singh about half way through the
second expedition when the latter became too ill to continue.
Serindia Plan 50 - Sketch plan of ruined fort,
Chong-hasar, Lukchun - Sketch plan of ruined shrines, Kichik-hassar,
SerindiaPlan 51 - Site plan of "Ming-oi' temple
ruins, Shikchin, Kara-shahr - Plan of cave temples north of 'Ming-oi'
Serindia Plan 52 - Sketch plan of portions of southern
group of "Ming-oi' ruins.
Serindia Plan 53 - Sketch plan of portions of northern
group of "Ming-oi' ruins
Serindia Plan 54 - Site plan of ruined shrines, Khora,
Kara-shahr Valley - Plan of ruined shrines, group iv, Khora
Serindia Plan 55 - Plan of site and ruined dwellings of
Kara-dong A photo number 302 
Serindia Plan 56 - Site plan of ancient remains at
Farhad-Beg-yailaki, Domoko
Serindia Plan 57 - Plan of ruined structures F. i-v,
Serindia Plan 58 - Plan of ruined structures F. vi,
viii, ix, xi, xii, Farhad-Beg-yailaki, Domoko
Serindia Plan 59 - Site plan of eastern extremity of
Mazar-tagh, with detailed plan of ruins of Mazar-tagh fort
Silk banners repesenting Bodhisattvas from the caves of
"Thousand Buddhas' - Tun-huang.
Serindia Silk banners, representing Dharmapala
(Lokapala) Vajrapanis, ( Vaisravana) from "Cave of Thousand Buddhas",
Tun-huang - The Chief of the four heavenly kings who guard the cardinal
directions. He is the son of Vishrava and to the Hindus known as Kubera - The
deity who hears everything. He guards the north direction from his home on Mt
Sumeru. He is represented with yellow face and carries an unbrella and has a
Serindia Silk banners, representing Dharmapala
(Lokapala) Vajrapanis, ( Vaisravana) from "Cave of Thousand Buddhas",
Tun-huang - The Chief of the four heavenly kings who guard the cardinal
directions. He is the son of Vishrava and to the Hindus known as Kubera - The
deity who hears everything. He guards the north direction from his home on Mt
Sumeru. He is represented with yellow face and carries an unbrella and has a
Painting in tempera from wall of shrine M III at Miran - Stein
notes the European features of these faces. This is a Buddhist shrine
Serindia LXXXIX Linen banners and paintings,
representing Buddha and Bodhisattvas, from "Thousand Buddhas",
Silk banners of Lokapalas at Tun-huang - Lokapalas in Buddhist
theology are the guardians of directions, Warrior kings dressed in armor - one
of the two caegories of Dharmapala the other being protectors of wisdom. The
Lokapalas are Vaisiravana - He who hears all - north, with pike or halbard and
often a snake (or umbrella and mongoose); Dhrtarastra - He who upholds the
realm - east with bow and arrow or pipa; Virupaksa - He who sees all - west
with sword or pearl; and Virudhaka - He who causes all to grow - south with
sword or club - Unfortunately from this photo of a photo we cannot determine
all the details but the same illustration is in On Ancient Central-Asian
Serindia LXXVIII - Painting of two Bodhisttvas from the
"Caves of Thousand Buddhas" at Tun-huang - The figure on the left is
repeated in another illustration.
Serindia - Silk banners of two Bodhisattvas from
"Caves of Thosand Buddhas". - The same illustration is in Ruins of
Desert Cathay and On Ancient Central-Asian Tracks.
Serindia - Silk painting of the Lokapala Vaisravana - He
who hears all - Chief of the four heavenly kings who guard the four cardinal
directions - with attendant genii and demons from "Caves of Thousand
Buddhas". The illustration appears in other of Stein's reports
including On Central Asian Tracks.
Serindia - Silk paintings of Avalokitesvara on left
(Kuan-yin or Guanjin) The Lord who looks down - and Buddha - Avalokitesvara is
a favorite Bodhisattva who looks down with compassion and has a role of
assisting beings to Nirvana - sometimes depicted with 4 arms out of a thousand
arms - a guider of souls with a willow branch. Shown here assisting a pios
donor. The Avalokitesvara illustration is also in On Ancient Central-Asian
Serindia - Silk painting of Avalokitesvara of a thousand
arms - The Lord who looks down with compassion - with attendant divinities at
"Caves of Thousand Buddhas" - Tun-huang
Serindia - Another silk painting representing
Avalokitesvara with donors dated 971 AD at the "Cave of Thousand
Buddhas" - Tun-huang - interesting that in Buddhist paintings as later in
the west donors are shown smaller at the bottom.
Serindia - Silk painting representing Buddhist heaven -
at "Cave of Thousand Buddhas" - Tun-huang
Serindia - A fresco tempera at Miran depicting a
heavenly being - note the western features - The illustration is also in On
Ancient Central-Asian Tracks.
Serindia - Tempera painting at shrine at Miran - Stein
was very taken with the western likeness - The illustration is also in On
Ancient Central-Asian Tracks.