This is a compendium, a selection, of articles about events and individuals.
The theme is conflict as described in accounts of wars and battles. But that is
a superficial theme. For one thing, conflict was, and is, constant between
individuals and groups, which did not count as wars. The personal conflicts
between individuals and families continued as basic motivations throughout the
centuries, expanding in scope and violence as the geographic dimensions of the
territories they claimed to rule expanded. The level and intensity of war
expands at the level and extent of the resources avaiable to conduct it
expands. So this is but a basic skeleton on which to hang more fundamental
What the reader should be considering are the questions: What were the real
causes and results? Who made the decisions to take the actions that led to and
who conducted these wars and battles? What were the ideas (beliefs) that
motivated societies and the individuals who led them? It is ideas that generate
decisions and decisions that result in actions. So the content here is
superficial - only a description of events - results - of actions that resulted
from personal decisions based on their beliefs and ideas.
Dr. McCloskey coined the term 'betterment' to describe the motivation of
'bourgeois' society in Europe in the 18th century. A wonderful concept - my
review of her books is
Her purpose, well achieved, was to describe the change in the fundamental basis
and content of the thought system that expressed what 'betterment' meant to
western Europeans in the 18th century.
The many individuals mentioned in this compendium were, indeed, seeking
personal 'betterment' but mostly at the expense of other people's, not even
limited to their direct rivals', survival, let alone 'betterment'. Since the
split of academic economic theory from political theory economists have focused
on the idea that individuals sought 'betterment' through economic activity, but
it is actualy sought mostly through political activity.
They pillaged, raped, assassinated, murdered, conspired, and betrayed each
other without compunction. The content of their thought system differed in
significant ways from that of ancient and classical societies. For instance,
slavery was so endemic and socially basic to those societies that authors
rarely even thought to mention the organized slave trade as a topic needing
Another example is the ideas and actions of the Rurikid family through
centuries in Russia, which I describe in the elaborate section
Human groups from families to empires always have rulers. The Greeks classified
rulers into three types by numbers - the one - the few - and the many. Many,
but for sure not ALL.
There are two concepts (ideas) that are essential aspects of rulership -legitimacy
and justification. From the earliest records of
(and for communities that left no written records) The idea that there must be
a ruler was taken for granted. The question in the people's minds was which
individual or group was deemed to be the legitimate ruler and on what basis?
Then the question was on what basis were his decisions and actions considered
justified? These issues were, themselves, the subjects for conflict at all
levels from the most local to the widest regions that became the locus for the
exercise of power. This article is focused only on a very small part of the
world. One can rest assured that conflict was equally endemic throughout the
rest of the world. And conflict over legitimacy and justification have been a
central aspect of societies before and since. For instance read -
These are the fundamental questions that the reader might consider when
studying the historical accounts. The answers are frequently not obvious - even
apparent - in the summary accounts.
For an enjoyable read one can turn to the last chapter in Quintus Curtius
Rufus's classic The History of Alexander to savor the struggle over
legitimacy and justification that occupied Alexander's stalwart leading
generals while his body remained in his tent barely attended to. To read about
how the results were eventually worked out check the concluding sections below
on the Wars of the Diodochi.
Considering the essential role of ideas, the reader should delve into
references that address this subject in either or both general terms and
specifically Greek and Persian terms. Among useful books, in addition to those
mentioned, include Herbert Muller's Freedom in the ancient World; Fustel
de Coulanges' The Ancient City; G. T. Griffith's The Mercenaries of
the Hellenistic World; M. I. Finley's Economy and Society in Ancient
Greece, and other references listed below.
A brilliant recent book is J. E. Lindon's Soldiers & Ghosts: A History
of Battle in Classical AntiquityThe author focuses on Greek culture as the
basis for the conduct of war and in particular claims that the influence of
Homer was a powerful source of beliefs and attitudes toward military culture.
I mention in passing that economists today support their theories of human
economic activity on disparate ideas of what constitutes 'betterment' as a
motivating force. But we leave that for another study.
Now I have a new and exciting book - by Alain Bresson - The Making of the Ancient Greek
Economy - a massive study by an expert. And so badly needed. The subtitle
is Institutions, Markets, and Growth in the City-states. The text is not at all
focused on military activities but while Napoleon noted that an army marches on
its stomach, he was not alone in paying close attention to logistics for
campaigns. Yet, as I note frequently, it is a rare military history book or
even a primary source that discusses this vital aspect.
Before we delve into the wars and battles waged during the
Classical Greek era here are several basic concepts to consider.
Military history:
This essay is an expanded version of the article -
'Peloponnesian War' - I wrote for Brassey's International Military and
Defense Encyclopedia Vol. 5, pgs., 2117 - 2119, published in 1993. The
essay is at its chronological place in this version, but I have extended the
chronological time frame from before 500 BC to about 200 BC. But I have not
attempted to describe the many wars that preceded or followed the 'Great
Peloponnesian war' in such detail.
And I have created links to more specialized articles -one is an alphabetical
list ofbattles and wars - another is an
alphabetical listing of people and placesand
terms. I attempt to cross reference battles, leaders, and this chronological
listing. I expanded the content also to include my previous writing about
Marathon and Alexander the Great. And I have
included links to some other background material. But there is much more at.

Text books on the Peloponnesian War mostly treat it
separately without the larger historical context of the prior conflicts between
Athenians, Spartans, Corinthians, Thebans and the many other Greek communities.
And they do not fully consider the role the Persian monarchs and their satraps
in Asia Minor played especially with respect to interventions alternatively
aiding Sparta or Athens, or seeking to disrupt both. For the history of Greek
activities among themselves and their expanding conflicts with Persia during
the previous century we rely on the famous account of Herodotus -
Histories. For the war we read Thucydides. And for the concluding years
of the war and subsequent wars we rely on Xenophon and Diodorus: Plus
individual biographies by
Plutarch and Cornelius Nepos and
discussions of strategy by
Frontinus and Polyaenus.To these written
histories modern authors add archeological resources and other written material
such as plays, poems, inscriptions, coinage.
A listing of recommended references is at the end of this
table. Several are worth discussing here. Greenhalgh's Early Greek
Warfareis a detailed general description of warfare in Homeric and Archaic
Greek eras but the author does not and cannot describe or even name the
individual battles of those eras. Simon Anglim and his fellow authors in
Fighting Techniques of the Ancient World 3000 BC to AD 500 describes in
detail equipment, tactics and warfare but also has no contemporary sources to
name or describe individual early Greek battles. The same problem faces John D.
Montagu for Greek and Roman Warfare, Battles, Tactics and Trickery.
Moving on to the period after 600 BC for which authors can and do describe
individual wars, campaigns, and battles they give short shrift to economic and
logistical aspects of warfare. The only account I have found that analyzes
logistics is Donald Engles' Alexander the Great and the Logistics of the
Macedonian army. G. E. M Ste Croix and G. B. Grundy do focus much attention
to broad economic issues in the context of their general histories of the
Peloponnesian war. G.T Griffith'sThe Mercenaries of the Hellenistic
World is valuable as he describes basic issues such as the supply and
demand for fighting men, and their recruitment and pay; and their ideas and
motivations in contrast to those of the leaders.
What the contemporary authors from Herodotus to Diodorus Siculus and then to
Plutarch and Nepos do stress is the role of individuals, families and social
interest groups in the motivations and decisions that generate the causes for
conflicts and wars. This vital subject is frequently overlooked by political
analyst authors today who like to deal in 'forces' - 'states' and aggregates to
which they ascribe individual human psychology.
An excellent understanding and analysis of the concept of causation in the
classical world, not appreciated by many today, is William Blum's essay,
"Causal Theory in Thucydides' Peloponnesian War" in Political
Studies, Vol X, Feb. 1962 Number1'
I am sure everyone knows that warfare was endemic in
Greece even before there were Greeks there. The archeological record is vast
including not only real estate such as fortress walls, but also artifacts found
in graves in in ruined settlements and in illustrations on pottery. There are
also written remains. And some oral accounts eventually became written legends
and myths such as the great epics about the Trojan War. Just to provide some
sketchy background I include a few links to references about Mycenaean
civilization and the Doric Invasion. I considered adding the Trojan war but the
stories do not add anything significant to our knowledge of the actual details
of early Greek warfare. But Homer's account does focus on and bring attention
to the general issues such as causation, individual responsibility, role of
rulers, motivations and beliefs. Here is a link to an article on the
Trojan War.
J. E. Lendon has written a very important and interesting book - Soldiers
and Ghosts - in which, rather than recounting the Trojan War, he describes
in detail with examples the significant influence of Homer's version on many
Greek and Macedonian leaders, generals, and public on their beliefs and culture
which determine decisions and actions.
Read Greenhalgh - Early Greek Warfare; Drews - The End of the Bronze
Age: Ferrill - The Origins of War; , and Anglim - Fighting
Techniquies of the Ancient World 3000 BC - 500 AD, : for summary and
analysis of the broad topic of ancient warfare. References are listed in the
bibliography and the Wikipedia entries.
Mycenae - 5000 - 1550
Neolithic Age Mycenae, an acropolis site, was built on a hill 900 feet (274
meters) above sea level, some 19 kilometers (12 miles) inland from the Gulf of
Argolis. Situated in the north-east corner of the Argive plain, it easily
overlooked the whole area and was ideally positioned to be a centre of power,
especially as it commanded all easy routes to the Isthmus of Corinth. Besides
its strong defensive and strategic position, it had good farmland and an
adequate water supply. There are only faint traces of Neolithic settlement on
the site although it was continuously occupied from the Early Neolithic (EN; c.
5000c. 4000 ) through the Early Helladic (E H; c. 3200c. 2000 ) and
Middle Helladic (MH; c. 2000c. 1550 ) periods. EN Rainbow Ware
constitutes the earliest ceramic evidence discovered so far.
The lengthy entry continues from here, on the link.
Mycenaean Greece:
Mycenaean Greece (or the Mycenaean civilization) was the last phase of the
Bronze Age in Ancient Greece, spanning the period from approximately
16001100 BC. It represents the first advanced and distinctively Greek
civilization in mainland Greece with its palatial states, urban organization,
works of art, and writing system. The most prominent site was Mycenae, in the
Argolid, after which the culture of this era is named. Other centers of power
that emerged included Pylos, Tiryns, Midea in the Peloponnesus, Orchomenos,
Thebes, Athens in Central Greece and Iolcos in Thessaly. Mycenaean and
Mycenaean-influenced settlements also appeared in Epirus, Macedonia, on islands
in the Aegean Sea, on the coast of Asia Minor, the Levant, Cyprus and Italy.
The Mycenaean Greeks introduced several innovations in the fields of
engineering, architecture and military infrastructure, while trade over vast
areas of the Mediterranean was essential for the Mycenaean economy.
The lengthy article continues from here on the link.
The military nature of Mycenaean Greece (c. 16001100
) in the Late Bronze Age is evident by the numerous weapons unearthed, warrior
and combat representations in contemporary art, as well as by the preserved
Greek Linear B records. The Mycenaens invested in the development of military
infrastructure with military production and logistics being supervised directly
from the palatial centres. This militaristic ethos inspired later Ancient Greek
tradition, and especially Homer's epics, which are focused on the heroic nature
of the Mycenaean-era warrior elite. Late Bronze Age Greece was divided into a
series of warrior kingdoms, the most important being centered in Mycenae, to
which the culture of this era owes its name, Tiryns, Pylos and Thebes. From the
15th century , Mycenaean power started expanding towards the Aegean, the
Anatolian coast and Cyprus. Mycenaean armies shared several common features
with other contemporary Late Bronze Age powers: they were initially based on
heavy infantry, with spears, large shields and in some occasions armor. In the
13th century , Mycenaean units underwent a transformation in tactics and
weaponry and became more uniform and flexible and their weapons became smaller
and lighter. Some representative types of Mycenaean armor/weapons were the
boar's tusk helmet and the "Figure-of-eight" shield. Moreover, most
features of the later hoplite panoply of Classical Greece were already known at
this time.
This illustrated entry continues from here on the link.
This is an historiography essay discussing the concept
developed by later historians that there was an 'invasion' of the territory we
call Greece by a warlike people we call Dorians. For the purpose of this effort
it can serve as an example of what we 'lay people' have to contend with when
attempting to understand what the academic historians tell us about something
as complex as ancient Greek warfare. For an excellent book that describes and
analyzes early Greece from neolitic through the stages of Mycenea and the 'dark
age' through the Dorian Invasion read Pierre Leveque's book - The Greek
Adventure- the first 150 pages cover these periods. But I disagree with the
author's adoption of the standard economists' theories about barter and the
origins of money.
Citations to references on those topics is a vast but separate subject.
The Greek Dark Ages is the period of Greek history from the end of the
Mycenaean palatial civilization around 1100 BC to the beginning of Archaic age
around 750. See the link for description.
This link is to a brief and somewhat disappointing article in Wikipedia.
See printed references.
Ancient Greek Warfare:
Warfare occurred throughout the history of Ancient Greece, from the Greek Dark
Ages onward. The Greek 'Dark Age' drew to a close as a significant increase in
population allowed urbanized culture to be restored, which led to the rise of
the 'city-states' (Polis).
These developments ushered in the period of Archaic Greece (800-480). This
lengthy article continues from here. It is a general overview of the subjects
discussed in detail on the following sections. - see the link.
Corinth created colonies on Sicily and Corcyra which figured in warfare
centuries later. By 730 it was a significant economic power due to its
Colonization was a significant activity for many communities as a release from
over population. See A. j Graham, Colony and Mother City in Ancient
724 -
First Messenian
War- Messenians led by Aristodemus defeat Spartans led by Theopompus and
thus preserve their independence. But they were eventually subjugated and
enslaved as 'helots'.
720 -650
TheLelantine war-
This is an example of the routine warfare that continued throughout pre-proto-
and early Greece for thousands of years. Repeated wars occurred between Chalcis
and Eretria, two relatively strong but small communities living a few miles
apart on Euboea island who fought over the fertile plain between them. Both
communities suffered substantial decline as a result of the lengthy conflict.
Their perennial conflict over land drew in the participation of other Greek
communities. Their conflict is a 'micro' example of the very much larger but
remarkably similar conflict that Spartans and Athenians brought on to the
entire "Greek World' and even beyond to include communities from Sicily to
Asia Minor, the Black Sea region, and Persia. In turn, after Alexander the
Great had expanded the breadth of conflict, his death resulted in even larger
scale warfare throughout the region until an even more powerful and aggressive
people, the Romans, arrived to subordinate all these to its power.
Victor David Hanson writes that this is the first war in Greek history for
which there is specific evidence of named battles. It is an example of the
results of what amounted, if not of 'fratricide', at least an ability to set
the destructive nature of personal and group aggrandizement in service of greed
and domination as motives for nearly constant conflict and warfare.
Aegina becomes significnt merchant trading city with Asia minor and Egypt
685 -
Second Messenian
War- Messenians led by Aristomenes defeat
Spartans temporarily. Eventually Spartans conquered the Messenians and turned
them into agricultural slaves -helots. But then centuries of fear that the
helots would revolt forced the Spartans into creating a militaristic society.
684 -
Battle ofDeres in
Second Messenian war
Battle of Boar's Barrow - Second Messenian War - Aristomenes led Messenians to
defeat Spartans led by Anaxander
Battle of Great Foss - Second Messenian War - Spartans defeat Aristomenes -
Sicyon became independent from Argos
669 -
Battle of
Hysiae - Argive-Spartan War in which Argives defeat Spartans.
668 - 596
There is extensive evidence of warfare during the period 670 - 590 from
artifacts such as vase painting and actual armor, enough for historians today
to reconstruct the developments in warfare in considerable detail including the
books by J.J. Anderson and Victor D. Hanson, but little or no documents
describing actual battles. However, general histories of ancient Greece contain
much information about political and cultural history during this period.
657 - 627
Cypselus was polemarch -
commander of the army - and seized power in Corinth from the Bachiadae. He
ruled until 627. Corinth had been at war with Argos and Corcyra.
627 death of Cypselus and begining of reign of Periander, his son, as
tyrant of Corinth.
Here is a summary essay on the
First Sacred War
The First Sacred War, or Cirraean War, was fought between the
League of Delphi and the city of Kirrha. At the beginning of the 6th century
the Pylaeo-Delphic Amphictyony, controlled by the Thessalians, attempted to
take hold of the Sacred Land (or Kirrhaean Plain) of Apollo which resulted in
this war. The conflict arose due to Kirrha's frequent robbery and mistreatment
of pilgrims going to Delphi and their encroachments upon Delphic land. The war,
which culminated with the defeat and destruction of Kirrha, is notable for the
use of chemical warfare at the Siege of Kirrha, in the form of hellebore being
used to poison the city's water supply.
595 - 585
The 10 year siege of Kirrha - Cirrha which was the
content of this war between that town and the Amphictonic League of Delphi. The city was
The agreed date for Solon's
reforms in Athens. There is no date agreed to by historians forLycurgus' reforms
in Sparta. Some date him around 720. He is mentioned by many classic authors
including Plutarch who wrote a 'biography'. But some modern authors consider
him to be 'mythical'.
Death of Periander, tyrant of Corinth. He was succeeded by Psammetchus
Pentathlus' Expedition to Sicily of c.580 was probably one of the first clashes
between the Greeks and the Phoenician inhabitants of western Sicily, and ended
with a victory for the Phoenicians and their local allies. During the previous
two centuries the Greeks had slowly been spreading west across Sicily, but
their colonies hadn't directly threatened the three main Phoenician cities of
Motya, Panormus and Soluntum, on the western and north-western coasts. The
Greeks had founded a city at Selinus, on the south-west coast, but their main
opponents appear to have been the Elymians, one of the three native groups on
Sicily. This changed in around c.580, when an expedition of Greeks from Rhodes
and from Cnidus, on the south-west coast of Anatolia, decided to found a new
city on Sicily in an attempt to escape harsh treatment by the kings of Asia.
Penthalus was killed and the survivors decided to abandon the new colony and
return home. Although the Phoenicians aren't mentioned here, there is no reason
to believe that they couldn't have fought alongside their Elymian allies,
reconciling the two accounts. This wasn't the end of their story. On the way
home they stopped at Aeolian Islands, off the north coast of Sicily. They
decided to settle on the islands instead of returning home. They were
apparently welcomed by the inhabitants of the island of Lipara, the survivors
of an earlier Greek colony, and there established a successful society (at
least partly based on piracy).
See the link for more.
579-554 - little information but there were many conflicts
Sicyon allied with Sparta
Cyrus revolted against the Median Empire
The Battle of theFetters was an engagement
between Sparta and Arcadia c. 550, in which the Arcadians defeated the
Spartans. According to Herodotus, the Spartans consulted the Delphic Oracle
before taking military action. They were told that they would not conquer all
of Arcadia but it was possible for Tegea to fall, for the oracle would
"give you Tegea to dance in with stamping feet and her fair plain to
measure out the line". The title 'fetters' comes from the Spartans having
taken iron chains to use on the Arcadians but the result was in reverse.
Corinth forms alliance with Sparta
Foundation of the Achaemenid Empire byCyrus the Great, which
lasted until conquered by Alexander in 330. It was followed by a series of
kingdoms and empires. The article at the link is a general summary of the
history of the Achaemenid empire to 330 - and information about the Achaemenid
Achaemenid conquest of Lydia
Cyrus defeats Croesus at battle of
Thymbra and then
at siege ofSardisresulting
in Achaemenid conquest of Lydia
Pallene the ancient name of the westernmost of the three headlands of
Chalcidice, which run out into the Aegean Sea
Battle of Pallene in which Peisistratos is
restored as tyrant of Athens.
Battle of Thyreatis (battle of 300
champions) in which Spartans defeated Argives in their feud. According to
Herodotus Sparta had surrounded and captured the plain of Thyrea. When the
Argives marched out to defend it, the two armies agreed to let 300 champions
from each city fight, with the winner taking the territory. Presumably the idea
was to reduce the total number of casualties.
See the link for details.
Persians complete subjugation of the Greek Ionian mainland cities. They impose
a tribute system and establish local tyrants at rulers.
Polycratesis tyrant of
Samos. He wages war against Milesians and Lesbians and practices piracy. He
makes Samosthe strongest
naval power in the Aegean.
Achaemeid conquest of Babylon
Persian king Cyrus
dies and is succeeded by his son
Cambyses II
Cambyses is successful in invading and conquering Egypt.
While Cambyses is campaigning in Egypt the Spartans wage war againstPolycrates tyrant of Samos.
He had a large fleet and army and robbed and looted throughout the eastern
Aegean. Polycrates had formed an alliance with Amasis, king of Egypt.
Samos was powerful and wealthy due to its location on a narrow strait off the
coast of Asia minor through which much north-south merchant trading shipping
passed and was subject to toll.
The Persians had some control over the Phoenician fleet but Cambyses sent to
Polycrates for supporting fleet and troops. Polycrates selected individuals he
most suspected of being rebels and sent them. These rebels then obtained the
support from Sparta. The Spartans were joined by Corinthians who also opposed
Polycrates. But even this very large force failed in its siege of Samos and
returned home.
Following the defeat of the Spartan siege at Samos the rebels who had sought
them had to retreat as well. They sailed to the very wealthy island Siphnos
(located south-east of Attica) and attacked the town. The Samians won and
extracted 100 talents ransom. From there they sailed to Crete which they
occupied for 6 years until captured and enslaved by the Aeginetans.
The Persian satrap at Sardis, Oroetes, who controlled Lydia
decides to conquer Samos. He killed Polycrates.
Death of Persian king Cambyses II from wound in battle. He is succeeded after a
struggle by Darius I.
Control of Samos devolves to Maeandrius.
After various intrigues and struggles
Darius Ibecomes king of
Persia and assassinates Oroetes. Later Darius decides to conquer Samos.
Darius captures Samos and kills all the inhabitants
Darius begins campaign across the Bosporus and Danube against the
Scythians. For this
crossing he commissioned Mandroclesof Samos to build
a floating bridge across the Bosporus, where as later Xerxes had his bridge
across the Hellespont. He has naval support from Greek Ionians, from both
mainland and island cities and other tyrants including
Miltiades of Chersonesus
and Ariston of Byzantium.
The account of the campaign at the link contains a convenient listing of the
Greek and other 'tyrants' and their cities who accompanied Darius. It also
contains modern historians consensus appraisal of Darius' motives and results.
After retreating from the Scythians. Darius establishes a Persian satrapy in
Thrace with Megabazus as
satrap. He expands control against the Paeones in the Strymom river valley, and
at Perinthus, a town near Byzantium. He makes an alliance with the rulers of
Macedon. His replacement, Oranes, continues offensives on both sides of the
Hellespont, capturing Byzantium, Chalcedon, Antandrus and Lamponium. Using
ships from Lesbos he conquers Lemnos and Imbros.
King Amyntadas I surrenders Macedonia to the Persians.
Dorieus' Expedition to Sicily was an unsuccessful
attempt by a band of Greek adventurers to capture the town of Eryx in western
Sicily and use it as the basis of a new Greek city. Dorieus was a member of the
Spartan royal family, a younger son of Cleomenes, king from c.520 and the
brother of King Leonidas of Thermopylae fame. A few years after his father came
to the throne Dorieus decided to seek his fortune overseas. His first venture,
in c.514, was to North Africa, where he attempted to found a colony between the
Persian and Carthaginian Empires. He was expelled by the Carthaginians and
Libyans, and returned to Greece where he consulted the oracles. They told him
to 'found Heraclea in Sicily', which he interpreted as an instruction to found
a city in western Sicily.
Dorieus's new target was the town of Eryx, an Elymian settlement on the
north-west coast of Sicily, between the Phoenician cities of Motya and
Panormus. According to legend this town had been conquered by Hercules during
one of his labors, but then returned to its inhabitants until one of his
descendants came to claim it. As a member of the Spartan royal house Dorieus
could claim descent from Hercules. Dorieus gathered a band of adventurers,
including four other Spartans, who would join him as co-founders of the new
settlement. They departed for Sicily in about 510, and after taking part in
some fighting in southern Italy soon reached their target. After that the
expedition was a total disaster. Dorieus and his band may have held Eryx for
long enough to rename it Heraclea, but they were quickly defeated by an
alliance of Phoenicians and Elymians. Dorieus was killed and most of his army
destroyed. Only one of the fire Spartan 'co-founders', Euryleon, survived the
disaster. He took his surviving men and captured a nearby Greek settlement at
Minoa. His army then moved south and helped the inhabitants of Selinus
overthrow Peithagoras, their tyrant. Euryleon then threatened to become a
tyrant himself and was killed. Dorieus' death was later used by Gelon, tyrant
of Syracuse in the 480s in an attempt to gain support from mainland Greece for
his attempted conquests, but without much success.
502 The Persians unsuccessfully attackNaxos prompting the Ionian
cities to consider rebellion.
Classical Greece - a general overview for background at
the link.

