Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2007, 328 pgs., index, footnotes, paperback
- this is a reprint of Menger's Principles published in 1871 translated
by James Dingwall and Bert Hoselitz.
Reviewer comment:
It is clear from the section title that Dr. Menger is discussing economic
theories. His method is deductive reasoning - that is he bases his development
on theories first and then seeks to develope and prove them by reason rather
than by either experiment or recourse to historical examples.
Forward by Peter G. Klein
Introduction by F. A. Hayek
I - The General Theory of the Good
II - Economy and Economic Goods
III - The Theory of Value
IV - The Theory of Exchange
V - The Theory of Price
VI - Use Value and Exchange Value
VII - The Theory of the Commodity
VIII - The Theory of Money