
Here we have the
series of uniform plates from the book Tablitsi Form' Obmundirovaniya
Russkoi Armii, by V. K. Shenk' published in 1910 and again in 1911 with
additional plates. The 1910 edition was reprinted in 1991 and the additional
plates from 1911 were reprinted in 1990. They show the standard as of 10 March
of 1910 with some changes into 1911. Each of the 32 plates has 8 individual
pictures. We have tried our best to match the screen colors with the printed
colors. But it is very difficult to depict the dark green, especially the
almost a black green of the enlisted men, of the basic Russian uniform. So far
we have attempted to correct the color for figures 1a and 10a. Even the Shenk
plates do not achieve a uniform shade of this green or some other colors from
one page to the next or even within some pages due to the poor printing
quality. In many cases the piping and braid shows a white and bluish tint,
which is the printer's effort to depict silver. We have received extensive
assistance with identifications and proper color schemes from Dr Brad LeMay,
who is a collector of the real uniforms of the period.

Life Guard Preobrazhenski

Life Guard Semyonovski Regiment

Life Guard Izmailovski Regiment

Life Guard Jager Regiment

Life Guard Moskovski Regiment

Life Guard Grenadier Regiment

Life Guard Pavlovski Regiment

Life Guard Finland Regiment

Life Guard Litovski (Lithuanian)

Life Guard Keksholmski Austrian
Emperor Regiment

Life Guard St. Petersburg King
Frederick William III Regiment

Life Guard Volyniski Regiment

Life Guard Strelkovi (rifle)

Life Guard 1st Strelkovi His
Highness Battalion

Life Guard 2nd Strelkovi

Life Guard 4th Strelkovi
Emperor's Family Battalion

Life Guard 1st Artillery Brigade

Life Guard 2nd Artillery Brigade

Life Guard 3rd Artillery Brigade

Guard Strelkovi Artillery
Division (battalion).

Guard Horse Artillery Brigade
(1-5 batteries)

Guard Reserve foot battery

1st, 2nd, 3rd Guards Artillery

Life Guard Sapper (engineer)

Cavalryguard Her Highness Empress
Maria Fyeodorovna Regiment (parade uniform)

Life Guard Horse Regiment (parade

Life Guard Curiassier His
Highness Regiment (parade uniform)

Life Guard Curiassier Her
Highness Empress Maria Fyeodorovna Regiment (parade uniform)

Cavalryguard Her Highness Empress
Maria Fyeodorovna Regiment (service dress uniform)

Life Guard Horse Regiment
(service dress uniform)

Life Guard Curiassier His
Highness Regiment (service dress uniform)

Life Guard Curiassier Her
Highness Empress Maria Fyeodorovna Regiment (service dress Uniform)

Life Guard Dragoon Regiment

Life Guard Horse Grenadier

Life Guard Uhlan (lancer) Her
Highness Empress Aleksandra Fyeodorovna Regiment

Life Guard Uhlan (lancer) His
Highness Regiment

Life Guard Hussar His Highness

Life Guard Grodno Hussar Regiment

Guard Reserve Cavalry Regiment

Guard Field Zhandarm Squadron

Holiday (gala tunic) uniform
officers of the Cavalryguard and Horse guards

His Imperial Majesty's convoy -
Parade uniform

His Imperial Majesty's convoy -
Service dress uniform

Life Guard 8th Don Cossack, His
Highness battery, Guard Horse Artillery Brigade

Life Guard His Highness, Cossack
Regiment - parade uniform

Life Guard His Highness Cossack
Regiment, service dress uniform

Life Guard Attaman's His Imperial
Highness, Heir Tsesaryevich Regiment, parade uniform

Life Guard Attaman's His Imperial
Highness, Heir Tsesaryevich Regiment, Service dress uniform

Life Guard Combined Cossack
Regiment (lower ranks) - 1st Ural His Highness Sotnia

Life Guard Combined Cossack
Regiment (lower ranks) - 2nd Orenburg sotnia

Life Guard Combined Cossack
Regiment (lower ranks) - 3rd Siberian half-sotnia

Life Guard Combined Cossack
Regiment (lower ranks), Semirechiya platoon of the 3rd sotnia

Life Guard Combined Cossack
Regiment (lower ranks) Astrakhan platoon of 3rd sotnia.

