Peabody Museum Bulletin 5, Peabody Museum of Archeology and Ethnology,
Harvard Univ., 1996, 308 pgs.,
Reviewer comment:
This is a collection of the presentations by 9 expert participants in a
colloquium focused on study and publication of economic aspects of ancient
Middle Eastern societies (Mesopotamia) and to a lesser degree classical Greece
and Rome. The participants, led by Michael Hudson, formed a "Scholars
Conference on Ancient Near Eastern Economies' and propose to create a journal,
Ancient Economies.
Introduction - Privatization: A Survey of the Unresolved Controversies.
Chapter 1 - Michael Hudson: The Dynamics of Privatization from the
Bronze Age to the Present
Chapter 2 - C. C. Lamberg-Karovsky: TheArcheaeological Evidence for
International Commerce: Public and/or Private Enterprise in Mesopotamia
Chapter 3 - Deitz Otto Edzard: Private Land Ownership and its Relation
to "God" and the "State' in Sumer and Akkad
Chapter 4 - Giorgio Buccellati: The Role of Socio-Political Factors in
the Emergence of "Public" and" Private' Domains in Early
Chapter 5 - Maynard P. Maidman: "Privatization: and Private
Property at Nuzi: The Limits of Evidence
Chapter 6 - Michael Heltzer: The Symbiosis of the Public and Private
Sectors in Ugarit, Phoenicia, and Palestine
Chapter 7 - Muhammed Dandamtayev: An Age of Privatization in Ancient
Chapter 8 - Baruch A. Levine: Farewell to the Ancient Near East:
Evaluating Biblical References to Ownership of Land in Comparative Perspective
Chapter 9 - Richard E. Mitchell: Ager Publicus Public Property
and Private Wealth during the Roman Republic
Michael Hudson: Summary Review, Early Privatization and its
Amanda Podany - Brotherhood of Kings
Amanda Podany - Ancient Mesopotamia: Life in the Crale of
Carl Wittfoegel - Oriental Despotism
David Landes, Joel Mokyr & William Baumol eds., - The Invention
of Enterprise: Entrepreneurship from
Ancient Mesopotamia to Modern Times
Michael Hudson - 'Entrepreneurs: From the Near Eastern takeoff to the
Roman Collapse' -IN Landes
Cornelia Wunsch - 'Neo_Babylonian Entrepreneurs' - IN Landes
David Graeber - Debt
J. G. Manning & Ian Morris - The Ancient Economy: Evidence and
Alan Bresson - The Making of the Ancient Greek Economy
Peter Temin - The Roman Market Economy
Michael Hudson - Debt and Economic renewal in the Ancient Near
Hudson, Michael - The Archeology of Money
Hudson, Michael -
Mesopotamia - Wikipedia Entry
Facts and Details - Mesopotamian Economics and Money