Classical Athens - another background essay at the link.
Fifth Century Athens
This brief article is inserted here as background information about Athens in
the century from the Ionian revolt to the defeat of Athens in 404. There are
many books that describe Athens and Greece in general, often with little detail
on military affairs. (See the reference list.)
Athenian military
Sparta was a unique society so requires a more detailed description found in
this entry.
Corinth was one of the most wealthy and powerful Greek cities due to its
location at the western end of the isthmus between the Peloponnesus and Attica
and central Greece. It had ports on both the Corinthian Gulf and Saronic Gulf.
It was a major trader with the west - to Italy and Sicily.
Thebes was the major city in Boeotia, the plain just north of the Corinthian
Gulf and Attica. It was one of the most ancient cities in Greece, having
significant mention in the earliest myths. The Thebans sought to gain more
power than their location assured due to the other cities in Boeotia and
adjacent regions. They repeatedly allied themselves with stronger powers even
including Persia in hopes of gaining power in Boeotia.
Aristagoras, tyrant of
Miletus began the Ionian
Revoltfrom Persia. He went to Sparta which refused and then to Athens and
obtained aid.
The siege of Naxos was an unsuccessful Persian
backed attempt to restore a party of exiled Naxian aristocrats. The failure of
the attack played a part in the outbreak of the Ionian Revolt , an attempt to
overthrow Persian control of the Greek cities of Ionian.
Ionian Revoltbegins
- Near Pamphylia battle in which the Athenians and Ionians defeated the
Battle at Ephesus(Ephesus) in which Persians defeated the
Athenians and Ionians
The siege of Amathus (c.498/7) was an attempt by
Greek rebels to capture the pro-Persian Phoenician city of Amathus on Cyprus.
The battle ofSalamis , was a land and sea
battle on and by Cyprus, won by the Persians on land and the Cypriotes and
their Ionian allies at sea. The battle in Cyprus in which the Persians led by
Artybius defeated the Ionians and Cypriots led by Onesilus and another battle
at the 'Keys of Cyprus' in which the Ionian fleet defeated the Phoenician
Battle at Marsyas River in which the Persians defeated the Carians. The
estimated casualties were 10,000 Carians and 2,000 Persians
The siege of Paphos (c.497) was part of the
Persian reconquest of Cyprus after the defeat of the Cyprian rebels at Salamis.
The siege ofSoli (c.497) was part of the Persian
reconquest of Cyprus after the island's failed participation in the Ionian
Revolt, and was the last to be concluded, lasting for four months.
The battle of the Maeander (497) was the
first of three battles between Carian rebels and the Persians that eventually
disrupted the first major Persian counterattack during the Ionian Revolt.
Battle at Labrunda was the second of three
battles between the Persians and Carian rebels in which the Persians defeated
the Carians and Milesians who had retreated to the sacred grove of Zeus
Stratios after loosing at Marsyas River.
The battle ofPedasus or Pedasa (497 or 496)
on the road from Labrunda was the third in a series of battles between the
Persians and Carian rebels during the Ionian Revolt, where the Carians ambushed
the Persians was a major Persian defeat that effectively ended their first
large scale counterattack against the rebels.
495 Kimon (Cimon) leads
Delian League force
against Skyros which was then made an Athenian colony.
Naval battle off
Ladeisland (Lade)in which the Persians
defeated the Ionians led by Dionysius after the Samian and Lesbian fleets quit
and sailed home was the decisive battle of the Ionian Revolt, and was a
crushing Persian naval victory that eliminated Ionian naval power and left the
individual Ionian cities exposed to attack.
Battle ofSepeia in
which the Spartans led by Cleomenes I defeated the
Argives in the battle considered to have had the greatest number of casualties
in classical Greek times - the Argives never forgot their hatred for the
Spartans over the events of this battle.
The siege of Miletus (494) followed the
Ionian naval defeat in the battle of Lade, in which the Persians recaptured the
city that had triggered the Ionian Revolt in 499.
The battle of Malene (494) in which
Harpagus defeated the
Ionians and Aeolians led by Histiateusending the
career of Histiaeus, former Tyrant of Miletus, a former support of Darius who
may have played a part in the outbreak of the Ionian Revolt, but who ended his
career as something of an adventurer.
The battle of the Helorus River (c.493)
in which Hippocrates, tyrant of Gela, defeated the army of Syracuse, but he was
unable to capitalise on his victory by capturing the city. See the link.
Probable end of the Ionian Revolt (499-493)
This is a
summary of the Wikipedia article that includes much more and many
Persian navy - A brief
summary of its history and organization.
The siege of Carystus (490) on Euboea was an
early Persian victory in the campaign that ended at the battle of Marathon.
The battle of Eretria(490) on Euboea
island was the second and final Persian success during the campaign that ended
in defeat at Marathon.
The battle of Marathon (12 September 490), in
which the Athenians and Plataeans led by Miltiades defeated the
larger Persian force send by king Darius I, was the decisive battle that ended
the Persian invasion.
Click here for a neat annimated map of the
From 490 - 480 Aegina is at height of its significance as economic power with
strong fleet and widespread commerce, and the Athenians don't like it,
especially is contacts with Persia.
King Archelaus of Macedon died.
The siege of Paros was the final campaign of Miltiades, the most important
Athenian leader during the battle of Marathon of 490. He convinced the Athenian
assembly that he could lead a naval campaign across the Aegean and when he was
unsuccessful he was tried and convicted but soon died in prison from injury
made during the campaign. His trial is an example of the typical response of
the Athenian assembly.
Athenians begin to build 200 triremes using profit from their silver mines at
the urging of ThemistoclesHis stated
purpose was to war against Aegina (since that was an immediate issue whereas
popular thought about Persia was slight) but the fleet proved to be critical
during the second Persian invasion
There were conflicts, off and on, between the Spartans
(Peloponnesians) actually (Lacedaemonians) and Athenians prior to and after the
second Persian invasion and Greek counter- offensive (480 - 461) and the
outbreak of the First Peloponnesian War in 461 which ended in a truce in 446.
In Greek philosophy war was the natural condition of man and peace was an
unusual interlude. War was the ultimate means for deciding conflicts between
Xerxesassembles his
Persian army at Sardis
The Carthaginian Invasion of Greek Sicily of 481-480 took place at the same
time as Xerxes's invasion of Greece and ended with a Greek victory at the
battle of Himera.in 480.
Xerxes' engineers build pontoon
bridges to cross the Hellespont.
The Persian army crosses the Hellespont and enters Thrace.
Battle at Thermopylae in
which the Persians commanded by Xerxes defeated the Spartans led byLeonidas .
Naval battle off Cape
Artemisium in
which the Athenians and allies led byEurybiades and
Themistocles against the Persians resulted in an
inconclusive draw and ended when the Greek fleet withdrew after learning that
the Persians had won and could pass through Thermopylae.
Click here for a neat annimated map of the
battle of Artemisium.
- Xerxes captures Athens, Athenians move to Aegina and Salamis islands and to
Peloponnesus mainland.
In September (23 or 24), naval battle at
Salamis in which
the Greek allies commanded by
Eurybiades andThemistocles defeated the Persians was the decisive
event of Xerxes' invasion which forced him to withdraw leaving a large army to
winter in Thrace and Macedon.
Siege of Potidaea by Persians during their
retreat from Plataea
The siege of Himera was the first military action of the Carthaginian invasion
of Sicily of 480, and was ended by the dramatic Carthaginian defeat at the
battle of Himera. The battle of Himera was a
famous victory won by the Greeks of Syracuse over an invading Carthaginian
The siege of Andros is an incident recorded
by Herodotus as taking part in the period after the Greek naval victory at
Xerxes retreats with part of his army through Thrace, finds the bridge at
Hellespont destroyed by weather, crosses to Abydus using ships. He leaves
Mardonius in command of
remaining Persian army in winter quarters in Thessaly and Macedon.
Artabazus besieges
Poteidae unsuccessfully for 3 months over the winter. Mardonius attempts
diplomatically to detach the Athenians from the Hellenic League Greek cause,
sending Macedonian king, Alexander, to negotiate.
Meanwhile in Sicily The siege of Himera in 480 was the first military action of
the Carthaginian invasion of Sicily of 480, and was ended by the dramatic
Carthaginian defeat at the battle of Himera. The
battle of Himera (autumn 480) was a famous victory won by the Greeks of
Syracuse over an invading Carthaginian army.
Critical events after the defeat of the
Persians at Salamis
The Spartans want to fortify the Corinthian Isthmus and defend only the
Peloponnesus - The Athenians want the Spartans to advance into Boeotia to
protect Attica. The Greek fleet assembles at Aegina. (Herodotus's account of
110 ships is questionable).
In the summer Mardonius advances the Persian army south into Boeotia. The
Athenians again evacuate Athens sending families to Salamis and Trozen.
Mardonius occupies Attica and again offers Athenians an alliance. Athenians
send envoys to Sparta threatening to switch sides and complaining about failure
to defend Attica. The Spartans relent and under Pausanias'
command send 5000 Spartiates, 5000 perioeci and 35,000 helots north. Meanwhile
Mardonius sacked Athens and retired back into Boeotia using Thebes as a
friendly base. By exploiting the rift between the Athenians and Spartans he
caused the latter to shift from strong defense at the Isthmus into operations
favorable to the Persians on the open plain of the Asopus river.

Battle ofPlataea
The Greek force totalled 38,700 hoplites, mostly from Sparta, Athens and
Corinth. The Persians numbered over 40,000. Mardonius attempted to use his
superiority in cavalry. Aristides commanded the
Athenian force.
Map of Persian control prior to Plataea.
Click here for a neat animated map of the battle
at Plataea.
Meanwhile the combined Greek fleet was sailing east from Aegina under command
of the Spartan king Leotychides.
Xanthippus commanded the
Athenian contingent. They received messengers from Chios urging the overthrow
of their tyrant, Strattis, and from Samos urging overthrow of their tyrant,
Theomestor, which urged the Hellenic navy to proceed further east from Delos.
Leotychides was then assured that Ionian cities would all revolt, so he sailed
on to Samos. Xerxes remaining fleet spent the winter at Cyme and then gathered
at Samos. On the arrival of the Greek fleet the Persian commanders sent their
Phoenician fleet home and retired across the strait from Samos to
Mt. Mykale under
protection of the Persian army garrison. Leotychides landed his force near the
Persians, then urged the Ionians in the Persian force to defect. He then
advanced west and attacked the Persian position. The Greeks routed the
remaining Persians, the Samians and other Ionians deserted and turned against
the Persians. After the great victory the Greeks retired to Samos to decide on
what to do next. The decision was to admit the defensible islands, Samos,
Lesbos and Chios into the Hellenic League, but to abandon the Ionians on the
mainland as the league did not have sufficient forces to defend them from the
Leotychides leads the Hellenic League fleet to the Hellespont to destroy the
Persian bridge, finding it already destroyed the Spartans sail for home but the
Athenians, commanded by Xanthippus remained to attempt to capture the
Chersonesus and the Hellespont where they did successfully besiege the Persian
garrison in Sestos. This small event was important in shifting relations
between Athenians and Spartans.
Pausanias leads Spartan troops to Thebes after the battle of Plataea to force
the disbandment of the Theban federation and surrender of its leaders. The
Thebans had sided with the Persians or at least had given them lodging (under
some duress.)
The siege of Potidaea (480-479) was an
unsuccessful Persian attempt to capture the strongly fortified city in the
aftermath of Xerxes's retreat from Greece, and is notable for the first
historical record of a tsunami.
The battle of Plataea (27 August 479) was the
decisive land battle during the Persian invasion of Greece (480-479) and saw
the Persian land army left behind after the failure of the 480 campaign
defeated by a coalition of Greek powers.
The battle of Mycale (479) was a land battle
that resulted in the destruction of the Persian fleet in Asia Minor, and that
encouraged the Ionian cities to rebel against Persian authority.
Battle of Tegea in which the Spartans
attacked the Argives and Tegeates.
The Spartans demand that the Athenians not rebuild their city walls but
Themistocles went to Sparta and by subterfuge delayed discussion until the
Athenians quickly rebuilt the city walls and then the walls from Athens to
Peiraeus. This also was a critical event in the changing relations between
Spartans and Athenians.
The siege of Thebes in 479 followed the Greek
victory over the invading Persians at Plataea, and ended after the main Persian
supporters in Thebes surrendered.
The Spartans had already created a Peloponnesian League comprising the smaller
towns there plus Corinth and several Boeotian cities as a defensive league.
The siege of Olynthus in early 479 was a
success for the Persian forces that had escorted Xerxes back to the Hellespont
after the battle of Salamis and saw the city fall to assault and a large part
of its population massacred.
Sestus, siege, 479-478
The Spartan regent and general, Pausanias, leads the Greek naval campaign to
free the Ionian cities from Persia but angers the citizens there by being so
domineering and generally objectionable. The fleet consisted of 20 ships from
the Peloponnesus, 30 from Athens, and others from allied cities. They sailed to
Cyprus although the Persians still had garrisons at Eion and Doriscus in Thrace
and at Byzantium. After succeeding in collecting booty in Cyprus Pausanias led
the fleet the long route to Byzantium where he besieged the Persian garrison.
It was there that Pausanias became too despotic that the allies detested him.
Sparta lost its popularity throughout the Aegean islands and the Asian coast,
The Ionians asked the Athenians to take over command. The Spartans at home
recalled Pausanias and put him on trial. They sent Dorcis with some ships to
replace him but the Ionians refused to accept him. But Pausanias acquired a
trireme for himself, sailed to Byzantium and took command of the city in 477.

