Atlas Publishing, 2019, 279
pgs., index, notes, paperback
Reviewer Comment:
The author spent years in China and more in the study of Chinese political,
economic and military policies and planning. But he has lived or visited many
other places around the world and seen first hand what the Chinese are doing on
other continents. He learned to speak and read not only Chinese but Russian.
This is a comprehensive result of these years of study. He includes direct
citations from original Chinese sources that describe the objectives and means
being employed to achieve them. The fundamental mission of Chinese leadership
is to enable China to be the leading world power by 2050. To this end they are
employing every type of power including especially economic and military
expansion. Each page of the book is packed with information, data, quotations,
appraisals that make it impossible to prepare an adequate summary in a few
pages. This is a brief survey, so please read the book.
The author develops his thesis gradually, with the historical background first,
he recognizes that for many American readers the story is almost
incomprehensible. How could this backward, poverty stricken, and communist
saddled country suddenly become a world power and dangerous rival to America?
Read this and find out.
To supplement the important but necessarily space -limited description of this
vital subject I add, below, links to other references that discuss and expand
on it. In particular, I recommend Blackwill's broad academic study of
'geoeconomics' a policy which Chinese leaders have been employing with great
success for many years and which American leaders have mostly failed to
appreciate. There are three references focused on Chinese employment of
'geoeconomics' to achieve their long-term goal of becoming the dominant world
power by 2049: Kai-Fu Lee's AI Super-powers China, Silicon Valley, and the
New World Order- Pillsbury's The Hundred-Year Marathon - and
Jacques' When China Rules the World. And also read Allison's more
traditional historical approach to the subject in his Destined For War.
Other references listed below may provide a much wider understanding of Chinese
I could use most of these books as the central reference in assembling a
broader series for study of Chinese current and future expansionist policy and
action, but Ward's book seems to be the best.
I also highly recommend that students set in their computer email an automatic
word search and delivery by Google for - China - the result is extensive
reporting from around the world on specific incidents and applications by the
Chinese of 'geoeconomics'. Another excellent source of studies on current
military issues is the U.S. Naval Institute. 
There has been and continues to be so much written exposing the Chinese
government strategy and goals that it is not possible to collect it all. But I
have assembled a sampling of articles and books and listed them below.
The author describes the standard American outlook and resulting policy toward
China since the 'opening' by Kissinger and Nixon as 'engage but hedge'. The
basis was the typical American belief in the inevitable development of
liberalism, free markets and democracy in all countries once they were able to
appreciate the advantages these would bring to their societies. Dr. Pillsbury
discusses this liberal mind set in detail and admits he was a full believer in
it for years during which he actually had extensive personal discussions with
senior Chinese military and political officials and theorists.
But this has not been the result in practice, especially in China. The Chinese
have an entirely different appreciation for their own civilization and culture
as well as an entirely different outlook on the role of the United States along
with the rest of the 'western powers' in dominating and exploiting Chinese
weakness from the time of the Opium Wars to World War II.
In claiming the American belief and resulting policies have been a failure he
"this strategy has brought us to the brink of the end of an American led
World. It is an approach that will eventually bring about the end of American
A very strong and bleak assessment. But one that he supports effectively. And
one in which several of the authors to whom I link below agree. He provides his
summary view right in this introduction. "The People's Republic of China -
its rise built substantially on economic empowerment through engagement with
the United States - is now returning to the original ideological intentions of
the Chinese Communist Party." In the book he describes what these
intentions actually are. He provides numerous specific examples both of actual
written and spoken texts of leading Chinese authorities and of case studies of
real actions by Chinese government and private individuals.
Moreover, he claims that: "For a long and trusting moment, over more than
thirty years, American policy-makers empowered this rise, perhaps not knowing
where it would lead, perhaps knowing only that the Communist Party would lead
China." Michael Pillsbury, who occupied a senior position among the
policy-makers and advisors, writes the same appraisal, and further, shows that
much of Chinese economic advancement was funded by the United States or World
Dr. Ward write that: Americans should have known better. "A litany of
speeches, strategy documents, and policies have poured forth from the Communist
Party in recent years. All of them explain China's near and long-term
ambitions. From outer space to the deep sea, from Africa to the Arctic, from
artificial intelligence to hypersonic missiles that can 'kill American aircraft
carriers', the Chinese Communist party has mobilized its country and its people
to become the global leaders it virtually every form of economic, military,
technological, and diplomatic activity on earth."
"By 2030, if current trends hold. China will surpass the United States as
the world's top economic power in absolute terms." Martin Jacques and
Michael Pillsbury basically agree with the assessment, but Pillsbury deplores
the result while Jacques is delighted.
Dr. Ward states his purpose: "The purpose of this book is to provide the
needed wake-up call. To inform you, so that you will understand and be ready.
If our power is ultimately broken, it will be a danger not only to Americans,
but to the world."
"There are three things we must do to win."
First, we must remain the world's top economic power.
Second, we must work with other democracies and nations to preserve the
international system.
Third, we must maintain military and technological superiority over China.
And we also must recognize that these are not 'short-term' problems.
The future of the world-wide expansion, development and application of all
aspects of AI - Artificial Intelligence - is the subject of Kai-Fu- Lee's book
in which he describes what the Chinese are doing to gain dominance in this
critical industry.
In the remainder of this introduction Dr. Ward writes a general summary of the
main thoughts set forth in the other chapters.
Part I - "The Great
Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation"
In this section Dr. Ward focuses on telling the story - narrating with comments
about its long-term continuity - that the Chinese leadership has a core
philosophy and goal to 'rejuvenate' that means, bring back, China's Rightful
place as the dominant world power. This may sound strange to Americans and
Europeans who believe China never was a 'world' power. But in China's world it
was the "Middle Kingdom" the hegemon around which the near and far
vassal countries orbited while remaining alert to not offend the leading power,
China. As Dr. Ward writes, "its essence (the story) is very simple: a
great nation was laid low. It was devastated by the outside world. It was torn
apart by foreigners. Its people were brutalized. Its lands were scorched. Its
treasures were stolen." Now under the leadership of the Communist party
this historical atrocity is being eradicated and more. In the near future it
will be again the center of the world, but a much larger world.
