These phtographs were made
from the multi-volume edition of the Russian general staff uniform books after
Viskovatov - Istoricheskkoe opisanie Odezhdi i vooruzheniya Rossieskikh;
Voiosk'- in the U. S.Army Historical Library at Carlisle Barracks in the
1970's. The original Viskovatov opus was published in 1840 in 30 volumes and
included uniform and clothing information from medieval times through the reign
of Tsar Nicholas I. In 1899 the Main Intendant Directorate of the General Staff
began a second edition in 19 volumes. A third part with volumes XX to XXVII was
published in 1943-44, but the illustrations were not lithographs but
photographic plates. We now have Volumes XXVIII and XXVIV published in 1945-47.
We will post the photographs of the uniforms from the eras of Peter I through
Alexander II in other folders.
Vladimir Zvegintsov (Zweguintzow) compiled much more information in Part IV of
his massive Russkaya Armiya. Part IV covers 1801 - 1825 - that is the
reign of Aleksander I. published in Paris in 1973. We are fortunate to have a
copy of this marvelous work and hope to add illustrations from it to this
section. We are now adding the outline illustrations of Russian flags and
standards from our copy of Zvegintsov's Znamena i shtardti russkoi
armii, Paris, 1964. Other useful references are; The Russian Army of the
Napoleonic Wars (1) Infantry, 1799-1814 and (2) Cavalry - both by
Philip Haythornthwaite. Osprey, London 1987 - and Flags of the Napoleonic
Wars (2), by Terence Wise, Osprey, London, 1978. .
The reign of Alexander I saw major changes to the Russian armed forces. The
Guard Infantry expanded to 10 regiments. The Guard Cavalry expanded to 8
regiments. The Guard Artillery divided into 2 brigades and Sapers and Mounted
Pioneers were formed. Many new regiments were added to the line army. The
infantry added Naval and Carabiner battalions and Student units including to
train NCO's and musicians.
In 1815 the Army of the Polish Tsarstva was created with Grand Duke Constantine
Pavlovich as commander.
Here is link to our directory on the Battle of Borodino.
useful links are here:
Mark Conrad's work at
Some other references

Officer's shlyapa - (bicorne) - 1815
Guard Officer kiver - 1808 - 1809
Guard NCO kiver - 1808 - 1810
Guard helmet - 1802 - 1805 (Privates and
Guard Kiver (hat) - 1808 - 1810
At the start of Alexander's reign there were
three Life Guard Infantry Regiments - Preobrazhenski, Semyonovski and
Izmailovski - See below for other added regiments - not shown is Life Guard
Volynski Regiment added in 1818
Flag of the Preobrazhenski Regiment - awarded
in 1813
Flag of the Life Guard Semyeonovski Regiment
- awarded in 1813
Flag of the Life Guard Ismailovski Regiment -
awarded in 1813
Flag of the Life Guard Jager Regiment -
awarded in 1813
Life Guard Preobrazhenski Regiment - 1812 -
1816, Staff Officer and NCO
Life Guard Preobrazhenski Regiment - 1809 -
1810. Senior Officer and Fyel'dfyebel'
Life Guard Preobrazhenski Regiment - 1802 -
1805, NCOs
Life Guard Preobrazhanski Regiment - 1804 -
1807, Private and NCO
Life Guard Preobrazhenski Regiment - 1808.
Senior Officer
Life Guard Preobrazhenski Regiment - 1802 -
1807, Senior Officers
Life Guard Preobrazhenski Regiment - 1802 -
1805, Company Drummer
Life Guard Preobrazhenski, Semyenovski and
Izmailovski Regiments - 1802 - 1805, Privates
Life Guard Preobrazhenski and Semyonovski
Regiments - 1802 - 1805, NCO's (in 1st and 4th battalions of the Preobrazhenski
Regiment halbards were with the small 'horns' on both sides and in the 2nd and
3rd they were without these 'horns' as in the Semyonovski regiment
Life Guard Semyenovski Regiment - 1802 -
1807, Staff Officer
Life Guard Semyenovski Regiment - 1808 ,
Life Guard Semyenovski Regiment - 1812 -
1816, Senior Officer
Life Guard Semyenovski Regiment - 1812 -
1816, Private
Life Guard Izmailovski Regiment - 1802 -
1807, General
Life Guard Izmailovski Regiment - 1802 -
1805, Regimental Drummer and Musician
Life Guard Izmailovski Regiment - 1810 -
1811, Private and Musician
Life Guard Izmailovski Regiment - 1808 -
1809, Privates
Life Guard Izmailovski Regiment - 1812 -
1816, Senior Officer, drummer, and Lower ranks
Life Guard Izmailovski Regiment - 1802 -
1805, NCO
Life Guard Pavlovski Regiment - 1813 - 1816,
Private and Staff Officer - The regiment was added to the Life Guard in 1813
Life Guard Grenadier Regiment - 1813 - 1816,
Senior Officer and Private - The regment was added to the Life Guard in 1813
Life Guard Grenadier Regiment - 1802 - 1804,
Life Guard Grenadier Regiment - 1802 - 1805,
Life Guard Lithuanian Regiment - 1811, Staff
Officer and Drummer - The regiment was added to the Life Guard in 1811
Life Guard Finland Regiment - 1812 - 1816,
Grenadier, Jager, and Drummer - The Life Guard Finland was a battalion in 1808
- 09 - and became a regiment in 1811
Life Guard Jager Regiment and Life Guard
Finland Battalion - 1811, Grenadiers - (The Life Guard Jagers were a battalion
from 1801 and a regiment from 1806)
Life Guard Jager Regiment and Finland
Battalion - 1809 - 1818, Senior Officers.
