Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama, 2011, This
is a new printing, placing in one book the four volumes originally published by
Dr. Rothbard in 1979 and again in 1999. 1616 pgs. A fifth volume continuing the
story through 1791 is Conceived in Liberty the New Republic 1784 - 1791

Reviewer Comment:
Dr. Rothbard is a self identified 'anarcho-capitalist and well known major
developer of 'Austrian School' economics in the form of Ludwig von Mises. He is
considered a major libertarian theorist. This can be identified by his
theoretical approach to history. He focuses much attention to the historical
results of the fundamental issue of 'conflict' over power between rulers and
However, unfortunately, he uses the modern term 'state' here as he does in his
other books instead of 'ruler' or government. The 'state' was a creation of
Renaissance era theoreticians to replace the discarded 'Chain of Being' as the
source of legitimacy for rulers and justification for their actions that
violated medieval norms. The 'state' is an abstract concept not a live, acting,
creature. Dr. Rothbard intends to stress the negative assessment in his
arguments that it is this 'state' against which the libertarian minded
individuals were and still are fighting against. But instead this absolves the
real actors, specific rulers and governments, as itwas intended to do when it
was first applied (for instance in Machiavelli's 'reasons of state"). .
And in his excellent descriptions of the actual struggles and conflicts between
liberty seeking individuals and this power hungry 'state' it is clear that the
real individuals who represent and are the actual humans seeking or wielding
this 'state' power are themselves NOT an unified entity - let alone motivated
to obtain power FOR such a 'state' but typical individuals seeking THEIR OWN
objectives (in both power and wealth) and this 'state' concept at most serves
as another theoretical tool to justify their actions.
In 1616 pages the content is indeed massive. His research generated details
about the activities of hundreds of individuals and their objectives and
activities. The text is overwhelming in its detail. The extensive detail
specifying names of individuals and dates of events begins in the era of the
great European explorations of the world. He identifies even relatively obscure
Portuguese, Spanish, French and other ship captains and explorers. He had to
begin some where and time. But his description of late Medieval Europe then
becomes very sketchy and turns into a libertarian opinion piece denouncing,
especially, this 'state' as the ogre centuries before it was invented.
Amazingly, in his summary of the main events and developments he completely
ignores the single most important historical event - the plague (Black Death)
that killed at least a third of the European population and profoundly changed
society, politics and economic life.
His libertarian philosophy is apparent in his analysis and comment on the
events, and the roles of these individuals, who were engaged (he claims) in
almost continual struggle between advocates of individual liberty and the
authorities bent on enforcing control over everything and exercising power. The
author has presented a more detailed, more complex, and somewhat different
narrative about the American colonists and their British (would be) overlords
in the centuries prior to 1784. The result is that the text is so comprehensive
in its identification of hundreds of relatively tiny struggles and conflicts
between individuals and groups on one side and government authorities on the
other that the reader may feel overwhelmed.
The main fault with his narrative and analysis is that it is focused almost
entirely on the American colonial side of events and personalities. He does
include the conflicts between colonial individuals and their local ruling
class. But their main opponent is this 'state' which serves as the British side
of the struggles. This ignores the fact that on the British side the
responsible actors were also individuals engaged in domestic political conflict
among themselves. They mostly either ignored the colonies or used colonial
policy as a tool in their personal, local political agendas.
I can find no errors in this history. But when it comes to rendering a general
appraisal of the significance of these incidents Dr. Rothbard inevitably finds
a way to identify them as evidence of at least a 'proto - libertarian' current
of opinion leading to further 'revolution'. He recounts much more of the
conflicts among the colonists over religious issues than it typical in American
history text books.
Volume I - A New Land, A New People: The
American Colonies in the 17th Century
Part I -Europe, England and the New World:
Part II - The Southern Colonies in the Seventeenth Century
Part III - The Founding of New England
Part IV - The Rise and Fall of New Netherland
Part V - The Northern Colonies in the Last Quarter of the Seventeenth Century
Volume II - "Salutary neglect": The
American Colonies in the First Half of the 18th Century
Part I - Development in the Separate Colonies
Part II - Intercolonial Developments
Part III - Relations with Britain
Volume III - Advance to Revolution. 1760 -
Part I - The British Army and the Western Lands
Part II - Enforcement of Mercantilism
Part III - Ideology and Religion
Part IV - Edge of Revolution: The Stamp Act Crisis
Part V - The Townshend Crisis, 1766 - 1770
Part VI - The Regulator Uprisings
Part VII - Prelude to Revolution, 1770-1775
Part VIII - Other Forces for Revolution
Volume IV - The Revolutionary War, 1775 -
Part I - The War Begins
Part II Suppressing the Tories
Part III - The War in the First Half of 1776
Part IV - America Declares Independence
Part V - The Military History of the Revolution, 1776 -1778
Part VI - The Political History of the United States, 1776 - 1778
Part VII - The Military History of the Revolution, 1778 - 1781
Part VIII - The Political and Economic History of the United States, 1778 -
Part IX - The Impact of the Revolution
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Some other references
Rothbard, Murray - Conceived in Liberty
the New Republic 1784 - 1791
Rothbard, Murray - What has the Government
done to our Money?
Rothbard, Murray - A History
Of Money And Bamking In The United States From The Colonial Era To World War
Rothbard, Murray - Man, Economy, And
State - and Power And Market
Bailyn, Bernard - The New England
Merchants in the Seventeenth Century
Anderson, Fred - Crucible of War
Gordon, John Steele - An Empire of
American Subjects - A table listing important
names of individuals and events in American pre-Civil War - including colonial
history - and links to articles about the history is each individual colony.