Yale Univ. Press, New Haven, 1997, 388 pgs., index, end notes,
bibliography, illustrations
Reviewer Comment -
A central and fundamental part of history is the history of ideas including the
history of ideas about ideas. We, today, are still strongly influenced by ideas
developed in medieval Europe and are perhaps even more influenced by our ideas
about those ideas. This wonderful book tells the story.
Part I From Roman Christianity to the Latin Christian Culture of the
Early Middle Ages
Chapter I - From Apology to the Constantinian Establishment
Chapter 2 - The Latin Church Fathers, I: Ambrose and Jerome
Chapter 3 - The Latin Church Fathers: II, Ausgustine and Gregory the
Chapter 4 - Hanging by a Thread: The Transmitters and Monasticism
Chapter 5 - Europe's New Schoolmasers: Franks, Celts, and Anglo-Saxons
Chapter 6 - The Carolingian Renaissance
Part II - Vernacular Culture
Chapter 7 - Celtic and Old French Literature
Chapter 8 - Varieties of Germanic Literature: Old Norse, Old High
German, and Old English
Part III - Early Medieval Civilizations Compared
Chapter 9 - Imperial Culture: Byzantium
Chapter 10 - Peoples of the Book: Muslim and Jewish Thought
Chapter 11 - Western European Thought in the Tenth and Eleventh
Part IV - Latin and Vernacular Literature
Chapter 12 - The Renaissance of the Twelth Century
Chapter 13 - Courtly Love Literature
Chapter 14 - Goliardic Poetry, Fabliaux, Satire, and Drama
Chapter 15 - Later Medieval Literarure
Part V - Mysticism, Devotion and Heresy
Chapter 16 - Cistercians and Victorines
Chapter 17 - Franciscans, Dominicans, and Later Medieval Mystics
Chapter 18 - Heresy in the Twelth and Thirteenth Centuries
Chapter 19 - The Christian Commonwealth Reconfigured: Wycliff and Huss
Part VI - High and Late Medieval Speculative Thought
Chapter 20 - Scholasticism and the Rise of Universities
Chapter 21 - The Twenth Century: The Logica Modernorum and Systemic
Chapter 22 - The Thirteenth Century: Modism and Terminism, Latin
Averroism, Bonaventure, and Thomas Aquinas
Chapter 23 - Later Medieval Scholasticism: The Triumph of Terminism,
Henry of Ghent, John Scotgus, and William of Ockham
Part VII - The Legacy of Scholasticism
Chapter 24 - The Natural Sciences: Reception and Criticism
Chapter 25 - Economic Theory: Poverty, the Just Price, and Usury
Chapter 26 -Political Theory: Regnum and Sacerdotum, Conciliarism, and
Feudal Monarchy
Conclusion |
Some references
Harold J. Berman - Law and Revolution: The Formation of the Western
Legal Tradition