Diorama of Kiev circa 1100, it is in the
State Historical Museum in Kiev
Upper part of Kaponier fortress, military
hospital and museum complex. The Kosoi Kaponier was built in 1844 as part of
the Novaya Pechorskaya Fortress.
Map of Kiev defenses in 18-19th centuries,
at Kaponier fortress museum
Model in museum director's office of planned
reconstruction of Kaponier fortress. It was used as an armory and then as a
political prison. The excellent displays recount this history.
Part of map showing Kiev defensive works in
18-19th centuries.
Ditch between rampart and counterscarp and
glacis, showing a cannon on display
Model of the kaponier in the office of the
museum director. There is also a fine display of military miniatures in the new
View down onto roof of kaponier.
View of back wall and entrance being
View of side of the kaponier, shows
embrasures for cannon.
View of side and top from above the
kaponier. This kind of fortress structure came from Italy. It was placed cross
wise in the fortress ditch so that its cannon would sweep the ditch in case any
attackers lodged there.
Entrance and back wall being restored.
Fortress wall.
Micha in Kaponier looking at model of the
Models in uniform with cannon - 19th century
in Kaponier.
In ditch of the Kaponier fortress.
Outside rampart of 18th century fortress
protecting south side of Kiev and Pechora monastery, with city gate. More views
of the rampart are with the photos of the memorial and museum. The rampart
dates from 1698-1701 fortification program of Mazeppa and Peter I against
Ottoman or Swedish invasion.
Ceremonial (Moscow) city gate in rampart
wall of Pechora fortress on south side of Kiev, gate from 1740's.
The Great Gate of Kiev, (1037) built by
Yaroslav the Wise as part of major expansion of city fortifications,
reconstructed in 1982.
View of the gate from another angle. The
original was destroyed during Mongol attack in 1240.
Another view of the Great Gate. The
restoration architects were Ye. Lopushinska, M. Kholostenko, and S. Vysotsky .
Monument to Princess Olga, Sts. Cyril and
Methodius and the Apostle Andrew the First Called, Sculptor - I. Kavaleridze in
Statue of Grand Prince St. Vladimir by
Dnieper near location where he had the population baptized.
Detail of Cathedral of St. Vladimir
(1862-96), by architect I. V. Shtrom.
Detail of Cathedral of St. Vladimir.
Statue of Yaroslav the Wise next to the
Great Gate showing him holding a model of St Sophia cathedral.
.A statue of one of the great Hetmen of
Ukraine, Petro-Conashevich Sahaydachniy.
View from hill next to State Historical
Museum over the Podol section - ancient trading suburb.
View from hill by State Historical museum -
the fanciful building in forground is the Castle of Richard the Lion Hearted,
19th century.
Medieval Kyiv archeological project.
The opera house, named for Shevchenko, built
1899-1901 by architect, V. O. Shreter and scene of the assassination of
Minister Stolipin.
Kiev city train station. Railroads are the
best functioning systems in all former USSR republics.
Facade of the Kyiv University, named for
Shevchenko, (1837-43), by architect V. I . Beretti - painted red on order of
Tsar Nicholas I, after student riots.
Mariyinski Palace (1750-55) based on design
by Rastrelli for Tsarina Elizabeth, now houses offices and guests of the
Supreme Rada, which meets next door.
Typical decoration in subway station. This
shows Grand Prince Yaroslav Vladomirovich (the Wise).
St Andrew church (1746-61) designed by
St Andrew church, located on hill
overlooking Podol and river, traditional spot where St Andrew placed a cross.
St Andrew church, another view.
St Andrew church, another view.
Cathedral of St Sophia, (1017-31) Blessed
Wisdom, built in honor of Yaroslav's victory over the Pechenegs on this spot,
then outside the city, this view shows upper part, domes, late 17th century
Ukrainian Baroque. Yaroslav's tomb in inside.
Cathedral of St Sophia view of upper domes
and roof, some of interior retains 11th century original frescos and mosaics,
but exterior is much altered. Original section is modeled after Hagia Sophia's
in Constantinople. Inside is iconostasis of 1754.
Entrance gate bell tower - the cathedral was
heavily damaged during the Mongol attack and again during Polish occupation.
Entrance tower - 76 meters high - 1744-52.
The cathedral was abandoned until 1685 - 1707, when Mazeppa and Peter I
undertook repairs. And Peter celebrated Poltava victory here in 1709.
