These photos were made during the museum open
house in 2013. The museum is larger every year and the open house is much more
attended. Years ago, when it was strictly private, invitations to the open
house were strictly word of mouth. Now, with the coming of the creation of the
large Museum of Americans at War (also called American Wartime Museum) there is
extensive advertising and everyone is encouraged to become a member. Excellent
brochures are printed. The new museum web site is here.
Large sign at the entrance to the museum area in 2013
Sign showing the schedule for the 2013 open house at the museum
The open house of 2013 - Tent and saddle - horses in background
Horses for the WWI cavalry exhibit
A U. S. jeep at the entrance area to the museum grounds - reenactors
for101 Airborne Division
Identification sign for U. S. M36 Gun motor carriage
U. S. M36 Gun motor carriage - an anti-tank gun
U. S. M36 Gun motor carriage - an anti-tank gun
Many visitors to the museum - children get special attention from the
U. S. M36 Gun motor carriage - an anti-tank gun
Another display of small arms and individual equipment
Reenactors for 506 Parachute Infantry of 101 Airborne Division with
display of personal equipment and small arms
Sign with information about the British "Bren Gun Carrier" -
Universal Carrier MKII
British "Bren Gun Carrier" - Universal Carrier MKII
U. S Army jeeps and 2 1/2 ton cargo truck
British reenactors dressed for North African theater
British light cargo truck
Australian tracked carrier
Australian tracked carrier
Reenactors unit tents
British light cargo truck
British "Bren Gun Carrier" - Universal Carrier MKII
?? tank
Sign describing the British Infantry Tank Mark III "Valentine
British Valentine III tank
British Valentine III tank
British Valentine III tank
Australian light armored cars - reconnaissance vehicles (Dingos)
Sign describing the Daimler Light Armored car (Dingo) for
reconnaissance - seen with Australian reenactor group
Three Dingos - light armored car reconnaissance vehicles
Another view of two of the Dingos
British reenactors constructing their place for North Africa in 1942
Another Bren gun carrier ??
General view of the Scottish Division living history renactor area with
displays of equipment and weapons
British area tent complex
Display of various sub-nachine guns and rifles at British area
Sign for the WWII British Living History - 15th Scottish Division area
with 15th Scottish Reconnaissance Regiment
Display of some British - Scottish - personal equipment - field
glasses, flare pistol, compas - helmets.
Display of literature at the Scottish Division table
Those neat Dingos again from the rear
Scot reenactor explaining a machine gun to a young visitor
General view of the Scottish reenactors' area - visitors are learning
about a machine gun
British reenactors for North African theater
Display of rifle and personal gear in British area
British version Lee- Grant tank
British version Lee- Grant tank
Detail view of British version Lee- Grant tank
British version of the Lee - Grant tank
Office tent for the German reenactor group
Sign at the German reenactment group describing the Volkssturm
Some German reenactors with field gear
Display of German light and heavy machine guns
German water cooled heavy machine gun
Display of German land mines and related equipment
Two German reenactors
German Jagdpanzer Hetzer
German Jagdpanzer Hetzer - This is designed as an anti-tank weapon,
note there is no turret and the cannon cannot elevate like a self-propelled
artillery piece.
