Subtitle: A Critical History of Economical Theory: Forgotten Books,
London, 2015, A reprint of the edition published by Brentano's N.Y. in 1922.
428 pgs., footnotes, paperback
Reviewer comment:
It is clear from the chapter titles that von Bohm-Bawerk is discussing the
history of theories concerning Interest and its legitimacy. His method is
deductive reasoning and the formulation of criticisms of the many theories he
describes. We may consider that this is book of theories about theories. We may
agree with him that many of these theories are invalid and none are conclusive
or sufficient. The author's topic relates to economic theoretical arguments
focused only on Interest, not all the subjects included in economic analysis
and is of course limited to his work circa 1900. Turning to Lawrence White's
The Clash of Economic Ideas which deals with theories about broader
subjects in economics and the 20th century we find the same subject matter has
continued. The reader is reminded of the content and methods of the 13th
century clerics at Cambridge and Univ. of Paris - we may consider these savants
he discusses as 'secular theologians'.
Translator's Preface
Introduction - The Problem of Interest
Book I - Chapter I - The Opposition to Interest in Classical and
Medieval Times
Chapter II - The Defense of Interest From the Sixteenth Till the
Eighteenth Century
Chapter III - Turgot's Fructification Theory
Chapter IV - Adam Smith and the Development of the Problem
Chapter V - The Colourless theories
Book II - Chapter I - The Productive Power of Capital
Chapter II - The Naive Productivity Theories
Chapter III - The Indirect Productivity Theories
Book III - Chapter I -The Use of Capital
Chapter II - Historical Statement
Chapter III - Plan of Criticism
Chapter IV - The Use of Capital According to the Say-=Hermann School
Chapter V - The True Conception of the Use of Goods
Chapter VI - Criticism of the Say- Hermann Conception
Chapter VII - The Independent Use: An Unproved Assumption
Chapter VIII - The Independent Use: Its Untenable Conclusions
Chapter IX - The Independent Use: Its Origin in Legal Fiction
Chapter X - Menger's Conception of Use
Chapter XI - Final Insufficiency of the Use Theory
Book IV - Chapter I - Senor's Statement of the Theory
Chapter II - Criticism of Senior
Chapter III - Bastiat's Statement
Book V
Book VI - Chapter I - Historical Survey
Chapter II - Rodbertus
Chapter III - Marx
Book VII - Chapter I - The Eclectics
Chapter II - The Later Fructification Theory