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Ludwig von Mises

Subtitle: An Economic and Sociological Analysis, Yake Univ. Press, New Haven, 1951, 599 pgs., index, footnotes


Reviewer comment


Preface and Introduction


Part I Liberalism and Socialism


Chapter I - Ownership


Chapter II - Socialism


Chapter III - The Social Order and the Political Constitution


Chapter IV - The Social Order and the Family


Part II: The Economics of a Socialist Community - The Economics of an Isolated Socialist Community


Chapter I - The Nature of Economic Activity


Chapter II - The Organization of Production Under Socialism


Chapter III - The Distribution of Income


Chapter IV - The Socialist Community Under Stationary Conditions


Chapter V - The4 Position of the Individual Under Socialism


Chapter VI - Socialism Under Dynamic Conditions


Chapter VII The Impractability of Socialism


II - TheForeign Relations of a Socialist Community


Chapter I National Socialism and World Socialism


Chapter II - The Problem of Migration Under Socialism


Chapter III - Foreign Trade under Socialism


III - Particular Forms of Socialism and Pseudo-Socialism


Chapter I - Particular Forms of Socialism


Chapter II - Pseudo-Socialist Systems


Part III - The Alleged Inevitability of Socialism I Social Evolution


Chapter I - Socialisic Chillasm


Chapter II Society


Chapter III Conflict as a Factor in Social Evolution


Chapter IV - The Clash of Class Interests and the Class War


Chapter V - The Materialist Conception of History


II - The Concentration of Capital and the Formation of Monopolies as preliminary Steps to Socialism


Chapter I - The Problem


Chapter II - The Concentration of Establishments


Chapter III - The Concentration of Enterprises


Chapter IV - The Concentration of Fortunes


Chapter V - Monopoly and its Effects


Part IV - Socialism as a Moral Imperative


Chapter I - Socialism and Ethics


Chapter II - Socialism as an Emanation of Asceticism


Chapter III - Christianity and Socialism


Chapter IV- Ethical Socialism, Especially That of the New Criticism


Chapter V - Economic Democracy


Chapter VI - Capitalist Ethics


Part V - Destructionism


Chapter I - The Motive powers of Destructionism


Chapter II - The Methods of Destructionism


Chapter III - Overcoming Destructionism








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