The All American 82nd Airborne Division War
Memorial Museum is located in Building C 6841 Ardennes Street on Fort Bragg,
N.C. Information provided here is from the museum brochure. The photographs
were taken during a recent visit. Unfortunately, as with many museums, the
lighting interferes with photography. The museum is open from Tuesday to
Saturday. Visitors will need an identification to enter Fort Bragg. The museum
has 12,000 square feet indoors plus a large outdoor park of larger exhibits,
aircraft and armor. The museum is devoted to the history of the 82nd Airborne
Division from 1917 to the present during which time it has participated in many
operations including World Wars I and II, Vietnam, Dominican Republic, Grenada,
Panama, Gulf War, Kosovo and Global War on Terrorism. The division became
airborne in 1942 and led in experiments on parachute and glider insertion. In
addition to extensive combat the division conducts humanitarian and
peacekeeping operations. Extensive displays depict all these. Among the
exhibits devoted to individual members of the division are those for five Medal
of Honor recipients: Lt. Colonel Pike, Sergeant York, Private First Class
DeGlopper, Private Towle and First Sergeant Funk. Today it remains the nation's
primary strategic intervention force.
The museum has an excellent web site at -
http://www.82ndairbornemuseum.com It also is featured in wikipedia. And there
are many other web sites for the 82nd Division.
Division patch on museum wall near entrance
Sign at museum entrance
Wall display -first section at museum
entrance showing division actions in Afghanistan
Wall display for Operation Power Pack -
Dominican Republic 1965-66
Wall display for 82nd in Afghanistan in 2004
- 2008
An M-1902 cassion
World War I artillery piece
Wall display for 82nd in Iraq 2004- 2008
Wall display listing the units in the 82nd
Division during World War I. - Of course it was not airborne then
A construction depicting a World War I bunker
and trench
A large diorama depicting division troops
fighting in a trench
Manikins in World War I uniforms
Manikins in World War I uniforms
A Marlin M-1 1906 Machine Gun
Manikins in World War I uniforms
Manikins on World War 1 Uniforms
Display honoring Sergeant York with photo,
uniform and other items
Photo of Sergeat York with Medal of Honor
Display of typical personal eqipment items
such as belt and holster, mess kit, knife. canteen
Operational map of Meuse Aragon battle area
Wall display "March to World War
II" about preparation for air power - airborne operations
Wall display on preparation for World War II
Manikin in airborne uniform
Wall display of 82nd Division at Camp
Claiborne in 1942
Large painting of airborne soldiers in combat
Large painting of airborne soldiers in combat
Manikin of soldier in airborne uniform
Wall display noting some early exponents of
airborne operations including Benjamin Franklin
World War II Jeep
Wall display showing testing of parachute
employment 1940-42
Nose section of a World War II glider
View of interior of glider from cut in rear
Models of gliders on floor of the glider
Detail view of part of interior of the glider
World War II era barracks room
Wall display "82nd trains for war Fort
Bragg, 1942-43
Wall display airborne field equipment 1942-45
Wall display - photos of airborne training
Wall display - 82nd prepares to invade North
Wall display - large photo of two airborne
soldiers in full gear beside aircraft
Wall display - Operation Husky- Invasion of
Sicily 1943 - 82nd landing
Manikins in two different uniforms from
Display of two uniform blouses of airborne
Wall display - Operation Avalanche - Salerno
- sept 1943
Wall display of German Infantry small arms of
World War II
Wall display of American airborne infantry
small arms of World War II
Wall display - Operation Shield - Anzio -
504th Combat team action - January 1944
Wall display - 82nd Airborne Division in
action in World War II
Two manikins in airborne uniforms
Wall display showing French fourragare of the
Croix de Gourre
Wall Display of 82nd Division map of
operations around Cherbourg after Normandy landing
Wall display of various items of equipment
and photographs
Wall display of medical equipment
Wall display of 82nd Division in World War II
Wall display for 1st Polish Independent
Parachute Brigade
Wall display for Operation Market Garden
Manikin in airborne uniform with water cooled
machine gun
81mm mortar and 60mm mortar
Manikin in airborne uniform with machine gun
Wall display - Waal River crossing 1944
German multi-barrel Nebelweffer
German multi-barrel Nebelweffer
German motorcycle with side car
Wall display honoring 1st Sgt Leonard Funk -
Medal of Honor winner.
