Sub-title: How Politicians extract your money, buy votes, and line
their own pockets: Houghton Miflin Harcourt, N.Y., 2013, 249 pgs., index,
notes, appendix
Reviewer's Comments: This is an excellent current description of the
reality of the relationship between rulers and ruled since ancient Mesopotamia.
But 'rulers' includes the full complement of the governing class, in current
terms the government bureaucracy, not limited to the politiians. In his
extensive specific examples of individuals he includes many others than
politicians, Congressional staffs, executives and lawyers in practically all of
the executive branch agencies, even members of the judiciary. I will list
several other authors on the same topic below.
The author states the case in his introduction: "In short, we have come to
believe the problem in Washington is a sort of leagalized bribery. If outside
interests can only be held at bay, we can and will get better leadership. But
what if we are wrong? What if the problem is not bribery, ... but extortion?
What if the Permanent Political Class in Washington is made up of individuals
from both political parties, is using its coercive public power to not only
stay in office but to threaten others and to extract wealth, and in the bargain
pick up private benefits for themselves their friends, and their families?
Of course it is, as have ruling classes have acted since ancient times. And the
private benefits are not limited to 'themselves, family and friends' but also
include voters, business owners and managers, labor unions, academicians,
intellectuals in general, who support them.
Chapter 1 - Introduction - Here are several defining quotations that
epitimize the author's thesis:
"The assumption is that we need to protect politicians from outside
influences. But how about protecting ourselves from the politicians?:
and "But what if we have it backwards? What if the greater culprits are
inside the halls of power in Washington rather than on the outside?"
"Politics in modern America has become a lucrative business, and industry
that has less to do with policy and a lot more to do with accessing money and
He continues in this introduction with many specific examples. Actually,
reading the introduction will provide enough evidence of his thesis. The other
chapters provide more examples, organized, chapter by chapter, according to
Chapter 2 - America's Most Expensive Toolbooth -
Chapter 3 - Protection: For a Price -
Chapter 4 - The Underground Washington Economy -
Chapter 5 - The Double-Milker: You May Not Be Interested in Washington,
but Washington Is Interested in You -
Chapter 6 - Slush Funds -
Chapter 7 - Trust Me : You're Gonna Need to Pay Me -
Chapter 8 - Protection for a Price: What About a Washington Corrupt
Practices Act?
Chapter 9 - It's a Family Affair -
Chapter 10 - Conclusion: Protection for the Rest of Us -
Pitirim Sorokin - Power and Morality: Who Shall Guard the
Mario Levi - Political Power in the Ancient World