1.1 - National Resurrection
Dr. Ward describes the fundamental concept - belief system - guiding Chinese
national aspirations and policies to achieve them. This is the "Road to
Renewal" - the "Resurrection of the Fatherland" - the overcoming
of the "One Hundred Years of Humiliation". All of these slogans refer
to the Chinese being forced by European (and the US) military power beginning
with the two Opium Wars and the Boxer Rebellion to grant unwanted concessions
and control over Chinese society - economic and political affairs. The Chinese
have not forgotten. More recently the Chinese Communist Party defeated the
foreign backed Nationalists and established the Republic in 1949. This is the
starting year, then, for the 100 year campaign to become the world's strongest
power in 2049.
This is the Wikipedia entry - there are many more links in any search
1.2 - "The New China":
Mao Zedong (1949 - 1976)
The author describes Mao as "A kind of philosopher -king figure, who came
to regard himself as something of a god among men. Mao also wrote about the
need for destruction in order to bring about the new world he dreamed of. He
writes that: "Mao's theory of violence was essential to the Leninist
transformation of China, meaning the dominance of a single political party over
a nation's people, and the use of the population for the objectives of the
In other words, the Communist Party takes over the role of the former Imperial
mandarin bureaucracy that sought to maintain social cohesion over a disparate,
huge population occupying an enormous and geographically diverse territory.
Maintaining an all powerful central government in the face of internal and
external forces for dissolution had always been essential, even critical.
Dr. Ward provides many excellent quotations from Mao and other leaders and
observers. One of his assessments is: "From the beginning, China's
restoration was aimed not only at transforming China from within, but also, as
master historian Chen Jian explains, 'reasserting China' central position in
the world'. And, "As Qiang Zhai, another leading historian of the period
explains, Mao's 'vision of China's place in the world ... aimed at transforming
not only the old China but also the old world order.'"
One of the dominant myths that energize the Chinese perception of their
'rightful place' is the title 'The Middle Kingdom' by which they assert that
for centuries China was the world leader and dominant society. This perception,
constantly stressed by the Party, gives the Chinese people a much more powerful
psychological goad than did Hitler's Aryan superiority did for the Germans.
But, as he continues.: "This is the mission China's current leaders have
inherited, one they are determined to fulfill". And he presents an
excellent narration and appraisal of the problems the Chinese leadership had to
overcome during Mao's reign and their successes and failures. His conclusion:
"Pure socialism gave way to reforms which at last transformed the Chinese
economy, and the geopolitics of global confrontation gave way to the mantra,
"Hide your brightness, bide your time."
These are Wikipedia entries - there are many more.
1.3 - "Hide Your
Brightness, Bide Your Time", Deng Ziaoping and Jiang Zemin (1978 - 2002)
As Dr. Ward notes, Deng Ziaoping opened China to economic reform while he and
the Communist Party strengthened central political control. He was educated in
western Europe and the Soviet Union and had a much wider personal understanding
of the vital importance of modernizing industry and the entire economy that
even Mao had. Thus, during his reign China really entered a 'great leap
forward' that Mao only dreamed of. But Deng recognized that China needed a
period of peaceful accommodation both for the internal pause needed for
industrial expansion and for the external financial and technical support such
a foreign policy could enable. Dr. Ward provides some metrics as examples, for
instance that Chinese foreign trade expanded from 10$ billion in 1978 to 100
times that in three decades. But, he notes, Deng never lost sight of the
long-term objective of making China a world power. In his speeches and writing
Deng stressed the purpose 'of development, growth, and modernity." This
meant that expansion of Chinese economic capability would be supportive of
increased military capacity and geopolitical success.
All of this, then, his successor, Jiang Zemin, parlayed into further expanded
capabilities. The Chinese (like the Russians) were stunned by the military
technology the United States unleashed in the wars in Iraq. The response was to
redouble military modernization and more. Dr. Ward comments: "China's
bifurcated program of economic reform and military modernization continued.
China had found its place within an American -led world but had yet to emerge
as a transformative actor in the world's balance of power."... "Jiang
began a military modernization drive in 1995 with massive budgetary
increases." His assessments: "While Deng and Jiang spoke to the world
of economics, nationalism grew in China as well." .. The Party's hold on
power during this chapter of China's restoration proved to be secure."
, |
1.4 - "The Period of
Strategic Opportunity": Hu Jintao (2002 - 2012)
Dr. Ward writes that: "The best examples of continuity in China's
revolution occurred between the Deng, Jiang, and Hu eras, spanning 1978 to
2012."... "In this thirty-year period, China consolidated its
economic miracle while Deng's mantra 'hide your brightness and bide your time'
remained the principle when it came to Chinese power." The Party leaders
then considered the next period, from 2002 to 2020 to be one of 'strategic
opportunity'. Meaning that by now China would have sufficient power to engage
in further unimpeded expansion of its economic and military power. They were
enabled to speak openly about 'the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation'.
Dr. Ward expands his detailed use of quotations and their analysis. In summary,
Jiang Zemin continued the foreign policy of advocating peace and friendship
with all nations while stressing military modernization. This enabled Hu to
accede to a China that had already experienced major economic and military
expansion. Plus, it had begun its geoeconomic expansion of power into other
regions, including Africa, South America, Southeast Asia, Indian Ocean and
beyond. Hu continued to stress the "Peaceful Rise of China"
especially for foreign consumption. But he was also more open in his
assessments of where Chinese objectives were headed. Dr. Ward quotes many
examples, including a 'secret speech' in 1994 in which he predicted that future
relations with the United States would deteriorate "in the next few years
and even for a longer period to come, and further worsening and confrontations
may occur." Dr. Ward includes a clear summary of the expansion of China's
economic power. " He writes: "During the Hu era, from 2002 to 2012,
substantial changes took place, both in capabilities and confidence, and
questions about China's relations with the outside world were asked by many as
the country's power grew."
And here he identifies a crucial concept. "As the Chinese leadership saw
it, however, it was not a rise, but a restoration. The question became: When
would China's leaders begin to speak of this restoration of power openly?"