Sign describing the German Jagdpanzer 38T Hetzer built in
Czechoslovakia - The sign notes that this vehicle was made after WWII and sold
to Switzerland and the Swiss government gifted it to the museum
Visitors investigating the steel anti-tank 'cheval de freeze'
Russian T34-85 tank
Sign describing the Russian T34/85 Medium Tank - the 85 indicates the
T34 was upgunned with the more powerful 85mm gun
Russian T34-85 medium tank - the 34 was upgunned with a new 85mm
powerful cannon
Two Russian reenactors by their T34 tank
The Russian T34-85 medium tank seen toward rear
Two Russian reenactors
Russian WWII water cooled heavy machine gun
Two Russian reenactors standing by their tent with mortar in foreground
Sign indicating this is the Russian (Soviet) 33rd Guards Rifle Division
reenactment group
Two Russian reenactors taking a break in their tent
Sign describing the U.S. M-3 Lee-Grant medium tank armed with ohne 75mm
gun, one 37mm gun and 3 or 4 30 cal machine guns
U. S. M-3 Lee-Grant medium tank
Display of some German personal equipment
U.S. M-3 Lee-Grant medium tank - rear view
U.S. M-3 Lee-Grant medium tank
Detail view of main armament of the U.S. M-3 Lee-Grant medium tank
U.S. jeep with radios and machine gun
Display of some equipment of members of the 300th Engineer Battalion
reenactment group
Display of some equipment of members of the 300th Engineer Battalion
reenactment group
Banner sign for the headquarters of the 300th Engineer Combat Battalion
reenactment group
Display of some engineer equpment such as explosives and blasting caps
plus a Garrand rifle
U. S. Army wrecker truck
U. S. Army wrecker truck
Sign describing the M3A1 half track personnel carrier - the basic
vehicle was configured in several roles
The U.S. M3A1 half track personnel carrier with a mounted 30 cal
machine gun - note the WWI cavalry men in the background
American Marine reenactors with an anti-tank gun
U.S. Marine reenactors with anti-tank gun -Sherman tank in background
American Marine reenactors with Anti-tank gun and Sherman tank
U. S. M4A3 Sherman tank
U. S. M4A3 Sherman tank
U. S. M4A3 Sherman tank
U.S. jeep and 1/4 trailer
U. S. 5 ton truck as used in Korean War.
The mounting for the quad barrel anti-aircraft machine gun system minus
the guns -would be placed in bed of a 5 ton truck
3/4ton truck
Photo showing what the quad barrel anti-aircraft machine gun equipment
looks like in the bed of a truck - D Btry, 71st Arty Duster Compound
The mounting for the quad barrel anti-aircraft machine gun system minus
the guns -would be placed in bed of a 5 ton truck
Sign describing the M42 Duster 40mm self-propelled Twin anti-aircraft
gun system - This was mostly and very effectively used against ground targets
with its Bofors automatic cannons firing at rate of 240 rounds per minute - it
mounted also a 30 cal machine gun in the turret
M42 Duster twin barrel 40mm Bofors anti-aircraft guns used against
ground targets
M42 Duster twin barrel 40mm Bofors anti-aircraft guns used against
ground targets
Interior view of front opening of the M42 Duster
another view of the M42 Duster - this shows some of the clips of 40mm
Sign for the National Dusters Quads Searchlights Association
Searchlight equipment for mounting in a vehicle
A armored truck used for convoy protection in Viet Nam - a similar one
is in the Transportation Corps museum at Ft. Eustis.
A armored truck used for convoy protection in Viet Nam - a similar one
is in the Transportation Corps museum at Ft. Eustis.