The League of Delos to defend against Persia was founded by the Greek Ionian
cities who were disgusted with the Spartans and asked the Athenians to lead
them. The members were tasked with providing a set number of ships, or for
those who could not or chose not to they were to provide money. The Athenians
assigned Aristides to establish the quotas of ships
or money and appointed the 'treasurers' to collect and safeguard the money
(tribute) on Delos Island. There also a congress of representatives met to
decide policy. Historians still today discuss who were the actual members of
the League.
Pausanias was ejected from Byzantium, recalled by the Spartan ephors, put on
trial again. He took refuge in a temple which was then bricked up to let him
starve to death.
Miltiades' son,Kimon, (Cimon) and
led the first Delian League campaign against the Persian garrison in Eion a
port at the Strymon river on the north-west Aegean coast.
The League forces commanded by Cimon then attacked Scyros Island, enslaved its
inhabitants and replaced them with new settlers. Next they attacked
Carystus on Euboea Island. It surrendered on terms.
The battle of Akragas (c.472-1) was a clash
between Heiro, tyrant of Syracuse and Thrasydaeus, tyrant of Akragas, that
ended in victory for Hiero.
Battle ofDipaea in which the Spartans attacked
the Arcadian League and Tegea
The Elians consolidated by moving inhabitants from neighboring villages to
create a larger city of Elis. Mantinea had already done a similar shift at an
unknown date.
Having forced Carystus (Karytos) on Euboea to join the Delian league, the
Athenians attacked rebellious Naxos and forced its citizens to give up their
ships and pay a fine - This was example of growing Athenian imperialism.
Kimon (Cimon) led large Athenian and allies' (Delian League) naval force at
battle ofEurymedon River (Greek victory on
both land and sea over Persians).
Battle of Syedra in which Kimon again led Delian League navy to defeat the
The Syracusan Revolution ended a period of tyrannical rule in the city and
ushered in a prolonged period of democracy and prosperity.
The battle ofCrastus took place in the period
between the removal of several Tyrants on Sicily and the establishment of a
period of peace, and was fought between Akragas on one side and the inhabitants
of the town of Crastus and their allies from Himera and Gela on the other.
Earthquake in Lacedaemon (Sparta region) and revolt of Messenians against the
Spartans who asked for assistance. They besieged the Messenians on Mt. Ithome
for 6 years.
The Spartans fought the Arcadians at Dipaia near Tegra and Mantineia.
Thasos island attempts to revolt from
Athenian alliance but was forced to surrender after two year siege. They are
forced to give tribute. Other allies continue to attempt revolts.
Historians consider that the Delian League reached its greatest extend in
membership cities in this year, in which it included most of the Aegean
islands, and the cities on both shores. And the Athenian hegemony reached a
greater extent.
Spartans appeal to Athenians and other Greek communities for assistance against
Messenians. Aegina and Mantinea and Plataea responded. The Spartans initially
were most desirous of Athenian assistance in siege warfare- but only Kimon's
Athenian forces were then sent back by Spartans - Athenians considered this a
huge slight on their 'honor'- Athenians form alliance with Megarians, Argives
and Thessalians. (Raphael Sealey considers that this caused a major shift in
Athenian attitudes toward Sparta)
The war between Athenians and the Athenian empire versus
Spartans, Thebans, Corinthians, and other members of the Peloponnesian
Confederacy 431 - 404. Large scale but sporadic campaigns and heavy fighting
took place from Sicily to the coast of Asia Minor and from the Hellespont and
Thrace to Rhodes. It was the first war in history to be recorded by an eye
witness historian of the highest caliber. It has come down through history as
the archetypical war between a commercial democracy and an agricultural
aristocracy and a war between a maritime superpower and a continental military
machine. But some modern commentators consider that it was actually a economic
trade war because the real Athenian opponent was the Corinthians who were
contesting international trade with them. Others note the significant 'racial'
basis of conflict between Dorian and Ionian Greeks.
Thucydides' history is itself a classic, which for generations was considered a
foundation of a proper education. In his manuscript he also included a sketch
of the previous history of Greek city relations. But he did not complete a
history of the entire war. That was accomplished by Xenophon in his
Hellenica. Much information also comes to us from Diodorus Silicus,
Cornelius Nepos, and Plutarch. Scholars of ancient Greek history and literature
also mine even fragments of plays and speeches and archeological findings. .
Raphael Sealy devotes much attention to the question,
"Why did the First Peloponnesian War break out?" He describes the
internal political rivalry of the leading families and their leading
politicians, especially the conflict between Cimon and Ephialtes.
"Personal ties were crucial in an Athenian politician's career; rising
politicians looked primarily to their friends in the city for support. The
personal ties of leading Athenians with families outside Attica might well
repay study". One such rivalry was between Cimon and Ephialtes, which
extended into opposition between them on pro-and anti-Spartan policy.
The war resulted largely due to the change in Athenian foreign policy after
Cimon was sent home with his troops by the Spartans. They established an
alliance with Thessaly, Megara and with Argos, which was at war with Sparta,
but did not conduct serious operations against Sparta itself during the war. It
was the alliance plus Athenian fortifying and garrisoning Megara which
disturbed the Corinthians greatly. Megara (capital of the Megarid) was located
on the eastern end of the Corinthian Isthmus blocking movement from the
Peloponnesus to both Attica and Boeotia. It had harbors at both Pegae on the
gulf of Corinth and at Nisea on the Saronic Gulf. Initially the Athenian
operations were directed against Corinth and Aegina, both closer rivals. The
Corinthians were also concerned for their colonies at the western end of the
Gulf such as Leucas, Ambracia and Anactorium
The fighting outbreak of
Peloponnesian War began with conflicts between Corinth and Athens. Then a
variety of raids and small campaigns between Spartan and Athenian forces or
their allies. However they had been rivals for years already prior to the
Persian war. Rather, in Athens there were oligarchical and democratic factions
that intrigued - the oligarchs to obtain outside help to overthrow the
democrats and the democrats working to overthrow oligarchs in other
communities. While in the Spartan oligarchic politics there was rivalry and the
Spartans depended on a large population of helot slaves. The Spartan political
structure pitted the two hereditary kings versus the elected ephors and
the 30 senior (over 60 years old) members of a special committee.
Internal politics also was dominated by competition between individual leaders
who relied on family relations and supporters to maintain power. Both cities
needed alliances with as many of the other of the hundreds of Greek communities
as possible in order to maintain their leading positions. Thus decisions for
war depended on assessment of both internal and external political conditions.
As Thucydides noted, the individual Greeks were motivated by concepts of
security (safety), honor, and interest (wealth). This resulted in fear at the
likely loss of either of these desired conditions.
In 462 the Spartans asked for assistance from other Greek cities in suppressing
a revolt by their subject Messenians. The Athenians sent a small force along
with troops from other cities. But the Spartans sent them, and only them, back
thus 'dishonoring' them. In retaliation for their 'dishonor' in 462 in 460 the
Athenians made an alliance with the Argives. Argos was major enemy of Sparta in
the Peloponnesus. The Athenians also detached Megara from the Peloponnesian
League thus angering the Corinthians. This was even more dangerous for Corinth
than Sparta. And the Corinthians were continually and aggressively urging the
Spartans to wage war to reduce Athenian power. Corinth was at the eastern end
of a gulf that opened to the west and enabled it to conduct wealthy economic
trade with all the Greek cities throughout the Mediterranian as far as Sicily
and Italy. Corinthians were always fearful of Athenian efforts to take some of
that lucrative trade, which, indeed, the Athenians were greatly desiring to do.
In support of the alliance with Argos the Athenians sailed across to the Port
of Halieis between Argos and Athens. There they were defeated by a combined
force of Corinthians and Epidaurians. But soon after the Athenians won a naval
victory over a Corinthian and Aeginetan fleet off Cecryphaleia, an island
between Aegina and the Peloponnesus. The Athenians defeated the Aeginetans
again at Aegina, capturing 70 ships, and then landing on the island to besiege
the city. The Athenians were always enemies of the Aeginetans who occupied the
island right opposite Athens. In retaliation the Corinthians invaded the
Megarid, but Myronides led Athenian reserve troops to engage the Corinthians in
two battles of which he soundly won the second, sending the Corinthians home.
In 458 the Spartans bypassed Megara by crossing Corinthian gulf to invade
Boeotia and defeated the Athenians and their Delian League and Argive troops at
Tanagra in 457. But after the Spartans returned home the Athenians won a
battles of Oinophyta and then proceeded to conquer Boeotia. In 458 the Spartans
finally defeated the Messenians at Mt. Ihome - That year the Athenian general
Tolmides' lead an Athenian naval expedition around the Peloponnesus to burn
Spartan dockyards and raid areas in Lakonia. He then continued north and
captured the Corinthian town, Chalkis, and also Naupaktos on the north shore of
Gulf of Corinth. He populated it with displaced Messenians. Thus the Athenians
were already at war with the Corinthians without direct contacts. In 454 the
Athenians conducted another naval campaign in the Corinthian Gulf to raid
Spartan and Corinthian allies. In 451 the Athenians and Spartans signed a Five
Year Truce -And the Spartans signed a 50 year Truce with the Argives who then
did remain mostly neutral during the next war.
Democratic revolution in Athens - Ostracism of Cimon, who returned from exile
in 451 but died on Cyprus in 449.
Outbreak of First Peloponnesian War with variety of raids and small campaigns
between Spartan and Athenian forces.
In retaliation for their 'dishonor' in 462 the Athenians make an alliance with
the Argives. Argos was major opponent of Sparta in the Peloponnesus. The
Athenians support Argive interests by fighting the Corinthians and Epidaureans
in the Saronic Gulf and at Aegina.
Athenians detach Megara from the Peloponnesian League thus angering the
Corinthians - Athenians fortify Megara linking it to port at Nisaia and
establish an Athenian garrison in the city.
Birth of Thucydides, the author of the Syngraphe('write up') of the
great was -as he stated, between the Spartans and Athenians, NOT between Sparta
and Athens. That must be stressed.
459 - 454
Athenian expedition with Delian League allies to Egypt- to secure a source for
grain and to Cyprus. They sent several hundred Triremes from Cyprus in support
of Inarus, who had taken advantage of the assassination of the "King of
Kings', Xerxes, in 465 to seize Egypt from Achaemenes, the Persian satrap
there. The Athenians considered their grain supply from Crimea and north coast
of Black Sea vulnerable due to Persian ability to block the Bosporus and
capture Byzantium.
Athenians transfer the Delian League treasury from Delos to Athens.
Athenians begin construction of their "long walls' from Athens to port at
Athenians make alliance with Thessalians who occupy the large plain north of
Boeotia. This is the Athenian expansion of power from Aegean Islands onto
mainland Greece which generates general consternation, especially from Thebans
and the rest of the Boeotians. The Athenians want to obtain support from
Thessalian cavalry.
Battle of Halieis in which the Corinthians and Epidaurians defeated the
Naval battle off Cecryphalea in which the Athenians defeated the Peloponnesians
Naval battle off Aegina in which Leocrates led the Athenians to victory over
the Aeginetans
The Second Sacred War was the Spartan defeat of Phocians
at Delphi and the restoration of Delphian self-control. In 458 or 457, Phocians
captured three towns in the Spartan metropolis of Doris. A Spartan army marched
on Doris, defeated the Phocians, and restored Dorian rule. On their way back to
Peloponnesus, Athenians attacked the Spartan army; they were repelled, and
Sparta's army returned home. After the Five Years Truce, Sparta embarked on a
campaign of truncating "Athens' imperialistic ambitions in Central
See the link for more.
In 458 or 457, Phocians captured three towns in the Spartan metropolis of
Doris. A Spartan army marched on Doris, defeated the Phocians, and restored
Dorian rule. On their way back to Peloponnesus, Athenians attacked the Spartan
army; they were repelled, and Sparta's army returned home.
After the Five Years Truce, Sparta embarked on a campaign of truncating
"Athens' imperialistic ambitions in Central Greece". The Spartans
defeat the Messenians at Mt. Ihome
General Tolmides leads an
Athenian naval campaign around the Peloponnesus and burns Spartan dockyards. He
captures Chalkis and Naupaktos from which the Athenians can control the western
end of the Gulf of Corinth.
The Spartans cross the Gulf of Corinth to bypass Megara to operate against
Boeotians. . The Athenian fleet in the Gulf of Corinth prevents the Spartans
from crossing by ship on their way home. The Spartans remain in southern
Battle of Megara in which the Athenians led by Myronides defeated the
The Athenians assemble the largest force they can including contingent of 1000
men from Argos and Thessalian cavalry, in total about 14,000. .They join battle
Tanagrain 457. Nicomedes led the Spartans .
Kimon commanded the Athenians
at battle of Tanagra, which they lost when the Thessalian cavalry deserted. The
Spartans then continued home through the Megarid. The battle at Tanagra
reestablished the general Greek belief in the superiority of the Spartan
hoplite phalanx.
However 62 days later
Myronidesbrought Athenian troops into Boeotia and won the battle of
which gave them control over Boeotia and Phocis. They destroyed the
fortifications at Tanagra. Athenian influence in Central Greece remained strong
for 10 years but the cities there did not become members of the
Delian League. .
The Aeginetans surrender.
Battle at Sicyon in whichTolmidesled the Athenians to
victory over the Sicyonians
Birth of Thucydides
|Athenians conduct another naval expedition in the Corinthian Gulf to raid
Spartans and their Corinthian allies.
In Egypt Inarus is defeated by the Persians and crucified when Persian king
Artaxerxes sent Megabazus with a large army into Egypt,. After a siege of a
year and a half, the Athenian's expedition is destroyed at Prosopitis in the
Nile Delta with loss of 250 - 300 triremes. Even an Athenian reinforcement
fleet of 50 ships sailed unexpectedly into a further disaster and was lost.
This was the largest single disaster the Delian League ever had. They lose
access to Egyptian wheat. Meanwhile the Athenians had been trying to restore
their influence in Thessaly by conducting an expedition against Pharsalus to
restore the Thessalian leader Orestes - they failed. And they failed again in a
different expedition led by Pericles to Oeniadae in Acarnania on the Corinthian
gulf but could not capture the town.
After the defeat in Egypt and Persian reconquest there the Athenians move the
Delian League treasury to Athens claiming necessity for its safety. They must
gain secure access to Black Sea grain by controlling Byzantium and the
The Athenians decided that their goddess Athena should receive a share of the
annual tribute (1/60th of it).
Apparently, these defeats in 454 resulted in Athenian remaining relatively
quiet and perhaps regaining some strength for the following years. and they
were contesting much unrest from members of their Delian league, including
revolts such as by the Milesians and by Erythraens. The Athenians had to
station squadrons at Caria and places along the Ionian coast.
Battle of Sicyon in which the Athenians led by
Pericles defeated the
Return of Kimon (Cimon) who then led the expedition on 200 ships of the Delian
(Athenian) League to Cyprus. Six of these went on to support Amyrtaeus at Egypt
while the remainder besieged Citium- Kimon died during the siege. Running short
of supplies the fleet withdrew. Then near the Cyprus Salamis they met a fleet
of Phoenicians, Cypriotes and Cilicians commanded by Artabazus and Megabazus
and defeated them. Both fleets returned home. , .
The Spartans and Athenians sign a 5 year truce. The Spartans and Argives sign a
50 year truce
Perikles law on Athenian citizenship
The siege of Motyum in 451 was the first
known attempt by the Sicel leader Ducetius to
conquer an area held by one of the major Greek powers of Sicily, and led to his
greatest victory over the Greeks at the battle of Motyum.
The battle of Motyum in 451 was the most
important battlefield victory won by the Sicel leader Ducetius, but he was
defeated at Nomae in the following year and forced into exile.
Birth of Alkibiades
The battle of Nomae in 450 was a defeat that
reduced the power of Ducetius, king of the Sicels, and that eventually forced
him into exile.
Peace of Kallias between Athenians and Persians
The Peace of
Callias (c.448) was almost certainly a formal peace treaty between Persia
and the Athenian-led Greek alliance that ended half a century of open conflict
between the two powers, and established their spheres of influence in the
eastern Mediterranean. The Peace of Callias is a purported peace treaty
established around 449 between the Delian League (led by Athens) and Persia,
ending the Greco-Persian Wars. The peace was agreed as the first compromise
treaty between Achaemenid Persia and a Greek city. The peace was negotiated by
Callias, an Athenian politician. Persia had continually lost territory to the
Greeks after the end of Xerxes I's invasion in 479 BC. The exact date of the
treaty is debated, although it is usually placed after the Battle of the
Eurymedon in 469 or 466 or the Battle of Cypriot Salamis in 450. The Peace of
Callias gave autonomy to the Ionian states in Asia Minor, prohibited the
encroachment of Persian satrapies within three days march of the Aegean coast,
and prohibited Persian ships from the Aegean. Athens also agreed not to
interfere with Persia's possessions in Asia Minor, Cyprus, Libya or Egypt
(Athens at that time lost a fleet aiding an Egyptian revolt against Persia.
Battle of Coronea - Athenian exiles seize
Orchomenus, Chaerona and other places in Boeotia. Athenian general
Tolmides commands Athenian
response and captures Coronea.
Begining of construction of Parthenon in Athens
The battle of the Himera River in 446 was
a clash between the Greek cities of Syracuse and Akragas, triggered by the
return to Sicily of the Sicel leader Ducetius
Athenians commanded by Tolmides defeated at Coroneia by forces including
Boeotians, Locians and Euboeans and driven out of Boeotia except for Plataea.
Thebes becomes leader of Boeotian alliance.
Euboea revolts from Athens. Pericles leads Athenian troops to Euboea.
Revolt of Megarians, killing the Athenian garrison, forces Pericles to be
Megarians admit troops from Corinth, Sicyon and Epidaurus. Peloponesians
prepare to invade Attica, king Pleistranix commands Spartan troops at Eleusis
to raid western Attica. Pleistranix and Pericles make agrement enabling
Pericles to return to Euboea and capture the cities. He forces Histiaea
citizens out and replaces them with Athenians.
Thirty years peace treaty between Athenians (Delian League) and Spartans
(Peloponnesian Confederation) The Athenians are forced to give up the Megarian
harbors at Nisaea, and Pegae plus Troezen, and Achaea. This forces the
Athenians to give up their expansion and control of central mainland Greece.
Athenians make treaties with Greek colonists on Sicily and Italy in Leontini
and Rhegion. This is part of the Athenian effort to secure grain from Sicily
and expand trade with western Greeks.
With Persian assistance, Samos revolts from Delian League
The siege of Trinacie (c.440) was one of the final stages in the Greek conquest
of the Sicels, the native inhabitants of eastern Sicily.
Spartans advocate war against Athens but their allies in Peloponnesian League
vote NO.
Samian Revolt
Sea battle off Tragis Islands in which Pericles leads the Athenians to victory
over the Samians.
Samian Revolt
Naval battle off Samos in which the Samians led by Melissus defeated the
Athenians but then Samos surrenders to Athenians
Dedication of the Parthenon
438 -385 These intermittent wars between the Greek kingdom
located at the modern Strait of Kerch in Crimea and across the strait were
waged by the Bosporan Kingdom attempting to expand in the Cimmerian Bosporus
and the surrounding territories from around 438 until about 385. Bosporan
expansion began after Spartokos I, the first Spartocid (and after whom the
dynasty is named) took power and during his seven-year reign, established an
aggressive expansionist foreign policy that was followed by his successors. See
the link for more details.
Here is a digression
We visited Crimea and had guided tours to ruins of several of the Greek cities
dating from the era of the Bosporan kingdom continuing into the middle ages.
Some text and photos are here.
Kaffa - 
Kaffa -Theodosia