1.5 - "The China
Dream": Xi Jinping
Dr. Ward describes how 'Under Xi Jinping, all of this (previous cautious
advancements) has changed." He begins by noting: "In 2014 and 2015, a
turning point began taking shape in the South China Sea." ... "From
Deng to Hu Jintao, though Communist Party leadership spoke frequently of the
mission of rejuvenation, the country walked a careful line between building its
capabilities and hiding any appearance of hostility to the current world
order." But now Chinese policy and actions have changed. Internally
suppression of potential (or perceived or real) opposition has increased, And
externally Chinese geoeconomic (economic and military) priorities have moved
into the open. Even so, Dr. Ward stresses that the 'continuity' of Chinese
aspirations and efforts have not changed over a long period. His assessment is
not to be concerned about the obvious nature of the great expansion of power
itself, but rather to be concerned about its proclaimed ambitious goals of
revolution and restoration of Chinese world power.
In other words he is concerned because American political policy has for a
generation been to aid China and to welcome its becoming an EQUAL partner among
the leading nations. But the goal of the Chinese leadership is not to become an
EQUAL partner but to become THE dominant world power.
Now, he believes that the revelation of Chinese actual goal of hegemony may be
helpful if responded to in time. "That this power should have such a clear
and visible sense of self is beneficial to our understanding of what is at
stake." And, "What is perhaps most troubling about Xi's ambitions -
as one gets deeper into their purpose -- is how the Chinese public has come to
embrace this sense of destiny." ... "Now is a time for expansion of
national interest, and, in Xi's words, for being able 'to fight and win
wars'". And, "This is not a departure. It is simply that China has
realized, at long last, its opportunity for preeminence."
1.6 - "The New China"
Meets "The China Dream" (Xi Jinping - 19th Party Congress, October
Dr. Ward stresses with examples that "Xi Jinping ties his mission to
China's 'original aspirations'". He indicates that the "New
China" and the "China Dream" have combined. He reproduces at
length Xi's 'Work Report' to the Party Congress in November 2017.
China will "move closer to central stage." ... "it is China's
'invincible force of more than 1.3 billion people' that will lead to its
unlimited potential on the 'infinitely vast state' that is the world". The
report - speech - traces China's historic role as the world power back 5000
years and stresses the humiliation and disaster inflicted on China in the Opium
Wars and subsequent foreign domination. He stresses the critical importance of
the Party policy program to return China to its rightful place as world power.
In other words he invokes the national patriotism of the Chinese people to
accept Party leadership and fulfill the 'dream'.
"Our Party was deeply aware that, to achieve national rejuvenation, it was
essential to establish an advanced social system that fits China's reality. It
united the people and led them in completing socialist revolution, establishing
socialism as China's basic system, and advancing socialist construction. This
completed the broadest and most profound social transformation in the history
of the Chinese nation."
There is much more in this remarkable oration that Americans have either
ignored or dismissed.
But Dr. Ward perceptively writes: "The greatness of China and the power of
the A Party are thus one and the same: 'As history has shown and will continue
to bear witness to, without the leadership of the Communist Party of China,
national rejuvenation would be just wishful thinking'".
1.7 - From "the Peaceful
Rise of China" to "Fighting the Bloody Battle Against Our
Dr. Ward opens by pointing to an essential characteristic of Chinese (and usual
dictatorial regimes). "When China's leaders set an agenda, it becomes the
story of the nation." He gives the examples of all out nature of this
response that harnesses every medium of education, propaganda, media,
entertainment, employment and culture to insure that each individual eagerly
participates in this great mission of rejuvenation and overthrow of foreign
domination. He again provides typical quotations.
Another of his perceptions. "China's military buildup is generally
explained in this way: as a contribution to world peace and human progress.
Except when it is not. The subversion, appropriation, and manipulation of
concepts, speech, and slogans by the Chinese Communist Party should be no
1.8 - From "Able To Fight
And Win Wars" to "Preparing to Fight and Win Wars"
Dr. Ward opens with several appropriate quotations. Then he remarks:
"China' sense of self is defensive. As far as the party and its adherents
are concerned, it is their right to return to preeminence in the world.
Whatever gets in the way of this goes against 'legitimate rights and interests'
and stands in the way of the great rejuvenation." He cites several
specific examples of the Chinese reaction when foreign states -such as India -
attempt to prevent some Chinese policy.
Part II - "Blue National
Soil" China's Strategic Geography and Military Plans
In this section the author gets into specific details. "The South China
Sea is only the Beginning. The Chinese building of 'military outposts' there is
an opening move in a strategy that spans multiple continents and oceans".
2.1 - The Military Rise of China
Here is another of Dr. Ward's perceptive observations. "The world has
become accustomed to China as a major economic power. What many do not realize
is that the global trading system China has built will be backed by global
military power." And, "Now, in the twenty-first century, China has
emerged as the world's leading nation by volume of trade, surpassing the United
States in 2013." ... "The Chinese military has begun a massive
campaign to become a major maritime power. As the world's top trading nation,
China's economic and political survival depends on assured access to the
world's resources and therefore to the world's oceans."
In this chapter Dr. Ward describes details of this effort.
2.2 - New Technologies, New
Dr. Ward notes (as have other observers) that the Chinese (as well as the
Russians) were shocked at the huge technological power the United States
displayed in the First Gulf War. They set about emulating and then surpassing
this as quickly as possible by employing every economic, political, diplomatic,
clandestine and other tools they could. For example, Dr. Ward shows the
relation of China's expanded space program to increasing military power: All in
the pursuit, of course, of a contribution to human peace and progress. See
Kai-Fu Lee's book, listed below, for some detail.
2.3 - Internal Security and
Homeland Defense: China's Traditional Military Geography
This chapter is about the history of Chinese defense by conquering Tibet,
Chinese Turkestan (Xinjian) , control of Mongolia, efforts to control Korea,
and Taiwan. For centuries the Chinese had to focus on their land borders and
various powerful neighbors. They were concerned about the neighboring ocean as
well, but not as much. But now they are.
2.4 - The New World Map:
Regional Expansion and a Global Military Presence
The greatly expanded Chinese interest in world-wide geoeconomics accompanies
Chinese demand for access to critical raw material resources as well as usual
foreign policy. Dr. Ward discusses the 'Maritime Silk Road' and the 'Silk Road
Economic Belt'.