A machine gun equipped armored jeep for convoy protection
Preparation for reenactment - Russian T34-85 tank maneuvering
The Russian T34/85 tank coming around the curve
Medium tank
Detail of turret of medium tank
Medium tank
Rear view of medium tank
Swedish S tank
Swedish S tank
Sign describing the Swedish S tank and its move to the museum
Swedish S tank
Sign at tent of Company E of 506th Parachute Regiment
Display of equipment of paratroopers at their tent
Display of equipment of paratroopers at their tent
German tank
German tank
German tank
Armored engineer vehicle
Armored engineer vehicle
Two armored peresonnel carriers
Sign describing the Russian PT-76 amphibious reconnaissance tank
Russian PT-76 amphibious tank
Reenactors display some weapons near their slit trench
Reenactors display some weapons near their slit trench
British Striker anti-tank missle carrier
Sign describing the U.S. M41, 76mm gun tank Walker Bulldog
U. S. M-41 Walker Bulldog tank
U. S. M-41 Walker Bulldog tank
U. S. M42 Duster antiaircraft
U. S. M42 Duster antiaircraft
U. S. M42 Duster antiaircraft
U. S. Armored personnel carrier M113 with machine guns mounted
Sign describing the U. S. M113 Armored personnel carrier
U. S. M113 Armored personnel carrier
U. S. M113 Armored personnel carrier
U. S. M113 Armored personnel carrier
U. S. M113 Armored personnel carrier
French scout car
French scout car
Sign for the French Foreign Legion Parachute regiment
American Ranger reenactor and veteran
Display of U.S. Army Ranger equipment
U.S. M113 armored personnel carrier and twin 40mm Bofors anti-aircraft
gun carriage
Row of British scout cars and Ferret and Fox and Scorpion and Striker
Sign describing the Ferret Scout Car (one in the previous photo) - a
British reconnaissance vehicle
British Ferret Scout Car
British Ferret Scout car
Sign describing the British Fox, FV721 Combat Recon vehicle - another
in the row shown above
British Fox reconnaissance vehicle
British light tank
British Ferret reconnaissance car
British Fox reconnaissance vehicle
British Scorpion FV101 armored reconnaissance vehicle
Sign describing the British Scorpion FV101 armored reconnaissance
British Scorpion FV101 armored reconnaissance vehicle
Sign describing the British Striker, Anti-tank missle carrier
British Striker - anti-tank missle carrier
British Striker - anti-tank missle carrier - with sign
British Striker - anti-tank missle carrier
Sign describing the British Abbot, self-propelled artillery, 105 mm
Sign describing the British Abbot, self-propelled artillery, 105 mm
FV433 on the vehicle
British self-propelled artillery
British , self-propelled artillery,
British self-propelled artillery
British self-propelled artillery
British self-propelled artillery
British self-propelled artillery
British self-propelled artillery
Sign describing the British Centurian main battle tank
British Centurian main battle tank
British Centurian main battle tank
British Centurian main battle tank
British Centurian tank
British armored personnel carrier
British armored personnel carrier
Heavy duty trucks
American HUMV and ambulance
American truck
American mine clearing vehicle??
Tank in the repair shop
Sign describing the Marine AAAFV(P) - EFV aka CAL-1 - a prototype test
U. S. Marine amphibious AAAFV
U. S. Marine amphibious AAAFV
U. S. Marine amphibious AAAFV
Russian Armored personnel carrier
Russian T55A(M) Main battle tank
Russian T55A(M) Main battle tank
Russian T55A(M) Main battle tank
Russian T55A(M) Main battle tank
Russian BMP armored personnel carrier
View into the BMP armored personnel carrier
Display of equipment adjacent to Russian BMP
Russian BMP armored personnel carrier
Russian BMP armored personnel carrier
Russian reenactors standing near their BMP
Display of Russian small arms and personal equipment
Russian BMP armored personel carrier
Sign describing the Russian BMP-1 Infantry Combat Vehicle
Russian T55A(M) Main battle tank
Sign describing the Russian T55A(M) Main battle tank
Russian T55A(M) Main battle tank
Russian T55A(M) Main battle tank
Russian armored personnel carrier
Damaged New York Fire engine from the World Center destuction to be
displayed in the new museum
Sign describing the New York fire engine of Squad 252 whose six members
all died in the World Trade Center while attempting rescues. It will be