Life Guard Jager Regiment and Finland
Battalion - 1808 - 1810, NCO's
Life Guard Finland Regiment - 1808 - 1810,
Grenadier NCO and Jager Drummer
Life Guard Jager Regiment - 1808 - 1809,
Life Guard Jager Battalion - 1804 - 1806,
Private and NCO
Life Guard Jager Battalion - 1804 - 1806,
Senior Officer
Life Guard Jager Regiment - 1818, Private
Life Guard Sapper Battalion - 1812 - 1815,
Sapper and NCO - The Sappers were added to the Life Guard in 1812
Life Guard Garison Battalion - 1801 - 1804,
Private and NCO
Dvoryanski batalion - 1809, Senior Officer,
Musketeer and Grenadier
Dvoryanski Cavarly squadron - 1811, Dvoryanin
Cadet Corps - 1810, Grenadier of 1st and
Senior officer of 2nd
Guard naval equipage - 1812 - 1816, Sailor
and NCO
There were initially two Life Guard
Cuirassier Regiments - the Cavalryguard (Chevalier) Regiment and the Life Guard
Horse (Guard a Cheval) Regiment- from 1813 the Cuirassiers of the Emperor was
added and from 1818 the Cuirassiers of Podolski
Cavalryguard Regiment - 1804 - 1807, Senior
Cavalryguard Regiment - 1801 -1803, Senior
Cavalryguard Regiment - 1802 - 1803, NCO
Cavalryguard Regiment - 1801 - 1803, Privates
Cavalryguard Regiment - 1804 - 1806, Private
Cavalryguard Regiment - 1812 - 1820, Private
Cavalryguard and Life Guard Horse Regiments -
1808 - 1809, Staff Officers
Life Guard Horse Regiment - 1808 -1809,
Trumpter - and Cavalryguard Regiment 1808 - 1809, Private
Life Guard Horse Regiment - 1804 - 1806,
Life Guard Horse Regiment - 1802 - 1803,
Senior Officer
Life Guard Horse Regiment - 1802 - 1807,
Senior Officer
Life Guard Horse Regiment - 1803 - 1806,
Staff Trumpeter and NCO
Life Guard Horse Regiment - 1802 - 1803,
Life Guard Horse Regiment - 1804 - 1806, NCO
Life Guard Horse Regiment - 1812 - 1820,
Staff Officer
Life Guard Horse Regiment - 1812 - 1814, NCO
Life Guard Currassier Regiment - 1813 - 1814,
Life Cuirassier of His Highness Regiment -
1802 - 1803, Private
Life Cuirassier His Highnest Regiment - 1802
- 1803, Officer (in parade uniform)
Life Cuirassier His Highness Regiment - 1803
- 1808, NCO and Trumpeter
The Life Guard Hussar Regiment existed
already under Emperor Paul and continued with Alexander in 1801. It received
new uniforms in 1809, as shown here. In 1824 the Life Guard Grodnenski Regiment
was added.
Life Guard Hussar Regiment - 1809 - 1810,
Senior Officers
Life Guard Hussar Regiment - 1810 - 1811,
Private and Staff Trumpeter
Life Guard Hussar Regiment - 1812 - 1816,
Private and NCO
Life Guard Hussar Regiment - 1802 - 1809,
Senior Officer
Life Guard Hussar Regiment - 1802 - 1807,
Staff Trumpeter and Trumpeter
Life Guard Hussar Regiment - 1802 - 1807,
Staff Trumpeter and Trumpeter
Life Guard Hussar Regiment - 1801 - 1802,
Senior Officer
Life Guard Hussar Regiment - 1801 - 1802,
Life Guard Hussar Regiment - 1801 - 1802,
Senior Officer
The Life Guard Ulan (Lancer) Regiment was
added in 1809 from half of the Army Ulan of the Emperor Regiment.
Life Guard Ulan (Lancer) Regiment - 1809 -
1811, Privates
Life Guard Ulan Regiment - 1809 - 1811,
Trumpeter and Staff Trumpeter
Life Guard Ulan Regiment - 1909 - 1811,
Senior Officers
Life Guard Ulan Regiment - 1807 - 1811, Staff
Life Guard Ulan Regiment - 1812 - 1814, Staff
Officer and Private
The Life Guard Dragoon Regiment was formed in
1809 from half of the Army Ulan of the Emperor Regiment - The Life Guard Horse
Jager Regiment was formed in 1814 at Versailles France on the model of the
French Young Guard but Viskovatov has no illustration.
Life Guard Dragoon Regiment - 1809 - 1811,
NCO and Staff Trumpeter
Life Guard Dragoon Regiment - 1812 - 1817,
Life Guard Dragoon Regiment - Standards -
given in 1810
Life Guard Dragoon Regiment - 1809 - 1811,
Senior Officer
Life Guard Dragoon Regiment - 1809 - 1811,
Initially the Life Guard Cossack Regiment
continued with the same uniform and equipment as it had during the reign of
Emperor Paul. It received new uniforms in 1809 as shown here.
Life Guard Cossack Regiment - 1809 - 1812,
Life Guard Cossack Regiment - 1809 - 1812,
Senior Officer and Staff Officer
Life Guard Cossack Regiment - 1809 - 1812,
Life Guard Cossack Regiment - 1812 - 1814,
Private and NCO
Life Guard Cossack Regiment - 1801 - 1809,
Private and NCO
Life Guard Cossack Regiment - 1801 - 1809,
Senior Officers
Life Guard Cossack Regiment - 1809 - 1812,
Life Guard Cossack Regiment - 1809 - 1812,
Life Guard Cossack Regiment - 1812 - 1815,
Senior Officers
Life Guard Chernomorski (Black Sea) Squadron
- 1815 - 1816, Privates - This unit was formed in 1811 as a company (sotnia)
and from 1816 became a squadron.
