Oneworld Publishing, London, 2020, 418 pgs., index, notes, glossary,
Reviewer comment:
This is a super important book based on extensive research, insider
information, and clear analysis. The title tells the story. But too many
Americans and Europeans have already been subverted, manipulated, bribed,
threatened and worse. The authors come from a different national perspective
and provide insight to the reality of for what the CCP and Xi are planing and
working asiduously. And the authors make it very clear that the CCP is NOT the
Chinese people who themselves are being dominated by all of the above policies.
The book was written mostly based on what has transpired during the Trump,
Obama, and Bush presidencies. Now with Biden under control of the radical
leftist - one world - new world order revolutionaries the situation is rapidly
becoming worse. The content devotes much analysis to Canada and Europe with
information not generally read by Americans. The glossary and acronyms are very
helpful in listing Chinese names and meanings. The content greatly expands
information about what the CCP is actually doing today.
Chapter 1 - An overview of the CCP's ambitions
Chapter 2 - A Leninist party goes out to the world:
The CCP's Cold War mentality
'Big external propaganda'
The Party rules
The united front
Double-hatting and double-plating
The people and their friends and enemies
The 5 percent rule and quite diplomacy
CCP operating procedures
Chapter 3 - Political elites at the centre: North America:
Making friends
The sad case of John McCallum
Ifluence in Washington D.C
The White House
The Department of Enemy Work
Canada's Beijing elite
Chapter 4 - Political elites at the centre: Europe:
Party-to party diplomacy
Grooming Europe
The EU-China Friendship Group
Britain's 48 Group Club
The Italian conversion
Elite entanglement in France
China's friends in Germany
Chapter 5 - Politial elites on the periphery:
Subnational work
The curious case of Muscatine
Malleable mayors
BRI support in German's 'countryside'
Sister Cities
Chapter 6 - The Party-corporate conglomerate:
The Party and business
Comrade billionaire
Amerian's 'globalist billionaires'
The Princelings of Wall Sstreet
CCO in the City of London
Shaping economic perceptions
Y shangbi zheng
The Belt and Road Strategy
BRI as discourse control
Chapter 7 - Mobilising the Chinese diaspora:
Qiaowu; overseas Chinese work
United Front: modus operandi and structure
Threats and harassment
Huaren canzheng
Huaren canzhing in the United Kingdom
Chapter 8 - The ecology of espionage:
Influence and spying
China's espionage agencies
Recruitment methods
Think tanks and research institutes
A Thousand talents
Professional associations
PLA scientists in Western universities
Cyperattacks and influence ops
The Huawei case
Chapter 9 - Media: "our surname is Party':
Media discourse
Party above all
A global media force
Westerners fine tune CCP propaganda
Crossing the great Firewall
Borrowing boats
Cooperation agreements
Chinese-language media
Bying boats
Self-censorship by foreign media
Chapter 10 - Culture as battleground:
Political culture
Poly Cullture
The China Arts Foundation
Cultural monopolisation
Crushing cultural deviance
Film and Theater censors
'TheMarxist view of art and culture'
Chapter 11 - Think tanks and thought leaders:
'Eating the CCP 's food'
The Hong Kong connection
Party-linked money in Brussels
Other forms of pressure opinion-makers
The Party's domestic think tank expansion
Chapter 12 -Thought management:
CCP influence in western academia:
Universities as a political battlefield
Confucius Institutes
Direct pressure
Financial dependence
Reshaping Chinese studies
University cooperation
Academic publishing
Chapter 13 - Reshaping global governance:
'Chamion of multilateralism'
Sinicising the United Nations
Pushing Taiwan off the internatinal stage
Policing goes global
Experting Beijing's definition of 'terrorism'
Creating parallel and psedo-mulitlateral organzations
Human rights with Chinese characterstics
Exporting 'internet soveregnty' and standards for new technologies.
Graham Allison
Jonathan D. T. Ward - China's Vision of Victory Personal
observations from living in China
Michael Pillsbury - The Hundred-Year Marathon Based on years of
direct discussion with Chinese military and civilian leaders
Robert Spalding - Stealth War Focus on Chinese espionage
Gordon Chang - The Coming Collapse of China Focused on the
fundamental weaknesses of the position of China in the world
Kai-Fu Lee - AI Super-powers China, Silicon Valley, and the New
World Order Focus on the current and future development of artificial
intelligence in China and U.S.
Peter Zeihan - Disunited Nations: A Scramble for Power in an
Ungoverned World Expected geopolitial results of American withdrawal of
enforcement of the Bretton Woods Agrement and resulting international
Victor Davis Hanson - China's Brilliant, Insidious Strategy
Charles Hawkins & Robert Love eds. The New Great Game
Transcript of a meeting with influential Chinese political - military theorists
Robert D. Kaplan - Asia's Cauldron geopolitical basis for