displayed at the new museum
Pieces of structural steel recovered from the destroyed World Trade
Center to be displayed at the new museum
Sign describing the recovered artifacts from the World Trade Center to
be displayed at the new museum
Destroyed New York emergency vehicle from the World Trade Center to be
displayed at the new museum
Twin barrel Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft gun on the M19 chassis from the
M24 Chafee tank
Sign describing the M19 40 mm gun motor carriage - the Bofors guns were
designed for anti-aircraft but served very well in ground role - the Chassis is
from the M24 Chafee tank
U. S. M24 Chafee light tank
Sign describing the U. S. M24 Chafee light tank
Badly damaged tank in the repair shop
Equipment in the repair shop
Tank being repaired in the shop
U. S. 75mm pack mountain howitzer can be disassembled for transport -
still in use now
Sign describing the Swiss Tank Pz68
Swiss Tank Pz68
Swiss tank Pz68
Swiss tank Pz68
Swiss tank Pz68
Display of machine guns and other items
Display of rifles and other items
A model display of an amphibious landing against Japanese defenders
built by Brickmania - Daniel Siskind - PO Box 18051 Minneopolis, MN, 55418
A model display of an amphibious landing against Japanese defenders
built by Brickmania - Daniel Siskind -
A model display of an amphibious landing against Japanese defenders
built by Brickmania - Daniel Siskind -
A model display of an amphibious landing against Japanese defenders
built by Brickmania - the assault on the beach
A model display of an amphibious landing against Japanese defenders
built by Brickmania - the beach defenses
A model display of an amphibious landing against Japanese defenders
built by Brickmania - the beach defenses
A model display of an amphibious landing against Japanese defenders
built by Brickmania - Japanese positions overrun
A model display of an amphibious landing against Japanese defenders
built by Brickmania - Japanese rear positions
A model display of an amphibious landing against Japanese defenders
built by Brickmania - view from behind the Japanese rear positions
A model display of an amphibious landing against Japanese defenders
built by Brickmania - view from behind the Japanese rear positions
A model display of an amphibious landing against Japanese defenders
built by Brickmania - view from beside the Japanese positions
A model display of an amphibious landing against Japanese defenders
built by Brickmania - view from beside the Japanese positions
A model display of an amphibious landing against Japanese defenders
built by Brickmania - view of beach and landing ships
A model display of an amphibious landing against Japanese defenders
built by Brickmania - view of beach and landing ships
A model display of an amphibious landing against Japanese defenders
built by Brickmania - view of trucks on deck of landing ship
A model display of an amphibious landing against Japanese defenders
built by Brickmania - view of tanks moving from landing craft to beach
A model display of an amphibious landing against Japanese defenders
built by Brickmania - view of fighter-bombers over the beach
Painting on shop wall of Americans landing
Display of small model tanks and vehicles made by Brickmania
Display of small model tanks and vehicles made by Brickmania
Display of small model tanks and vehicles made by Brickmania
Diorama depicting scene in Viet Nam war built by Brickmania
Diorama depicting scene in Viet Nam war built by Brickmania
Diorama depicting scene in Viet Nam war built by Brickmania
Display of German mines
Large anti-tank gun
Large anti-tank gun
Sign describing the U.S. M3A1 Stuart Light Tank
U.S. M3A1 Stuart Light Tank
U.S. M3A1 Stuart Light Tank
U. S. Marine Corps museum display of various Marine Corps uniforms
U. S. Marine Corps museum display of captured North Korean army weapons
U. S. Marine Corps museum display of captured North Korean army weapons
U. S. Marine Corps amphibious truck DUCK
U.S. Marine Corps reenactment platoon having lunch
Sign from MBNA Bank describing the U. S. M4A3 Sherman medium tank -
interesting that the description claims the Sherman was not designed to fight
other tanks - so did the U. S. have a tank that could fight German tanks? looks
like a copout
Military vehicle ??
Another Military vehicle ??