Life Guard Chernomorski (Black Sea) Squadron
- 1813 - 1816, NCO
Guard Horse Artillery - 1803 - 1807, Senior
Officer - Initially this was one mounted company in the Life Guard Artillery
Battalion. In 1805 the company was reorganized as the Life Guard Horse
Artillery and in 1811 a second light horse artillery company was formed and in
1814 a third company. It operated as onepattery and two light companies.
Guard Horse Artillery - 1808 - 1811, Senior
Officers (in undress and parade uniforms)
Guard Horse Artillery - 1814 - 1817, Senior
Officer and Fyeiyerverker
Guard Horse Artillery - 1811 - 1812,
Fyeiyerverker and cannonier
Guard Horse Artillery - 1803 - 1807,
Cannonier and Trumpeter
Guard Horse Artillery - 1803 - 1807,
Guard Horse Artillery - 1801 1 1802,
Bombardier and Senior Officer
Guard Horse Artillery - 1811, Trumpeter and
Senior Officer
Guard Foot Artillery - 1809, Staff Officer
and General - In 1801 this was a battalion and from 1811 a brigade - and in
1816 two brigades - and in 1817 5 more battery companies.
Guard Foot Artillery - 1809 - 1810, Cannonier
and Fyeyerverker
Guard Foot Artillery - 1808 - 1809,
Fyeyerverker and Bombardir
Guard Foot Artillery - 1807 - 1808,
Fyeyerverker and cannonier (in summer uniform)
Guard Foot Artillery - 1809 - 1810, Cannonier
and Fyeyerverker
Guard Foot Artillery - 1811, Fyeyerverkers
Guard Foot Artillery - 1812 - 1814, Senior
Officer and Bombardir
Guard Foot Artillery - 1814 - 1816,
Fyeyerverker, Bombardir and Drummer
Guard Foot Artillery - 1803 - 1807, Platoon
gandlanger, bombardir and cannonier
Guard Foot Artillery - 1803 - 1807,
Fyeyerverker and Drummer
Guard Foot Artillery - 1807 - 1809, Senior
Guard Foot Artillery - 1805 - 1807,
Bombardier and Cannonier
Guard Foot Artillery - 1803 - 1807, Staff
Officer and Senior Officer
Flags with honors of Army infantry regiments
- 1808 - a, Pernovsksi Musketeers - b, Shlissel'burg Musketeers - c, Azovski
Musketeers - d, Fangoriski Grenadier regiment
The Russian line heavy infantry consisted of
two types of regiments - grenadiers and Mushketers (and a naval regiment) The
uniforms changed several times during Alexander's reign.
Flags of Army infantry regiments - 1803 -
Infantry general - 1808 - 1810
Grenadier regiments, 1807-1811 - Staff
officer and general
Smolensk, Minsk, and Moscow Grenadier
Regiments - 1802 - 1804, General
Grenadier Regiments - 1815 - 1817, Drum major
Grenadier regiment, 1818-1820 - flautist
Grenadier regiment, 1818-1820 - horn
Grenadiers - 1807 - 1808
Grenadiers - 1808
Grenadiers - 1817 - 1824 (overcoats)
Grenadier - 1817 - 1824 (overcoat)
Grenadier Regiments - 1817 - 1824, Grenadiers
Grenadier Regiments - 1817 - 1824, Grenadier
Grenadier Regiments - 1817 - 1818, Drummer
Grenadier Regiments - 1812 - 1816, Senior
Officer and NCO
Grenadier Regiments - 1814 - 1816, Senior
Grenadier Regiments - 1805 - 1807, NCO
Grenadier Regiments - 1805 - 1807, Company
Drummer and Musician
Grenadier Regiments, Rifle platoon - 1814 -
1826, NCO
Grenadier Regiments and His Highness Emperor
of Austria and His Highness King of Prussia Regiments -1817 - 1826, Senior
Grenadier Regiments - NCO Kiever (hat) - 1811
Grenadier Kievers - 1812 - 1816
Grenadier and NCO Kivers - 1817 - 1828
Grenadier kivers - NCO and Private - 1809 -
Grenadier officer kiever - 1809 - 1811
Caucasian Inspection, Caucasian Grenadier
Regiment - 1802 - 1804, Staff Officer and Adjutant
Caucasus Inspection - Caucasian Grenadier
Regiment - 1802 - 1804, Staff Officer and Adjutant
Smolensk Inspection - Moscow Grenadier
Regiment - 1802 - 1804, General
Grenadier regiment, Separate Litovski Korps
- 1818-1826 - Staff Officer
Grenadier regiment, Separate Litovski Korps -
1818-1826 - Grenadier
Dnistrovski Inspection - Siberian Grenadier
Regiment - 1802 - 1804, Senior Officers
Dnistrovski Inspection - Kherson and Siberian
Grenadier Regiments - 1804 - 1805, Fusilier NCOs