See Frankopan, Kaplan and Blackwill.
Dr. Ward: "The 'belt and road' is positioned as an economic initiative, a
'win- win' and a natural response to the vast, multi-trillion dollar
infrastructure needs of emerging Asian and African economies. But it should at
this point come as no surprise to notice that it overlaps exactly with China's
primary resource interests, and current and future military deployments".
The chapter contains much excellent detail on what this aspect of Chinese
policy is all about.
2.5 - Toward 2049: China's
Vision of Military Power
Dr. Ward writes that: "While China's current military structure is focused
on 'active defense' in the Indo-Pacific, its future presence and capabilities
will be far more powerful." It has established goals in a tier of
expanding geopolitical lines. At present the Party views its objective is
gaining control over the first tier. Dr. Ward quotes from Chinese documents. In
these acquisition, development and superiority in all aspects of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) is a goal. Another is dominance in Quantum computing. In this
competition they are accessing American technology. He mentions Michael
Pillsbury's work in study of China to illustrate how little of the Chinese
efforts American officials knew a few years ago (see below). China has 'moved
from a position of total disadvantage to what Aron Friedberg calls 'a contest
for supremacy' all in less than a generation's time".
Part III: "Catch up to
America, Surpass America": China's Economic and Technological Ambitions
More quotes from Mao and Xi - Then Dr. Ward writes: "The World has been
living with China's 'economic miracle' for over thirty years." He lists
some of the many economic categories in which China has expanded and dominates.
the broadest is "China has emerged to trade with all the world's regions.
becoming the top trading nation, ahead of the United States, and building up
massive cash reserves many times those of other nations."
3.1 - "Comprehensive
National Power"
Dr. Ward again: "Comprehensive national power is an economic
Well, not exactly. But economic power is the basis, core, foundation, of
national power in which economic strength is translated into political,
cultural and military power as well. or at Blackwill terms it - geoeconomic
power. The relationship of economic and military power has been debated for
centuries. Back in the Renaissance era a common concept was that 'with gold one
could buy good soldiers' - but Machiavelli countered that 'with good soldiers
one could acquire gold'. But he also counseled the ruler about conquering a
territory. The successful ruler would only consider such a conquest if the cost
(profit) obtainable from such expansion was greater than the cost of taking and
administrating the region.
However, Dr. Ward rightly describes the beliefs and resulting policies and
actions of Chinese leaders. The basis for success will be found in massive
economic expansion. He writes: "The important thing is to understand
the economics will be the foundation for China's power as a whole."
And, "The Party's narrative of history, as we have seen, is not rise, but
restoration." He cites many expressions found in China's public places
"Wealth and power". Again, "While China has a profound military
culture and a proud military history, throughout much of the history of Chinese
civilization, China's massive economy or market generally has been the
centerpiece of Chinese power."
Further, "Advanced technology and innovation continue to be at the heart
of Chinese strategy, not only for the military industrial base, but to continue
to build economic power as the country rises up the value chain and as labor
costs increase."
3.2 - Made in China 2025:
Mastering Future Industries and Going Global
The chapter's title indicates the main subject. Dr. Ward considers it,
"The most important strategic program today is called 'Made in China
2025". This is the Chinese 10 year plan announced in 2015 to focus
government support of critical technology development in military strategic
areas 'in the rise and fall of world power'". As usual, he provides key
quotations. And he lists ten 'strategic industries' that Hu Jintao had
identified to promote Chinese industrial - technical expansion and achieve
superpower status. They cover the spectrum of 'high tech' from agriculture to
bio-tech to IT. The policy is to acquire as much knowledge in these fields from
foreigners as possible and use it to develop these industrial capabilities IN
Dr. Ward stresses this importance: "The advent of 'Made in China 2025' is
an 'existential' issue, according to my conversations with economists and trade
organizations in the United States." And, "When China enters new
export markets it does so not only with cheaper goods, but also with government
support." And, "China is one giant incubator". And, "The
creation of an advanced industrial base is essential to the Communist Party's
ambition of catching up with and ultimately surpassing the United States as the
leading technological power."
He describes his personal contacts over years of living in China. His Chinese
acquaintances stressed what many Western historians have noted for years,
namely, that China lost its relative economic and technological lead over
Europe after 1800 due to 'lagging' and government inertia.
3.3 - The Importance of Economic
Power, Technology and National Strength
Dr. Ward cites the example of Japan which avoided being colonized by Western
powers. He notes that analysts of the many other countries that were colonized
attribute that to their "lack of economic progress and political
unity". This is the causation the Chinese themselves emphasize today. With
more quotations, he describes the Chinese (Mao's) reaction and program - to use
every method available, including violence, to regain world status. His
assessment, "In the early decades of China's revolution, Mao and his
compatriots saw economic revitalization, military struggle, and confrontation
with the United States as intertwined." And this included outside as well
as inside China. In the years after Mao's death, as he has described in
previous chapters, the 'confrontation' aspect was reduced due to Chinese
recognition that a period of acting friendly would achieve more results, but
the fundamental policy agenda never changed.
3.4 - China's Economy:
Rejuvenation's Engine
In this chapter Dr. Ward shifts to description of the current China's economic
condition. He notes the two radically different assessments one reads in the
press - either China is 'an unstoppable juggernaut, or it is doomed to collapse
- either it is about to dominate the world or it will be overcome by internal
weaknesses. He maintains that it is nether but has been expanding its economy
and military power "as a case of patient, state-led strategic planning
intertwined with a work force many times the size of most other nations, a
period of globalization that offered new export opportunities and a global
division of labor that played to China's natural advantages in manufacturing
and nascent industrial power." He supports his evaluation with numerous
quotations from Chinese leaders. Among these he focuses on the Communist
Party's "two -stage development plan" that will be implemented from
2020 - 2049. The 'first stage' of this is from 2020 -to 2035. He lists 8 major
goals which will achieve 'basic modernization'. The 'second stage' will be from
2035 to 2049. He lists 5 more goals that build on the first stage.