Life Guard Combined Cossack
Regiment (lower ranks), Zaibail'skaya half-sotnia of 4th sotnia

Life Guard Combined Cossack
Regiment (lower ranks), Amur platoon of 4th sotnia

Life Guard Combined Cossack
Regiment (lower ranks), Yussuriiskii platoon of 4th sotnia

Life Guard Combined Cossack
regiment, Officer's Uniform, this is for the Ural Regiment, the other's colors
are like the respective regimental lower ranks.

Company of the Palace Grenadiers,
parade uniform

Company of the Palace Grenadiers,
Service dress uniform

top - Gorget of Life Guard
Artillery Brigade, helmet of generals of curiasser regiments - pompom of
officers - Miter hat of officer of 4th battalion of Pavlov Grenadier Regiment -
St Andrew's cross - Cockade of officer and other ranks - cross of the Life
Guards 4th rifle battalion - three epaulets - left companies, batteries,
squadrons and sotnias of His Highness Nicholas II - center 1st battalion Life
Guards 2nd artillery brigade 2nd battery guards horse artillery brigade - right
Life Guard Preobrazhenski and Semyonovski Regiments

Life Guard Semyenovski Regiment -
example of guard infantry and foot artillery campaign uniform, the regiments
are distinguished by the epaulets.

Life Guard Dragoon Regiment -
example of Campaign uniform of Life Guard cavalry, horse artillery and
Cossacks. The regiments are differentiated by the epaulets.

Guard naval squadron, parade
(shore) uniform

Guard naval squadron, service
dress unform at sea

1st Life Grenadier
Ekaterinoslavski Emperor Aleksander II Regiment

2nd Grenadier Rostovski His
Imperial Highness Prince Mikhail Aleksandrovich Regiment

3rd Grenadier Pernovski King
Frederick William IV Regiment

4th Grenadier Nesvshkii Count
Field Marshal Prince Barclay de Tolly Regiment

5th Grenadier Kievski Count
Prince Nikolai Repnin, Her Imperial Highness Princess Elizabeth Feodrovna

6th Grenadier Tavricheskii
General Field Marshal His Highness Prince Mikhail Nikolaiavich Regiment

7th Grenadier Samogichskii
General Adjutant Count Totleben Regiment

8th Grenadier Moskovski Highness
Duke of Meklenburg-Shverenskii Frederikh Regiment

9th Grenadier Sibirskii General
Fieldmarshal Highness Prince Nikolai Nikolaievski Regiment

10th Grenadier Malorossiskii
Count Field Marshal Rumyantsev-zadunaiskii Regiment

11th Grenadier Fanagoriskii
Generalissimus Prince Suvorov, His Imperial Highness Prince Dimitrii Pavlovich

12th Grenadier Astrakhanskii
Emperor Aleksandr III Regiment

13th Life Grenadier Yerevanski
His Highness Regiment

14th Grenadier Gruzinskii
(Georgian) General Kotlyaryevskii Regiment

15th Grenadier Tiflisskii His
Imperial Highness Prince Constantin Constantinovich Regiment

16th Grenadier Mingrelski His
Imperial Highness Prince Dmitrii Constantinovich Regiment

First Regiment of a line division
(here the 113th Infantry Starorusskii Regiment)

Second regiment of a line
division (Here the 114th Infantry Novotorzhskii Regiment)

Third Regiment of a line division
(here 115th Infantry Vyazemskii Regiment)

Fourth Regiment of a line
division (here the 116th Infantry Maloyaroslavskii Regiment)