Dnistrovski Inspection - Siberian Grenadier
Regiment - 1802 - 1804, Senior Officers
Ukrainian Inspection - Grenadier Company of
Malorossiski Grenadier Regiment - Flautist and Drummer - 1802 - 1805
Ukrainian Inspection - Kievan Grenadier
Regiment - Battalion drummers - 1802-05
Litovski Inspection - Yekaterinoslavski
Grenadier Regiment - NCOS - 1802-1805
Lifland Inspection, Tavrichesdki Grenadier
Regiment - Grenadiers - 1802-05
Musketeer Shapka (hat) - 1805 - 1807
Musketer - 1809
Kiev Inspection - Moscow Musketer Regiment -
1802 - 1803, Regimental Drummer
Finland Inspection - Velikolutski Musketer
Regiment - 1802 - 1803, Musketer
St. Petersburg Inspection - Yeletski Musketer
Regiment - 1802 - 1803, Musketer
Lifland Inspection - Sivski Musketer Regiment
- 1802 - 1803, Musketer
The Russian light infantry consisted of
Jagers, Grenadier-Jagers, and Carabinier (from 1814) Regiments. There uniforms
also changed several times
21st and 22nd Jager Regiments - 1805 - 1807,
Senior Officer and Private
Jager Regiments - 1809 - 1811, Senior
Jager Regiments - 1812 - 1816, NCO
23rd Jager Regiment - 1806 - 1807, Battalion
Jager Regiments - 1809 - 1811, Private
Jager shapka - 1802 - 1807
8th and 9th Jager Regiments - 1802 - NCOs
Noncombatant - 1811 - 1824
Horse Artillery - 1804 - 1807, Senior
Officers and General
Horse Artillery - 1804 - 1807, Trumpeter and
Staff Trumpeter
Horse Artillery - 1808, Cannonier and Senior
Horse Artillery - 1803 - 1806, Private
Horse Artillery - 1804 - 1808, Bombardiers
Horse Artillery - 1806 - 11807, NCO
Horse Artillery - 1806 - 1809, Barber and
Horse Artillery - 1812 - 1813, NCO and Senior
Horse Artillery - 1811, Privates
Horse Artillery - 1802 - 1806, Private
Foot Artillery - 1806 - 1807, Bombardier and
Foot Artillery - 1809 - 1811, Company Drummer
and NCO
Foot Artillery - 1808 - 1809, Bombardirs
Foot Artillery - 1803 - 1805, Platoon,
Gandlanger and cannoniers
Foot Artillery Regiment - 1812-1816 - Staff
Officer and NCO
Foot artillery - 1806 - 1807, Platoon
Foot Artillery Caucasian Line, 1806 - 1807,
Senior Officer
Foot Artillery - 1803 - 1807, Company and
Battalion drummers
Foot Artillery - 1803 - 1807, Barber
Foot Artillery - 1803 - 1807, Wagoniers
Foot Artillery - 1806 - 1807, Platoon
Foot Artillery - 1806 - 1807, Platoon
Foot Artillery, Grenadier and Field Brigade -
1818-1820, Drummers
The line cavalry regiments consisted of
Cuirassiers, Dragoons, Horse-jagers, Hussars, Horse (initially) and Ulan
regiments. Zweguintzow devotes many pages to the numerous changes in their
uniforms during Alexander's reign.
Standards of Cavalry Regiments - 1803 - 1815
Standards of Cavalry Regiments - 1805 - 1815
Cavalry general - 1814 - 1825 (heavy cavalry)
Cavalry general - 1814 - 1825 (light cavalry)
Cuirassier helmet from 1803 - 1808 - Private
and NCO
Cuirassier Helmet from 1808 - Ordenski
Ordenski Cuirassier Regiment - 1802 - 1803,
Ordenski Cuirassier Regiment - 1802 - 1803,
Officer (in every day uniform)
Ordenski Curairassier Regiment - 1814, Senior
Officer and NCO
Yekaterinoslavski Cuirassier Regiment - 1818
- 1825, NCO
Yekaterinoslav Cuirassier Regiment - 1802 -
1803, Officers
Yekaterinoslavski and Malorussiski Cuirassier
Regiments - 1802 -1803, Staff Trumpeters
Malorusski Cuirassier Regiment - 1818 - 1825,
Senior Officer and Trumpter
Glukhovski Cuirassier Regiment - 1802 -1083,
Mounted kettledrummer
Astrakhan Cuirassier Regiment - 1812 - 1814,
Novgorod Cuirassier Regiment - 1812 - 1817,
Senior Officer
Pskov Curaissier Regiment - 1813 - 1814, NCO
and Private
Starodubski Cuirassier Regiment - 1813 -
1814, Private
Initailly, from the previous reign there were
the Aleksandski, Akhtirski, Elizavetski, Izoumski, Mariopolski, Olviopolski,
Pavlogradski and Soumski Hussar regiments - in 1803 came the Belorusski and
Odesski Regiments - in 1806 came the Grodenski - in 1807 the Loubenski and in
1812 the Irutski Regiments.