Kalos Liman

Kare Tebe

Chersonese photos

Chersonese text

Foundation of Amphipolis
The Corinth-Corcyra War in 435-431 began as a dispute
between Corinth and her colony Corcyra, but the Athenians were soon dragged
into the conflict, and it contributed to the outbreak of the Great
Peloponnesian War.
The War of began as a dispute between Corinth and her colony Corcyra, but the
Athenians were soon dragged into the conflict, and it contributed to the
outbreak of the Great Peloponnesian War. War between Corinthians and
Corcyraeans over Epidamnos
The siege of Epidamnus(435 ) saw the
Corcyraeans capture their own former colony, overcoming a garrison partly
provided by their own mother city of Corinth
The naval battle of Leucimme(435 ) was a
naval victory won by Corcyra over the Corinthians that gave them control of the
seas around the western coast of Greece and allowed them to launch raids on
Corinth's allies for much of the next year
The naval battle of Sybota in 433 was an
inconclusive naval battle between Corinth and Corcyraean that saved Corcyra
from invasion, but that also played a part in the outbreak of the Great
Peloponnesian War.
The war between Corinthians and Corcyraeans continues in which Athenian navy
became involved in the naval battle of Sybota. The Athenians have developed a
new type of trireme that uses ram and develops new naval tactics to employ it
rather than hoplites to board enemy ships.
War between Corinthians and Corcyreans concludes.
Athenians renew treaty with Leontini and Rhegion.
The siege of Potidaea (432-430/29) saw the
Athenians besiege a city that was part of their empire, and was one of a series
of relatively minor military clashes that helped to trigger the Great
Peloponnesian War.
Poteidaians revolt against Athenians - Potidaea was founded as a Corinthian
colony but was a member of the Athenian league.
Battle at
Potidaea in which Calliasleads the Athenians
against the Corinthians led by Aristeus.
Perikles issues Megarian Decrees
designed to force Megrians to renounce friendship with Corinthians. These
are two more immediate causes of the Second Peloponnesian war.
The much more famous Second Peloponnesian War began on 4 April 431 with a
Theban attempt to surprise Plataea, Athens' ally and outpost on the northern
base of Cithaeron. It ended on 25 April 404, when Athens capitulated.
The cities of the Boeotian Confederacy under Theban leadership were Sparta's
allies from the first. Syracuse and other Sicilian cities gave active help in
the last part of the war. Argos, her hands tied by a treaty with Sparta,
remained neutral during the first ten years, but as a democracy, was
benevolently inclined towards Athens. Persia at first held aloof, waiting for
an opportunity to regain her dominion over the Greek cities on the Asiatic
seaboard, which Athens had liberated, but finally provided the crucial
financial and logistic support required by Sparta to conduct a maritime
offensive. Athens, was unpopular with many members of her own empire, but held
most under control by her maritime supremacy. The war may be divided into three
major periods or five phases:
The Archidamian war;phase
1 431-427; phase 2 426-421:
The Ionian orDecelean War;
phase 4 412-404; phase 5 407-404:
Cause of the war
According to Thucydides, the underlying cause of the war,
was the Spartan's fear of the growth of the power of Athenians. (NOT Sparta's)
And many subsequent writers have taken Thucydides as the authority, but
substitute SPARTA for Spartans - and Athens for Athenians. But by no means do
all modern historians agree with Thucydides either on the actual causes or on
which party was the most responsible. And others claim that he is being
misunderstood and or mistranslated. For instance G. E. M. de Ste. Croix devotes
his entire scholarly study - The Origins of the Peloponnesian Warto
these issues.
But why did Spartans 'fear' Athenian power and why did Thucydides consider that
was the 'underlying or basic cause'? The Athenians had no potential for
conquering Sparta nor did they express a desire to do so. Might it have been
because the Athenian democrat faction was encouraging overthrow of oligarchies
and Sparta was one of these, and moreover the Spartans were always in fear of a
revolt of their helot slave laborers. There was no likelihood that the
Athenians could ever invade the Peloponnesus and attack Sparta directly.
Another possible cause was the nature of the internal political structure in
each Greek community - namely, a struggle between an oligarchic and a
democratic faction reflected also in the personal struggles for leadership and
power between individuals and families who were part of or relied on one of
those factions. Another potential cause was economic - a trade war - in this
case between Corinthian and Athenian merchants, not between Athenian and
Spartan merchants. It was the Corinthians who argued so strongly to entice
reluctant Spartans to declare war. They actually threatened to leave Sparta's
critical Peloponnesian League if they did not declare war. But Thucydides does
not dwell much on economic issues directly. An entirely different cause of
Thucydides' statement might be his desire to shift 'blame' from the Athenians.
However, many contemporary Greeks considered the Athenians the instigators
because of their attitude of imperial domination over other independent Greek
communities rather than Sparta itself. At any rate, both communities did have a
long history of conflicts, which Thucydides lists, and were well prepared for
war. The whole history of the rise and power of Athens in the 50 years
preceding may justify this view, though the immediate occasion of the war
concerned Korinth, Sparta's chief naval ally. Since the peace of 445, Perikles
had consolidated Athenian resources, made Athens' navy incomparable, concluded
in 433 a defensive alliance with the strong naval power, Korcyra, (Korinth's
most bitter enemy), and renewed alliances with Rhegium and Leontini in the
west. The very food supply and wealth from trading of the Korinthians from
Sicily was endangered. Also, immediately after the defeat of the Persians
Themistocles, over the strong objections of the Spartans, refortified Athens
and extended the fortifications to include its harbors, thus making the city
defensible against the siege capabilities of the times.
In the Aegean Athens could always enforce a monopoly of seaborne trade. But to
the west - to important food supplies and trade coming from Greek cities in
Italy and on Sicily the conflict was between the Corinthians and Athenians. To
this extent the Peloponnesian War was a trade war and it was on this ground
chiefly that the Corinthians appealed to Sparta to take up arms. Corinth was
located on the western (Peloponnesian end of the Isthmus) and had its ports on
both the Saronic Gulf and the Gulf of Corinth which was open toward Sicily and
much nearer than a sea route around the Peloponnesus. Corinth had a powerful
navy and was a major trading and wealthy city well before Athens. Megara was
located on the eastern (Athenian) end of the same Isthmus. When Megara built a
port on the Gulf of Corinth in addition to its port on the Aegean side, the
Korinthians recognized a coming foreign trade rivalry - economic rivalry.
Worse, the Athenians helped fortify Megara and its ports and even occupied the
city. Then the Megarians switched friends and sent the Athenians home.
Athenians then retaliated by issuing the "Megarian Decree' which excluded
the Megarians from ALL ports on the Aegean side. This was a threat of
starvation, an example of economic warfare. The Megarians appealed to the
Corinthians who appealed to the Spartans. The appeal was backed by Megarians,
nearly ruined by Perikles' economic boycott, and by Aegina a reluctant member
of the Athenian empire.
But if the Spartans had not also been willing for war then peace would have
lasted. According to the 30 years peace treaty there should have been negations
and compromise. The Spartans were then waiting for an opportunity that came
when Athens was temporarily embarrassed by the revolt of her subject-ally
Potidaea in Khalcidice in the spring of 432. The rebel city held out until the
winter of 430 and its blockade meant a constant drain upon Athenian military,
and naval resources. As was common in all Greek towns, there were political
parties in Sparta, one urging war and the other urging peace. The pro-war
Spartans seized the opportunity. Confident of speedy victory they refused an
offer of arbitration made by Pericles. Instead, they sent an ultimatum, focused
on Megara, but acceptance of which would have practically destroyed Athenian
power - partly economic but largely psychological with respect to its
relationship with its own subject 'allies'. Perikles urged the people to refuse
and Sparta declared war. We have also to consider Perikles' own position and
motivations with respect to his political situation.
Phase 1: 431-427
In a war between the main military and main naval powers
in Greece a decisive result was unlikely to occur quickly. The Spartans relied
on the traditional strategy of Greek warfare. They hoped that by invading
Attica and destroying the crops they would force the Athenians either to sue
for peace or come out to fight the standard set piece battle in which typical
Greek wars were decided. In numbers as well as discipline and combat
effectiveness of troops Athens was decidedly inferior to the Spartan-Theban
forces. The defect in this strategy was that Athens unlike other Greek cities
could not be starved into surrender, nor be made to fight a pitched battle by
occasional occupation of its individual citizen's farm lands. For one thing
already Athenian agriculture already had largely shifted from growing wheat to
grapes and olives for commercial export. Her food supply came principally from
Egypt and Crimea, and potentially also from Sicily. The the old king of Sparta,
Archidamus, knew this and warned his people about it. But the Spartan war party
were still confident in a quick victory in pursuing their strategy of
Perikles based his own confidence on his opposite strategy. He wanted only the
status quo ante and not conquest, which was quite beyond the means available.
Therefore, knowing his city walls were impregnable and connected Athens to the
sea port at Piraeus and his navy would be able to insure the food supply, he
opted for a defensive strategy of attrition.
When the Spartans invaded, the rural population of Attica moved into the city.
Athens became an island impregnable to attack. Its great fleet would secure the
empire against revolts from within and attacks from without and take the
offensive to raid the Peloponnesian coast. Meanwhile, every spring and autumn
the Athenian land army would devastate the lands of Sparta's allies (especially
Megara) at the Korinthian Isthmus, while the Spartans were home tending to
their own crops. If Megara could be recovered, then Spartan land access to
Attica would be blocked and her Theban allies would not dare come down from the
north unaided.
The Periklean strategy also had weaknesses. He was too fearful of the effect
that high casualties would have on public sentiment in a democracy, if he had
conducted more aggressive offensive military actions. He had not seen the
opportunities for combined land and naval actions to bring a higher intensity
of war to Spartan territory with little risk in order to hasten the effect of
the attrition on Sparta. Such a strategy could have been employed with
relatively little danger to Athenian hoplites despite they being weaker than
Spartans. The defect essentially was that the Athenian people's morale proved
unequal to the strain, and, after his death, rushed into rash attempts to
over-reach their means. Their morale was already weakened due to crowded,
cramped, living conditions inside Athens and forced observation of some
destruction of their agriculture. But it was practically destroyed by the
unpredictable onset of plague level disease that killed a third or so of the
population. Meanwhile, the Spartans were stoic and persistent in the face of
failure, until they found foreign resources sufficient to turn the tables on
Chance too entered the lists, when in June 430 plague brought with the vital
grain from Egypt or Libya swept the city, overcrowded with the rural refugees.
Athenian troops sent north to reinforce the army besieging Potidaea merely
brought the plague along. But no other Greek city suffered, thanks to the lack
of contact during the war. Perikles himself died in 429. Megara held out,
although starving. The Athenian naval raids on Sparta's coastal allies were too
feeble to bother Sparta. Therefore it was Athens which suffered the attrition
meant for Sparta. Athens' vast financial resources were strained and she began
exacting even more onerous taxation from her empire, which only engendered more
unrest and rebellion. In particular a strong force sent to operate from Kythera
would have at least kept Sparta's armies out of Attica. Thus the admiral,
Perikles, threw away the strategic opportunities available by the proper use of
his navy.
Athenians began to offer peace in 430, but Spartans refused. In 430-29 Potidaea
finally surrendered, boosting the Athenian position. Then in the fall of 429
Athens won two great naval battles at Khalcis and Naupaktus. The later won by
Phormio taking advantage of superior Athenian seamanship. In June 428 Mitylene
on Lesbos revolted. In 427 the Spartan fleet under command of Alkidas retreated
without even offering battle, instead of helping Mitylene, forcing the city to
surrender in July. But this was countered by the surrender in August of Athens'
ally, Plataea, to a Theban army which destroyed both population and city
itself. In 426 Athens gained the upper hand in Korcyra, but only after a
ghastly slaughter. This brought the war to a near stalemate.
Outbreak of Second Peloponnesian War -
Thebans conduct an unsuccessful night attack on Plataea. Plataea is located in
Boeotia strategically guarding the main route between Thebes and Atticia.
Peloponnesians, commanded by king Archidamus,
invade Atticia to destroy crops and dwellings in expectations they can force
Athenians to come out of their fortified city to fight an open battle.
Athenians refuse.
Plague at Athens - not elsewhere except to several locations to which Athenian
soldiers took it on campaigns.
Perikies expedition around Peloponnesus to raid and destroy resources in hopes
of keeping Spartans on defensive - He is deposed and fined.
Poteidaians surrender to Athenians
Athenian general, Phormio,
conducts naval expedition around Peloponnesus to Naupaktos at entrance to the
Corinthian Gulf. He defeats Corinthians at naval battle of Patras, and again at
The battle of Spartolus of 429 was a costly
Athenian defeat in a battle fought just outside the city of Spartolus in
Chalcidice. The battle of Stratus (429 was a Spartan defeat that ended a brief
campaign designed to drive the Athenians out of Acarnania, the area to the
north-west of the entrance to the Gulf of Corinth (Great Peloponnesian War)
The naval battle offChalcis(429) in which
Phormio led the Athenians
to victory over Corinthians was the first of two Athenian naval victories won
in the same year in the Gulf of Corinth that helped demonstrate their naval
superiority in the early part of the Great Peloponnesian War.