3.5 -China's Ambitions in
Technology and Innovation
In this chapter Dr. Ward begins by noting that "China's technological
ambitions require the help of many non-Chinese entities." This need has
certainly been shown over the past 30 years by Chinese efforts to obtain
technological secrets either by demanding foreign companies provide them as a
requirement to do business in China or by clandestine means. The foreign
companies are so eager - thinking of China only as a massive consumer market -
that they have unwillingly complied. Now many are so enmeshed in the Chinese
market or have been bought by Chinese using the profits from the relationship
that they cannot easily withdraw.
Dr. Ward describes one aspect of this: "Cybertheft - the most widely known
example of the interference of the Chinese state in global business - has
ranged from theft of designs for advanced US fighter planes and gas
distribution networks to 'personal information from health care
providers'". Chinese leaders repeatedly either deny this or promise to
stop it. Americans believe they are dealing with Chinese 'free enterprise'
companies, but as Dr. Ward shows, all enterprises in China are linked to the
Communist Party. As he writes: "the Communist party has also brought
Chinese corporations and military together through the policy of 'Civil
Military Fusion'".
3.6 -China Goes Global: State
and Private Enterprise Take on the World
Dr. Ward writes: "Just as the branches of the Chinese military carry out
China's military strategy, dozens of state-owned companies carry out Chinese
economic ambitions at home and abroad. Massive Chinese private companies are an
even newer feature on the world state, and these also play a role in building
the country's future." Dr. Ward quotes remarks by major Chinese business
men who champion their role in promoting China. He mentions a few specific
examples, such as China Energy Engineering Group (CEEG), Huawei Investment and
Holding, and China Southern Power Grid, China Baowu Steel Group, Shanxi Coal
and Chemical Industry, and China Post Group. Among specific examples of Chinese
(CEEG) building infrastructure in foreign countries. He cites China Harbor
Engineering Company building a harbor in Sri Lanka.
He describes the complex interaction. "Whether it is a state-owned
enterprise, or a company led by a famous individual like Communist Party member
Jack Ma, chairman of Alibaba, China's companies are now going global, filling
in the ever-larger footprint of China in the world." And - "So then,
how do Chinese companies play the game? And how coordinated it it? Like China's
military strategy, corporate strategy is naturally a game of consolidation and
expansion. It is done through acquisitions." He follows this description
with many more quotations.
3.7 - Toward 2049: China's
Vision of Economic Power
Dr. Ward quotes a friend, "China has learned more from history than we
have ever even read." The Chinese believe the old adage expressed by Mao
that 'power grows out of the barrel of the gun', and that 'he who has the gold
makes the rules' - and then he who has the gold can acquire the guns. So there
is an intrinsic merger of gold and guns necessary for the acquisition and
retention of power. They firmly believe that all great powers were created on
economic and military power. Their conclusion is that China must develop great
economic power. Dr. Ward writes: "This has been a national priority since
1949. It is the centerpiece of the 'great rejuvenation of the Chinese
nation'". And - "The fulfillment of the national mission remains a
priority of the Party, and of many in the country."
Here he quotes Xinhua, the official Chinese news agency. "By then
China will be a global leader in terms of composite national strength and
international influence. prosperity for everyone will be basically achieved, a
prospect that the Chinese nation has been longing for since the Opium War
(1840-1842). At this point, Xi, the unrivalled helmsman, who will steer China
toward this great Dream".
And, "As Xi himself explains. "The original inspiration and the
mission of the Chinese Communists is to seek happiness for the Chinese people
and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation.""
Part IV: "The Ceaseless
Expansion of National Interests": China's Growing Global Reach
"China's ascendancy is a story of ambition, but it is also a story of
necessity.' Dr. Ward points out that China has by far the world's largest
population, but it also lacks the national resources essential for them to
survive, let alone become a world power. He writes that China must gain access
to the world's national resources in "every region of the globe'.
In this part he demonstrates that, "China's global trade and resource
quest is already leading to new international relationships that are changing
the balance or power region by region. From a growing dependence on the Chinese
market by oil-producing nations in the Middle East, to an emerging strategic
competition between India and China in Asia's maritime regions, to growing
influence in Africa and Latin America that has left American policy-makers
"The foundation for a de facto Chinese victory is being laid across the
world every day."
4.1 - Overview: China's Need for
the World's Resources
Dr. Ward summarizes China's situation. "China's demand for oil, gas, meat,
grain, minerals, protein, water, and other basic resources has grown enormously
over the last thirty years and will increase in the coming decades." And -
"China's relationships with major powers will matter more and more as its
global economic and military expansion grows." The fact that such a
predominant volume of the resources China needs come from far away and by sea
is alone a reason for Chinese strenuous efforts to gain control of these
strategic sea lanes lest the United States remain able to blockade them.
4.2 - China in the Middle East
Not surprisingly given the world dependence on oil from the Gulf States, China
too - "understands the risks of energy dependence on and involvement in
the Middle East, having learned from the experience of the United States".
- "It also fears dependence on overseas oil in general, thus leading to a
strategy of massive investment in renewable energy sources at home, from solar
power to electric vehicles." It also seeks to create a "spiderweb of
global suppliers" which, "in turn requires a military buildup in
order to secure the choke points and sea lanes upon which its imports
Dr. Ward does not mention it, but no doubt the Chinese remember how the United
States prior to World War II and then even more successfully during the war,
blockaded Japan from access to the critical raw materials - especially oil -
essential for survival.
Dr. Ward does note that as usual Chinese propaganda stresses to the Arab
nations its 'friendship' existed for thousands of years with the Silk Road and
it incorporates that legacy in its current programs of 'Silk Road Economic
Belt' and 'Twenty-First Century Maritime Silk Road'.
4.3 - China in Africa
Dr. Ward explains that, "China's presence in Africa is about much more
than energy. Chinese workers, Chinese development banks, Chinese oil majors,
State-Owned Enterprises, and small -business owners have all joined a
supersized migration over the last twenty-five years. Chinese trade with Africa
has ballooned from $10.44 billion in 2000 to $127.97 in 2016." And -
China's ideological approach to the wider world is especially visible in
Africa". Dr. Ward devotes significant attention to Chinese penetration
into Africa, providing a list of specific policies and goals. China deems
Africa an important 'resource and supply base'. He describes many specific
examples in various countries.