Mariupol Hussar Regiment - 1802 - 1803,
Mariupol Hussar Regiment - 1809 - 1811,
Pavlograd, Aleksandriesk and Sumski Hussar
Regiments - 1808 - 1811, Privates
Aktirski and Elisavetgradski Hussar Regiments
- 1809 - 1811, NCO's
Ol'yiopolski Hussar Regiment - 1809 - 1811,
Izyumski and Byelorussian Hussar Regiments -
1809 - 1811, Staff Trumpeters
Elizabethgrad Hussar Regiment - 1802 - 1808,
Sumski Hussar Regiment - 1802 - 1803,
Aktirski Hussar Regiment - 1802 - 1803, Staff
Pavlograd Hussar Regiment - 1802 - 1803, NCO
Aleksandrieski Hussar Regiment - 1802 - 1803,
Byelorussian Hussar Regiment - 1803 - 1809,
Private and Trumpeter
Byelorussian Hussar Regiment - 1803 - 1809,
NCO kiver (hat)
Pavlograd and Aleksandriski Hussar Regiments
- 1802 -1803, NCO's
Pavlograd Hussar Regiment - 1802 - 1803, NCO
Aleksandrieski Hussar Regiment - 1802 - 1803,
Hussar Kiver - 1802 - 1803
Tamara private and Lithuanian NCO - Horse
Regiments - 1803 - 1808, Shapki (hats)
Odessa Hussar Regiment - 1803, Officer and
Staff trumpeter
Groden Hussar Regiment - 1806 - 1809, Officer
and Trumpeter
Lyuben Hussar Regiment - 1807 - 1809, Private
Hussar kievers and carbines - 1814 - 1817
Groden and Lubin Hussar Regiments - 1809 -
1811, Officers
Moscow Count Saltikov Hussar Regiment - 1812,
Senior Officer and Private
Derptski Horse (mounted) Jager Regiment -
1813 - 1814, Trumpeter
Chernigov Horse (mounted) Jager Regiment -
1813 - 1814, Senior Officers
Volinski Ulan Regiment - 1808 - 1811, Private
and Staff Officer
Taganrog Ulan Regiment - 1812 - 1814, Staff
Officer and Private
Tamara Ulan Regiment - 1808-1811 - Officer's
and soldiers' shapka - (lancer hat)
Volinya Ulan Regimentr - 1818-1819 -
Soldier's and Officer's shapka (lancer hat)
Chuguyev Ulan Regiment - 18089-1811 -
Oryenburg Ulan Regiment - 1812-1814, NCO -
Yamburg Ulan Regiment - Senior officer - 1812 -1814
Vladimir Ulan Regiment - 1812 - 1814, Senior
His Highness Tsarevich Konstantin Pavlovich
Ulan Regiment - 1803 - 1806, Trumpeter and Staff Trumpeter
His Highness Tsarevich Konstantin Pavlovich
Ulan Regiment - 1803 - 1806, Privates
His Highness Tsaryevich Konstantin Pavlovich
Ulan Regiment - 1806 - 1808, Privates
His Highness Tsaryevich Konstantin Pavlovich
Ulan Regiment - 1803 - 1808, Officer
From 1801 there were the Vladimir, Taganrog,
Narva, Nizhnigorod, Irkutsk and Siberia Dragoons of the Line Regiments - then
more were added for a total of 22
Rishski and Starodubovski Dragoon Regiments -
1802 - 1806, Privates
Kharkov Dragoon Regiment - 1802 - 1803,
Vladimir Dragoon Regiment - 1802 - 1803,
Mounted kettledrummer
Vladimir Dragoon Regiment - 1811, NCO
Kirnburnski Dragoon Regiment - 1812 - 1814,
Senior Officer
Kargopolski Dragoon Regiment - 1816 - 1817,
Taganrog Dragoon Regiment - 1802 - 1803,
Oryenburg Dragoon Regiment - 1802 - 1803,
Courland and Pyeryeslav Dragoon Regiments -
1803 - 1806, Privates
Tiraspolski Dragoon Regiment - 1806 - 1808,
Serpukhov Dragoon Regiment - 1808 - 1811,
Lithuanian Mounted Jager Regiment - 1813 -
1814, Privates
Lithuanian Dragoon Regiment - 1803 - 1806,
Lithauanian Tatar Regiment - 1801 - 1803,
Comrade and (Shyerengov) - Cavalier
Tatar-Lithuanian Regiment - 1801 - 1803,
Tatar and Lithuanian Horse Regiments - Ulans
- 1803 - 1806, Comrades
Polish Horse Regiment - Ulans - 1801 - 1803,
Officer and comrade
There were two divisions of Horse Jagers
(Chasseur a Cheval) regiments - 1st included Nizhinsksi, Chernigovski, Arzamski
and Siverski - 2nd included Liflandski, Peryaaslavski, Tiraspolski and Derptski
Derptski Horse Jager Regiment - 1813 - 1814,
Chernigov Horse Jager Regiment - 1813 - 1814,
Senior Officers
Pyeryaslavski Mounted Jager Regiment -
(Chasseur a Cheval) - 1813 - 1814, NCO
Siverisk Mounted Jager Regiment - 1813 -
1814, NCO
Tiraspolski Mounted Jager Regiment - 1813 -
1814, Staff Trumpeter
Her Imperial Highness Grand Princes Ekaterina
Pavlovich Battalion - 1812 - 1814, Private and Senior Officer
Engineer Corps - 1812 - 1816, Konduktor and
Senior Officer
Engineer Corps - 1802 - 1803, Senior Officer,
NCO and Private
1st Pioneer Regiment - 1804 - 1807, Drummer
and Musician
1st Pioneer Regiment - 1803 - 1806, Miner and
1st Pioneer Regiment - 1809 - 1811, Senior
1st Pioneer Regiment - 1808 - 1809, Senior
Officer and Pioneer
2nd Pioneer Regiment - 1804 - 1807, Senior
Officer and General
2nd Pioneer Regiment - 1808 - 1811, Miner,
Saper and Pioneer
Pontoon Regiment - 1805 - 1807, Senior
Officer and Clerk
Pontoon Regiment - 1805 - 1807, Pontooniers
Guidons granted to Don Cossack Horde in 1803
Flag of Don Cossack Regiment - 1821
Flag of Don Cossack Milinikova 4th Regiment -