The Naval battle off
Naupactus (429) in which
Phormiodefeated the
Peloponnesians led by Cnemus was a second Athenian
naval victory won in a short period around the Gulf of Corinth, but was won by
a very narrow margin and only after the narrow failure of a Peloponnesian plan
to trap the entire Athenian fleet.
Death of Perikles as plague continues
Battle of Stratus in which the Stratians
(Acarnanians) defeat the Spartans led by
The siege of Plataea (429-427 was a Theban
victory that saw them capture Athens' only ally in Boeotia, although only after
a two-year long siege
In the siege of Mytilene on Lesbos
(428-427) the Athenians defeated a revolt on the island of Lesbos, and it is
most famous for the two debates about the correct punishment for the rebels.
Mytilenians on Lesbos Island revolt against Athenians continuing into 427
Peloponnesians send 40 ships to aid but arrive too late .
Athenians pass emergency eisphora tax
Second naval battle of Sybota Islands -
Leucaians and Ambraciots attack Corcyra,
Peloponnesians (Corinthians) send 53 ships
Athenians have 12 ships at Naupakltos
Corinthians defeat Corcyraeans but not Athenians and retreat when 60 more
Athenian ships arrive
427 -424 - First Athenian expedition to Sicily
Phase 2: 426-421
In 426 the Athenians began more active operations under
direction of new political leaders of the democratic party, Kleon and
Demosthenes. Despite continued resistance by the upper classes led by Nikias,
they initiated a vigorous offensive strategy. Athenian forces attempted to
carry the war to Boeotia (Thebes), Sparta, and even Sicily. In 426 two Athenian
armies moved toward Thebes, one under Demosthenes via Acarnania under cover of
an attack on Sparta's ally, Ambracia; and the other under Nicias via Tanagra.
The plan failed. Demosthenes' force of mostly local allies was trapped and
routed, although he managed to escape to Naupactus. Nicias, ever the reluctant
warrior, won a small victory at Tanagra and then withdrew. To cover expenses
Kleon in 425 raised the tribute from the empire. The Spartans began reprisals.
A large army under Eurylochus marched from Delphi, threatened Naupactus, and
laid siege to Amphilochian Argos.
Demostheneswon two
great victories at Olpaeand
Idomene by clever
tactical techniques. This destroyed Spartan hegemony, pushed Arcania and
Abracia out of the war, and opened the way for the Athenian navy to Sicily. In
426 they sent Memosthened with a fleet to capture Messena to cut off grain
imports to the Peloponnesus. On the way the fleet was forced by a storm into
the bay at Spactaria Island.
In 425 Athens won its greatest victory at Spacteria. Its fleet en route to
Sicily put in at Navarino Bay and Demosthenes built and garrisoned a fort there
on Pylos
promontory. The Spartans attacked by land and sea. He drove off the assault
on the fort, and the Athenian fleet, returning at his request, blocked the
Spartan navy in the bay and cut off the Spartan force of 420 men on Spacteria
island. Athens secured the surrender of the enemy fleet, leaving Sparta without
one for many years. Kleon brought reinforcements, which enabled the Athenians
finally to overwhelm the Spartan resistance and capture 292 prisoners including
120 Spartiates, who were taken to Athens. This was an unprecedented disgrace
for Sparta. The "hostage" issue (that is the personal and group
honor of Spartans) of these prisoners-of-war not only secured all Attica
from Spartan attacks, but was played upon by Athens until Sparta sued for
peace, which, foolishly, Kleon refused.
In 424 all Athenian offensive plans failed. Their admirals were forced to
return from Sicily, due to Syracusan policies, but were nevertheless severely
punished by the democratic led assembly. In November their three- pronged
offensive against Thebes was defeated at Delium, thanks to a new tactical
deployment of Pagondas using a deep infantry wing and skillful use of cavalry.
The Athenian attempt to capture Megara by treachery was blocked by the Spartan
relief force under Brasidas. Brasidas then marched full speed through Boeotia
and Thessaly to Chalcidice stirring up revolt and offering freedom. Amphipolis
In 422 Brasidas continued his victorious campaign despite Athenian
reinforcements. Brasidas sallied from Amphipolis and defeated the Athenian
force, killing Kleon, but dying in the process as well. Thus in one battle two
of the greatest advocates and practitioners of offensive warfare died. Then, by
April 11, 421 Nicias concluded a peace treaty between Athens and Sparta that he
hoped would end the war.
The battle of Aegitium was an Athenian
defeat that ended a short-lived invasion of Aetolia in which the Aetolians
defeated Demonsthenescommanding an Athenian and
allied force
The siege ofNaupactus was a short-lived
Spartan attempt to capture a key Athenian naval base on the northern shores of
the Gulf of Corinth.
The battle of Olpaewas an Athenian victory,
led by Demosthenes, that ended a Spartan campaign
aimed at the conquest of Acarnania and Amphilochia.
The battle of Idomene
was a second victory in three days won by Demosthenes against the
Ambraciots in the north-west of Greece.
The battle of Tanagra was a minor Athenian
victory won close to the city of Tanagra in Boeotia in which Hipponicus and
Eurymedon led the
Athenians to victory over the Boeotians.
Battle of Mylae in which Laches led the Athenians to victory over the
Battle of Inessa in which the Syracusians defeat the Athenians.
425 Athenians occupy and fortify Pylos on west coast of
the Peloponneses.
The battle of Pylos ) was the first part of a
two-part battle most famous the surrender of a force of Spartan hoplites
trapped on the island of Sphacteria.
The battle of Sphacteria was the second
part of a two-part battle which ended with the surrender of a force of Spartan
hoplites (Great Peloponnesian War).
The battle of Solygia was a minor Athenian
victory during a raid on Corinth, but one that had little long term impact
(Great Peloponnesian War). In the battle
Nicias led the Athenians to
victory over Lycophron leading the Corinthians
Eurymedon and Sophocles (withDemosthenes along)
sail from Athens with 40 ships headed for Sicily, They are forced to stop
(briefly they think) on the Laconia west coast at Pylos and then at Corcyra.
Demosthenes recognizes the windfall and builds a small fort atPylos. He remains there with 5 ships as
Eurymedon and Sophocles
continue. The Spartans react. Demosthenes sends to Eurymedon to return which he
does. After some fighting in the bay and on land the Athenians capture some
Spartan prisoners on Sphakteria Island-
next to Pylos.
Spartans urgently seek to ransom their men. They send peace offer to Athenians
in exchange for prisoners but Cleon, ever the aggressive
advocate for war, refuses the opportunity. Cleon takes reinforcements to Pylos.
Battle at straits of Messina in which the Athenians and Rhegians defeat the
Athenians led by Nicias capture Cytheria island and
continue raids on Lakonian (Spartan) coast. They recapture Nisaea.
The Athenians commanded by Hippocrates fortify Delium but the Boeotians led by
Pagondas defeat him at Tanagra and then retake Delium. The battle of
Delium (424) was a costly Athenian defeat that
came during an unsuccessful attempt to seize control of Boeotia.
The battle of Megara was fought between
Athens and Megara, an ally of Sparta. The Athenians were victorious. Megara was
in the country of Megarid, between central Greece and the Peloponnese. Megara,
an ally of Sparta, consisted of farming villages, with flat plains and
foothills, and hosted two harbors: Pagae (modern Alepochori-Corinthian Gulf)
and Nisaia (Saronic Gulf), making it a prime focus of contention.
Spartan general
Brasidascaptures Amphipolis in Chalcidice,
with mostly non-Spartan mercenary troops, It is an Athenian colony far from
Peloponnesus but most of the population are locals who side with Brasidas and
let him rule. - - Thucydides is exiled on charge of failure to defend
Amphipolis, but he was prevented from reaching the city in time, but did retain
Death of Artaxerxes I.
He was succeeded by his son, Xerxes II, who was promptly assassinated.
Sogdianus who apparently had gained the support of his regions declared himself
king and reigned for six months and fifteen days before being captured by his
half-brother, Ochus, who had rebelled against him. Sogdianus was executed by
being suffocated in ash because Ochus had promised he would not die by the
sword, by poison or by hunger. Ochus then took the royal name Darius II. Darius' ability
to defend his position on the throne ended the short power vacuum.
Revolts against Athenians at Scione and Mende. Nicias and Nicostratus defeat
the revolts.
The siege of Scione came after the city
rebelled against Athens, with Spartan support, but continued on after those
cities agreed a short-lived peace treaty, and at the end the defenders of the
city were either executed or sold into slavery. One year truce agreed between
Spartans and Athenians
The battle of Laodocium (423 or 422 was a
clash between two Peloponnesian cities, fought during a brief armistice between
Athens and Sparta (Great Peloponnesian War).
Athenian generalCleonand
Spartan general Brasidas
killed in battle atAmphipolis. They
are both leaders of the pro-war party in their communities. The Spartans kept
The Peace of Nicias brought a temporary end to
the fighting in the Great Peloponnesian War. Although it was meant to last for
fifty years, it was broken after only a year and a half, and the war continued
until 404. Athenian general Nicias (a leader of the peace party) negotiates a
50 year alliance between Athenians and Spartans (Peace of Nikias)
Phase Three: 421-417
All the animosities and policy conflicts which divided the
Greek cities remained during this period as all sides strove to regain their
strength. Corinth and Thebes refused to adhere to the peace treaty. Neither the
Spartans nor the Athenians actually fulfilled their obligations, except that
the Athenians did give up their Spartan prisoners. In 420 a new alliance of
Athens, Argos, Mantinea, and Elis faced the Spartan - Boeotian Alliance. Athens
now had Alcibiades back as leader.
The reminder of the war was marked by the bitter internal political struggle
between the democratic war party led by Alcibiades and the aristocratic
(oligarchical) elements led by Nicias and others. This struggle led to outright
treason, vicious internal partisan purges, and the final destruction of Athens'
empire, hegemony, and very independence.
The Athenian's third offensive strategy was the most ambitious conception so
far, but it was ultimately negated by the internal opposition of Alcibiades'
political opponents. Thanks to the new allies in the Peloponnesus, they
threatened the Spartans at home and forced them into a pitched battle on home
territory. The Spartans responded to the crisis by bringing forth another great
military leader in King Agis
II. Taking the initiative, Agis assembled a powerful army at Phlius by
masterly night marching and descended from the north on Argos, but was forced
to make a treaty and withdraw due to the failure of his Boeotian allies.
However, a few months later Alcibiades was able to pressure the Argives into
denouncing the treaty and threatening Tegea. Athens then sent only an
inadequate force in support and Elis sent none at all. Agis brought up the full
Spartan army and in August 418 won the largest land battle of the war at
This not only restored Spartan self-confidence and prestige but also knocked
out Athens' allies. The Spartans installed an oligarchy in Argos.
Athenian hopes now rested on taking up an even more bold offensive to cut
Spartan and Corinthian supplies from Sicily. In 416 Alcibiades promoted an
ambitions strategic plan for conquering Syracuse, controlling all of Sicily,
defeating Carthage, and then returning with greatly strengthened forces to the
final defeat of a surrounded Peloponnesus. The conception was brilliant, but
required the undivided support of the entire Athenian polity. The democrats
embraced it with enthusiasm, but as usual Nicias opposed and recommended
continued traditional operations in Chalcidice. The expedition was voted and
launched in June of 415, but with a fatally divided command of Alcibiades,
Nicias, and the professional
soldier, Lamachus. The
campaign was barely begun when Alcibiades was recalled to stand trial on
charges brought by his opponents, (desecrating the hermes) leaving the hopes of
Athens in the hands of the chief opponent of the strategic plan. Rather than
face certain execution, Alcibiades fled to Sparta!
At first the campaign gained successes. Syracuse was duly invested by land and
sea, but Athenian attempts to build a wall of circumvallation were blocked by a
Syracusian counter wall. At Sparta Alcibiades recommended that they send
Gylippus to aid the
Syracusians and that they capture and build a fortress in Attica at Decelea.
Lamachus was killed, the fleet was defeated, then supplies ran out, a Spartan
general, Gylippus, arrived to aid the defense, and Nicias was procrastinating
as usual. A second fleet was sent commanded by
Demosthenes. But his
assault in July 413 was also defeated. Demosthenes then urged a general
withdrawal to Athens, but Nicias would neither advance nor retire. The Athenian
fleet was blocked in the harbor and then defeated in battle. Nicias attempted
to move the army inland, but it was pursued, surrounded, and finally massacred.
Both generals were executed and the few "survivors" were enslaved.
Battle of Mantinea- Peloponnesian army of
Spartans, Skiritai, Arkadians, Tegeans and Lakonians commanded by Agis
decisively defeated the Mantineas and allies of Athenians, Arkadians, and
Argives - next year the oligarchs in Argos with Spartan help overthrow the
democratic faction.
The siege ofOrchomenes in 418 was a
short-lived success won by an alliance of Greek cities led by Argos and that
included Athens. In 421 the
Peace of Niciashad
temporarily ended the fighting during the GreatPeloponnesian War.
One of Sparta's reasons for agreeing to the peace was that their peace
treaty with Argos, a key rival in the Peloponnese, was about to expire and
Sparta didn't want a war on two fronts.
Athenians invade Melos - kill
all the males and send females and children into slavery. Siege of
Melos This entry includes the Melian debate and
415 - Athenian expedition to Sicily begins TheSicilian Expedition was an Athenian military
expedition to Sicily, which took place from 415413 during the
Peloponnesian War
between the Athenian empire, or the
Delian League, on one
side and Sparta, Syracuse and Corinth on the other. The expedition ended in a
devastating defeat for the Athenian forces, severely impacting Athens. The
expedition was hampered from the outset by uncertainty in its purpose and
command structurepolitical manoeuvreing in Athens swelled a lightweight
force of twenty ships into a massive armada, and the expedition's primary
proponent, Alcibiades, was recalled from command to stand trial before the
fleet even reached Sicily. Still, the Athenians achieved early successes.
Syracuse, the most powerful state in Sicily, responded exceptionally slowly to
the Athenian threat and, as a result, was almost completely invested before the
arrival of back up in the form of Spartan general, Gylippus, who galvanized its
inhabitants into action. From that point forward, however, as the Athenians
ceded the initiative to their newly energized opponents, the tide of the
conflict shifted. A massive reinforcing armada from Athens briefly gave the
Athenians the upper hand once more, but a disastrous failed assault on a
strategic high point and several crippling naval defeats damaged the Athenian
soldiers' ability to continue fighting and also their morale. The Athenians
attempted a last-ditch evacuation from Syracuse. The evacuation failed, and
nearly the entire expedition were captured or were destroyed in Sicily. The
effects of the defeat were immense. Two hundred ships and thousands of
soldiers, an appreciable portion of Athens' total manpower, were lost in a
single stroke. The city's enemies on the mainland and in Persia were encouraged
to take action, and rebellions broke out in the Aegean. Some historians
consider the defeat to have been the turning point in the war, though Athens
continued to fight for another decade. Thucydides observed that contemporary
Greeks were shocked not that Athens eventually fell after the defeat, but
rather that it fought on for as long as it did, so devastating were the losses
suffered. Athens managed to recover remarkably well from the expedition
materially, the principal issue being the loss of manpower rather than the loss
of ships.
Egesta appeals to Athens for assistance against Selinous.
Second Athenian Expedition to Sicily commences.
Alcibiades recalled but escapes to Sparta.
First battle at Syracuse at Olympieium during the Athenian campaign in whichNiciasdefeated the defending
Battle at the Syracuse Epipodae in which the Athenians defeat Diomilus the
Syracusian defender.
Battle at Syracusian Syce that the Athenians again win.
Battle at Syracusian Lysimeleia - another Athenian victory led by Lamachus.
Death of Lamachus
Another battle at Epipodae in which the Spartan general,
Gylippus defeated the
Athenian Nicias.
Battle at Syracusian Plemmyrium in which the Athenains defeat Gylippus.
Four battles in the Syracusian harbor in which Gylippus defeats
Demosthenes or Eurymedon and or Nicias.
Athenians surrender and are killed or enslaved.
Spartans capture Athenian border outpost at
Dekeleia(Decelea) and
fortify it as base for constant raids in Attica.
Phase Four: 412-408
The last phases are frequently termed theDecelean War.
The Spartans resumed the war officially in August 414 and
all Greece expected Athens to loose. Sparta now had a strong fleet with
additional reinforcements from the west. Athens had lost its best sailors and
had nearly exhausted its treasury.
In March 413 King Agis occupied Decelea to keep Athens in a constant blockade
on the land side and cut off the Athenian silver mines. The Athenian empire
soon started to fall apart with one city revolt after another in 412 and 411.
Finally Persia entered the contest by authorizing its satrap in Sardis,
Tissaphernes, to
support Sparta. An oligarchic party seized power in Athens and started to offer
surrender until blocked by a resurgence of the democratic party. Alcibiades now
fled from Sparta to Sardis where he persuaded Tissaphernes to withhold his
support from Sparta. The Athenian navy now recalled Alcibiades to command and
resumed operations.
With the grain supply from Sicily in complete Spartan control and that from
Egypt blocked by the same forces, (and Persia), Athens now was totally
dependent on food from Crimea through the Hellespont. There the Athenian
commanders Thrasybulus
and Thrasyllus
defeated the Spartan, Mindarus, in the Hellespont
at Cynossema in September of 411. In
Athens an oligarchic party seized power but was overthrown in 410. In March of
410 Alcibiades (with Thrasybulus and Thrasyllus) won a great victory over the
opposing navy and supporting Persian army at
Cyzicus on the
Sea of Marmora, giving Athens again maritime supremacy. Sparta again suggested
peace, but the democrat demagogues as usual refused to listen.
In 409 The Spartans drove the Messenians out of Pylos thus securing their
western front.
In 409 Alcibiades recaptured Byzantium, cleared the Bosporus and secured the
grain supply. He made a triumphant return to Athens on 16 June 408, but his
enemies remained unreconciled.
Spartans seek and obtain financial help and treaty with Persian king Darios II
- enables them to construct and man a fleet.
The Spartans decided to send a fleet to Chios so they hauled 39 ships across
the Corinthian Isthmus from the Gulf to sail there, but the Athenains saw them
before they passed through the Saronic Gulf and forced them into the harbor at
Battle of Spiraeum in which the Athenians defeat the Peloponnesians led
Alcamenes who was killed in battle. But later the remaining Spartan ships broke
out and defeated the blockading Athenians.
The Chians had revolted from Athens which sent a fleet commanded by Leon and
Diomedon who landed troops on the island and a series of battles ensued.
Battle of Bolissus in which Leon and Diomedon led the Athenians to victory over
Battle of Cardamyle in which Leon and Diomedon also led the Athenians to
victory over Chians.
Naval battle off Pharnae in which the Athenians defeat the Chians.
Battle of Leconium , another victory of the Athenians over the Chians.
Battle of Panormus
Siege and battle of Miletus in which the
Athenians defeat the Milesians.
The battle of Cnidus (412/411) was an
inconclusive naval battle which meant that the Athenians were unable to prevent
two Spartan fleets from uniting on the coast of Asia Minor (Great
From 412 Darius II, at
the insistence of
Tissaphernes, gave support first to Athens, then to Sparta,
Naval battle off Samos Island in which
Astyochus led the
Spartans to victory over Charminus leading the Athenians.
The Spartans encouraged the Rhodians to revolt against Athens.
Battle at Rhodes in which Leon and Diomedon led the Athenians to victory over
the Rhodians and Spartan fleet beached there.
Athenian allies revolt throughout Aegean.
Athenian oligarchic party succeeds in revolution
and installs pro Spartan government.
Spartan admiral Agesandridas led his
fleet around Lyconia to Epidarus and attacks Aeginia then moves to Megara to
threaten Athens. He then sails to Oropus in Attica opposite Euboea. Athenian
general Thymochares
rushes a small fleet to Eretria on Euboea, thinking the city was loyal and
safe. But some po-Spartans alert Agesandridas by pre-arrangement when the
Athenian sailors are searching the town for lunch. The Spartans attack the
disorganized Athenians and capture most of them and their ships
Athenian army and fleet at Samos with Alcibiades in command remains loyal
to democratic government party.
Naval Battle off Chios island in which the Spartans defeated the Athenians.
Battle at Lampsacus in
which Strombichides
led the Athenians to victory over the Lamsaceni.
Naval battle offCynossema point in the
Hellespont in which Thrasybulus and
Thrasyllus defeated the
Spartans and Syracusians commanded by
Naval battle of Abydos in the Hellespont in
which the Athenians again defeated Mindarus.
full democracy restored in Athens.
Naval battle of Cyzicusin the Sea of
Mamora in which Alcibiades and
Thrasybulus and
Thrasyllus defeated Mindarus who was killed in
Spartans drive Messenians out of Pylos - Spartans capture and control Chios
Battle of Ephesus in which the Ephesians defeated the Athenians led by
Battle at Cerata Mountain in which the Athenians led by Leotrophides and
Timarchus defeated the Megarians.

