Cato Institute, Wash., D. C., 2017, 379 pgs.,
index, notes, references, tables, figures, with several chapters contributed by
Lawrence White, and William Lastrapes
Reviewer comments:
Professor Selgin writes from a 'libertarian' perspective and to some extent
from the "Austrian School' of economic thought. He is the director of the
Cato Institute's Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives The author
cites numerous scholarly reports by others detailing the real history of money
and banking in the United States, which show that the FED claims that its own
creation was essential to 'cure' what it asserts was a malfunctioning and
disaster prone American banking system before 1913. And he cites other studies
to show that since 1913 the FED has mismanaged national monetary policy to make
matters worse.
I include the dates of original publication of these essays in order for the
reader to understand what the author knew and did not know about the entire
development of the subject since those dates.
Dr Selgin describes his purpose for writing these essays now published in one
volume. They were originally written over several decades, so some may be
'dated' in tone, but all are still relevant. His contention is that many
professional economists today do not really understand either what the pre-FED
actual American banking system was and accomplished or what the FED has
actually failed to accomplish since 1913. They simply accept the FED's own
He writes: "Despite the Fed's spotted record, most people, economists
included, continue to regard it and, more particularly, its governing and
monetary policy making bodies, the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Open
Market Committee, as the best of all possible means for managing the U.S.
dollar, and for indirect regulating interest rates, prices, unemployment, and
countless other macro- and microeconomic variables."
He continues: "Yet the surprising truth is that most economists, including
most champions of the monetary status quo (or something not far from it) are
only vaguely familiar with alternative arrangements, assuming that they are
aware of them at all."
Chapter 1 - A Fiscal Theory of Government's
Role in Money -with Lawrence White, originally published in 1999.
Chapter 2 - Central Banks and Sources of
Financial Instability - based on a lecture from 2009
Chapter 3 - Legal Restrictions, Financial
Weakening, and the Lender of Last Resort - originally published in 1989
Chapter 4 - The Suppression of State Bank
Notes: A Reconsideration - originally published in 2000
Chapter 5 - Monetary Reform and the
Redemption of National Bank Notes, 1863 - 1913- with Lawrence White -
originaslly published in 1994
Chapter 6 - New York's Bank: The National
Monetary Commission and the Founding of the Fed. - originally published in 2016
Chapter 7 - The Rise and Fall of the Gold
Standard in the United States - originally published in 2013
Chapter 8 - Has the Fed Been a Failure? with
William Lastrapes and Lawrence White - originally published in 2012
Chapter 9 - Operation Twist-the- Truth: How
the Federal Reserve Misrepresents its History and Performance - originallly
published in 2014
This is a particularly devastating critique not only of the continual failures
of the FED to perform its public missions but even more of its constant public
relations campaigns to claim that it has been and is doing its mission. The
author provides extensive direct quotations from senior FED officials that are
obviously false in their claims.
Chapter 10 - Liberty Street: Bagehotian
Prescriptions for a 21st-Century Money Market - Originally published in 2012
Some related references
Selgin, George,Fractional Reserve
Selgin, George,FLoored!
Conti-Brown, Peter - The Power and
Independence of the Federal Reserve
Kay, John - Other People's Money
Kaufman, Henry - Tectonic Shifts in
Financial markets
Booth, Danielle Dimartino - FEDUP
Foroohar, Rana- Makers and Takers
Wallison, Peter - Hidden in Plain Sight:
What Really Caused the World's Worst Financial Crisis and Why it Could Happen
Again - Ecounter Books
Melloan, George - The Great Money
von Mises, Ludwig - The Theory of Money
and Credit
Mishkin, Frederic S. - The Economics of
Money, Banking &Financial Markets
Board of Governors - The Federal Reserve
Systemn Purposes and Functions
Wessel, David - In FED We Trust
Admati, Anat & Martin Hellwig - The
Bankers' New Clothes
Calomiris, Charles W. - Stephen H. Haber -
Fragile by Design: The Political Origins of Banking Crises and Scarce Credit
Mehrling, Perry - The New Lombard Street:
How the Fed Became the Dealer of Last Resort
Bernholz, Peter - Monetary Regimes and
Newman, Patrick - Review of
Monetary Regimes and Inflation
Davies, Glyn - History of Money
Ingham Geoffrey - The Nature of Money
Martin, Felix - Money - The Unauthorized
Ferguson, Niall - The Assent of Money
Wray, L.Randall - Modern Money Theory
Wetherford, Jack - The History of
Frederic Mishkin - The Economnics of
Money, Banking, and Financial Masrkets Fifth Edition
Frederic Mishkin - The Economnics of
Money, Banking, and Financial Masrkets Ninth Edition
David Graeber - Debt: The First 5.000