The subtitle is: An essay on Method; D. van Nostrand co, Princeton,
1962, 158 pgs., index, notes
Reviewer comment:
The author states his purpose in the Preface. He does not consider this a
'contribution to philosophy." It is an argument opposing 'positivism' and
insisting that deductive reasoning to formulate theory is the proper basis for
a 'scientific' approach. He writes: "Thhis essay proposes to sress the
fact that there is in the universe something for the description and analysis
of which the natural sciences cannot contribute anything".
Some Preliminary Observations Concerning Praxeology Instead of an
Chapter 1 - The Human Mind
Chapter 2 - The Activist Basis of Knowledge
Chapter 3 - Necessity and Volution
Chapter 4 - Certainty and Uncertainty
Chapter 5 - On Some Popular Errors Concerning the Scope and Method of
Chapter 6 - Further Implictions of the Neglect of Economic Thinking
Chapter 7 - The Epistemological Roots of Monism
Chapter 8 - Positivism and the Crisis of Western Civilization