Flag granted to Don Cossack Force in 1805
Flag of Don Cossack Horde - granted in 1805
Flags of Don Cossack Khanzhenkov Regiment -
Flags of the Don Cossack Horde - 1811
Flag of Don Cossack Horde - 1803
Flag granted to the Don Cossack Horde in 1803
Flag of Don Horde - 1817
Flag of the Don Cossack Dyachkin Regiment -
issued in 1816
Guidon of Don Cossack Horde granted in 1803
Guidon of Don Cossack Ataman Force Regiment -
Uniform insignia of Don Cossack Force
Officers - 1804
Don Cossack Ataman Regiment - Cossack and Don
Cossack Horde - Staff Officer - both 1819 - 1825
Don Cossack Ataman Regiment - 1814 - 1819,
Don Cossack Ataman Regiment - Cossack and
Uradchik (NCO) - 1801-1809
Chuguyevski Cossack Regiment - 1803 - 1808,
Officer and Cossack
1st Ukrainian Cossack Regiment - 1812 - 1815,
Ukrainian Cossack Regiments - 1812 - 1815,
Uryadnik 1st and Senior Officer 2nd
Ukrainian Cossack Regiments - 1812 - 1815,
Cossack 3rd and Senior officer 4th
Don Cossack Horde - 1801 - 1804, Officer
Don Cossack Horde - 1809 - 1812, General
Don Cossack Horde - 1814 - 1825, General
Don Cossack Horde - 1801 - 1809, Cossacks
Kherson Pomushchik Ckarzhinski Dckadron -
1812 -1814, Senior Officer and Cossack of Black Ranks
Don Cossack Horde - 1801 - 1804, Officers
Don Cossack Horde - 1804 - 1809, Officers
Don Cossack Horde - 1809 - 1812, Officer and
(Uryadnik) - NCO
Don Cossack Horde - 1812 - 1814, Officer and
(Uryadnik) -NCO
Don Cossack Horde - 1814 - 1815, Staff
Officer and Senior Officer
Don Cossack Horde - 1801 - 1809, Cossack
Don Cossack Horde - 1801 - 1809,(Uryadnik)
Don Cossack Horde - 1801 - 1804, Officer
Chernomorski (Black Sea) Horde - 1816 - 1820,
Cossack and (Uryadnik) NCO
Caucasian Cossack Artillery - 1817 - 1825,
Uryadnik and Cossack
Don Cossack Artillery - 1816 - 1817, Uryadnik
and Cossack
Don Cossack Artillery - 1817 - 1819, Senior
Bug Cossack Horde - 1803 - 1812, Cossack and
(Uryadnik) NCO
Bug Cossack Horde - 1803 - 1812, Officer
Bug Cossack Horde - 1812 - 1817, (Uryadnik) -
Oryenburg Cossack Artillery - 1821 - 1825,
Senior Officer and (Uryadnik) - NCO
Oryenburg Permanent Cossack Horde - 1803 -
1808, Officer and Cossack
Ural Cossack Horde - 1806 - 1812, Officer and
Ural Cossack Horde - 1801 - 1806, Officer and
Astrakhan Cossack Horde - 1817 - 1825,
Cossack and (Uryadnik) - NCO
Siberian Line - Cossack Horde - 1812 - 1825,
Reserve Cossack
Siberian Line Cossack Force - 1808 - 1812,
Upperdonski Cossack Command - 1801 - 1815,
Kalmuk Regiment - 1812 - 1825, Private
Kalmuk Regiment - 1812 - 1814, Officer
Banner of Don Cossack Force - 1803
Pennants of Don Cossack Force - 1803
Flags of Bug Cossack Regiment - 1804
Flags of Chernomorski (Black Sea) Cossack
Regiment - 1803
Flag of Astrakhan Cossack Horde 1818 -
Heraldry of Riga town
Moscow Militia - 1812 - 1813, Mounted Cossack
Moscow Militia - 1812 - 1815, Foot Cossack
and Jager
Chernigov Militia - Mounted Regiment - 1812 -
1815, Cossack
Poltava Militia - Mounted Regiment - 1812 -
1815, Cossack and NCO.
Poltava Militia - Mounted Regiment - 1812 -
1814, Senior Officer
Poltava Militia - Foot Regiment - 1812 -
1815, Staff Officer and Cossack
Nizhyegorod Militia - 1813 - 1814, Foot and
Mounted Warriors
Nizhyegorod Militia - 1812 - 1813, Foot and
Mounted Cossacks
Shbyerski Militia - 1812 - 1813, Jager and
Foot and Mounted Cossacks
Kupyechski and Mg'shchansksi Hundreds of
Moscow Militia - 1812 - 1813, Warrior and Senior Officer
Ryazan Militia - 1812 - 1813, Foot and
Mounted Cossacks
Penzenski militia - infantry regiment - 1812
- 1813 - Warriors.
Penzenski militia - Horse regiment - 1812 -
1813, Warrior
Kazan and Yamski department militia - 1812 -
1813, Foot and mounted warriors.
Kostroma Militia - Horse Regiment - 1813 -
1814, Warrior and Senior Officer
Simbirsk Militia - Horse Regiment - 1813 -
1814, Warrior and Staff Officer
Shul'ski Militia - Mounted Regiment - 1812 -
1813, Staff Officer and General
Shul'ski Militia - Foot Regiment - 1812 -
1813, Senior Officer, (Uradnik) - NCO, and Cossack
Shul'ski Militia - Mounted Regiment - 1812 -
Vladimir Militia - 1812 - 1813, Senior
Officer and Foot Cossack
St. Petersburg Militia - Foot Druzhina - 1812
- 1813, Warriors
St. Petersburg Militia - Foot Druzhina - 1813
- 1814, Warriors
St. Petersburg - Horse Regiments - 1812 -
1814, Senior Officer of 1st and Private of 2nd -
St. Petersburg Militia - Horse Regiments -
1812 - 1814, Senior Officer 2nd and Private of 1st
VI and VII Separate Zemski Force - 1806 -
1807, Thousand man and 500 man Commanders
Zemski Force, Rifle Battalion - 1807,
Flags of 3rd Kazan Infantry Regiment - Ryazan
militia 1812 - and Podbugizhni Militia Battalion 1807.