1st Infantry Nevskii His Highness
King Yellinov Regiment

2nd Infantry Sofiiskii Emperor
Aleksandr III Regiment

9th Infantry Ingermanlandskii
Emperor Petr Veliki Regiment

34th Infantry Sivskii General
Count Namenskii Regiment

65th Infantry Moskovskii His
Highness Regiment

68th Life-Infantry Borodinskii
Emperor Aleksandr III Regiment

80th Infantry Kabardinskii
General-Fieldmarshal Prince Bagratinskii Regiment

17th Infantry Arkangelgorodskii
Highness Prince Vladimir Aleksandrovich Regiment

84th Infantry Shirvanskii His
Highness Regiment

145th Infantry Novocherkasskii
Emperor Aleksandr III Regiment

Campaign uniform of all grenadier
and line infantry (this is 146th infantry). The regiments are distinguished
according to the sample epaulets.

Samples of epaulets and buckles
and buttons for infantry.

16th Rifle Emperor Aleksandr III

1st Eastern Siberian Rifle His
Highness Regiment

11th Eastern Siberian Rifle Her
Highness Empress Maria Feodorovna Regiment

21st Eastern Siberian Rifle Her
Highness Empress Aleksandra Feodorovna Regiment

Rifle Regiments and battalions
(here the 4th Rifle Regiment)

Eastern Siberian Rifle Regiments
( here the 6th) and 1st Western Siberian Rifle Battalion.

Campaign uniform of Rifle units
(here 5th Rifle Regiment) Regiments were distinguished by the epaulets and
insignia shown in the diagrams.

Examples of Rifle and Siberian
regiment epaulets and insignia.

1st Life-Dragoon Moskovskii
Emperor Petr Velikii Regiment

3rd Dragoon Novorossiski Her
Imperial Highness Princess Yelena Vladimirovna Regiment

5th Dragoon Kargopolskii Regiment

7th Dragoon Kinburnskii Regiment

11th Dragoon Rizhskii Regiment

15th Dragoon Peryeyaslavskii
Emperor Aleksandr III Regiment

19th Dragoon Arkangelogorodskii

20th Dragoon Finlandskii Regiment

16th Dragoon Tverskii His
Imperial Highness Naslednika Tsesaryevich Regiment

17th Dragoon Nizhyegorodskii His
Highness Regiment

18th Dragoon Severskii King
Christian IX of Denmark Regiment

Primorskii Dragoon Regiment

2nd Life-Dragoon Pskovskii Her
Highness Maria Fedorovna Regiment

4th Dragoon
Novotroitsko-Yekaterinoslavskii Count Fieldmarshal Prince PotemkinTavricheskogo

6th Dragoon Glukhovskii Her
Imperial Highness Princess Aleksandra Iosifovna Regiment

8th Dragoon Astrakhanskii Count
Fieldmarshal Highness Prince Nikolai Nikolayevich Regiment

9th Dragoon Kazanskii Regiment

10th Dragoon Novgorodskii His
Highness King of Wurtemburg Regiment

12th Dragoon Starodubskii

14th Dragoon Malorossiskii Heir
Prince Germany and Prussia Regiment

13th Dragoon Military Order
General Field marshal Count Munich Regiment

1st - 8th Zapasnii Kavaleriskii
Regiments and Caucasian Zapasnii Cavalry division.

Crimean Horse Her Highness
Aleksandra Feodorovna Regiment

Campaign uniform for all cavalry
(here 3rd Hussar Elizabethgradski) Regiments. Regiments distinguished by
epaulets and insignia as shown in examples.

