This section features a set of lithographs by
L. Kiel depicting the Hussar Regiments of the Imperial Russian army during the
reign of Emperor Alexander I. Some were organized as far back ad 1651 and
others during the reign of Empress Catherine II. In 1812 there were 11 army
hussar regiments - fully 20% of the Russian cavalry. Each regiment considsted
of 10 squadrons divided into 2 battalions. On campaigns the regiments took 8
squadrons and the 2 remaining squadrons were in the reserves. The table of
organization of a regiment consisted of one 'chief', 6 staff officers (
colonel, Lt. Colonel, 4 majors), 75 senior officers (6 rotmisters, 10
saf-rotmisters, 20 poruchiks, 34 coronets, 1 shefski and 2 battalion adjutants,
1 quartermaster and 1 kaznach), 130 NCO's,. 1480 privates, 32 trumpeters, 52
non-combatants ( of whom 1 svyashennik, 3 doctors, 2 feldwebels, 1 kistoprav
and 10 clerks) 39 masterovs, 27 furleiters, - 1432 service horses in peacetime
and1582 in wartime (not counting the horses of the officers and military
officials - who owned their own), In each field squadron there were 7 senior
officers, 13 NCO's, 148 privates, 3 trumpeters, and 143 horses. The Pavlograd
Regiment had on its TOE 2 extra NCO's in each squadron. In January of 1813 all
cavalry regiments were reduced to 7 squadrons (6 on campaigns and 1 in reserve)
In 1812-13 the hussar privates were primairly from Ukraine and southern Russia.
Akhtirski Hussar Regiment - formed 27 June,
1651 from natives of Little Russia (Ukraine) as the Akhtirski Settlement
Cherkasski Regiment -
Staff trumpeter - Aktirski Hussary Regiment -
1817 - colored lithgraph by L. Kiel
Senior officer - Aktirski Hussar Regiment -
1815 - color lithograph by L. Kiel
Aleksandrovski Hussar Regiment - formed on 28
July, 1783 by general major Baron I. Ye. Ferzyen on the basis of the Dalmatian
and Makyedonski Hussary Regiments, as the Alyeksandriiskii Light horse Regiment
- Yekatyerinuslavski Horse.
NCO - Aleksandrovski Hussar Regiment - 1816 -
color lithograph by L. Kiel
Private - Aleksandrovski Hussar Regiment -
1816 - color lithograph by L. Kiel
Belorusskii Hussar Regiment - formed on 16
May, 1803 by Count general major P. V. Golyenishchyev-Kutusov in Yekatyerinopol
and Zvyenigorod in Kiev Province on the basis of four squadrons, formerly from
the Alyeksandriiskii, Yelizabetgradskii, Ol'viopol'skii and Pavlogradskii
Hussar Regiments
Private - Belorusski Hussar Regiment - 1816 -
color lithograph by L. Kiel
Senior officer - Belorusski Hussar Regiment -
1815 -color lithograph by L. Kiel
Elizavetgradskii Hussar Regiment - formed on
22 March, 1764 in the fortress of St. Yelizavyet from Cossacks serving in the
fortress as the Yelizavyetgrad Lancer Regiment
Staff officer - Elizavetgradskii Hussar
Regment - 1815 - color lithograph by L. Kiel
Private - Elizavetgradskii Hussar Regiment -
1815 - color lithograph by L. Kiel
Grodnyenskii Hussar Regiment - formed on 13
July, 1806 by Colonel D. D. Shyepyelyev in Toropts in the Pskov Province on the
basis of five squadrons formerly in the Alyeksandriiskii, Izumskii,
Ol'viopol'skii, and Sumskii Hussar Regiments
NCO - Grodnenskii Hussar Regiment - 1816 -
color lithograph by L. Kiel
Senior officer - Grodnenskii Hussar Regiment
- 1815 - color lithograph by L. Kiel
Irkutskii Hussar Regiment - formed on 17
December, 1812 on the basis of the Irkutski Dragoon and Moskva Hussar Count
Saltikov Regiments
Senior officer - Irkutskii Hussar Regiment -
1815 - color lithograph by L. Kiel
Staff officer - Irkutskii Hussar Regiment -
1815 - color lithograph by L. Kiel
Izumskii Hussar Regiment - formed on 27 July,
1651 from natives of Little Russia as the Izumskii Settlement Cherkasskii
Cossack Regiment
Staff trumpeter - Izumskii Hussar Regiment -
1817 - color lithograph by L. Kiel
Private - Izumskii Hussar Regiment - 1816 -
color lithograph by L. Kiel
Mariupol'skii Hussar Regiment - formed on 28
July, 1783 from the Luganski and Poltavski Lancer Regiments as the
Mariupol'skii Light Horse Regiment
Private - Mariupol'skii Hussar
Regiment - 1816 - color lithograph by L. Kiel
NCO - Mariupol'skii Hussar Regiment - 1816 -
color lithograph by L. Kiel
Pavlogradskii Hussar Regiment - formed on 28
July, 1783 by general lieutenant Baron I. A. Igyel'sgtrom on the basis of the
Dnyeprovskii and Yekatyerinoslavskii Lancer Regiments.
Private - Pavlogradskii Hussar Regiment -
1816 - color lithograph by L. Kiel
NCO - Pavlogradskii Hussar Regiment - 1816 -
color lithograph by L. Kiel
Sumskii Hussar Regiment - formed on 27, July
1651 from settlers in Little Russia as the Sumskii Settlement Cherkasskii
Cossack Regiment.
Senior officer - Sumskii Hussar Regiment -
1815 - color lithograph by L. Kiel
Staff trumpeter - Sumskii Hussar Regiment -
1817 - color lithgraph by L. Kiel
The Ol'viopol'skii and Lubenskii Hussar
Regiments - formed on 28 June, 1783 by general major baron I. Ye. Ferzen from
the Serbski and Bolgarski hussars and on 14 March, 1807 by general major A. P.
Melissin in Shkolov and Mogilev on Dnestr river from Russian volunteers and
Private - Olviopol'skii Hussar Regiment -
1816 - color lithograph by L. Kiel
Staff officer - Lubenskii Hussar Regiment -
1815 - color lithograph by L. Kiel