Siege of Chalcedon across the Bosporus
from Byzantium in which Theramenes, Alcibiades and
Thrasyllus defeated Hippocrates leading the Spartans. They then moved across to
Siege of Byzantium in 408 was an Athenian
victory in which they regained control over the Bosporus, and removed a threat
to Athens's food supplies from the Black Sea (Great
War). Byzantium had been part of the Athenian Empire, but it had rebelled
after the Athenian disaster at Syracuse, and by 408 was held by a mixed
garrison of Byzantines, Perioci (free non-citizens of Sparta), Neodamodes
(Helots freed after serving in the Spartan army), Megarians and Boeotians, all
commanded by the Spartan governor
Darius II decides to send his younger son as satrap
Cyrus the
younger to command Persian forces in western Anatolia.
Phase Five: 407-404
In autumn of 408 a new Spartan admiral,
Lysander,arrived at the
chief naval base at Ephesus and began building a new fleet with the aid of the
new Persian satrap, Cyrus the
Younger(son of Persian king). With unlimited Persian resources, he soon had
a formidable force, but continued throughout 407 to refuse Alcibiades'
enticements to come out for battle. Finally Alcibiades was forced to divide his
own fleet due to supply shortages. Leaving one force at
Notium under
Antiochus to observe but with strict orders to refuse battle, Alcibiades sailed
north to re-provision by plundering enemy towns. Lysander promptly sailed out
and routed Antiochus.
Alcibiades returned to renew the blockade but the damage was already done. His
personal enemies at home were now able to force his recall. Instead, Alcibiades
again fled, this time to a castle in Thrace next to the Hellespont.
For the next year Lysander was superseded by
according to the Spartan legal requirement for single year appointments.
Callicratidas blockaded the Athenian fleet of
Conon in Mitylene harbor.
Another fleet sailed from Athens and in the battle of
Arginusae in August 406 the largest fleets
so far seen in the war entered battle. Callicratidas was drowned while loosing
and Sparta again offered peace. Again the Athenian democrats led by Cleophon
refused. Even more incredible, during the course of their victory bad weather
had prevented the Athenian admirals from rescuing some of their own sailors
from sinking ships. The democrat party had them recalled and six were executed.
The new, less experienced, generals for 405 were Alcibiades' opponents.
They now moved the entire fleet up to the open beach at
Aegospotami on the northern (European)
side of the Hellespont. Lysander lay opposite in a
good harbor at Abydos. (the
accounts of the battle by Xenophon and Diodorus differ considerably) Vainly
Alcibiades went to warn the Athenians of their danger, but the commanders,
Philodes and Adeimantus, would not listen, In September 405 Lysander captured
practically the whole Athenian fleet either without a blow or after a fight,
and thus brought the entire war to an end in one stroke. With the grain supply
now cut Lysander could proceed to Athens itself to blockade it from the sea
while the Spartan army under King
Pausanius held the land
side. After six months of starvation and no prospect for relief, Athens
surrendered in 404 on generous terms offered by Sparta. Corinth and Thebes
protested, demanding total destruction, but Sparta did not want to create too
great a power vacuum. The city walls and those connecting Athens to Peiraieus
were torn down and the empire dissolved.
Battle of Gaurium in which Alcibiades led the Athenians to victory over
Andrians and Peloponnesians
Lysander takes command
of Spartan navy in Aegean and forms a close alliance with Cyrus the Younger,
obtaining funds to expand the Spartan navy.
At his death bed, Darius' Babylonian wife Parysatis pleaded with him to have
her second eldest son Cyrus (the Younger) crowned, but Darius refused. Queen
Parysatis favored Cyrus more than her eldest son who became
Artaxerxes II. Cyrus
began to assemble forces and funds for a rebellion.
Naval battle off Notium in which
Lysander led the Spartans to victory over
Antiochus leading the
Athenians because Alcibiades went elsewhere and left command to his stearsman,
Antiochus. Alcibiades was again sent into exile.
The siege of Delphinium in 406 was a minor
Peloponnesian success that came early in the command ofCallicratidas, an
admiral who replaced the popular
Lysander in command of the
Peloponnesian fleet in Asia Minor (Great
Peloponnesian War
Siege of Methymne in which Callicratidas
captured the town
Battle of
(siege) in which
Callicratidas led the
Spartans to victory over Conon leading the Athenians.
Naval battle off Arginusae Islands in
which Thrasyllusand 7
other generals led the Athenians to victory over Callicratidas who died leading
the Spartans - but 6 of the best Athenian generals (admirals) were tried and
convicted of failure to rescue sailors during the battle.
Battle of Aegospotami in which Lysander
led the Spartans to decisive victory over Athenians led by Philodes and
Adeimantus - they returned from a daily effort to entice the Spartans out to
battle and then foolishly left their fleet beached while looking for lunch, and
Spartans simply rowed across the narrow strait and captured it - Aegospotami is
a beach and stream on the coast of Hellespont - result was that the Athenian
food supply from Crimea and Black sea coast was cut off and the Athenians were
forced by famine to surrender. This is one of the most decisive non-battles in
Lysander takes Aegean islands and cities from Athens then blockades Athens
resulting in Athenian surrender and end of the Peloponnesian war. The Athenian
'long walls' are partially destroyed.
Rule of the 'Thirty
tyrants' in Athens.
Darius II dies and
Artaxerxes II becomes
'king of kings' of Persia
404 -371 This period is considered one ofSpartan hegemony.
Battle ofPhyle in Acharnae in whichThrasybulus leading
Athenian democrats defeated the
Thirty Tyrants
installed to rule Athens. Achrnae was a hilly region in northern Attica.
Battle of Munychia in which
Thrasybulus completed the overthrow of the Thirty Tyrants
Cyrus the Younger
revolts against his elder brother,
Artaxerxes II
Battle ofCunaxa
Xenophon accompanies Greek mercenary force organized and commanded by
Clearchus then
employed by Cyrus the Younger to Cunaxa to overthrow Cyrus' elder brother King
Artaxerxes II, where Cyrus is killed and the
Greeks then march north to the Black Sea coast. Greek leaders are assassinated
and Xenophon is voted to be new commander. Xenophon describes the march to the
sea and to Byzantium.
400 -387
The war between Sparta and Persian took place at the same
time or overlapping with the Corinthian War. The
campaign of Agesilaus II was part of this war.
In the winter of 400-399 the Spartans sent an army to Asia Minor under the
command of Thimbron. He was given 1,000 emancipated
helots, 4,000 Peloponnesian allied troops and 300 Athenian cavalry (although
Sparta's Corinthian and Theban allies refused to take part). Thimbron was
joined by 2,000 local troops, and then managed to recruit the survivors of the
'10,000', looking for a role after the end of their journey. Encouraged by his
new recruits, Thimbron moved to Pergamum, and won over a number of nearby
Thimbron then besieged Egyptian
Larissa (399), but was ordered to abandon the siege and move into Caria.
The Siege of Theodosia in 389 was the
first of three sieges carried out against the city of Theodosia (modern day
Feodosia) by the rulers of the Bosporan Kingdom, who attempted time and time
again to annex the city to their dominions during the long Bosporan-Heracleote
War. The first of these sieges was carried out by Satyros I, the father of
Leukon I.
He moved slowly to Ephesus, where he was removed from
command for being too slow and replaced by Dercylidas(398). At the end of the year Dercylidas
established a truce with Pharnabazus, and moved
to Bithynian Thrace on the southern side of the Bosporus for the winter. T
The Siege of Segesta took place either in the
summer of 398 or the spring of 397 . Dionysius the Elder, tyrant of Syracuse,
after securing peace with Carthage in 405 , had steadily increased his military
power and tightened his grip on Syracuse.
At the start of the campaigning season of 397 the Spartans
moved west to the Hellespont. A group of Spartan commissioners arrived and
ordered him to cross the Hellespont and build a wall to defend the Chersonese,
so he arranged another truce with Pharnabazus. After completing the walls the
Spartans returned to Aeolis and besieged Atarneus, where a group of exiles from
Chios held out for eight months. Soon after the siege ended Dercylidas was
ordered to move south to protect the Greek cities ruled by
Tissaphernes. He
advanced into Caria, a move that nearly triggered a major battle. But both
sides considered their opponent too strong so made a truce.
At the end of summer the Spartans received word that Pharnabazus and Conon were
preparing ships to campaign in the Aegean.
The Ephors ordered King Agesilaus II to campaign
in Asia Minor.

Battle of Dascylium in which Agesilausled Spartan mercenaries to defeat
Tissaphernes leading
395 - 387
We have two excellent, detailed accounts and analysis of
this war. Here with
a map.
Battle ofHaliatus - in
Boeotian war of Thebes versus Spartans commanded by
Lysanderwho died in the
Battle ofNaryxin whichIsmeniasled Boeotians to
defeat Phocians led by Alcisthenes
Battles this year not part of the Corinthian war
Battle of Sardis in which Agesilaus led Spartan mercenaries to defeat
Tissaphernes leading his satrap Persians.
Battle of Dascyliumin whichPharnabazus IIled Persians to defeat Agesilaus.
Battle of Caue in which Agesilaus led Spartan mercenaries to defeatPharnabazus II.
Battle ofNemea River near
Corinth in which the Spartans commanded by
Aristodemus defeated
the Corinthian confederation of Athens, Thebes, Corinth, and Argos.
Battle of Narthacium in Thessaly where Agesilaus defeated Polycharmus of
Pharsalia while on his march back from Asia to aid Sparta. This is also part of
the Corinthian war since his return was ordered by the Spartan govenment to
Battle of Coronea in which Agesilaus
leading Spartan mercenaries defeated Corinthians and confederates.
The sea Battle off Cnidus was a military
operation conducted in 394 by the Achaemenid Empire against the Spartan naval
fleet during the Corinthian War. A fleet
under the joint command of Pharnabazus and
former Athenian admiral, Conon, destroyed the Spartan
fleet led by the inexperienced
Peisander, ending
Sparta's brief bid for naval supremacy. The battle outcome was a significant
boost for the anti-Spartan coalition that resisted Spartan hegemony in the
course of the Corinthian War.
This battle may be also considered as part of the Corinthian war and also the
Spartan-Persian war.
King Aeropus of Macedon died He was succeded by his son, Pausanias who died in
Battle of Phlius in which
Iphicrates leading
mercenaries defeated Philiasians.
On the deat of Pausanias, Amytas became king of Macedon. He had three sons,
Alexandros II Perdiccas and Philip. Amytas wared with the Illyrians but soon
died and was succeeded by Alexandros II who bought off the Illyrians and send
Philip there as a hostage.Philip was then sent to Thebes as a hostage and lived
with Epaminondas whom he came to admire and from who he received military
instructions. Philip's brother in law, Ptolemaeus ruled as regent and wared on
Athens over Amphipolis.
Battle at Corinthian long walls at Lechaeum in which
Praxitas led Spartans to defeatIphicrates leading a
mercenary army.
Battle ofPhliusin which Iphicrates leading mercenaries
defeated Phliasians.
Battle of Sicyon in which Iphicrates defeated
Battle of
Lechaeum near
Corinth in which Iphicrates defeated a
Spartan 600 man detachment in a famous victory of peltasts over hoplites.
Battle of Aegina.
Battle of
Methymna during revolt of
Lesbos from Athens in which Thrasybulus led Athenians
to defeat Therimachus leading Spartans.
First siege of Theodosia during the long Bosporan-Heracleote War. It was
conducted by Satyros I, the father of Leukon I. .
Battle of Cremase to command the Hellespont in which
Iphicrates led mercenaries to defeat Anaxibius leading Spartans
Persian king Artaxerxes II issues decree establishing the
'king's peace;. Peace of Antalcidas.
The Persian king,
Artaxerxes II, began
a war against Evagoras,king of Salamis on
Cyprus. He assembled a very large naval and military force, the commander of
the fleet was Tirbazus and of the land force,
(his-brother-in-law). Recognizing the coming war, Evagoras obtained allies
including Acoris, king of Egypt, and Hecatomnus, lord of Caria. He used
Egyptian and other funds to hire mercenaries. As the Persian fleet passed
Citium Evagoras attacked and was at first successful, but eventually the larger
Persian fleet forced Evagoras to retreat with significant losses. Then the
Persian land force assembled at Citium and moved to open a siege of Salamis.
Evagorus escaped with 10 triremes to Egypt.
The Spartans violated the Peace of Antalcidas and renewed war, besieging
Evagoras returned to Cyprus with Egyptian money to
continue the war. He surrendered on terms.
385 - 360
The BosporanHeracleote War was a long and enduring
conflict between the Hellenistic states of Heraclea Pontica and the Bosporan
Kingdom. It lasted decades, but ended after the Bosporans finally conquered the
city-state of Theodosia in around 360.
The war took place in modern day Crimea. The region is not often included in
articles and books about Greek warfare. I visited some of these places
including Theodosia and Chersonoses and have photos appended.
382 - 379
The battle of Olynthusin 382 was a near defeat for a Spartan
army that had been sent north to more vigorously conduct the war against
Olynthus that had begun earlier in the same year. City of
Olynthusduring Olynthian campaign in which Teleutias
led Spartans and Macedonians to defeat Olynthians.
Birth of Antigonus I
The battle of Olynthusin 381 was the second battle fought
by the Spartans close to the city during their expedition to Chalcidice, and
ended with defeat and the death of the Spartan commander Teleutis.
The siege of Phlius in 381-380/379 saw the
Spartans besiege one of their allies in order to restore the rights of a group
of exiled oligarchs, one of a series of heavy handed Spartans interventions in
the internal affairs of other Greek cities that came in the aftermath of the
end of the Corinthian
War.Like many Greek cities, Phlius suffered from an ongoing struggle
between democrats and oligarchs. During the Corinthian War the democrats were
in charge, and many of the former oligarchs were in exile, and their property
confiscated. In 394 Phlius refused to contribute troops to the Spartan army,
using a religious festival as an excuse, and thus missed the battle of
Nemea Battle of
Naval battle off Citium in which Glos commanded the Persian fleet that defeated
Evagoras of Cyprus
378 -362
This is another name for what was essentially the same
war, but the descriptions and emphasis are somewhat different. There were other
'wars' going on at the same time. Thus this chronological listing shows battles
from different wars in the same year.
Naval battle off Naxos Island in
which Chabrias led the
Athenian fleet to defeat Pollis commanding a Spartan fleet.
Battle of Citheron was a minor Spartan
defeat that prevented them from conducting a fourth invasion of Boeotia in four
Naval battle off Alyzeia
in which
Timotheus led the Athenians to victory over the Spartans commanded by
Battle of Tegyra
in which Pelopidas
led the Thebans to victory over the Spartans led by Gorgoleon and
Theopompus. This was the first recorded battle in which a smaller force
defeated the Spartans in a set piece battle.
The Satrap's Revolt (c.370s-350s) was a prolonged period
of unrest within the Persian Empire, marked by a series of revolts by the
satraps, or provincial governors. By the end of the period the Persian emperors
had regained control of most of their empire, mainly because the satraps rarely
coordinated their activities. A key feature of the period is that the loyal
satraps of one stage of the revolt became the rebels of the next stage.
372 -362
Revolt of
Datames against Persian king
Artaxerxes II.
Datames, the satrap of Cappadocia and a talented military commander, had
inherited his satrapy from his father Camissares after 384 but later problems
with the court led him to revolt in 372. The court commanded the neighboring
satraps, Autophradates of Lydia and Artumpara of Lycia, to crush the rebellion
but Datames successfully resisted their attacks. He was killed in 362 after his
son in law Mitrobarzanes betrayed him, falsely claiming to be his ally against
the king.
Battle of Leuctra in
which Epaminondas led
the Thebans and allies to victory over the Spartans led by
Cleombrotus whose
death in the battle contributed to the Spartan loss.
- This was a decisive victory shattering Spartan military supremacy in both
reality and public perception. It is also one of the ancient battles still
studied for its innovative tactics and Epaminondas is still regarded at a great
For a neat annimated
map of the battle click here.
371 - 362 This period is considered one of
Theban hegemony
Battle ofOrchomenus in
Arcadia in which Lycomedes led the Mantineans to victory over the Spartans led
by Polytropus
Battle of Corinth in whichChabrias led the Athenians
and allies to victory over the Thebans led by Epaminondas
Sicyon was captured by Thebans
Battle of Melea (Tearless Battle) in which Archidamus led
the Spartans to victory over the Arcadians and Argives
366 - 363
Revolt of
Persian king Artaxerxes II
Ariobarzanes, satrap of Phrygia and a son of the ruler of Pontus, had been made
acting satrap of Hellespontine Phrygia until Artabazos, the legitimate heir of
the satrapy could take office. But when Artabazos was ready to take the satrapy
Ariobarzanes refused to surrender it and joined Datames' revolt in 366.
Ariobarzanes sought foreign aid and he received it from Spartan King
Agesilaus IIwho was
campaigning in Asia Minor. Ariobarzanes withstood a siege at Adramyttium in
366, from Mausolus of Caria and Autophradates of Lydia, until Agesilaus
negotiated the besiegers' retreat. As signal of sympathy in the effort, Athens
made Ariobarzanes and three of his sons citizens of Athens. Ariobarzanes was
betrayed by his son Mithridates to his overlord, the Persian king, who had
Ariobarzanes crucified.
Battle of Lasion in which the Arcadians defeated the
Battle of Dromnus in which the Arcadians again defeated the Eleans.
Second Siege of Theodosia was a siege
carried out by Leukon Isometime after his accession
to the Bosporan throne in around 365. Satyros I, the father of Leukon, had
previously laid siege on Theodosia but died during it. The exact numbers of the
forces in the siege aren't known.
Battle of Olympia in which the Pisadatans, Arcadians and
Argives defeated the Eleans and Achaeans.
Click here for a neat annimated map of the battle.
Battle of
in which Pelopidas led
the Thebans and Thessalians to defeat Alexander of Pherae.
The Thebans sacked Orchomenus.
Revolt of Orontes, satrap of Armenia,
revolted after he was ordered by the King Artaxerxes II to move to Mysia. His
noble birth led the other satraps to recognize him as leader of the revolt, but
Orontes later sought a compromise with the King and betrayed the other satraps,
and the rebellion collapsed shortly afterward. Orontes received much of the
Aegean coast while Datames was killed after his son in law Mitrobarzanes
betrayed him. Ariobarzanes was also killed, but the other satraps were
pardoned, thus ending the rebellion.
Battle of Mantineain
which Epaminondas led the Theban army to defeat the Spartans and Mantineans.
Third Siege of Theodosia was the third and final siege by
the Bosporan Kingdom under Leukon I against the city of Theodosia, a probable
colony of Heraclea Pontica, who had aided the city in two previous sieges.
359 -336
During the preceeding years Iphicrates and Pelopidas were
intervening in Macedonian politics by supporting the several claimants to the
throne. King Perdiccas was killed in battle with the Illyrians enabling
Pausanias to obtrain Theban troops to support the defeated Macedonians. The
Athenians also sent a small force. At this the Macedonian army 'elected'
Philip, age 22, as king.
From then on King Philip II expands
Macedonia in a progression of wars on each border until he controls all of
Greece and is ready to invade the Persian Empire. The authors of the article at
the link describe and analyze the events listed during the following years from
the perspective of Macedonian involvement. A key innovation by Philip was
creation of the Macedonian phalanx
as a tactical combat unit and armed its members with the famous sarissa. And he
expanded the elite cavalry )Companions) composed of nobility. Among his first,
immediate, victories was against the Athenian contingent led by Mantias at
Methone. This generated great public support for Philip.
Although the development of artillery weapons was first expanded by Dionysius I
and II in Syracuse and the ancient methods of siegecraft were brought from
Carthage as well as the middle east, Philip further developed both and employed
professional engineers for the purpose. With him, his son Alexander, and the
Diodochi siege warfare was even more significant. Some references - Duncan
Campbell - Greek and Roman Siege Machinery 399BC - AD 363 - and Greek
and Roman Artillery 399BC - AD 363. Of course fortification was well known
and extensive in Greece since Mycenea and its superiority over attack methods
since then is what led to Greek failures to capture cities except through
treason or famine within.
Philip II sent ambassadors to Athens who sent him
ambassadors in return. They made peace that included an exchange of Amphipolis
back to Athens and Pydna to Philip. At the same time Philip took advantage of
the death of KingAgis of the Paeonians to attack them successfully, making
Paeonia a vassal. From there he turned against the Illyrians.
Battle of Heradlea Lyncestis in which Philip II of Macedon
defeated Illyrians led by Bardylis.
Death of Artaxerxes II and succession of
Artaxexes III
Battle ofChios Island
in which the Chians defeated the Athenians led by
Chares and
Philip then marched on Amphipolis with powerful siege machines.Siege of Amphipoliswas an early victory for
Philip II of Macedon, and saw him capture a key foothold in Thrace, although at
the cost of permanently damaging his relationship with Athens.
Siege ofSamos
Battle of Embata
in which the Chians again defeated Chares.
Another essay about this Third Sacred WarThis war began as a 'sacred' war
involving Thebes and Phocia in Boeotia. But by intervening Philip II of Macedon
used it as a major tool in his advancement into all of Greece.
Destruction of temple at Delphi - Hilomelus with Phocians
and allies defeated Locrians
The siege ofMethone in
late 355 - early 354 enabled Philip II of Macedon to capture the last potential
Athenian base on the Macedonian coast.
forced the Athenians to depart from Asia Minor holdings. Artaxerxes started a
campaign against the rebellious Cadusians, but he managed to appease both of
the Cadusian kings. One individual who successfully emerged from this campaign
was Darius Codomannus, who later occupied the Persian throne as Darius III.