1st Ulanskii (lancer) St .
Peterburgskii General Fieldmarshal Prince Menshikov Regiment

2nd Life-Ulanskii Courlandskii
Emperor Aleksandr III Regiment

3rd Ulanskii Smolenskii Emperor
Aleksandr III Regiment

4th Ulanskii Kharkovskii Regiment

5th Ulanskii Litovskii
(Lithuanian) His Highness King Victor Emanuel III Regiment

6th Ulanskii Volynskii Regiment

7th Uhlan Ol'viopol'skii His
Highness King Alphonso XIII of Spain Regiment

8th Ulanskii Voznesenskii

9th Uhlanskii Bugskii His
Imperial and Royal Highness Grand Duke of Austria Franz Ferdinand Regiment

10th Uhlanskii Odessa His
Highness Prince Count of Luxumburg and Kassauskii Regiment

11th Uhlanskii Chuguyevskii Her
Highness Maria Feodorovna Regiment

12th Uhlanskii Belgorodskii His
Highness Emperor of Austria King of Hungary Franz Joseph I Regiment

13th Uhlanskii Vladimirskii

14th Uhlanskii Yamburgskii Her
Imperial Highness Grand Princess Maria Aleksandrovna Regiment

15th Uhlanskii Tatarskii Regiment

16th Uhlanskii Novoarkhangl'skii

17th Uhlanskii Novomirgorodskii

17th Uhlanskii Novomirgorodskii

Ossetian Horse Regiment

Turkmenistan Irregular Horse

1st Hussar Sumskii High Highness
King Frederick VIII of Denmark Regiment

2nd Life-Hussar Pavlogradskii
Emperor Aleksandr III Regiment

3rd Hussar Elizavetgradskii Her
Imperial Highness Grand Princess Olga Nikolaievna Regiment

4th Hussar Mariyapol'skii General
Field Marshal Prince Witgenstein Regiment

5th Hussar Aleksandriskii Her
Highness Empress Aleksandra Feodrovna Regiment

6th Hussar Klyastitskii General
Kul'neva formerly His Royal Highness Grand Duke of Hesse Ernest-Ludwig

7th Hussar Byelorussia Regiment

8th Hussar Lyubenskii Regiment

9th Hussar Kyivskii His Highness
King Edward VII Regiment

10th Hussar Ingermandlandskii His
Royal Highness Grand Duke of Saxony-Weirmar Regiment

11th Hussar Izyumskii His Royal
Highness Prince Henry of Prussia Regiment.

12th Hussar Aktirskii Her
Imperial Highness Grand Princess Olga Aleksandrovna Regiment

13th Hussar Narvskii His Imperial
and Royal Highness Emperor of Germany and King of Prussia Wilhem II Regiment

14th Hussar Mitavskii Regiment

15th Hussar Ukrainskii Her
Imperial Highness Grand Princess Ksenia Aleksandrovna Regiment

16th Hussar Irkutskii Regiment

17th Hussar Chernigovskii Her
Imperial Highness Grand Princes Elizavet Feodorovna Regiment

18th Hussar Nizhinskii Regiment

Temporary Officers Eskadron of
the Officer's Cavalry School

On the left the generals' uniform
for all Hussar Regiments (here the 6th Chelyatskii Regiment) - On the right the
uniform of thee Emperor Nikolaevski Military Academy.

Grenadier Artillery Brigade (here
1st Grenadier General Field Marshal Count Bruce artillery brigade)

Caucasian Grenadier Grand Prince
Mikhail Nikolaivich Brigade, 1, 2, 4, 5 batteries

Field, foot artillery brigades,
(here the 37th Artillery Brigade)

1st battery 5th Artillery
Brigade, 5th battery 11th Artillery Brigade, 1st battery 12th Artillery Brigade
(shown here) 2nd battery 21st Artillery Brigade, 4th battery 3rd East Siberian
Artillery Brigade

Eastern Siberian Rifle Artillery
Brigades (here the 1st)

Mountain Artillery division
(battalion) here the 1st Caucasian (but the East Siberians were the papakah
(like in pic 22es)

Mortar artillery battalion (here
the 3rd) but the East Siberians wear the papakah like pic 22es.

