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This section contains photographs of some of the color paintings in William Simpson's fine The Seat of War in the East, second series. The photographs were made by Colonel (Ret) George W. Page, from the copy of this rare book at the Museum of the Heroic Defense of Sevastopol through the kind offices of Dr . V. Krestiyannikov. To obtain high quality prints or digital versions of these paintings please contact xenophon.

1. The cover page. Cover page
2. Dedication page. Dedication
3. The armies debarking near Evpatoria. The Landing
4. The "Cavalry Affair at the Bulganek River - 19 Sept 1854", showing some Russian cavalry in the distance with infantry behind them. A. J. Barker describes this action in his The War Against Russia, page 59-60. The Bulganek
5. On the march. March
6. The Heavy Brigade in action at Balaklava. The Scots Greys are passing through the cavalry camp and heading toward the Russian cavalry off picture to the left. View from the Russian side toward Balaklava in the far background Heavy Brigade
7. The Charge of the Light Brigade at Balaklava. The view is from the Fedokine hills across the Causeway toward Balaklava harbor. The Light Brigade
8. Balaklava harbor. Note the Genoese fortress, Chembalo, on the headland in background. Harbor scene
9. Battle of Inkerman. Russian assault at Inkerman
10. A supply column. Moving supplies was one of the most difficult aspects of the siege. Supply column
11. View from the height above Inkerman toward Sevastopol harbor. Note the open area on the north shore of the bay. Sevastopol harbor
12. The admiralty building in Sevastopol Admiralty
13. The battle at Traktir Bridge. Traktir Bridge
14. Winter comes to Crimea. The harbor ices over. Winter scene
15. Winter in the trench line. Winter trenches
16. Balaklava harbor gets busy. Balaklava in spring
17. Death of Lord Raglan. Kinglake describes this scene in which the allied commanders paid tribute and their respects to the British commander in chief. Raglan funeral
18. In the siege lines. Siege lines
19. The heavy artillery in action. The city is in the distance. Artillery
20. Balaklava harbor close up, note the Genoese fortress in background. It is still there and looks much the same today. Harbor scene
21. Camping in Crimea. We have a photo of a fine map of all the allied camps shown in a special display at the museum. They were spread out over a much wider area than one might believe. Camps
22. Night assault of Russian defenses. Night attack
23. French storming the Malakov. This was the climax of the siege. Once the allies had this position the Russians were forced to evacuate the city. Assault of the bastion
24. Examining ancient ruins at Chernonese. Contemporary maps indicate that the location was thought to be a Genoese ruin, but it is Greek and Byzantine. The view is from the location of the left wing French battery toward the Russian battery. In the distance is the harbor and on the far side at the entrance is Fort Constantine. It looks the same today as it did in 1855. Chersonese
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