Mises Institute, Mises Wire, April 30, 2019,
10 pgs.
Reviewer Comment:
Dr. Salerno is the academic vice president of the Mises Institute and an
authority on Austrian Economics. He recently published this article based on
his lecture on the same subject in 1996. There is much confusion and
misunderstanding of what 'Austrian Economics' is as a discipline within the
wide range of 'schools' of economic theory. He writes that his purpose now is
to explain the content of the lecture and to agree with the many colleagues and
friends who have been urging to do so. In addition he claims that some
controversies and misunderstandings have arrisen from within the proponents who
claim to be Austrian school economists.
Austrian Economics Defined
1 - Lack of Graduate School
2 - 1970s-Style Left-Libertairianism
3 - Ludwig Lachmann
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