Fortress Artillery ( here
Sevastopol) but those in Siberia wear the papakah

Artillery park (here the 22nd
Artillery Park)

Horse and mountain-horse
artillery batteries (here 6th horse battery)

1st Horse-mountain Artillery
division (battalion)

Local (fixed) Artillery commands
(here the Moscow) but Siberians were the papakah

Field uniform for foot, field,
and artillery parks (here 14th Artillery Brigade)

Campaign uniform for horse and
horse-mountain artillery (here 8th Horse Artillery Battery)

At the top is an officer collar
for a battery having an award of outstanding service - three rows of epaulets
top left temporary duty foot battery, center officer horse artillery, right
artillery in rifle brigade of Caucasus battalion - center left officer of west
Siberian artillery, center and right separate artillery batteries - bottom left
Turkmenistan horse - mountain artillery battery, center Vilyazan artillery
battery, right Kiev siege artillery regiment

Top row belt buckle and buttons -
left grenadier artillery - right field artillery - three rows of epaulets top
left security horse artilery, center reserve artillery brigade, right security
artillery brigade - center left grenadier, center mortar, right rifle - bottom
for various artillery park units left mountain, center horse-mountain, right

Trains Sapper His Imperial
Highness Grand Prince Peter Nikolaivich Battalion

Engineer Troops (here 4th Sapper
Battalion) but Siberian units wear the papakah

1st Caucasian Sapper Battalion

Field Engineer Park (here 2nd)
but Siberians wear the papakah

Life Guard Strelkovi (rifle)

Uchebni Vozdykhoplavatel'nii park
(air forces)

Campaign uniform of engineer
troops (here Khronstadt miner company)

Top buckles and buttons - left
for engineers in grenadier unit and right engineers in line unit - three rows
of epaulets top row engineer units, middle pontoon, miner and telegraph units,
bottom air, rail and masters in each command

Don Cossack Host - Horse Regiment
- here 4th Don Cossack Count Platov Regiment - separate sotnia and local

Don Cossack artillery battery

2nd Orenburg Cossack Regiment -
division (battalion), sotnia and local command.

Orenburg Cossack artillery

Zaibailkal' Cossack Host - 1st
Verkhneudinskii Regiment

Zaibailkal' Cossack artillery

Uralski Cossack Regiments shown
here the 3rd and separate commands

Siberian Cossack Regiments
showing here the 1st Yermak Timofeyeva Regiment

Labinski Horse Regiment and
divison (battalion) of Kubanski Cossack host

Volga Cossack horse regiment and
local command of Tersk Cossack host

3rd and 4th Kuban Cossack
artillery batteries and 2nd Terek Cossack artillery battery

1st , 2nd and 5th Kuban Cossack
artillery batteries and 1st Terek Cossack artillery battery shown here.

6th Kuban plastun battalion

Local foot kommand Kuban Cossack

Campaign uniform of Caucasian
Cossack Host (here Kuban) the color of the cherkass ( long Caucasian coat) was
individually selected, grey, hooded, protective, et cetera, and the quilted
jacket and papakha (Caucasian sheepskin cap)

Campaign uniform Steppe Cossack
host (here Don) the number is indicated on the epaulet and Colonel Shenk
doesn't show all the details.

1st Astrakhan Cossack Regiment

1st Semirechenski Cossack General
Kolpanovski regiment

Amur Cossack General-Adjutant
Count Murav'yev-Amurski Regiment

Ussuriiski Cossack Division

Irkutski Cossack sotnia (Cossack
Irkutski and Yenisyeiski gubernia)

Officer's Coat Collar 4th, 7th
and 8th and 9th Don Cossack Artillery - left to right to row Don Cossack
individual sotnia, local infantry commander, Krasnoyarsk Cossack sotnia -
middle row, Orenburg Cossack His highness Emir of Bokhara Regiment, Orenburg
Cossack individual sotnia and local foot command, 1st Zaibaikal command
artillery - bottom row Chitinski Regiments, Nerchinski Regiments, Argun