View of entrance tower - Ukrainian Baroque
Side view of part of Cathedral.
View of top showing multiple Ukrainian
Baroque domes.
The State Historical Museum of Ukraine,
located on the hill on which the oldest kremlin of the city was located. The
foundations are reconstructed to show the Desyatynna Cathedral, founded in 989.
Catholic church, Novonikolayevskaya, 1913,
undergoing impressive restoration. It was turned into an observatory and other
uses and left in very bad condition by communists
Typical older section of town near the
Golden Gates. This Kenasa building of 1900 is on Yaroslavski Val.
Statue of Boghdan Khlemenitski in square.
(1888) Sculptor - M. I. Mikeshin, Architect - V.M. Nikolaev.
Crowds celebrating Ukraine Independence day
Typical temporary kiosk for holiday sales.
Crowd enjoying Ukrainian Independence day in
Kyiv in Square of the Revolution.
Crowd inside MacDonald's for holiday.
Crowd outside MacDonald's on popular holiday
Pechora (caves) Monastery, On left is Bell
Tower of the Further Caves, 1761, on right is Church of Nativity of the Virgin,
1696, view from top of fortress rampart outside monastery.
Entrance to Pechora Monastery, Trinity
over-the-gate church, 1108. The monastery was founded in 1051 by monks, Antony
and Theodosius, 4 km south of city.
Fresco on wall in entrance walkway. This is
just to the left of the gateway in the previous picture
Side view of the Trinity over-the-gate
Church at main entrance to Pechora Monastery, interior has frescos from 18th
Large domed Refectory Church of St Anthony
and Theodosius, 1885-1905, restored in 1956.
Cathedral of the Dormition of the Virgin,
(Uspenski) (1073-1089) destroyed during World War II by Communists who blamed
Germans. To right is refectory and Church of St Anthony and Theodosius.
View south and east over river and south
part of monastery, on hill of southern caves are (rt to lft) Bell tower of the
Further caves, Church of the Nativity of the Virgin, Church of the Conception
of St Anne and Entrance to the Further Caves. Closer and much lower is Church
of the Raising of the Cross next to the entrance to the lower caves and its
Bell tower to the right.
Bell tower of the Near Caves, 1754-1763,
architects - S. Kovnir and S. Italyanets.
Church of St Theodosius (17th century)
across street from entrance to Pechora Monastery.
Church of our Savior in Beechwood, (Spas na
Berestove), founded by Vladimir Monomach as location of the tombs of the grand
princes, Ironically it has the tomb of Yuri Dolgoruki, who sacked Kiev and
moved the grand princedom to Vladimir.
Church of our Savior (Redeemer) in Birchwood
View south over river and further caves in
monastery, close in left are Church of Raising of the Cross and Bell Tower of
Nearer Caves in right, on hill are Bell tower of Further Caves, Church of the
Nativity of the Virgin and Church of the Conception of St Anne.
Ukrainian Baroque painting in Trinity Church
Painting in Trinity over-the-gate church .
All Saint's Church over the northern
(service) entrance. 17th century, architect - Aksamitov.
Complex of monastery buildings.
All Saint's Church, over northern gate,
interior dome Fresco of Savior.
Dome, All Saint's Church, Fresco of Savior .
Dome, All Saint's Church.
Refectory church - sales stand.
Refectory church, ceremony.
Fresco on wall, All Saints Church.
Fresco on wall, All Saints Church.
Fresco on wall.
Ceiling in All Saint's Church.
Monastery Fortress wall
Fortress wall toward river.
Monastery Fortress wall.
Monastery Fortress wall.
Tomb of Yuri Dolgoruki, Grand Prince, prince
of Suzdal-Vladimir, who sacked Kyiv and founded Moscow. It is in Church of our
Savior at Berestovo.
Museum of Ukrainian architecture - Church
from Carpathians.
Peasant home from Carpathians.
Cottage from Polesye region.
Cottage from Poltava region.
Interior of cottage.
Cottage from Dnieper region.
Interior of cottage.
Building from Poltava region.
Windmills from Podolia region.
School house from Poltava region.
Church from Poleyse region.
Cottage from Dnieper region.
Thatch roofed storehouse.
Church from Poleyse region, same as view 11.
Detail, thatch roof.
Church from Carpathian mtn area.
Detail, shingle roof.