Wall display - Battle of Bulge
Manikin in winter uniform of Major General
during Battle of Bulge
Wall display for Berlin Occupation in 1945
The Mecklenburg Bowl 'liberated' by 82nd
Airborne - flash photo
The Mecklenburg Bowl 'liberated' by 82nd
Wall display airborne anti-tank weapons
Wall display - the 503rd/80th Airborne
Anti-tank Bn.
Division silver cup
Division silver cup
Wall display - the 555th Parachute Infantry
Battalion - 'tripple nickle'
Manikin wearing WWII uniform
Supply vehicle
Manikin in World War Ii uniform
Wall display - 82nd Airborne in 1960's
Wall display - Dominican automaticcarbineand
other artifacts from 82nd operation in Dominican Republic
Wall display- 82nd Airborne in VietNam
Manikin wearing post World War II uniform
Wall display - Operation Urgent Fury
-Grenada, October 1983
Wall display - 3rd Brigade 82nd Airborn in
VietNam - 1968-69
Soviet made ZSU twin barrel anti-aircraft gun
Soviet made ZSU twin barrel anti-aircraft gun
Detail of Soviet made ZSU twin barrel
anti-aircraft gun
1980's version of the Jeep
Wall display, Captured Iraqi small arms from
Operation Desert Storm
Soviet made 4 barrel ZSU anti-aircraft gun
Wall displays for Operation Just Cause -
Panama 1989
Wall display for Operation Just Cause -
Uniform of General Noriega and photo
Detail of Soviet 4 barrel ZSU anti-aircraft
Manikin of 82nd Airborne soldier in Desert
camouflage uniform
Wall display for 82nd Airborne in Persian
Gulf War 1990-1991
Wall display for 82nd Airborne in
Multinational Force observers in Sanai, Egypt
Manikins in newer camouflage uniforms
Statue of a winged airborne warrior
Outdoor - descriptive sign for M3 - 105mm
pack howitzer
M3- 105 mm pack howitzer
M3- 105 mm pack howitzer
Descriptive sign for the M1A1 75mm pack
M1A1 75mm pack howitzer
M1A1 75mm pack howitzer
Memorial to 82nd DAirborne Division soldiers
who gave lives in War on Terrorism
Display of a church in Ste Mere Eglise on
which Pvt John Steele happened to land by parachute during 82nd Airborne
support of Normandy Invasion in 1944
Display of a church in Ste Mere Eglise on
which Pvt John Steele happened to land by parachute during 82nd Airborne
support of Normandy Invasion in 1944
Aircraft that transported 82nd Division
soldiers in parachute operations
Sign describing the C123K Provider
C 123K Provider Troop carrying aircraft
Sign describing the C 119 Flying Boxcar
C 119 Flying Boxcar aircraft
C 119 Flying boxcar
Sign describing the M551A1 Sheridan Armored
Reconnaissance vehicle
Sheridan Armored Reconnaissance vehicle
M55A1 Sheridan Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle
Sign describing the M56 Scorpion 90mm
Airborne self propelled anti-tank gun SPAT
M56 Scorpion 90mm self-propelled anti-tank
M56 Scorpion 90mm self-propelled anti-tank
Sign describing the T8 - 90mm anti-tank gun
T8 90mm anti-tank gun
Sign describing the 80 passenger Personnel
transport van
Sign describing the M102 105mm howitzer
Aircraft and M 102 105mm howitzer
Aircraft and M 102 105 mm howitzer
Army aircraft
Sign describing the M167A2 Vulcan Air Defense
M167A2 Vulcan Air Defense System
M167A2 Vulcan Air Defense System
Sign describing the C 47B Skytrain
C 47B Skytrain aircraft
Sign describing the C 46F Commando
C 46F Commando aircraft
Sign describing the German sFH18 (M18) 15cm
Field Howitzer
German sFH18 (M18) 15cm Field Howitzer
German sFH18 (M18) 15cm Field Howitzer
Sign describing the Soviet D30 122mm howitzer
Soviet D30 122mm howitzer
Soviet D30 122mm howitzer
Troop transport aircraft