Collar buttons are the same for
everyone but cavalry on left and artillery on the right. lleft to right first
row Gorsko-Mozdok Regiments, Kizlyaro-Grebenskii Regiments,
Suzhensko-Vladikavkaz Regiments, middle row local commands Tersk mounted force,
Tersk Cossack artillery, Kuban Cossack Artillery - bottom row Zaporozh Her
Imperial Highness Catherine the Great Regiments, 2nd and 3rd Zaporozh
Regiments, Line Regiments

Left to right top row - Kuban
Cossack Horde, Khoperskie Regiments, Taman Regiments, Poltava Regiment, middle
row Yekaterinodarskii Regiment, Kuban Regiments, Chernomorskii Regiments,
bottom row Caucasian Regiments, Uman Regiments, Kuban Caucasian division.

Units of Auxillary designation -
Convoy commands ( Siberians wear the papakha)

Local foot commands ( Siberian
wear the papakha)

Disciplinary battalions and
companies (Siberian wear the papakha)

Cadre, transport (South Ussurskie
wear the papakha)

Intendent, transport and
warehouse commands

Odessa naval battalion

Amur-Dar'yinski flotilla Military

Field Gendarme squadrons

Military school - Special classes
of His Imperial Highness Page corps

Military school - Full dress
uniform of kamer-page and younger class of His Imperial Highness page corps

Military school - Squadrons of
Nikolaiyev Cavalry academy

Military school - Cossack sotnia
of Nikolaiyev Cavalry academy

Military School - Elizabetgrad
Cavalry academy

Military School - Tver Cavalry

Military School - Novocherkass
Cossack academy

Military School - Oryenburg
Cossack academy

Military School - Mikhailovski
Artillery academy

Military School - Konstantinovski
Artillery academy

Military School - Nikolayevski
Engineer academy

Military School - Military
topographic academy

Military schools - Military
infantry academy - here the Pavlovski Academy

Military schools - epaulets - top
row left to right is coat of arms on hat, button, badge, next row
Alekseyevskago, Kievskago, Vladimirskago academies, next row Kazanskago,
Vilenskago, Odesskago academies, bottom row Chuguyevskago, Tifliskago,
Aleksandrovskago academies

Military school - Irkutski
military academy

Military school - Nikolayevski
Kadet corps

1st Cadet corps

2nd Cadet corps

Emperor Alexander II cadet corps

Epaulets of cadet corps - top row
badge and button for cadet corps, piping is same color as epaulet - next row
1st Moscow empress Catherine II, 2nd Moscow Emperor Nicholas I, 3rd Moscow
Emperor Alexander II, Yaroslav cadet corps, next row Polotsk cadet,
Petrovski-Poltavski cadet, Vladimir-Kievski, Pskovski cadet corps, bottom row
Nizhnigorodski Count Arakchevski, Simbirski, Voronezheski Count Prince
Mikhail-Pavlovich, Orlov-Pakhtina cadet corps

Tashkent His Imperial Highness
the Heir Tsarevski Cadet corps

Don Emperor Alexander III Cadet

Preparatory school Emperor
Alexander II

Epaulets of cadet corps - left to
right top row Tifliiski Grand Prince Mikhail Nikolaivich, Orenburg
Neplyuyevskii, Omsk cadet corps, 2nd Orenburg, middle row Suvorov, Odessa,
Sumski, Khabarovski Count MauravievAmurskii cadet corps, bottom row
Vladikavkaskii, Volzhskii, (both have yellow piping) Irkutski and Tashkent
preparatory schools.

Separate corps of border troops -
Brigades of European and Asiatic Russia - here the 7th border Vershbolovskaya

Border across Amur mounted and
foot regiments - here 1st Amur horse regiment

Horse-Mountain battery of the
across Amur district
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Border across Amur sapper company

Flotilla of 1st border St
Petersburg Emperor Alexander III brigade

Across Amur railroad brigade

Railroad police administration on
the Chinese Eastern railroad

Separate gendarme corps -
Divisiioni (battalions) of fortress commands and district and railroad police
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