Gonfalons of Moscow militia - 1812.
Gonfalons of Kaluzhski militia 1812 and flags
of 1st Battalion Infantry Regiment of Nizhigorodski militia 1812.
Flag of 2nd battalion, 1st regiment Poltava
militia - 1812 - and Flag of St. Peterburg militia 1812
Flags of 2nd regiment of Chernigovski militia
- 1812
Flags of 1st regiment of Chernigovski militia
- 1812
Flag of Novozibkovski Regiment of Chernigov
Militia - Flag of Gorodnithsi Regiment of Chernigovski Militia - Flags of
Penzenski militia - all 1812
Flag of 3rd company, 2nd battalion 2nd
Infantry Kazachi Regiment, Kostroma Militia 1812 and Flags of 1st Regiment
Siberski militia and of Dekadron Khersonski - Skarzhinski 1812
Banner of 2nd Kalmuk Regiment - 1812, 1813,
1814. This is illustrated by Zvyegintsov and also by
Terence Wise. The ground is yellow. The warrior in center rides a white horse
with a red blanket and trappings, and wears a blue cape and brown trousers. He
carries a yellow banner. The animals are brown, The ribbon arrangement is
alternating colors, yellow, red, green and blue
Flag of 9th Baskhir Canton - 1805. The ground
is green. The stars are white and gold. The central circle is yellow.
Following are the outline illustrations of
Russian flags and standards created for V. Zvyegintsov' -Znamena i standarti
russkoi armii. The colors and standards are illustrated also in Flags of
the Napoleonic Wars (2) by Terence Wise and Guido Rosignoli, Osprey, London
The standard of the Life Guard Preobrazhenski
Regiment model 1799.6.1 This replaced the model of 1798, which has incorporated
the Maltese Cross (Emperor Paul was elected Grand Master of the Knights of
Malta, an office he took very seriously.) The regiment now had 1 'white' and 24
'color' standards. The cross on the white standard was white with middle
crimson. The corners were white. The cross on the color standard was crimson
with middle white and the corners were crimson.
The standard of the Life Guard Semyenovski
Regiment model 1799.6.1 This replaced the model of 1798, which has incorporated
the Maltese Cross (Emperor Paul was elected Grand Master of the Knights of
Malta, an office he took very seriously.) The regiment now had 1 'white' and 14
'color' standards (one for each company). The white standard had a cross of
white with middle sky blue (azure) and corners of sky blue. The color standard
had a cross of sky blue with middle white and corners of white.
The standard of the Life Guard Izmailovskii
Regiment model 1799.6.1 This replaced the model of 1798, which has incorporated
the Maltese Cross (Emperor Paul was elected Grand Master of the Knights of
Malta, an office he took very seriously.) The regiment now had 1 'white' and 14
'color' standards. The white standard had a cross of white with middle green
and corners of green,. The color standard had the cross of green with middle
white and corners white.
Here we have the white and color standards of
all three Life Guard Regiments of the new model of 1800 issued by Emperor Paul
These flags were then carried through the wars to 1813. They were issued with
one white per regiment and one colored per company. The white standard has the
four large areas of Maltese cross whiteand the four corners are split between
white and crimson. The monogram is two "P' interlaced above the
"P" is the crown of the Grand Master of Malta and above it the
imperial crown. The central circle is orange with black double headed eagle.
The wreath is gold as is the crown. The color standard has alternating rays of
white and crimson starting at upper right corner white. The center is similar.
The motto on the obverse was God with us and on the reverse Thanks be to God.
The flag stave of Preobrazhenski was brown for the white flag and pale yellow
for the colored. The Semyenovski had all black staves. The Ismailovski had all
white staves. The Preobrazhenski Regiment now had 19 color standards and the
other two regiments kept their 14.
The pattern for guidons of Cossack regiments
issued by Paul in 1799. This is the Life Guard Cossacks. Note the small,
Maltese cross inside the star. For the white flag it was raspbery and for the
colored (raspberry) flag white in silver star . The fringe was gold.
Standard of the Life Ural Company issued in
1799. The cross is raspberry and white and the corners are raspberry
Standard of the Life Guard Preobrazhenski
Regiment - 1813 - From V. V. Zweguintzow (Zvyegintsov') Standards of the
Russian Army
Standard of the Life Guard Izmailovski
Regiment - 1813 - From V. V. Zweguintzow (Zvyegintsov') Standards of the
Russian Army
Standard of the Life Guard Litovski Regiment
(previously Moscow) - 1811-12 - From V. V. Zweguintzow (Zvyegintsov') Standards
of the Russian Army
Standard of the Life Guard Semyenovski
Regiment - 1813 - From V. V. Zweguintzow (Zvyegintsov') Standards of the
Russian Army
Standard of the Life Guard Jager Regiment -
1813 - From V. V. Zweguintzow (Zvyegintsov') Standards of the Russian Army
The standards of the Life Guard Izmailovski
Regiment and the Life Guard Jager Regiment- 1813
Standard of the Life Guard Litovski and Life
Guard Volynski Regiments - 1817 -- and the Kingdom of Poland Guard Grenadier
Regiment - 1817
Standards of the Life Guard Grenadier
Regiment - 1813 - the White and Color They both have the monogram of Emperor
Alexander I in the corners with the imperial crown. The Maltese crown has been
The white and color standards of the Life
Guard Finland Regiment - 1813.
