Subtitle: The Shale Revolution and A World
Without America, Zeihan on Geopolitics, Austin, TX., 2016, footnotes, maps,
Reviewer comment
This is the second of three books by Peter Zeihan developing and elaborating on
the same set of ideas. The author has three interrelated themes. One is that
the political/economic (geopolitical) world since 1944 has been a result of the
"Breton Woods' agreement that established the monetary system and rules
for international commerce under American protection and control, but that the
U.S. is now declining to continue as the world's 'police man' and this will
result in a period of chaos.
The second is that this American desire is being aided by the remarkable
expansion of its world position in the production of energy - oil and natural
gas - as a result of dramatic technological ability to extract those from
previously unsuitable shale rock formations.
The third is the shifting demographic changes in each country which determine
the capability of the society to meet its financial challenges. In addition, he
discusses several related variables that will influence the coming conditions,
one of these is the cost of transportation. The first in the series - The
Accidental Superpower - was published in 2014. The third - Disunited
Nations - was published in 2020. Thus, the three also include some
repetitive information but they also constitute an expansion as each expands on
its predecessors.
Throughout all three books the author provides very numerous maps, charts,
diagrams which greatly enhance the readers' understanding. And now he has
published on-line a reference site that contains many of these in full color
that was not possible in the printed versions.
This book was published in 2016, soon after the first Saudi oil price war in
2015 in which they attempted to bankrupt the American shale oil producers and
retain their dominant world position in oil production and pricing. In this
book the author devotes much attention to the technical and financial details
of shale oil production. The U.S. government did not react sufficiently to this
Saudi aggression.
Now, in 2020 we are in another Saudi oil price war and aided by Russia as well.
And, again, this time the American government is not reacting - it should be
placing high tarrifs on Saudi and Russian oil plus withdrawing American
military protection to Saudia Arabia. Already in 2020 Amerian shale production
is being curtailed and small companies are going bankrupt due to the oil war
plus an unexpected virus attack. Chevron and Exxon are reducing investment.
I add a list of references related to the three books. Some of these agree with
Mr. Zeihan and some disagree - especially on the future power (or lack of it)
of China.
Part I: Shale New World
These three chapters contain more technical and financial information about how
the whole shale industry functions than I have read in many other references
Chapter I The First Shale Revolution
Mr. Zeihan begins by answering the question - "What is petroleum?"
Shale Rocks
This is a clear description with a map of the Eagle Ford as an illustration and
a chart that describes 6 different Hydrocarbons..
Chapter 2 The Second Shale Revolution
The topic here is the great expansion of oil production from shale since the
2014 publication of Mr. Zeihan's book Superpower. This production caused Saudi
Arabia to attempt to bankrupt the producers by driving down the world price of
oil in 2015.
Surviving the Plunge The author describes the shale oil producers reaction to
the Saudi price war.
1 Contract creativity
2 Crunching margins
3 Geographic consolidation
4 Selective delays
5 Technological adaption
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
This section is about the use of water in the oil extraction process and
methods to reduce its volume. The section contains much technical information.
Combine, Consolidate and Extend
More technical detail
The Micro-Seismic Revolution
This is detail at an even more technical level.
Branching Out
In this section the author includes 4 large Graphic pictures to depict
- Basic Horizontal Drilling in 2004
- Advanced Horizontal Drilling in 2011
- Pad Drilling in 2014
- and Multilateral drilling in 2016.
Are you sufficiently Stimulated?
This is about the fact that oil wells - especially fracked wells - do produce
less and less oil over time. And he discusses some of the methods for renewing
oil production from these wells.
Shale's Next Stage
The section contains a large graphic to depict the 'Full cycle Break-even Oil
Prices for producers in several countries. The Saudi's had the lowest such
price - between 30 and 40 dollars a barrel - OPEC average was about 42 dollars
a barrel - US shale was near 90 dollars in 2012 - but down to around 41 dollars
by 2017.
The Other Side of Shale
Chapter 3 The Third Shale Revolution
Chapter 4 Energy with an American Accent
Part II: The Disorder
Chapter 5 The End of the (Old) World
The readers might be encouraged by the author's first sentence. "The
United States is the most powerful country in history and will remain so until
long after our grandchildren are gone."
Chapter 6 The Twilight War
Chapter 7 The (Next) Gulf War
Chapter 8 The Tanker War
Chapter 9 The Sweet Sixteen
Chapter 10 It's a Supermajor World
Part III: The American Play
Chapter 11 Tools of the Trade
Chapter 12 Dollar Diplomacy in Southeast Asia
Appendix I Shale and the Changing Face of
Climate Change
Appendix II Other Shale Concerns
Appendix III Oil and Natural Gas Data
Some References
Strategy - Link to a directory listing of
significnt books and articles on Strategy
Thomas Kuhn - The Structure of Scientific
Lawrence H. White - The Clash of Economic
Peter Zeihan - The Accidental
Peter Zeihan - Disunited Nations:
The Scramble for Power in an Ungoverned World
Geoffrey Parker - Global Crisis: War,
Climate Change and Catastrophe in the Seventeenth Century Historical study
for comparison to the present.
William Rosen -The Third Horseman: Climate
Change and the Great Famine of the 14th Century
David Hackett Fischer - The Great Wave:
Price Revolutions and the Rhythm of History
Philip Bobbitt - Shield of Achilles: War,
Peace, and the Course of History
Glen Hubbard and Tim Kane - The Economics
of Great Powers Balance from Ancient Rome to Modern America
Mark Skousen - The Structure of
Harry S. Dent Jr. - The Demographic
William Strass and Neil Howe - The Fourth
Turning Develops a theory relating generations to changing
social-political- economic beliefs and actions.
Robert Kaplan - The Revenge of
Philip Tetlock and Dan Gardner -
Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction
Marcia C. Kuropovna - Russia, China, and
Geopolitics of Silk Road
Peter Frankopan - The Silk Roads: A New
History of the World Describes Chinese efforts to build foreign trade over
land and obtain economic power via allies as an alternative to its vulnerable
ocean shipping.
Robert D. Blackwell & Jennifer M. Harris
- War by Other Means: Geoeonomics and Statecraft Chapters 4 -5 on China
and 8 on energy
Robert Spalding - Stealth War: How China
Took over While America's Elite Slept Describes Chinese expansion of
political, military power.
Michael Pillsbury - The Hundred-Year
Marathon: China's Secret Strategy to Replace America and the Global
Bill Gertz - Deceiving the Sky: Inside
Communist China's Drive for Global Supremacy Focus mainly on military power
Tom L. McKnight - Physical Geography
Detailed technical study of such elements as climate, topography, soil, water,
Vernon C. Finch & Glenn T. Trewartha -
Elements of Grography especially strong on study of climate zones,
landforms, soil, vegetation, oceans and rivers.
J. C. Wylie - Military Strategy: A General
Theory of Power Control
Andrew R. Wilson - Understading Imperial
Charles and Louis-Vincent Gave=- Clash of
Louis-Vincent Gave - New World Order Will
Have China on Top
Jonathan D. T. Ward - China's Vision of