Earlier students of the 'Cold War' and Sino-Soviet relations will recall what
Dr. Ward does not mention - that Africa already in the 1960's was a central
locus of Chinese - Soviet competition to gain control over the 'Third World'
4.4 - China in Latin America
Again, Dr. Ward observes that, "China is also developing its resource base
in Latin America. This stretches beyond Venezuelan, Colombian, and Brazilian
oil and adds new dimensions to our picture: Food." The Chinese program to
obtain secure food supplies includes outright purchase of huge acreages of
fertile land with water where ever possible, and very significantly in Latin
America. And Brazil (which will be a major partner) and Argentina are examples.
The "Belt and Road" economic program stretches into Latin America and
the Caribbean. Dr. Ward writes, "In other words, China's global vision
extends beyond even Eurasia and Africa, the core areas of the 'Belt and Road'
and its meeting with enthusiasm even in the Western hemisphere."
4.5 -China in the Arctic and
Dr. Ward notes that "China also has polar policies objectives."
"Chinese strategists added the Arctic to the 'Belt and Road' in
2017." Along with the Arctic countries, Chinese see great advantages to a
maritime trade route to Europe via the opening of the Arctic. In fact,
"China views the Arctic as an essential arena in its global
4.6 - The Indo-Pacific: The
Indian Ocean Region and South Pacific States
As we know, and as Dr. Ward, also describes current Chinese attention is on
building its power to control the South China Sea. But, he also describes the
early Chinese efforts to expand that control across the Indian Ocean as well.
Their naval presence in that ocean is expanding and they are also seeking land
routes to bypass the Strait of Malacca.
In the future, he writes, "As the Indo-Pacific emerges as the world's most
significant geopolitical region, the question looms: How much influence and
control might China come to have in this region as the heart of its 'Belt and
Road' superproject?"
4.7 - China And The "Major
Powers": The United States, Russia, India, Japan, and Europe
In this chapter Dr. Ward contrasts Chinese relations with less powerful nations
and with 'major powers' - United States, Russia, India, Japan, and Europe. Of
these their principal target (adversary, competitor) is the United States.
Their strategy is to advance their power, and reduce American power but do this
gradually, carefully, and in a manner that will not so alarm the United States
as to generate a serious response, let alone a conflict.
He identifies one channel: "Beijing adds to this confusion in America and
elsewhere in the world through its own brand of interference operations,
directed against democratic countries." But, in contrast to Russian overt
interference methods, The Chinese seek to promote a friendly, positive image in
hopes of influence that will prevent defensive actions by other nations. The
effort involves gaining influence in foreign institutions such as 'think
tanks', universities, media, and government organizations. They hope to
generate the support of these institutions that will, in turn, create favorable
public opinion about China.
They also engage in direct strategic efforts. Dr. Ward writes: "China is
likely to press ahead with attempts to outmaneuver US alliances and
partnerships, gradually peeling countries away from an American order and into
China's economic orbit through trade, investment, and commercial incentives
that America can't or won't provide." The policy is to convince leaders
throughout the world that their own nations would benefit from living in a
Chinese rather than American world order. As that goal comes closer the Chinese
methods expand.
He explains: 'The China of today has changed, China is no longer concerned only
with its traditional strategic geography. It is now a global actor building a
multi-regional military, with an intercontinental vision of its 'legitimate
rights and interests'.... "The use of paramilitary power to compel smaller
nations to bend to China's will is substantial."
Further, "But major powers must also beware. China's military, above all,
is designed for conflict with the United States. It is also designed to deter
and defeat India, and, if necessary, Russia though Russia-Chinese relations are
currently at a high point."
Dr. Ward also discusses China's aims with respect to Russia and Europe.
Part V: "A Community of
Common Destiny for Mankind": China's Vision for the New World Order
Dr. Ward asks the fundamental question. "What would it Mean for China to
Rule the World?" And his response: "The answer has been in front of
us all along. It has been in front of us as we read the Chinese Communist
Party's statements, observe their strategies and actions, and come to under
stand their intentions behind China's ascendancy in this century."
.... "It is simple: China's rise, in the minds of its leaders and many of
its people, is not a rise, but a restoration." .... "It is the
restoration, as the Communist Party sees it, of an entire world defined by
China' supremacy." In the following chapters Dr. Ward gradually
reveals the full Chinese 'Vision' with each chapter containing Chinese
concepts, policies, actions, and future efforts that are then expanded and
elaborated in the following chapter.
5.1 - China's Vision for World
In this chapter Dr. Ward looks back into China's long history. "In order
to understand this vision, we must turn first to ancient China. The most
important thing to understand about the imperial Chinese order is that it was
built on a hierarchy, both inside and outside China' borders." He provides
much detail. The essence of this political history is the contrast between
European (and Western) political/economic historical relations and those of
China. The Western system is one of achieving a balance (the balance of power
concept) between relatively equal sovereign powers even to the extent of
engaging in war to retain balance.
But, Dr. Ward notes: "The Chinese system was markedly different from that
of Western Europe..... In contrast, the Chinese world order was not an order
made of states of equal power... It was an order that derived from Chinese
5.2 - A Global "Middle
Dr. Ward describes the essence of the Chinese concept. "China's rulers
today have a vision that is geographically and materially grander than anything
their forebears could have imagined." ... "This vision is first and
foremost about the integration of Europe, Africa, and Asia as an economic
system, with China at its center." He discusses the Chinese initiative
known as the 'Belt and Road Initiative'. They also call it the 'Community of
Common Destiny for Mankind".
But what does this mean in desired practice? It means CONTROL - total control
over individual's behavior and thought for their own good and the good of a
'harmonious' society. It is termed 'social management'. This is to be achieved
by the employment of all the current and future technologies that will enable
Dr. Ward summarizes well: "Thus, the Communist party's security state
works to fulfill its broader philosophical goals of harmony, stability, and
social control through the development and implementation of new technology to
achieve old authoritarian goals." And this result will be expanded
world-wide. Dr. Ward quotes Xi Jinping's view of the future: "peace and
development'. Yes, he points out. "Peace and development with China at the
center." In the remainder of the chapter he elaborates extensively on this
5.3 - "Interior
Vassals" and "Exterior Vassals" in the "Community of Common
Destiny for Mankind" In this chapter Dr. Ward expands on the three circle
historical Chinese view of its self and neighbors. Included in these 'circles'
of interior and external vassals, first come Hong Kong and Macau. Then come
Tibet and Xinjiang. Der. Ward discusses these two in detail.