The white and color standards of the Life
Guard Litovski (previously Moscow) Regiment - 1813
The white and color standards of the Life
Guard Pavlovski Regiment - 1813
The color standards of the Life Guard
Preobrazhenski and Life Guard Semyenovski Regiments - 1813
The color standards of the Life Guard
Pavlovski and Life Guard Finland Regiments - 1813
The white standards of the Life Guard
Volynski Regiment - 1818, and of the Life Guard Sapper Battalion - 1824
The white and color standards of the Life
Guard Dragoon (formerly Horse- Grenadier) regiment - 1809
The color standards of the Life Guard
Litovski (formerly Moscow) Regiment and Life Guard Grenadier Regiment - 1813
The white standard of the Guard Equipage and
thecolor standard of the Life Guard Litovski Regiment - 1813.
The white and color standards of the Life
Guard Horse Regiment - 1807
Standards of the Life Guard Cuirassiers and
Life Guard Dragoons (formerly Horse Grenadiers) Regiments - 1817
Standards of the Life Guard Uhlan and Life
Guard Hussar Regiments - 1817
Standards of the Life Guare Cossack and Life
Guard Uhlan of the Tsarevich Regiments - 1817
Gonfalons of the Cavalryguard (Chevaliers) ,
Life Guard Horse and Life Guard Podolski Cuirassier Regiments - 1817
The standards of Lithuania, Brest-Litovsk,
Ukraine, Smolensk, Kiev, Moscow Inspectorates and the 16th, 17th amd 18th
The standards of the Dniper Musketeer,
Troitzki Infantry, Perm Infantry, Moguilev Infantry, Odessa Infantry, Vilenski
Infantry, Tarnopol Infantry and Simbirsk Infantry regiments in 1811` or 1813 -
plus the heraldry of Finland
Standards of the Inspections of Finland, St.
Petersburg, Lifland, Dniestr, Crimea, Caucasus, Orenburg, Siberia and of the
Marine and Instruction regiments.
Standards of the Azov, Narva, Dniprovski,
Belostokski, Musketeer Regiments and the Svaborgski Garrison, and Odessa
Infantry Regiment=1808 - 1811
White Standard of the Grenadier and Musketeer
Regiments - and Garrison Regiments - 1803
White and color standards of the Moscow
Grenadier Regiment - 1804
White and color standards of the Pernov
Musketeer Regiment - 1809
White and color standards of the Fangorski
Grenadier Regiment - 1810.
Standard of the 3rd Grenadier Division and of
the Infantry and Marine Regiments - garrison (without their monograms)
Standards of the 3rd and 4th Regiments of the
Standards of the 7th and 8th Regiments of the
Standards of the 1st and 2nd Grenadier
Color standards of the 1st and 2nd Regiments
of the Line.
Color standards ofthe 5th and 6th Regiments
of the Line
White and color standards of the model of
White and color standards of the Starodub
Dragoons - 1810
White and color standards of the Gloukovski,
Ekaterinoslavski, Malorossiski Curiassier Regiments - 1813.
White and color standards of the Mitavski and
Finland Dragoon Regiments - model 1803
Standard - Cavalry model used in transition
period in 1814
White and color standards of the Chernigovski
Dragoon Regiment and the Pavlogradski Hussar Regiment - 1806
Guidon of the Don Cossack Host - 1803
Banner of the Don Cossack Host - 1803
Guidons of the Don Cossack Host - 1803
Banner of the Don Cossack Host - 1803
Banner of the Don Cossack Host - 1803
Banner of the Don Cossack Host - 1803
Banners of the Don Cossack Host - 1811 and
Standard of the 2nd Kalmuck Regiment - 1812 -
1814. This is illustrated by Viskovatov and also
by Terence Wise. The ground is yellow. The warrior in center rides a white
horse with a red blanket and trappings, and wears a blue cape and brown
trousers. He carries a yellow banner. The animals are brown, The ribbon
arrangement is alternating colors, yellow, red, green and blue.
Banner of the
Novotcherkass Forces. - 1803
Guidon and standard of the Ataman Cossack Regiment - 1814
Standard of the Don Cossack Regiment of
Colonel Diatchkine - 1816
Standard of the Astrakhan Cossack Host - 1818
Standard of theDon Cossack Regiments of
Colonels Khanzhenkov and Sisoyev - 1807
Standards of the Don Cossack Regiments of
Colonels Zhirov, Vlassov 3rd, Ilovaiski 11th, and Grekov 18th - 1821
Guidon of Cossack Regiments of the Bug - 1804
Guidons of the Black Sea Cossack Regiment -
Standard of the Bashkir 'canton' - 1805
Guidon of the Cossacks of Siberia Host - 1809
Gonfalon of the Kaluga Opolchenia (militia) -
Gonfalon of Moscow Opolchenia - 1812
Standard of the battalions of the mobile
militia - 1807
Gonfalon of the Moscow Opolchenia - 1812
Gonfalon of the Moscow Opolchenia - 1812
Standards of the Ryazan opolchenia and of the
3rd Regiment of Foot Cossacks - 1812
Standard of the Poltava Opolchenia - 1st
Regiment, 2nd Battalion - 1812
Standard of the St. Petersburg Opolchenia -
Standard of the Simbirsk Opolchenia, 1st
Infantry Regiment - 1812
Standard of the Kherson Squadron, raised by
Skarzhenski - 1812
Penzenski opolchenia - Infantry regiments -
Penzenski opolchenia - Cavalry regiment 1st
to 3rd squadrons - 1812
Standard of Nizhnigorod Opolchenia - 1st
Infantry Regiment, 1st battalion - 1812
Standard of the Kostroma Opolchenia - 1812
Standards of the Chernigov Opolchenia -
Novozubkovski Regiment and Gorodnitskki Regiment - 1812