The battle of Argolas
in Spring 354 was a Phocian victory over a Thessalian army early in the Third
Sacred War, fought at an otherwise unknown hill somewhere in Locris.
Battle ofNeonin the Third Sacred War in which
Thebans defeated the Phocians led by Philomelus was notable for the death of
the Phocian leader Philomelus.
Artaxerxes ordered the western satraps to disband their mercenaries in 355, the
refused, but after being defeated by the central army they did disband in 354.
Battle of the Hermeum in
which Onomarchus led the Phocians to defeat the
Battle of Crocian Plain
(Battle of
Crocus field) at which Philip II of Macedon defeated Onomarchus leading
Battle ofOrneae in which Archidamus led
Spartans to victory over Argives and Thebans in a dispute over Megalopolis.
Battle of Thelpusa in
which the Thebans defeated Anaxander leading Spartans and Phocians as result of
the same dispute.
Battle of Orchomenusin which the Boeotians
(Thebans) defeated the Phocians led by Phayllus It
was the first in a series of defeats suffered by the Phocian leader
Phayllusduring a failed
invasion of Boeotia in the
Third Sacred War.
Battle of the Cephisus river in which
the Thebans defeated the Phocians led by Phayllus
Battle of Coroneia in which the Thebans
again defeated Phayllus
Battle of Abae in which again the Thebans defeated Phayllus
Battle of Naryx in which Phayllus defeated the
Battle of Chaeroneiain which the
Thebans defeated Phayllus
Artaxerxes began a campaign to recover Egypt. Despite
bringing a very large army he was defeated by Pharaoh Nectanebo II who employed
Greek mercenaries..
The siege ofOlynthus
in which Philip II of Macedon completed his conquest of the Chalcidic League,
one of his more powerful immediate neighbors, and an ally for several years.
Battle of Tamynae during
the Euobean's revolt - in which Phocion led the Athenians to victory over the
Battle of Hyampolisduring the Third Sacred War in which
the Thebans again defeated the Phocians
Battle of Coronea during same war in which the Phocians defeated the Boeotians
Battle of Hyampolis again in which Philip of Macedon
destroyed the city.
The siege of Halus was carried out as the same time as peace negotiations
between Philip II of Macedon and Athens, and may have been part of Philip's
wider plan for a campaign in central Greece (Third Sacred War)
The Peace ofPhilocrates
(346) ended the ten year long War of Amphipolis between Athens and Macedon, and
helped establish Philip II of Macedon as a power in central and southern
Greece. For the previous ten years two parallel wars had dominated Greece. In
central Greece the Third Sacred War involved
Phocis, Athens and Sparta on one side and Thebes, Boeotia and Thessaly on the
other, and saw armies campaigning in Boeotia, Phocis and Thessaly. Further
north Macedon and Athens had officially been at war since Philip attacked and
captured Amphipolis, also claimed by Athens. The war had seen Athens form
alliances with the Chalcidice League and various Thracian kings, but without
achieving anything. See the entry for much more details including a discussion
of the war itself.
Battle of Hadranum during
Timoleon's campaign from
Syracuse in which he defeated Hiceas of Leontini
In 343 , Artaxerxes assigned responsibility for the
suppression of the Cyprian rebels to Idrieus, prince of Caria, who employed
8,000 Greek mercenaries and forty triremes, commanded by
Phocion the Athenian, and
Evagoras, son of the elder Evagoras, the Cypriot monarch. Idrieus succeeded in
reducing Cyprus.
Artaxerxes initiated a counter-offensive against Sidon by commanding Belesys,
satrap of Syria, and Mazaeus, satrap of Cilicia, to invade the city and to keep
the Phoenicians in check. Both satraps suffered crushing defeats at the hands
of Tennes, the Sidonese king, who was aided by 40,000 Greek mercenaries sent to
him by Nectanebo II and commanded by Mentor of
Artaxerxes nest step was to destroy rebellious Sidon for which he relied
heavily on 10,000 Greek mercenaries, despite having a huge Persian army. He
executed their king, Tennes, along with ten's of thousands of citizens who died
as their city was burned.
Second Achaemenid conquest of Egypt:
The reduction of Sidon was followed closely by the invasion of Egypt. In 343 ,
Artaxerxes, in addition to his 330,000 Persians, had now a force of 14,000
Greeks furnished by the Greek cities of Asia Minor: 4,000 under Mentor,
consisting of the troops that he had brought to the aid of Tennes from Egypt;
3,000 sent by Argos; and 1000 from Thebes. He divided these troops into three
bodies, and placed at the head of each a Persian and a Greek. The Greek
commanders were Lacrates of Thebes, Mentor of Rhodes and Nicostratus of Argos
while the Persians were led by Rhossaces, Aristazanes, and Bagoas, the chief of
the eunuchs.
Nectanebo II had 20,000 Greek mercenaries.

340 -339
Siege of Perinthusin
340 was an unsuccessful attempt by Philip II of Macedon to defeat the Athenian
forces at Perinthus, and take the city. The siege was conducted alongside an
unsuccessful siege of Byzantium. Both
sieges took place in the period just before the
Fourth Sacred
Siege of Byzantium in 340-339 was an
unsuccessful attempt by Philip II to defeat a former ally, and was begun after
his siege of nearby Perinthus ran into difficulties. The difficulties were the
result of Artaxerxes intervention to thwart Philip's expanding power.
The Fourth Sacred War or Amphissean War was the final step
in Philip II of
Macedon's rise to a position of dominance in Greece, and ended with the
defeat of the joint Athenian and Theban army at the battle of Chaeronea.
Battle of Crimissus
River during Timoleon's campaign out of Syracuse in which he defeated
Carthagians Asdrubal and Hamilcar
Battle of Abolus River during his campaign in which he
defeated Mamercus of Catana.
Battle of
in which Philip II of Macedon defeated
Chares leading the Athenians
and Theagene leading the Thebans. This ended the Fourth Sacred War and
established Macedon's power over most of Greece.
For a neat annimated battle
map click here.
Artaxerxes III was poisoned by Bagonas.
Artaxerxes III was succeeded by Artaxerxes IV Arses, who before he could act
was also poisoned by Bagoas. Bagoas is further said to have killed not only all
Arses' children, but many of the other princes of the land. Bagoas then placed
Darius III, a nephew of
Artaxerxes IV, on the throne. Darius III, previously Satrap of Armenia,
personally forced Bagoas to swallow poison.
Philip II sends
Parmenion with the
Macedonian advance units across the Hellespont into Asia.
Philip II is assassinated and Alexander becomes King of
Quintus Curtius discusses this event. And Peter Greek in his Alexander of
Macedon 356-322 B.C. examines the whole bakground and draws conclusions
about causes and results of the death of Philip and results for Alexander
Alexander's campaign, while relatively brief, was such a
momentous historical event and about which such a huge volme of works by many
ancient and modern authors have been published, to include even a summary (such
as the above one on the Peloponnesian war) would disrupt this outline. A
separate section is provided by a link.
Alexander's campaign in the Balkans and crossing the
Danube: He has to supress various local tribes north and west of Macedon
itself. The Landmark edition of the Anabasis Alexandrou has excellent maps of
these campaigns. He moves from his capital at Pela near the coast east to
Amphipolis then continuing east along the coast into Thrace to cross the
Nestros river and from there turns directly north, crossing several Balkan
mountain chains defended by local tribes to reach the Danube. He crosses using
leather sacks full of straw to suprise and defeat the Getae. He receives
various chiefs who offer allegiance. Then he turns south west to defeat the
Triballoi . Passing them he reaches Pelion in Illyria and defeats the locals.
From there he marches due south through Thessaly, responding to rebellion in
Boeotia at Thebes. He besieges and destroys the city enslaving the survivors
except for religious leaders. The other Greek cities quickly expressed
friendship and submission. Arrian describes these battles and the diplomatic
activities fully.
Battle at Shipka Pass in which Alexander defeated
Battle of Lyginus River in which Alexander defeated the Triballi
Battle of Iser River in which Alexander defeated the Getae
Battle of Pelium in which Alexander defeated
Cleitus leading Illyrians and Glalcias leading Talantians
Battle of Thebes in which Alexander defeated
Thebans - There is an excellent plan of the siege and assault in Arrian.
Darius completed his suppression of rebellion in Egypt again.
Philip II has already sent Parmenion and the Macedonian advance guard across
the Hellespont Alexander crosses from Sestos to Abydos and diverts to visit
Troy. He then marches along the Asiatic coast of Hellespontine Phrygia eastward
to face the assembling forces of the Persian satraps.
Battle of Granicus
River -first battle during Alexander's campaign against Persia
From there Alexander moves south west through Aeolis and Ionia to the Aegean
coast and invests the critical city, Miletus.
The Siege of Miletus was Alexander the
Great's first siege and naval encounter with the Achaemenid Empire. This siege
was directed against Miletus, a city in southern Ionia, which is now located in
the Aydin province of modern-day Turkey. During the battle, Parmenion's son
Philotas would be key in preventing the Persian Navy from finding safe
anchorage. It was captured by Parmenion's son, Nicanor in 334.
Continuing along the coast, Alexander took all the cities between Miletus and
Halicarnsus including Myndos on the coast west of the latter city. He besieged
and took Myndos which helped encircle Halicarnssus.
Siege of
HalicarnassusThe Siege of Halicarnassus was fought between Alexander
the Great and the Achaemenid Persian Empire in 334.
Alexander, who had dismissed his small navy, (a significant strategic mistake)
was constantly being threatened by the Persian navy. It continuously attempted
to provoke an engagement with Alexander, who would not oblige them. Eventually,
the Persian fleet sailed to Halicarnassus, in order to establish a new defense.
Alexander was able to take part of the city but not its citadel, well defended
by Orontobates and Memnon of Rhodes (who would continue to wage
naval war for several years). He considers continuing the expensive siege as a
waste of time as well as money so moves on.
Alexander appointed Ada, queen of Caria, as satrap
to govern the region for him.
By winter the other cities of Lycia had surrendered. He continues to capture
the cities in Pamphylia.
In spring of 333 Alexander makes a huge diversion by
moving north across Asia Minor to Gordion where he cut the famous knot and also
received about 4,000 new reinforcements brought by Parmenion..
Memnon is successfully conducting naval warfare and capturing islands in the
Aegean including Chios and Lesbos, and invested Mytilene, and captured Methymna
both on Lesbos; until the Persian campaign falters when Memnon died. The
Persian naval campaign continued under command of Autophradates and Pharnabazus, son of Arrabaszos.
Alexander decides that his taking the Phoenician seaports will eventually
defeat the remaining Persian naval forces. He is back to the Aegean coast after
moving through the Cilician Gates in the Taurus Mountains and subduing Pisidae
and Cappadocia in south central modern Turkey. He reaches the coast at Tarsus.
About that time Halicarnassus finally is completely captured while Alexander
completes control of Psidia, Pamphylia and Cilicia. Alexander is continuing
south along the Lebanese coast when Darius III moves from Damascus through the
Amanic Gates in Alexander's rear and kills the sick and wounded Macedonians
left at Issus.
Alexander has to turn completely around and meet Darius at the Pinaros River?
Unfortunately for Darius by moving from an open plain into the very narrow
coastal strip he has lost for himself the advantage of his large numbers.
Battle of Issus in
which Alexander defeated Darius III
The Landmark edition of Arrian has excellent maps and detailed descriptions of
the battle. Many other modern authors have analyzed this battle.
For a neat annimated map of
the battle click here.
The Persian admirals continue naval warfare and expand operations to enlist
Spartan King Agis III in
opposing the Macedonians in Greece. But the failure of the Persians to pursue a
more active support campaign to raise rebellion in Greece enabled Alexander to
proceed by leaving military affairs there to Antipater.
The Persian admirals managed to land some thousands of Greek mercenaries to
join Darius' army prior to Issus.
After Issus the Phoenician king surrendered.
Alexander moved across the mountains to capture Darius' logistic base and
treasury at Damascus before continuing south along the coast.
Most cities surrendered without a struggle but Tyre,
positioned mostly on an island and vaunting its history of having repelled
numerous attackers, refused Alexander's offers.
Siege of
TyreThe Siege of Tyre, which lasted 7 months,
was orchestrated by Alexander to complete control of all the ports. The
Macedonian army was unable to capture the city, which was a strategic coastal
base on the Mediterranean Sea, through conventional means because it was on an
island and had walls right up to the sea. They enlisted the support of the
Phoenician navy to maintain the blockade and assist with besieging towers on
Alexander continued down the coast to Egypt, along the way he took more towns
and had to capture the well-fortified Gaza.
Siege of
Gaza - The Siege of Gaza was a military event
in the Egyptian campaign of Alexander. During the Siege of Gaza, Alexander
succeeded in reaching the walls by utilizing the engines he had employed
against Tyre. And he built huge earthen mounds around the city. After three
unsuccessful assaults, the stronghold was taken by storm.
recaptured Methymna and Lesbos for Alexander.
He spent the remainder of 332 in Egypt where he founded Alexandria and visited
Memphis. He was proclaimed Pharaoh.
In the spring Alexander marched back north to Tyre,
crossed the mountains to Damascus and continued to Thapsacus to cross the
Euphrates. From there he wisely marched north-east along the favorable lowland
before turning south east to cross the Tigris to Gaugamela, rather than taking
a direct route east through desolate desert country lacking food resources.
Battle of Megalopolis in the Peloponneses
during a Greek revolt in which
Antipater defeated
Agis III leading Spartans.
Battle at Gaugamela
(Arbela) in which Alexander finally defeated Darius III and Persian army.
The edition of Arrian has maps.
And there are many modern books with details of the battle, including E. W.
Marsden's The Campaign of Gaugamela and Donald Engels' Alexander the
Great and the Logistics of the Macedonian Army..
For a neat annimated map
of the battle click here.
After this victory Alexander was welcomed into Babylon, continued east to one
of the Persian capitals at Susa, where he collected immense quantities of gold,
silver and other wealth.
Alexander continued east to
Persepolis which he burned. But he had to fight his way there.
Battle at Susian -
Gates in which Alexander defeated
leading local tribes. During the summer he moved north through mountains and
the Caspian Gates to resume pursuit of Darius. By the time he caught up he
found Darias had been assassinated by Bessos. He then marched into Hyrcania
where he defeated the Tapourians. He had anough free time to spend some days
enjoying the comforts of the Queen of the Amazons.
In Zadrakarta he had to supress more uprisings including two revolts led by one
of Darius' satraps, Satibarzanes. At this time
one of the several internal plots (real or imagined) occured. Alexander
executed Philotas and had his father, Parmenion, assassinated.
Continuing Persian and local tribal resistance, Alexander
continued east across Sogdiana as far as Maracanda and even Cyropolis on the
Iaxartes River.
Siege of Cyropolis Cyropolis was the largest
of seven towns in the region that Alexander the Great targeted for conquest in
329. His goal was the conquest of Sogdiana. Alexander first sent
Craterus to Cyropolis, the
largest of the Sogdianan towns holding out against Alexander's forces.
Craterus' instructions were to "take up a position close to the town,
surround it with a ditch and stockade, and then assemble such siege engines as
might suit his purpose....". The idea was to keep the inhabitants focused
on their own defences and to prevent them from sending assistance out to the
other towns. Alexander has to defeat a former ally, Spitamenes, twice. But
rather than continuing directly north-east he turned sharply south to subdue
uprisings and reached the location of modern southern Afghanistan, then marched
north- east to Kabul area and then across the Hindu Kush over the Khawak Pass
back to Balk. View of the Khawak Pass. Alexander
completely outmaneuvered the resistance north of the mountains who didn't
expect him to use this pass.
Alexander spends the year trying to subdue the Scythians
and local tribes.
Battle at Jaxartes River in which Alexander
defeated Scythians by surprising them in his crossing the river.
Battle at Alexandria Eschate in which Alexander again defeated Scythians.
Alexander remains in Sogdiana and Bactria. Spitamenes
makes more attacks until he is killed by Scythians interested in alliance with
Siege of theSogdian
Rock Alexander assaults and captures Pareitakene.
By the end of 327 he has moved back across Afghanistan preparing to enter
north-west India
Map showing Alexander founding cities as he
Alexander passes through mountain ranges north of the
Kyber Pass to subdue the many tribes in these valleys while sending Hephaistion
and Perdikkas through the pass directly to the Indus river to prepare a bridge
or boats to cross it. He besieged and captured many towns including Massaga,
Ora and Bazira and then moved south through the Swat Valley to meet
Hephaistion. From there he moved back north along the Indus in order to attack
the fortified mountain called Aornos (Pir Sar
Sir Aurel Stein's identification of Aornos on Pir Sar.
The army crosses the Indus on a bridge built by Hephaistion.
Alexander reaches Taxila whose king re-named Taxiles, greets him as an ally.
Map of Alexander's campaign into
Battle atHydaspes River
in which Alexander defeated Porus, Indian king, Alexander
makes Porus an ally as vassal king.
After the battle he continues east continuing to found more cities. and forcing
the submission of more local rulers. The army refuses to continue east into
unknown India. Alexander creates a huge river flotilla and starts down the
Hydaspes then the Indus to the sea. Along the way he besieges more towns
includingSangala. Further down the river they besiege
Mallon where Alexander is again seriously
wounded. The Malloi and Oxydrakai submit.
Brief digression: At this point Alexander and the
Macedonians - Greeks have run into and bested a large body of elephants (pun)
for the first time. So I can suggest - H. H. Scullard's The Elephant in the
Greek and Roman World and Konstantin Nossov's War Elephants for
reference and details. The use of and role of elephants in battles increases in
some of the battle waged by Diodochi - for instanceRaphia.
Continuing down the Indus Alexander subdues the Brahmans,
Mousikanos and Sambos. He decides to explore the coastline and march the main
army back to the Tigrus along that coast and through the forboding Gedrosia
desert. He sends Craterus with much of the army including the elephants more
directly back across southern Afghanistan. The elaborate logistical plan is for
the army to dig wells along the coast to supply water to the fleet while
Nearchos moves the fleet along with it supplying food for the army. But they do
not understand the monsoon wind. It prevents Nearchos from sailing for months.
The two parts of the army-navy never meet until reaching southern Persia. The
desert route consumes a large part of the army.
They are united at Carmania. Alexander visits Pasargadae and orders that Cyrus'
tomb be restored.
Back in Susa Alexander explores the southern Tigris and
Euphrates. He is thinking of a campaign through the Red Sea back to Egypt. At
Susa he reorganizes both military and civil government. He encourages marriage
between Macedonians -Greeks - with Persian wives. During the summer at Opis he
faces near mutiny of the army over dissatisfaction over the changes in military
organization. particularly integration of Persians and other peoples.
Back in Babylon Alexander prepares further campaigns -west
- along the Arabian Peninsula . But he dies that summer, leaving several heirs
who can claim the throne but who have personal weaknesses that his leading
generals exploit. Thus begins the struggle for power.
List of
battles in the Lamian war This is the first of several centuries of warfare
between Alexander's principle commanders and their heirs - Diodochi.
Battle of Plataea in which Leosthenes leading mercenaries for Athens, defeated
Battle of Thermopylae in which Leosthenes defeated Antipater commanding the Macedonian reserve.
Settlement of Babylon between the successors of Alexander but it did not
prevent the Diodochi wars.
Siege of Lamia in which
Antipater was defending the city against Leosthenes who was killed outside the
Naval battle of Echinades
in which Cleitus defeated the Athenians
The Defeat of Leonnatus by Antiphilus at an un identified location fought
between the Greek allies who had rebelled against the Macedonian Empire, and Leonnatus, the Macedonian
satrap of Phrygia who had come to aid the regent Antipater who was being
besieged by the Greeks in Lamia. The Greeks defeated the Macedonians. The
Greeks, hearing news of Leonnatus's advance, lifted the siege of Lamia and
detached their baggage train and camp followers to Melitia and advanced with
their army hurried to defeat Leonnatus before Antipater's forces could join
him. The Greeks and Macedonian armies were equal in number but the Greeks'
3,500 horsemen, including an elite 2,000 Thessalians commanded by Menon,
against the Macedonians' 1,500 horse gave the advantage of mobility to the
Greeks. When the battle began, although the Macedonian phalanx gained the
advantage everywhere, the Thessalians drove off the Macedonian cavalry and
Leonnatus was carried from the battlefield already mortally wounded. After
their cavalry was driven back the unsupported Macedonian Phalanx retreated from
the plain to difficult terrain where the enemy cavalry couldn't pursue them.
The next day Antipater arrived at the field and joined with the defeated army.
He decided not to fight the Greeks yet, in view of their superior cavalry, and
instead retreated through the rough terrain.
Battle of Rhamnus in which Phocion commanding Athenians
defeated Mocion commanding Macedonians.
Naval Battle off Abydus in which Cleitus led Macedonians to defeat Evetion
leading Athenians.
Naval battle off Lichades Islands in which Cleitus led Macedonians to defeat
Naval Battle off Amorgos island in which
Cleitus led
Macedonians to defeat Evetion
leading Athenians.
Battle of Crannon in which Craterus and
Antipater defeated the Greeks.
The Wars of the Diadochi or Wars of Alexander's
Successors, were a series of conflicts fought between Alexander the Great's
generals (and their heirs) over the rule of his vast empire after his death.
They occurred between 322 and 281. The link is to an attempt by Wikipedia to
provide a general but concise full story of the 50 years of conflict between
Alexander's former subordinate generals.
The accounts frequently mention 'wealth'. - What they do not specify is that
Alexander's seizure of the incredible hoard of gold, silver, and precious
jewels in the Persian treasuries financed all this hireing of mercenaries, pay
to the Macedonian veterans, funding of massive new warships; fostered the
expansion of economic activity (but focused on warfare rather than investment
in raising living standards). The peasants and city populations suffered as
usual. For instance, gold coins circulated from one general's treasure box to
that of another back and forth while also circulating between the boxes to pay
for economic activity and then back to the rulers in taxes.
Actually tens of thousands of the civilian population either died or were
enslaved. Note that at first the struggle was 'legitimized' in theory between
claimants to succeed as the ruler of a still unitary Empire. But after the
number of contending parties was reduced the remaining 'winners' openly
declared themselves Kings of the regions they had managed to seize and hold.
See the link for two lengthy descriptions of the entire sequence of wars.
James Romm provided an excellent summary of the causes, course and end of this
struggle in an Epilogue "The Breakup and Decline of Alexander's
Empire" in the Landmark edition of Arrian's Campaigns of Alexander
of which he is also the editor.
Hellenistic Armies:
The Hellenistic armies is the term applied to the armies of the successor
kingdoms of the Hellenistic period, which emerged after the death of Alexander
the Great. After his death, Alexander's huge empire was torn between his
successors, the Diadochi. During the Wars of the Diadochi, the Macedonian army,
as developed by Alexander and Philip II, gradually adopted new units and
tactics, further developing Macedonian warfare and improving on the tactics
used in the Classical era. The armies of the Diadochi bear few differences from
that of Alexander, but during the era of the Epigonoi "Successors",
the differences were obvious, favoring numbers over quality and weight over
I might point out also that these "would be" kings had access to the
distribution of immense wealth from the looting of the Persian treasury. And
that except for Egypt, the large Diadochi kingdoms (empires) had the
opportunity to recruit larger numbers of mercenaries from Greece and Macedon
due to high population and shortage of employment there. (See G/ T. Griffith,
The Mercenaries of the Hellenistic World)
There is also an excellent description in Appendix D "Alexander's Army and
Military Leadership" in the Landmark edition of Arrian's The Campaigns
of Alexander.
Partition of Babylon:
The details of the 'conference' held while Alexander's body was still in his
tent are described in humorous detail by Quintus Curtius Rufus in The
History of Alexander (modern title).
Partition of Triparadisus:
After several of the original leaders died and the new status developed it was
necessary to reassign the territories to various different rulers. They met at
Triparadisus to divide up the spoils, but their agreement did not survive their
greed for power and wealth, and fear of each other.
322 -320
First Diodach War
Battle in the
in which Eumenesof Cardia
defeated Crateruswho was
killed, and Neoptolemus.
Perdiccaswas killed in
Egypt leaving that part of the empire and Macedonian army to
Birth of Antigonus II
Antigonus II Gonatas (320 239) was a Macedonian ruler who solidified the
position of the Antigonid dynasty in Macedon after a long period defined by
anarchy and chaos and acquired fame for his victory over the Gauls who had
invaded the Balkans.
Second Diodach War
Battle of Cretopolisin which Antigonus I defeated
Battle of Bosphorus I in which Cleitus defeated Nicanor.
Battle of Bosphorus II in which Antigonus I
and Nicanor defeated Cleitus.