To provide a propaganda cover for its goals and actions the Chinese enunciated
"The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence" These are:
1. Mutual respect for territorial integrity
2. Mutual nonaggression
3. Mutual noninterference in internal affairs
4 .Equality and mutual benefit
5. Peaceful coexistence
Indeed, these principles were announced as the basis for India's acceptance of
Chinese demands prior to then conducting war. Dr. Ward describes many more
recent examples of Chinese claiming that these principles have been violated by
even foreign private companies and demanding apologies. He comments: "And
So American companies are forced to obey Beijing's line on matters such as the
South China Sea, which are actually of great geopolitical importance in Asia,
and which mater immensely for the future of American power in Asia."
5.4 -A World Transformed; A Day
in the Life of Chinese Power
In this chapter Dr. Ward discusses his observations based on living in China
and witnessing the manner in which the Party has already inculcated the mass of
Chinese citizens with the view of the legitimacy of Chinese world domination
and their individual roles in achieving this through technological supremacy..
5.5 - 2049: China's Vision of a
New World Order
Dr. Ward asks again, 'What would it really look like for China to achieve its
goals? .... "What role would other nations play in a system built after
the 'great rejuvenation' of the Chinese nation?" In two pages he provides
some ideas. Importantly, he also writes: " While this book is not
concerned with the likelihood of China meeting its objectives, the book
is meant to create awareness of Chinese strategy and ambitions and to have the
reader take China's quest seriously."
Dr. Ward describes the current national policy, advocated by so many Americans
for various reasons, of aquiesence to an 'inevitable' Chinese ascendency to
become the world Super power and America's decline as long overdue and
deserved. He mentions Graham Allison's book - Destined for War - as an
example of this mind set.
Dr. Ward expresses his optimism that Americans are waking up to the threat not
only to the United States but to the world that the Chinese campaign to become
the world Super power. He insists that with American leadership it is not too
late to prevent this catastroply. He deplores American aquiescence to a Chinese
replacement to American defense of moral values in the face of Chinese
dictatorship. He specifically discusses Graham Allison's concept expressed in
Destined for War, that there are only two alternativies - acceptance or
Concluding comment: Dr. Ward
urges Americans to wake up and recognize the reality of the Chinese goal of
word hegemony before it is too late.
In this list I include books and news articles which are examples of the kind
of American thinking about a 'peaceful' China or examples of those who agree
with his assessment. Now, in 2020 the world is faced with a pandemic virus that
originated in China. And the Chinese government is denying responsibility for
it while taking full advantage of the financial - economic disaster facing
other nations throughout the world.
The folder is in my directory of
the 2005 visit to China in which I show photos of the remarkable Chinese
Military History Museum which stresses the continuity of Chinese military
activity since Neolithic Era. The Room in which are displayed 'presents'
received from visiting foreign dignitaries or given to Chinese officials during
foreign visits stresses the psychological attitude of the Chinese toward their
foreign vassals as described by Dr. Ward. I was deeply impressed by the obvious
purpose of this special exhibition - to demonstrate the subtle but real claim
of hegemony (created by application of 'geoeconomics') that the Chinese believe
they are achieving. The entire museum is an example of Dr. Ward's thesis.
The Annual Pentagon Report to
Congress on Chinese Military Development - The U.S. Naval Institute comment and
link to the document
The Annual Pentagon Report to
Congress on Chinese Military Development - the 2019 China Military Power
Michael Pillsbury The
Hundred-Year Marathon: China's Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global
Kai-Fu Lee - AI Superpowers
China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order
Graham Allison - Destined for
Louis -Vincent Gave - "The
Hong Kong Conundrum"
Louis -Vincent Gave - "New
World Order Will Have China on Top"
Charles Gave and Louis Vincent
Gave - Clash of Empires: Currencies and Power in a Multipolar World
Robert Blackwill & Jennifer
Harris - War by Other Means: Geonomics and Statecraft
William Hawkins - This is
Truly a Trade War

Victor Davis Hanson - China's
Brilliant, Insidious Strategy
Gordon Chang - Coming
Collapse of China
Martin Jacques - When China
Rules the World
George Gilder - Life after
Philip Bobbitt - Shield of
Robert Kaplan - The Revenge
of Geography
Ziad K. Abdelnour - Economic
P. W. Singer & Emerson
Brooking - Like War: The Weaponization of Social Media
James Rickards - Currency
Wars: The Making of the next Global Crisis
Marcia Christoff Kurapovna -
"Russia, China and Geopolitics of the Silk Road"
Philip Ball - The Water
Robert Spalding- Stealth
Peter Frankopan - Silk Roads
A New History of the World
Tonio Andrade -The Gunpowder
Age: China, Military Innovation, and the Rise of the West in World History
Ralph Sawyer - Ancient
Chinese Warfare
Robert Kaplan - Asia's
Cauldron, Random House - Review by David Feith in WSJ, March 26, 2014
Geoff Dyer - The
Contest of the Century, Knopf - Review by Ali Wyne in WSJ, February 11,
John Micklethwait & Adrian
Wooldridge, "Can China Govern Better Than the U.S. ?" - WSJ, May 17,
Robert Hsu -China
Bill Gertz Deceiving the sky:
Inside Communist China's Drive for Global Supremacy
Bill Gertz, "Inside the
Ring", An article based on remarks by Lt. Gen Robert Ashley and Army Gen
Raymond Thomas about Chinese strategic military plans. "China is seeking
to implement a new round of technological and industrial revolution for its
military that includes the application of cutting edge technologies like
artificial intelligence, quantum information, bigdata, could computing and the
'Internet of things'". All this describes the same program written about
by Kai-=Fu Lee.