Sign for the HUMVEE collectors with a HUMVEE behind it
Sign memoralizing some WWII veterans
U. S. M4A3 Sherman medium tank
U. S. Jeep 1/4 ton and other displays
U. S. Jeep 1/4 ton and other displays
Trailer with Bazooka and a RPG launcher
Colorful sign display about Jeeps
Another view of Jeeps and trailer with Bazooka and RPG launcher
Another Jeep plus BAR and field telephone
Display with WWII small arms and some other personal equipment
U. S. M20 Armored car
Sign describing the U. S. Armored Utility car M20
Sign describing the U.S. M8 Light Armored Car
U. S. M20 Armored car
U. S. M8 Light armored car
U. S. M8 Light armored car
Sign describing the U.S. M5A1 Stuart light tank
U. S. M5A1 Stuart Light tank
U.S. M5A1 Stuart light tank
U. S. 2 1/2 ton cargo truck
Sign describing the U. S. M36 Gun Motor Carriage - a new version of the
M10 'tank destroyer' - it has a 90mm anti-aircraft gun
U. S. M36 Gun Motor Carriage - note the unusual rear extension of the
turret - likely necessary to house the larger 90mm gun
U. S. M36 Gun Motor Carriage
Display of German small arms
German machine gun
German reenactors with motocycle
Russian reenactor's camp with samovar
Russian reenactor in tent with radio equipment
Russian reenactor's death head symbol
Tank coming around the curve in another reenactment
More armor coming around the curve
More armor coming around the curve
Movie of more armor coming around the curve
British tank coming around the curve
German reenactors with motocycle and camp
U. S. Engineer vehicle
U. S. M4A3 Sherman tank moving on track
U. S. M4A3 Sherman tank moving on track
Marine reenactors moving toward their objective
Marine reenactors moving toward their objective
Marines beside Sherman tank nearing the objective - note the Marine
with flame thrower
Marines beside Sherman tank nearing the objective - note the Marine
with flame thrower
Smoke identifies the objective - flame thrower operator preparing while
covered by other Marines
And there she goes - flamethrower in action
Marine reenactors completing their mission
Marine reenactor assembling and checking weapons
Marines returning to base
General view of the central area with reenactment field beyond the
View of row of tents and vehicles
Here comes a jeep of the 101st Airborne
Row of armored cars and ambulance with British area in far background
First World War cavalry reenactors
U.S. cavalry visits the Russians
Some visitors enjoy greeting the cavalry
Visitors next to the Russian T55 tank
Visitors next to the Russian T55 tank
U.S. Engineer vehicle
Russian amphibious tank
U. S. M41 Walker Bulldog tank
U. S. M41 Walker Bulldog tank
U.S. M113 personnel carrier and M42 Duster anti-aircraft 40mm Bofors
gun mount
U. S. M113 armored personnel carrier
U. S. M42 Duster anti-aircraft guns on tracked carriage
U. S. M42 Duster anti-aircraft guns on tracked carriage
British Ferret Scout car
British Fox Reconnaissance vehicle
British self-propelled artillery
British Scorpion VV101 armored reconnaissance vehicle
view of interior of French Scout car
French scout car
British Centurian Main Battle tank
Visitors next to British Centurian Main battle tank
Visitors next to British Centurian Main battle tank
Two heavy duty trucks
Four heavy duty trucks
U. S. M24 Chafee light tank
U. S. Twin barrel Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft gun on the M19 chassis from
the M24 Chafee tank
U. S. M24 Chafee light tank
Vehicke in repair shop
Equipment in repair shop
Swiss tank Pz68
Display of captured Japanese flag and other equipment
Display of rifles
Display of rifles and submachine gun
U.S. halftrack with multiple machine guns
U. S. anti-tank gun
U.S. halftrack with multiple machine guns
U.S. halftrack with multiple machine guns
U.S. halftrack with multiple machine guns
Russian BMP and T55 main tank
Swedish S tank
Searchlight module that mounts on a truck
Russian T34/85 tank
view of interior of Lee-Grant tank
U. S. Lee-Grant medium tank
U. S. Lee-Grant medium tank
British version of the Lee-Grant medium tank
view inside the Lee-Grant tank
view inside the Lee-Grant tank
British reenactors standing in front of the Lee-Grant mediuim tank
British reenactor encampment for North Africa theater 1942
British reenactor talking with visitors
British reenactors
Engine compartment of one of the Dingos
Detail of one of the Dingos
One of the other Dingos
Driver's compartment of a Dingo
Another Dingo