Battle of Coprates River in which
Eumenes of Cardia defeated
Antigonus I.
Battle of Orkyia in which Antigonus I defeated
Battle of Paraitakene in which
Eumenes of Cardia defeated
Antigonus I.
Battle ofGabiene in which
Antigonus I defeated Eumenes after which Eumenes was killed.
Third Diodach War (316 -311)
The Third Diadoch War was the struggle between the
successors of Alexander the Great to prevent Antigonus I Monophthalmus from
reuniting Alexanders empire.
Battle of Aphrodisias in which Polycleius defeated
Theodotus and Perilaus.
Battle of Caprima in Caria in which Ptolomaeus defeated
Battle of Gazain which
Ptolemy I and Seleucus I defeated Demetrius "Poliorcetes".
Battle of Euryeneae in which Lyciscus and Deinias defeated Alexander and
Battle of Apollonia in which the Apollonians defeated Cassander.

311 -308
Babylonian War (311-308)
The Babylonian War was a conflict fought between
311309 between the Diadochi - Antigonus I Monophtalmus and Seleucus, ending in a victory for the latter.
Seleucus defeated Antigonus's general,
Nicanor, at the
crossing of the Tigris River.
The conflict ended any possibility of restoration of the empire of Alexander
the Great, a result confirmed 10 years later at the Battle of
Ipsus. See the link for details.
Ptolemy captured Corinth from Antigonus but it was
recaptured by Demitrius in 304.
Fourth Diodach War (307 - 301)
Battle of Salamis on Cyprus in which Antigonus sent his
son, Demetrius, with a fleet and army to Cyprus to attack Ptolemy from Egypt.
He was met by Ptolemy's brother, Menelaus, who was defeated and driven back
into the city whereupon Demetrius laid siege using new and innovative engines
and methods.
Another battle at Salamis in which Ptolemy brought a larger army and fleet
including quinqueremes from Egypt. Demetrius blockaded Menelaus's fleet in
Salamis harbor while he destroyed Ptolemy's fleet. Celebrating this victory
Antigonus decleared himself and Demetrius to be King.
Battle at Elatea:
Cassander attacked Athens but failed to capture it. Athenians led by
Olympiodorus sailed to Aeotolia and marched into Phocis where he defeated
Foundation of the Ptolemaic
Kingdomin Egypt by Ptolemy I Soter
The kingdom (based on ancient Egypt with a few and changing other areas), such
as Cyprus, was small relative to the Seleucid and other kingdoms but enjoyed
Egypt's protective geographic location and immense economic output.
Ptolemaic Army
Ptolemaic Navy
305 - 303
The SeleucidMauryan War was fought between 305 and
303. It started when Seleucus I Nicantor,
of the Seleucid Empire, sought to retake the Indian satrapies of the
Macedonian Empire which had been occupied by Emperor Chandragupta Maurya, of
the Maurya Empire. The war ended in a settlement resulting in the annexation of
the Indus Valley region and part of Afghanistan to the Mauryan Empire, with
Chandragupta securing control over the areas that he had sought, and a marriage
alliance between the two powers. After the war, the Mauryan Empire emerged as
the dominant power of the Indian Subcontinent, and the Seleucid Empire turned
its attention toward defeating its rivals in the west.
Seleucid Empire
One of the great components into which Alexander's short lived empire divided.
Seleucid Army
An interesting detailed study of the centerpiece of power of the Seleucid
Empire for as long as it lasted.

Battle ofIpsus:
Antigonus was attempting to reunite all Alexander's territories under himself.
The other Diadochi didn't like this so united against him. Seleucus and
Lysimachus engaged Antigonus and Demetrius near
Ipsus in Phrygia in a very large battle with about 70,000 infantry and 10,000
cavalry on each side. Plus Seleucus had elephants. Demetrius defeated Seleucus'
cavalry but pursued them too far, enabling Seleucus to interpose his elephants
to prevent Demetrius to return. Meanwhile Seleucus defeated Antigonus's
infantry and Antigonus was killed. Demetrius escaped with some cavalry and
infantry. But Antigonus' territories were then partitioned.
See the links for details.
Another battle at Mantinea
Demetrius was back in Greece and captured Athens. He then campaigned into the
Peloponnesus and defeated Archidamus, king of Sparta, at Mantinea in Arcadia.
Battle at Sparta - Demetrius continued south into Laconia. He was about to
capture Sparta itself when he learned that Lysimachus had captured his cities
in Asia and Ptolemy was again attacking Cyprus. Demetrius had to withdraw and
rush back.
The Siege of Athens lasted through 287 when the city was
put under siege by King Demetrius I of Macedon.
Battle at Edessa:
Pyrrhus, King of
Epirus, invaded Macedonia, latter Lysimachus counter attacked and captured
Pyrrhus' camp and supplies, forcing him to retreat.
Battle ofCorupedium:
- The last of Alexander's former generals,
Lysimachus (and) and Seleucus I
Nicator remained to fight for supremacy. They met at Corupedium in Lydia in
a battle in which Lysimachus was killed. But Seleucus was murdered by Ptolemy
Ceraunus soon after. The Battle of Corupedium, was the last battle between the
Diadochi, the rival successors to Alexander the Great. This ended the wars of
the Diadochi. But didn't end war, as their heirs continued to fight until the
Romans arrived to settle it all.
Antiochus I Sotor became ruler of the Seleuid Empire on the death of his
father, Seleucus I until 261.
Map of SeleucidEmpire at greatest.
But many wars continued between the rulers of the various
successor kingdoms plus new foes such as the Celts and between the Greeks in
Sicily and the Carthaginians. There were - the Chremondian war - Five Syrian
Wars - Wars of the Achean League - war of Demetrius - Cleomenean War - Illyrian
wars - Three Macedonian wars - plus other briefer or more local wars some
simultaneous with the others. Finally the Romans conquered the whole territory.
Battle of Thermopylae
In 277,
Antigonus II
Gonatasdefeated the Gauls at the Battle of Lysimachia and the survivors
retreated, founding a short-lived city-state named Tyle. Another group of
Gauls, who had split off from Brennus' army in 281, were transported over to
Asia Minor by Nicomedes I to help him defeat his brother and secure the throne
of Bithynia. They eventually settled in the region that came to be named after
them, Galatia.
276 - on
Antigonid Macedonian army:
The Antigonid Macedonian army was the army that evolved from the kingdom of
Macedonia in the period when it was ruled by the Antigonid dynasty from 276 to
168. It was seen as one of the principal Hellenistic fighting forces until its
ultimate defeat at Roman hands at the Battle of Pydna in 168.
See the link for details.
The First Syrian War was a major victory for the
Ptolemies. Antiochus took the Ptolemaic controlled areas in coastal Syria and
southern Anatolia in his initial rush. Ptolemy reconquered these territories by
271, extending Ptolemaic rule as far as Caria and into most of Cilicia.
See the link for details.

267- 261
The Chremonidean War (267261) was fought by a
coalition of some Greek city-states and Ptolemaic Egypt against Antigonid
Macedonian domination. The end result of this conflict was a Macedonian victory
which confirmed Antigonid control over the city-states of Greece. The origins
of the war lie in the continuing desire of many Greek city-states, most notably
Athens and Sparta, for a restoration of their former independence along with
the Ptolemaic desire to stir up discontent within the sphere of influence of
its Macedonian rival.
Dr. Gabbert provides a map showing Antigonus had fortresses or city garrisons
from Demetrias in southern Thessaly to Chalis and Eretria in Euoboa to Rhamnous
and Sounion and Athens and Elusis in Attica to Trouzen, Agora and Epidauros in
the Peloponneses.
Siege of Athens 263-261
Antiochus II Theos
succeeded his father in 261 as ruler of the Seleucid Empire and thus began a
new war for Syria. He reached an agreement with the current Antigonid king in
Macedon, Antigonus II Gonatas, who was
also interested in pushing Ptolemy II out of the
Aegean. With Macedon's support, Antiochus II launched an attack on Ptolemaic
outposts in Asia. Most of the information about the Second Syrian War has been
The battle of Cos was the decisive battle of the Second
Syrian War. It was fought between the fleets of Ptolemy II of Egypt and
Antigonus of Macedonia, and marked a resurgence of Macedonian naval power.
During the Chremonidean War an Egyptian fleet had virtually blockaded
Macedonia, restricting Antigonus to mainland Greece

246 -241
The Third Syrian War was one of a series of conflicts
between the Seleucid Empire and Ptolemaic Egypt, fought for control of Syria
and the coast of Asia Minor. The Third Syrian War developed out of events meant
to bring the two empires closer together. After the Second Syrian War, the
Seleucid emperor Antiochus II had married Berenice Syra, the daughter of
Ptolemy II. To do this he had had to repudiate his first wife, Laodice (thus
the Laodicean War). Laodice and their children were sent to Ephesus while
Berenice replaced her at court, and produced a son. The split between Laodice
and Antiochus was clearly not total in 247 Antiochus died while visiting
her at Ephesus, while her brother Alexander was retained as general of Lydia.
In the aftermath of Antichuss death, Laodice claimed that he had named
her son, Seleucus II, as his heir. Soon after this, Ptolemy II died and was
succeeded by his son Ptolemy III, Berenices brother. While Laodice was
strong in Asia Minor, Berenice appears to have had support in Antioch.
See both links for details.
Battle of Andros is one of the more obscure naval battles
of the Hellenistic era. It was fought between a Macedonian fleet under
Antigonus the old man, and an Egyptian fleet, close to the
important Egyptian naval base on Andros. The date of 246 is not certain, and is
partly based on the establishment of two vase festivals at Delos in 245 by
Antigonus II Gonatas to celebrate an
unknown victory. This date would place the battle as taking place during the
Third Syrian War (246-241), between Ptolemaic Egypt and the Seleucid Empire.
Although Macedonia is not known to have taken part directly in that war, that
does not preclude this date. The result of the battle is known. The Macedonian
fleet, under the command of Antigonus, defeated a larger Egyptian fleet, under
a commander called Sophron. The defeat seems to have ended serious Egyptian
interest in the Aegean, although she still possessed a powerful fleet, which
played a part in the Third Syrian War, as well as limited possessions in the
area, including the island of Thera.
Seleucus II Callinicus became Ruler of the Seleucid Empire until 226
229 -222
229 -222
The Cleomenean War (229/228222) was fought by Sparta
and its ally, Elis, against the Achaean League and Macedon. The war ended in a
Macedonian and Achaean victory.
The Battle of Mount Lycaeum was a battle fought between
Sparta led by Cleomenes III and the Achaean League commanded by
Aratus. It was the first major battle of the
Cleomenean War. The
battle occurred at Mount Lycaeum on the border of Elis and Arcadia and ended in
a Spartan victory.
The Battle of Dyme or Dymae
was a battle that was fought by the Achaean League under the command of their
Strategos, Hyperbatas, and a Spartan army under the command of King
Cleomenes III, and was part of the
Cleomenean War. The
battle took in place near Dyme in north-west Achaea and was fought in 226.
The Battle of Sellasia
took place during the summer of 222 between Macedon and the Achaean League,
led by Antigonus III Doson, and Sparta under the command of King Cleomenes III.
The battle was fought at Sellasia on the northern frontier of Laconia and ended
in a Macedonian-Achaean victory and the total defeat and occupation for the
first time in history of Sparta.
Antiochus III" the great" became ruler of Seleucid Empire
until 187
Upon taking the Seleucid throne in 223,
Antiochus III the Great (241187)
set himself the task of restoring the lost imperial possessions of Seleucus I
Nicator, which extended from Greco-Bactrian Kingdom in the east, the Hellespont
in the north, and Syria in the south. By 221, he had re-established Seleucid
control over Media and Persia, which had been in rebellion. The ambitious king
turned his eyes toward Syria and Egypt. Egypt had been significantly weakened
by court intrigue and public unrest. The rule of the newly inaugurated Ptolemy
IV Philopator (reigned 221-204) began with the murder of queen-mother Berenice
II. The young king quickly fell under the absolute influence of imperial
See the link for details.
Battle of
Raphia , also
known as the Battle of Gaza, was a battle fought on 22 June 217 near modern
Rafah between the forces of Ptolemy IV Philopator, king and pharaoh of
Ptolemaic Egypt and Antiochus III the Great of the Seleucid Empire during the
Syrian Wars. It was one of the largest battles of the Hellenistic kingdoms and
was one of the largest battles of the ancient world. The battle was waged to
determine the sovereignty of Coele Syria.
The Second Battle ofLamia
was fought in 209 between the forces of Philip V of Macedon and Pyrrhus, a
general of the Aetolian League. Pyrrhias was once again aided by Pergamene
forces and Roman advisors but again he was defeated. His side suffered heavy
The death of Ptolemy IV in 204 was followed by a bloody
conflict over the regency as his heir, Ptolemy V, was just a child. The
conflict began with the murder of the dead king's wife and sister Arsinoë
by the ministers Agothocles and Sosibius. The fate of Sosibius is unclear, but
Agothocles seems to have held the regency for some time until he was lynched by
the volatile Alexandrian mob. The regency was passed from one adviser to
another, and the kingdom was in a state of near anarchy. Seeking to take
advantage of this turmoil, Antiochus III staged a second invasion of
Coele-Syria. See the link for details.
The Battle of Panium
(also known as Paneion) was fought in 200 near Paneas (Caesarea Philippi)
between Seleucid and Ptolemaic forces as part of the Fifth Syrian War. The
Seleucids were led by Antiochus III the
Great, while the Ptolemaic army was led by Scopas of Aetolia. The Seleucids
achieved a complete victory, annihilating the Ptolemaic army and conquering the
province of Coele-Syria. The Ptolemaic Kingdom never recovered from its defeat
at Panium and ceased to be a great power but remained independent until
absorbed by the Romans. Antiochus secured his southern flank and began to
concentrate on the looming conflict with the Roman Republic.
The siege of Abydos in 200 was one of the final of a
series of conquests made by Philip V of Macedonia around the Aegean that helped
trigger the Second Macedonian War (against Rome).
The Siege of Gythium was fought in 195 between Sparta and
the coalition of Rome, Rhodes, the Achaean League, and Pergamum. As the port of
Gythium was an important Spartan base.
The Battle of Magnesia took place in either December 190
or January 189 . It was fought as part of the RomanSeleucid War, pitting
forces of the Roman Republic led by the consul Lucius Cornelius Scipio
Asiaticus and its Pergamene allies under Eumenes II against a
Seleucidarmy of
Antiochus IIIthe Great. See the link for
extensive detail of this important 'turning point' battle.
The causes of this conflict are obscure. In 170, Eulaeus
and Lenaeus, the two regents of the young king of Egypt Ptolemy VI Philometor,
declared war on the Seleucid ruler Antiochus IV Epiphanes. In the same year,
Ptolemy's younger siblings Ptolemy VIII Physcon and Cleopatra II were declared
co-rulers in order to bolster the unity of Egypt. Military operations did not
begin until 169 when Antiochus quickly gained the upper hand, seizing the
important strategic town of Pelusium.
See the link for more detail.
Map of the Seleucid remaining territory
-confined to Syria and Clecia by 87 BC.