Samuel Griffith - Sun Tzu -
The Art of War
Thomas Cleary - Sun Tzu - The
Art of War
Ken Mondschein - The Art of
War & Other Classics of Eastern philosophy
Samuel Griffith - Mao
Tse-Tung on Guerrilla Warfare
Andrew Wilson -
Understanding Imperial China
Andrew Willson -
Masters of War: History's Greatest Strategic Thinkers
C. J. Peers - Soldiers of the
Dragon: Chinese Armies 1500 BC - AD 1840
Ann Palludan - Chronicle of
the Chinese Emperors
Caroline Blunden & Mark
Elvin - China - The Cultural Atlas of the World Series
State Council document - New
Generation of Artificial Intelligence Development Plan
Dambsa Moyo - Winner Take
All: China's Race for Resources and What It Means for the World.
The Warring States period - in
The Spring and Autumn period in
Eugene Ahern - "The US.
China and Japan: Grand Strategy"
Reshma Kapadia -
"Interview of Keyu Jin" in Barron's Nov. 25, 2019
Reshma Kapadia : A World Beyond
China" in Barron's Oct. 7, 2019
Reshma Kapadia - "Finding
Chinese Stocks That Are Less at Risk" in Barron's July 8, 2019
Reshma Kapadia - "How to
Profit as China Tried to Reinvest Itself" in Barron's January 28, 2019
Charles Hawkins & Robert
Love, eds, The New Great Game: Chinese Views On Central Asia, Foreign
Studies Office, Ft. Leavenworth, August, 2005 -
The Transcript of an excellent symposium with the lectures by a long list of
Chinese scholars brought to Monterey for the purpose. the conference was in
2005 and the Chinese speakers were candid in their descriptions of the 'Chinese
views' including what the Chinese thought American interests and policies were
in Central Asia, what the Chinese thought the Americans believed about Chinese
interests and policies were, what the Chinese thought about Russian ideas and
what they thought about the policies of the Central Asian nations were. And
what actual Chinese goals for the future would be.
Mathew Klein - "China's
Slowdown Is Only Just Beginning" in Barron's January 28, 2019

Craig Mellow - "China's
STAR Market Is Born" - in Barron's July 29, 2019
Craig Mellow - "Growth
Alternatives to China" - in Barron's May 20, 2019
Craig Mellow, "China
Neglects Shareholders" Barron's October 7, 2019,
This is a very interesting, brief article. It should be special reading by
Americans, especially free market and libertarian folks who think that American
consumers are engaged in commerce with Chinese private producers. The author
points out that despite the Chinese economy growing three times faster than the
U.S. economy its stocks have not kept up. He believes this is due not only to
the tariff - trade war (which actually is very recent) but mostly to the way
China's economy is structured by the government. First priority is socialist
stability with dynamic innovative frontiers of capitalism, Then there are the
huge state owned industries. The stockholders rate a poor third. He quotes one
source as commenting that the government requires independent companies to
raise worker's salaries no matter how the company is doing. And the state bank
controls the companies financially by control over loans. As Kai-fu Lee
describes the reality in which he loved, the government does encourage
individuals to become competitive enrepreneurs and gain great financial wealth,
but only while engaging in the specific technology fields that the government
subsidizes. Meanwhile thanks to Chinese government manipulation foreigners are
flocking to invest good money in Chinese stocks. Mr. Mellow's concluding
comment, "To judge by the troops and ordnance rolling through Tinanmen
Square during China's highly choreographed birthday party, president Xi Jinping
and colleagues have bigger priorities than financial markets for the country's
next leap forward. But fixing the misshapen capital allocation structure and
watering the flowers of innovation may be no less critical to his grand
Michael Pettis - "As Growth
Slows, China In Entering A New Stage" in Barron's April 8, 2019
The Economist - Gady Epstein et
al. - "Special Report, China and The Internet", A giant cage, April
2013. 16 pgs.,
A set of enlightening essays on various aspects of Chinese efforts to dominate
and control not only all aspects of the Internet within China but also to
spread its methods world wide. One key conclusion -"The Internet was
expected to help Democratize China. Instead, it has enabled the authoritarian
state to get a firmer grip. says Gady Epstein. But for how long? This is only
the relatively narrow role of the Internet. The many books recommended here
show that Chinese domination (contrary to American expectations and hopes) has
been their real objective all along.
Juan Ardenal & Herberto
Araujo - China's Silent Army, Crown, 350 pgs, review by Jeffrey
Wasserstrom In WSJ, April 23, 2013,
Mr. Wasserstrom does not like this book. He accuses the authors of creating a
'straw man' and being 'alarmist' and 'sensationalist'. Unfortunately his view
was too common in 2013 and remains dominant in some American political
Craig Simon - The Devouring
Dragon, St. Martin's 289 pgs, review by Jeffrey Wasserstrom in WSJ, April
23, 2013,
The reviewer likes the book, but not the title. Again it is too alarming.
Apparently the author mostly criticizes China for excessive environmental
damage in its rush for modernization. The reviewer feels he needs to remind us
that whatever China is doing it is only trying to emulate the United States.
Both the book and the review typically ignore the real threats from the Chinese
Communist party terrible destruction of human rights and dedicated policy to
become the world's most powerful political and economic force.
David Feith, Interview of
Timothy L. Thomas "Why China Is Reading Your Email' in WSJ, March, 31,
This excellent, lengthy article exposes Chinese attacks on the U.S. via 'cyber
war' methods. Dr. Thomas is an expert in the field at the U.S. Army Foreign
Studies Office at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas.
Stratfor, "The Geopolitics
of the Yangtze River: Developing the Interior", April 1, 2013, and The
Geopolitics of the Yangtze River: Wuhan's Rise', April 2, 2013.
An excellent study as usual from Stratfor. This is one of three on the subject.
it focuses mostly on Wuhan, the central river port link between China's costal
regions and its interior. One main point - "The concept of developing the
interior is rooted in the dynastic struggle to establish and maintain China as
a unified power against internal forces of regional competition and
disintegration. Those forces arise from and reflect a simple fact: China is in
many ways as geographically, culturally, ethnically and economically as diverse
as Europe." The authors describe how the Chinese government initially gave
special economic subsidy to its coastal provinces in order to attract foreign
capital to development there based on exports. Now that this has been
accomplished and is loosing relative importance the government has shifted its
priorities to economic development of the interior, especially that part
reached by the Yangtze River. Again, a significant part of this program is to
attract foreign capital for development. The article mentions some specifics of
foreign investment in Wuhan